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>be me

>draw various chaos sigils all over this one place for years

>evoke Eris many times

>have built up a magickal atmosphere over this place of extreme chaos

>when I go into this part of the city, the people there are all completely unpredictable

>it's a constant mindfuck

>they say so many contradicting and unexpected things constantly

>lots of weird shit going on constantly

>parts of the place burned down

>lots of weird dramatic and unpredictable events happening all the time

>muh sigils still all over the place

Hmmmm… being there is so trippy now I really lose my sense of stability and order and feel like I don't know anybody there like everyone is always full of surprises no matter how long they've lingered.


Cool story. I might try this as well.



HAHAHA i did this too where i used to work at, sigils all over the walls and eris' name written everywhere.

Lot's of good things came through for me, eris is a real homie.



What is Eris?


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A Greek Goddess of Chaos.



Kek if one of you goyim live in the dindu zones(chimpout hotspots with majority dindu population), you should totally post these everywhere.

This will further red pill the goyim about mass immigration when the dindus show their true colors.


Here's the thing, where you drawn to put sigils there because it is already a chaotic area or did you make it happen?

Sometimes these things are one and the same.



Well at the point its a matter os sensing vs creating. Did he create the chaos field or simply notice its potential and help the energy find its way more fully into this world? In the end, does it matter? How can you say you truly create anything? It could just well be us being aware of our surrounds and tapping into that. I find its best not to question which one because if you approach it from either direction it works.


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Agent of operation mindfuck spotted


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I'm a badge wearing dupe.



I'm a flag wearing dupe.



I'd be willing to sell some of these at extortionate prices if anyone is interested.



I did the exact same thing in montreal in a very popular spot… straight the fuck up - for 2 years straight.

Was tons of kid's bodies buried bellow where i did this… full downtown…


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"Chaos" is the edgelords term for "freedom of choice". Your sigils released their inner desires, and caused them to speak their true mind.

Order is what inhibits us. It removes free will. Order is like being politically correct.

I'm sure most of you know that. I'm just drunk and rambling and not sure what to do on this board anymore.



Kek, I used to do sigils at work all the time, I got 3 people fired.



I tried reactivating an old sigil I found laying around my room


Brought me bad luck, then I burned it trying to rid the energy, and almost got hit by a car 10 seconds later.

>don't reactivate old sigils

Besides Chaos sigils, what else would be fun to spread? I've got a nice little quiet cannabis part of town, any ideas? Generally nice people with the occasional assholes. Plus I work at a grocery store and we have what's called "SENIOR DISCOUNT DAY" :'3 so much potential




I'd be more interested in a coffee mug.


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Just finished reading that page… is this some sort of synchronicity?



>Do you even know what a synchronicity is?


Ah yes air magic, fun times. I can do this with no sigils, and also do small scale fields. Why chaos though. For laughs fine, but you could do so much more. Get creative and make a wealth or abundance area, or bravery, Intelligence. I wonder how far it can be taken.. like growing an army that's against whatever, you specify. Or implant sigils of Gods, demons, angels etc. Argh I must experiment now

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