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Let's talk about the fringe concept of Vril (aka free energy), which is actually just technologically directed and harvested naturally and universally occuring electromagnetism.

As many of you surely are aware, the natsocs during WW2 actually pioneered the research into this field of study. Their extremely secretive practical experiments were based on the prior works of Viktor Schauberger, a german physicist and biomimicry specialist.

>"Atoms are made up of Vril energy, 99 percent or more is made up of Vril energy, which is the Life Force of the Gods. Thus, the atoms are the Gods, or the realm within which the Gods dwell - Asgard!

>The electrons within our atoms come from somewhere else. They are actually wavy lines or strings, vibrating sound frequencies, that come from large wavy lines or strings, or what is known as superstrings. No one knows where superstrings come from, but we can hypothesize that strings (or waves) are to humans what superstrings are to the Gods."



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Our pagan ancestors seemed to have a very similar conception of the powers which electricity and magnetism are based on. In the 19th and 20th centuries many occult and folkish asatru-related scholars and authors have dubbed this power "Vril energy", a type of ancient lost knowledge employed by the atlantean hyperboreans, which sadly was at some point lost by the ancestors due to unknown circumstances:



>Vril - The Cosmic Primal Strength - By Johannes Taeufer



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Vril-based electromagnetic levitation technology works by pushing different magnetic field currents against themselves, creating said levitation - Completely unaffected by normal gravity. This is what the Reich flying discs (Who also caused the "Area 51" incident since the americans didn't know how to properly control the german war machinery they had looted in 1945) were based on.

>Some backstory on the ancient use of Vril energy by the hyperborean atlanteans

"The Atlanteans had many luxuries and conveniences. Their capital city was called The City of the Golden Gates. At its height, it had two million inhabitants. There were extensive aqueducts leading to the city from a mountain lake. The Atlanteans had airships powered by the vril that could seat two to eight people. The economic system was socialist like that of the Incas. Atlanteans were the first to develop organized warfare. The military deployed vril-powered air battleships that contained 50 to 100 fighting men. These air battleships deployed poison gas bombs. The infantry fired fire-tipped arrows. The Toltecs on Atlantis worshipped the Sun in temples as grand as those of ancient Egypt that were decorated in bright colors. The sacred word used in meditation was Tau (this was the equivalent of the Aryan sacred word Om). As noted above, the Toltecs colonized all of North America and South America and thus became the people we know as the Amerindians.[13][14] The downfall of Atlantis started when some of the Toltecs began to practice black magic about 850,000 BC, corrupted by the dragon "Thevetat",[22] remembered as Devadatta, the opponent of Buddha.[23] The people began to become selfish and materialistic. Soon thereafter, the Turanians (the ancestors of the people we now know as the Turkic peoples) became dominant in much of Atlantis. The Turanians continued the practice of black magic which reaches its height about 250,000 BC and continued until the final sinking of Atlantis, although they were opposed by white magicians. The Master Morya incarnated as the Emperor of Atlantis in 220,000 BC to oppose the black magicians.[24]

The war between the white magicians and the black magicians continued until the end of Atlantis. The Masters of the Ancient Wisdom telepathically warned their disciples (the white magicians) to flee Atlantis in ships while there was still time to get out before the final cataclysm. As noted above, the final sudden submergence of Atlantis due to earthquakes occurred in 9,564 BC .[5]"


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"The small band of only 9,000 people constituting the then small Aryan root race migrated out of Atlantis in 79,797 BC. The bards of the new white root-race poetically referred to the new race as being moon-colored.[25] A small group of these Aryan migrants from Atlantis split from the main body of migrants and went south to the shore of an inland sea in what was then a verdant and lush Sahara where they founded the "City of the Sun". The main body of migrants continued onwards to an island called the "white island" in the middle of what was then an inland sea in what is now the Gobi desert, where they established the "City of the Bridge".[21]

The subraces of the Aryan Fifth Root Race include the first subrace, the Hindu, which migrated from the "City of the Bridge" on the white island in the middle of the Gobi inland sea to India in 60,000 BC; the second subrace, the Arabian, which migrated from the "City of the Bridge" to Arabia in 40,000 BC; the third subrace, the Persian, which migrated from the "City of the Bridge" to Persia in 30,000 BC; the fourth subrace, the Celts, which migrated from the "City of the Bridge" to Western Europe beginning in 20,000 BC (the Mycenaean Greeks are regarded as an offshoot of the Celtic subrace that colonized Southeast Europe); and the fifth subrace, the Teutonic, which also migrated from the "City of the Bridge" to what is now Germany beginning in 20,000 BC (the Slavs are regarded as an offshoot of the Teutonic subrace that colonized Russia and surrounding areas)."


