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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hello /fringe/

I would like to start off by stating my experiences in the occult thus far. Years ago I decided I wanted to be wiccan, looking back now, I realize that this decision was likely made in an attempt to be different and edgy. I soon realized that I didn't want to do this, (mostly out of laziness) and remained atheist for a couple short years. Several months ago I stumbled upon the site Joy of Satan. I read a brief history of Spiritual Satanism and how it is the original ideology of man, and after days of consideration I decided that this had just as good of chance as any to give my life purpose. Fast forward to now and I have had a few notable experiences.

>Dreamed that sister was pregnant only to find out in the following days that she was

>dreamed she had an abortion, next morning I find out she lost the baby

>Dreamed that my cat dies, next morning she has passed.

>Attempted to summon PHOENIX, one of Satan's demons, felt my hand go cold when I asked him to touch me despite it being over a candle, and Incense began shooting smoke straight upwards after reciting the prayer twice.

So why do I come to you now? It is because I feel that to progress forward It would be beneficial for me to have a mentor. Someone who knows far more than I that can guide me through the readings I downloaded from the sticky and hopefully, help me progress as a wizard.



I don't think there's really any point in seeking a mentor until you've read everything in the occult library in the sticky post here, and studied for at least a year by yourself.

What do you actually hope to gain from a mentor? What can you offer a mentor?



I'm not exactly sure in what order to read the books, that is firstly what I'd like to know. What can I offer? Well I'm certainly not going to be written of as a disposable underling. But I'd be willing to negotiate.


Do what I am doing which is self-initiation where I just read the books and do everything I possibly can on my own and then at last one day evoke a powerful guide to take you further into adepthood.



>So why do I come to you now? It is because I feel that to progress forward It would be beneficial for me to have a mentor. Someone who knows far more than I that can guide me through the readings I downloaded from the sticky and hopefully, help me progress as a wizard.

Oh in that case you just want me. Well, I'm here almost all the time, and also LHP sympathetic.



This is the order to read them in except I suggest that you read 8 and 9 before you read 5.



Not a bad Idea, I will have a lot of free time this summer. That's probably what i'll do, thanks.



Make sure that if you do evocation that you don't just accept whatever entity appears first. Test it, make sure you can actually learn from it, and never pledge yourself to it. That whole oathbinding shit is such a trick. If the entity isn't helpful just banish it and look for another one to help you.


If you want to study lhp magick I recommend that you first do the practices in initiation into hermetics. Then you can read Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlson. Most people who are lhp will just curse you to show you magick if you want to be their student. I would recommend that you don't take much that is said in joy of satan seriously becouse it contains a lot of disinformation. Its a lot smarter to start invoking after you can see the astral.

Don't join any Black lodge becouse they treat their initiates like shit. They keep them in the dark about everything intentionaly so they can use them like slaves.


Start doing the meditations from JoS. Make them a part of your daily schedule and make sure to do pranayama.



All JoS magick is taken from Franz Bardon…



>caring about what the kike says



>Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlson

Ridiculously expensive.


Have a free copy.



Thanks, man. But is it worth reading?



No idea. Smiley seemed to think so as its in the fringe essentials. I've read very little on this stuff. I'd want to know traditional kaballah before dealing with the lhp spin off of it.



Are you sure you wanna go the evil path and create suffering for those around you?

If your thoughts really have the power to create and modify the things around you wouldn't you want to help others instead?

Like inverting the polarity and input of information that you get from negative to positive.

Regardless of that I wish you the best in this cosmic game and hope you find whatever you're really looking for.

PS: Also if what you're looking for is just power, over something or someone and looking for a mentor or master you will also be a slave to whoever is teaching you be it Satan or someone in this dimension.



Monism with practical sympathetic animist magick would be a greater bet for the original religion.

What’s the deal with Satanism exactly?

Is it a logical reaction to the slave-master Christianity which plays down direct experiential enquiry and development common in America?

Seems like rebellion for those who cannot detach themselves from the Abrahamic faiths they dislike entirely or a despairing gnosticism.

There are paths to self-realisation which break taboos and allow for personal siddhis such as Kaula Tantra or Traditional Shamanism.




>reading kabala

check out chicken kabala by lon milo duquette

if you want to just listen to everything you would need to know about this shit and you can tolerate black supremacists calling pink skinned caucasians subhuman mutants but with good research done and well structured presentations which include folk who have studied full theology of every culture and magickal tribes and such for years, check out bobby hemmitt, or alim bey or brother panic on youtube.

They pretty much got good info on most deities / systems / occult shit.


he's right tho, black lodges will just have you fetch kids and sex toys for them most of the time till eventually they have you rape an animal or a baby and kill it.


you are a good information crossroad - have a look at http://bookzz.org/ if you don't know it yet for some very rare titles hard to find on google, my personal library is over 4gb of the rarest and most expensive occult books.


>pheonix, one of satan's demons.

Pheonix is a symbol of love fertility and life, it's the anthropomorphic ankh, and it's a her.. you fucking edgetard, satan is a fucking polarity of an energy and it represents set, you're supposed to be working the ancient paths not shit a bunch of degenerates that got kicked out of egypt strung together with limited stolen resources.

