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The willful application and direction of man’s mind and power to the endswhich he desires is the necessary primal force which accomplishes the trueorganic will of the Toxick Magician.Often this application will entail doing what normal people call “good,” forit is this so-called good-in-itself which, buy its very nature, brings about thedesired results of the Master: confusion, destruction and the confounding of forces. The Manipulator loves people who do good and, even more so,people who think good thoughts.

An example will serve to illustrate. Everything which the Establishmentand Church desire finally brings about its own ruin and with it theestablishment of Higher Order(s) of dis-organization—which are the goalsof the Master.It follows that it is the Church’s desire to see the end of abortion whichbrings about the necessary over-population which in turn causes the Toxick Chaos necessary to see the destruction of the Church and, to a large extent,the environment as we know it.

The Toxick Magician sees all appeals to ecology as futile attempts tomaintain stasis. Hence, the preoccupation with ecology leads to a level of destruction far greater than would be otherwise.For example, consider the cascading effects of water-saving toilets. Inorder not to clog them, we are now so dis-commoded that we have to shit insegments. People are not able to get rid of their feces as quickly as theyused to and this is not safe!!


Consequently, to safeguard their health, people are now buying black-market toilets and installing them illegally under cover of darkness.The effect of ecology in this case is to create a new criminal underclass andreduce the population through the spread of disease. To cover up the realcause, the blame for the increased mortality rate has been placed onsalmonella infected chickens and tainted red meat, thus eliminating Steak Tartar and Ramos Fizzes from the menus of finer restaurants.On the positive side, it allows people to become familiar once again withtheir bodily products, destroys the abomination of Grilled Chicken CaesarSalad, and brings back into vogue scato-divination.It is worth noting that, if the issue were really water-conservation, theentire problem could be solved more effectively with a two-button toilet with, of course, the appropriate international icons of yellow drops fornumber 1 and a brown coil with rising steam for number 2.

The Practitioner constantly looks for small ways to jiggle the environmentwhich will (dis-)attract the attention of the masses. Something as simple asdropping little pieces of paper in the street provides something to do forpeople with guilt complexes and no meaning in their lives. In a sense, theManipulator helps reduce the rate of suicide and spouse abuse.The Master may even help an ecological cause (e.g., the currentpreoccupation with “flesh eating bacteria”) since the stasis brought about byits success will sooner or later lead to a greater displacement and, hence,more Toxicity. Remember, every solution leads to more complex andinvoluted “problems.” The Toxick Magician loves problem-solvers.As long as any force and motion is applied, counterforces of the mostbizarre and unpredictable types begin to formulate and affect the entire fieldof play.The Manipulator knows that we live in gigantic sets of inter-wovenneucoid-correlation matrices where one tiny push in the right place cancause an entire field to collapse. This might be likened to Kung Fu Magick.

The Toxick Magician knows there is no way not to create what the Hindu’shave called Karma. Karma is good!He knows this fact very well and he is also aware that most people live in asuperstitious world of “causes and effects.”The Master knows how to take advantage of every superstition because heunderstands that “causes” as we “know” them also create “effects” as we can’t know them.The Manipulator knows that everyone lives in bubble(s) of superstition(s) where magical rewards and punishments lurk and abound. But somewherein the dark of perceived order there is a monster hiding, ready to devour the“innocent.He loves to walk down the street in pride and certainty, knowing he’s butone moment away from an attack of diarrhea. This makes him uniqueamong the masses. The Toxick Magician always views his adversary withhis head in the toilet bowl.


The Practitioner knows, for example, that, if the pro-abortionists win by controlling population it is the wrong population that will be controlled.This is one of the key principles of Toxick Magick: whether the Church,for example, gets its way in terms of abortion or not is quite irrelevant. It is the quality and nature of the forces set in motion for which the Toxick Magician strives. He knows that whatever is the most gross, will triumph in the end.Whatever levels the playing field triumphs for a while.He knows that the faster technology develops, the greater will be the collisions and destruction within the species which developed the technology. Inertia must always be viewed from the psychological perspective of indolence. Indolence, in one form or another, leads to farce.

Regardless of social strictures, laws or anything else, the masses willcontinue to breed. The goal is 66.6% illiteracy in the Civilized World andnot the reverse. The goal of literacy is a ruse, a ploy of the Toxick Magicianto set into motion those forces which interfere with the natural give and takeof intelligence and stupidity, and power and impotency.Thus, every so-called worthy goal is a ruse and the fuse of destruction. Inthe end, all goals reduce to control and the means used to gain control areirrelevant and quickly forgotten.

What difference does it make to the average individual or organization that10 or 20 million lives are destroyed after a week or two? It is only importantthat there is a fresh chicken in the pot. This is called “Voodoo Mechanics.”

Toxick Magick, then, is the direct use and application of one’s power and abilities to speedily bring about the destruction of mediocrity and stupidity .However, the Manipulator realizes that what follows is more due to“chance” than direct application. This means that you should not sit aroundtoo long thinking about what to do. Set something in motion now . Then sitback and watch the fallout.The natural power behind Toxick Magick is the Hatred of Restriction andthe Joy in the power of Freedom and the apparent random application of choice, risk and chaos.Pain and destruction feed the planet more than pleasure.A Manipulator’s task is to always throw a little something into the works.Learn how to help everyone achieve what they want. It will, in the end,destroy them.


By the perfect application of the mind of a Master, individuals will developthe natural character traits to lead the world into a deep and abysmaldarkness, until the necessary form of transformed destructiveness occurs,thereby freeing new and more interesting forms to evolve and develop.For example, as we wind down to ultimate world peace, expect the greatestpossibility for a nuclear holocaust.Note that when we speak of evolution, we use the word “forms” and not“form.” The idea of plurality is important in many ways but, for themoment, its importance lies in the fact that multiple users of Toxicity cancreate competing ends for the yet unborn futures which will create eventswhich will be regarded as beautiful and grotesque.

The human mind exists on shifting gradients of superior force and power.The grade of the mind attracts and influences the forces which surround it.According to the strength of the Practitioner’s code of conduct and hiswillingness to help promote Toxicity and Chaos in the mindset of hisneighbor, the appropriate result usually follows: paranoia. The more youcan help your neighbor get what he wants, the more his paranoia andanxiety.Used properly, paranoia is an ideal weapon to create false and misleadingstruggles which burn the energy of everyone involved. Paranoia is a simplemis-direction virus.We say that paranoia usually follows since other Manipulators may beoperating in similar areas with different results in mind. But rest assured, allvictims live in a world of suspicion and superstition. Thus paranoia is the minimum a good Toxick Magician can expect.

The only major requirement is that all Manipulators know that theirultimate goal is for the good of the gross force field which is foreverstruggling to give birth to new life forms as quickly as possible, regardlessof the cost to the older forms.Now, at last, the human race has the means to make radical transformationsand provide the race the opportunity to do away with itself in tis presentdead-end form.Thus, for example, in order for immortality to exist, most of the humanrace will need to be destroyed—and it will be.At first, of course, there will be the obligatory moaning over the “tragedy.”But, within a few months, this destruction will be seen as a happy andnecessary event, just as euthanasia will, in time, be seen as a “new” solutionto over-population and the “problem” of funding Social Security systems.(The scenes at the conclusion of Stanley Kubrick’s brilliant movie Dr.Strangelove: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb present an excellent example of this process.)Every human, no matter what he tells himself, knows that, simply by beingalive, he has run into a brick wall in every aspect of his life. This world is aworld of in voluntarism, of Zombies. And the final brick in the wall isinvoluntary death.

The power of death lies not simply in the cessation of life, but in the realitythat death always feels like the “other” and forces most people to feel adistance between their self and their “here-and-now-ness.” Death isalienation—the final negative outcome.This is why the housewives of the world are seen everywhere pushingbaby carriages and sipping tea as the mushroom clouds form. The Master,on the other hand, always keeps his coffin handy.


