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I am conducting some experiments investigating the effects that testosterone and estrogen have on the mind.

I am a transsexual woman on a hormonal replacement regimen, and for the past few years I came to recognize that, when living as male, testosterone had been affecting the way I had thought, my mental process. Through experimentation with starting and stopping estrogen and the use of various blockers, I came to understand what each state felt like.

Hormones constantly vy against each other for "dominance" in your bloodstream. If there is a dominance of testosterone, the body recognizes itself as male. If estrogen dominates, the body recognizes itself as female. Fat redistributes to different areas, and the way of thinking is different. Sort of like a passive invocation that is difficult to do away with.

A dominance of testosterone encourages a "go out and attack" sort of mentality. It is very correlated with the desire to have penetrative sex. On testosterone, I feel more aggressive, often more impuslive and rash than I would otherwise be.

Estrogen dominance is more emotional, more receptive, and more intuitive. Many people report that transsexual women have a change in sexual preference over time - I attribute this (at least partially) to estrogen, which encourages a desire to receive penetrative sex.

The state of having neither chemical is something I've been focusing more on lately. By forgoing estrogen and taking nothing but testosterone blocking supplements, I feel I've entered into the "eunuch" mindset. A general lack of sexual desire, and I've found it very easy to enter gnosis and to be more task-oriented.

I present this as a sort of basic three-state framework that I feel underlies most of human consciousness. You might attribute this to the subconscious, superconscious and self-conscious minds - suggesting that your mind may be biased by design.

As far as I've been aware, testosterone has been a prized (and suppressed) element of the western occult, which drives the male creative force. This is not to say women, or people who have estrogen as their dominant hormone are not as generative or capable as men, but I would like to help answer any questions you might have, to lay down some reasonably tangible data to replace the broscience and folk legends that currently permeate the discussion of hormones regimens. and to answer any questions you may have, such as

"Is testosterone better at task X than estrogen?"


"How do phytoestrogens affect my judgement, and what can I use to ground myself?"

I will serve as your guinea pig, I will perform and document any experiments you suggest, (as long as the testosterone periods are not overly long or frequent, for aesthetic reasons) and report back to this thread. Let's break some new ground.


>I am a transsexual woman on a hormonal replacement regimen

Rope yourself for using mundane drugs instead of mind power you mundane freak.


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That is not very nice.



What you are doing to your body isn't very nice either.

Instead of actually legitimately becoming the other gender you are just wrecking your body with unbalanced hormones.


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>What you are doing to your body

I am not op btw.



The same could be said for anyone who messes with hormones. I think you'll find that nobody's "more legitimate" than anyone else.

I do not care about being "legitimate". I chose what I am, and I've come to know the mental effects of these chemicals on the brain, which is an avenue most people do not travel down. I want this information to be more known, so I am putting myself forward as someone who will answer any questions or undertake experiments for anyone interested in what I have to say.


OP, tell me more about the emotional side of being male and being female.

I was often told that women feel everything very intensely, while men are cold fucks, but from personal experience I find this untrue, because I am male and I could be emotionally crushed by even small things (but I am a bit schizo so I don't know if that counts).

So to put it in non-retarded way: how much the ability to perceive emotions improved when you were taking estrogen?



It feels very much like a subconscious invocation, it actually effects your direct perception of reality. I would describe it as feeling more "boundary" or "outline" based. More seeing how things fit together, rather than the things themselves. For example, if I were to pick up a stone, I think I would notice its edges before I noticed it's thickness or heaviness. I think my pain tolerance was also lowered.

I can't quantify it by "how much" it was different, but I will say that, let's say I was at a social gathering, I would be more likely to perceive someone's nervousness or emotional imbalance intuitively.

Whereas, with testosterone, I would be more focused on the physical bodies around me, concentrating on the moment and how to handle/react to things.


I haven't really looked at it, no. I realize that people will likely troll here, but I don't really care, and I'm not going to refrain from posting just because people don't understand the Hermetic Principle of Polarity.

I guess you could say I'm androgynous mentally. I have a few, more feminine thoughtforms I use, but I don't really see a point in "feminizing myself". I'd rather just invoke something if I need it.



Also, if you are trans what are your thoughts on homosexuality? Most people here are homophobic and supposedly for a reason. I don't really care, coz I feel like I've transcended sexual urges in my past life but I'm just curious - don't you think that being gay and being a wizard contradict eachother?