Did you only read the crap they told you to?

>decides to magickally attune himself

>has trigger since his sister's pheromones where different and female body changes when in contact with semen for ovulation … your subconscious is more open and aware of connections since you decided to open yourself to a new reality possibility now your subconscious is calculating the possibility for other realities to exist - the closest ones to your current degree is simply the ones which are more coherent with the realities.. like a spectrum of colors, depending on which level of reality you allow yourself to be in the colors range a specific level of coherence to your general agreed understanding of reality… going back on the sister thing… you're related to her by DNA.. which is genetic information which is made of atoms known to communicate between each other.. along your lineage… your body picked up her pheromone change and used a dream to tell you what's up.

>you got info etherically of the advent of the 2nd happening.

>cats are gatekeepers to death, if you dream of a dead cat it means you just triumphed over a weakness of yours a fear.. they say to not sleep nexto cats for they can inhale from your mouth bits of your very lifeforce…

*read this manga to know wtf is up about multiple realities, light, and different perceptions* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualia_the_Purple


The arcane teachings by william walker atkinson

The kybalion

The holographic universe micheal talbot

Advanced magick for beginners by alan chapman

The arcane formulas by william walker atkinson

Mantak Chia books and youtube videos

The law and promise Neville Goddard

Prometheus rising by Robert Anton Wilson

Franz Bardon books

Ralph Waldo Emerson essays

YOGI RAMACHARAKA ( atksinon's other penname ) books

Frank Rudolph Young's 2 books Yoga and cyclomancy

Pashcal randolph beverly's sexual magick

I personally recommend if you're a betamale looking issue riddled male to read KING warrior magician lover by robert moore

listen to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl5ZnbfpPlA

very good as fuck video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ca4TLkfGACw



it's knee-jerk reaction to hardcore Christianity, most satanist follow that poser lavey, his shit is just ripoff of hermetic crap mixed with lovecraft and lord of the fucking rings lore..

most of the members are the same type of folk you see in church with the programming and the works built into them, and they still need the structure and externalization and parent figure to lord over them, but this one says it's ok to fuck and suck and shoot cocaine, do as thou wilt. Same shit, just lets do the opposite of everything they do. It's still dumb as fuck and doesn't get you anywhere outside of the material babylon, christians benefit from christianity a lot more if you look at it.. you can sell anything with jesus on it or sell bullshit as long as you use jesus, use satan and all you get is edgy teenagers.

>>41310 >>49956

btw i forgot to mention… like 200 years ago and further long along the ages going back… this was common among sibblings and sisters, they would always have familial etheric ties… infact the first ppl you tend to to have syncs with are your family.

We've been so calcified and bullshitified that we now see shit we should be doing naturally is phenomenal and unique…

If you see a dude fly or pull a train, know that he ain't special, he's just beta testing what you can do better if you really give a fuck, but if you try to use this shit to dominate over others for your own egotistical gains and pleasures? YOU GON GET CHECKED BY SOMEONE BETTER THAN YOU SON. Cuz this is a co-creation you jumped into, this is an arena. The ultimate MMORPG.



OP wants a guru ?

How do you spell guru ?


That's right the guru/mentor is yourself nd no one else.

Practice and make one with the AUM (OM) and you will never need any guru.

>Also lel satanism



Thank you Master didi for posting such good content.

Btw, that book list is in reading order, right?


>"Satanism", kek


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>Several months ago I stumbled upon the site Joy of Satan

didn't even need the rest

praise Jesus Christ


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>All this shitposting and all those clashing opinions

It's like i am on /x/.

The 4chins one.


Not a Christfag, but FYI Satanism is the antithesis of Spirit.

You are burying your true Infinite Self (Spirit) in the dirt by using occult powers to advance yourself in terms of power, intellect, ego, materialism, etc., and refusing to make connection with Spirit… which sounds very appealing for a short-term basis. However, this is clear left-brain imbalanced worldview and all you will end up being is an enslaved "master" golem obsessed with controlling others and suppressing the freewill and consciousness of other beings who have a natural right to their freewill. Plus, karma will take effect on what you have done and you will end up fucked in the end. This is because when you use occult powers, you are fucking people over on a magnified scale so the level of karma you accumulate will be a lot more than normal people.

Just warning you. Not telling you that you can't fuck around a little bit, but I would suggest ultimately, eventually awakening True self and going up in consciousness because Spirit is ultimately infinitely more powerful and using your powers to help awaken others is way more fulfilling than some power-tripping maya/illusion bullshit.

Again I'm not totally against the dark arts but remain aware of Spirit or some of your subconscious entities (which you are comprised of) will take an absolute hold of you and you'll end up as a puppet on a string, so knowledge and awareness is key here. Don't let that shit get too far.

Your brain is currently imbalanced. You want to balance your left and right brain hemispheres and get your neocortex optimized.

Good luck to ya!



people want to be that anime character so badly.



It's just your usual post-get shitposting, it'll settle down in a few days.

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