Death, which we have been taught can neither be killed, endured or cured,is the ultimate wound to the self. The Toxick Magician knows otherwise.He knows that once the right forces are in play, death becomes optional.If he has the mental organization, the active will, and the stamina toexercise his power, he will have immediate control over his adversaries.This allows him to buy time. And isn’t buying time our most interesting andperverse activity?

Frequently the best way to gain control is through cooperation.Each and every individual has almost a comical desire to see himself destroyed. This puts an end to the waiting and the filling of time withnonsense. To fill time means to make time tense.This doesn’t argue against the survivalist theory, but in fact is supported bymost Neo-Darwinian speculations. This race, in this form, is obsolete. Itcan’t carry the possibilities of the future(s) for too long.Few individuals can tolerate the mental void of Toxick Chaos whichsurrounds him. Always there is some little quirk or some little error whichcauses him some misery, pain or destruction. Without the need to changediapers, most mothers would strangle their infants.It always appears that this little something or that could have been avoidedand, if we didn’t wish to hide from the inherent ugliness of the humancondition, we could have side-stepped this misery.But, remember, those who do not readily, eagerly and graciously acceptthis world of in voluntarism will be labeled misfits and psychopaths. Assuch, be prepared—for enemies are needed to blame for every “bad ending.”Look at the dinosaur—they might have blamed the automobile. And if youlook at things perversely enough, the death of the automobile might create aspecies more horrifying than the dinosaur.

Even with horror and death aside, few can tolerate complete success. Itleads to boredom and to the final realization that we are all food within thebelly of a giant monster whose final goals we only have a glimmer of—andthe glimmer we see is not comforting.Thus, while man doesn’t seek death per se , he seeks destruction as thisprovides the opportunity for new and potentially more lively events.Destruction is the great act of control. It is the “no” to involuntarism.

The fact that destruction does, in fact, lead to death is purelyhappenstantial. The organisms of the future will be able to destroythemselves and still continue to live.Where there exists an innate superiority or power, Toxick Magick willmanifest itself.A good Student will immediately understand this once he realizes thatmuch of what he has called “failure” is truly pre-potent success. This is particularly true when the Student can write his “autobiographies” withcomplete dispassion. Every autobiography is nothing more than a story of destruction and decay.Whether a force is ultimately positive or negative doesn’t matter, for it setsin motion other forces over which the magician has little or no control.This form of Chaos is desired since unknown results leads to moreToxicity and Chaos. Toxick Magicians have been called the “Children WhoHate.” And, if the truth be known, they do. They hate stupidity, death andrestriction. They loathe the idea of linear time.


The public in general has no concern as to who is a Manipulator. Thepublic is only concerned with petty criminals who might affect their pettylittle lives directly. This is why so many white collar criminals go free orget minimal sentences and some of the most hideous crimes either go totallyunnoticed or are applauded as greatness.For example, the “great” Hawaiian king Kamehameha I is considered“great” because he “unified the Islands”—by pushing thousands of his“enemies” off cliffs.Similarly, consider the Christian fight against evil in Europe—which wasfinally victorious when all of the “witches” were burned.

The public concerns itself with the maintenance of its status quo (i.e.,chickens) and, as a rule, the public should be helped to maintain its statusquo even more intensely than it is.The heavier it gets, the deeper it sinks and the greater its fears. It can’tsucceed or leap to the next level of superiority. It must sink deeper and holdon more strongly.As it does this it creates more enemies while, at the same time, makingitself more impotent. Do not fight the status quo or the failures whichsurround you. Help it, encourage it, and then help it encapsulate itself. Helpit grow stronger and heavier. Use whatever it creates. Don’t change it,simply streamline it a little.

Many normal magicians regard real power as unattainable. This is naturalfor them since they do not have any real power to begin with. One wholacks a mind which possesses strength and active processes can’t, by its verynature, possess power.Normal magicians are horrified by the notion of power and control overothers. The Toxick Magician has no such terror. What terrifies him is thatthe status quo may gain power over him through his own natural desire to bedestroyed and be replaced by better, more flexible life forms.Remember, it is a natural tendency to be dark and self-destructive. Thetrick is to do it well—very well.Help others get what they want. This is the most insidious form of destroying them. It makes them instantly terminal and, in most cases,useless.

This method is similar to what has been called the Peter Principle. Helpeach person to reach their highest level of incompetence. Once they arethere, they will begin digging in, establish fixed fortifications, and now youhave them as a resource—a tool , if you would, to do with as you wish.For example, universities have developed the tenure system to guaranteecontrol over a potentially dangerous and Toxick faculty.

Always play to security as if it were an adventure.Always help others think that their attempts to assure themselves securitywill work. As a Manipulator, we know that most methods to assure securityare doomed to fail sooner or later, and fail badly. It is better to live with danger and chaos than with security . Your chancesof surviving long enough and with enough power are much greater. This isanother fundamental principle of Toxick Magick.


There are natural Toxick Magicians and many of my readers know whothey are. But there are others who should remain unknown and unknowable,for this affords them the best opportunity to do their work effectively.These individuals know how to extend their power by being sort of unconscious of what they are doing. Awareness interferes with theiractivities. One way of recognizing them is from the trails of people theyleave behind—people who think they have been helped. In fact these peoplehave been made into Zombies who later will be used in one way or anotherto accomplish the desired end of Pandemonium.The Master is well aware of the value of controlling the psychic powers of others. In other words, what some people believe to be their spiritual,psychic or higher self is really the shadow spirit of the Master himself.It is the will of the Master that is speaking. This result can either beinduced or produced in the subject at hand.Everyone is a potential subject for the Toxick Magician. Each encounter isa laboratory experiment to determine what forces are needed to help thesubject develop the correct obsessions and compulsions to accomplish thewill of the Practitioner.He will always first try to bringing out what is natural to his victim or tool.This is done, not for moral reasons, but because it conserves energy andtime. If this approach doesn’t work, then he will simply find other means toproduce the effect(s) he wants.Encounters take place everywhere. This is the beauty of learning how tobe an effective Manipulator. All day long, every day, you can inject yourwill upon others by using their stupidity, their desire to be gullible and, moreimportantly, their need to be flattered while disbelieving what you say.People are so fearful of being controlled that this fact in itself makes themprime resources to be controlled.

Every subject will guide you in how you can control them and help thembecome a slave to aspects of your will. For, although people hate thethought of control, most wish to be controlled.Risk, freedom and power are only words for them. Most are simply weak and cowardly, secretly waiting for some superior force to take them over.The proof is self-evident. Just look at the number of people who seek degrees in sociology and education.

The comatose state of ordinary man is necessary, and every attempt toawaken him drives him deeper into security and trance. Thus, every promiseto make things better is designed to make him less dangerous and morereadily destroyed. Even his revolutions make him into a better slave.In the process of planetary and intergalactic change there, of course, is thenecessity that the Practitioner himself will be consumed by the procedureshe uses in reaching his own ends.He, then, must not counterfeit his real life experiences into moralplatitudes. Once this is done (except as a device for others to believe in),you are no longer dealing with a true Toxic Magician but with someone whois possessed by his beliefs.He is no longer a real Manipulator but has become a true believer. This isnot to be bemoaned, as true believers are the very foundation of change.Stagnation always leads to some form of spontaneous combustion. Just look at any garbage heap.Zombies are the necessary requirement and, the more of them, no matterwhat the source, is a sign of success.