The emotional aspect to femininity is not so much "being emotional" or feeling over emotional about things - in fact i think that actively being affected by the weight of a given emotion is more of a masculine thing.

The way estrogen works is more negative, it's more analytical, it understands more other people's emotions, and I think it helps you manage your own, from more of a "whole picture" perspective rather than an incidental one.

I of course don't know you, but from what you posted, you sound like your masculine aspect is more prominent than a feminine aspect.


No, not really. I guess if you're trying to compete within a specific paradigm where homosexuality is a disadvantage, then you might want to change that or relocate, but otherwise I don't see why it would itself be a hindrance, or contradictory at all.

This board perseverates on things like chastity and moral fiber, but they're just responding to the symptoms of our civilization's decline as if they were the cause, instead of looking at the acausal. Correlation does not imply causation.

I will say magically it sucks having to pay for hormones on a routine basis, to maintain this form. That itself will likely hinder me in the future. But, I've decided to keep myself this way, so that will not be something I am changing.



And another one about emotions anon-kun: from personal observation I concluded that women tend to be slaves to their emotions (example, most of girls whom I've known often whined about "not being able to change the way they feel" etc. and their deeds confirmed that they have little to none control over their emotions). What's your insight on this?

> I think it helps you manage your own

Could you elaborate more? As I've said, my observations contradict this.


aaaa sissy


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Well, you don't have to take my word for it, but my take on what you're describing is that women are born with their minds fundamentally focusing on the emotional sphere, whereas men are born fundamentally focusing on the sphere of action.

However, to function requires balance, and we live in a society that encourages reception without action. Watching TV, instead of making it, eating food instead of cooking it, you get the idea.

So as a consequence, the women may understand emotions, but they don't know how to act on them, and society encourages them to raise a stink about small things. Men may be born understanding actions and how to move about as a man would, but it seems increasingly more prevalent that men get thrown under the bus and masculinity is discouraged. This doesn't happen to everyone, and masculine men still exist, but it's also common for men to become emasculated, and more often than not feel somewhat worthless or incapable, seeing themselves as failing in a generative role instead of being comfortable receiving in a feminine one.

Feminine insight does help you manage and interpret emotions, but it takes a bit of a masculine desire to outwardly manage one's affairs, to resolve disputes or to care about other people's emotions.

I like to look at the Yamato Nadeshiko as a prototype of how a woman who is fundamentally feminine, but has a masculine balance, a "bit of steel" in her words, as opposed to what you might see these days with American women.




gas yourself anime sissy degenerate



You're probably a tranny just like the OP or else some kind of sexual deviant.



Just because you take hormones doesn't mean you're ever going to actually be the opposite gender freak. You're just going to be messed up. You don't chose what you are because despite what you are doing you are not succeeding in actually changing your DNA. To do that you have to use mental principles and high magick.



Oh, I see. Thank you. I've been a masculine man then I've tuned in more to my feminine side and now I try to live in balance, using both feminine and masculine elements as tools and not being wrapped up in any gender - oriented shit like





>OP, tell me more about the emotional side of being male and being female.

OP only knows about being one of those things and not the other. Tranny freaks should not be allowed to speak for the gender they want to pretend to be.



>And why don't you feminize yourself with magic?

...because OP is a mundane loser fuck ruining her body with hormones.


This thread is not magick-related at all and shouldn't even be on the board, the OP is not using magickal methods to change genders, this shit belongs on >>>/lgbtbbq/ or some shit not here.



Well, OP is the closest person to living in both genders, thus being able to compare them, whom I've met. Im just glad that I got my answers before the shitstorm.


What is OP's actual gender? Is it a female trying to be a man or a man trying to be a woman or a genetic freak born without a clear gender?


The real question is: How does one change sex magickally?



Cut your penis off and use siddhis to heal the wound. Then carve a vagina.



>just because people don't understand the Hermetic Principle of Polarity.

You are the one that doesn't understand the principle of polarity.


Anyone who has completed step 5 of Initiation Into Hermetics can use magick to experience other people's lives and get genuine insight into what it's like actually being a woman, a man, various other people…

This degenerate bullshit doesn't count at all.





You transfer your soul into another body that is the actual gender you want. Even more advanced version involves creating the body from scratch that you will inhabit next as opposed to merely taking over another's body / swapping with them.




wtf, he's not a woman at all then, he's a male tranny.



Oh and third way would be to do that thing talked about in The Book of Knowledge in the library where you reprogram your own DNA.



