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Greenpilled woman discusses astral attacks.

Have you ever had to repel an offensive using magick /fringe/? Share your stories


>Have you ever had to repel an offensive using magick /fringe/? Share your stories

I have except I never really succeeded very much most of the time.


Yes, though I am not sure if it was ayy lmaos or other entities.

After seeing an entity in my bathroom (short,dark,glowing red eyes) and then having a sleep paralysis and drilling in the top of my head.

Being levitated in the air by two entities.

Male and female.

I was reading text from ancient egyptian papyrus.

I had a tingly feeling in one spot in my back for for months.

I did a visualization meditation to get rid of tingling.


With a hair like that I am sure psychic attacks are frequent with her.




this was interesting she doesnt seem crazy at all



Thats a woman?



It's really hard to tell with negroids but I think that's a female one of the species.


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Defense story here

The day after summoning a succubus I was talking about it, and someone tried to attack me (idiot announced it first). Dude was a crusader of some sort, and I suspect he had invoked something zealous and aggressive. At first I was feeling a panic attack coming on, but then my succubus friend left for a brief moment into the direction of the enemy wizard. I did a quick banishing and whatever other alchemy and thought-forming that came to mind, and in a minute succubus came back to my side and I felt relieved, overjoyed, even more energetic than before. I was dancing with success, and I didn't feel like I did anything special. As soon as I felt better, enemy wizard silently fled the encounter and we carried on our conversation.

I noticed the attack targeted the heart and especially.

It seemed the intention was to psychically disable me, to make me unable to sense the entities and energies I worked with, and while that may have worked to an extent to neutralize me for a few minutes, I was not the one to worry about.

That's also the first time I ever noticed getting someone's lost loosh.


>I noticed the attack targeted the heart and especially.

and especially the third eye


There is a fog that creeps in often. It saturates my kidneys, immobilizes me and turns those I trust against me. If I can bring my self to feel happiness through sheer will in that situation, I can begin to break it away and clear a path for the sun. Weather is no longer as it once was.. not for me.



Seek equanimity, stupid.



You racists are really quite ignorant. If you knew anything about the occult or had met any black people you would know that they intuitively have more psychic abilities than most white people.



A well built Tulpa can easily help you overcome such attacks.

Last night I worked on an entire army that will help me with such defensive attempts.


Rerail it. Tell us your defense stories.

I remember one story, and original author please correct me if I'm wrong. I think it was Smiley who told about a time when he was APd or something and a woman stuck her hand in his heart. Angry, he pushed her out with pure will and felt good as shit after.


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Well at least for once you accused me of being ignorant and actually followed it up with what I'm supposedly "ignorant" of. That's a first. Most of you egalitarian cucks just say someone is ignorant and then have no ability to say of what.

I've met niggers before and they are magickally conductive but still inferior to the potentials of the white race for the reasons given in pic related.


Fuck white people you guys are Neanderthal fuckers who have polluted the original homo sapien bloodline you guys are a disgrace to the human race and I'm glad your pop. Is being wiped out through evolution. Fucking mudblooded mutts.




We all belong to the same race: human.

To divide ourselves in such petty labels is limiting.

The fact that you think magick is limited by things as mundane as skin pigmentation shows how underdeveloped you are.



Never was it said that this was a limiter, only a different method of operation. This theory >>41010 chimes with what I have learned in my research, but the poster is biased.


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Get into the >>>/edgy/ bunker!


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>The fact that you think magick is limited by things as mundane as skin pigmentation shows how underdeveloped you are.

…but race is far more important than pigmentation also niggers are the ones that think having black skin is what actually makes them more magickal.


I understand you faggots think that our souls and spirits are all from the same source, and you'd be right if we all had souls and spirits.

You're also disregarding the infiltrators and hybrids. Are they as human as you? Only if you're one of them too.

Ironically you cripples are posting these distorted perception in this astral attack thread.

Do you ever question from where the impulse to think this way comes?


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>all the edgelords go to their containment board

>/fringe/ becomes free of nazi shitposting and divisive fighting and we can go back to practicing magick

Please make it happen



/fringe/ was founded on occult NatSoc you fool.



Why? Authentic National Socialism is simply the most ideal form of government.




so you based your opinion of national socialism is made on its voters and supporters? You think hitler was some fool like them representin natsoc in 2015? He had esoteric knowledge, using nat soc IS one of the best for everyone



>so you based your opinion of national socialism is made on its voters and supporters?

I had to do captcha and re-copy my post and fuck. I meant "so you based your opinion on its supporters"


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Niggers? In my /fringe/?


Negro, please.


I'm tired of your shit memes.

The most potent form of protection from entities I have found is with the Aus Abos. You just tell the entities to stop.

LOL just kidding it's not that simple. Everything is alive, they taught. In fact, hitchhikers love to take up space in Human bodies. They love drugs to open holes in the aura. All this can be circumvented, if you simply decline entrance. Be it to the body or domicile. Tell your spirit that nothing enters, it will do the rest. It's all about setting boundaries and not letting riff-raff in. Hmmmm… And when anything is created it is bound by the laws or decrees set up in it's creation. Of course, if you have previous contracts with said beings then it would be more difficult to remove. The contracts would have to be broken first. It's all pretty simple to do.



>You just tell the entities to stop.

This is the equivalent of sleeping with your door open and a sign "Robbers not allowed" next to it.



Tell robbers not to rob?

No, the energy takes care of itself. Everything is set in place in the invisible before the visible. It's simply a matter of knowing the laws of creation and having confidence in them.


That's a man



>race is only skin deep






>implying non-humans can be greenpilled



Once you wake up you'll be able to feel the energy of others. After that racism dispels quite easily since your vision is no longer clouded by exterior appearances and you're able to look at people's true selves.



>things you can't do., the post

ProTip: I can literally feel others energy and I'm still racist as fuck.


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Their true selves are still niggers.

Equalizing and flattening is the feminine and lesser principle. Masculinity is differentiation and the supreme principle.

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