Many people will reduce all of this into two simple categories: Black Magick and White Magick. The easiest thing to do with this simplereductionist ploy is to use it to your best benefit. In other words, let peoplecall it what they will. Agree with them and help them to firm up their ideas.Help them make their notions so rigid that they can be broken like glass.Other people’s stupidity is your resource. Help them to remain stupid.Remember, one of the best ways to get what you want, no matter what it is,to help other people what they “whim” they want.Discord is the politics of mobility.The more mobile, the more discord you sow. However, it is wise to givethe impression of stability and order. This keeps your enemies fromcontrolling you.Remember, the basis of toxicity is control. The more control you have,particularly without people knowing it, the more toxick you are. Some of the most powerful Masters I know appear to be the most obsequious, kind,and helpful people in the world. However, they are the most dangerouspeople in the world—dangerous that is to those who believe in thebeneficence of man.

Do not think that by learning the basic principles of Toxick Magick that aworld of ease and bliss will automatically open to you.The practice of Toxick Magick is hard and the traps are many. One of theworst and most dangerous traps is the “food chain.” Every goodManipulator knows exactly where he is on the food chain at any moment intime.The concept, in and of itself, often separates the real Toxick Magician fromthe pretenders.The food chain concept explicitly states that we are in a constant process of consuming each other and being consumed by each other. There are no freelunches and each encounter demands knowledge of who is going to consumewhom.Some people prefer to look upon this as trading: after all we are human,aren’t we? But no, we consume each other all the time, often in subtle ways,but nonetheless we live off the flesh and blood of everyone we meet. In fact,right now each of us is living off the flesh and blood of people we haven’tmet and others are living off of us.However, the Manipulator knows how to delve into and apply the mostsubtle forms of strength or weakness to accomplish his ends.One imperative technique is the ability to evaluate what each person wantsto consume, the style he consumes it in, and the utensils he uses. Everyonewants something, even if it is to give away something for “free.”Some people are so overburdened that the greatest way to consume them isto not let them help you. By doing this, the Practitioner can create situationsin which he can get something from a person that they didn’t wish to give.

But beware, you are also food, and knowing how to be consumed(eaten/used) is imperative in your practice. If you are really outclassed,acknowledge this to yourself. If you don’t accept the fact gracefully, youwill damage yourself severely.Trying to pull yourself up to your adversary or trying to pull youradversary down to yourself is another common error. This can cause unnecessary pain and destruction.Evaluating the complex and ever-changing positions on the food chain isone of the finest applications of your capabilities. Once you have ascended to the position of influence in this area and practice the method to its fullestextent, you will automatically release a vast reservoir of your natural power.But under no circumstances should you undervalue the power of knowinghow to evaluate the power of food-chain consciousness.Do not be put to sleep by platitudes or niceties. You are always beinglooked at in terms of use, and use means consumption. Thus, always beprepared to learn new methods of food chain evaluation. To do this you willhave to lose, at least for a while, much more than you will win. One of thesecrets in this area is learning how to disguise your scent with marinades.The Master trusts everyone—that is, he trusts everyone to be human. Nomatter what disguise each and every person puts on, they are out for theirown perception of their best interests—which includes their own self-destruction.

Almost everyone denies that self-destruction is one of their primary goals,but no matter how much they deny it, they practice it. Self-destructionmakes way for new, and possibly more interesting life forms, but it alsoallows people to cope with their own feelings of helplessness.Everyone feels helpless in one way or another. There is no way out of it,except to destroy yourself.Self-destruction is control, and some control, no matter how painful itmight seem, is better than no control at all.


Most so-called insane people are nothing more than bad control junkies.So are most drunks and addicts.They are very aware of how little control they have except, however, tonumb themselves, create artificial delusions of grandeur and, finally, todestroy themselves. And, in the process, cause pain to the world which“refused” them.This feeling exists only in their own imagination. I have known a numberof people who attempted suicide and one of their prime fantasies is watchingothers cry over them and hate themselves for the way they treated the poor,dead martyr.If you were there and could have overheard some of these inadequatecontrol junkies, you would have laughed yourself silly. And, frankly, Iwouldn’t be surprised that some of them, after hearing your laughter, wouldgo right out and try it again.

In the process of understanding the food chain, it is imperative to keep inmind the kind of diet you prefer. Some Toxick Magicians like different types of subjects to manipulate than do others. For example, some likewomen while others prefer men. (I, for one, like to help women get whatthey want.)However, it is imperative to keep in mind that since Toxick Vampirism ishighly sophisticated and intricate, it is important to know that somePractitioners go on particular types of diets before they attempt certainmanipulations or activities (e.g., rituals).Knowing what types of people to “consume” and when to “consume” themcan be highly effective in determining the success or failure of a specificventure.

Another way to understand this issue is based on the metaphor of meat-eaters and vegetarians.Under certain circumstances a meat-eater must go on a vegetarian diet inorder to heal an illness or lose weight. The same holds true with Toxick Magick. Certain psychic diets (which, in this case, means the consumptionof the energy of certain types of people), is necessary before embarking on aparticular experiment or project.Eat the psychic food of others which best suits your temperament and thetemperament of your operation. If you are going to try a magical operationwhich requires immense strength, you might try controlling someone youhave never controlled before. However, if you fail you might find that youwill need to wait a while before you have enough strength to try again. Becareful not to overindulge or overdo it.

Draining people of energy can sometimes have a rebound effect,particularly if you can’t stomach the results. It is like buying a puppy dogand feeling possessed by its following you around all the time. You mighthave been better off with a cat or a snake. Be careful of what you want,particularly if you do not know how to balance the operation.The balance of any operation counts on the mixture of ingredients whichgoes into making up the whole meal. And, for some people, looking at aritual as if it were the preparation of a fine meal is an excellent device toguarantee a successful operation.Sometimes a meal which appears out of balance (such as an all meat diet),may be the exact thing for the forces which you plan to deal with.Sometimes alcohol or other substances can backfire on a operation whichrequires focused, conscious thought, while at other times alcohol may beexactly the right ingredient to make the operation a success.


Regardless of what you decide on “eating,” both psychically andphysically, normally overindulgence will not prove to be useful. In fact, fewoperations which concern money, sex, or power benefit fromoverindulgence.If you feel that overindulgence is necessary, wait until the operation iscompleted. The higher powers and forces sometimes appreciate a great feastafterwards both to signify your commitment to them and to feed a particularentity.

This issue brings up a very important point. You must reward entitieswhich assist you and punish entities which either harm or interfere with yourwork.When you are evaluating someone on the food chain, it is important to takeinto account the quality of their brain and the beauty or ugliness of theirbody.Extracting energy from dull-witted or very ugly people, while still energy,can cause psychic indigestion. This idea follows from the old axiom: “Becareful who you hang out with, you might become like them.”This fact is often ignored, not only in the simple day-to-day operationsbetween people, but in the area of Toxick Magick. Although a Master cannormally offset this effect, most apprentices are not yet strong enough toaccomplish this, particularly if they are surrounded y parasites anddefeatists.Under these conditions, it is best to stay away from these people,especially if there are too many of them gathered in a single place. On theother hand, if there are a few, simply take control of them.

Do not allow them to influence you. Build a shield around them first and,if that doesn’t work, get away. But don’t build a constant shield aroundyourself because it might inhibit other work which you might be doing.Personal shield building is only necessary under certain conditions.Since the power of the Practitioner is a function of both natural superiorityand intense practice, it is important to choose the right times and places forpractice, as well as the right victims for your operations.

As more people find that they are innately Toxick, some competition willtend to break out between practitioners. This is natural since, at this time inour history, more people are being born with the talent of manipulatingdarkness and participating in the destruction of normal humans.I often feel overjoyed when I find out that some worn-out impediment toour futures—and the futures of the developing life forms—has beendestroyed, or has become so rigid that its own operating system is failing.For example, consider the effects of ever-increasing over-population. Fornormal people this is a worry because of the drain of resources. For theToxick Magician it is a joy, particularly because it is a drain of resources.He scoffs at such notions or problems. Every problem is simply anopportunity to fuel the feeding frenzy.

