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Esoteric Wizardry


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 No.410[Last 50 Posts]

Continuation of this thread: https://freedomboard.kirara.ca/fringe/res/15641.html

1) Pledge an amount of time. Preferably a number of weeks. Post it in this thread.
2) If you break your pledge, you must also confess your transgression in this thread.
3) If you keep your pledge you may reward yourself… with more time pledged!
4) For purposes of this thread, "masturbation" is defined as touching your genitals for purposes other than basic hygiene and expulsion of wastes.

For those of you who have entirely transcended physical sex but who use succubus and so on you can also make pledges here to control your sexual thoughts and try not to evoke or meet any entities to have sex with.

Remade the thread since the last one was very popular and hit the bump limit and many of you want use your generative powers for a higher purpose than mere wasted moments of hedonism.

Post any techniques for the transformation and proper use of sexual energy here also.

Personally I feel that stage one should be to completely stop with touching or physical stimulation of sexual energy and learning to take that desire and drive and focus it mentally into thoughtforms. If you are going to entertain lustful ideas at least don't be a silly mundane about it when you could be using thoughtforce to telekinetically get yourself off or something similar. Straight up fapping is for mundanes.


There is also the /celibacy/ board.


No need to fracture things so much, you guys can host your celibacy talks here.


I pledge that I will abstain from masturbation for the next 3 weeks. On the final day, I will choose to either renew or end my pledge.


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Yes, there is >>>/celibacy/ for those on the quest.

I realize this is fracturing but, there is currently no celibacy forums that are worth going to. I want to see if we can get one going and build a celibacy culture around the board to support many people on the path.

If not, it will be deleted soon and we'll confine ourselves to one thread.


How do I stop masturbating? I literally can't go a day without touching myself, I tried to do something like this today, but my willpower seems to erode once night hits.

I'm gonna try for 1 week…


Here's some advice, take it or leave it. If what you said is true, "I literally can't go a day without touching myself," by aiming for a week you are setting up an unrealistic goal and setting yourself up for failure. If you try and fail, it may erode your willpower even further. Instead, why not setting a goal of 12 hours? Something you know that you can do. If you can pull off 12 hours, try 24 hours. Keep raising the limit. Also, find another way to occupy your time. Meditate, read, play video games, anything to take your mind off the porn. You can do this. I hope this helps.


Thanks, I'll try twelve hours tonight then. I actually don't use porn when I at all, its more of a memory think for me.


Willpower? You should read >>>/444/

I've got to do a ritual right now to (I do daily, it's to regenerate my body) and I will write some in that thread but really get reading that book! Part of it covers the will and I have with its inspiration found lots of ways to develop the will very effectively.

Atkinson also wrote this book on will but I'd go to it later, first learn the basics in the arcane formulas, and think things out on your own then when you feel you've some level of mastery over will read this book to expand your knowledge and will power more: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1909will.pdf


>Something you know that you can do. If you can pull off 12 hours, try 24 hours. Keep raising the limit. Also, find another way to occupy your time. Meditate, read, play video games, anything to take your mind off the porn. You can do this. I hope this helps.

Oh this does bring to mind my practise in several different forms of meditation, including void meditation. One does not fight thoughts, you can't beat them away because you just think about them more, you just forget, ignore, and detach from distracting thoughts to recentre your focus on something else.

It's same idea as positive auto-suggestion.

So for example, don't think about not masturbating, but think about say… a particular object and sustain your thought on it alone. He should focus his attention wholly upon for example reading, magical practise, etc.

The Jhanas is also a good book here to read. It talks about applied thought (vitakka) and sustained thought (vicāra).


Oh I forgot also there is in the teachings of Initiation Into Hermetics relevant texts. Specifically the part where Franz Bardon says to cultivate multiple personalities and have each one focus specifically on the task at hand and nothing else. So if you're doing some gardening, all your thoughts and all your efforts should be about the gardening, if you're eating, all your thoughts are upon the food, if you're working, all your thoughts are upon the work, etc. You essentially assume a character just for the task at hand.


In this case, he should go about the work of his day, his goals; and keep himself constantly busy moving from one thing to the next so he does not become listless and engage in masturbation and the likes.

Besides all that though, he really should read thread >>/444/



I keep fucking that link up.


plz find a way to unfuck it, I honestly feel like a slave to my lust and I'm tired of it.


Here: (>>>/fringe/444)


God damn it! ( >>>/fringe/444 )

( >>444)


Finally got it right; twice.




Make a solemn vow to affect self-kill if you give into lust. I promise, if you value self-preservation even slightly more than brief self-gratification you will stop.


I think a better solution is for them to vow never to get off via touching their dick. If they are to have sex, they must do it without jerking themselves off, and instead must use magick or an actual woman or a succubus to accomplish the sexual act.


this anon here, Did the twelve hours and jacked off twice, which believe it or not is an improvement. Now I'm going to try 24 hours once 12am hits


Positive progress is all we can ask for. You can climb a mountain if you take one step at a time.


Not gonna fap for the rest of october or I confess.


Well after 3 weeks I ended up masturbating yesterday. I ain't even mad though. I didn't look at porn when I did it and it actually relieved me of a lot of pent-up stress that I should have dealt with through meditation/alchemy. I'll probably go another 3+ weeks because the temptation wasn't all too bad. In the mean time I'm consuming some herbs and foods that apparently help out with regaining sexual energy.


Completed a week.
The first and the last few days were the worse, took loads of willpower.

Pledging another week.


I offer 6 days starting today, wish me luck


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>Meditate, read, play video games

It wasn't so long ago that I truly came to realize just how long I was addicted basically to porn, and stopped playing vidya and just browsed internet most days, 70% of the time for porn.

Now I am occupying my time with videogames and meditation instead and it is helping, when I think of all the lost experiences, fun times and cool mods I wanted to try, how I threw that all away so I could just fap all day, it makes me not even want to look at porn.

Simply put theres just way too much fun to be had and new things to experience to waste my time browsing porn site after porn site, fapping and then regretting.

Pic related.


blah blah two weeks blah blah I sware on me mum.

succubi and incubi allowed because it's not touching yourself and because it ain't gay if it's a threesome.


I have done this for almost a year before and to be honest I still wasted about as much time as I did before



nigga, you gay


So directionless lust is bad; I can accept that.

However, what of sex magic/sacrapfaps? Furthermore,what of sexual congress in a dedicated relationship?


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The Universal Master Key by Franz Bardon has the answers to your questions.



Failed, dammit.

Ok, I pledge 2 weeks because of it, also deleting any porn I have saved on my computer.


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alright… here goes nothing. one week.


I spent 4 years as a celibate Hare Krsna monk living in India. It was the best years of my life. I was wondering if it was BECAUSE I did not masturbate even once during those 4 years?

I got weak after I left ISKCON and broke my vow and started wacking off. I then realized "well if I am breaking one rule, might as well break them all" and so I started drinking alcohol, smoking weed and tobacco, and eating meat again.

It's almost impossible to truly control yourself, unless you are very, very serious about it.


"The conquest of self is the first and noblest of all victories" -Plato


Going to give myself two weeks to start myself out; I'd jerk it a couple times a day, so I'm hoping this will be a good start alongside learning all this knowledge supplied.


>Implying I need to renounce lust to stop having sex
Like I get any otherwise lol


"What is masturbation?"


The fact you failed just makes me more proud that I've been celibate pure ascetic and successful at this way longer than you and continue to do so and will likely make it through this whole incarnation never doing any of those things (except eating meat).


So I'm curious: how negative an impact would sex with a single long term partner have for spiritual development? Presuming it's in "reasonable amounts" and I'm still doing my best at emotional alchemy, meditations and so on.


Just curious, why meat?



It develops testosterone, good for physical exercises, that's the only reason I can think, at least it's better than replacing with soy and filling your body with feminine hormones, that's degenerate as fuck.

I'm not the quoted.


I agree with you on the soy part. I would never consume such a thing. Besides, I'm allergic to soy.

I am working on my diet. It's vegetarian now, with milk and eggs, but I might add some meat to it if necessary.


L8 to the party, but i've stopped masturbating since ~July 29th

I don't have an end time to this; I love it so far. It's a great way to have better control of my urges.

My reward? My mental clarity, purpose, virility and the fact that I don't leak after girls like a slush puppy. I feel driven.

I am considering doing a 40 day kundalini yoga kriya to transform my sexual energy into higher order thinking, and to help me heal the (slight) pains I have, and to reset my pelvic foundation. I might pair this with a 40 day mind transformation kriya, which, according to the tantra sudhras, helps me shake off karmic residue that hampers me from fulfilling my life potential.

