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Now I don't have much time so am just going to slap some shit and together and you have to make sense out of it(pardon my bad english, iz from middle east).

In this guide I will try to slap shit togther to make you:-

~have good lyfe

~Get blessing of Ra

~Banish all da bad entities

~get connection with HGA/Higher Self/Le bullshitcus using Headless rite

~Understanding a lil bout demiugre


~Sex,Money,N all dat jazz

~Get your own magic mentor

I want first to admit that Mental magic(by akintson dude) and IIH(by bardon) are all good and very good start for some people, but people want result, they want success,money,lover,secret knowledge,blessing and all dat jazz.Instead of dropping everything down you did I thought of adding/modifying things in your daily routine of magic and see what can happen in these days.I will present it below and you can adept it to your "own" program

Time:30-45 Min a day for 30 day

What to do?

1.Do Solar Grounding+Solar banishing(+the blessing of Ra)(might take 15 min or so)

2.Headless Rite fro Stele Of Jeu(30 min)

3.A magic mentor session(use the New avatar Power book below to see the whole ritual to contact this awesome entity)

[Below is extra stuff]

3.Acupineology by Geof Gray Cobb(combine it with New Energy way/Energy Work of Robert Bruce for rekt planetary magic)(hook it up to your Energy Work)

4.New Avatar Power/Practical Magical evocation/The Mystic Girmoire of Mighty Spell and Rituals(one session a day)

Just that

Now I will post the actual stuff(each one in a post alone)


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Solar Grounding Ritual

Visualize yourself as growing very large…huge. Grow until you can put one foot on the Sun and the other on the Earth. Size DOES matter! If you can see yourself bigger than the Galaxies that is even better. See yourself in the darkness of space with your feet on the two worlds.

Draw up power from the Sun into yourself and re-direct it into the Earth. Just make certain one foot (I have always put the Right foot on the Sun) is firmly planted on the Sun and the other foot is firmly planted on the Earth. You need to feel the power rising up from the Sun into your body, feel your body being infused by this energy, and then feel the power flow down the other leg into the Earth.

Do this continuously for about 15 minutes. At the end of the 15 minutes, shut off the flow to the Earth while still drawing the power from the Sun. Continue this for about 1 minute. At the end of this exercise see yourself shrink down to your normal size.

Do this exercise two to three times a day for the next week. This exercise should make an immediate difference in your available energy and should also ground you. I will not tell you WHAT you will feel however I guarantee you that you WILL feel the energy within you and passing through you.

Many are unable to do this exercise for a full 15 minutes when starting. If you are doing it properly you may need to do it for shorter periods initially. Additionally, to call this exercise a “Grounding” exercise is VERY misleading. Once you begin this exercise you will experience some unusual things that will open an entire new world to you. This results of this exercise actually change based on YOUR NEEDS at the time.

Solar Banishing Wave

The Banishing Wave is a technique that the Magickian can use that is effective against ALL entities in my experience. There is one key requirement that is necessary for the Banishing Wave to work; the Magickian has to KNOW that the Banishing Wave will work.

The Magickian VISUALIZES and FEELS a wave, similar to the blast wave of a nuclear explosion, expanding and radiating out from within the Magickian in all directions. The wave should be seen as forming a pressure wave that physically and astrally “blows away” anything in its path. The Magickian should feel the heat of the explosion, the force of the blast, and should SEE the pressure wave expanding out to the horizon in all directions. This explosion should be seen and felt as an expanding CIRCLE or SPHERE, with the Magickian being in the center of this explosion..

The effectiveness of the Banishing Wave is greatly increased if the Magickian incorporates the energy of the Solar Grounding Ritual. To do this all that is required is that the Magickian remembers what the energy of the Solar Grounding Ritual feels like and feel THAT ENERGY as the nuclear explosion that radiates and expands evenly away from the Magickian.

This Banishing technique, once mastered, can be performed instantly almost without thought and, as long as the Magickian KNOWS that it works, has proved effective (in my personal practice) against any entity or force that the Magickian wishes to Banish.

By I AM(a dude in fourm named I AM)


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Preparation for the foregoing ritual: Write the formula (“AŌTH ABRAŌTH BASYM ISAK SABAŌTH IAŌ.”) on a new sheet of papyrus, and after extending it from one of your temples to the other, read the six names, while you face the North saying:

“Subject to me all daimons, so that every daimon, whether heavenly or aerial or earthly or subterranean or terrestrial or aquatic, might be obedient to me and every enchantment and scourge which is from God.” And all Daimons will be obedient to you.