Groups that hate each other and wish to destroy each other are simply toolsfor the Manipulator.For example, the periodic “Satanic Scares,” witch hunts over organizedchild abuse, and all TV media-events are viewed first as jokes and then asproof that this particular species has reached the end of its utility.The species is simply a resource for the latent, hidden viruses of thisplanet—much as this planet may be a resource for another planet.The entire process is a food chain which the Master actively supports andutilizes for his comfort and fun. He knows that everything is part of theproblem and that there are no solutions from a conventional point of view.He knows that millions die daily and millions are born to take their place.He knows that the planet is alive as a stomach is alive—it digestseverything.


The Manipulator always contributes to the problem even when he givesmillions of dollars to charity. He knows that each mini-solution will lead toa greater and bigger problem in the long run. He knows that a vaccinewhich will save lives will, in the long run, actually destroy more lives or letthe wrong people die and the wrong people live.Few people have the strength and fortitude to stare directly into the eyes of the future forms which are preparing to take our place. Few can stand theface of the superman. Few can bear the horrors that await and no one can stop them. Every law enacted is just another nail in the coffin, and to watchthe true believer suffer and be tortured is a great joy. It feeds you.

It is important to have a number of separate, independent, and differentfood sources to feed and maintain you, depending on your ever-changingneeds.For example, I engage in “friendships” and dialogues with people whonormally would hate each other, but who I use for sustenance andenthusiasm.

Both Satanic cults and Christian fundamentalists are closer to seeing thetruth than most normal people.Something is going on, but it’s not what they think. The Beast is staringout from each pair of eyes you see. Each glance in the mirror is the story of this world—and the Toxick Magician loves mirrors. Each time he sees hisface, he sees the self-destroying power of the species and the planet. This ishis true freedom, which transcends any cult and any cult hero.He knows that each person suffers silently and secretly and each person isconstantly making up stories to hide his own hideousness from himself andothers.He has the strength and fortitude to face the Void and see the Beast deepwithin, eating its way out.He knows that flesh is mostly for pain—that pleasure is more fleeting andpain is more enduring. He laughs into the Cosmic Belly of Hell as the Beastconsumes him.Every time people have children the Toxick Magician is overjoyed, for heknows that within this little bundle is suffering, death and destruction. He isoverjoyed with hope that each little bundle contains the seed of the nextmonster.

Every human life form is totally and completely occupied with itself.Even if you appear to be the center of someone else’s activities, it is stillthe person and his preoccupations which are the real center. Never forgetthis, no matter how interested someone seems in you.They are interested in how you fit—or might fit—into their food chain.Never be fooled by people who sacrifice themselves for you. Without theirso-called sacrifice, they would be isolated, depressed or feel utter emptiness.

Self-sacrifice is an addiction. Self-sacrificers are often closet- or ex-morphine addicts. I can’t tell you how many addictions are prevented and/or“cured” through substitutions. The number would certainly be startling tomost people.The idea of “for someone else’s good” is patently absurd, even if thevictim receives benefit. People constantly confuse results with motive and itis much more comforting to ascribe mystical and altruistic motivations toevents than to accept them as magical acts of will (the Merlin phenomenon),or random consequences of complex interaction neucoid-correlationmatrices.


If you place twelve people together in a room, certain unpredictableoutcomes have to occur. This is true even if you limit the interests of thedozen to preparing and sharing food.Every human, while occupied with themselves, desires to get away fromthemselves and play “follow the leader.” Follow the leader is not alwaysnoticeable in every area of a person’s life, but the desire to follow mustexpress itself somewhere in a person’s life.Masters have learned how to use this instinct in themselves and in others.They can imitate others and reflect those qualities which the person lovesand admires in themselves. The expert can always spot the areas in which aperson wants to follow or be dependent. Once this information is properlyassimilated into the Toxick Magician’s neucoid-correlation matrix, theMagician begins to close in.He becomes more capable than ever of consuming the energies andresources of that person. So, if you are strong enough, remember that no onereally likes you. What they like is how you make them feel and how wellyou fit into their resource scheme.

If a Manipulator does something for someone, he never allows himself tobe totally repaid. He always wants an edge. However, he always allows hisvictim to repay him to a certain degree lest the victim turn into an enemy.People are always keeping count of what they owe and what is owed tothem. Few people are capable of simply taking without its finally having adevastating effect on their personality. However, there are some who areexpert at it.I personally know of three, but even in these cases there are occasionalpaybacks which seem to have a random quality. None of these three areToxick Magicians. In fact, they are excellent examples of altruists andmartyrs who mostly sneak their pleasures behind closed doors and always atthe expense of everyone they know—while, all the time, claiming innocenceand ignorance.One of these even chastises himself for not understanding the ways of theworld while he insidiously manipulates everyone to conform to his viewsand give him what he wants.But he is not a Toxick Magician. He doesn’t help people destroythemselves by helping them get what they want, nor is he concerned withadvancing himself in any real-world terms. He lives totally in hisimagination and is an ideal victim for any good Practitioner. I have beenutilizing his energy for years and he is still going strong.

Do not forget that helpful behavior is often nothing more than the attemptto build points for future security. While it might be natural for such aperson to give, at the same time he is giving he is also accumulating pointswhich, sooner or later, will be collected.The collection process can even be displaced—that is, collected fromsomeone who doesn’t owe that person a thing. This is often caused byfrustration which leads to depression or aggression. Neither state can betolerated for too long, so the results of the frustration build and find releasein sado-masochistic activities which include extracting points from anyvictim.Note that I didn’t say innocent victim, for no one alive is innocent.Everyone is involved in accumulating points and surviving. Thus, every actof survival is an act of destruction. Every breath destroys universes. We areall murderers.These sado-masochistic acts include punishments dealt out both uponothers and upon oneself. But even if a person simply punishes himself, hispitiful sight is punishment for all those around him.

If he wishes to be helpful, his best bet is to commit suicide—unless, of course, he learns how to be a Toxick Magician and uses his natural self-destructive habits in a more effective and satisfying fashion.If you ever have to use force to get what you want, be prepared foranything. Unless you are completely assured that you can destroy the otherperson completely and with impunity, do not use physical force or the threatof physical force to get what you want. Even if you receive what you want,you will have made a potential enemy.There are exceptions. The threat of force may be necessary from time totime with certain schizoid, masochistic types who feel highly anxious unlessthey feel completely controlled. It will even be necessary to use actual forcefrom time to time to keep such a person from going off the deep end. In thissense you might consider yourself a lifesaver.


The disparity coefficient between Toxick Magicians and regular people isenormous, and this disparity is easily observable even among Practitioners.The disparity coefficient is a number derived by complex mathematicswhich tells us the difference between how a person lives (observed behavior)and how he ought to live if he wishes to benefit himself and the planet as awhole. Thus, the disparity coefficient can tell us whether or not someone is a Toxick Magician and then tell us how good a Practitioner he is.A good Manipulator is like a farmer with many fields. At any time he is invarious stages of planting, reaping, sowing, and allowing the land to rest.This is a very important model—although some prefer the hunter-gatherermodel. I, for one, use and combine both. To be a stalker and a gatherer anda farmer is, in my view, an ideal formula for proper operation.Unfortunately, however, I learned some of my skills too late in life to takefull benefit of them.

As is so often said by psychologists and philosophers, humans go througha protracted period of “maturation” when compared to other species. Thislengthy period of being a child and under the thumb of various authoritiesmakes the human a prime candidate for re-instituting the infantilizingprocess during any period of is life.For example, consider most people’s response to the Toxick Platitude:“Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.” They nod theirhead knowingly, and smile because an authority has endorsed as brilliancewhat they had always thought was shame.Most forms of learning, teaching and punishment are nothing more thanforcing infantile and childish roles upon others.

