The disparity coefficient between Toxick Magicians and regular people isenormous, and this disparity is easily observable even among Practitioners.The disparity coefficient is a number derived by complex mathematicswhich tells us the difference between how a person lives (observed behavior)and how he ought to live if he wishes to benefit himself and the planet as awhole. Thus, the disparity coefficient can tell us whether or not someone is a Toxick Magician and then tell us how good a Practitioner he is.A good Manipulator is like a farmer with many fields. At any time he is invarious stages of planting, reaping, sowing, and allowing the land to rest.This is a very important model—although some prefer the hunter-gatherermodel. I, for one, use and combine both. To be a stalker and a gatherer anda farmer is, in my view, an ideal formula for proper operation.Unfortunately, however, I learned some of my skills too late in life to takefull benefit of them.
As is so often said by psychologists and philosophers, humans go througha protracted period of “maturation” when compared to other species. Thislengthy period of being a child and under the thumb of various authoritiesmakes the human a prime candidate for re-instituting the infantilizingprocess during any period of is life.For example, consider most people’s response to the Toxick Platitude:“Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.” They nod theirhead knowingly, and smile because an authority has endorsed as brilliancewhat they had always thought was shame.Most forms of learning, teaching and punishment are nothing more thanforcing infantile and childish roles upon others.
Most of the modern health profession is pervaded by this technique of infantilizing the “patient.” It is especially common among physicians,dentists and psychotherapists.The most adept of these might be called “terrorist doctors.”They are commonly found, for example, among the majority of gynecologists (who get a thrill from terrorizing women into signing off onunnecessary hysterectomies) and cardiologists who routinely stampede theirvictims into unnecessary, useless and dangerous invasive procedures which“must be done immediately or you could die at any moment.” (This latter group has been so successful that the “zipper,” which characterizes openheart surgery, has become a status symbol.)Most psychotherapists, of course, have always treated their “patients’ asinfants. As the field has driven out the few good therapists in favor of themediocrity of the “housewife therapist,” the opportunity for infantilizationhas expanded dramatically. Witness the self-righteousness, witch-huntmentality of “adult survivors of child abuse” and the stylishness of MultiplePersonality Disorder.
One of the key factors in understanding why people are so pathetic is that,during the infantile stage of development, they “come to constant erroneousconclusions” as to “what causes what.”In other words, they learn erroneous negotiation strategies right from thevery beginning and come up with conclusions about themselves, the world,and their interconnections which they continue to use and be victims of untilthey are buried alive.The reason they survive at all is because of “slop” (i.e., most people havethe same wrong conclusions).Building upon wrong conclusions leads to habits which, once ingrained,are difficult if not impossible to break. People’s minds become calcified.They blindly proceed through their lives, deceiving themselves andrepressing the immense spite they have accumulated over all the years forcontinuously being treated like children.
If this is not bad enough, all humans have a collection of traumas and havelearned to carry around a backpack of anxieties.I have often said of the human that he suffers from an auto-immunedisease. He desires oblivion while at the same time loathing the idea of losing control and his occasional feelings of integrity.He can’t tolerate his condition, but has no way out short of self-destruction. For man, Life is a blind assembly line. Each person thinks he isfree while secretly living out the fantasies of his DNA.His needs and resentments are so intense that annihilation throughsymbolic means is often his only option. He can’t flee and he sees no one inparticular to fight. Thus the need for symbolic substitutions such asmasochism, depression, war, enemies, and so forth.For example, there are wars on drugs, fruit flies, border invasions (illegalaliens) and even the occasional revolution.