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>The Bell - Mercury-driven electromagnetic levitation device invented by SS scientists during WW2

"(…) The second compound is in the "fuel" of the bell itself, the mysterious fluid "IRR Xerum 525". (…) In short, I believe that this serum 525 must've been an isotope of mercury, which still contained other elements that were probably even radioactive isotopes. They were well resolved in this mercury isotope or chemically attached to it. I speculate even that these substances could have been isomers … (…) But even if this highly speculative idea should not correspond to the truth, there are some indications that at least one element found in the compound could've been Thorium, because it is known that the Germans Europe literally crawled and all thorium plundered.

This fact led after the war to an investigation by the Allies, but fizzled: They found no conclusive answers as to what had happened with the thorium, or what the Germans had really made it. (…) Even if you "only" as a field drive device considers the bell, which is based on Torsion fields or electrical longitudinal waves in a kind of hyper-relativity, that would be a technology that would be absolutely worth to be protected; because it would imply the manipulation of local spacetime curvature.[1]"


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>When filled with mercury drums of the bell were accelerated to several tens of thousands revolutions per minute, this liquid material is formed under the influence of the centrifugal force on the walls of the drums, a thin layer. After reaching the maximum rotational speed of the mercury ions could be accelerated by an applied high voltage power on. Calculations showed that the speed of rotation located in the drums ions in this way up to over 100,000 revolutions per second (!) Would be able to grow. [2]

(1) The Bell was reportedly a metallic object, approximately 9 ft. in diameter and 12-15 ft. tall;

(2) It looked like a "Bell", hence its codename to the Germans, die Glocke;

(3) It was comprised of two counter-rotating cylinders, rotating a purplish liquid-metallic looking substance code-named "Xerum 525" by the Germans, at high speeds;

(4) "Xerum 525" was apparently highly radioactive, being purple in color, and housed in cylinders with lead lining 3 cm (12 in.) thick;

(5) The Bell apparently required high amounts of electrical power in its operation;

(6) During use, it could only be run for approximately one to two minutes, as it apparently gave off strong radiation and/or other electromagnetic or unknown field effects.

(a) Several scientist died on its first operation;

(b) Subsequent tests included various plants and animals, all of which decomposed into a blackish goo and without normal putrefaction, within a matter of a few minutes or hours after exposure to its field effects when in operation;

(c) Technicians near the Bell during these experiments reported metallic tastes in their mouths after being exposed to it;

(d) The chamber in which the Bell was tested was lined with ceramic bricks and rubber mats, and had to have its rubber matting removed and burned after each test, and it was subsequently washed down with brine


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And lastly, here's some more information on the Vril society itself and its history prior to and during WW2:




… That's all i've got for now.

Take care folks, and remember: Vril is everywhere!


So, this is orgone with another name. Did you really need to make a new thread just for that?

Fringe is so shit lately


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What? No it isn't. Those are two completely different and unrelated concepts.



So how do we tame this energy? The vrilology site shows the training program but i have to pay for it?


Great thread OP thanks for the info



>Electrons are actually wavy lines or strings, vibrating sound frequencies

>vibrating sound frequencies





Interesting information ITT.



Do you have a bigger image of 34.351 or a link to that page? I don't have that image.



They have overlap, vibrationally, but vril is more encompassing then orgone, as orgone was mainly lower (crude aetheric) and vril (I believe) included astral and perhaps even higher energies as well.



What's the problem?


Good thread. /pdfs/ owner here.

I will upload Viktor Schauberger later.



What's the problem?



If you go to board settings, you change it so you can save files with the original name.

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