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Esoteric Wizardry


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Want to enchant objects and other things? Download Franz Bardon's books, ctrl + f "impreg", read…

Water, objects, rooms, dolls, thoughtforms, everything can be manipulated through the akashic causal principle and the use of your intention + imagination.

The use of sigilization, symbols, etc. may also help concentrate energy and program and link different objects together through the principle of correspondence.

(1) Room Impregnation

By breathing through the lungs and pores of your body, you inhale vital energy. With the power of your imagination, press this vital energy into your whole body to the point that it radiates dynamically. At this point your body should be like a luminous power, a focal point or burning point. You could easily make the statement that it is an individual sun. With every inhalation, increase the compressed vital energy as well as the luminous power and fill the room with it. With the help of the emanating energy (radiant power), the room should literally be as light as if the sun were shining. It is possible through repeated and continued exercises to illuminate a dark room or a room at night to such a degree that the objects in the room can be seen well, not only by the practicing student but also by the uninitiated, because the light of the vital energy can be materialized by this method into actual daylight which in reality is only the practice of the power of the imagination.

The magician will not be satisfied with these phenomena alone, for he knows very well that the vital energy possesses a universal character. Not only is the vital energy a carrier of his ideas, thoughts and wishes, but also the manifester of his imagination. He can attain everything through this vital energy; however, to realize this is a matter for the plastic imagination.

When the student is filling his room with his emanating energy, he must also imagine what he is trying to accomplish — for instance, that the room will be cleared of all astral and magical influences or that these will vanish, or that not only will the magician feel healthy and well in that room, but so will anyone else who enters or remains there.

Furthermore, the magician can impregnate his room with the wish for proper inspiration, success and so forth in all his undertakings. Magicians that are further advanced have the ability to protect their room, and the moment unwelcome guests enter it they become restless and do not want to remain. Such a room is impregnated with the notion of protection and fear.

You can also impregnate a room in a more stable manner; in other words, if any person enters the room without permission, such a person will be thrown back with a paralyzing effect. As you can surmise, the magician has limitless possibilities at his disposal and on the basis of these instructions he can conceive many other methods.

When exhaling, the magician can return the accumulated vital energy to the universe and retain the emanating energy or the luminous power in the room with the help of his imagination.

He also has another possibility: through his imagination he can project the vital energy directly from the universe into the room without first accumulating the vital energy in his body, especially when he has reached a certain level of proficiency in the accumulation of vital energy in the body. He can impregnate the room in this manner even with his own wishes. There are no set limits when the imagination joins forces with will-power and belief, coupled with a firm conviction.

When the magician performs this type of work he is not limited to a designated room, but can impregnate two or more rooms or even an entire house with his life energy and emanating energy, either through himself or directly from the universe in accordance with the methods described.

Since the power of the imagination knows neither time nor space, this work can be accomplished even from the greatest distance. In time, and with the aid of this technique, the magician will be able to charge any room, small or large, far or near. In respect to his ethical development, he will only entertain good and noble things and through this his might will be limitless. Practice makes perfect!

Post last edited at



you're gona get red text on this post for sure..

but think of it this way, a tattoo is used to enchant a part of your body with a memory's energy.

yeah dude, for sure you can do that, look into the daggers in thailand and south asia or djinn lamps, most of the time lamps rings bracelets swords and crowns where enchanted, with purpose to the area.

thing is, you can either look into someone's method, or go into trance and bring out your own method which i recommend since it's more natural of you.

chose intent, chose conduit, chose symbols (elementals,emotions,people,ancestors,process)

btw, get yourself an ankh - that's a automatic enchant object.


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all you need is intent whit a touch of ritual



the photo, it looks as tho it's an old authentic photo taken before the 1900 hit, yet the person looks painted, it could be a photo of a portrait, or a portrait painted on a photo or a photoshop job done well in this modern day, still - it has a charm to it.



also, dat 3*6*9


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Here's the source.


I guess someone did a heck of a Photoshop job like you said.



What is the 1900 hit?

>i am actually this new


Room Impregnation From a Distance

We discussed in a previous chapter the impregnation of a room, an impregnated room in which the magician himself resides. I also recommended various aids for the impregnation of a room, for example the magic mirror with a fluid condenser. What I did not mention was that a magician can also impregnate a room from a distance.

The magician has two choices, the first of which is as follows: he travels with his spirit or his astral body to the room which he intends to impregnate. While he is there, he impregnates the room in accordance with his wishes by means of his imagination. Because of the magician's abilities, it is of course of no consequence where this room is located. Here, the same rules apply that were mentioned in the chapter on room impregnation.

The magician's second choice is as follows: he can connect his room with the room he wishes to impregnate by means of the Akasha, so that his room and the room to be impregnated become one in the Akasha. By connecting one room with the other, even the greatest distance can be spanned. The other room will be impregnated by that with which the magician has impregnated his own room, no matter how far distant the room might be.


Hey does anyone got a link to that one thing on how to make robes / is the thread still around?



Does this impregnation from a distance works on girls as well?

This is truly the only way people on this board will ever reproduce.


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Hey Mundanes,

My name is Fringe, and I despise every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, materialist, who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass creepypastas. You are everything bad in the third density. Honestly, have any of you ever evoked any succubus? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of wizards because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than tipping fedoras to posts on /r/atheism.

Don’t be a silly mundane. Just hit me with your best curse. I’m pretty much perfect. I was foremost of the astral projection group, and an a initiate of the sacred mysteries. What tantra do you practice, other than “jack off to James Randi's Million Dollar Challenge”? I also get awesome visions, and have a beautiful nordic alien tulpa (She just sent me her love vibrations; Shit was SO spiritual). You are all mudbloods who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my tulpa.




Any books or leads to those types of enchantments?


Did self-harming ruin my chances of being able to do this?


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Just going to leave this here.


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Just going to leave this here.



breh, do you even?



>mfw you guys ride the owners dick this hard



The question in the picture is 1% ==rhetorical== question and 99% informative.



Yes, because smiley edited the post so the thread wouldn't be another shitty throwaway one.

>Post last edited at 05/27/15 (Wed) 22:42:02



Its still a bad example to use in an infographic



the informative portion was edited after the question was asked..

too many of you making assumptions.. also wtf is with that one guy commenting on me fetching admins nigga what? wtf is this 5th grade



>mfw you're a shitty neophyte faggot trying to make yet another dead board alternative


There are literally 0 instances of moderation being applied in an inconsistent and objectional manner on this board unless you're the kind of guy that wants more moderation and doesn't like that on /fringe/ people only get 10 minute bans that basically are just to inform them of what we expect of them.



>the informative portion was edited after the question was asked..

Not true. The whole post was edited, the original question (which btw didn't even end with a question mark but was still a question despite this lack of observance) was wiped out, and the entire text replaced.

Nothing remains of the original OP's text.

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