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Blue ink has notable positive effects upon the subtle energetic body / aura and certain patterns such as spirals, crosses / x's, enclosed in circles can cause moles to fall off. Covering your whole body in blue ink and then meditating upon an indigo blue flame colour and trying to make it fill your entire being such that you only become aware of this indigo blue like it's a vast infinity of blue everywhere and feeling the vibrations of that colour could quite possibly destroy all negative entity attachments.


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Skin-Blemish Treatment Method

Following is the method for treating skin blemishes and the Neg energybody attachments connected to them.

I discovered this treatment by accident in 1990. My then-three-yearold son, Jesse, had been born with a strawberry nevus birthmark, about three-quarters of an inch across, on his upper forehead. At that time, I was experimenting with ways to remove skin blemishes, but without success. This was just a crazy idea at the time. On a whim one day, I marked Jesse's birthmark with a large, thick cross, drawn with a blue ballpoint pen. He was very proud of his new decoration. A week later the ink had faded, gradually washing off in showers. Something extraordinary appeared in its place-a bleached-white cross on the birthmark. Closer examination showed the swelling and redness of the birthmark had faded under the ink, leaving a clear, white indented cross. This cross was a little crooked, following the outline of the original ink symbol exactly.

Since then, I have seen this treatment work on hundreds of people, including myself. Here is how to perform it. Note that the type of ink used is the most important factor; use blue ballpoint pen only. A large to medium ballpoint pen is best.

1. Clean and dry the skin area. Use skin cleanser or soap to remove skin oil. (Oil will make the skin difficult to mark and will block up the ballpoint pen.)

2. Draw a simple X in a circle over the blemish, so the arms of the X touch the circle. Alternatively, draw a circle with a spiral inside.

3. Leave the ink on the skin for as long as it takes to affect the blemish, and touch up or reapply the ink symbol as it fades or washes away.

With moles, granulomas, and other distinct blemishes, the symbol should be slightly larger than the blemish and centered over it. If treating indistinct areas, such as a raw area of skin or a group of tiny spots close together, the symbol does not have to be larger than the area being treated. Using several symbols can be more effective, as this uses more ink.

Open symbols (ones not enclosed by circles) do not work as well as those enclosed within circles. In some cases, when a symbol is not enclosed, only the skin directly under the ink will respond, as happened with my son. When enclosed within a circle, the entire area inside it becomes affected.


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How Does It Work?

All Neg attachments involve delicate energy arrangements that are partly 3D and partly non-3D. When energy-attachment points (the physical skin blemishes) are painted with blue ballpoint ink, the Neg attachments experience interference. The blue ink alters the natural flow of energy on the surface of the skin, resulting in a variety of side effects. Most skin blemishes wither and fall away in time-sometimes in only a few days. The negative energy attachment is, in this way, disconnected.

There are two possible explanations for how the ink interferes with the attachment:

1. An ink symbol drawn on the skin causes subtle energies to flow along its lines. Enclosing the symbol within a circle creates a small vortex that accumulates subtle energy. This increased concentration of subtle energy interferes with energy-body attachments and or burns them away.

2. The reverse may apply. An ink symbol may block or shield subtle energies from skin blemishes, thereby starving Neg attachments.

Regardless of which of the above is correct in any given situation, the blue ink clearly interferes with the subtle energies of attachments and helps the human energy body to reject them. The physical body then rejects the biological aberrations (the skin blemishes or granulomas) and repairs itself according to its natural template.

In my early days of experimenting with this treatment, the possibility was raised that I may be causing its effect-unwittingly performing an unusual type of healing or hypnotic suggestion. One of my volunteers, a young woman, undertook to test this possibility. Without telling me, she began treating a large (almost an inch in diameter), black, flat mole on her stomach. She'd had this mole all her life. Four weeks later, I received an excited late-night phone call. She had just peeled the mole off while taking a shower. The spot bled a little after she'd peeled the mole off, but it did not hurt and healed quickly. The next day, she showed me the place where the mole had been. It was partly bleached white and partly scabbed where it had bled. The scabbed area turned white when it healed. The white area faded over the course of the year as she tanned, leaving no visible scar.