The only way for me to break my act of celibacy if I find

A) The woman I'll choose to be with for the rest of my physical life, and with her I'll practice White Tantra. She needs to have the same code of conduct as me though (no recreational drugs and no alcohol; clean living)
B) If my higher self invokes me to perform sex for a ritual that will greatly alter the paths of our Earth. I don't see this happening for another 10 years though.


So lately it seems like I can go about 4 days before I cave in to the lust/desire for porn anď fap and then rinse/repeat.

But just 5 months ago I couldn't go 2 days without fapping, sometimes multiple times a day so I guess thats improvement.


>Just curious, why meat?

I consume bones (yes, I literally eat bones, I'll eat the entire skeleton of a chicken or rabbit for example), blood, meat, and organs and use the resulting energy for black magick works or anything else of a dark or destructive nature.

I need it. I'm often under attack or need to carry out attacks on others pre-emptively to avoid problems and I find that the lower vibrations of these food sources is great for traversing the lower astral planes, connecting with darkness, evoking demonic powers, or even just finding entities to prey upon that I won't feel bad about destroying or enslaving or abusing like you would with a more good natured entity.


I already answered your question before also read The Universal Master Key already…


>that feel when I'm also allergic to soy (and all other legumes)


That's very interesting. I can see how eating meat would enable one to do such things. I will make a note of this for future use when I get to do black magic.

Has your diet affected your magical practices in a negative way.


>Has your diet affected your magical practices in a negative way.

Depends what you mean by negative. If you mean has it hampered my magical efforts at all? No. If you mean has it lead me into some very negative things? Sure.


Doing one week



Actually one week isn't enough.

I'll do two weeks


Nigga what the fuck are you doing shitting up this thread with this spam?


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Test your strength my sons. Can you resist its pull?


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Your will must be strong to renounce lust. Don't forget.


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Fuck it, I'm going for four weeks. Did it once, can do it again.


I broke my pledge for 2 weeks today. I feel shame and regret..

Pledging 4 weeks this time. And under no circumstances will I break it.


Good, fellow brother. I, myself, an on my 3week. It is, refreshing at this point. But, HARD to deal with in the morning. 3 more weeks to go…


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Don't fall for it, goys. Strengthen your will by actually putting yourself through some hard discomfort (cold showers, rigorous exercise, ect.) - more effective without any risk.


Explain to me what the fucking point is first. How can you start a thread without actually going into detail what the fucking point is?






NOT link to a website. I want YOU (not specifically YOU, but the collective YOU, as readers or believers of this thread) to explain to me why I should believe, and why I should partake.

I have tested abstinence myself (specifically after seeing the episode of Seinfeld where George does it and becomes smart and competent).

It had zero effect on me.

Perhaps that is simply me, as an individual, and I am beyond this sort of meditation (and I don't meant that in a condescending way, but through my experiences and testing myself, I don't need to do this).

However, that doesn't mean I am not curious or interested in what "you" all are doing.


I'll give you two explanations, one relating to the occult and one in mundane terms.

Firstly the occult reason, we believe that fapping is a waste of spiritual energy that could otherwise be spent practising magic therefore this habit needs to go if we are to increase our power.

In general terms, many people are addicted to masturbating, some fap more than 5 times per day. This leads to laziness and a degenerate, unproductive lifestyle. By pledging to no fap those people get a chance to use the time they would otherwise spend jacking it to set their loves back on track.

Obviously not fapping wouldn't do much for you if you only fap 3 times a week or less but it makes much more of an impact on people who fap multiple times per day.



How could I possibly devote my energy to "otherwise be spent practising magic" when nobody here will give us an idea of what we should be doing without chasing down randomly linked sites?

Yes, there's a thread of many links, but that doesn't explain to the common man- the uninitiated how to get started. We want a bond. We wanted to connect with other users. We don't want to read some book- some literature written by someone years ago, someone who may not even be trustworthy.

And that's not to say you are either. But you are here- in the present. You are responsible for what you post. You have an ID. You are responsible.

I want the truth. I don't want your bullshit superstitions and nonsense for neophytes. I want to learn.


Intruding this conversation.

I like to think of it as a test of self control and perseverance.
Your mind easily delves into vice like, in this case, lust. It takes willpower to get you away from that and focus into something.
If you can develop willpower to order your mind into doing what YOU want consciously, if that makes sense, you can achieve more than you would just pleasing yourself.


Just try it. Really.

Even if it's not about magic, the fact that you are able to control your lusts shows character, and builds it in the meantime. You don't feel the need to get rid of those very powerful man juices,you fap out easily to whatever skanky porn star you came up upon.

Some more words to trigger you:


seminal fluids are potent. save them


some more:

i used to be scared as shit to speak up; now i am not. i partly attribute this to the fact that I DO NOT MASTURBATE anymore.

it messed with your mind. it really, really does. all those studies that say it's healthy, people who acknowledge each other that it's healthy, it's the same thing as two junkies in the corner mumbling at each other that those people just don't know how awesome life is with heroin.

masturbation made me into a pussy pleasing cuckfag. now the tables have turned, and it's good.


read IIH and apply if you want a system to follow made step by step for people like us that are alone
or if you are to lazy just meditate an hour each day
no matter what you choose you eat good, exercise, stop your addictions and keep a dream journal
at least that's for me


I wonder if there is a real benefit from renouncing lust.
I don't masturbate or even feel the need to have sex anymore, it does feel better because before I was almost a slave to it.
Aside from that is there anything else that comes with celibacy?


This thread is so fucking stupid. Repressing natural urges leads to generally being unhappy.

How about you fucks try masturbating once a week to keep the wet dreams away. How about you find someone you like and make sure they don't have STDs before sleeping with them. It's not fucking hard but when the fuckups yell that the bell is too loud when they're standing too close suddenly we have no more bells.


This thread is so fucking stupid. Repressing natural urges leads to generally being unhappy.

How about you fucks try masturbating once a week to keep the wet dreams away. How about you find someone you like and make sure they don't have STDs before sleeping with them. It's not fucking hard but when the fuckups yell that the bell is too loud when they're standing too close suddenly we have no more bells.


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>Keep masturbating goys, it's good for you! Forget this magic nonsense!


Natural urges? You mean the demiurgic binds?


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one month


I'll start with two weeks, I've never actively tried to stop but lately I've somehow lost the urge to do it at all. We'll see how it goes.


Yes. Look up the concept of "sexual transmutation".


Pledging 8 days



Woo I did. Although I looked at porn at times, which got some precum out.
I feel like meditating is a lot easier now.
Pledging 2 more weeks.


I'll pledge a month. Let's hope I can overcome these mundane desires.


I pledge one week


One week starts at post timestamp.


I pledged 3 weeks, and I accomplished it 2 days ago. I tried adding an additional 40 days, but I failed. At the time of this post I pledge to abstain from masturbation for 4 weeks. In addition to this, I pledge to refrain from viewing porn for this time period as well.


Keep strong brothers, while staying celibate for 2.5 months myself, I recently begged a succubus for sex while uncousciously wandering around in the astral. She was about to make me cum on both 3 and 4d, but I suddenly regained consciousness by pure willpower, managing to suck in all the loosh she was going to steal from me and banish the fuck out of her.
It felt amazing.


I swear a few nights back I had a run-in with a succubus while dreaming. There was this extremely attractive woman with this vampire-like face, sharp teeth, a bluish-gray skin tone, and this terrifying predator-like aura about her. She walked around naked, and I found myself simultaneously scared of and drawn to her in a very intimate, emotional sense. I was resisting her as much as possible but at the same time there was a feeling of "Just give up control to her, you know you want it." I found myself having a strangely early-pubescent, puppy dog kind of infatuation with her. I eventually woke up before engaging in anything sexual. Spooky shit.


Is renouncing Lust completely superior to using Ancient Egyptian Tantra (http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/apr1/ankhing.htm) + withholding semen by applying pressure to base of genital at moment of orgasm (so no sexual energy or seed is wasted and more power is gained)?

It is quite harmful to repress sexuality for most people, right?


still going strong, but am renouncing my "only will have sexual intercourse with blabla" since it was based on teaching that turned out to be lies.

still won't masturbate, naturally.


>am renouncing my "only will have sexual intercourse with blabla"

You mean you won't have sex with your wife?


Haha, that's a way of interpreting it ;) I should've been clearer.

I am saying that the next women I am going to be with, (somewhat probably) won't be the only women I will be with for the rest of my life.


