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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hey /fringe/ what is the real reason why you keep studying the occult, keep practising, and keep striving to develop magickal powers? What is compelling you to do all of this?

I've thought about it a good long while now and have arrived at the true answer why I personally do it.

It's not because of any evidence or demonstrations or whatever shown to me. I don't really need those things to be attracted to the occult and want to do study it and do it. Those things only make me more hopeful and give me more faith but even in the most pessimistic of circumstances I'd still press on.

It's because everything I experience is through my mind and I believe in the power of the mind to create any experience and to cross any barrier. Also my life-time of experiences in astral travel.

The fact I can go to the astral and it feels more real than this world makes me doubt everything about this existence.

It's a real moment of being able to look away from the shadows on Plato's cave wall. To see outside of the assault of my physical senses and see with my imaginal senses instead.

I think most fedoras are simply people who are afraid of their own minds. It's why they won't entertain thoughts, ideas, etc. that could lead to magickal results and why if they go through a ritual they'll do it while holding the subconscious intent of making the ritual fail. They are extremely afraid of being delusional, being judged, making a fool of themselves, being rejected by society, crashing their vehicle due to "hallucinations", not being able to continue their job, losing their friends, ending up like the people in an asylum, dying, and losing out what they feel is their only shot at life.

I am not afraid of my imagination I see it as my only path to liberation. I have noticed that I can feel, see, taste, smell, and even cross time barriers with my imagination. I believe that through my imagination I can achieve anything I want, experience anything I want, if I use it strongly enough. I am afraid NOT to use my imagination because it's the only way to achieve peace of mind, to forget my pains, to stave off and transcend the dissolution of my physical body, to gain more time (time is a product of consciousness, I don't think even the fedoras ever disagree on this), to connect to the astral and experience such incredibly beautiful things, and believe it or not but if you're willing to try you can connect to the consciousness of others and experience so called "dreams", "hallucinations", "imaginings", objectively as a shared experience.

Who here is not convinced of the powers of imagination in some way? Whether you're a Fedora afraid of your imagination's power or a Wizard who exalts and embraces it.


Why not directly Will, with your imagination, to experience what you desire?

I feel like most people just aren't imagining the possibilities. How many people have thought about whether they could meditate and in one moment achieve a hundred years of life experience and come back to this timeline and feel that it was "100 years ago since I was last in this timeline"… or that the imagination is strong enough to turn off pain and create pains in the body and achieve pretty much every other physical manipulation possible.

All of magick comes down to an art of using your Will, your Desire, and your Imagination. They are like the 3 points of the triangle.

The more probable something is to happen the easier it is to make happen if you throw your Will behind it completely and your intentions are strong and clear. The more improbable things require intense concentration and desire.

If you can achieve an intensity of imagination strong enough and push off the resistance you will feel and encounter when doing it you can make shit happen.

I think also scaredy cat mundanes care too much about objectivity. "Oh it's just in my head, it's JUST a dream, I'm JUST imagining things!" are words that limit your range of experience and dampen your potential. Most people want and direct their desires towards staying disconnected, affirming to themselves there is nothing beyond the 3D linear world they are used to. Asking someone to imagine a tulpa that is REAL and genuinely sentient and an actual being is the kind of shit that gets you banned from /tulpa/ and causes a deep instinctual fear reaction stemming from the programming that keeps mundanes enslaved to this world's limitations (it especially doesn't help if they're too comfortable with the status quo in which reality presents itself as well).


I once talked to a schizophrenic for a few days who was Fedora and didn't believe in magick. It was really hard to get anything across to her and and she was rather insulting towards me. She had quite a few thoughtforms which she believed were purely hallucinations. She said magick is not real because other schizophrenics can't see what she sees and instead see stuff only they see. That it's "all in your head".

