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OK Magikfags, make me believe that magic exists. I just don't really believe it, but proof would change my stance.



Read about the /bane/crash, then the pepe incident, then the Ebola-chan stuff.

There you go faggot.



Know the other two, but what about the Pepe Incident


"ok "more knowledgeable people", I'm too lazy to search myself, spoon feed me or be considered lesser than ME."



No, I'm trying to see where you guys are coming from with your beliefs



Read a book.

Also lurk moar.


if there was any evidence for magic, you'd have heard about it. the only people who believe in magic are broken people looking for a solution to unsolvable problems.



bohemian grove

skull and cross bones



Fuck off, who gives a shit what you want to believe when you can't even bother reading what's recommended. Good luck being mundane.



Why should I make you? I really dont give a damn if you into magick or not.



>if there was any evidence for magic, you'd have heard about it.

>He hasn't read The Magickal Use of Thoughtforms which clearly provides evidence for magick that are underreported


>Prove it



File: 1432306616087.png (86.02 KB, 228x250, 114:125, 1399789743756.png)


Too busy practising magick right now to prove shit to you.


File: 1432306681165.gif (648.97 KB, 263x396, 263:396, 1394988409905.gif)


There's a shitload of evidence and there's several Psychic Research Societies you can join you huge faggot.


File: 1432307248379.png (7.75 KB, 469x463, 469:463, 1396577696539.png)

OP what would even constitute proof to you that you can't dismiss?

The problem here is you're lazy and won't go through a long and detailed report such as found in the Believing is Seeing PDF in the /fringe/ library.

…and you can easily dismiss everything else. Video evidence of any sort? You can just claim it was faked or that people are pretending or that things were arranged and rehearsed beforehand.

You have to read awhile, try things out for yourself, and learn about the evidence and it'll take awhile.

There's a lot of books for you to read like Physical Phenomena of Mysticism, The Holographic Universe, Magical Use of Thoughtforms, J. Finley Hurley Sorcery, Larry Cornett Quantum Magic, Robert Anton Wilson Quantum Psychology, etc. all of which you can find in the library.

With a little more searching skill and knowledge of keywords you can find studies, examples, etc. of other examples of magick.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do you want metaphysical logical proofs? The Arcane Teachings is full of that.

Do you want experiments you can do yourself? Lots of the books have DIY magick techniques and development plans.

Do you want records of paranormal activity? I mentioned some already for you.

Do you want video examples? They've been posted many times before and you can them on youtube easily enough.

How about a guy who holds guiness world records for his practise of tumo meditation? Search "Wim Hof".


>inb4 OP has already left the thread strong in his faith in the material mechanistic model of the universe



>Believing is Seeing PDF in the /fringe/ library

What folder is it in?



In a chaotic universe coincidence is inevitable. It would be more surprising if things like that didn't happen.



It's in the health folder.



Thanks m8



>what would even constitute proof to you that you can't dismiss?

Either first hand experience or rigorous scientific research independently verified.

I've read the books and the 'evidence' presented is laughable. It's either just stories without any means for verification or confirmation bias at work. When people point me to the fringe library I wonder if they never read the books they recommend as source of proof or if they are actually this retarded to think any of that constitutes proof.



Well then just fucking do the magickal techniques for yourself. Start reading Initiation Into Hermetics and do everything in it.

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