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Well I reached a significant milestone of 8 days, never thought I could do this, even back on old /fringe/ in those mega-threads I doubted I could last even 3 or 4.

But although I have noticed some minor benefits I also don't feel much different. And I still find myself browsing porn from time to time and fapping but stopping before it goes too far because I remind myself just how long it took me to get this far and how I'll feel like shit for 2-3 days again and lose all my energy and have to get through the long laborious process again. Which inevitably leads to some painful blue balls, my foolish mistake.

But the key thing here is that I set up a sort of calendar to mark off days of no fap and days spent meditating, defined as at least 15 minutes in a day of meditating.

My calender is full of 8 days no fap but only one day meditating on the first day of the unbroken chain of days, and I realized that's no good now. I spent the majority of my time occupied by classes or videogames now, but still fail to devote even the most simplest schedule to meditation and as a result my body may be chaste at first but soon untamed mind takes over and the desire to browse porn grows and lewd thoughts still persist.

So I've proven to myself that nofap without transmutation- even something as basic and simple as daily meditation is possible but doesn't lead much anywhere. Now I find myself wondering and re-evaluating previous hold notions. For instance maybe just once a week fap at first is necessary to keep at bay some of the major difficulties which just mount up the longer spent not fapping - when your body and mind is used to almost daily fapping from before.

And further, maybe longer periods of meditation and a committed daily practice of meditation will sort of balance out the effect of fapping once a week at most. The key issue here being it is very hard I think for the body and mind to adjust to this drastic change after so long a time spent doing the exact opposite, maybe some compromise has to be made at first to prevent it from getting out of hand.

Fuck I don't know. What are your thoughts /fringe/? These blue balls are fucking painful and I have no one to blame but myself. I think if I allowed myself one fap per week it would make it easier in the beginning.


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Just deleted all my pr0n again. Gona pledge lifetime. I cant. Live with the desires that are being harnessed by fucking whores or stupid bitches.

Im fucking tired of getting up and fapping, I enjoy my strange dreams and I enjoy my lucid dreamingwithout being overcome everyday by lustful desires.

I want to be strong and I will overcome this jsoon, I nearly had 25 days, I can do 31 this time.

>have some art


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So the blue balls have subsided, I've taken a lovely walk and am able to think clearly again.

I think this post was just my pathetic attempt to justify fapping or porn browsing to myself. Indeed I've noticed that throughout almost all 8 days so far I have browsed porn at least once, not fapping seems to be slightly easy compared to not browsing porn, lust is still an issue I realize and the more I let it continue to run amock unchecked the more I risk fapping and orgasm and having to start all over again.

So I'm going to scratch that previous idea and instead actually try and renounce lust by pledging 5 days no porn and no edging, a monumental task thats apparently harder than no-fap for me.


shit i failed. this is so fucking hard
I re-pledge one week. Anyone has got some advices for me?


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Shamefully failed. Back to square one. One week, no porn, no fap.


I have done 200 whole days before. I would still be going if I didn't get stuck alone with nothing to do for a few days in transit.


Fucked up. Starting over. One week.


<a href=http://www.olympiadprojects.com/finland.asp?u=224582> louis vuitton homme</a>


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>Sometimes, sharing your goals with others can make you less successful, because you get a little high just from saying it, not carrying it out.

Does this apply to you /fringe/?

I've heard similar things before, what's your take on it?


I will fap no more.

I am sick & tired of cheap pleasure.


I pledge one month, but since I already fucked it up, I'll enjoy the night and start by the morning.


Failed six times since then.

Man, willpower is not that available after a day or two.


i could've sworn i replied to this post before…


So, I failed 3 times in a row.

Better do this slowly.

I pledge 1 day.



The feeling of achievement is a quite effective behavioral programming method, it's not that you are trying to say that you "made it", you want to say that you "made it" because you really "made it", and that makes you want to "make it" even harder, thereby forging a new habit or ability, otherwise you would be lying to others and yourself, if fringe is a imageboard mainly focused in self-development, if you are wasting your time in self-deception it's not our problem.


I did it, again.
I don't quite feel the need to masturbate anymore, but there still are urges to do something of the sort when I see something appealing.
Forgot to post when I actually completed 2 weeks, which was 4 days ago, so instead of full two weeks, I pledge 10 days.


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>Man, willpower is not that available after a day or two.

Stop thinking this, I fell into this trap too, reading about the study and accepting it immediately as true just because it was "scientifically tested", which as it turns out meant jack shit because no one could verify it themselves.

The popular media sites and channels just regurgitated it for a long while, books were written, thought-patterns changed and now it is accepted as fact when in reality it is not.

And like this article says, merely thinking that you have less or a fixed amount of willpower will make that come true - fucking placebo effect man it is unbelievable.


When I first read about the "fact" of limited willpower I began to think about that when doing no-fap and convince myself I didn't have the willpower to go on and what do you know I didn't.

Now after reading this article and realizing just how long I believed that lie I feel motivated to try and beat my previous record of 8 days.



Made it, pledge 2 days now.



Failed, starting again.

Pledge 1 day.


I SERIOUSLY PLEDGE 1 DAY. I am fucking tired of failing. Let's go seriously this time







Pretty mundane dream.





Made it, Pledge 2 days now




Suck on that.



What kind of black magic is this?
It didn't even feel like me.

Pledge 1 day.


I'm at 24 hours. Doing okay.

Hailed Eris a couple of times to seed my life with Chaos.

If i'm a basement dwelling slob now, what can change for the worse? (tempting her) I meant to type, if i embody some things negative now i want her to flip it and my life upside down.



Still pathetic.


I pledge that I will abstain from both porn and masturbation of all kind for the remainder of the year. At the end of the pledge I will either end it, or renew it.


What do you hope to gain from it? How will you cope with nocturnal erections and emissions? Ejaculation is by far the most damaging thing for spirituality.



Is it?


some say this, some say that.

just find out what works best for yourself.


to put >>9385 in perspective:

haven't fapped since july. haven't had nocturnal emissions. did run into erections, but hey, libido is a big force.

i know fags like to lay down words as absolute truths, but in reality, most of these people know as little as you do (probably less).


>did run into erections, but hey, libido is a big force
That's actually a healthy sign. It would be bad if you didn't have erections as it serves as maintance so that penile muscles don't degenerate.

It's a bit exaggerated, but you gotta agree it's unhealthy to flush out the nutrient rich semen. Did you know that your organsim prioritizes supplying the reproductive organs? The best supplies go straight into sperm production. This is why Taoists say that a drop of sperm is worth 1000 drops of blood.
You can study Taoism and Mantak Chia for that subject.


I hope for an increase in willpower, I see it as a challenge on mental level more than a spiritual level.
I'm also intrigued by that taoist saying, which is why I want to try it.


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Blessed by the trips, it's happening

Pledge 2 days.


[Chaote Detected]


Interesting, and yea, erections are pretty normal


>This is why Taoists say that a drop of sperm is worth 1000 drops of blood.

Oh shit.


Pledge 2 weeks.


i don't like that word, though i do accept the chaos of the universe.

finding out what works for yourself just seems like the healthiest thing to do, since only the weak of will and hearth follow what others tell them to do.

ofcourse one should always be open to advice and feedback



And I failed.
Oh well, I got to 5 weeks.
Started looking at porn too much and got carried away.
I pledge 2 weeks, again.


Pledging 1 week to start. Never seriously tried this before.


Dude, don't look at porn. Check out yourbrainonporn if you really think it's not detrimental to you. Do people on diets walk into donut shops every now and again to smell the food?


<a href=http://www.tommcauley.us/> www.tommcauley.us</a>
The team has won four national championships: one AIAW title and three NCAA Division I titles. The Rainbow Wahine played in the Big West Conference from 1988 to 1995. They joined the Western Athletic Conference (WAC) in 1996 and clinched at least a share of the regular season conference title each year until 2012, when the Rainbow Wahine re joined the Big West Conference. Hawaii won the WAC Tournament (and the WAC's automatic NCAA Tournament bid) in 1998 and every year between 2001 and 2011 except in 2010, when Hawaii lost in the tournament's final round to the Utah State Aggies.


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>That image
Do you know that going nofap increases the chances of you being promiscuous? A starved dick clouds judgment.

And how do you expect to have a good sex life with the partner you finally settle for, if you don't even know how to please yourself?

Take no chances. Fap every day.


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I once thought and did so foolishly as you do.

It brought me nowhere in life, only down, only misery.

It's not worth it faggot


I know, there's no way you can get to a month looking at it every day.