The beneficial sign is: “:>” [Note: The two points “:” are at the direct center of both lines of the “>”.]

“I summon you, Headless One, who created earth and heaven, who created night and day, you who created the Light and the Darkness; you are Osonnophris whom none has ever seen; you are Iabas; you are Iapos; you have distinguished the just from the unjust; you have made female and male; you have revealed seed and fruits; you have made men love each other and hate each other.

“I am Moses your prophet to whom you have transmitted your mysteries celebrated by Israel; you have revealed the moist and the dry and all nourishment; hear me.

“I am the messenger of Pharoah Osoronnophris; this is your true name which has been transmitted to the prophets of Israel. Hear me, ARBATHIAŌ REIBET ATHELEBERSĒTH ARA BLATHA ALBEU EBENPHCHI CHITASGOĒ IBAŌTH IAŌ; listen to me and turn away this daimon.”

“I call upon you, awesome and invisible god with an empty spirit, AROGOGOROBRAŌ SOCHOU MODORIŌ PHALARCHAŌ OOO. Holy Headless One, deliver him, NN, from the daimon that restrains him, ROUBRIAŌ MARI ŌDAM BAABNABAŌTH ASS ADŌNAI APHNIAŌ ITHŌLETH ABRASAX AĒŌŌY; mighty Headless One, deliver him, NN, from the daimon which restrains him. MABARRAIŌ IOĒL KOTHA ATHORĒBALŌ ABRAŌTH, deliver him, NN, AŌTH ABRAŌTH BASYM ISAK SABAŌTH IAŌ.

“He is the Lord of the Gods; he is the Lord of the Inhabited World; he is the one whom the winds fear; he is the one who made all things by command of his voice.”

“Lord, King, Master, Helper, save the soul, IEOU PYR IOU IAŌT IAĒŌ IOOU ABRASAX SABRIAM OO YY EY OO YY ADŌNAIE, immediately, immediately, good messenger of God ANLALA LAI GAIA APA DIACHANNA CHORYN.”

“I am the Headless Daimon with sight in my feet; I am the mighty one who possesses the immortal fire; I am the truth who hates the fact that unjust deeds are done in the world; I am the one who makes the lightning flash and the thunder roll; I am the one whose sweat falls upon the earth as rain so that it can inseminate it; I am the one whose mouth burns completely; I am the one who begets and destroys; I am the Favor of the Aion; my name is a Heart Encircled by a Serpent; Come Forth and Follow.”

- Translator: D.E. Aune.


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Now before I leave I will put the reset of the book in PDF(Oh btw there is a thread in here about New Avatar Power, I think you can find it on your own).

just to fill the place and not just the pdf I wanted to share some of my bullshit(take it or leave it).:-

In my Point of view I think that there is a lot of hatred on Demiugre, I mean look we don't want bitch going around the astral bragging about her new astral shoe with her super new astrally astral bag and astral astralinati's stuff.I hear most of people here "Kill LE DEMIUGRE", when we actually need to use it to our side,to use it and not to be used by it.To become a better man in some way.The demiugre seem like a filter between the mundane and the SPIRITUAL MIRCALE MAGICAL you, it give you that "tink" that let you pray more effectively,to know how to manage your loosh/prana.

I will end this with Lord's prayer

"O cosmic birther of all radiance and vibration. Soften the ground of our being and carve out a space within us where your presence can abide.

Fill us with your creativity so that we may be empowered to hear the fruit of your mission.

Let each of our actions bear fruit in accordance with our desire.

Endow us with the wisdom to produce and share what each being needs to grow and flourish.

Untie the tangled threads of destiny that bind us, as we release others from the entanglement of past mistakes.

Do not let us be seduced by that which would divert us from our true purpose, but illuminate the opportunities of the present moment.

For you are the ground and the fruitful vision, the birth power and fulfillment, as all is gathered and made whole once again."



it gets a wizard in the right mood, and if combined with energy work and strong belief it can be quite potent.

learning other peoples' rituals whose beliefs you don't quite resonate with can be quite a pain.

OP for example bought into jewish magic but while my beliefs don't match his at all my banishing ritual is very similar to his, as is the "grounding ritual" to the one I use to charge up with energy and get in the mood.

Find whatever resonates with you and use it while remembering there is no one path for everyone.


Here you go,pardon my inability to upload here because of my Internet (100 kb/s)

You can find Practical magical evocation in finbarr torrent


and The new Miracle of New avatar power(not Amazing Secrets of New Avatar Power) in this site


The acupiology thingy in another torrent


Btw the magic mentor ritual is inside The miracle of New avatar power

(I am sorry I put you this much of pain and effort to find these book, may your effort be rewarded)


>Didn't read Acupineology by Geof Gray Cobb

>Doesn't know it's planetary magic+energy work


>This is why /fringe/ magos is shit tier for the most part.


