Universal Gnosticism 05/31/15 (Sun) 09:31:58 No. 41919
Let us put an end to "New Age" BULLSHIT and Black Magic GARBAGE.
Brothers of /fringe/, are you tired of suffering? Are you tired of just believing in what other people experience, like astral projection, without having direct experience of it? Are you fed up with the mechanicity and materialism of this world and of this society? Do you want to know the mysteries of life and death, to meet the Gods, the Devas, the Elementals of nature and to experience the Truth directly? Are you interested in learning the true science of meditation, instead of just sitting on the floor, spacing out with a blank mind?
"Knock and it shall be opened to you". Your internal God will provide you the answers, if you truly seek divinity.
Hidden in all of the ancient traditions, we find the path that leads to true Happiness, to the joy of the Divine. It has been taught by many Masters throughout the ages, but it was always veiled in allegory and symbolism.
Here's some of the Initiated Masters that contributed to the Lord's Great Work:
>Hermes Trismegistus
>The Buddha Shakyamuni
>The Zarathustras
>The Early Church Fathers (Augustine, Peter, Paul, Valentine, the apostles, etc.)
>The Dalai Lamas
>Dion Fortune
>H.P. Blavatsky
>Manly P. Hall
And many others.
You can learn the way that leads to ultimate Liberation from Suffering, and it's not some edgy shit for teenagers, it's not making sigils and hoping they work and deluding yourself, it's not living in paranoia of aliens and of the government.
It's beyond this, and it's much more serious. We call it Gnosis. This is the real deal, brothers. It's not a quick and easy work, it takes a lifetime and a lot of effort.
But it is an exact science and it WILL give results. You WILL have spiritual experiences. It's based on Laws, Universal Laws. If you follow a the instructions correctly, as a consequence, the desired results WILL manifest.
This is the famous "purpose of life", that many ignorant people believe does not exist.
It is the union with the Divine: Yoga, Religion.
Yoga, from sanskrit, meaning to unite. Religion, from latin "re-ligare", meaning to link again. We need to re-unite with the Divine to end our suffering and our mechanical existence.
This is done through the Magnus Opus, the Great Work of the Father. I'm here to help you guys, don't miss out on this, please. I'd like you all who are interested in this to check this out.
It is of VITAL importance. I cannot emphasize this enough. Hopefully someone will find the way and will understand what I want to convey with this message. This suffering humanity urgently needs to be helped.
If you are interested and want to check it out and be introduced to it, you should watch this documentary:
It's really beautiful, and this is what first introduced me to this Teaching. This Teaching is really the goal of everyone who is studying the Occult, reading author after author, changing from school to school to find the Truth. You will not find it in any single author or school. The Truth is universal, and as such, it has been expressed by many great personalities of past times, in different ways according to different traditions.
If you liked the documentary and you are hungry for more, you should visit http://gnosticteachings.org/ . Don't be discouraged just because the site looks all friendly and happy and new agey and mainstream, it's done that way so more people can find the teachings. In reality this teaching is too HARDCORE for most people on Earth, expecially for all the "New Age, Spirituality, Crystal Healing, bullshit" people.
In fact, most people who find this, REJECT the Teaching, and become angry when they hear about it. You will get angry too, probably. I did.
But you have to get past it.
You have to be serious and you need to develop a lot of willpower.
>“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction [the various intellectual occultist schools] , and many there be which go in thereat:
>“Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life [The Great Work], and few there be that find it.”
- Master Jesus
05/31/15 (Sun) 11:41:20 No. 41930
Do not pay attention to the shills and to smiley.
Verify everything for yourself.
05/31/15 (Sun) 11:44:07 No. 41933
05/31/15 (Sun) 11:55:04 No. 41934
New Age says that if you believe in "love and light" and if you act like you are a saint, everything will be good and pleasant in life.
It does not work that way. There is suffering, and suffering can only be eliminated through the conscious comprehension of desire.
05/31/15 (Sun) 12:14:05 No. 41936
Fuck you and do something with your life instead of being a fucking gnostic NEET.
05/31/15 (Sun) 12:19:36 No. 41938
>that projecting
I have a job. And I actually am doing something with my life: I'm trying to transform it according to the teachings of Gnosis.
05/31/15 (Sun) 12:42:50 No. 41940
Could you expound on Samael Aun Weors teachings for the purpose of this thread? Generally or otherwise.
Read a few articles from the site some months ago. Still, Weors work is pretty far down my reading list.
From what i gather, he accents a lot on the regenerative power (use sexual fluids, sexuality), but I found little information regarding other forms of necessary development.
As a side note:
I think you and other posters are overreacting about smiley. He may be too much of an autist from time to time, but I'll be damned if he hasn't shared good books and written some fine posts on the board.
And as far as I can tell "black magic" and criticism thereof is too convoluted. The critics combining hearsay of certain authors, dogmatic victim mentalities with fear of using powers that they acquire to lessen unnecessary suffering of them or their fellows, and neither understanding the subjectivity of magical practice nor the willingness to discuss or think it through. The proponents aren't doing any favors either, willingly or not being as edgy as they can. I don't claim to know everything, but by my current understanding, for the evolution of the whole consciousness system, breaking a few eggs isn't the end of the game.
05/31/15 (Sun) 13:25:51 No. 41942
Samael Aun Weor hasn't taught anything fundamentally new.
His doctrine is the doctrine of the Synthesis, meaning that in his books he revealed the esoteric aspect of many different religious and occult traditions around the world, and added some of his wisdom from his own experience of the Truth.
Every one of his practices and methods were not invented by him, in fact you don't actually need to read Samael Aun Weor to be a Gnostic.
You could have the teachings of Buddha, Milarepa, Padmasambhava, The Bible, The Zohar, The Emeral Tablets, etc. higher than Samael on your reading list, but you would still be reading about Gnosis.
His doctrine is not anything new, the Great Work has been around forever.
The fundamental difference is that Samael Aun Weor is very explicit in his presentation of the different doctrines and practices, and he does not veil them with allegory and aphorisms like asian and occidental scripture (which to the person who does not have the key to understand them, they mean nothing or very little).
Furthermore, by simply reading books, you will accomplish nothing. You need to integrate the Gnostic practice (basically, the practices of Buddhism, Tibetan Lamaism, Sufi Islam, Christianity, etc.) in your daily life, from moment to moment.
Simply intellectualizing the teachings will change nothing. You will still be suffering and trapped by the intellect. Our intellect needs to become an instrument for our consciousness, not a cage. You will not experience the Truth by reading books. You will not just "understand", "get" the ultimate Truth by reading it.
Practice is fundamental. And by this I do not mean that you will have to go to church, act like you are religious and wear certain things and go to certain places, etc.
The fundamental practices of Gnosis are basically Meditation, moment to moment mindfulness, self-analysis of your behaviour, energy transmutation (pranayama), Astral Projection, etc.
The change is not external, it's internal. You will still be a normal person, leading a normal life (outwardly), but you will not be the same person inside. The change is in the way you use your consciousness.
You will not be a master of these practice as soon as you begin, it takes time to learn them.
These practices were explained by Samael Aun Weor in his books, however, his books are not easy to understand. You have to study them carefully, like scripture.
This is why the site http://gnosticteachings.org/ is very important. There are a lot of free audio lectures in which experienced gnostic instructors explain and analyze in detail the doctrines and the practice, expanding on the teaching of Samael.
As much as he gave to Humanity, Samael was still one single person. This site has done a lot of work, and it helps *immensely* in advancing in the work and understanding it. I truly recommend you check it out. It's high quality material. The instructors there are true Occultists, not merely edgy teens on an imageboard. Also, they're anonymous, meaning they aren't seeking followers and fame and power and money, they just want to help.
And they are normal people (not NEETs, not Conspiracy Theorists, etc), because I said before, the real change is internal.
I cannot synthetise Samael's work in one post, because the Great Work is immense. I still haven't read everything. However I can tell you that the practices work. You don't get spiritual experience right away, but you can clearly see you are being guided and encouraged, and most importantly that you can change.
I think you should set aside your reading list for a moment, and check the site out thoroughly. In particular, take a look at the "Courses" section, there's where the teachings are. Maybe start by checking out what Gnosis is: http://gnosticteachings.org/the-teachings-of-gnosis/introductory-information/12-what-is-gnosis.html
And if you decide to read Samael Aun Weor's books, be warned that he might sound crazy, contradictory, and full of shit at first. Expecially if you read his first book "The Perfect Matrimony". That book will enrage you. But do not let yourself be discouraged by that.
Once you get the WHOLE PICTURE, and once you understand that he's not just another stupid person rambling about things they've never experienced for themselves, but he's actually exposing all of the world's esoteric knowledge, you'll come to love his books.
And remember, it's fundamental to also check out the lectures on the site, they will clear a lot of doubts. I hope this will help even a single person find the Truth.
05/31/15 (Sun) 13:32:49 No. 41943
Also the FUNDAMENTAL and most important practice of the gnostics is the elimination of the Ego (animal desire: pride, lust, envy, gluttony, fear, laziness, etc.), also called the False-Self, Satan, etc.
I'm a little afraid to say this out loud on this board, since this board has a tradition of rejecting anything that compromises their huge edgy teenager ego.
The elimination of the Ego is a horribly difficult work, and it's symbolized in every tradition: it's the Christians' Martyridom, the Muslims' Jihad, the Buddhists Annihilation, the Egyptian fight against the Red Demons of Seth, the Hindus' battle of Arjuna against his family in the Baghavad Gita, etc.
05/31/15 (Sun) 13:38:49 No. 41945
It will never happen and if you still dont understand why you're an idiot. That's not the case though, you are indeed an idiot but for a different reason: you use a method to attract people to your board that only ends up working with neophites which supposedly weren't allowed because ur da reel deel 'n shit.
didi 05/31/15 (Sun) 13:42:39 No. 41946
made up fictional characters invented in the year 700 to replace the image of a sheep nailed to the cross - thank cesar borgia. fuck you very much, no j sounds existed, no historical factual proof of a jesus.
original blokes the stories where copied on are yeshua and appolonius, mostly appolonius.
05/31/15 (Sun) 13:52:05 No. 41948
Master Jesus' life is symbolical. It shows the path one has to take to Liberate himself.
He is not the only Divine person to have been born on the 24 of December, to have been born from a virgin, to have taught others and sacrificed for others. I am referring to every Sun-Divinity in every tradition of this planet: The Buddha Shakyamuni, the Sun god Mithra of the Romans, Quetzalcoatl of the native Americans, etc.
We do not know anything about Jesus' actual life. However the story of his life is an initiatic tale that in the various steps indicate the path one has to follow to become a Christ himself.
For example "to expel the merchant from the temple with a whip" symbolized the elimination of the ego from the mind.
"To be tempted by Javhe on the mountain", is symbolic of the temptation to attach oneself to worldly things and abandon the spiritual work.
"The Miracle at the Wedding of Cannes", Jesus' first miracle, clearly states that miracles can only happen when we are in a perfect matrimony, meaning we love our wife and practice sexual transmutation with her, without spilling the semen.
"The entrance in Jerusalem on the back of a donkey on Palm Sunday" symbolizes Jesus mastery over his mind (the donkey) which allows him to rise to the "kingdom of heaven" (Jerusalem).
There are many other examples. Don't assume you know the truth just because you have read a couple of articles by fedora science men.
