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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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>come to /fringe/ for esoteric discussions

>most active threads are niggers and (white) eununchs

Told ya freedomboard was better



Yeah I know that feel. We had a thread about this on >>>/edgy/ … we need to post more pro-white and redpilled + greenpilled material on here to help drive them out.


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ITT: control freaks



Enjoy not being able to control your bowel movements.


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Enjoy being anal retentive! At least I can let go! You on the other hand, are full of shit! Have fun with that! top kek



I bet you look just like that autist freak you keep posting. Thank fuck I can hide images.



You just gave me the biggest compliment ever!


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>thinking racism = enlightenment

>not realizing that mundane appearances have no effect on your higher self whatsoever

I'll pray that you may find the truth soon



Do you think they are organic portals?



>not realizing that mundane appearances have no effect on your higher self whatsoever

Why should this constitute a reason for me to not be racist towards those lower forms such as niggers that are manifest in this realm?





Make a new secret club house. Control freak.


Energy follows attention.

Loosh: farmed



>calls us control freaks

>is the one that wants to unite the whole world under a One World Government, destroy all the different races leaving no white nation untouched from the molestation of mass immigration, and hates the Many from the One and literally is contradicting the process of Creation and fighting against the Will of God by favouring return to Oneness Oblivion.

Fuck off egalitarian scum!


From One Came All, From All Is One, Through Division Creation is Made, Through Unification Comes Stasis.


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I just learned what the world "egalitarian" means from google. thankz m8 gr8 b8

nice h8




ur mom


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Just because "the enemy" uses the same tools that we do doesn't mean we absorb their words as we would with each-other. To know thy enemy as you know your brother is an important step to staying alive and fighting.







>appearances are the only thing that makes up a race

Top kek, you sound like a typical leftist. This is the reason why I'm starting to part ways with Christianity. Its one thing to respect other races and cultures, but wanting to cuck your entire race and heritage over christian indoctrination is too much.



>Its one thing to respect other races and cultures, but wanting to cuck your entire race and heritage over christian indoctrination is too much.

If anything, the bible is full of anti-race mixing messages (see Numbers 25 and many others), contrary to what you hear in the mainstream media.


On the trend OP speaks about, I've only noticed it in this thread.

Perhaps OP is acting as a magnet for such things?



definitely. it's a perfect example of attracting and manifesting what one fears instead of focusing inwardly and on magickal studies.




Christianity has some interesting scriptures and rituals, but it is of the same family of monotheistic religions that sees other worldviews as competition that needs to be driven off the planet.



Why can't we just ban all of these topic?




the only worldviews that Christianity wants to see driven off are those that contradict or deny it



Because /fringe/ was made freedom of speech in mind.



Lol that image

Socialism for us, capitalism for gentiles, join our kibbutz


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Comes on fringe only shit threads, makes shit tread.

>>problem solved

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