Well this explains the blue man group



Skin blemishes respond to the treatment method in a variety of ways. The types of blemishes that respond quickly may involve more delicate energies than others. The color and composition of the ink used may be responsible for some variations in effect.

Moles: A typical mole can begin responding within forty-eight hours. The change is barely noticeable at first, but the mole will slowly dry and change into a dry scab over a couple of weeks. The scab will eventually fall off or can be easily peeled off.

Once a mole begins to change and dry, its edges should be lightly scratched with fingernails while you are bathing. This scratching will show the mole's progress and indicate when it has changed into a scab or is ready for peeling away. When the edge begins to lift, the mole can usually be peeled off like a minor scab. It may bleed a little. Apply iodine as necessary. Ideally, wait a little longer so the mole can be peeled off with no bleeding.

After a mole has been removed, the area will usually heal to pure white. The skin will have no tan or pigmentation in that area. In most cases, removing the mole will leave no discernible scar tissue. However, it may take several months before the white blends in and tans properly. Be patient. Peeling a mole off too early can leave a slight scar.

None of the moles that I have removed by this method have ever grown back, even after many years. I recently examined the aftereffects of one of the first large moles I ever removed. Located on a woman's wrist, it was a large (over a quarter-inch across), dark, raised mole with the classic dark hair growing from its middle. The woman had had this mole for as long as she could remember. This mole was peeled off a bit early during the removal process and bled a little at the time. When nineteen years later I reexamined the area under strong light and magnifying glass, I could only see a barely discernable, lighter- tanned patch of skin where the mole had once been.

Not all skin blemishes will respond to the treatment in the same way. For example, two people may start treating similar-looking moles at the same time. One person will have a good response and remove a mole in a few days, while there will be no perceivable effect on the other person's mole. However, with extended treatment time, most, if not all, moles will eventually respond.

Granulomas: When granulomas begin to respond to treatment, they will often flareup, becoming painful and infected, sometimes erupting, before shrinking and dying. If they erupt or are lanced, there will often be an offensive, strong, cheeselike smell. Apply iodine and see a doctor if the infection does not quickly respond.

The granuloma may shrink and grow back several times during the removal process. Sometimes a new lump will appear next to one being treated as the original begins to die. At other times, a new lump will appear on the opposite side of the body. Applying iodine and then placing an ink symbol on top of the iodine can be effective. (Iodine seems to generally enhance the ink method. Let the iodine dry and wipe away any residue before applying the ink symbol.)

New attachments often begin as small watery blisters, which soon grow into small boils with hard, gristly centers. These boils change into hard, gristly granuloma lumps under the skin. If new lumps respond to treatment and start to fade, the old lumps they are related to often begin growing back. This regrowth can be frustrating, but each time a lump is removed, it grows back slightly smaller and weaker and is then more easily removed. If treatment is continued, it will eventually go away completely.


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Huh weird I was scribbling random nothing's into a nktebook yesterday and it made me feel really good



With blue ink obviously

I usually write in red


I have so many fucking moles. I really hope this works. It's time for a blue ink genocide on my moles.



I'm trying this. I love.



>It's time for a blue ink genocide on my moles.

Oh shit son, how deluded are you?


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Related thread.

Also guys a healing technique you can do is use that so called "energy work" (more like awareness shifting, which can then be used to direct information, energy, and blood to targets) and do rhythmic breathing preferably while body parts you want to heal are coated in honey (an etheric energy source) while out in the sun (the very most ideal day is a very bright sunny day with a good cool breeze, if you have such a day available to you, capitalize on it) and get into a relaxed position with the part to be treated exposed to the sun and now shift your awareness around through your body scanning parts and waiting for shit to just appear in your astral vision. Then when something appears process it, possibly by banishing or destroying it, and sending in healing energy and love afterwards and using your Will very strongly. You'll probably cry and feel terrible right when you've got your awareness focused on the fucked up part of your body but you need to just work at it and you can remove the entity attachments there.