May I ask when one would be able to do that? That means mastering astral projection, right? Would you be able to do that, Smiley, if you wanted to?


That's shapeshifting?



No not really shapeshifting, that's yet another way of sort of doing it, although I don't think a shapeshifter is necessarily changing their actual DNA just their shape.



According to Lobsang Rampa you basically just need to cut your silvercord and then hook it up to the target.



What don't I understand about it? Things are spectrums of two points. Is it more complicated than that?


That sounds very interesting. I'd never considered transmigration before. Have you ever done it, or experimented with it, personally?



Then what's this technique doing then? Change the body physically by first changing the DNA?


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>Polyps still thinking hormones have any effect on their minds and flesh.

Embrace the relevant irrelevancy of your current being and your flesh will become nothing more than what you want it to be.


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Nope. I am just a nice person.




>Have you ever seen a silvercord?

I don't think it's necessary to see a silvercord and it's kind of a synaesthesia thing to be able to see it visually.



You mean a degeneracy-enabler that will get bulldozed into the mass grave with the rest a few years from now.



Which one are you asking me about?

Changing the DNA causes a chimera situation where gradually all of your cells get replaced by the new ones with the new DNA.

Shapeshifting I assume does not change the DNA but it's not like I've found any literature or talked to any people who were shapeshifters to find out if their DNA changes or not when they shapeshift.


>That sounds very interesting. I'd never considered transmigration before. Have you ever done it, or experimented with it, personally?

I've done the preliminary works just to "tread the waters" so to speak but have no desire to actually change my gender and presently want to keep using my current vessel for a couple years longer in order to run it through some pretty abusive situations I need to force it through regardless before I switch to a new vessel permanently.

>What don't I understand about it? Things are spectrums of two points. Is it more complicated than that?

I take it you only read The Kybalion but didn't read The Arcane Teachings and The Mystery of Sex Polarity (which is a big filesize book btw so not in the main library right now).


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You are not a very nice person.




You are not a person.


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Do you believe you are actually becoming the opposite sex/gender or do you believe or are just taking on the appearance of the other gender.

Do you believe that you should be allowed to use women's bathrooms or do you believe it is acceptable for trans people to instead have their own bathrooms

Do you believe people should be forced to call or she or do you believe a separate pronoun for trans people should be developed, i.e. tshe or heshe or sheh.

To disclose my beliefs, the only problem I have with trans people is that they try to force their delusions/their ideology that they are women or men when they are not, they are males or females that have undergone surgeries and hormonal treatment to adopt the outward appearance of the opposite sex but they are not that sex.


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gender only affects your body. it doesnt affect your mind only in how your body affects your mind. it doesnt affect your spirit only how your mind affects your spirit and so on



You're correct, I'm basing what I know on the Kybalion. I suppose I'll give your book a read, then.


I understand that it's a cultural semantic sort of thing. No, I know I'm not literally becoming the other gender, I'm just riding the wave, degeneracy ho, and I think it's funny that people perseverate on such arbitrary things. I don't hold any staunch beliefs about how something like this should be handled, because those things change with the times. I chose it because I felt like it, not because I thought I was born a girl inside or whatever pseudo-scientific nonsense that Marxists invoke these days.

So, I ask people to use "she" with me, might invoke my minority card if I see utility in it, but if we just meet on the street and you glare at me and purposely use "he" instead, I won't take issue with you, but I'll probably laugh about it later.



I pass fine, but some people do pick up on it.

No, I won't post pics.



Women are strong in the water element and when they come under the right influences they develop very far but they lack intrinsic motivation / Will to develop themselves magickally.

Men can't become women if all they are doing is fucking their body up with hormones. They will become weaker doing that shit but they won't become actual women. They are failing to change the etheric body and their mind's blueprint is constantly trying to revert the damage they are doing to themselves to return back to their basic form.



Why would anyone with the magickal expertise to do this change would want to degrade themselves in such way?

You wouldn't even be able to turn back once you realized your mistake.


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>inb4 thanks for the loosh

I sent a strong wave of desperation to smiley so he gets my looshhurt lmao get fucked degenerate eununchs



That poster is not me.



>I was talking about actual change, not hormone therapy, you know? Do you consider it a step down?

Yes. Why would you want to become a woman who is like a leaf in the winds of higher forces acting upon her rather than be a man who can burn his path across the heavens by his own Will?

