k but, if someone is talking knowledge, and method and practice, and you decide to inquire on a writing that is of value to you, knowledge is a stream, you can't just not have something be known, everything is known, by different folk, many things are known by many, lesser known occult things are known by some, here is where we speak it - you know, you can play a match of any game with anyone and do well as long as they know their shit, but you don't have to put you penis in them, all this shit in the end is about who is fucking who because that's human monkey shit - so essentially, you monkeys haven't even evolved passed 2-3 circuit and try to spew magick - read prometheus rising, then the books recommended in order, and you will overstand - besides, you decide what you meld with, then you should have make good decisions, all have their meaning in this universe, you are a pest to as many as pester you if you act out on it. give some inner thinking on evolution of thinking on being a more based being, really get that what everything has been found scientifically to be made of, what the biology domain has told us, it's not really important -
man, with magick and getting yourself well and higher vibrating, you will have partnerships lined up for you by your higher self force or what you want to call the though manifestation that happens prior to you have sentience of it which positions the paths of the flows for you to go in the direction of your desires with will increased this factor becomes and potential grander, but as for every power, one must use caution as to use this without stepping on another's will - many of us have amassed good fortune and higher self-mastery and health in doing our path's work - going with the exercises with a pace that is good to the magi - we achieve what we think - you want a family with a woman who is loyal and virgin that you can greenpill or is greenpilled somewhat already and will be devoted to you as to ma'at and the traditional family unit with magick? done if you want it - you want to just feel the inside of every young woman's womb and have good unions with women who are open to just sexual experiences and are more open minded and into yoga and sexual tantra and the such so you can practice and work on your chi sexual energy and vitality ankh work as in mantak chia's books.. well done if you want it.. it's not difficult just set it up in your mind and follow the neville goddard method with the kyballion and most magick, freestyle it like the chaotes and involve what ever element you want, get what ever job or career or money sum you want just keep seeing it somehow being done, live it in your being know it imprint it, cast it. read the books recommended everywhere here.. get an idea and remember the times it was written in.