Most of the modern health profession is pervaded by this technique of infantilizing the “patient.” It is especially common among physicians,dentists and psychotherapists.The most adept of these might be called “terrorist doctors.”They are commonly found, for example, among the majority of gynecologists (who get a thrill from terrorizing women into signing off onunnecessary hysterectomies) and cardiologists who routinely stampede theirvictims into unnecessary, useless and dangerous invasive procedures which“must be done immediately or you could die at any moment.” (This latter group has been so successful that the “zipper,” which characterizes openheart surgery, has become a status symbol.)Most psychotherapists, of course, have always treated their “patients’ asinfants. As the field has driven out the few good therapists in favor of themediocrity of the “housewife therapist,” the opportunity for infantilizationhas expanded dramatically. Witness the self-righteousness, witch-huntmentality of “adult survivors of child abuse” and the stylishness of MultiplePersonality Disorder.

One of the key factors in understanding why people are so pathetic is that,during the infantile stage of development, they “come to constant erroneousconclusions” as to “what causes what.”In other words, they learn erroneous negotiation strategies right from thevery beginning and come up with conclusions about themselves, the world,and their interconnections which they continue to use and be victims of untilthey are buried alive.The reason they survive at all is because of “slop” (i.e., most people havethe same wrong conclusions).Building upon wrong conclusions leads to habits which, once ingrained,are difficult if not impossible to break. People’s minds become calcified.They blindly proceed through their lives, deceiving themselves andrepressing the immense spite they have accumulated over all the years forcontinuously being treated like children.

If this is not bad enough, all humans have a collection of traumas and havelearned to carry around a backpack of anxieties.I have often said of the human that he suffers from an auto-immunedisease. He desires oblivion while at the same time loathing the idea of losing control and his occasional feelings of integrity.He can’t tolerate his condition, but has no way out short of self-destruction. For man, Life is a blind assembly line. Each person thinks he isfree while secretly living out the fantasies of his DNA.His needs and resentments are so intense that annihilation throughsymbolic means is often his only option. He can’t flee and he sees no one inparticular to fight. Thus the need for symbolic substitutions such asmasochism, depression, war, enemies, and so forth.For example, there are wars on drugs, fruit flies, border invasions (illegalaliens) and even the occasional revolution.


Should I go on?



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>The public in general has no concern as to who is a Manipulator. Thepublic is only concerned with petty criminals who might affect their pettylittle lives directly. This is why so many white collar criminals go free orget minimal sentences and some of the most hideous crimes either go totallyunnoticed or are applauded as greatness.For example, the “great” Hawaiian king Kamehameha I is considered“great” because he “unified the Islands”—by pushing thousands of his“enemies” off cliffs.Similarly, consider the Christian fight against evil in Europe—which wasfinally victorious when all of the “witches” were burned.


There is no therapy for the human condition as death, decay, disease,detention, and dementia always force themselves on this pitiful creature inone form or another.One solution to man’s pitiful condition of dependency and vulnerability is narcissism .Buried somewhere in every person are delusions of grandiosity andperfection and a desire to be admired. Although the direct expression of these feelings are not allowed (except through acceptable means), they arethe basis by which the human being survives his dead-end condition.No matter what happens, each person holds on to these delusions; withoutthem he would die. The Toxic Magician is quite aware of these complexdynamics and uses them for all they’re worth.

All governments (some might assert that I should have said “authoritarian”governments, but this is, in fact, a redundant notion) count on “their”“citizens” to respond in typical infantile fashion. This includes identifyingunconsciously with a more powerful force even if this force enslaves,brutalizes and humiliates you. For most people, slavery is freedom.Thus, democracy is nothing but a ruse to hide the power and force of thistechnique. Adolph Hitler was an expert in its use. He knew that the GermanPeople wanted to be children with a strong magical father to care for them.However, the German people, like any other group of people, would havefelt offended if their nose was rubbed in what they had to become in order toget what they believed they wanted.The chronic process of making—and being made—the child is a techniqueat which every bureaucrat and government official is adept. This isfundamentally how the police operate. The Master is an expert in this area.This is particularly true when others attempt to make the MasterPractitioner into a child. He knows how to let others think they areaccomplishing their ends and, as they relax and expose themselves, theMaster can strike—if he so chooses.However, more often than not, the Toxick Magician will save theinformation he has gained by letting others make him into a child and thenuse it at the most appropriate times.The method of reducing everyone to a child is primary for this species andpervades this planet. All life forms have the means to turn every situationinto a potentially “infantilizing” one.The Toxick Magician is conscious that a boomerang effect can occur whensomeone is made aware that they have to play a childlike role in order to getwhat they want.


Unlike most people, the Manipulator knows how not to use his authority toexcess. No act of intimidation is free of a price and the price for playing onthe needs of adults to be children can be two-fold—sabotage anddependence. Often, both occur at the same time.The Practitioner is well aware of what types of people will respond withwhat reaction. Sabotage is the most common method. Often this takes theform of passive-aggressive behavior. We note this often in the Americanfactory when workers sabotage the company’s profit because they resent therole of being told what to do. The worker, of course, carries this home to hisfamily where he has the opportunity to brutalize his wife and she has theopportunity to brutalize the children and the children have the opportunity tobrutalize the pets. This is the essence of the nuclear family.The entire structure of the world is a food chain of infantilizing. Everyonegets to play adult and child in various situations and many people relish anyminor role of authority so they can get even.One way of counteracting rebellious employees is in giving them theopportunity to infantilize someone else or to act in some role of authority.At one time suggestion boxes served this function. However, employersmust continually come up with other techniques because employees have away of finding out how seriously they are taken.Most people perform so poorly in the role of adult that they rarely getcomplete satisfaction from this process. They are so contaminated by theirinfantile roles that they overreact or underreact in the role of authority. TheToxick Magician is well aware of these failures and is aptly capable of taking advantage of them.Normal people search out situations where they can be the king. Thisincludes hobbies, developing special talents or useless knowledge,addictions, the angry or bitchy shopper, the irate tenant, bossy or crankyeaters, joining political groups, developing sever psychological symptoms,and other normative activities.Some people are so desperate to be the King that they allow themselves tobe severely tortured and humiliated. Even when they are on their knees, intheir mind they believe they are controlling the person who is hurting themand this is what ultimately provides them with satisfaction. Other types havelearned how to yell and throw adult temper tantrums to make others feelsmall and childlike. The Practitioner should know how to handle each of these situations to his satisfaction.

One technique that the Toxick Magician uses is making something look harder than it is.Universities constantly use this ploy and the longer people live the moredifficult things will have to be made. So, instead of taking three years tolearn a skill which should have only taken one year, it will now take fiveyears.Making things look harder and taking more time allows for betterindoctrination and control of the victim who wishes to have a better life forhimself by getting the sanction of certain groups.Most people want to be Certified by someone greater than themselves.The idea of having a life without some form of Certificate will become moreand more terrifying as the beast becomes more complex and begins to fallapart. This is when the Manipulator begins to shine. He is always best at—“fall apart.”

The Practitioner knows how to hold out the Right Carrot and to create justthe right amount of difficulty and humiliation to make an ally out of apotential enemy.He knows how to get the victim to identify with his causes and his needsand to make him grateful for all the misery he has been caused.The victim now becomes a true believer as the Toxick Magicianmanipulates the parameters of fear, failure, reward, punishment and successin just the right fashion.He knows that people have no direct access to truth, nor do they have theability to find out what truth is.