I wanted just to say that old pagan god were cloaked as "angel" and "demons" when used in magic,I think that giving them a try won't hurt



What do you think of the golden dawn interpretation of the headless rite as the bornless rite?



Practical magical evocation


Miracle of new avatar power


Also op, if you want to write something like this to be posted on the mega you can find my email here: https://mega.co.nz/#!nhJjCAZL!1aFaAslJpMQFeU6BGJU_rz9KD_z7k8kvP9AJzrxIsbM



I think that altering the ritual can cause some serious dangers(Jack Parson said that using bornless one over and over Daily can cause haunting and cause major life crisis).

Not to sound dogmatic but graceo-egypt magic was built on the Magical voice.Nevertheless I think the bornless one is effective and can teach the magician if done probably and it can fuck his life and create a solar poltergeist (the way /bane/ created their egregore).The headless on the other side is more "pure " and can help on in developing the magical self effectively

Golden dawn method of altering the rite is okay with me but the memetic impact on society is unknown of what can applied using the bornless one

Tl:dr:I don't know shit




Thank you dear friend

I will send you copy when I sit on PC



From what I've read achieving the K&C of HGA can cause major life crisis. Bornless rite is a means to achieving this, not sure if headless one is or not, so it may be deliberate.

I like the aesthetics of the change from headless to bornless one, bornless implying a being which has never been born and is eternal, similar to the unmoved mover in theological arguments.

I have a small book on the headless rite I might scan sometime.



Try both and see what work for you


Shit almost forget the blessing of Ra

I begin with I Am’s Solar Banishing Wave.

This ritual draws upon energy from the Sun

and circulates this energy throughout the body.

When the Sun is rising about 11:30am.

stand in your bedroom or living room or high

upon a hillside or mountaintop.

Imagine standing upon the Sun with your right foot.

Stand upon the Blue Earth with your left foot.

These are all mental constructs.

Breathe in through your nose and say Relax.

Imagine Solar Energy flowing

up the right side of your body

and up to the top of your head.

Exhale through your pursed lips and say Deeper.

Imagine Solar Energy flowing down the left side of

your body and into the Blue Earth.

Do this for from five to fifteen minutes.

Allow your breathing to return to normal.

In your mind step off the Blue Earth with your left foot.

Step onto the Sun with your left foot.

Imagine an explosion of Solar Energy

all around you and every direction.

This Solar Energy explodes outward and banishes

everything in its path. Allow that image to fade

after you feel and sense that your space has been cleared.


This part has probably never before been revealed to the masses.

After you have stepped off onto the Sun with your left foot,

and after you have banished and cleared your space,

allow that image to fade from your mind.

Now, imagine that your body begins sinking

into the Sun itself. Sinking, slowly sinking,

and just as you are about to be totally absorbed,

speak these words aloud or silently

if people are around you:

RA, hear me! RA, come to me! RA, save me!”

You will soon find that you are taken in your mind

to the realm of RA. RA will grant you all your earthly

wishes over time, and you will be blessed beyond your

wildest dreams and imagining.

This is among the most powerful magic ever revealed…


I'd recommend this book to anyone interested in the hga, it's an anthology of various occult authors views and experiences on the subject.





Thank you.based uploader


About Stele Of Jeu:-

"The Stele thus expels astral nasties in the atmosphere around the magician, conjures the presence of the cosmic or supracosmic entity known as the Agathos-Daemon, and then assumes it's identity in a state of possession. In response, the Agathos-Daemon ties the magician either to another spirit, a god, or itself, and the result is divinity!




Do you have skype?

if so add me




Added you



The Mystic Girmoire of Mighty Spell and Rituals


Think that's all the books mentioned now. Here's the others I already posted so they're all in one place:

Practical magical evocation


Miracle of new avatar power


Acupineology by Geof Gray Cobb





Britfag, if you wanna talk to a kebab muncher just all you need to do is to step outside.



How do I edit original post?



I think only admin and mods can.


I haven't looked at any of those books, but OP is doing a really bad job making any of this comprehensive.


>a new sheet of papyrus

Papyrus? Can't we just use paper?

>extending it from one of your temples to the other

What does that mean? I don't understand that part.

>read the six names, while you face the North saying

So you read the six names, do you also say them? And afterwards you say those things in the quotation marks? Do you have to use a new papyrus/paper every day?

