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Water, objects, rooms, dolls, thoughtforms, everything can be manipulated through the akashic causal principle and the use of your intention + imagination.
The use of sigilization, symbols, etc. may also help concentrate energy and program and link different objects together through the principle of correspondence.
(1) Room Impregnation
By breathing through the lungs and pores of your body, you inhale vital energy. With the power of your imagination, press this vital energy into your whole body to the point that it radiates dynamically. At this point your body should be like a luminous power, a focal point or burning point. You could easily make the statement that it is an individual sun. With every inhalation, increase the compressed vital energy as well as the luminous power and fill the room with it. With the help of the emanating energy (radiant power), the room should literally be as light as if the sun were shining. It is possible through repeated and continued exercises to illuminate a dark room or a room at night to such a degree that the objects in the room can be seen well, not only by the practicing student but also by the uninitiated, because the light of the vital energy can be materialized by this method into actual daylight which in reality is only the practice of the power of the imagination.
The magician will not be satisfied with these phenomena alone, for he knows very well that the vital energy possesses a universal character. Not only is the vital energy a carrier of his ideas, thoughts and wishes, but also the manifester of his imagination. He can attain everything through this vital energy; however, to realize this is a matter for the plastic imagination.
When the student is filling his room with his emanating energy, he must also imagine what he is trying to accomplish — for instance, that the room will be cleared of all astral and magical influences or that these will vanish, or that not only will the magician feel healthy and well in that room, but so will anyone else who enters or remains there.
Furthermore, the magician can impregnate his room with the wish for proper inspiration, success and so forth in all his undertakings. Magicians that are further advanced have the ability to protect their room, and the moment unwelcome guests enter it they become restless and do not want to remain. Such a room is impregnated with the notion of protection and fear.
You can also impregnate a room in a more stable manner; in other words, if any person enters the room without permission, such a person will be thrown back with a paralyzing effect. As you can surmise, the magician has limitless possibilities at his disposal and on the basis of these instructions he can conceive many other methods.
When exhaling, the magician can return the accumulated vital energy to the universe and retain the emanating energy or the luminous power in the room with the help of his imagination.
He also has another possibility: through his imagination he can project the vital energy directly from the universe into the room without first accumulating the vital energy in his body, especially when he has reached a certain level of proficiency in the accumulation of vital energy in the body. He can impregnate the room in this manner even with his own wishes. There are no set limits when the imagination joins forces with will-power and belief, coupled with a firm conviction.
When the magician performs this type of work he is not limited to a designated room, but can impregnate two or more rooms or even an entire house with his life energy and emanating energy, either through himself or directly from the universe in accordance with the methods described.
Since the power of the imagination knows neither time nor space, this work can be accomplished even from the greatest distance. In time, and with the aid of this technique, the magician will be able to charge any room, small or large, far or near. In respect to his ethical development, he will only entertain good and noble things and through this his might will be limitless. Practice makes perfect!
(QUESTIONS SHOULD BE POSTED IN PRE-EXISTING THREADS - RULE 2) Post last edited at 05/27/15 (Wed) 19:42:02