Well I arranged with her to talk to one of her thoughtforms (she spoke for it) for a long while and do some experiments with it and her. For a good while the thoughtform only confirmed what her beliefs were and even called me crazy and said it was just in her mind and so on. Most of my experiments I did confirmed the thoughtform could only perceive stuff that was known to its creator's senses. There was a fatal flaw I found though that eventually allowed me to greenpill her. For you see, when she created these thoughtforms, she forgot about something that a thoughtform "contained only within her mind" should not be able to do in a purely mechanistic material world. When I pointed this out to her and the thoughtform the thoughtform was completely at a loss for words as to how it could do what it could. It had no explanation. It just didn't make sense in a materialist paradigm.

The things which this thoughtform could do was the thoughtform could leave and talk with other thoughtforms, for days or weeks on end, while its creator went and did other things and totally did not have that thoughtform in mind at all. It had an independent and ongoing existence from her even when her attention was totally withdrawn from it. It had its own memory and lived its own life without its creator having to imagine those things for it and puppet it. It could easily accumulate massive amounts of experience and knowledge independent of its creator's mind.

After that I had sown seeds of doubt in her mind and she began to greenpill herself after that point without me having to do anything more. She went on to experience a massive amount of growth of consciousness, solve numerous problems in her life that had been habitual and enduring until she met me, and to really open up to the wonder and possibilities of magick and to begin to experience more examples of mental phenomena transcending the supposedly impermeable barriers of space and time.


I believe sincerely in the power of my mind. No limitations exist to my mind but limits of imagination. I encounter resistance in imposing my Will into the world because the One created Many who also Will and share in the expression of the Cosmic Will but with enough Desire and the right conditions one can attain a state of Gnosis in which it is like the the whole universe conspires with you to make what you imagined a reality. Gnosis means higher knowledge and in this context it is the knowing of the imagined thing having definitely become material.

As the sense of limitations being so stubbornly solid continue to fall away from people the apparent materiality of reality should begin to fall apart as well and become more fluid and astral-like for all participants involved. Magick is the art of cultivating and using your mind to achieve anything. Occultism in this age is for a rare breed of people who refuse to believe the programming that put the limitations into their mind. The programming stops you through fear and doubts from imagining that you REALLY could hear others thoughts and makes you think "oh I'm going crazy" and not daring to think you're just growing more connected and getting a real signal out of the mental noise of those around you and tuning in stronger until you really do receive confirmation of your power. Occasional anomalies in the every day patterned experience of your reality can help you notice that indeed you are not separate from the experience entirely but infused into it and a part of this reality, infinitely interconnected, affecting every part of it with your thoughts at once like ripples in a pond or you can reject the anomalies as figments of your imagination having no basis in fact and being unobservable to others. Once in awhile though you might actually get over your fear of criticism or notice the look of shock on other faces and be prompted to ask them all; "did you see that too?" and receive affirmation that indeed they did.


I read through a very large body of evidence for magick, including medical examinations and so on, and there's lots of amazing shit to consider out there that can give you motivation to actually try and cross mental barriers. I've seen videos too. Look at any one piece of the puzzle though and you fail to see the full picture. If you're not willing to finish that puzzle yourself then all initiates must simply wait for your curiosity to awaken and drive you to actually finish it again.

It's my mind and I refuse to not use it to its fullest. Even if absolutely nobody else were to initiate me or show me the way I would use my imagination to create experiences I want. I know I can imagine anything so I will do it. So I don't need proof to study and practise the occult. I just love my imagination and am awed by its infinite possibilities. We're all walking around with brains way more powerful than any computers and we have recorded instances of amazingly difficult mathematical problems being solved by subconscious power alone and instantaneously that no supercomputers were able to do until a hundred years later (and it took them a lot of time running to get the answer) and all sorts of other amazing examples of conscious mentation achieving practical miracles but few people are willing to use their brains capabilities beyond a very basic level.

This reality can be a lot like torture chamber and the fedora is the idiot who chooses to experience every last bit of pain and humiliation while the mundane decides he's going to take his mind as far away from it is as possible but reserves some part of his mind in maintaining the reality of the situation he's "actually trapped in" but the initiate goes a step further and suddenly notices that what he has imagined has become written into his reality as a permanent and material fact and the torture chamber has disappeared like a mirage before his eyes as the deepest recesses of his mind, the Source, is contacted.


