Is making goodbye posts, urging other users to leave various forum a newly developed tactic over at JIDF?
These sort of threads pop up on /pol/ affiliated boards about once a month and are very similar in their content.
It makes me wonder, why do people who allegedly decide to leave the board, or a chan altogether decide to take some other anons along with them and discourage certain conversation topics.
>Take the jew stuff somewhere else.
>If this forum gets too much into the jew stuff so much other aspects of the universe would be ignored.
>I am not saying anything should be censored but this race and jew stuff should be discouraged.
>Its not a moral issue.
>Im not sure thinking about things in terms of the whole planet is even a good thing.
>The news generates false consciousness by making us think that whats happening in foreign lands is somehow relevant.
You're either a shill or a retard who can't grasp the concept of a globalized world, where men in power that can be on a whole other continent have the power to affect your life either directly or indirectly.
The current world system allows control over the masses and instead of focusing on their spiritual and mental advancement they force the idea that things like hedonism and living in the name of self pleasure while disregarding the world around you is ok.
/pol/ has long been aware of this, and now there are threads that tell the average anon how to become a beacon of human self development in the seas of mediocrity and degeneracy. Lifting is encouraged in those threads, so is meditation and making something of yourself. Ironically they tell of ideas similar to yours, to focus on improving yourself, but you shouldn't forget that the current mental state of your peers is no accident, and that potential wizards are being held back by the jews and their affiliates.
Embedded vid is pretty much about you.
Obviously he wasn't aware of magick being real at the time. All the same, I care about the people of this Earth, and I'm not going to just let the jews, or anyone else halt the spiritual progress of my brethren. Now all I can do is seek out potential candidates on my own and try to put them on the path, but once the day of the rope or the happening or whatever comes, you can be damn sure /fringe/ will be out there, using the powers we're developing now to rid the world of whatever forces that would stop our evolution.