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>he thinks anyone here is going to have a chance of getting laid without even trying



It's possible, only hard as fuck.

I looked today on purpose to "train" my resistance, it wasn't worth it, but I'm maintaining my pledge until now.




I'm not taking this seriously enough.

I pledge one week.


Stop jerking off, faggot!


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Nigger, what are you doing that is ruining your dick control?


Pledging one month. Caved in and fapped 8 fucking times yesterday. No more swaying. No more "cheat days" that stretch into cheat weeks.


I have no idea how people masturbate more than 2-3 times in a day. My gets pretty sore after doing it once.



When I still masturbated, my friends said that they sometimes masturbated seven times a day, I only masturbated once, 3 times was too much, and 5 times extreme, I couldn't imagine how the fuck they manage to make such a feat every fucking day. In contrast, everytime I failed in this thread, I felt that it was enough, and that I wasted some precious energy and time.


Pledging 1 week abstaining from porn.


this is your last try. we are here to support you obviously, and support in your case means setting up a boundary. Succeed with this, or stop posting here till the lunar new year.


Just starting out with this, so I'm pledging to completely abstain from pornography until Friday, November 21, 2014 at 11:59 pm. I'll report back to you guys with how it went.


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Stand tall, my friend, "with conquering limbs astride from land to land"! Strong will with you.


1 week ->


Thanks dude I appreciate it. Had to start out small because I'm pretty bad. I'm not cranking one out 8 times a day like some, but I view porn WAY too much.


It's good to have these small-term goals, those help a lot when working on big projects such as this.

Porn caused a lot of problems to me and I'm happy I am now clean of it. I fell many times, but each failure brought me more energy and determination to conquer it: my will-power strengthened a lot! The changes and benefits of abstention seem to take long to flourish, but it's all actually pretty quick… so don't despair if you don't "feel any better" - it takes time to feel the changes, but is totally worth of it.

Anyways, you can do this! I can't really say much more than that.


What sort of changes are we talking about here?


Better concentration, high energy levels, more lucidity, more creativity, more confidence, for instance.

This by celibacy and abstaining from porn, at least for me, though I've heard some people haven't ever felt any better by abstaining, but I feel it's still beneficial.


If a man can get self-control for a week, he becomes a human being. If he can be continent for a month, he finally becomes a man. The one who can control himself for a season – becomes automatically a kind of sage or hero in whatever field he strives. Those who can keep chaste for a year develop divine qualities and are real brahmacharis. All these men will finally regard women with reverence and will regard human sexuality as a sacred realm and a sacred subject. All effort at continence brings merit and fruit. This effort is the foundation of his personal prosperity, all human progress, moral order, spiritual knowledge, yogic development, and even the re-manifestation of the world as an untroubled realm of prosperity and grace. All marrying men should keep it in the bounds of once-per-month like his wife. These self-controlled men, respecting the sexual energy, are indeed the very ones who tend to have children and sizeable families. Then they make better fathers because of their continence and the emotional strength it gives, and the greatly enhanced continence-bestowed ability to work, earn, and master the world on behalf of his family! After having the right sized family he and his wife should move toward the chastity of the saints. This is her spiritual test. Can she follow his lead in consecrating the sexual energy – once a non-factor in childhood – to God and enter into the Mystic with him? This is the Aryan path of the ancient Upanishads and it's the way of our European ancestors. — Julian Lee


after 3 days I failed, going for 1 day then will double that if I manage.


Here. I failed on the pornography side of things. But I haven't orgasmed. I did edge twice unfortunately. I will continue to try avoiding orgasm until my previously specified time, and after that I will reassess my ability to abstain, because it seems that I am lacking willpower more than I thought.


Having just given in to the urge, I pledge to go at least 3 weeks without, and hopefully for longer in the future. Goodbye, porn collection!


I just ruined a 15 day celibacy count. As usual it was them damn triggers that fug me up. Please kill me.


What are triggers?


I pledge 2 months.

I pledged a week the last time I did this and succeeded, but now I've fallen back into my rut and can't get it up anymore. Also, I'm looking to go full brown pill, so I'm also going to be carving a nice walking stick/blasting rod.

Will post results!



Probably violent porn.

At least, that's mine
Fucking testosterone


>videogames and meditation
Get a job.


1 week


If youre going to try and give up lust you should probably read The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor


Not gonna fap for the next week.


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Record yourselves fapping the next time you relapse. Watch the video some days later. That will successfully gross you up into abstinence.
You won't see yourself in the video. You'll see a monkey giving up to his instincts.


failed all this time, pledging again.


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Come on. You can do it!


>wasting time on the internet
>looking at an attractive girl's instagram
>there are some sexy pictures
>also some quotes
>having lewd thoughts, thinking about fapping
>skipping through the quotes trying to find sexy pics
>computer freezes, mouse and keyboard unresponsive
>on the screen, one of the quotes,
>God is always with you, he knows what you silently desire in your heart, and always ensures you receive what is best for you.

It seems I was sent a sign. I think my real takeaway from this, though, is that boredom and idly browsing the internet is dangerous.


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irl loud kek

make a list of projects to keep close, if you get bored pick that up


It's a good dream for a start, though.


i lost. 4 days


Get a job. Have a hobby that isn't on the internet (I teach aikido and weightlift). And read books.


did it, pledging two days starting tomorrow.
thanks brah


ok a week from timestamp


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Did you miss the loli love thread on halfchan /b/?

I didn't.

I think the thing I hate the most about fapping is the self loathing that comes with it. You see yourself in the mirror, you don't have the luster that you had five minutes ago. You are ugly. You are a monster.

You take note of every flaw and it is magnified. You hate yourself.

One moment you are perfect and accepting of yourself, the next you want to plunge to your death because of insecurities and minor flaws.

Then there is the apathy that follows, for hours up to half a day you just want to do nothing. Nothing at all. Your mind is in a hazy fog, your energies spent and you progress nowhere.


A succubus just fugged me in the astral ;_;.

God damn it.

I had a good spree going too, like weeks of no sex whatsoever, but then a succubus had to ruin it.


Failed at the second day, pledging two days again.


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Lost to pic related. I pledge 2 weeks.


That's really gross. I don't even know how you could be turned on by that.


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How could you? >_<


I pledge the rest of my hallucination here on earth until I shed this mortal coil.


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You made me feel insignificant.

Thank you.


As I renounce lust more and more, the effect naked women have on me is changing.

They're kind of soft and endearing now, and I feel like caressing them and stuff.

Any of you guys experience anything similar?


Every time I see these porn shoots like >>11294 I get slightly sad about the women. I feel the bodies "wish" for sex, but I don't care for it. At one point before I completely swore off masturbation, I just realized how unnatural it is. To watch others have sex, for these women to willfully degrade themselves as filth, gorging yourself on countless naked women, but not touching any of them (as if a starving man would smell the food, but never taste it), it's perplexing.

I still have sex with my gf, but I feel "in control" of these urges and slightly disassociate from the act. For the most part I see it as a necessary investment of loosh.


You sad bastard.


I failed multiple times in those 2 weeks. *sigh*
I've come to the conclusion that meditation helps a lot and that masturbation indeed causes floaters and lack of concentration.
I pledge 1 week.


Meh, did only 11 days, pledge 3 weeks.


Time to learn to use the energy that you're saving up. More to come.

"A Transmutation Practice: Ham-Sah

There are diverse esoteric systems for transmuting the seminal entity into sexual energy. Certainly, the most powerful one (the Arcanum A.Z.F.) has to be performed by a man and a woman - we are talking specifically about the Sahaja Maithuna, sexual yoga, White Tantra; elsewhere we will give all the details for that practice. Now, for the moment we are going to explain an exercise that can be practiced by single people as well as by those who are married. I am going to tell you the technique just now; please pay attention…

Sit down comfortably: the eastern way (cross-legged) or the western way (on a comfortable armchair). Relax your bodies as children do.

Inhale deeply, very slowly, and imagine that the creative energy rises through the spermatic channels up to the brain; mentally pronounce the mantra HAM like this: HAAAAAAAMM.

Exhale, short and quick, as you pronounce aloud the mantra SAH: SAAAAHH…

Undoubtedly, you inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. While inhaling, you “mantralize” the sacred syllabe HAM (mentally, since you are inhaling through the nose); but you can articulate the syllabe SAH with sound while you exhale.

The marvelous symbol that in the East makes the chaotic waters of life fertile is Ham-Sah, the Third Logos.

