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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1432845011991-0.png (233.12 KB, 640x355, 128:71, rickrubinmagic.png)

File: 1432845011991-1.jpg (109.13 KB, 465x361, 465:361, jaylluminati.jpg)


So I was watching this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqNDYvsOZkc

About Jay-Z and Rick Rubin. My apologies for the mundane bullshit rap, but I was interested in Rubin for his Judaism, and his apparant application of it in the music business. Now we all know about the Jewish connections in the music industry, so I won't go into that. As Daryl Hall said, " being Jewish gave me more of an insight into the music business."

But I noticed the book, Magic Black and White by Franz Hartmann deliberately filmed and edited into this small film. Clearly this was intentional. I wonder if this is one of those cases where those involved in nefarious acts of magick must be cryptically public about their doings, like how people claim that the illuminati must telegraph it's actions before hand in subtle and hidden ways. Either way it's extremely odd and out of place with respect to the rest of the film, so clearly it was put in to establish some aura of mysticism around the character of Rick Rubin. Adding an aura of mystery to a person is a classic Jewish tactic, going back to the Orthodox Rebbes, who's disciples would fabricate stories of miracles to increase the Rebbe's prestige.

Combining this with Jay-Z's apparant admiration for Aleister Crowley, it becomes interesting to say the least. What do you guys make of all of this? Obviously the music industry as a whole is Jewish, and is participating in some kind of large scale, black magic mind control on the population. How many of their techniques coincince with ours? What can we learn from them to further our own goals? How do we protect ourselves from their manipulation?


Also here is a revealing quote from an interview. The interviewer appears to think they are talking about simple stage magic, or card tricks, but clearly Rick is referring to REAL magic

"“From the time I was 9 years old, I loved magic,” Rubin recalled as he walked around the cavernous loftlike space. “I was an only child, and I think that had a big impact on me. I always had grown-up friends even though I was a little kid. I would take the train from Lido Beach into Manhattan, and I’d hang out in magic shops. When I was 14, I had magician friends who were 60. I learned a lot from them — I still think about magic all the time. I always think about how things work, the mechanics of a situation — that’s the nature of being a magician.”



>able to do magick

That monkey is showing off that book for cool points, similar to how they show cars, $100 bills or golden chains.

Niggers have no potential or ability to practice any kind of magick whatsoever.



Most certainly. But Jay-Z is probably handled by Jews in the music industry who do practice magic, and he probably just tried to pick up and thing or two.


U ever listened to Paul's boutique?

Rick rubin is a master of music



kek Rick Rubin didn't produce Paul's Boutique



lel. You natsocs sure do go full retarded.





t. retarded status-quo supporting egalitarian to busy fapping to cuckold porn to actually advance magickally and too scared of power to ever attain it


File: 1433031392718.jpg (1.67 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, everyone_but_me_is_a_cuck.jpg)


>to busy fapping to cuckold porn to actually advance magickally and too scared of power to ever attain it



You are wrong. Jay Z is an exceptionally powerful human. If you knew any of his history, you would agree.



not even to mention niggers are traditionally known for black magic. In fact for some strange reason anything related to chaos and dark arts works well for them even if just intuitively



if you go to 5:55 in the video in this thread (Jay z and rick rubin make 99 problems) you can watch him controlling Beyonce lol.



>>Jay Z is an exceptionally powerful human



Pick one





>Make thread on magic

>First post not made by the OP

>A retard sperging about race

Why is /fringe/ so shit most of the time?



>When I was 14, I had magician friends who were 60. I learned a lot from them

I wonder if they INITIATED him into sexual magic THOROUGHLY at that time.


Also I think that there isn't much magic involved at all.

The music of Jay-Z is nothing special, not even trying to be good. The beats are nice, but that's it.

The songs are fed to the masses, Jay-Z's success is fabricated and not a coincidence.

I imagine it something like stock trading - if you invest huge money, you won't need to hope for big value gains of those stocks. Even a slight raise will get you more money than some people get in a month.

The producers of Jay-Z have established their big capital and Jay-Z just rides the train - it could be any slightly talented rapper though.




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