05/31/15 (Sun) 14:05:58 No. 41949
Now that's more like it, thank you.Have you read Atkinson, montalk, Franz Bardon, Theun Mares, Mouravieff? Could you compare his assessments to them?
I will take it with a grain of salt as with any book on/about spiritual development.
Another side note:
You are a bit too hung up on the "edgy teenager" thing and trying to be "normal". Also, the word Ego(Real core, the spiritual part of yourself that can be evolved, montalk's spirit), is used as in Atkinson's writing, which get's seemingly muddied up with the base ego (more like personality) by some posters. Yes, weaknesses need to be culled, but it's more about ridding yourself of degenerating parts of yourself to free up your intake of power, consciousness and understanding, not about losing anything that is supremely valuable. Far too many authors make claims that you need to reduce your personal desire-force and end up as a mere beacon for other's to become just like you, which I find unfounded.
05/31/15 (Sun) 14:33:12 No. 41951
Yes, I have a /fringe/ background.
The very first book they recommend you to read on /fringe/ is The Kybalion, right?
Well Hermes Trismegistus was a Gnostic. If you read his emerald tablets as they are, you will probably understand nothing. Yet, if you read them with the key of Gnosis, you will see what he is talking about.
Atkinson, in his books about Yoga, beautifully explains some of the Indian doctrine of the Yogis, which at their core, are gnostic practices.
Bardon talks about the elements, the astral plane, the bodies and fluids of men, the heavenly spheres, and all of this stuff that makes sense, but that you really can't understand by reading it.
If you read the site and Samael's books, you will have an in depth explanation, both theorical and practical.
The point is, everyone's talking about the same thing, most of the time. At least, the reliable authors. Some of them talk about it without any experience of it, thus, it's not very clear what they are talking about.
The gnostic instructors have experienced this directly, and they WILL clarify these occult matters, that right now might seem very vague and intellectual.
Gnosis is about becoming a better person, but you still keep that cool aspect of the occult, that sense of mystery and discovery that first brought you to /fringe/.
The Gnostics want to help you not only hear about this stuff, but actually experiencing it. You will experience the astral plane, not only hear about it. You will wake up consciously in your dreams, and you will stop envying others who can do it while you cannot. You will learn meditation the right way, step by step, instead of just being told to sit and close your eyes and "meditate".
It's really a beautiful doctrine. And I repeat, it will make you better and more happy.
Becoming a better person is done through the elimination of the ego, but that doesn't mean you cease to be forever, it means you eliminate the negative aspects of your psyche, like for example greed, and naturally the opposite of them will emerge (altruism).
The ego (desire, seeking satisfaction outside of ourself) is the cause of suffering.
(The sense of the "observer" the "I AM" in gnosticism is called Consciousness, not ego.)
Once ego has totally been eliminated, only happiness remains.
That's easier said than done, obviously. I hope you will give this a shot, I *promise* it's the way. Gnosis is not just the opinion of any author or school, it's the root spiritual and mystical tradition of humanity, from where every tradition comes from.
05/31/15 (Sun) 15:11:08 No. 41954
How fucking boring.
When we die, we will go to the same place anyway.
If magick isn't real, fuck this shit, I'm gonna get rich, powerful, famous, shredded as fuck, fuck bitches and take drugs.
05/31/15 (Sun) 15:18:42 No. 41955
Thanks again. I'll read it, most likely. Can't say I'm disappointed in my current practices, but more knowledge is always better. Will see if it "sticks", though.
You're not real, anon.
05/31/15 (Sun) 15:20:38 No. 41956
I'm sorry, that's not the right view.
And since I noticed that in the other thread the people were asking what is the purpose of it all, if we just keep reincarnating… well… I will explain the point of view of Gnosis. According to Gnosis (actually, according to asian buddhist tradition, which is Gnosis), what makes us live a cyclical exsistance is our ego. When we die, what returns to this painful existence is our ego (Our psychological defects, in which our cosciousness is trapped), and the consciousness trapped within it.
But according to the Law of Karma, cause and effect, if you produce suffering, that is, if you indulge in desire, money, bitches, etc. you will as a natural consequence lower your level of Being, and return to this world in worse conditions in your next life, or even go to hell if you degenerate too much. Understand that hell is not a place of eternal damnation, it's just a recycling plant, a lower plane of existance, where your Consciousness is liberated from your disgusting ego through great suffering. Once you have been purified, you come back to the physical world, resuming your cycles of existence.
You are not damned forever in hell.
Naturally, if you degenerate again, you'll go to hell again. We are sent to hell out of compassion, not punishment, otherwise we would cause too much harm to others and to ourselves.
The point is: we have got to remove ourself from this cyclic existance, and that can only be done through the gnostic awakening of the Consciousness, which is very hard work, and if we're here now, it means we have not accomplished it in our past lives up until now. Alternatively, we might have accomplished, but we fell beacause of animal desire.
05/31/15 (Sun) 15:33:14 No. 41957
Point is, without desire your Will is not moved.
Without Will, your life here is shit.
I'm nihilistic, if I could ascend into non-animalistic/physical dimensions now, I would.
I can ditch my desires in a second, but that's not the point.
I'm trying to get even more desires now, because without them I just contemplate suicide, not working, not exercising etc.
Without desire, you wouldn't even move, you wouldn't even think.
I believe I won't reincarnate here again because of "desire".
I understand that my "desires" are just part of my biological programming and self-programming (overcame societal programming long ago).
I'm here in this life though. I will be here for at least 50 more years, so I have to keep myself occupied and delude myself into thinking that any of this has a purpose.
All this to not become a homeless hobo, a poor, unattractive person etc. and suffer even more in my meaningless organic life.
05/31/15 (Sun) 15:42:01 No. 41958
Without desire, your Will becomes the Will of God. You merge with your Inner God. Or "Higher self", whatever you want to call it.
With desire, your will is trapped in selfishness, and you don't do what your Inner God wants you to do, and that creates imbalance, and therefore suffering.
Peace is found only with balance, in the middle.
I'll share this beautiful piece of scripture with you:
>"No one can serve two masters [both your Inner Self's Will and Desire]; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. "Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink, nor about your body, what you shall put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O men of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, `What shall we eat?' or `What shall we drink?' or `What shall we wear?' For the Gentiles seek all these things; and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well. "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day.
We are in trouble because we want, want, want, forgetting that what we are looking for is inside, not outside.
I suggest you study Gnosis if you want a purpose in life. Don't become a nihilist. Life is both Emptiness AND Form.
05/31/15 (Sun) 15:51:34 No. 41959
Moreover, it's true, your desires are part of our biology, but they are an animal part of us. We are in a process of evolution from the Animal kingdom to the Human kingdom.
To ascend to the state of Human beings is not a matter of automatic, biological evolution. It is necessary to eradicate desire and practice sexual transmutation.
Plant sexuality is innocent, they have no lust. Animal sexuality introduces the orgasm, which generates animal desire. To ascend from the Animal kingdom to the Human kingdom, a revolution is necessary: to give up animal sexuality (spilling the semen) and to begin practicing sexual magic (to unite sexually without lust and without the orgasm, while reciting specific mantras and prayers).
05/31/15 (Sun) 15:58:13 No. 41962
Also called the Self-Realization of the Being.
That's what Gnosis teaches, in a practical and explicit way. We're talking about the same thing.
05/31/15 (Sun) 15:58:53 No. 41965
Taoism is Gnosis. The Tao is precisely the middle way.
05/31/15 (Sun) 16:00:59 No. 41967
I think you are referring to black Tantra schools of Tao, which teach to restrain the semen while still achieving animal pleasure. That's detrimental and contrary to the original teaching of Taoism.
05/31/15 (Sun) 16:03:49 No. 41970
>Let us put an end to "New Age" BULLSHIT and Black Magic GARBAGE.
Do not judge what you do not understand.
05/31/15 (Sun) 16:20:40 No. 41974
I do understand them, those are just schools that want to teach you to seek satisfaction outside of yourself, through material things.
The problem with the orgasm and ejaculation is the loss of vital energy, and the indulgence in animal desire. That creates suffering.
Through the power of the creative liquid, you can have spiritual experiences, but you cannot if you spill it, or even if you absorb it from outside, like the Drukpa Clan of Tibet horribly teaches.
In sex there is the power to create, and if we waste the sexual energy through the orgasm, we will forever be trapped in suffering.
05/31/15 (Sun) 16:32:46 No. 41978
New Age = Created by CIA to make people docile.
Black Magick = Magick is not what you think it is. Magick is the manipulation of your consciousness. You won't kill people by doing some rites/You won't get money by doing magick.
BUUUT, you can make money by using magick to produce divine art, work, etc.
05/31/15 (Sun) 16:41:51 No. 41980
You are right.
White Magic is manipulation of the consciousness in a way that results in positive experience. Basically, it's growing your consciousness to experience the divine, and helping others. That way you will produce divine art, if you're an artist.
Black Magic is growing the MIND instead of taming it with the Consciousness, thus achieving "powers" but in exchange, trapping yourself in your Ego, in your errors, in your Skandhas, in your Aggregates, Samskaras, however you want to call the beast.
Your Ego has all kinds of psychic powers, but it will just use them to feed itself.
On the contrary, when one awakes the powers of the Consciousness, one is not tempted to use them in the wrong way, because to develop the Consciousness it is necessary to train yourself a lot psychologically, and give up desire.
05/31/15 (Sun) 17:27:30 No. 41983
I think OP actually knows what he's talking about, one question though.
Samael keeps talking about Sexual Magic? Does he actually mean sex, as in fucking. He says it's in every religion although i kinda find it hard to believe, abstinence from sex is valued more.
05/31/15 (Sun) 17:30:53 No. 41984
05/31/15 (Sun) 17:44:14 No. 41987
So masturbation, again, is a no-no?
05/31/15 (Sun) 17:59:41 No. 41988
Yeah. And there's even a complicated theory explaining why. Not only you are releasing your semen and energy, wasting it, you are also fucking up your polarity.
If I recall correctly, when a Man orgasms, his genital area releases energy, while when Woman orgasms, her vagina absorbs energy. That's why after sex supposedly women feel more energized and men drained.
But if you masturbate, that effect of drainage is amplified, because there's no partner to exchange energy with.
Moreover, you create astral Larvae which feed themselves on your desire for masturbation, and they're always hungry for more.
Besides, you can verify that masturbation is wrong just by observing your emotions after the act: we feel ashamed, like we've done something wrong.
We indeed did something wrong, and even if we are not completely aware of it in the most superficial level of the mind, our subconscious knows it and tells us through our emotive center. That feeling we feel is precisely guilt, the same guilt you feel when you commit a crime, even small things that only you know you did.
That's a sign that the Consciousness in not entirely degenerated and can still tell right from wrong.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:05:07 No. 41989
>That's a sign that the Consciousness in not entirely degenerated
*is not entirely degenerated
Also, I found that thing about the drainage.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:09:48 No. 41990
>You won't get money by doing magick.
Tell that smileyberg, I think he has 80000 reasons to disagree :^)
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:22:33 No. 41994
Already seen this shit site a year ago. Doesn't have any practical shit just woo woo jargon.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:22:35 No. 41995
All of you faggots should just study everything and then continue studies in the astral. You'll never find the perfect books for you until you've read, comprehended, and exhausted all trains of thought and started using the astral to find more.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:27:27 No. 41997
so what have you found in your studies?
didi 05/31/15 (Sun) 18:29:12 No. 42000
I'm wealthy thanks to 2 events I've completed with magick.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:30:49 No. 42002
what were your methods?
didi 05/31/15 (Sun) 18:31:07 No. 42003
42/000 - gratitude.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:32:13 No. 42004
You're not wealthy.
didi 05/31/15 (Sun) 18:33:08 No. 42005
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:36:21 No. 42007
Put your humility in your ass.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:36:47 No. 42008
You clearly haven't read the material.