If you're already a woman you should feel fortunate if you've attracted positive forces into your life that you can couple with to ride the masculine wave of ascent but if you're a man then just remain a man and do not betray the fire.

The fire rises brothers.


>them trips



I chose what I did because I wanted to do it.

Context is toxic. /fringe/ talks all about how they want to realize free will and magical consciousness, all the time, and yet they struggle to accept it when you see it happening right in front of their faces.

Is it really that difficult of a concept to grasp? Or do you have to justify it in your minds somehow for it to make sense, label me a senseless degenerate so I don't disrupt your reality tunnel?

I'm just trying to have a thread about hormonal effects on the mind. I wasn't asking for loosh, but you sure are making it rain, lol.


well as a male I do experience a cognitive boost, which ties in with a boost in mental clarity/awareness post-sex(tesosterone boost)



Incorrect. Never forget duality. There can not be one without the other. There can never be a 'first' one. Also, the All created the universe through its will. A combination of male and female. For together life exists, without either it does not.



Mundane identified



bruce jenner pls go


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>On /fringe/

I should've left for good.



There's nothing holding you


Why do people fall into these unnatural perversions? Fucking with your body's hormonal balance using drugs/injections/blockers what ever the fuck else can only end badly.

There is balance in everything, and when disrupt that balance, you fall.

If you're born as a woman but want to be a man, why don't you magic your self into being happy with who you are, instead of trying to manufacture your self into something you're not?



I for one find this thread intriguing. I'd especially love to hear how all this hormone stuff has affected your magical abilities, since you're here on /fringe/, if you were interested in that stuff before starting the treatment, that is. Personally, the only hormone I've ever tried was desogestrel, which was a really bad experience for me.


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Maybe curiosity is. The same curiosity that made me read this thread, of a disturbingly confused individual who misunderstood spirituality over egoic degeneracy such as gender change.

We've chosen to be born either a man or a woman, there's no 'in-between'.


My point precisely.


>stop disliking what I like



>This is not to say women, or people who have estrogen as their dominant hormone are not as generative or capable as men

Do you really believe that? My misogyny tells me that men are the most generative people there are if they can tap into that aspie single-mindedness. You really don't find this to be the case?

John Steinbeck on men:

>“Our species is the only creative species, and it has only one creative instrument, the individual mind and spirit of man. Nothing was ever created by two men. There are no good collaborations, whether in music, in art, in poetry, in mathematics, in philosophy. Once the miracle of creation has taken place, the group can build and extend it, but the group never invents anything. The preciousness lies in the lonely mind of a man.”


Not going to bother reading the thread but all you need is your mind to balance yourself and make it easier to enter gnosis and be more task oriented. From empirical evidence I've gathered, it is more than likely that you have experienced some "trauma" be it small or little to make you want to become transsexual. I don't really care about what you choose to do and I'm fine with you being transsexual but I don't want to see more discussions on transexuality as I feel it will deteriorate the quality of discussion due to common character traits of transsexuals. Best of luck to you



>all these leftist faggots

This is what happens when we spam this board all over the place.



No goy, I believe facts that are proven.

You believe what you're told. A will-less gentile.



I transitioned before I got into the occult.

Everyone who has suggested I should have willed myself into comfort has a real point. Having come to know myself better, I think I would have been okay as either, and if I could go back with the wisdom I have now, I probably wouldn't have transitioned. Right now, I don't have much desire to go back - while my original form might have been physically stronger, there's no point in putting my endocrine system through even more stress to return to a male form, and there's really no rule anywhere that says that having your system be free of poisons is REQUIRED for magick - just that it helps a lot. Aside from my hormone regimen, I keep my system pretty healthy, i work out, eat well, avoid impurites, etc. I'm just always going to have that unnatural bit of whatever going on in my system, but I do not think it is any worse than, say, being a habitual smoker.

All this did come with an impact on my magical abilities. For one, I have new physical limitations. My body is weaker than it would have been had I remained male. I have low blood pressure, and my circulation isn't very good - my hands and feet are often cold to the touch, and I occasionally feel dizzy if I sit up suddenly after being stationary for too long. (basically orthostatic hypotension)

I'll also have to remain on hormone supplements, which will cost me money out of pocket.

Still though, I think being like this is kind of interesting, so want to see what staying on it will be like. I see it as riding a social wave. I don't really mind when people call me a degenerate, because their butthurt just gives me power.