Worst thing that could happen is I end up with a lot of blue circles all over my body that nobody will notice anyways because I always wear long-sleeve clothing to hide my body in shame.

Best thing that happens is it actually fucking works.

The technique is really fucking easy to apply and it's not hard for me to find a blue ballpoint pen in my house.

So I'm just going to do it and find out for myself.

I'm not sure why you have a problem against experimentation.



It wont work! This is silly! I've doodled on myself before! No skin fell off of my body!



>blue ballpoint pen

bic pens are fun for doodling!


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>blue circles all over my body

Why? Oh you're going to draw a flower of life? jk


What works is writing your sigil in blue ink, it harnesses the power from the blue/indigo vibrational frequency


>Clearly these range from the not so serious to the life threatening, but placebo effects on even the mildest conditions may involve physiological changes that are near miraculous. Take, for example, the lowly wart. Warts are a small tumorous growth on the skin caused by a virus. They are also extremely easy to cure through the use of placebos, as is evidenced by the nearly endless folk rituals—ritual itself being a kind of placebo—that are used by various cultures to get rid of them. Lewis Thomas, president emeritus of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York, tells of one physician who regularly rid his patients of warts simply by painting a harmless purple dye on them. Thomas feels that explaining this small miracle by saying it's just the unconscious mind at work doesn't begin to do the placebo effect justice. “If my unconscious can figure out how to manipulate the mechanisms needed for getting around that virus, and for deploying all the various cells in the correct order for tissue rejection, then all I have to say is that my unconscious is a lot further along than I am,” he states.19


>It is the ink that is most important and not the design. Blue ballpointpen inks contain iron salts, which may be a contributing factor, as these iron salts change the skin's conductivity.

>Other colors do have an effect. Black, violet, and other dark colors work reasonably well. Red and lighter colors, like green and yellow, are not very effective. Stamp-pad ink, bottled ink, magic markers, and dye pens do not appear to work at all. Blue ballpoint-pen ink works the best, so I have stuck with this. There is, however, plenty of room for experimentation here.

Robert Bruce - Page 80 of 163 in the Psychic Self-Defence Handbook


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My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate these skin problems and these mole warms feasting on my carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred and I always wanted to have nice skin. This is the time of vengeance and no mole is worth saving and I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill and it's time for my moles to die. *noise of pink ink being applied can be heard* My genocidal crusade begins… HERE!







>all these shills demanding nobody draws with blue ink on themselves

>oy vey, it could result in nothing at all, don't even try!



Just leave it alone! whew, I thought you meant you were going to go and and do a whole hatred game irl reenactment thing! Like this was your last message before going outside and slaughtering everyone!



Leave what alone? These hideous marks of the devil all over my body?



blue* ink not pink

subconscious, wtf?



Good luck mang.


Btw for any of you who do this you may very well be attacked, very intensely, especially at night if you try it but if you can get through the attack it'll eventually end and moles and shit will fall off you.



Just saying but you're in for some serious shit at sundown treating that many moles simultaneously and not just one at a time.




That pic ain't even anywhere near all my moles I've got like 40 of them marked up. Fuck it.



You can wash off the ink if you need to stop the psychic attacks when they come on at night. Then re-apply again during the day. You might want to have someone monitor you and make sure you don't get too fucked up at night.


Wait, psychic attacks? What? Am I missing something about moles?



Moles exist in the first place because they are the product of serious negative entity attachments which connect at those points. They didn't burn people who had moles for being witches for nothing.




I have well over 100 moles. If getting rid of them fixes the emotional numbness I've had since forever, I am going to laugh my fucking ass off.

How serious of a reaction would you get by removing several at a time? Is it a good way to greenpill yourself if you still haven't had any tangible experiences?


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What about freckles?



If I had a choice between that woman there and an exact copy minus the freckles I'd pick the one with the freckles.

I don't know why people hate freckles when they're so damned beautiful.

