I'll tell you how hypnosis works in a clinical setting.
The hypnotist carefully controls their tone of voice, body language, and specific wording so as to give suggestions and make it at unlikely as possible for the other person to consciously resist them.
They suggest that the other person is under their influence and they can not resist them and they must do as they say.
They guide them into a deeper trance state through visualized scenarios and relaxation.
Then get them to turn off the conscious mind while keeping the subconscious responsive.
Then they order them to do whatever you want.
This is really fucking lame and basic what the psychiatrists do.
The occultists take everything way further and use primarily their thoughts to put the other person into trance and dominate them over any talking and such.
Thoughtforms are used and relayed and invade the electromagnetic field of the other person and take control.
They fall under possession then and can be controlled by the other occultist.
Anyone can do hypnosis. I can hypnotize you. The furthest psychiatrists have got with this practise is not very far.
It can be accurately described as "guided use of the imagination". They basically just guide the other patient though imagining a bunch of stuff.
It doesn't work on all people. Only some people have a low threshold of resistance and be easily hypnotized by these mundane clinical psychiatrists.
The occultists work with far more powerful and dangerous forces.