Usually, the sexual forces flow outwards from the inside in a centrifugal way and that is why there are nocturnal emissions; when you have a dream based on the Sexual Center, there occurs an emission, a loss of sacred sperm or spermatic liquor… ETC"



These people are sort of do good white magicians. A little bit of dogma but some good information about sex magic and transmutation, among other things.

"Sexual Magic refers to an ancient science that has been known and protected by the purest, most spiritually advanced human beings, whose purpose and goal is the harnessing and perfection of our sexual forces. A more accurate translation of Sexual Magic would be "sexual priesthood."

In ancient times, the priest was always accompanied by a priestess, for they represent the divine forces at the base of all creation: the masculine and feminine, the Yab-Yum, Ying-Yang, Father-Mother: the Elohim.

Unfortunately, the term "Sexual Magic" has been grossly misinterpreted by mistaken persons such as Aleister Crowley, who advocated a host of degenerated practices, all of which belong solely to the lowest and most perverse mentality. This website and the teachings presented here reject all such philosophies, theories, and practices, for they lead only to the enslavement of the Consciousness, the worship of lust and desire, and the decay of humanity."




pranayamaPranayama is a method of harnessing energy.

"Prana means breath and Ayama means control. By Pranayama is meant the control of Prana and the vital forces of the body. Pranayama begins with the regulation of breath and ends in establishing full and perfect control over the life-currents or inner vital forces. In other words, Pranayama is the perfect control of the life-currents through regulation of breath. Breath like electricity is gross Prana. By establishing control over the gross Prana, you can easily gain control over the subtle Prana inside. The process by which such control is established is called Pranayama." - Swami Sivananda"



You can literally Ham-Sah a boner away.


Fully aware of that, but i want that cheap rush of gratification.


I'm going at least the rest of 2014.

Thanks for this, friend.


It's my fetish. I ain't got to explain shit.

Lost it to videos of latinas breastfeeding their pets. I pledge 1 week this time as I may have overestimated myself.


Once you complete the rest of this year you should go the whole next one without self-inducing orgasm. Then a lifetime will seem less challenging.


I can not understand people with fetishes. I do not have a single fetish.


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Are mind-induced (spiritual?) orgasms that involve the whole body without touching it a good or a bad thing?
I feel I can orgasm by thought/binaural beats/hypnosis, but I'm not sure if I should.


Alright a week + 1 days so far. Had several raging boners I cooled off with cold showers. Pretty confident I've got some sort of erectile dysfunction at this point.

And I haven't found any good sticks to work with, so no progress on that front.


I pity you.


In my opinion, it is not okay. It defeats the purpose of being being chaste.


I hope it helps


Its an addiction, the Jew want us to stay firm in the material.

Feel no pity for me, I don't deserve it.


It's more of a Mr. T type pity


You realize the people making these pledges are masturbation addicts right? Like they whack it all day long. As much as you'd like to think that's healthy it isn't and never has been. Reducing it to a once week occurrence or even less is going to do them a lot of good.


I usually masturbate once a day for 10 minutes.I don't know if it's wrong, or harmful, and to be frank, I don't think it is.

What does matter is that I have a need to do something that isn't necessary for my direct survival on this plane. If I were having the urge to play videogames I would force myself to quit, not because I think they are bad or that constant playing is bad but because I want and should have total control over my impulses or I'll become a subhuman beast.



>trying to justify his addiction

try passing the first step, realizing and admitting you have a problem.




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This abuse of a pro-white GET.


Hahaha. Guess what guys, I quitted fapping middle of last year. I haven't fapped for almost a year and a half. I did it by posting my lost post ad /b/ on 4chan and I have never gone back since.

Here is what I've learnt. When you set yourself a no-fap goal it's gotta be permanent. It's gotta be for the rest of your life. It's hard but it's the only way. Your body already has mechanisms built in to handle a buildup of semen. They're called wet dreams and they're bloody awesome when they happen naturally.

As for porn. You do need to go on a total abstinence period of 90 days. That's what I recommend. After that looking at porn, although arousing will not push you over the edge. If I look at porn now it's to view beautiful women. Not to get off.

The feeling of being fap free is profound. There is a level of security in yourself that can't be shaken anymore. You're not a wanker anymore! Do you understand what that means? If some chick brushes you off and says "Enjoy your hand", this insult falls flat on it's face. A lot of advertizing loses it's power over you as you have self control. Lastly, the build up of testosterone makes your aggressively pursue girls. You can boost this aggressiveness by doing weight training and the gym. Talking to girls will no longer be a struggle for building up courage. You'll simply find yourself approaching and talking and going straight for the number or date or kiss.

One word of warning. If you've been addicted to porn for a long time, going off will cause a reset. This means that during the reset you won't be able to get it up even if there's a beautiful, naked and willing babe on your bed. Once the reset if done (takes a few months) you're good to go. Didn't say it was going to be easy.

I recommend to do kegel exercises on top of the no-fap life. The only time you should get off is in a wet dream on in a hawt chicky babe.



Shes crying. A Hollywood porn kike is shoving something up her ass so that she feels physically and mentally abused.

Shes crying.

In return for her dignity or taking a load, absorbing the Jewish DNA she will get a couple of paper notes.

It could be your sister, your GF, your daughter.

This is the future they created.

And you're fapping to it.


That's it? You avoid masturbating so you can go after "hawt chicky babes" with more confidence?


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>When you set yourself a no-fap goal it's gotta be permanent

This. I've had far more success since I decided to go for eternity. When you go by number of days your attitude can very easily slip into "hue hue I've done breddy gud just one moar time to drain my benis :DDDD"


Spoiler images like this in the future please.


>that feel when every time I have sex with succubus, I experience poor health and other problems afterwards

FeelsBadMan. I've got quite a succubus problem. Recently though I did manage to stave off some advances from a succubus and just read my head on her belly instead of having sex with her.


I personally think they're OK. Just as long as they damage your lucidity or health. Any kind of magical / mental method is fine, physical methods are mundane and bad.


>tfw cuddle succubi
you know most of them are male right?


It has a vagina, breasts, etc. it's fucking female. Don't give me this bullshit.


Whatever you say, fagboy.


>implying it's important whether the entity is a male or female one

The guy just wants to cuddle and feel some love, and if the entity he cuddles with has tits, that's even better, isn't it?


Made my last goal then jerked. Pledging one week yesterday.


Just sating bro, most succubi are incubi taking on female form


>implying it makes a difference if you can change form freely


>this guy thinks because it has tits and pussy its female

I hope for some reason you and your future partner can't get children, but you'd be fine with that, seeing as you like his personality, faggot.


>confusing succubi with incubi
oh boy


Incubi of male energies take female form when there are no faggots or women around to fuck.

Do well to remember this.



Does that bother you?

magic isn't real


You are now breathing manually.

See? Magic IS real. Now fuck off.


Pretty nice pics.


It's wednesday and I think I haven't yet JO'd all this time. Either I forgot or I truly don't feel the need to.
At the moment I don't have any desires or fantasies and feel sexually satisfied.

The hell.


Oh, pledging 3 days.


Spontaneously managed a week.

Did some Ham-Sha and managed to quit in the middle of a fap session.

Quitting with a boner in my hands was significant.

I think i'm going to stay like this, its nice.


First time doing this. I pledge a week, for there is no need to rush things.



I'm glad you made use of the technique. I posted a more advanced and involved transmutation/pranayama on the renouncing lust thread on the old fringe. I'll screen cap it and repost here.


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This isn't my preferred method but it works just the same. More to come.


"The students of occultism who, for one reason or another, cannot practice with the Arcanum A.Z.F. must know the science of sexual transmutation in depth.

There exists a secret key, and with its help the single devotees can open the Ark of Science.

Practice of Sexual Transmutation for Single People:

First position

The devotee of the path must imitate the position of the toad while situated on the floor.

Second Position

The devotees must lie down on their back, on the bed or on the floor, with their trunk or midsection elevated higher than the head. They must then inhale and inflate their lungs as if they were an angry toad.
Mental attitude of the First Position

With willpower and imagination united in vibrating harmony, the Gnostic student must identify with a toad that is within a rivulet of the pure waters of life. He must also join his willpower and imagination in order to make his sexual energy rise from his sexual organs to the sacred chalice of the brain.

The Gnostic student must raise his seminal energy through the two sympathetic cords that are entwined around the spinal medulla. They form the famous Caduceus of Mercury.

Mental attitude of the Second Position

With willpower and imagination united in vibrating harmony, the Gnostic student must inflate himself as the toad does. This is only possible by taking a deep breath. During the inhalation of the vital air, we must imagine that the seminal energy is ascending through the two sympathetic cords, which are marvelously entwined around the spinal medulla.