Acne, moles, warts, ruby red spots, and countless other skin conditions are fucking disgusting.

Freckles are like the frosting on top of a danish. Just perfect.


The blue x's in circles are still over me. Some shit happened last night but I resisted letting things go full swing because I have shit to do. However I might tonight or soon perhaps let things go full-swing. I noticed that whenever I focused on and visualized any moles with the blue x in circle on it, I would feel burning there and I think if I would have gone through with it I could have turned up the intensity.

So far the moles aren't falling off though. I think I'm seeing some signs however as predicted 48 hours after the initial application of the ink.


Ive read some of these things but what about Avatar movie? is the blue related or something? I didnt even watch that but sometime the entertainment industry do some shady shit



cameron is a selfish cunt.

the movie is just fucking pochahantas or what ever

the future shit is to show you how humanity gon still act in a century or two.

the movie was mostly used to develop 3d technology for other movies.

also something about nature being alive, the planet having it's own sentience yadi-yah.

ferngully was better.



>The blue x's in circles are still over me. Some shit happened last night but I resisted letting things go full swing because I have shit to do.

Interesting. After I started this the night before I had a dream that I was in an old school convenient store and the bag boy was sneaking me a medication with a sort of fearful, knowing look with the druggist sorta looming behind him working with back half turned. When I got to me car it was some sort of weird anti-sometime. several layers of different words with differing layers of subtlety. Like antibiotic etc. I'm hopeful.


New report on the blue x's… fucking nothing is happening today concerning my moles but in the astral some weird shit happened where for hours and hours I had discovered some archive of what was purportedly some series of strange events that caused the fairly sudden death of 80,000 people on our planet including the destruction of some battleship and I saw some filmed footage of it played and watched as all of the cannon's on this ship were firing and something was attacking it and a crowd of people on a ship beside it was repeatedly hit with some weapon that would cause the organic components of the people to be practically vapourized leaving mostly their inorganic clothing, handbags, glasses, etc. shredded up like confetti in a mess of black goo and smoke. The ship was so crowded people could hardly move and I saw them screaming and crying as pretty much each hit vapourized people in the crowd on this ship. Also according to the archive I was reading this was something to do with a Fourth Reich or whatever, some surviving remnant of National Socialist Germany that I guess is still going strong to this day.

Also judging by the people I saw this was not at all and old event. It was mostly white people in the crowd but some chinks and other races scattered in there too and the clothing was not out-of-date for our time at all.



Sounds like you've watched an astral version of the shitty movie Iron Sky.



Iron Sky has nothing about boats or 80k people disappearing in an attack or anything it sounds a lot more like that shit that happened around Antarctica after World War II.



You didn't mention boats, I thought it was a flying ship.



No these were boats not flying ships.

Whatever was attacking however might have been flying. I could never really seen in the footage what was attacking or how close it even was.



No these were boats not flying ships.


I have a mole somewhere on my head under my hair. I also have one right next to my right eye. What does it mean?



It just means you have neg attachments at those points and the moles are the physical manifestation of that attachment.

You can destroy the moles outright and end the attachment or you can end the attachment and destroy the moles. Whether you address the issue from its physical side or the other way it doesn't matter although sometimes if you simply physically destroy a mole it'll just come back or a new one will pop up as the entity re-attaches itself at another point.





Bro we have the same fucking mark but on the other hand like same place not finger everything



>same mark

me 2 m8


Been doing this for a week and had absolutely no effect at all.


I do this.



I don't know about that magical ink indigo flame shit, OP…

However, an authentic healing Chinese qi-gong system known as Flying Phoenix produces a beautiful blue energy. Blue light can be used in pineal gland meditations to great effect and is the sacred color of our creator, Enki. Try not to get too caught up in external pursuits or you may become just another curry nigger.



Man, fucking Robert Bruce, my opinion of him just keeps getting lower & lower.




Are there any other qigong systems worthy of note?


Anyone else here been doing the blue ink moles thing for a long time with no results and about to give up or have already given up?

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