Instead they have religions, superstitions, degrees, certificates, test scores,badges, passports, licenses, and, of course, good old-fashioned ancestorworship.These all have in common the worship of authority and power which thecommon man attempts to manipulate through gestures (i.e., obsessions),hopes beliefs and structured living.For example, she gets her college degree; gets married (which in turnunrolls an entire subset of additional obsessions such as making babies,attending school functions, arranging baptisms, buying houses and selectingfurniture); getting a job (which provides its own subset of obsessions such as buying a car, being preoccupied with taxes, looking forward to holidays andvacations, attending office parties, working to improve social status,preparing for retirement); retirement (which brings preoccupation withdiseases, leisure, and grandchildren); and—finally—death.The truly funny thing about all of this, is that each and every person thinksthat he is deciding and controlling these activities intentionally andconsciously and that they are unique in the history of the world .In reality, anyone with an ounce of awareness knows that these activitiesare common, banal, trite, vacuous, insignificant, boring and ridiculous—andmake for great sport for the Manipulator.He will often make believe that he takes these things seriously as hedisrupts these “unique” social patterns.For example, he can have a good laugh over someone’s mother having hervaricose veins stripped or John getting caught having an affair or that Billhas just been diagnosed with manic-depressive psychosis.The normal man can be defined by his repetitive routines. He takesvacations every year—some even take them at the same place every year.He performs certain behaviors and avoids others on certain days of the week.Humans only have a small set of events to look forward to. How manyChristmas’ can you tolerate!!If a man sat alone, bought nothing, did nothing but had the physicalstrength to act, he would either destroy himself or everything about him.The fact that we measure time linearly while, at the same time, the daysrepeat endlessly until we die, attests to the reality of the human condition.Even the normal man knows, at some level, that all of this is meaninglessand empty. Some even respond to this condition by having a nervousbreakdown. The cure, however, is fascinating: few psychologists orpsychiatrists would propose that the patient climb Mt. Everest, sail across anocean, quit his job, divorce his wife or abandon his children.Instead almost all of them will provide the drug-of-the-moment and helpthe poor schnook return to the very routines which drove him mad to beginwith. Understanding this is an incredibly powerful opportunity for the advanced Toxick Magician.


While human life appears intricate and human activity numerous for theaverage man, quite the opposite is true. The Toxick Magician knows how toclarify the habits and willingness of his victim in order to get him to respondto his own basic desires.He knows how to raise every need and desire to just the right pitch, makingthe victim more susceptible—even eager —to embrace his will. Each personis simply an instrument that the Manipulator plays.In addition, every Master knows how to mis-direct his activities and usethe mis-directions of his victim.Every victim has numerous explanations to make beautiful and individualhis automated and fearful behaviors. Every victim has platitudes andmoralisms to hide his greed, envy and jealousy. And every victim has amorass of rationalizations and denial mechanisms to mask the numerous sinsthat keep him living in perpetual shame and guilt. Thus, the Toxick Magician knows that each person is already well-controlled (habituated andritualized) and all that is needed is the right push here or there to create thedesired effect.Every human is a heap of convictions which he uses to assure himself thathe exists as a “real” “individual.” In fact, this heap of convictions is theentire content of this bag of flesh called the common man, particularly whenit is in the presence of others. He babbles on, spouting a fetid, green slimeof nonsense syllables which constitute all that he “thinks” and “values”about what should be and what shouldn’t be.The victim’s first goal is impress upon others his boundaries of individuality on which, if someone happens to trespass, unpleasantconsequences might ensue. This is simply the posturing of the insecurewhose convictions are nothing more than platitudes and “divine” revelationsindoctrinated during childhood.The Manipulator has no need to express his convictions—unless it serveshis purpose to control and create effects.For example, he might express the opinion that he doesn’t “believe inwelfare” while all the time letting others know how much he gives tocharity. Doing this allows others to think they have discovered whosomeone “really is” (i.e., how they really work). Letting others discoverwho they think you are is much better than telling them. People tend tointensively believe what they find out for themselves, particularly if theythink you have been hiding something from them.


The Toxick Magician is well aware how important it is to let othersdiscover things for themselves. He accomplishes this by leaving clues andestablishing puzzles and simple contradictions which others can easily solvefor themselves.He knows that each person is a detective, albeit a bad one, but a detectivenonetheless. As people get to know one another, “great discoveries” by thevictim dispel the distrust everyone fundamentally feels toward each other.Subtly or unconsciously each person knows he is playing a role. Thus,discovering the “truth” for himself helps the person give the Manipulatormore control than intended.It is important to be aware that, secretly, everyone wants to be controlled—but in a way which is acceptable to them. Everyone wants to give awaywhat they have—along with all the associated responsibility—as long as it isdone in a way which appears respectable to them. After all, they must keeptheir illusion of pride—which consists of fearfulness and willfulness. Thesetwo factors are often combined in ways that make people appear morecomplex than they really are.People are not complex and the good Toxick Magician keeps this in mind,while at the same time giving the opposite impression to everyone heengages. He makes everyone feel unique and complex and pretends to taketheir troubles to heart.

The more the Practitioner hangs out with the common people, the more heunderstands the cues which they use to make decisions of trust and theirwillingness to surrender control. Remember, to be in control is frequentlypainful for most people.This requires that the Manipulator hang out with groups from varioussocial strata in order to learn their cues. This may even mean loweringoneself to a level which normally would be unacceptable. In fact, doing thisfrom time to time is good training, and giving charity and alms to those onefinds the most disgusting is a very good technique for building the necessarycharacter to deal with more powerful and dangerous encounters which aresure to occur in an active career.

The Toxick Magician understands how pride works. He knows that if people are forced to lower themselves unwillingly , there will be hell to payat a later date.Some people thrive on making people lower themselves and giving in. Infact, making people give in is good practice of what not to do. Help peopledecide for themselves to help themselves by giving in to you. This is themost subtle and powerful form of control. Always first help people to helpthemselves. If this doesn’t work, more aggressive steps are necessary.However, even at the last moment, be mean in a good spirit. Always show asense of good spirit no matter what you are doing.For practice, it can be useful to push people’s convictions to the breakingpoint. If you attempt this experiment, be sure a good rapport has beendeveloped between you and the victim. Be sure a good flow of energy hasbeen induced and you have the strength and the vigor to control yourself from making unnecessary emotional outbursts. Remember, your goal is toget the victim to lose control over the irrationality or stupidity of his belief.Before performing this activity, however, first take dancing lessons.Dancing through the mind of a person is very similar to dancing with yourfeet. If you can’t take lessons, go to places where people dance and learn towatch them.Also learn to watch people while they are drunk. In fact it is a good idea toget drunk yourself at least once a month. This will give you the opportunityto see how much you are improving in self-control.


When helping people to lose control, learn how to help them save face.Saving face is very important. I suggest learning this habit by almostbringing a person to their knees, and then giving them a reprieve.For example, if you gain a minor concession from someone, appear toreconsider what they said for a moment or two, and then tell them that theyhave a good point. However, remember that you have raised their level of arousal and tension and this may be an opportune time to get them to give into another issue which has nothing to do with your present situation.It is extremely important to know how to manipulate another person’stension level and, as with many things, timing is everything. Learning howto approach people when they are unduly tense or relaxed is an excellentway to get what you want.

The picture of the human condition and the Toxick Magician’s means andmethods for manipulating it to his ends may not sound romantic to many—except, of course, to the Toxick Magician whose sole purpose is to explore,exploit and control the conditions of life.The fact that he attempts to turn the mundane into an adventure is hisprimary badge of honor. If a normal person reads this material or tries themethods described herein, instead of a badge of honor he will be wearing abadge of horror.

