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Esoteric Wizardry


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A message to the "victims" of Adelaide and the news publications writing about their "plight"
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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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Why is life so shit, /fringe/?

Is it the fucking demiurge? How do we kill that asshole, I fucking hate him. Why is he such a buzzkill?

But seriously, can I kill the demiurge and escape this false reality? If so how do I do it?



>Why is life so shit, /fringe/?

Because you don't post your questions in the question thread


Because you have a retruded maxilla

Go Elliot Rodger


Why kill the demiugre?


>hating the demiurge

I seriously hope you don't do this.


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Forcing questions to the question thread is what killed fringe.




I don't believe you.



Killing the demiurge is like shooting a blind man with a gun instead of the man beside him who pointed him towards you.



>Forcing questions to the question thread is what killed fringe.

We have done this for YEARS and /fringe/ has only grown non-stop over all those years.



Fuck off shill.



>9,000th guy with no magickal skill or knowledge shilling his shitty dead alternative /fringe/ board



So who pointed the demiurge at us?

Let's shoot that guy.



>Post includes 1492 and 1942, both years of death and discovery

Shit, alright, this is gonna change the world in some way.


>Why is life so shit, /fringe/?

Because you drink alcohol instead of bettering yourself.


Step 1: stop being depressed

Step 2: become happy and understanding of others

Step 3: ???

Step 4: profit!

Seriously though post in the questions thread



The curse of life is the curse of want



> guy with no magickal skill or knowledge

>wasting your mana amusing things that may not be true


Why is life so shit, /fringe/?


Because you focus on the negative parts of life, and blind yourself to the good due to memetic influence. You need to realize that life is ultimately what you make it to be. You have the power to frame and make a situation either good or bad. Pull your head out of your arse and realize that the world is indifferent to you; it doesn't care either way.


Because you have not read the FAQ. Seriously, i thought it's all crap and unnecessary and i only need the Law Of Attraction to be happy but then my emotions fucked me up bad and i had to read Arcane Teachings and Formulas in one day in order to understand what's going on with and how to fix it.


And also, you're poisioning your body with alcohol. You should stop that, i think it produces more estrogen in the body.


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Life may be shit for you OP but at least you don't have a herniated disk and pinched nerves that have given you daily pain and reduced ability to function like a physically healthy human being for the past year.

If there even is such a thing as a demiurge I rather live an ignorant and blissful life without being in pain whenever I'm sitting, lying down, sneezing, running, and shit.

Someone always has it worse, remember that OP and enjoy what you do have. Likewise, many have it worse than I do.

Keep that perspective in mind.


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What a horrible perspective. Fuck that. Time to dump some superior philosophy.


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