I personally don't believe in the whole "I was a girl inside the whole time" thing, because there were also a lot of symbols and experiences that influenced my development, which shaped me in my early-life development.

If you believe yourself to not be influenced by your environment, and are of completely sovereign mind, and you still wish to go through with something like this, then more power to you, do as thou wilt.

Just be sure that you know what you're getting into.



whoop sorry for the redundant redundancy


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The day of the rope will see your kind purged from this plane of existence. Forces that have been at work for centuries are about to bring the current era to an end in less than fifteen years. It's already happening, and by late July, as the stock market enters even greater volatility ultimately leading to a crash in September; just remember: there is no escape from Babylonian money magick.


No one has the right not to be offended, child.

Rights do not exist, but are rather the false product of an malignant egregore that has long plagued mankind since the Enlightment of the 17th century.

The All has no need of rights.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You mean a degeneracy-enabler that will get bulldozed into the mass grave with the rest a few years from now.

Indeed, brother. The unclean are blind to their fates. Let them wallow in ignorance, it will only increase the solemn splendor as we cleave them from this world.

The abyss will swallow their souls, and we shall gaze forth with our eyes fixed to the heavens, witness to the dawn of a new golden age of truth.



Ya know, I'm not blind to what's going on. Anyone dabbling in any left hand anything is liable to be purged. I've accepted that I'm going to die eventually, and will continue to live this way, because I really don't care about what happens to myself, the world or your golden age - lightfags can masturbate about their golden truth all they want. I've been there, I've felt it, that's enough for me, so my fate is really just whimsy at best.

I think it's hilarious how much light warriors dehumanize each other on the basis of purity kekeke.

the groupthink in here is hilarious


Might I ask what route you're taking, if not HRT? Transmigration, perhaps? Your situation seems rather unique.



>Might I ask what route you're taking, if not HRT?

I'm reincarnating as my preferred gender.

I know I'll lose some years since I'll have to go through childhood again but experiencing a full life with a body that suits me is something I want to go through.



>there is no escape from Babylonian money magick.

>implying only the Jesuit crypto-kikes know magick

pls. You're on fringe after all




I've always gotten bad vibes from degenerates, you can intuitively tell something isn't right with them.



Sounds like you're a dabbler.

Attempted finding the light, got a little of it and even though there were far greater things to come you gave up there.

Attempted to become a full woman, but in the middle of it understood you weren't really a woman realised the damage you had done and now are stuck with the decision for fear of hurting your endocrine glands further.

So, basically, a dopamine-programmed and MKed "modern human" (hu-man, hu meaning less than in latin) machine. I feel sympathy for you brother.

May I ask how often you consume media a week (being movies, tv, Facebook etc) and also did you grow up watching a lot of Disney movies?



What are these forces you speak of?

What will destroy the world in 15 years?

What is this light you speak of?

The only thing that I've surmised with the resolute ruthlessness to purge the world of degenerates is darkness.

Only pure darkness has the power to destroy the SJW degenerates.

More and more I'm realising I need to embrace it, if I want to live in a world free of their kind. Free of the vile, the disgusting, the degenerate, the SJW, the marxist, the feminist, the cuckoldist.



Pfft. You don't even know me.



how the fuck do you become the other gender? not even planning to in my worst nightmares, but how?



How about real magic? Not this sigil fapping synchronicity low level crap.

By shapeshifting, bodyswapping, escaping to another realm or conscious reincarnation. Of course that means work and getting useful techniques.



I get it, how do you shapeshift though? I'd definetly put in work if I knew something like this existed



By changing the astral and etheric body bodies. Appliable via lucid dreaming/astral projection.

Master it, and obviously, learn to meditate. Lack of power will be the bootleneck which is why work on chakras/Kundalini and Chi/Prana/Vril accumulation will be important.

There are many books/authors you can start from.

Then there is also the whole thing about cleansing your physical body and making it healthy in order to reduce complications.



I'm already meditating for almost two months or so, but I'm focusing only on the crown chakra(or the pituatary gland) to increase testosterone for gains in the gym, should I meditate on all chakras? And how do I accumulate chi? Any content to read on this would be very appreciated



Read that new Tao Yoga thread and Mantak Chia.

Meditate on all chakras. I suggest Robert Bruce and his Mastering Astral Projection guide for that. He mentions that, too.



thanks a lot, this stuff was one of the main reasons why I got an interest in this stuff



what's the point of this post?



How are you planning to do this?

Also what's with all the deleted posts?

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