The power and force of the influence of the Practitioner can be augmentedin various ways. First and foremost, practice makes perfect. This impliesthat there will be many so-called “failures” which provide the necessarylessons of how to present and preserve oneself during a failure.Another way of increasing power is through alignment with otherManipulators who have similar aims and goals.It is also sometimes useful to help another Toxick Magician accomplish hisown particular end even if you do not directly benefit from it. In theseconditions, you will have the opportunity to observe from a different anglethe operations of another Practitioner (and perhaps even of a Master!)Third, it is also useful from time to time to surround yourself with manydisciples from whom you can drain resources and energy.This tactic is especially fun if you know the dynamics among the people inyour group. If you know each of their vulnerabilities and strengths and howthe other members play them, you can drain off greater power which youwill need when you find yourself in extreme and dangerous circumstances.And do not doubt it, you will find yourself in extreme and dangerouscircumstances from time to time and you will need every trick in the book towin or even survive.

As you practice “failure” and note your own reactions (particularly feelingsof smallness and humiliation), you will begin to find ways of turning thesefeelings into healthy and free reactions. You will also learn how to use thesereactions to cause severe pain in your adversaries. Remember, someadversaries will also try to reverse your power and escape from your control.The means which they use to accomplish this will give you deeper insightinto their needs and most secret desires.


Once you sense that you have gained an insight into their secrets, offerthem some aspect of it in a way which will not offend them or make themlook small. Once they accept your offer they are yours—unless, of course,they too are true Toxick Magicians. If this is the case, back off until youfind out more or make a psychological alliance.

So far, the objective of practicing Toxick Magick is to provide relief fromlife for your subject, thereby assuring yourself adventure and resources.The more often you can relieve people from responsibility in a way theycan accept, the more likely they will allow you to drain them. Often theywill come directly to you for draining or punishment.These are often opportune times to refuse them. This allows you to buildconfidence in yourself and a greater sense of slavery in your victim.Fail them from time to time. Make them work harder, even humiliatethemselves in some fashion, and then show them some respect and love.Sooner rather than later they will be eating out of your hand.Remember, always be sure to give relief at some time. Allowing tension toremain for too long a period of time can damage your resource. Relief, evenif it comes through humiliation, is welcomed.

It is important to reinforce the idea that the Toxick Magician is not thecause of human suffering. Human suffering is the norm . Being numb to thedepth of this suffering is normal. Being unaware of the stupidity of life is anecessary defense for the survival of this particular species.The Manipulator is fully aware that anyone who accepts and adapts to thisstupidity is not a member of the futures to come and is nothing more than abreeding machine for more slaves.The Practitioner didn’t invent the human condition. He is only takingadvantage of it by helping others get what they want. The human conditionis simply slavery—a repetition of species behavior from one generation tothe next. The difference between humans and other organisms is that thereappear to be more wild card possibilities—and this includes the completeannihilation of the species.

The Toxick Magician accepts these fundamentals and doesn’t lament.Instead he helps the species to replace itself with something better,something more flexible, something stronger, something immortal.This will require the death of billions of people and/or the leaving of thisparticular planet. Whatever it takes, the Practitioner is constantly preparinghimself both in attitude and information. However, he is not fooled likesome by man’s inventions or cleverness in certain areas.

He is completely aware that man uses all his inventions to further hisprimitive nature and that to wait for evolution to catch up is pure folly.He attempts to force life to speed up the process of evolution—even if itcosts him his own life—but he only does this out of choice.Toxick Magick is focused magic, and the Toxick Magician saturates thewound called mankind with his own vitality.He obtains this vitality by consuming the energy which others are morethan willing to “give” away. They don’t want it—it is too much for themand the Manipulator knows just the right means for gathering in this “food”and digesting it. He knows just the right temperature to store it and, best of all, he knows just how to prepare it, to make it a joyous and delightful meal.He knows that the easiest method for gathering in this energy is to helppeople continue to delude themselves, to help them get what they think theywant.


Once you sense that you have gained an insight into their secrets, offerthem some aspect of it in a way which will not offend them or make themlook small. Once they accept your offer they are yours—unless, of course,they too are true Toxick Magicians. If this is the case, back off until youfind out more or make a psychological alliance.

So far, the objective of practicing Toxick Magick is to provide relief fromlife for your subject, thereby assuring yourself adventure and resources.The more often you can relieve people from responsibility in a way theycan accept, the more likely they will allow you to drain them. Often theywill come directly to you for draining or punishment.These are often opportune times to refuse them. This allows you to buildconfidence in yourself and a greater sense of slavery in your victim.Fail them from time to time. Make them work harder, even humiliatethemselves in some fashion, and then show them some respect and love.Sooner rather than later they will be eating out of your hand.Remember, always be sure to give relief at some time. Allowing tension toremain for too long a period of time can damage your resource. Relief, evenif it comes through humiliation, is welcomed.

It is important to reinforce the idea that the Toxick Magician is not thecause of human suffering. Human suffering is the norm . Being numb to thedepth of this suffering is normal. Being unaware of the stupidity of life is anecessary defense for the survival of this particular species.The Manipulator is fully aware that anyone who accepts and adapts to thisstupidity is not a member of the futures to come and is nothing more than abreeding machine for more slaves.The Practitioner didn’t invent the human condition. He is only takingadvantage of it by helping others get what they want. The human conditionis simply slavery—a repetition of species behavior from one generation tothe next. The difference between humans and other organisms is that thereappear to be more wild card possibilities—and this includes the completeannihilation of the species.

The Toxick Magician accepts these fundamentals and doesn’t lament.Instead he helps the species to replace itself with something better,something more flexible, something stronger, something immortal.This will require the death of billions of people and/or the leaving of thisparticular planet. Whatever it takes, the Practitioner is constantly preparinghimself both in attitude and information. However, he is not fooled likesome by man’s inventions or cleverness in certain areas.

He is completely aware that man uses all his inventions to further hisprimitive nature and that to wait for evolution to catch up is pure folly.He attempts to force life to speed up the process of evolution—even if itcosts him his own life—but he only does this out of choice.Toxick Magick is focused magic, and the Toxick Magician saturates thewound called mankind with his own vitality.He obtains this vitality by consuming the energy which others are morethan willing to “give” away. They don’t want it—it is too much for themand the Manipulator knows just the right means for gathering in this “food”and digesting it. He knows just the right temperature to store it and, best of all, he knows just how to prepare it, to make it a joyous and delightful meal.He knows that the easiest method for gathering in this energy is to helppeople continue to delude themselves, to help them get what they think theywant.

Every once in a while, a Toxick Magician will run across someone who issomewhat aware of the truths of human existence. If this person has thefortitude and the willingness, the Practitioner can help this person to himself become a Toxick Magician.This is a particularly problematical exercise and commitment, and isfraught with dangers and difficulties. This exercise should only be taken onafter deep deliberation and testing of the subject. It is imperative that thesubject be tested in numerous ways.It is best if the subject is attractive in some sense, has some charisma andhas an above average IQ. Having some special talent is also a goodindication that the Manipulator’s time will not be wasted.But these are only preliminaries. Numerous tests must be passed and manyskills learned before the Practitioner can be assured that his subject isworthy.However, it is also very important to keep in mind the idea of circleswithin circles. Everyone is of some use, especially those who hate theToxick Magician. Everyone can’t become a member of the inner circle andthere is no harm in having many grades of practitioners.


The stronger and more knowledgeable the Toxick Magician, the greater thetasks he can successfully complete.For example, he is aware that he can stir people to chaotic behavior byconvincing them they are getting less than what they used to. He is alsoaware that by stimulating people to do more and more while giving themnothing, can lead them into states of depression and hopelessness. Also, heis acutely aware of the danger of hope in situations which have been veryoppressive.He uses these devices (among many others), to help people get what theyreally want: more for less.He pretends that he respects the rights of people and is interested in theirplights. Even though most people know that this is a ruse, they go alongwith the program because it is the line of least resistance and allows them toexpress some of their frustrations. This reduces the pain of their pent-updepression and aggression.