The source of Mind is the source of All.


One more thing I ought to explain as well but didn't immediately think of while writing this thread.

I had in the past reached a point where I was sickened by everything that seemed to constitute my Self. My memories, my body, my personality, I was so repulsed by everything my mind attached to that I dropped into a deep trance in which all of that dissolved into void and I was dead and I perceived that I was nothing. So much nothing. It was like the Fedora's imaginings come true. Then I realized that I was Aware of Nothing. That was something… an awareness of nothing. In the void I found eternity. Back of everything there will always be Nothing. From Everything, Nothing. From this void state I began to imagine and to live again but it was a new life and it was more real than what was left behind. I had discovered through Death, Life.




How the fuck can you even deny that?



Quicktip: How do you know you have resistance tha wil make any magick act fail ?

Look at the way you feel, your emotions are basically the only way for your higher mind to give you indications and intuitions.

You feel good, confident and expect result like you would expect a suboordinate to do the task you assigned, you will succeed, in everything you do

You feel bad, insecure, have doubt, no result for you.

If you smile while visualizing your intent or whatever, you are good, if you don't you will fail

Emotions and the power of the mind, beyond sigils, is something that tends to be overlooked in magick.

Today, provided that I believe, have a desire and let the thought consume my mind I can pretty much achieve anything, so can anyone



I deny it. I deny it because the All is everything.



I don't overlook that at all. When I said Desire I was just as well referring to Emotions/Loosh.

Nothing gets done without it. One minute of intense emotion poured into a tulpa will make it manifest faster than a months worth of damp emotions poured into it.

Also I don't know if you've read tons of Mind Control shit but it always involves extreme mental/emotional traumas being done to the person to split personalities and achieve other effects.



…but that doesn't even deny it. All is the source of Mind as it is All. What I said was not at all wrong.


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All is tautology is all.

Wong, wong, wong.

Recurrent thalamocortical resonance.

Shanti, shanti, shanti.

We are bits in deference to the bekenstein bound.

Wrong, wrong, wrong

Holographic monad of the nomothetic gonad.

Right, right, right


>tfw I realize I should have just posted my question and at most a brief explanation on my part and that my tl;dr is going to cause nobody to actually respond to my thread saying why they pursue occult development or not


Ponderibus librata suis

Holonomic brain is what construes us

Abraxas, deixis, annuit coeptis


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…but did you fuck her?



Not yet.



I call it no flagging, my little signature, I was sick of ID's

> no flag zone



There were never any IDs on here though.

>wtf is going on



You have your answer, then! Occultism is merely an elaborate ploy for autists to get laid.


Thanks OP as a skeptic I'll be taking what you said here to mind.


i wouldn't mind deserting and creating a perfect universe. i feel as if i deserve it.


There comes a time in every mans life where he starts to desire self change and improvement. He starts to respect and love himself. Usually this time comes after the false ego given from childhood and adolencence starts to erode from philosophy, drugs, self questioning and meditation. I study magic and magical advancement because it is the ultimate form of self love, the self which is eternal. After all either you progress and go up or stop and stagnate.


This thread summarizes why I adore Smiley and /fringe/. Other communities are incredibly limiting.



>You have your answer, then! Occultism is merely an elaborate ploy for autists to get laid.

Who gives a fuck about getting laid when there's that far more pressing issue of the dissolution of the personality in death?

Occultism is all about that immortality nigga. I don't want to be erased.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


To be blunt

I didn't choose the occult

The occult chose me

I didn't ask for these powers or visions

They found me

I was blessed with this quest and my mission is to remain focused on my studies and spells. I am under constant attack of distractions from every direction from what seems like every dimension

I have a hunch that this reality was not at all the first reality I was born into and within my life I have crossed into this reality from a completely different reality. I can't explain why, how, or even when I was brought here but here I am and here I stick out like a sore thumb.

The choice was never mine to make.


Also because God is my only real friend.



How did it just turn sunday.. it just turned saturday O-o

time is slipping away from me



I know. Yesterday was Friday.

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