It's practical. It's based on practice.
Of course you need to study the teaching before beginning, but the work itself is totally practical.
The tradition of Gnosis emphasizes this point: you cannot truly learn until you awaken in the astral plane and beyond.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:40:52 No. 42011
where is the practical stuff?
didi 05/31/15 (Sun) 18:41:20 No. 42012
*throws the football back*
this is amusing to me.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:42:34 No. 42015
Meditation courses, Dream Yoga and Astral projection courses, Self-Knowledge courses, Prayer, Pranayama, etc.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:45:28 No. 42018
Where is the practical pranayama stuff. Right here he just talks about it.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:47:10 No. 42019
In the middle of that very article there are three links to three different pranayama techniques.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:51:45 No. 42023
yeah, the practical stuff is all jumbled everywhere.
05/31/15 (Sun) 18:54:22 No. 42027
Study it little by little. You can't just skip steps. Besides, what are busy with? Is that more important that your spiritual life and your happiness?
There is an entire series of lectures for beginners:
05/31/15 (Sun) 20:03:23 No. 42050
I'm tired of liberals putting together influential thinkers and saying their philosophies are compatible when they aren't for example Jesus and Nietzsche are incompatible. There is no profound mysticism associated with Nietzsche, his greatest contribution to anything was pointing out the slave-master mentality in the Abrahamic religions of which you try to "enlighten" us with Moses who is a servant of the demiurge the antithesis to gnosis. Get fucked.
05/31/15 (Sun) 20:14:01 No. 42053
Nietzsche is profoundly symbolic.
Study it on gnosticteachings.org, there's a small section dedicated to him. Goodnight.
05/31/15 (Sun) 20:57:52 No. 42060
So wait, in order to transmute water into wine i have to get a waifu?
05/31/15 (Sun) 21:22:19 No. 42062
If i understood it correctly, and i think i didn't i looked through some articles and watched the documentary, the main point Samael wants to tell us is that sexual energy is the strongest energy we have, it can be used and controled, etc etc. So we should preserve it and not engage in any sex and bam we are Jesus, surely it can't be that simple.
05/31/15 (Sun) 22:30:14 No. 42074
Nietzsche is a cuck and a faggot anyway
06/01/15 (Mon) 00:06:02 No. 42132
>Without desire, your Will becomes the Will of God. You merge with your Inner God. Or "Higher self", whatever you want to call it.
I feel like I can drop all my personalities and desires, but I don't experience any will of my Inner Self (I AM),
It doesn't tell me shit, like he just wants to vanish from all existence and enter Nirvana like a faggot.
Please help.
I'll post with indigo pill flag, because I have to agree with him at this moment:
>I'm trying to get even more desires now, because without them I just contemplate suicide, not working, not exercising etc.
>Without desire, you wouldn't even move, you wouldn't even think.
Ditching my sustained desires would leave me ded.
06/01/15 (Mon) 01:20:31 No. 42143
The truth is simple and easy to understand, that website is mostly woo woo. Would have been better if they just post the practical shit on the front page in order. Practical shit means more than just woo woo talk.
06/01/15 (Mon) 03:39:28 No. 42156
OP, thank you so much for sharing the video, the website and all the knowledge that can come from them.
I now realize I have been an Intuitive Kabbalist for a all my conscious life, but only recently dabbling into the paths of the enlightment through the occult and ancient knowledges.
One of the most interesting aspects of the knowledge I've been acquiring is that it by no means contradict the analytical and skeptical view of the universe that I intesely sought through science and physics along my late teen years.
I believe there is much potential for self discovery and self growth in the teachings, and that's what Gnosis is all about after all. Knowing thyself, being faithful to one's true nature, and thus knowing the Universe.
All this knowledge should be experienced and practiced instead of just intellectualized. It's an allegory of allegories that conjures light upon one's true nature, the nature of the mind, it's perceptions, it's creative and destructive power, the essence of life and knowledge.
The Fruit of Knowledge (sex, orgasm, etc.) is a very complex subject but one would be wrong to take the notions of chastity and privation in extreme way. The video and some articles on the site put it very well, it's about the realization of the creative and destructive potential of such things. It's about experiencing Kundalini. It's about controlling the serpent. It's about becoming your one true god, finding your essence, being faithful to your true nature.
I feel enlightened.
06/01/15 (Mon) 04:55:21 No. 42163
Legit, if a wizard (or witch) tries to curse a believer they will pay big time. Unless they're in sin or doing something that is way out of the will of God, once you're saved, God will protect you.
06/01/15 (Mon) 05:11:33 No. 42165
"Gnosticism" doesn't really exist. The term itself was made up by modern scholars to try to categorize a whole bunch of different groups and it's actually been criticized in recent decades for being an inadequate category that perpetuates a bunch of myths and stereotypes.
06/01/15 (Mon) 09:04:53 No. 42181
You say it's time to drop New Age bullshit and then demonstrate how you've completely brainwashed yourself with New Age woo woo. This is a pretty common delusion in its framework but the occult always puts an unique spin on its nutjobs.
06/01/15 (Mon) 09:31:18 No. 42184
Doing your True Will is the meaning of life.
That's the tl:dr of what you learn after years of studying the occult.
All this metaphysical woo? Useless.
06/01/15 (Mon) 11:55:01 No. 42192
From what I've read of the site OP posted they place a large emphasis on doing the will of the "Guardian Angel" rather than "Guardian of the Threshold" which we know as our higher self and lower/animistic self.
They make the same mistake as many other magical factions by claiming that only their path is right and strongly rely on Christian teachings for their wisdom. They do seem to use yoga and other meditations so some of their teachings are of use but this is fairly entry level with a heavy dogma tied along.
It's ok and should be added to the list of helpful sites but if you've read some of Atkinson's books you're unlikely to find any new core concepts, just the same ideas but in a gnostic coloured wrapping.
06/01/15 (Mon) 12:17:37 No. 42195
Nietzsche was right all along.
The universe is amoral, you should be amoral too.
06/01/15 (Mon) 12:24:58 No. 42196
Sorry m80, but that's not what my higher consciousness is telling me.
Lost cause or not, I'll attempt to save as much of humanity that has potential as I can while I perfect my own character according to virtues of old.
Funny quote I found on OP's site.
>The mind, the protoplasmic mind, the protoplasmic emotions that we have within, are also devolving; wars, tyranny, crimes, homosexuality, lesbianism, prostitution, pedophiles, all of that is a sign of devolution in the psyche, in the protoplasmic bodies. And this is why it is written when you see all these signs, when the degeneration will reign in all the earth, that is a sign that the end is coming; in other words, the devolution of the planet in order to start a new evolution, a new era because humanity as a whole also evolves.
Wonder if egalitarians here will denounce gnosticism as something biggoted and evil now.
Those who do will find r/occult a much better place to study the occult, homophobia and other politically incorrect views are bannable offences there so it'll suit your open minded cunts nicely.
06/01/15 (Mon) 12:36:23 No. 42199
Hello, I'm back.
Nietzsche talked about "Beyond Good and Evil", meaning that the Super-Man has to go beyond the normal concept of good and evil.
Good and evil are relative: if you give money to a poor beggar and he uses it to buy alcohol or cigarettes, you might think you did a good thing, but the facts speak for themselves, you created a bad consequence.
Therefore the superman, in accordance with the Will of his Inner God, does not operate based on Good and Evil, but based on Divine Justice.
Great Masters, like Joan D'Arc were even allowed to Kill by their inner gods, because that was the necessary thing to do in that situation.
Nevertheless, only people who achieve Mastery can sense what is right to do in every situation, thanks to the Divine Intuition they develop with years of hard work.
That means you can't just commit crimes and blame it on God. It all depends on the situation.
06/01/15 (Mon) 12:36:38 No. 42200
>Regrettably, now humanity is entering in big surges into the infra dimensions and everyone is applauding degeneration. Of course, to be selected for Klipoth is easy: just degenerate yourself and see how easily you enter into Klipoth, which is what this humanity is doing. They are applauding homosexuality, lesbianism - "that's okay," they say - thus little-by-little as time passes and everybody applauds when something evil happens, "this is okay" they say, "no problem"; no problem, of course, no problem in Klipoth, because there the actions of Adultery, fornication and sexual degeneration are normal. The protoplasmic bodies as degenerated bodies enter into Klipoth by following degeneration; this is how you are selected for Klipoth but not for Heaven.
/pol/ would love this
is where I'm finding these
06/01/15 (Mon) 12:39:56 No. 42201
The Guardian Angel, or Advocate, is different from your Inner God.
You are caught up in the dogma of chaos magic that states there's no right path.
In truth, there are 2 opposite paths, the ascending path, and the descending one, and it all depends on how you work with your Consciousness.
06/01/15 (Mon) 12:43:19 No. 42202
If you seriously started the practice of Self-Observation, as taught by every major religion on earth, you would soon discover that "Your Will" is actually the will of your animalistic selfish desires.
This is not just another vague theory, you can absolutely confirm this by observing yourself carefully from moment to moment.
If you do the practice correctly, you will see that what is modifying your actions is not your true self.
06/01/15 (Mon) 12:44:48 No. 42203
I'm more of an opinion that there's no one path of ascension, I'm not about to follow the degeneration path after wasting so many years of my life on that.
I'll have to ask you to elaborate on the difference or direct me to an article explaining such.
I want to ask you something though.
>So, the beings that are superior and that travel already in space know very well the chaos in which this planet is and they want to help us. But earthlings think based on that psychological element of war and conquering that all of us have, that they are coming in order to conquer this hell of a planet. Who wants to be a king of a mental hospital? They do not think as earthlings think. Why would an extraterrestrial come from a superior civilization in order to be a king of mad people, people that are trying to kill them? I personally would not come from another planet in order to be king of this madness, why? Maybe because the megalomaniac Nibelungen people of this planet think they are superior? No! Listen the Nibelungen are inferior, very inferior not only physically, or technologically but also psychologically.
Is the concept of loosh farming of the unconscious population foreign to gnostics?
06/01/15 (Mon) 12:45:56 No. 42204
That's exacly as you expressed it, you "feel like" you can drop your personalities and desires. That's actually impossible to do if you have had no hard training for years. You might tell yourself, "oh yeah, I don't care" but that's just an illusion.
If desires are not completely eradicated from every level of the mind, they'll still be there, lurking and waiting to come out.
06/01/15 (Mon) 12:50:00 No. 42205
I think in the gnostic tradition, "loosh farming" corresponds to the concept of your energy being almost completely trapped in egos (demons).
Yeah, they are metaphysical entities, created by our mistakes. They can be found in the Astral and Mental dimensions.
Basically, Gnosis is all about fighting and annihilating those Red Demons of Seth, which is really a fight against ourselves.
06/01/15 (Mon) 12:54:02 No. 42206
> That's actually impossible to do if you have had no hard training for years.
Yes, it needs some training but I've already made some progress.
>If desires are not completely eradicated from every level of the mind
That would make my mind pretty useless.