>The beneficial sign is: “:>” [Note: The two points “:” are at the direct center of both lines of the “>”.]

What is that supposed to mean? What's the context?


Is that a spelling mistake of "Pharaoh"?

Do I even have to ask how to pronounce "NN", "YY", etc?


>Lord's prayer

This wasn't mentioned in the first post. What is it?


>When the Sun is rising about 11:30am

Why at this time?

>stand in your bedroom or living room or high upon a hillside or mountaintop

Does the author imply that the bedroom or living room are above ground level? And again, what's the point of doing this at 11:30 am if you can't even see the sun regardless of the time? My bedroom could be in the cellar.


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So I found the "how to" and the original text.

How is this not pure garbage?



Do you have a link to the book in the first image?



Why would that be garbage?




>I just see something that's shrouded in obscurity and given a mystical touch. I just can't take it seriously. It's just show.

You can toss the entirety of /fringe/ library on the trash under that view



The books in the library are lot more stable and comprehensible. Ritual Magic, however, is meh…



Maybe you should read some more books then.



What practical technique do you use instead of ritual?


Thank you Omran, this is very helpful.



Not omar but is that supposed to be an insult?



Yes, but I don't understand why he says "britfag". How does he know the location?



First before I reply for everything you said I want to say that "IF YOU KNOW THE SYMBOL BEHIND RITUAL MAGIC YOU HAVE THE KEY TO THE ORIGINAL "COPY""

now to answer you

>Papyrus? Can't we just use paper?

Yes you can.Paper wasn't used in PGM's time

>What does that mean? I don't understand that part

kinda bring a paper with the formula on it and extend it from the left part of your head to the right part.

>So you read the six names, do you also say them? And afterwards you say those things in the quotation marks? Do you have to use a new papyrus/paper every day?




>What is that supposed to mean? What's the context?

The benefical sign <: is supposed to be defensive-offensive symbol used in getting rid of the "daimons"

>Is that a spelling mistake of "Pharaoh"?

Do I even have to ask how to pronounce "NN", "YY", etc?


You put the name of the subject/or your name instead of NN

YY is like "WHYWHY"

>Lord's prayer

>This wasn't mentioned in the first post. What is it?

Kinda of an empowering ritual/invocation of omnipotence.

>When the Sun is rising about 11:30am

>Why at this time?

the sun's most powerful time(symbolically) giving it time to contact Kings entities(Ra) for you.

>Does the author imply that the bedroom or living room are above ground level? And again, what's the point of doing this at 11:30 am if you can't even see the sun regardless of the time? My bedroom could be in the cellar.

No.Use what you have the important thing is the symbols in it.(even if you can't do it in 11:30 am)



Thanks for clearing things up.



Sorry I didn't answer before ;-_- (Final exams of high schools caught on me and I couldn't get on /fringe/)

Anyway I think I will put the black sun exercise here just after I finish somethings



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I thought of posting my experience here for /4chon/ on some thread I posted.

Well to start I won't go in very deep but only the thing I experienced as "most important".

To start LBRP/Solar grounding(With Ra Call)/Resh all gave me an energy boost and a sense of begin grounded, more "stable" in life.Though when I did the invoking pentagram at day I would feel people begin acting all "weird(kinda in a "what is in you" acting)" to me and when I did the banishing pentagram people would be normal to me but I would feel my personality more "balanced" in a way I wouldn't act all from "habits and conditioning".

Secondly Liber III vel Jugorum(By crowley), I see this as most insightful semi-magical discipline.It can go really deep into the layers of your automated repsonse and you would start to pay attention to little things which you didn't pay attention more.The biggest thing that happened for me when I started doing Jugorum is that I started to grow annoyed when I started to notice the "automated" acts by people, but nonetheless this is a great training both for the mind,speech,thoughts.(Though crowley was humoring people when he said to cut yourself with a razor, I bite my thumb with my teeth as a "punishment"[SISSY, I KNOW]

Thirdly Middle Pillar,Creative visualization, and planetary magic(using the middle pillar).I started doing casual Middle pillar everyday(kind added to the daily training of myself).I did it "astrally"(that mean using my breath instead of vibrating out loud due to OPPRESSIVE MUSLIM FAMILY).Out of the sudden I finished the rhythmic breathing,middle pillar,energy circulation, but there was a small page and a half in the small book(Art of True healing) that "tickled" my jimmies(picture related).Anyway I started using the middle pillar while shifting the colors to what I needed and used it to change my personality,uplift my willpower,improve memory, and even improved my marks( This is my #1 goal right now :D ).I didn't just stop at middle pillar I also incorporated Baal Shem Tov from New Avatar Power to top myself and call myself(a practicing magician).