As a rule, people believe they have honor and a reputation to protect andthe Practitioner can manipulate their reactions by casting doubt on theirhonor or reputation. This can be done either by supporting or threateningthem. Often, casting doubt by the method of support has the most usefulbenefits.The Manipulator is always aware of how much self-delusion is takingplace when he is engaged in any conversation. He either helps the self-delusion along to the point that no one believes anyone any longer—thusending the conversation by switching the topic—or enhances the self-delusion just enough to inflate the person’s public value.People can’t help but exaggerate it to themselves. At the same time, theirself-importance is so fragile that the Toxick Magician must be aware of whatactivities or attitudes might deflate the potential victim.

The Manipulator is always ready to make some form of restitution for aperceived wrongdoing. Often a small apology is enough. At this point, it isoften useful to talk about other people in a derogatory or gossipy manner.Give the victim the sense that you are taking him into your “strictestconfidence.” Although there is some likelihood that you might not be fully believed, if the person about whom you are gossiping is in some waycompetitive with your victim, you will be doubly believed.Any type of gossip establishes bonds and, secondarily, alerts others thatthey, too, might be betrayed at a later date. Thus, the Practitioner alwaysuses gossip wisely. Often he will let the other person do the gossiping whilekeeping his mouth shut. Or he might say something which will be heard asgossip by his victim but which also has a double meaning which he caneasily twist around if later confronted.He is expert at lying and confounding information. Little slips and smalldistortions make for potentially great future power plays which, if wellorchestrated, will produce excellent results.


While people scream about the importance of social justice, it intereststhem little unless they are in some way harmed. In fact, the idea of social justice is something about which almost everyone is frightened.For most people, social justice would mean ruin since almost everyone haslied, stolen, distorted the truth, harmed others in insidious ways, and heldback favors out of selfishness, greed, or simple meanness. Thus, from timeto time, someone must be sacrificed to atone for and hide the sins of thegroup or even an individual.In cases like this, the Toxick Magician can persorm miracles. He can helpany group, no matter how small, to find a victim to blame and torment.By relieving the group of blame, he will often find them willing to providesmall favors which he should take as soon as they are offered. In someinstances, delaying the acceptance of a gift is the best thing to do, but not inthe case of scapegoating. People want to forget this petty part of themselvesas quickly as possible.If you do a favor for someone who sees himself as honorable andreputable, be sure to get paid well in advance. These people have a veryshort term memory when it comes to being associated with someone whomight make them look bad in the future.

The Practitioner is well aware that all people like to use reason and logic tohelp them follow and fulfill their whims. In practical terms, this meanstalking in moderation while always promising a miracle.

Since most people have been in a chronic state of hypnotic trance sincechildhood, it takes very little to keep them asleep. Thus, it is ideal topromise miracles which are associated with stimuli which remind them toforget the promise when the miracle fails to appear in the form expected.Miracles will always appear in unexpected ways which you can take creditfor.Of course, having a scapegoat is another means for dealing with failedmiracles. Still another method is to mention that no miracle will occur andthat more effort or hard work is needed for the desired result.But no matter what you do, a miracle is always expected. This fact isbased on a number of “natural laws,” the first of which is that no one hasexperienced their own creation, and life goes on no matter what happens.


All of this, and more, seems like miracles for which the Toxick Magicianknows how to take credit.It is easy to be a miracle worker. Just allow the obvious to happen. Sincemost people are in a hypnotic trance, if you can just see 10% of the obviousyou are a miracle worker. If you can see 25%, you are a God.People will always associate whatever precedes an event as the cause of the event. As such, always let your presence precede a happy occurrenceand always let someone else precede a painful one.

The Toxick Magician is well aware of the constant battle between aspectsof the same force: the desire for complete control and the desire for theunpredictable which brings about the necessary destabilization of the entirehuman structure.As the desire for predictability (control) increases, natural consequencesare automatically set in motion which lead to destabilization or Chaos.This process happens both cosmically and microscopically. This theorydoesn’t assume a simple linear process within this gigantic struggle, butinstead assumes multiple processes (which, from time to time, might includea simple linear process).In other words, the mathematical functions are multiple, and are sometimesinteractive and complex. This leads to inconsistent error when certainphenomena are forever interacting, and something may be on the verge of complete destruction (metamorphosis) while appearing completely stable atthe moment of observation.

Humans are control freaks. The Manipulator knows that, even strongerthan the reality of sex and food, is the desire to control sex and food.Once something comes under apparent control, the organism seeks tocontrol other events to the extent that it invents games and devices whichprovide the opportunity to play the control game.The Practitioner spends a good deal of time analyzing the peculiar way(s)in which people play their control game(s).The desire to control is so powerful that suicide and mass madness aresometimes the only things which will satisfy this desire.At other times, on a more individual level, people will force a collapse of personality so they can begin controlling small things—like “not drinkingfor the next minute”—to get the high of being in control.Sometimes control junkies are so involuted and play such strange controlgames that it appears that control is the last thing they desire. In fact, this isnot the case.Control is what they desire, even if they have to force someone else to takeup the cause for them. The Toxick Magician is an expert in helping peoplestabilize and de-stabilize. He knows just when to introject the necessaryforce to accomplish his end which is, of course, control


He helps people seek destruction and death to escape the tension of living.For most people, time is tension and the clock, with its tight spring “foreverunwinding,” is an ideal model. The tension unwinds until the clock stops.The Manipulator knows how to hold out hope. Hope allows the food onthe chain the illusion that time has not run out. However, hope can’t be usedcontinuously. Reality is just too much. Aging, death, pain, loss and fear are just too real and, sooner or later, the spring doesn’t wish to be wound upagain. But, in spite of this wish, the Toxick Magician may give it a wind ortwo anyway.Hope springs eternal and, just as the hope is coming to fruition, it isswallowed up by the monster of time.

The Practitioner doesn’t believe in the progress of human nature, nor doeshe believe in the progress of human behavior. The Toxick Magicianoperates on the premise that most people seek conflict, both internal andexternal, to the degree they can tolerate.Since most humans can’t tolerate too much inner conflict (tension)—as itmakes them too aware of time—they seek external causes and events tooccupy themselves. Thus, status quo is always defined in terms of the leveland type of conflict and tension a person can tolerate.For example, I met one man who was so fearful of losing what he hadgained, that he simply lost it and immediately felt better.

War serves this purpose as well. As long as conflict and tension can beidentified, man is “happy.” But as soon as they become covert orinternalized, an enemy must be created.Externalization is one of the best tactics a Toxick Magician can employonce he knows how to build internal tension in others without causing arebound effect.Build tension in others and help them find a scapegoat. Do this in smalland insignificant ways until you have the power and ability to move peopleto more gross and hideous behaviors.Help people realize how easy it is to lose the things they have or want.The trick in all of this is not to become identified as the bearer of badtidings—unless you are looking for people with a strong stomach.To learn better how to help people achieve the level of tension and conflictthey can tolerate, begin by learning how to assess other people’s moods.Once you are expert in this, learn how to manipulate their moods in simpleways.


To be continued later…


Remember to use your space bar next time fuckwad



The text is fucked and I'm already using a join-lines function just to get repair it enough that it doesn't look something like this:

The text is fuckedand


already using a join-lines

function just to getrepair it enough


it doesn't looksomething

like this…

Going in there and fixing all the instances of two words being combined together is a lot of work.




…because people are more likely to read it if I'm just posting the text bit-by-bit then if you do that and ruin the ruse.



what is this nihilistic crap


File: 1442678650181.jpg (101.46 KB, 392x500, 98:125, 3508439399_fab030ceed.jpg)

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