The marvelous seminal energy must be directed towards the brain, and then directed towards the heart. We must then exhale the vital air, placing the energy in the temple of the heart.

Our motto is Thelema (willpower).
Mantra of this practice

Imitate the song of the toad. The mysterious croak of the toad is the song, it is the mantra.

Origin of this practice

The Divine Cosmic Mother gave this marvelous key of the Ark of Science to the Gnostic brethren.

The Divine Mother cares for all of her children. The toad that is upon the immaculate lotus flower, within the pure waters of life, is an archaic sexual symbol of the pharaohs of ancient Egypt." - Samal Wun Weor; The Yellow Book

(The Divine Mother, referred to in this excerpt is a thought form that the student creates and makes powerful through different levels of training and exercises. The Divine Mother has many functions and one of them is to help the practitioner with transmutation. When you are a part of the physical group, they have a dogmatic way of explaining what the Divine Mother is and never once use the words "Thought Form.")


What about the sixth tibetan rite and Mantak Chias transmutation techniques?


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>>11820 cont.

"Prana is the Great Breath. It is the Cosmic Christ. Prana is the life that palpitates within every atom, as it palpitates in every sun.

Fire burns because of Prana. Water flows because of Prana. Wind blows because of Prana. The sun exists because of Prana; the life we have is Prana. Nothing can exist in the universe without Prana.

It is impossible for the most insignificant insect to be born, or for the smallest flower to bloom without Prana. Prana exists in the food that we eat, in the air that we breathe, and in the water that we drink. Prana exists within everything.

When seminal energy is refined and totally transformed, the nervous system is provided with the richest type of Prana. This rich Prana is deposited within the brain in the form of pure Christic energy, the Wine of Light.

An intimate connection exists between the mind, the Prana and the semen. We can gain dominion over the mind and Prana by controlling the seminal energy with the force of willpower.

Those people who spill the semen can never gain control over their mind, let alone Prana. Their efforts to gain control over their mind and over Prana will undoubtedly fail.

People who gain sexual control, also gain control of their minds and control of their Prana. These types of human beings reach true liberation. These types of human beings attain the Elixir of Long Life.

All of those immortal beings that live with the Divine Christ Babaji, yogi of India, conserve their physical bodies for thousands of years. Death cannot do anything against them. These beings attained supreme Chastity. This is how they achieved control of the mind and Prana.

Prana is universal energy; it is life, light, and joy.

The principal objective of the practice of pranayama is to obtain the union of solar atoms and lunar atoms, which are found within the seminal system, and consequently to awaken the Kundalini.
Esoteric Exercise of Pranayama for Men

1. The disciple places himself in a chair or on the floor with his face directed towards the East.

2. The disciple prays to his Divine Mother with complete devotion and sincerity asking that she awaken him, awaken his Kundalini.

3. The chest, neck, and head should be in a straight or vertical line. Do not lean your body to the front, to the back or to one side. The palms of the hands should rest on your legs in a very natural position.

4. The mind of the disciple should be directed towards his Innermost, his Divine Mother, loving her, adoring her.

5. Close your eyes so that the matters from the physical world do not distract you.

6. Cover or close your right nostril with the thumb of your right hand. Mentally vocalize the mantra “TON.”* At the same time inhale slowly through the cavity of your left nostril.

7. Now, close the left nostril with the index finger of your right hand. Hold your breath; retain your breath. Mentally send the Prana to the temple of Ephesus (the Chakra situated in the coccyx, the small bone at the lower extremity of the spinal column) in order to awaken the Kundalini and mentally pronounce the mantra “SA.”

8. Now exhale slowly from the right nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “HAM.”

9. Now close the left nostril with your index finger.

10. Inhale the life, the Prana, through the right nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “TON.” Close both of your nostrils with your index finger and your thumb and retain the breath. Mentally vocalize the mantra “RA.” Send the Prana to the magnetic center of the coccyx in order to awaken the Kundalini.

11. Exhale slowly through the left nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “HAM.”

12. This constitutes one complete pranayama.

13. Repeat this complete process six more times (twice a day at dusk and dawn).

14. The devotee will kneel on the ground.

15. Once he is on the ground the devotee places the palms of his hands on the floor, the thumbs of the two hands together.

16. Prostrated on the ground, with his body inclined forward, with his head facing the East, and filled with supreme veneration he then places his forehead on his hands, Egyptian style.

17. Next, with his powerfully creative word, the disciple vocalizes the mantra “RA,” the mantra of the Egyptians. This mantra “RA” is vocalized by prolonging the sound of its two letters, as follows: RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrAaaaaaaaaaaa. Vocalize the mantra seven times."- Samael Aun Weor; The Yellow Book


Sounds interesting, Post it if Ya got it. I'm posting these things because in the organization that published them, if you're part of a group and graduate past the public level, you MUST renounce lust and remain chaste or else you're out.


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>>11820 cont. http://gnosticteachings.org/books-by-samael-aun-weor/the-yellow-book/1130-christic-egyptian-pranayama.html

"Esoteric Exercise of Pranayama for Women

1. The disciple places herself in a chair or on the floor with her face directed towards the East.

2. With complete devotion and sincerity, the disciple prays to her Divine Mother asking that she awaken her; awaken her Kundalini.

3. The chest, neck, and head should be in a straight or vertical line. Do not lean your body to the front, to the back or to one side. The palms of the hands should rest on your legs in a very natural position.

4. The mind of the disciple should be directed towards her Innermost, her Divine Mother, loving her, adoring her.

5. Close your eyes so that the matters of the physical world do not distract you.

6. Cover or close the left nostril with the index finger of your right hand. Mentally vocalizing the mantra “TON.” At the same time inhale slowly through the cavity of the right nostril.

7. Now, close the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand. Hold your breath; retain your breath. Mentally send the Prana to the temple of Ephesus (the Chakra situated in the coccyx, the small bone at the lower extremity of the spinal column) to awaken the Kundalini and mentally pronounce the mantra “SA.”

8. Now exhale slowly from the left nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “HAM.”

9. Next, close the right nostril with the thumb.

10. Inhale the life, the Prana through the left nostril, mentally vocalizing the mantra “TON.” Close both of your nostrils with the index finger and the thumb and retain the breath and mentally vocalize the mantra “RA.” Send the Prana to the magnetic center of the coccyx in order to awaken the Kundalini.

11. Exhale slowly through the right nostril mentally vocalizing the mantra “HAM.”

12. This constitutes one complete pranayama.

13. Repeat this complete process six more times (twice a day at dusk and dawn).

14. The devotee will kneel on the ground.

15. Once she is on the ground the devotee then places the palms of her hands on the floor, the thumbs of the two hands together.

16. Prostrated on the ground, with her body inclined forward, with her head facing the East, and filled with supreme veneration, she then places her forehead on her hands, Egyptian style.

17. Next, with her powerful creative word, the disciple vocalizes the Mantra “RA,” the mantra of the Egyptians. This mantra “RA” is vocalized by prolonging the sound of its two letters, as follows: RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrAaaaaaaaaaaa. Vocalize the mantra seven times.

The prior steps are all a part of Egyptian pranayama.

The mantra RA has the power to vibrate the Kundalini and the chakras, the result being the awakening of the mentioned chakras.

The mantras of pranayama are TON – SA – HAM; TON – RA - HAM. With this pranayama, the Kundalini can be awakened.

With pranayama we can come out of the darkness and become illuminated. With this pranayama we can disintegrate laziness and dullness.

Prana is related with the mind. The mind is the vehicle of willpower. Willpower must obey the Great Soul of the Word. Our internal vehicles must be controlled by pranayama.

Prana is life.

The right nasal cavity (nostril) is solar. The left nasal cavity is lunar. The two witnesses of the Book of Revelation are related to the nasal cavities. The two witnesses are a pair of nervous cords. The testicles (or ovaries in women) are united with the nasal cavities through these two nervous cords. We can say that the two cords begin in the testicles (or ovaries). The two testicles are the two oceans of Life. Moses found his Master between the two oceans.

In this chapter, we have taught Egyptian pranayama for the devotees of the occidental world.

Those who want to awaken their Kundalini must persevere in pranayama and Sexual Magic daily throughout their entire life.

The room for the practice of pranayama must not be humid, poorly ventilated, or unclean. The room should be pure, clean, and neat.

Pranayama can be practiced in the country, in the mountains, and on the shores of lakes, rivers and seas. With pranayama, we transmute the sexual energy into Christic energy.

