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/fringe/ - Fringe

Esoteric Wizardry


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[Rules] [FAQ] [Fringe Guide] [Freedomboard] [/asatru/] [/edgy/] [/4chon/]
Read the rules before posting. Go to freedomboard if 8ch.net goes down.

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>From the period between April 21 2015 to May 18 2015, 8chan received one subpoena'd request from an US government agency for user information. This was an emergency request regarding a direct threat made on the /islam/ board.

>The request was filled, in total the IPs associated with four posts on that board were sent to the requesting agency during the exercise of this request.

/islam/ board owner = KNOWN FEDERAL INFORMER


>I would also like to ammend last month's report. Last month I reported that we received no takedowns from governments, that was not true. I had forgotten about the ROSKOMNADZOR (Russia: "The Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications") notices that I ignored. These pertained to the thread /beast/res/1005.html. ROSKOMNADZOR falsely claimed that that thread contains child pornography, when it only contains art. In total 8ch.net received thirty (30) emails from ROSKOMNADZOR between March 31 2015 and April 6 2015. Due to this flood I wrote an annoyed message back threatening reports to upstream mail servers for spam and did not hear back. After this I was informed by users that 8ch was blocked in Russia.



lol, >>>/edgy/ is not even the edgiest board on 8ch

They lost to some sandniggers that weren't even trying.

Get good edgefags



Meh the best of /edgy/ was on freedomboard.kirara.ca and is probably why freedomboard got shutdown.

We'll have to give the new >>>/edgy/ sometime before someone posts pics of the corpses of their newest victims on there or some shit.




hahaha that is precious

thanks for posting

>I think it's about time we purge all the RHP and non-Racist posters on /fringe/ and restore it to its original purity.

It has gotten to the point where every single thread on /fringe/ is now dominated by these egalitarian New Age faggots.

>Either that or we just abandon /fringe/ and seek to recreate its original purity here on /edgy/.

>Instead of threads being productive talk about acquiring higher powers and really pushing our magickal ability, we've got these retards constantly spewing their love & light hippie bullshit on /fringe/ achieving nothing and claiming to be enlightened masters.

the tears, they're delicious


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Egalitarian GTFO!



Better go and check on those wards around my house..



>most of the online wizard population


This is entry level stuff kid, only schizos and neophytes actually take /fringe/ seriously. Most decent magick communities online are invite-only.



I think for starters /fringe/ is good.



The less neophytes the better.

Also why are you here if you don't take it seriously? They have pretty good books I'm not sure why you wouldn't take it seriously.

Why don't you just stay in the decent communities? Are you not invited?



Shill gtfo, your invite-only circlejerks are utterly dead and have nobody posting, you probably get like one new post a week or a month and even then with that low post rate it's not necessarily quality postings.

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