I repeat: There would be nothing left if one eradicates all desires, it can be experienced in meditation easily. What makes you think that the Inner Will will come forth if it doesn't now?
06/01/15 (Mon) 12:54:58 No. 42207
Also, about the ascending and descending path:
It corresponds to the famous "Jacob's ladder", on which Angels go up and down, meaning that their level of Being can evolve or devolve. It all depends on how much your Consciousness is trapped in desire (egos).
I think this lecture is about this topic, but I haven't read it or listened to it yet.
06/01/15 (Mon) 12:57:39 No. 42208
Some people here are of belief that reptilians and whatnot are farming peoples' emotional energy and have even come into contact with various world governments to maximize efficiency etc.
Whichever version is true, once one gains conscious control over his will/emotions that stops being an issue for the individual, I am yet to see someone attempt to halt the drain on a mass scale though.
I've read through that, it basically says what you did, how wizards following their desires acquire power but become "demons" with a funny gnostic name.
06/01/15 (Mon) 13:02:14 No. 42209
Your mind, meaning your intellect, is an instrument that compares things. It can only think by comparison, it can only think about what it has perceived before, it cannot create anything new.
It can form concepts, but those concepts are NEVER the Truth itself about something. They might be accurate or not accurate, but they are never the Truth.
So the mind is simply an instrument. Thought is an instrument.
The part of us that really is immortal is the Consciousness, meaning, the perceiver, the I AM. You can perceive without thoughts. Just stop thinking, and there you have it. The Consciousness, when liberated from the mind, can know things intuitively, without the need for thoughts.
So you are not your thoughts, your mind.
The most elevated Masters are able to stop thinking at will, and only think when they need to. We are NOT able to do that. We might think, "yeah, I can stop thinking", but after a while we forget about it and suddenly we find ourselves thinking again.
That's how the mind controls us. We need to control the mind.
The consciousness needs to control the mind, not the other way around.
In fact, Samael Aun Weor, the founder of the International Gnostic Movement, states that the highest form of thinking is non-thinking. That's achieved only with the state of quietude resulting from the absence of any desire.
06/01/15 (Mon) 13:08:38 No. 42210
Gaining conscious control of yourself is really hard. When I didn't know about the gnostic studies, I thought I could control myself pretty well.
It's been some time I've been studying gnosis now, and let me tell you, when you start observing yourself the way they teach you, you discover that you are NOT as in control as you believed.
There's a huge amount of work to be done. And it's a struggle against our daily mistaken ways of behaving, thinking, and feeling, that happen automatically.
We need to become CONSCIOUS of those automatic and mechanical psychological processes, and detect the errors in them. There are a lot of these processes, but one needs to start looking for them, if he truly wants to change.
It might be something like detecting "oh look, my mind is projecting" "oh look, my mind wants to feel better than that other person, and thus is finding excuses to feel better about itself" "oh look, I'm angry and I'm filtering everything I see and think and say through my anger". Some of them are incredibily subtle.
We have innumerable amounts of mistakes to correct.
06/01/15 (Mon) 13:15:13 No. 42211
And the problem is: whenever you indulge in those mistakes, whenever for example you justify yourself, you see everything through anger, you find excuses, etc., you are actually worsening those conditions of your mind.
The mind is mechanical, it's cyclical. It wants MORE of everything.
Whenever you experience a pleasurable sensation, like the orgasm, you want MORE. And the more you get, the more you want.
And that desire is never satisfied.
Desire cannot be satisfied EVER.
It's like trying to put out a fire by adding more wood.
Thus, our mind becomes more and more degenerated, and our Consciousness more and more trapped in desires, mistakes, egos, demons, larvae, whatever the name. You Crystallize your mistakes in the astral and mental plane, creating actual demonic creatures that feed themselves on the repetition of errors, on the energy produced by it.
The Consciousness is pure energy. Energy never dies, it just gets transformed. The Consciousness never dies, it just gets more free, or more trapped in desire, and this is a process that's occurring every moment.
You can choose to feed your consciousness to your disgusting egos, indulging in pleasure and mistaken ways of behaving, or to free it, and use it to its full potential (awakening intuition, being able to consciously access the higher planes, etc.), in accordance with Nature's laws.
06/01/15 (Mon) 13:16:01 No. 42212
Don't I know it.
Gotta get into that analytical mindset regarding every thought and action I make, I can keep this sort of concentration going already but with conscious effort, not my daily life.
Practice will make perfect though I'm sure.
>oh look, my mind is projecting
>The sun is a planet as this planet Earth is a planet, but with tremendous energy. The metal, the kingdom of metals of the sun is perfect; it is mainly made of gold because it is the center of the solar system; the cosmic unit that has to channel the three primary forces the Holy Triamazikamno directly from the seventh dimension.
The sun is mostly composed of gas though, sure it's gold in the metaphysical sense since it brings so much energy to us but I wish occultists stayed clear of science in their explanations.
This just makes things harder to get other people to get to know the path and possibly start walking it.
06/01/15 (Mon) 13:30:41 No. 42213
>The sun is mostly composed of gas though
We don't know. We must stop assuming we know anything.
Have we ever been to the sun?
The most important thing we need to do right now, is forget everything we learned. We can't get attached to it. Those are just concepts anyway.
The Jews, the aliens, the nazis, the liberals, the marxists, the loosh farmers, yeah they all might be true, but so what.
When this planet dies, when this humanity dies, our Cosciousness will still BE, and we will still have our problems. As long as we have psychological defects, we will still suffer, even if the jews, the reptilians, the liberals are all gone.
We will still have anger. We will still have pride. We will still have fear, laziness, gluttony, lust, etc. Those are the FUNDAMENTAL causes of suffering, not other people, not the government, not the jews.
We need to change ourselves. We need to change our way of perceiving.
The Buddha was a Liberated being because he completely changed himself.
He Awakened. He liberated his consciousness from psychological mistakes.
That's how you find peace and freedom, even in the most dire of situations.
We must trust our Inner God.
We need to work on ourselves right now. We must try to verify everything for ourselves.
Science has to be considered as childish theories. Science has been completely wrong in the past, and it is likely completely wrong now. Science is based on conceps that might or might not accurately describe phenomena.
That is not the Truth.
We need to let go of our intellect. We need to understand that we don't actually KNOW things yet.
That's what Gnosis means, "Knowledge". Through Gnostic practice, we let go of our attachment to intellect, feelings, sensations, and we center ourselves in the CONSCIOUSNESS. The "I AM, here and now". That's independent of ANYTHING. That's where we will find true peace.
And true peace is not something shallow, like thinking "oh yeah, I'm here and now, i'm cool, there's no problem". We have to eradicate our defects from the roots, so our consciousness can be totally free from them.
That brings true happiness. Jesus level happiness, Buddha level happiness. True Joy. That take an Enormous amount of work.
06/01/15 (Mon) 13:47:25 No. 42214
It's enormous only if you think it's enormous.
06/01/15 (Mon) 13:49:04 No. 42215
>The most elevated Masters are able to stop thinking at will, and only think when they need to. We are NOT able to do that. We might think, "yeah, I can stop thinking", but after a while we forget about it and suddenly we find ourselves thinking again.
So I need to do even more meditation?
>instead of just sitting on the floor, spacing out with a blank mind?
Also thanks for reminding me of all my desires, OP.
Now I'm really fucking annoyed all the time about this mundane existence on this bloody material plane. I just want to stop time and everything, fuck!
06/01/15 (Mon) 14:02:04 No. 42216
I might tell myself that it's not hard work, but the facts speak for themselves. We need to stop deluding ourselves to feel better.
The way you stop time is by practicing Gnosis. Time is of the Mind. When the mind is quiet, time is not a factor anymore.
Basically, if you want to liberate yourself from your desires, you have to practice Gnosis.
And I'm not here telling people "oh you have to believe me otherwise you're wrong and stupid and will go to hell".
Gnosis is not something to be believed in, it's a way of living.
If we want to free ourselves, we can't just stick to our shitty occult books and our current beliefs and theories.
We must tread the path that every person who Liberated themselves trod: that's the Magnus Opus, the work of the Father.
We can't just say: "oh, no thanks, i'll do it my own way, i don't need instructions, bye bye".
That's precisely an EGO. That's Pride. That's thinking you're better than everyone else. That is a Mistake, and it will only bring more suffering.
Liberation is an Exact Science and it has been presented throughout the ages in every mystical and religious tradition.
Gnostics sythetize all those traditions and bring them together to reveal the true path to liberation.
You are free to do your own will, but if you don't know the steps, how do you expect to liberate yourself? If you don't know the A,B,C , how do you expect to learn to read.
Everyone has to hear the Teachings first.
06/01/15 (Mon) 14:10:50 No. 42217
> Time is of the Mind. When the mind is quiet, time is not a factor anymore.
I actually had the movement of the universe, life itself in mind, when I was speaking about time. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
>Everyone has to hear the Teachings first.
Nah, I get the steps through intuition sometimes. But it's obviously faster to read up some stuff, then try working with it and see if intuition approves.
06/01/15 (Mon) 14:24:51 No. 42219
If you do get the steps through intuition, you must understand that your intuition is working because you have been involved in the Great Work in previous lives, and have developed it.
This current life and the current state of our mind and Consciousness is a result of what we did in our past lives, according to the universal law of Karma.
You may have made some progress in one of your previous life, and now your Inner God may be presenting the Teachings to you again, so that you can work for him once more.
We must understand that we are not "Mr. Such and Such, that works at this job, has this car and these parents and family". That is our personality in our current life. It will eventually disappear, when we die.
Our consciousness will not die though, and if it is trapped in egos, it will come back into a new womb once we die, to be born again into this cyclical existence to satisfy its desires (which remember, can never be satisfied). We are trapped in this pointless cycle, and the only way to liberate ourselves from this mechanicity, is through the Gnostics' work.
Understand that the Gnostics are not a modern group, they are universal and timeless. Gnostics are those who tread the true path of liberation, which is the same throughout the universe and throughout the ages.
It's no wonder that we feel like our lives "make no sense", they really do make no sense, we are just pointlessly chasing desire, forever and ever.
We even try to give a meaning to it by chasing pleasure, not realizing that that is precisely the cause of our suffering.
This is NOT how things have to be. Our state of existance is a horrible mistake. There are other Humanities around the Universe that are completely free of Ego.
Our true state of being should be joyful and free of suffering, and yet because of our collective mistaken actions, we've gradually worsened it, until reaching the point at which we are right now, a disgusting and degenerated society, created by our psychological misbehaviours, which soon will be wiped out from the face of the earth.
06/01/15 (Mon) 15:17:32 No. 42226
Is the Kybalion a gnostic teaching?
06/01/15 (Mon) 15:19:13 No. 42227
Yes. In fact when you read it again after having studied Gnosis for a while, it makes even more sense.
Hermes Trismegistus is a Master of Alchemy. Hermeticism is a Gnostic science.
06/01/15 (Mon) 15:20:33 No. 42228
Alchemy is the "transmutation of lead into gold"
That's symbolic. Our Lead is the basic and asleep Consciousness we have right now, and we need to liberate it to make it Golden.
06/01/15 (Mon) 15:23:31 No. 42229
But is there any reason for studying gnosticism as a collective of a lot of sciences and cultures, in contrary to studying just one branch?
06/01/15 (Mon) 15:30:30 No. 42231
Master Samael Aun Weor, the founder of the modern Gnostic movement, gave us the key to interpret every single branch.