With pranayama and Sexual Magic, we awaken the Kundalini and the chakras completely.

Pranayama is a system of sexual transmutation for single persons." - Samael Aun Weor; The Yellow Book

This is much more effective than leeching loosh.

There are also techniques you can use for couples. I'll see if i can dog some of those up. They like to guard that sort of thing and make you go through their organization." -Samael Aun Weor; The Yellow Book.


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Picture 3 was selected for the mention of arcanum A.Z.F.
As it is mentioned in the excerpts above.


Don't know what you're talking about, I find incrementally higher number of days to work better than quitting cold turkey.



Seconded. I am on 4 days now, and I pledge an additional 4 days. The numbers and fixed goal appeal to my logical mind.

Different strokes for different folks. If you know what works for you, I say do it.


There is an asana very helpful to counter lust and transmute sexual energy. It's called Sirshasana. Doing it once a day, maintaining it all the time you can, is often enough.

>Benefits of Sirshasana: This asana redirects sexual energy from the lower chakras into the Ajna Chakra to be

transmuted from sexual energy into mental energy. This is a good Asana for fighting lustful urges.
It also awakens the Kundalini and drives it up the spine. It tones the shoulders and back and
develops neck strength as well. It is good for helping you to wake up in the mornings, and can be
done before meditation to help the mind enter into a meditative mind-set. The Yogi who can hold
this Asana for 3 hours achieves Siddhis (yogic powers) and great spiritual benefit. He enters into
the deepest states of meditation.


Pledging 3 days


i failed after four days. Gonna pledge myself to… Monday, then go further I think.


Well a few days ago I got serious and pledged 30 days. I wrote down a lengthy proposition (after many rewrites and revisions) to "whomever it may concern" that if I succeed in my challenge, a particular health/cosmetic condition of mine will be cleared, and if I fail, it will worsen. Then I smeared a little of my blood on the paper and burned it in my backyard. I have no clue what I'm doing.




Is that a headstand? Is it hard to do?
I have no experience with Yoga.


Dude to do that properly you have to enter trance to send out your message "to whom it may concern".


Dude, I said I have no clue what I'm doing. Actually, trance has always been a tricky thing for me to define in a proper sense, and I don't even know if I've done it "properly." I was in a state I would at least call trance-like as I wrote the thing, because I put a lot of thought into every word and rewrote the entire page several times until I got it perfect. While transcribing the words from one page to another, going through those same motions, it felt like a trance; hypnotic in a way.
So shit, I don't know. Either way, I'm not jerking off for a while.



Yes, it's a headstand. You should be able to do it with a folded towel under the top of your head and leaning upon a wall. It's a lot easier to do than a handstand. If your weight is too high compared to your muscle mass, it might be harder to maintain the pose.



Hello, I am new to this and was wondering what techniques I could use to stop my urges.


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This might be of help to some: if you come across pornography or anything sexual, ignore it. For example, I find there is always a weak, but present desire to enlarge a 'chan image or even to look for the source, or just to linger on it. Never linger on shit. Ignore it. Internalize this. Treat "sexy" as boring. Treat "sexy" as repulsive. Same goes for your own body. You have a boner? Ignore it. Find something to read or watch, or go outside. If that fails, take a cold shower. It will snap you back to reality.


2 weeks + 2 days going strong.

Are wet dreams alright? Had my first one in a hell of a long time.



This is terrible advice. A skillful person of your level of wisdom would forego giving anyone advise. The contents of your Self are terrible and should be kept to yourself until you have purified yourself.

Seriously. Simply terrible terrible terrible advise.



Well you did not explain why his advice is terrible.


Probably just a troll.



You aren't asking why his advise is terrible. No one has.


The only thing I wouldn't suggest is to go outside with a boner, unless you're some kind of green mage


Check this out



Pledging through the end of the year



He changed a lot


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[Synchronicity Intensifies]


Post coitum omne animal triste est


Renouncing fapping til the end of the month. Porn too.


24 days pledge


what happened to his eyes between these two videos??
his whole demeanor and affect changed




he did drugs before that too man
did he move onto crack or something because…


Yeah, different drugs


>get rejected by girl
>finally dawns to me that I won't get dat faithful qt3.14 gf
>feel like shit and depressed, lonelier than ever
Most single people early or late in their 20's still have a hope that they will "make" it somehow. But when reality hits you in the face and you realize that no one will be there for you, the feeling of loneliness becomes more present, it's like a tightness around the chest that never goes away, the heart region will present a constant, dull pain that gets worse when you are not distracted with work or entertainment.

I used to fap daily, if I was alone would do it 3 times, not to mention watching porn.
Now it's almost a week and my dick is literally dead, I browse half chan but the inevitable lewd images don't have anymore an effect on me. I find porn disgusting, and no urge to open any site. I attribute it to the immense feeling of pain I get now when I start seeing people getting closer physically or emotionally.
Sorry for venting, but it really hurts. Fringe terminology aside, these urges we feel and which bring us misery every time, they all have this chronic longing for a significant other as their source. It fools our body for a brief moment that it is touched by some perfect girl you saw in the video, that we are desired. Of course the illusion breaks right after the deed is done, and you are left even more miserable.


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Hey I like this thread, I just have a few questions and I kinda want an evaluation of my situation.

My sexual habits are mainly:
>masturbation once every two days
>rarely watch porn with actual women in it, maybe once a week, pretty much abstain from anything but 2D
>lust after women in public places at least once a week, sometimes intricate thoughts about sex with them
>fap on chat sites like omegle when I do fap 2 times a week tops

Now generally. I've always tried to move away from fapping too much because I feared desensitization and getting addicted to really weird shit.
Most weird shit I'm into is
>2D incest, never real
I don't have any super specific fetishes and can find lots of women attractive.

The last no fap I participated in lasted about 6 days.

If I were to pledge, I want to make an educated one that I think I may be able to accomplish and work from there.

Keep doing what you're doing guys and thanks for any response.


From Autobiography of a Yogi:

“How quickly we weary of earthly pleasures! Desire for material things is endless; man is never satisfied completely, and pursues one goal after another. The ‘something else’ he seeks is the Lord, who alone can grant lasting joy.
“Outward longings drive us from the Eden within; they offer false pleasures which only impersonate soul-happiness. The lost paradise is quickly regained through divine meditation."


I had a nofap streak for 2 weeks, I felt great.
After the third day or so i was over the hill, not thinking about it at all.

Right now i have a shit time and i started again, a few times a day,its the only thing that makes me relax, but i feel sick and tired.

Starting the nofap again.

1 month

See you again thread


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i fixed it for you.


.. which is why porn is detrimental to your health.


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2 weeks



So I've made it to this point without ejaculating. A total of 15 days. Forgot to come back and post about it, but I'm here.

Anyway, when the urge "comes" I stay on the edge without ejaculating, then I draw my attention away from that. I maintain full awareness of my actions, indulging myself but knowing full well that I could throw away everything I have at this point.

It's important to know that edging is extremely not recommended unless you know how to reabsorb your energy from the root.

It can be painful, it feels like you have to piss all the time, and you may be on the edge of spontaneous orgasm if you do not know what you are doing. Prostate draining is annoying. Edging is annoying as it makes you a little tired (though not as much as ejaculating)

Your prostate fluids build up and it sucks. It really feels like you have to pee, and it sucks if you aren't used to it. Plus orgasm and ejaculation is right around the corner. If you DO ejaculate, it's like digging yourself into a deeper hole, and the craving to ejaculate compounds and compounds with great momentum.

Absolutely not recommended. If you find yourself on this path already though, try it but make the commitment. I spent months kicking the habit and it was hard to get where I am now.

But I'm making it so far. The edging has decreased because of how much of a pain it is. I need to drink cranberry juice at least daily. On the bright side, images and videos largely lost their appeal. My body itself has come to understand that spilling the seed to a fleeting image is a fruitless endeavor.

You may know it, you may understand it, but until you feel what it is to go a day, 2 days, 4 days, and so on without ejaculating and feel how it is to have this energy back, you do not truly know.

From this recovered nourishment, my mind is clear, my eyes are clear, my physical strength is greatly increased, and in a hilarious cosmic/ demiurgic attempt to get me to lose my seed, the women want my loosh now more than ever. But I know I can go longer and recover more.

I pledge 2 more weeks though I feel in my body I can go for longer period indefinitely.

Accept that you are sexual in your corporeal form, but also learn to accept *no orgasm.* I know it sounds scary, but that's because your ego-mind is not in touch with your body. Kill the fear, you will be unstoppable.

