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File: 1432529285618.jpg (4.7 KB, 225x225, 1:1, smoke weed hail satan.jpg)


So I took my oath to Satan a while back, and tonight I tried to summon Pheonix, one of his demons. It went well for my first time I thing, the incense began shooting smoke straight upwards after I said the prayer the second time and I believe I felt the faint touch of his hand on my right hand.

Any experiences with Father Satan and his demons from you guys?


Did you even meet Satan before you decided to make an oath to him like some blind idiot?

>Any experiences with Father Satan and his demons from you guys?

Yeah I met him briefly him before and he wanted to recruit me but he was giving me really bad vibes so I'm holding back on his offer.


How did you get recruited?

How do you get recruited?





sage isn't a downvote



>How did you get recruited?

I rejected/post-poned the offer.

>How do you get recruited?

Well the first step is to reach a level of development where your astral senses are fully open and you're in resonance with the dark energies Satan likes to manifest through. Then he may just come of his own accord.


ProTip: Satan respects those who work with him rather than slave for him.

If blindly pledge yourself to him he'll use you like a disposable pawn.

If you just associate with him and maintain your independence then you will be able to do more and learn more with Satan's help.


Digging the Petrine Cross :v)


OP here, I was in a bad place in life and needed some sense of purpose, I'm still training mentally to achieve more sensitivity towards the astral plane, other dimensions, ect.


I suppose you are right, What is your position on him?


So I dunno but one of you guys can tell me.

>Some one said to me that you could summon beings into objetcs.

>I've heard someone saying certain beings liked moonlight

>It was full moon

>Took a iron ball put it in my hand while looking at the moon

>Lit a cigarette and also held it in the same hand

>Eventually the cigarette started to burn like crazy like someone was smoking it in one drag

>Decide this is weird and stop

>Spend the rest of the night hearings cats up on the roof making weird noises

>Strange vibe

>Go eat breakfast outside when the sun is up

>Black cats everywhere

Dunno if that's something but it did happen.




You now have a DemonBallTM.

Throw it at your enemies and watch them die horrible and painful deaths!



Your path is a cursed one and will lead to the inevitable doom of your soul unless you repent. May Jesus help you.

t. >>>/goodchristian/



I keked. Sounds like an animu storyline. But seriously I would like to know what happened. That is one of the reasons why I'm studying and on /fringe/.



>I suppose you are right, What is your position on him?

I'm open to further meetings I guess but he has to cut out with that bad vibes nonsense. I feel like I'm in great danger just being around him.

You can find purpose and whatever else while avoiding famous entities you know. As a general rule it's always best to avoid any entity that is well known. If they come to you of their own accord, so be it, but you mostly want to just associate with random unheard of entities you meet via the astral.



i have a similar ball story

>find dark magnetic ball inside the pocket of a jacket i bought at the thrift store

>poles look extremely worn out, making it an oval shape

>keep it thinking its cool

>become increasingly drawn to it

>sleep with it nearby

>carry it with me all the time, play with it in my hand whenever they arent doing something else

>begin to consider the ball magical or special in some way

>friend gets sick and goes to hospital, gets put in short coma so her body can heal

>mom is home alone, wakes up from nap and can hardly breathe

>too short of breath to reach the door

she doesnt have a cell phone

>step dad comes home for lunch and takes her to hospital

>begin to feel weird about the ball

>cant sleep with it near me

>decide i should get rid of the ball, if its not magic then it wont matter

>the very same day my friend is woken up from coma by the doctor

>a couple days later mom is released from hospital

im very skeptical about everything, even things i find to be true, but that was too much coincidence at the same time for me not to take note of it



Humm.. I got mine from a truck's ball bearing. It is about the size of one of those balls they used in computer mouses ages ago. There was actually a point in which I walked with the ball everywhere, even used it for "time reading". But ever since that incident I mostly just leave it at home. I dunno what to do with it, so I find it best to do nothing. Sometimes however I leave it sun bathing together with my crystals. Also when it falls on the floor it makes a loud dry noise that everyone around stops to look at.


try to talk to it

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