You will get A LOT more information and teachings by studying every tradition comparatively. You will see how every religion, every mystical tradition on earth, throughout the ages is always talking about the same exact thing.
That will give you great motivation and great faith in the work.
The single branches have been corrupted with time, thus you will not get the full science. And since you have only one point of view, it will be easy to misinterpret something or fall into error.
Studying every culture from the same universal and eternal point of view of gnosis is inspiring, and you will learn a lot.
The work itself has no time, no culture, no one prophet.
It is beautifully expressed in many ways, but the basics are always the same.
06/01/15 (Mon) 15:33:15 No. 42232
For example, here's the description of one of the courses that the website offers:
"More than 2,500 years ago, a man decided to find out why there is suffering, and how to overcome it. He succeeded, and became known as "The Buddha," which means, "One who is awake." Since then, there have emerged many variations and interpretations of what he taught, with some believing that his teachings were something he invented or created on his own. Contrary to this belief, he said,
> "I have seen an ancient path, an ancient road traversed by the rightly enlightened ones of former times. And what is that ancient path, that ancient road? It is just this noble eight-fold path." - Buddha Shakyamuni, Samyutta Nikaya ii.106
Therefore, his knowledge — what in Greek is called Gnosis — existed before he did, and he only taught what he understood of that ancient knowledge.
This course examines Gnosis through the lens of the Buddhist Dharma."
06/01/15 (Mon) 15:33:43 No. 42233
So you are telling me that I can't cum while I have sex…
And then what, I become a god ?
06/01/15 (Mon) 15:36:40 No. 42234
You have to work very hard.
You have to revolutionize your way of perceiving life.
You have to eradicate your vices, your "seven capital sins" (Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Envy, Greed, Fear, Anger).
You have to learn to Meditate the right way.
You have to pray and be devoted to God.
And yeah, you can't cum.
SAGE! 06/01/15 (Mon) 17:57:25 No. 42267
06/01/15 (Mon) 18:09:09 No. 42269
>Therefore, his knowledge — what in Greek is called Gnosis — existed before he did, and he only taught what he understood of that ancient knowledge.
He taught it all.
It all existed before him.
At his time of awakening and after his time of awakening he was able to teach nothing which is false and everything which is true.
I would say to the one who wrote that "Do not suggest inadequacy in the teachings of the Buddha if you do not want to suggest what is not factual."
06/01/15 (Mon) 18:12:09 No. 42270
Comparative study will not grant one enlightenment. There is no salvation in that endeavor.
One finding the path to enlightenment in this age finds it from a truly-enlightened person who is alive in this age. He receives directly from that person those things which benefit his path directly.
There has been no other way to initiation in the past, there is no other way to initiation in the present, and there will be no other way to initiation in the future.
It is so.
06/02/15 (Tue) 09:09:58 No. 42330
I don't think you got the meaning of that sentence.
I think it's means that he didn't teach anything he invented, he only taught what others had taught before him.
06/02/15 (Tue) 09:14:26 No. 42331
Studying will grant you nothing, if you do not practice and live the teachings.
Likewise, a Guru or Master can help you, but they can't initiate you. You have to work. Don't just fuck around thinking "well, I don't see any master yet, so I can relax until one comes and saves me".
That's wrong view. Disciples went through a long period of sadhana/spiritual practice before entering the higher and esoteric levels of instruction, to make sure they were ready and mature enough. They were harshly tested.
And don't expect to easily find a Master in the physical world. It would be better to learn to consciously travel the astral and mental planes, where you could meet them directly.
So it is true. You need the help of Masters, however, you've got to work, no one will spoonfeed you.
06/02/15 (Tue) 15:09:56 No. 42360
>It would be better to learn to consciously travel the astral and mental planes, where you could meet them directly.
Pretty sure traveling astral/mental planes is considered wizardy (bad) in gnosticism.
06/02/15 (Tue) 17:15:56 No. 42374
You will not be found by a master until you are properly receptive to the correct teaching. If you see that you are not with teacher, despair not over this because you have no grown properly receptive to the correct teachings. Your soul is not mature enough.
If you are struggling with your practice, you are doing the right thing WRONG or doing the WRONG path. Truthfully, the path to salvation is the easiest, straightest path that has ever existence.
The road to suffering is paved with suffering. The road to ecstasy is pave with ecstasy. Accordingly, the road to equanimity which is irreversible enlightenment is paved with equanimity. Know this and seek that which is equanimous in nature.
A master is one who can reveal to one who is properly receptive the correct path to the irreversible purity and lucidity o enlightenment. There is masters physically manifested in this world. I know of one fully-awakened master and know of three to-be-awakened masters living in just the town I live in. I am a to-be-awakened master.
>So it is true. You need the help of Masters, however, you've got to work, no one will spoonfeed you.
This is a deception because it is tied to a false line of thought. One could say this exact sentence truthfully and it would be wholly truth that it were tied to a true line of thought.
What you have said there is not wholly true and this not wholly worthy of praise.
06/02/15 (Tue) 18:59:49 No. 42382
And what do I get at the end ?
It better be worth the trouble…
06/02/15 (Tue) 19:36:36 No. 42389
Then you have not studied true Gnosis
>I am a to-be-awakened master
I would reflect very much before uttering that phrase.
As Master Jesus taught, a tree is known by his fruits.
Are you completely free of suffering, craving, aversion, ignorance? Is your every thought concerned with the well being of other people?
Are you in perfect equanimity and in complete renunciation of worldly pleasure?
Are you a master of meditation, astral travel, can you enter samadhi at will?
And if your answer is yes, then there is a question you have to ask yourself: are you actually these things, or are you just deluding yourself?
Are you Joyful, Innocent, Pure?
Yeah it is. You become a Buddha, an Awakened Being, free of suffering.
What else could your soul long for?
06/02/15 (Tue) 19:57:49 No. 42392
fuck you bitch nigger gay
06/03/15 (Wed) 00:09:31 No. 42417
I am completely free of suffering, craving, aversion, and ignorance.
My every thought is concerned with the well-being of, simultaneously, myself and others.
I am in perfect equanimity and in complete renunciation of worldly pleasure.
I am master of my self.
I am certain I am these things. I am certain I am not NOT these things.
I am joyful. I am innocent. I am pure.
06/04/15 (Thu) 16:17:01 No. 42612
You didn't ask the question. Let the noble King Arthur come instead.
06/09/15 (Tue) 12:44:30 No. 43350
The hard bit is sticking to something for 1-80 years of your life ;)
Try it. I've done 4 months worth and had a slip (wet dreams full of succubus entities in very low vibration dreams! Someone doesn't want me on this path) and honestly it sounds hard at first and can be when you start practicing it in real but its not "easy" like you make it out. I will say after 3 months you already feel mentally clear, physically clear, full of willpower, full of insight, full of balance, full of connection and synergy to the world around you. May have been from the 4 months of NoFap I started prior to it.
Also, it became weird when I would walk around anywhere and people would always be turning to look at me or already looking at me, something I'm not used to especially as a male. One time I was walking past a supermarket in which you could see through to the cashiers and many of them although they should have been serving customers had turned 90 degrees to watch me walk past the window. My friends started commenting on how much I just seemed to radiate energy and goodness. I'm still containing this path 100%, sadly still recuperating from the dream but I can vouch that this path is a beautiful one that I hope to follow to the day I die.
Many are called but few are chosen.
06/09/15 (Tue) 12:56:48 No. 43352
In regards to your point on "the Fruit of Knowledge" I direct you to look into "Karezza" which some people have followed for very long periods of time without having any issue whatsoever. The difference between sex and what is talked about here is that you aren't trying to get off, you aren't getting your testicles into the state where they are ready to shoot then stopping the energy leaving them in a state of blue balls - in fact done properly will never cause blue balls or ejaculation. Instead what you have is loving connection and divine union between partners, and what that is is a strong energy trade of which fills the woman with masculine energy and the man with feminine energy keeping both parties content and actually closer and more connected, merging after time into the strongest form of love bond and this is because of the build up of Oxycontin (stress relief hormone which comes from cuddling etc), as well as a reduction of cortisol (stress hormone which comes from ejaculation, you aren't doing that) also because of the buildup of your partners energy within you and you in theres making you 2 joined as one spirit.
It's very interesting. This link will give more info and analysis of the chemical release during a normal orgasm vs Karezza: http://www.health-science-spirit.com/healsex.html
06/09/15 (Tue) 13:32:15 No. 43358
Remember to practice the elimination of the Ego, otherwise you will inevitably become a Demon if you keep working with the sexual fire and awakening consciousness.
Those entities you found in dreams are your own egos, they actually exist as creatures in the fifth dimension.
It's very important to understand and comprehend lust and annihilate it, and not just repress masturbation or sex.
06/09/15 (Tue) 13:57:29 No. 43365
Brother, recently my ego elimination has come full crux. I have seen just how insidious it is and am taking every possible action to eradicate it now. I've hated my ego for years but haven't been able to put my finger on to how to rid of it. I'm finding more and more.
Surely any additional texts you have on the subject would be great especially as I had no idea of this suddenly transforming into a demon business of which I don't like the sound of. Understanding and annihilating lust is what I'm trying to get my head around now. I can completely forgo any sexual activity (aside Karezza) no problem but my mind will still think about sexual things at times. I'm guessing what you mean by annihilating it is practicing Right Mind, as in not even having any impure thoughts whatsoever? Makes the most sense just a hard spot to get to.
06/09/15 (Tue) 14:09:54 No. 43366
Dude, you absolutely need to look at http://gnosticteachings.org/
If you just read Samael, you're not going to grasp the teaching completely. He wrote in a pretty cryptic way. The instruction is not complete.
The lectures on the website explain gnosis also from the point of view of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. and the instructors point out things that you really need to know to practice gnosis correctly.
In my opinion that without the lectures on that website, you cannot understand and practice gnosis correctly. They explain SO MUCH stuff over there, it's amazing.
For example the thing about the demons: obviously we need to awaken the consciousness and work with the sexual fire, but if we do that without eliminating the ego, we will awaken our consciousness in a negative way, trapped in desire, and we will even think we're on the right path!
Hell is filled with sincerely mistaken people, remember.
The ego is extremely subtle.
Practicing Right Mind as you call it is not easy at all.
To simply hate the ego is not enough. We have to observe it and analyze it and see how it functions in depth. Study those courses brother.
I really sincerely recommend you take a good in depth look at the courses on that website, because they will clarify the teachings to you in a way that you cannot even imagine right now.
You will see the way.
06/09/15 (Tue) 14:19:41 No. 43368
And let me tell you, I've been studying that website for about 6 months now, and I'm still in the beginning stage. The more I study, the more the way becomes clear.
Every student of gnosis absolutely needs those lectures, unless he's a genius and master of meditation and knows every scripture in the world, which none of us do.
06/09/15 (Tue) 23:02:55 No. 43427
06/10/15 (Wed) 12:46:07 No. 43484
Yeah send your skype to this email
06/10/15 (Wed) 13:19:38 No. 43487
Ok. This board is awesome.
06/10/15 (Wed) 13:23:02 No. 43488
Combine lust and gluttony into wanton desire and add slothfulness to that list of 7 sins.
Laziness is a vice or sin
06/10/15 (Wed) 13:29:01 No. 43489
Yeah I fucked up the list. Greed and envy are one I think. The seventh is laziness.
06/10/15 (Wed) 13:30:05 No. 43490
I'm so *fucking* glad I can help people out.
