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With all these Pledges around I suggest stopping smoking for a certain amount of time.

I take a week for cigs (after this one i swear it's my last) and five days 420.

Pledge to renounce your addictions and degenerate habits in this thread.

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also shameless self bump for

Hideo yamamoto who created Homunculus (pic related).

It's genius, chzech it out.


>can't even free himself for disgusting habits that are unhealthy as fuck

>thinks he can into magick

You'll never do any progress while you're under the constant effect of those substances.


I pledge 7 days from now. Just ran out too so let's see how this goes


Pledging 3 weeks. And hopefully forever after.





I quit smoking after I started studying magic for real. Fighting bad habits is a very powerful way to strengthen your Will. I was smoking cigs for like 5-6 years, now they only disgust me. Next step for me is destroying my drug habit and I've already made some progress. Don't pledge any amount of time. Just stop smoking. If you don't have Will necessery to do so, you don't have Will necessery for magic either. If you can't do it cold turkey, then just smoke less. If you smoke pack a day then go down to half a pack, then a quarter, then 2-3 cigs then none and then you win. It's easy. It's all in your head, use auto - suggestion and realize that cigs don't give you anything, they just take away from you.



More like all in your mind.



Yeah, didn't realize how mundane it sounds.


Actually it makes sense either way, as addiction mechanisms work only on this physical level. To say that addiction is in your MIND would imply that our higher selves could be addicted to cigarettes which is absurd.



Addiction is a mental program and the law of like begets like is all you need to know to understand it. Like how focusing on fear creates more fear, focusing on courage creates more courage, etc.

The whole universe, loosh, everything about the design of this reality is addictive and memetic.



I've quit drugs quite a while ago. The only thing really keeping me down is cigarettes. My so called lower self seems to hold on to it for dear life. Its almost funny how ingenious it gets to get me to smoke.



Made your thread better.


my psychedelic drug habit is really defensive and tries to find a way to justify itself every time. 21 days


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Thanks! :3

As i feel about it:

Something i found about will.

It's easier to grasp it if you treat it almost as something tangible.

Motivation is not important to reinforce the but rather focus on that particular will and keep track of it.

Pure will is, I suppose stupid in a sense only caring about sustaining itself willing to will and the more you do the more you will.

That's why dry alcoholics so often fall back because all that will that has been worked up to NOT do a particular thing is broken down once there is a conscious action against that will.

Feel free to comment and insult me


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I really hope that made sense


Not renouncing anything / pledging but fuck there's just a few days left in May and I really need to get all my garden stuff DONE AND OVER WITH ALREADY so I can set up my ayylienware laptop and resume my studies in earnest. I am so anxious to do some incredibly high magick and thinking of recruiting a mundane and having them participate in shamanic drumming with me, to a rhythm where the thoughts, breath, and beat and everything is synchronized and I personally just listen to the astral sounds of rattles shaking but if the mundane wants we could do that too. I'd draw evocational circles on the ground too. Realistically though I'll have to do all of this alone.



>smoked last pack during exams

>that was like 6 weeks ago

>dont even feel like smoking anymore

>dont do drugs/drink to begin with

I'd say the only degeneracy left in me is porn and excessive vidya games.


I've smoked on an off for 8 years. I usually quit smoking for a few months(completely) and then end up getting back into it. The first few times is hard(but I was underaged when I started smoking so it was a real hassle obtaining cigarettes, which made quitting so much easier). After a few times your will grows strong to the point where you can actually quit "any time I want".

Of course you get the shitty mood swings for the first couple of weeks, and cravings, but the fact that you'd have to go out and buy a pack and your conscious desire to want to quit over rides your desire to do it. For me all of that lasts only two weeks, where it goes from easy at the start to hard after the first week, and then easy again towards week 2.

They say the cravings only last a few minutes, so if you don't keep cigarettes on you, by the time you get ready to go to the store you will already be over it.

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