Now to the Baal Shem Tov/NAP, I didn't stop just by what the book have(which was aimed to housewives).I researched the angel, found that Deehaytooth is actually Thoth and it appeared to me the Geof Garry actually created a wonderful system of magic which I still use(I use it just before writing this).The main things I used it for was Elubatel,ebuhuel,Atuesuel(for sucess) Opiel,Iaoth,Pateahyah(General purpose) and of course Kadriel(secret knowledge).Each of them manifest according to the "operator's skill", if you have zero magical ability they will manifest during your daily life with something which will catch your attention(like synchoricity).

Lastly I am starting the black sun(third day today), started feeling the eerie feeling of it nowadays and how it make you question everything(though it's "good" feeling).and I am getting to using Koetting's Girmoire(I know the guy is a scammer but the entities/egregore in it are AMAZING).

Basically all I do nowadays is

LBRP,resh,Solar grounding(Ra call),Lord's prayer,Middle pillar with planetary magic,Baal shem Tov,working with entities from KoF.


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Yup ^_^. Though even of koetting is "scammer" so of his stuff are legits you only need some "common sense" .



>Though crowley was humoring people when he said to cut yourself with a razor, I bite my thumb with my teeth as a "punishment"[SISSY, I KNOW]

There are pictures in Regardie's Eye in The Triangle book which show people (crowley's students) with scars all down their arms from this practise.



Blind Followers with no mind.



Wrong book. It was portable darkness.

The guy who did it, photographed, is Victor Neuberg, who Crowley trolled on many occasions. He conspired with a woman friend into tricking him into believing she loved him, got him a fake marriage, crowley convinced him to visit a brothel which he did and then confessed, she acted heartbroken and left him. Crowley revealed to him after that it was all a hoax because he was awkward with women, he didn't believe it until he saw her naked on crowley's bed.

He also buggered him.



New thing learned everyday, thank you for shedding light on that matter for me, friend.


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The Black Sun(A pre-sleep exercise)

duration:Until you sleep(daily once for7day-→as much as you can handle)


~Back door to Sol/Sun

~Remove obstacles

~Give answer to question

~Improve astral sense/inner sights

~" if you have endured, the rays of the Black Sun will begin to transform existence to better meet your vision. "

How to:-

At night, before going to sleep, you should visualize a black sun rising in the west and traveling up into the sky, until it is directly overhead, as if it were noon. But remember, it's nighttime, so THIS sun isn't going to be hot or bright, but will possess properties entirely different than the sun that we're used to seeing.

Observe in your inner vision what this Black Sun looks like, what kind of radiation it gives off, what sort of feeling you get from it.

This whole visualization should be seen and experienced as clearly as possible. Some people that I've guided through this meditation have experienced spontaneous Out-of-body-experiences while in this visualization, which of course will allow you the clearest and most intimate contact with your spiritual environment.

When you wake up the following morning, again bring the Black Sun to mind, only rather than seeing it rising, as the physical sun is rising, see it lowering from its zenith and descending beyond the eastern horizon.


keep doing it as much as you can



>Though crowley was humoring people when he said to cut yourself with a razor, I bite my thumb with my teeth as a "punishment"[SISSY, I KNOW]

I snap large rubber bands on the soles of the feet. Painful enough to jolt you out of it, and no damage.


I think it's a convenient way to mark all the ones who follow blindly



Though I see only his most truthful work was magic without tear, but the other were written mostly in a jokingly way hiding in them karmic traps and really bad stuffs that could lead an aspiring magician to ruin.


Usage of Star of David in magic

duration:5-10 min everyday until result manifest(or the time it take you to actually do it)

effect: Wish fulfilled (The Star Of David is used to grant wish )


1.Draw Star of david(picture related) on paper.(Don't print it, draw it)

2.Symbol is held at arm's length

3.the wish is spoken 3 times aloud ( It's then felt that the wish will come true )


File: 1436264081574.gif (4.8 KB, 554x565, 554:565, Star_of_David.gif)


almost forget the picture ;-_-



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I wana share this video - it's pretty legit content.



didi is such a fucking retard



I believe you are a good omen.

You are a synchronicity that I am doing the good things for all greats have jelly haters.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sit through this whole thing.


Who actually does any of this and thinks it works?



Solar grounding and especially banishing works wonders.

Nap is awesome.

For the moment I'm doing the black sun, will report on it later.



didi is anti-white


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