06/10/15 (Wed) 13:56:53 No. 43491
06/10/15 (Wed) 13:58:49 No. 43492
wait did you link your email, I cannot find it or im doing something wrong
06/10/15 (Wed) 14:27:45 No. 43495
Need to enter something in the name field to display e-mail.
name 06/10/15 (Wed) 14:57:57 No. 43500
06/10/15 (Wed) 15:26:19 No. 43502
06/10/15 (Wed) 23:53:55 No. 43531
06/11/15 (Thu) 04:51:00 No. 43554
Just talk on the board itself you chucklefucks don't go off-board to have your conversations.
06/11/15 (Thu) 08:27:11 No. 43565
Anyone want to help me buy up the kindle books here and rip them?
I've bought Introduction to Gnosis and The Divine Science
06/11/15 (Thu) 09:25:47 No. 43568
06/11/15 (Thu) 14:23:36 No. 43589
I have some of them.
I feel somewhat guilty sharing them… feels like stealing. But hey, if it can help people… it should be all right. Be sure to donate to Glorian Publishing you cheap bastards.
The ones you need to read the most are:
>The perfect matrimony
>Beyond Death: the gnostic book of the dead
>Treatise of revolutionary psychology
>Karma is negotiable
>Hell, Devil and Karma
And others. They're all useful really. But these are important. But… well, all of them are important. I have some of them as a physical copy.
I have those as Adobe DRM epub, and I don't know if the DRM can be removed. I have them on my Kobo ebook library.
06/11/15 (Thu) 16:13:13 No. 43598
06/11/15 (Thu) 17:57:25 No. 43605
>Be sure to donate to Glorian Publishing you cheap bastards.
I don't even have money to donate, I'm a NEET.
Dudeington 06/11/15 (Thu) 20:38:44 No. 43616
I just wanted to say thank younfor posting this thread, maybe it was something about the timing with my own perspecrive right meow.. but something about what you just said seriously made like a long forgotten connection in my brain synapse fire off, I havent felt this assured of something on a long, long time.
I was just talking to my mom yesterday about "what I wanted to with my life", a really played out tune in my house, and I even told her straight up I felt like I was on tue right path. All of a sudden my thoughts were becoming much clearer and she said I was speaking with more maturity than I ever had in my life..
meanwhile in my head I was just letting it flow, going with my gut and letting my mind do the talking. When you bullshit someone you must be unable to think rationally for a bit as a result because I do it all the time, and sometimes I feed the beast so much it fights back. Procrastination, lying, denial.. all these negative thoughts feed negative energy, so yesterday I decided to just focus on maintaining a good, positive feeling and let my thougs flow naturally, no holding back or putting up walls. Bear in mind that I've been working on this mental control for a while now, so this doesnt happen over night..
I guess what I'm trying to say to all my bro's reading this.. And god damnit do I ever want to quote shia lebouf right now but I won't, no god damnit!
Just kidding, gotta lighten up the mood before you drop the bomb. My point is this, our energy.. our minds.. what got us here and let's us chill here. is eternal (I like the term infinite, fuck it).
We are literally the embodiment of the greatest creation of the cosmos, and knowing that makes everything else a lot easier to process. Really this should all be simple, we have the potential on our brains to fire off billions of neurons. we can percieve galaxies and dimensions of imaginary space in our minds, and so much more is possible. We just don't find it to conveniantly fit into our frame of thinking.
It's like that movie the truman show, except we're jim carrey and all the actors and producers on the island set are aliens and 5th dimensional beings.. Sure, they know about us. But the consequences of us becoming aware of literally all the cosmos have to offer in the blink of an eye would make our heads explode, or we'd never exhibit true free will and I bet we do make for a pretty interesting galactic t.v. ahow. But who cares?
I'm just happy to be a long for the ride.. Though if I get to choose next time I might roll for a lower INT, ignorance is bliss.
06/12/15 (Fri) 13:16:20 No. 43685
>if I get to choose next time I might roll for a lower INT, ignorance is bliss.
You don't get to choose precisely because of ignorance. Ignorance is suffering. In ignorance you don't even know you're ignorant.
06/16/15 (Tue) 16:59:40 No. 44178
Allahu Ackbar!
May god be praised and exalted!
06/16/15 (Tue) 18:18:45 No. 44181
Energy is power
Gnosis is not a belief, and it is not a theory. We teach through the intellect and through concept so that we can understand the actual practice. The actual science, the actual methodology is priesthood. It is not just something to study in books. It is magic. I am not talking about magic like those men on stage that cut ladies in half. That is not magic, that is an illusion. The word magic comes from the most ancient language tracked by modern science. It is the language that is the root of all European and Hindu languages. They date it at about 5,000 years old. In that language is the word mag, which means “priest.” That is where we get our word “magic.” In reality, the word magic does not mean illusionist or illusion, it means priesthood.
Real magic is the domain of a priest, a lama, a master, an angel. This is real magic. That word mag means “to have power. To be able.”
What is it to have power? It is to have energy over matter. If you have no energy, you have no power. If there is no energy in this building, there is no power. To do anything, even to move your body, your hands, your eyes, you must have energy. That energy is power. That is the priesthood. That is what Gnosis really is. Gnosis is the path of magic.
We need to cast out the foolish notion of the word magic. It has nothing to do with comic books, movies, casting spells, or making illusions. Magic is real, but it has nothing to do with all of our fantastical ideas about it.
A real magician is a priest. A real priest is someone who has power.
There are a lot of people in the world that call themselves “priests, “but they have no power. They cannot heal the sick, they cannot solve the world’s problems, and they cannot even help themselves. Many of those who call themselves “priests” are actually creating a lot of suffering for themselves and others. I do not mean merely the western priests. We are also talking about any spiritual leader, whether Jewish, Muslim, Shinto, Zen, Buddhist, Lama, etc. We are using the word priest in a generic sense to refer to any spiritual leader.
A real priest has power. That is the definition of magic or magi. Well all hear of the three magi in the Bible? They were not beggars, they were magicians, priests, and they have a deep symbolic significance.
A real priest has power, meaning that priest has energy. Where does that energy come from? There are two places.
06/16/15 (Tue) 18:19:34 No. 44182
Two Kinds of Magic
We have been talking about how energy exists in a given system. In us, the vast majority of our energy is trapped. Most of us are in darkness. We only have 3% free Consciousness, meaning 3% energy available that we can use. The rest is all trapped in our egos. If we want power to change our lives, if we want power to get something or do something, where do we all go to get power? Do we go inside? Do we meditate? Do we pray? Do we find a way in ourselves to get what we need? No, generally, we try to get what we want from someone else.
When we need food, we do not grow it ourselves. When we need money, we have to work for it, earn it, steal it, or get it somehow. We always look outside of ourselves. When we want to change our lives, where do we get the power and energy to go do it?
Those people that have power in our world, where do they get their power? Do they get it from within? Truly, where do they get it? From other people. Where does a politician get his power? Where does a banker get his power? From others. Where does an actor or a musician get his power? From others. If you put that person who seems so powerful to others and you put them out in the desert totally alone, could they do what they otherwise would do? Could they get what they get in society? Not just materially, but intellectually, emotionally, spiritually?
Imagine the person who in society manipulates millions of people at a whim to satisfy his own interests or desires: what would happen to that person if they were completely alone in the desert with no one around? Would they have power? I do not think so.
Now let us turn this around. If we put Jesus in the desert would he have power? Oh yes. What about Buddha? Certainly! What about Krishna and Moses? Absolutely! They would have power. Their power comes from inside. Their power does not come from controlling or manipulating others. That is the difference.
There are two places to get power or energy. From inside or outside. In other words there are two kinds of magic: white magic and black magic.
Another very simple way to characterize these two forms of magic:
White magic always acts in harmony within the divine law, and always respects the laws of God. It never attempts to overcome the will of God.
Black magic is always against the will of God, even when it seems to act in harmony or in accordance with the will of God. That is, black magic attempts to manipulate the law and manipulate others.
For us, understanding the difference between these two kinds of magic is tricky. In practice, it means when we try to get something by manipulating the will of another person, we commit an act of black magic. That means when you lie, when you cheat, when you misrepresent, you steal, that is black magic. That means most advertising is black magic. It is a lie, cheat, or a scam to get power, to get energy, and control, by offering a desire in exchange for a payment. That is black magic.
The black magicians say, “We are giving people what they want, it is an equal exchange. We are respecting the law!” That is a lie. Black magicians even attempt to manipulate the laws of nature to satisfy their desires.
What is a black magician? It is a person that has power for selfish ends. In the broadest scope, that is a definition of a black magician. A person, a priest with power, who seeks to serve himself or herself. I do not know about you, but I know a lot of people like that. That is why we say everybody on this planet is a black magician. We do not start pointing fingers at people, saying, “That lady or that guy is a black magician; you should stay away from them,” that is completely absurd. Everyone that has ego is a black magician. This is what Samael Aun Weor taught to us; this is what we confirmed through our own experience; it is a fact. There is never any reason or justification for calling anyone else a black magician, when we ourselves are.
There are degrees of magicians. One thing is the common black magician like you and me, people who have ego and misuse their energy through selfishness and desire, and want to feed those things. Most of the time we do it unconsciously; we do not usually have bad intentions.
There are other types of black magicians, such as those who become more and more devoted to feeding their desires through magic, through energy, through power. Those people are dangerous, yet society worships them, adores them.
06/16/15 (Tue) 18:20:26 No. 44183
Arcanum 18
arcanum 18We are talking about Arcanum 18 of the Tarot, which is the golden book of the law. The twenty-two arcana are symbols that represent cosmic laws or structures. Arcanum 18 is called Twilight. It represents hidden enemies, black magic. What you see in the image are two dogs facing way from each other. One is black, and one is white. In the background, you see two mountains, one black and one white. The waters below are an inverted black triangle covered by a scorpion.
If you know anything about mathematics, you know that the number 9 is very fascinating number with a lot of power and mystery. Anything you multiply by nine shows this magical relationship with the nine itself. 9X2 is 18 and 1 plus 8 is 9. Right? That mystery extends through anything related with 9. The number 18 is two nines joined (9 + 9), and 18 is 1 + 8 = 9. There is a deep relationship between 9 and 18.
We need to grasp that as long as we have ego, we are in the domain of this arcanum. The ego belongs to Arcanum 18. It is the lack of light. It is the darkness. We have ego: we have pride, gluttony, laziness. We do not have light. When we close our eyes and try to meditate and see God and get guidance from God, we only see darkness. We put ourselves there. We are in the Arcanum 18. That is what this scorpion represents: the traitor.
Each of us are traitors. If you have been in any religion or spiritual movement, you always here talk about “traitors,” with people pointing fingers at each other. In the Gnostic movement you hear that talk all the time, “So-and-so betrayed Samael Aun Weor, so-and-so Master Litelantes; so-and-so betrayed Jesus.” There is always this talk about “betrayers.” All of that is ridiculous. Why?
Let me ask a simple question about traitors. Who is the most beautiful, loving, and life-giving force in the entire universe? It is your Divine Mother. Who betrayed her? You did. Who is the worst traitor anywhere in the universe? You and me. We betrayed our own Divine Mother through fornication, Adultery, through all the crimes we committed throughout all of our existences. We are the traitors! No one else. We do not have the right to point fingers at anyone. We betrayed our own Divine Mother. There is no greater crime. You can point fingers all you want, but you are fooling yourself as long as that finger is pointed at anyone else. If you have betrayed your Mother, if you have fornicated, committed Adultery, stolen, lied — all of that — you are the worst traitor anywhere. That is that scorpion at the bottom of the image of the Arcanum 18.