Accepting no orgasm is like accepting death of the body. Once you can accept being without orgasm, you reach a new level of mental clarity and I am assuming spiritual enrichment.

It is still possible to have sex according to Taoist tradition and some Tantric schools of thought (and something called Karezza, google it), but you must be disciplined, refrain from orgasm and learn to circulate and store your energy correctly. Beware of "sexual liberation" disguised as New Age misinformation. Controlling the muscles of the root, kegels (contraction)/reverse kegels (relaxation) are helpful as are breathing exercises that help circulate energy.

Most women (most people in general actually) are not mature enough to have sex without orgasm; I had an ex who said it wasn't sex if the man didn't cum. Now you can still indulge a spiritually immature female's hedonism and reap the benefits without ejaculating as long as you tell her not to make you cum. Insist and make this the condition. Maybe this is like being with succubus without losing anything - I don't know as I have never been with or summoned a succubus and don't really intend to.

Some believe women can orgasm indefinitely since they mostly lose energy through monthly menstruation, but neurologically the sex/reward circuit is the same for them as it is for men. So I don't know what is best for them, only for myself at this point.

Also, noticing lots of synchronicity lately. Practicing visualization and thoughtforming has had some major breakthroughs. If you are on the same path, I highly recommend you stop ejaculating and touching yourself altogether. But take it a step at a time especially as some of us are more rooted in the physical than others and must use those kinds of psychological conditioning techniques as incentive.


I had good results by putting pressure on the base of my genitals near climax, thus preventing the semen from coming through. I know that I still gained the benefit of a testosterone boost on the 7th day, which I believe is the main, somewhat proven benefit of the practice

I also used Ancient Egyptian Tantra (http://www.enlightenmentcity.com/1/post/2012/09/ancient-egyptian-tantra.html), so sexual energy was not wasted and it gave me a great energetic benefit, among the other beneficial effects of an orgasm, which feels much better while using this technique


I missed one day of transmutation/Egyptian pranayama and had a wet dream. Lesson to all; when you practice transmutation, do it every day even if it's just a little bit.


*tipps fedora*


>transmutation/Egyptian pranayama
What is this?



Gnostic here. I feel like I only tangentially relate to /fringe/, but I would like to start renouncing lust, so I'll post it here. My first goal: 1 week. I intend on doubling it each time I achieve my goal.


I hope you don't intend on and anticipate fapping after reaching each goal. You should take the approach that is indeed your goal but you should aim to do overtime if you can too. Kind of like a highscore thing. You bet your goal and you can going longer still if you can.


No, the goals only exist as milestones of sorts for me to keep track of things and to motivate myself.


So, aside from the half-assed "deal" I made that may or may not have worked, I'm still following through with my pledge. I didn't keep close track of the days I've gone, so I'm anywhere between 15 and 20.
I'd like to vent a little. This is taking a drastic toll on me. At first I watched some porn and did some edging, stupidly, knowing I'd regret it. I'm having huge amounts of irritation, anxiety, and terrible depression. I'm feeling very lonely and hopeless about life sometimes and keep getting smacked in the face by my petty fantasies: for example, thinking up elaborate dates with girls and then having the universe shit all over my plans with some other circumstances as if to say "quit dreaming, quit being a pussy." I've been having somewhat suicidal thoughts. I want to do more productive things like read, meditate, work on art and music (the latter of which I'm been doing well with, I should say), but my motivation levels have mostly plummeted and so has my ability to concentrate on deep subjects, so I just pacify myself with entertainment. Now I've reached a point of disgust with myself and my animal drives which, for lack of a better phrase, have me by the balls. Aside from actually seeing an attractive girl or a pornographic picture (which I'm avoiding now - done with the edging), it's as if my sex drive as been stifled by this disgust completely. And the disgust has affected things like my appetite as well. I feel like I'm living in a zoo; like I'm filthy; like I'm a slave; like I'm caught in this crude, endless circle of impulsive behavior.
But I feel fairly certain this is a sort of "die-off" stage, where there's a dip before the upward turn. I don't want to discourage anyone who's serious about doing this, just understand your body and your drives in order to understand what you're getting into. Try to remember not to repress your urges, but to simply become conscious of them, and they won't overwhelm you.
I plan to persevere for as long as I can with this.

Something tells me I have some kind of strong astral entity leeching off me, causing these pronounced emotional reactions. Thoughts?


I realized that one outstanding sentiment I seem to be feeling is something like: I don't deserve to orgasm, to eat, to drink, to receive love, or to feel joy until I change the world for the better. I understand it's irrational, but I'm describing what it feels like to a degree. I feel deeply frustrated and ashamed of my unremitting selfishness. I feel like I've been an overstuffed leech, dependent on too many people, demanding of too much, consuming endlessly without giving anything out. I want to strip off all the baggage and stand completely naked - mostly figuratively, sometimes in a literal sense. Forget the role I play, the clothes I wear, the impulses I'm moved by, etc. I want to strip it all away and, I guess, die. But I enjoy parts of life of course, and I don't want to permanently die. I just want purification of some sort, I guess. Atonement.


3. Day
My mind got back control over my body and fluids.
Visualize geometric shapes if sexual instinct forces itself on me.


none of u can resist THIS: http://i.imgur.com/lV2JpA8.gif



I pledge 1 month


Jizzed my pants while making out with my gf, didn't orgasm. Just felt some wetness and had to change. I don't feel any weaker like I would after fapping. Still feeling energy and seeing auras same as before. I put it on the same teir as a wet dream.


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>Still… seeing auras same as before.


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2 weeks


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Lost my libido again, I will try for 2 weeks.

It will get more difficult as I eat and sleep better, recovering it.


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Deleted all lewd images on my PC totaling 20gb.

I'll start slow. 1 week.


Hadn't cummed in over a month but had a wet dream last night. Not planning on starting masturbating again. The quest continues (with a new set of underwear).


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Haven't fapped and spent longer than 5 minutes looking at porn for about a week now.

But agitated and feeling shitty, partly no doubt due to withdrawl-like symptoms and partly because retention without transmutation of energy.

I have made this mistake before, hell my post is probably somewhere far up in this thread. Really not looking to repeat the same mistake again and start over again, not when I've made so much progress in overcoming the addiction and normalizing my libido.

I'll start of small with deep breathing exercises and meditation everyday for now just to keep the transmutation of energy going.


I forget that we're all not born with the gift.


Busted after five months and a couple weeks. Pledging 6 months no fap.


I am >>13036

As of today, I've basically made it the whole month without ejaculating aside from one wet dream which I am working on lucid dreaming to prevent from happening. I pledge one additional month.

I almost ejaculated today but I've gained sufficient skill keeping the energy from leaving the body and prevented it from happening without any physical means. The energy surge I suppressed was powerful and I circulated it. I took that as a warning to stay away from edging, and this will be my goal this month.

I try to have sex with le gf, she says she is tempted but doesn't really want to go for a few hours and "feel exhausted." I assure her we can do it for as short or as long as we like. Maybe the last time I took her loosh by accident. I want to show her what I'm doing but she doesn't get it, she's too caught up in the conventional sex paradigm of buildup/orgasm/exhaustion.

I try to show her the ways of sexual energy cultivation (through alternative means of orgasm - baby steps) but she doesn't get it and avoids being sexual altogether now. It's a little frustrating to say the least.

Perhaps I'm in the middle of another, larger "dieoff" phase as another person mentioned. Or maybe I am coming off as an energy vampire or something and she doesn't want to do it. Maybe women are used to being the vampires. Anyway, how the hell do I share my energy with her without ejaculating?


Pledging no fap 2015.
Anyone else hopping on this wild ride?


>Divine Mother
what is this


I'm going to shoot for a week nofap.


I pledge a week. If I do relapse after that, I will make sure not to do it to porn, but to my imagination.


>If you can pull off 12 hours, try 24 hours

This helped a lot
I even dishonestly added a couple days to my nofap streak just to make it feel like it was worth keeping more


Also adding on
That "oh I can masturbate for one more night, I'll just start the streak tomorrow" mentality is the hardest part of celibacy, try not to think like that.


Can someone make a list for me of all the reasons to not fap? I want to memorise and recite them to myself in order to prevent further pledge-breaks.


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At least 2 months nofap here we go. No more checking up on my EX girlfriend "peace" by going on her tumblr and instagram. She's a SJW anyhow. Also no more ganja or soda until this date. It will be until March 20th that I'm allowed to fap or toke again.


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