Let us not get caught in politics pointing fingers, blaming people, comparing ourselves, thinking we are better then others, that “Our group is true to the teaching; our group is true to the masters, to Gnosis, to the White Lodge.” No, none of us are faithful and true, because we all have ego.
That scorpion is a reminder of that. The black triangle that the scorpion sits inside is our ego that is submerged in the abyss. That triangle represents that the three traitors. They are the demon of the mind, the demon of evil will, and the demon of desire. All of us have those traitors. None of us are free from those three traitors until we resurrect. Then we are truly worthy. Before resurrection, we are sinners. Let us not put ourselves above anyone else.
Arcanum 18 represents the battle, the war, and the fight of two nines: the battle between white against black. While it does represent the fight between the gods and the demons, this is not so important for us. Most importantly, it represents the struggle within ourselves between our liberated energy and our conditioned energy. Our Consciousness against our Consciousness; our matter against our matter. In other words, our inner house is divided. Our psychological, spiritual house is not united.
We are at war with ourselves. We cannot even make a decision from one day to the next without second-guessing ourselves, without contradicting ourselves. We are always in conflict, always in doubt, always poking our neighbors and loved ones in the eye, making ourselves bleed, making others bleed, because we are in conflict. We are Arcanum 18. Our house is in disorder.
What the student of Gnosis needs to grasp is that the battle that we are waging against ourselves is very serious. It is not easy. We need to work hard and have our feet on the ground. We need to be strong. The main most important thing is put your faith in God. Remember your Divine Mother. Pray constantly. This is the best advice I can give you. Apply the simple factors of the teaching: stop harmful action. Adopt virtuous ones. Train your mind. Help others. We have to apply those principles constantly.
06/17/15 (Wed) 05:21:19 No. 44210
Rare to see posts that are so insightufl, informative, and ooze quality, such as this one. Thank you.
06/19/15 (Fri) 19:29:36 No. 44460
06/19/15 (Fri) 19:47:02 No. 44461
06/20/15 (Sat) 02:06:56 No. 44471
06/23/15 (Tue) 17:37:48 No. 44802
>Be sure to donate to Glorian Publishing you cheap bastards.
May the fortune that lies in Glorian Publishing's path become manifest as necessity and destiny dictates.
06/26/15 (Fri) 08:07:03 No. 45016
Im sick of everything.
I can't even remain awake during the day anymore.
I'm only awake and conscious during the night and into the sunrise. I'm just so sick of everything.
06/26/15 (Fri) 12:58:18 No. 45026
Study Gnosis. Pray. Meditate.
Read "Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology."
I think someone posted it above.
06/26/15 (Fri) 21:15:48 No. 45057
06/29/15 (Mon) 01:43:17 No. 45208
>Let us put an end to "New Age" BULLSHIT and Black Magic GARBAGE.
By replacing it with only New Age BULLSHIT!!!
>Dion Fortune
>H.P. Blavatsky
>Manly P. Hall
But seriously, it's flashy your list and all but nothing more
kek she was a crazy cat lady and a medium that faked it when she couldnt pull her tricks on demand. Theosophy is garbage.
06/29/15 (Mon) 13:00:56 No. 45239
You have literally no idea what you are talking about. Stop blaming things on the jews, all that does is just misleading people off the path.
It feels nice to blame our disgrace on others, however we have to face the truth.
New Age promises us a nice place in heaven and a nice future of "spiritual evolution", all "lovey-dovey" and "feel-good".
The real science of Gnosis is a doctrine of revolution, of rebellion, against our dirty selves, to become better people. We try to make ourselves perfect, and unfortunately that can only happen through suffering and sacrifice.
We don't want to create big groups or followers, we just want to liberate ourselves from our own evil and from pointless cyclic existence (samsara).
And that's extremely hard to do.
Students of Gnosis want to evolve as individuals, meet God and serve others. There is no bullshitting ourselves here, we are clear and straightforward. The doctrine is extremely practical, even if some people say it's just "woo woo". They have not studied it.
06/29/15 (Mon) 19:33:47 No. 45260
Tell me how you see clear in OPs list then.
Who's legit and who isnt because Blavatsky for exemple is ridiculous.
Also are you going in this on your own? You must have some sort of guidance, I would like to about more or less what you follow as there is too much bullshit in this.
06/29/15 (Mon) 21:15:58 No. 45263
I can attest to the efficacy of Gnosis. It is a practical discipline: moment-to-moment awareness, self-control, and a rigorous attention to and minimization of negative states.
I find the way Gnosis communicates its ideas a lot more evocative than the sterile descriptions of psychopathology. We are spiritual beings. I need some ground on which to stand that's a little more substantial than "your complexes are products of an invalidating childhood/adolescence". Okay, cool, I guess.
I went from suffering violent mood swings and contemplating suicide at an almost biweekly rate to being considerably calmer and more at peace with my issues. The recognition that I am a part of an ineffable Whole is profound. Not like I've got my head in cloud cuckoo land when I'm buying some bread at the store. I just try to be as present as possible, and living outside of your ego-imposed narratives is fucking incredible after years of trying to untie a mental gordian knot.
Your knee-jerk muh joos shit is just a substitute for not having anything of merit to say. The Gnosis site even mentions Muhammed being a Master, whom I loathe as a religious figure, but it would be ridiculous of me to discard an effective and practical discipline because of my politics. I am not my politics. All I want is to not suffer as much anymore.
06/30/15 (Tue) 01:01:07 No. 45273
The use of the Gnosis is not pratical in the modern sense (the psychological effects are rather secondary) but if it helps you in this way, it is perfectly fine and it is helpful in your case as you just said.
I will make a comparison with Yoga: Yoga is, in hinduism only, a method to become a Yogi, which is resumed more or less precisely by a 'transcendant being', aka to be one with Brahma, the Universal Principle which is supreme, limitless, without any determination, etc. But outside of Hinduism, Yoga is just a vague feel-good method of relaxation because it was completely denatured of what it truely was: a stade of the initiation on the way to become a Yogi, and in this sense, outside of the legit Hindu environnement, it 'lost all powers' it originaly have as it is only for Hindus.
I am for the Gnosis (not the parodies of it), but as René Guénon (the founder of the periodical 'La Gnose' in his youth) said later in his works (Perspectives on Initiation, 1946), we have little to no way in succeeding to reach the peak of the process on our own (except some extremely rare cases) if we do not take one initiation path as deep as it is individualy possible, and instead of this we mix different initiation process into one, as the various occultist and etc schools do, as if they could make up the for lack of quality by the abundance of quantity.
If you are either a reader or someone who would like to find some precision in this mess (see OP's list for an exemple of such mess), I then highly recommend you to read René Guénon's books as he truely is a beacon of light when it comes to making sense to all this -and more.
-Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-Religion (Le Théosophisme – Histoire d'une pseudo-religion, 1921)
^This will erase many individuals and their works from OP's list for exemple, like Blavatsky or Nietzsche.
-The Spiritist Fallacy (L'erreur spirite, 1923)
^This will clear up the occult and pseudo-spiritual schools and etc.
-Introduction to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines (Introduction générale à l'étude des doctrines hindoues, 1921)
^This is different from what the title suggest, as the first half is a preparation to a better comprehension of the Oriental traditionnal doctrins (Hinduism, Taoism, Islam, Buddhism) and by consequence Christianism and the modern life.
-East and West (Orient et Occident, 1924)
-The Crisis of the Modern World (La crise du monde moderne, 1927)
-The Reign of Quantity & the Signs of the Times (Le règne de la quantité et les signes des temps, 1945)
^These are more or less resumes of his works that are easier to understand than his other books because some are some rather heavy and deep books.
06/30/15 (Tue) 01:22:32 No. 45277
>Samael Aun Weor
His thought , if we can call this a thought is one giant confusion mess of heteroclite elements shamefully taken left and right to impress the helpless modern man.
Clicks on the website.
>Give button
>Shop button
It is truely disgusting.
06/30/15 (Tue) 04:33:58 No. 45291
File: 1435638838865.jpg (Spoiler Image, 283.61 KB, 645x816, 215:272, 1428795052238.jpg )
>Orgasm, and Orgasmic Tantra is LITERALLY the root of all evil.
>The Bible is totally symbolic, but angels n shit are totes real u guise.
I'm no stranger to discipline, and I don't want to rush to judgement here, but come the fuck on.
>Good guys
IF they exist, we should be hunting them down and zapping their asses into containment centers, ghostbusters style.
I'm probably on the wrong board to be swinging around the sword of cynicism so brashly, but goddamnit, haven't we had enough of this judaic snake oil?
06/30/15 (Tue) 12:14:56 No. 45311
What do the gnostics say about depression? How to get rid of it?
06/30/15 (Tue) 18:00:08 No. 45330
I can't talk for gnosis as it is now vague term.
Depression is you not being in your natural state. The closer you are to it, the closer you should stay true to yourself and the closer you should be to -not necessary happiness- but a peace of mind .
Take an wild animal out of the wild: it is miserable. Why should humans be any different? Sure we cannot go back to the true natural state of being we should individually be in (as we are not all the same so we do not seek the same things but only a secondary aspect of it if I could talk this way) but there is a 'reflexion' of this natural state that can be found somewhere but it is not by going further in modernism.
But on the other hand, I cannot blame someone for being happy somehow by living a life I do not recommend.
I denied my intellectual capacities since I was young ( I did not knew how to think things, I was just gathering infos confusely, and later I just thought I had to turn my back to it and become the 'athletic, fighter, drinker, gangster' type or whatever) so when I went back to it I found peace as It is close to my natural state of being that the second alternative I described.
You work in a different what and I do not know what it is; how were you originally when you were young? Get closer to it gradually, don't rush things.
06/30/15 (Tue) 18:06:11 No. 45331
Well that's what i noticed too; i was way different as a kid and i notice it when i look at other people my age too. I only know that i just feel worthless now, even if i do much more things than i did as a kid. I can't enjoy anything fully anymore. It's just hopeless, although im reading the gnosis site right now maybe they have some answers, because i did read Atkinson's Formulas and Teachings but even after establishing the ego above the plane of emotions, the depression came back after a short period of peace.
06/30/15 (Tue) 18:39:33 No. 45334
Emotions are not necessary bad. It is not given to everyone to be above emotions, this is the work of a small minority of us all and to try to make it accessible to the human masses is pretty much trying to make the impossible happen. Taken Hindism for exemple, not everyone in it is of the brahman caste, there are lower castes, as the whole cast system was made in shuch a way that the majority of the people of the Hindu faith will be as close as possible to their natural states of being.
We are not all the same and someone can just as well live a good life by being a priest, a warrior, a peasant, a manual worker, etc.
Do not try to make you do things you cannot do, it will just be doing the same thing that happened to you in your youth that (to be taken our of our natural state of being) but as an adult this time and it will be done by you on yourself..
Television, videogames, the cult of the body, accumulating material goods, etc, are to be taken in moderation, these are by essence made to seduce us into adopting the modern way of life that is the life of a consumer, born to work to consume, vote and that's it essentially. In 1789 with the french revolution, the merchants took over (usurpated) the leadership from the monarchy, so they are since then transforming societies to suit their own vision of the world that can indeed be resumed by pure consumerism, which is totally against everyone's natural state of being and it is in part the source of the mass-scale depression that plagues our modern societies.
06/30/15 (Tue) 19:29:23 No. 45335
Reading these last posts really makes me sad. I'm experiencing very good results with the practice of Gnosis, and it's painful to see people don't understand what it really is.
I am OP himself. They're all legit. They are not explicit though. The only author that expressed the knowledge in a direct and explicit way is Samael Aun Weor, from 1950 to 1980.
You must first read his books to be able to synthesize every other author. They're all talking about the same stuff, always, in every tradition.
Evidently Rene Guenon understood nothing about the path. There is only one path to the Absolute, and it's the path described in every religion.
>Whenever the Law declines and the purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself on earth. I am born in every age to protect the good, to destroy evil, and to re-establish the Law. - Hinduism. - Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita 4.7-8
>Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. - Christianity. Jesus in the Bible, Matthew 5.17-18
>Lo! We inspired you [O Muhammad] as We inspired Noah and the prophets after him, as We inspired Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and Jesus and Job and Jonah and Aaron and Solomon, and as we imparted unto David the Psalms; and messengers We have mentioned to you before and messengers We have not mentioned to you… messengers of good cheer and of warning, in order that mankind might have no argument against God after the messengers. God was ever Mighty, Wise. - Islam. Qur'an 4.163-65
>Naught is said unto you [Muhammad] save what was said unto the messengers before you. - Islam. Qur'an 41.43
>I have seen an ancient Path, an ancient road traversed by the rightly enlightened ones of former times. - Buddhism. Samyutta Nikaya ii.106
>The Master said, "I have transmitted what was taught to me without making up anything of my own. I have been faithful to and loved the Ancients." - Confucianism. Analects 7.1
>"All religions have the same principles. Under the sun, every religion is born, grows, develops, multiplies into many sects, and dies. This is how it has always been and will always be. Religious principles never die. The religious forms can die, but the religious principles, in other words, the eternal values, can never die. They continue; they are re-dressed with new forms." - Samael Aun Weor
There are no multiple paths. There is only one way to god and that is Priesthood.
Samael Aun Weor is profound. You should read some of his works.
Also the shop only sells Samael's books and incense. It's not like they're trying to sell you garbage. It's a non profit organization.
>Orgasm, and Orgasmic Tantra is LITERALLY the root of all evil.
It is. Just because the sinning ego doesn't want to accept it, that doesn't make it less true.
>The Bible is totally symbolic, but angels n shit are totes real u guise.
Why do you study the occult?
Elohim are not "guys". It's a term that describes Cosmocreators, male/female divinities. We can't even conceive of such a being right now.
And for the love of God, put aside that "jews" garbage.
Depression is caused by ignorance of the true reality of nature and of ourselves. Through serious study of the doctrine, meditation, and prayer, every psychological illness is completely annihilated, and only joy and peace are left.
06/30/15 (Tue) 19:44:14 No. 45336
>"Truth is one; sages call it by various names—Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudha Vadanti." - Rig Veda
>“Howsoever men approach Me, even so do I welcome them, for the path men take from every side is Mine.” - Krishna (Christ), from the Bhagavad-gita
>We are not against any religion, school, sect, order or lodge because we know that all religious forms are manifestations of the great Cosmic Universal Infinite Religion latent in every atom of the Cosmos. We teach the synthesis of all religions, schools, orders, lodges and beliefs. Our doctrine is the Doctrine of the Synthesis. - Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony
>…there is every reason to believe that all so-called secret schools of the ancient world were branches from one philosophic tree which, with its root in heaven and its branches on the earth, is–like the spirit of man–an invisible but ever-present cause of the objectified vehicles that give it expression. The Mysteries were the channels through which this one philosophic light was disseminated, and their initiates, resplendent with intellectual and spiritual understanding, were the perfect fruitage of the divine tree, bearing witness before the material world of the recondite source of all Light and Truth. - Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1928)
>All religious forms are manifestations of the great Cosmic Universal Infinite Religion latent in every atom of the cosmos. There is Gnosis in the Buddhist doctrine, in the Tantric Buddhism from Tibet, in the Zen Buddhism from Japan, in the Ch’an Buddhism of China, in Sufism, in the Whirling Dervishes, in the Egyptian, Persian, Chaldean, Pythagorean, Greek, Aztec, Mayan, Inca, etc., wisdom. We teach the synthesis of all religions, schools, orders, lodges and beliefs. Our doctrine is the Doctrine of the Synthesis. - Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony
>For the crime of having accompanied Jesus Christ in the holy land, and because of having celebrated our rituals within Rome’s catacombs, we, the Gnostics, faced the lions in the circus of Rome. Then later, in time, we were burnt alive in the flames of the Roman Catholic inquisition. Previously, we were the mystical Essenes of Palestine. So, we are not improvising opportunist doctrines. We were hidden for twenty centuries, but now we are returning once again to the street in order to carry on our shoulders the old, rough, and heavy cross. Paul of Tarsus took our doctrine to Rome. Yes, he was a Gnostic Nazarene. Jesus-Christ taught our doctrine in secrecy to his seventy disciples. The Sethians, Peratae, Carpocratians, Nazarenes and Essenes were Gnostics. The Egyptian and Aztec mysteries, the mysteries of Rome, Troy, Carthage, of Eleusis, India, of the Druids, Pythagoreans, Kambirs, of Mithra and Persia, etc., are in their depth that which we call Gnosis or Gnosticism. We are now once again opening the ancient Gnostic Sanctuaries, which were closed with the arrival of the Dark Age. Thus, we are now opening the authentic Initiatic Colleges.- Samael Aun Weor, The Major Mysteries
06/30/15 (Tue) 19:44:20 No. 45337
>These truths are in no sense put forward as a revelation; nor does the author claim the position of a revealer of mystic lore, now made public for the first time in the world's history. For what is contained in this work is to be found scattered throughout thousands of volumes embodying the scriptures of the great Asiatic and early European religions, hidden under glyph and symbol, and hitherto left unnoticed because of this veil. What is now attempted is to gather the oldest tenets together and to make of them one harmonious and unbroken whole. The sole advantage which the writer has over her predecessors, is that she need not resort to personal speculations and theories. For this work is a partial statement of what she herself has been taught by more advanced students, supplemented, in a few details only, by the results of her own study and observation. The publication of many of the facts herein stated has been rendered necessary by the wild and fanciful speculations in which many Theosophists and students of mysticism have indulged, during the last few years, in their endeavour to, as they imagined, work out a complete system of thought from the few facts previously communicated to them. It is needless to explain that this book is not the Secret Doctrine in its entirety, but a select number of fragments of its fundamental tenets, special attention being paid to some facts which have been seized upon by various writers, and distorted out of all resemblance to the truth. But it is perhaps desirable to state unequivocally that the teachings, however fragmentary and incomplete, contained in these volumes, belong neither to the Hindu, the Zoroastrian, the Chaldean, nor the Egyptian religion, neither to Buddhism, Islam, Judaism nor Christianity exclusively. The Secret Doctrine is the essence of all these. Sprung from it in their origins, the various religious schemes are now made to merge back into their original element, out of which every mystery and dogma has grown, developed, and become materialised. - H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (1888)
Yet, she herself stated that the full revelation of the mysteries of Gnosis would come at a later date:
>In Century the Twentieth some disciple more informed, and far better fitted, may be sent by the Masters of Wisdom to give final and irrefutable proofs that there exists a Science called Gupta-Vidya; and that, like the once- mysterious sources of the Nile, the source of all religions and philosophies now known to the world has been for many ages forgotten and lost to men, but is at last found. - H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine (1888)
That disciple was Samael Aun Weor.
06/30/15 (Tue) 19:53:23 No. 45338
Hey OP, i've reached the following link the website
but i don't know in what order i should read everything. Does it even matter?
06/30/15 (Tue) 20:01:32 No. 45341
I didn't even know that list existed.
Personally, for me, it went like this: I watched the documentary, got interested, checked out the website. I told myself "there's something of value here".
I bought "The Perfect Matrimony" by Samael Aun Weor. If you're poor you can download it, probably someone uploaded it.
I read that book. I suffered, it was hard to accept, nevertheless I saw the light.
Then, I began studying on the website. That website is truly a blessing. I recommend that instead of just reading lectures, you also listen to the recordings of them while reading the transcription.
But first read the Introductory Information if you have not:
When you want to start studying, there is a whole collection of beginner lessons:
Good luck
06/30/15 (Tue) 20:31:46 No. 45343
>Evidently Rene Guenon understood nothing about the path. There is only one path to the Absolute, and it's the path described in every religion.
This sentence alone proves that you never opened a single of his books. Also you should probably are not able to draw the line between a religion, and a pseudo-religion or a parody of a religion, and a legit traditionnal doctrin like hinduism or taoism.
Blavatsky is a charlatan; read if you are so confident in her and about Theosophy in general.
Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-Religion (Le Théosophisme – Histoire d'une pseudo-religion, 1921)
>That disciple was Samael Aun Weor.
If that is truely the case, then ready Gnénon's book on Théosophy will not only cover Blavatsky and teh Theosophy, but Samuel Aun Weor as well, so it should make this lecture to be more crucial and important than expected.
Since you like quotes, I translated these as I do not have the english version:
« Our goal, said then Mme Blavatsky, is not to restaure Hinduism, but to whipe ouf Christianism from the surface of the earth ». -Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-Religion. »
« Dayânanda Saraswatî broke, in 1882, his alliance with the Theosophical Society by denouncing Mme Blavatsky, who he had the occasion to closely see in the interval, as a trickster, and by declaring that «she knew nothing of the occult science of the old Yogîs and that are so-called phenomenons were only due to mesmerism, to habile preparations and a habile 'presitidigation' (sleight of hand), which was the strict truth ». -Theosophy: History of a Pseudo-Religion. »''
The Thesophy Society steals from traditionnal doctrins to rebuild it under a so-called Theosophy , it's what it always did from the start, it is mere acts of vandalism of the sacred.
Guénon position himself strictly on the ground of the traditionnal doctrins and he is not considered the anti-modernist by excellence for no reasons. His precision is unrivaled.
06/30/15 (Tue) 20:35:21 No. 45344
..I made too many grammar mistakes as i didn't correct my first draw, but you should be able understand my point easily.
06/30/15 (Tue) 20:41:03 No. 45345
[…] «she knew nothing of the occult science of the old Yogîs and that HER so-called phenomenons were only due to mesmerism, to habile preparations and a habile 'presitidigation' (sleight of hand), which was the strict truth » […]
^This had to be rephrased as it changed the meaning of the sentence.
07/01/15 (Wed) 05:10:14 No. 45363
>It is. Just because the sinning ego doesn't want to accept it, that doesn't make it less true.
I understand that tantric reprogramming can rewire the way people experience sex. Yes, non-orgasmic tantra opens up incredible vistas. Yes, it's almost always leads practitioners into great vistas of power and clarity (in whatever terms you want to use to describe them). None of that excuses branding our physical, incarnated nature as evil or sinful (Strong fucking words, hombre). Rising above your biological programming through the Art is one thing, smugly shitting on the third dimension as "evil" from your lofty little cloud is another thing altogether reeks of disconnected, space cadet faggotry and a thorough lack of grounding in your work.
>Why do you study the occult?
Probably for reasons a lot closer to yours than you would think.
Don't let the fact that your video link set my bullshit detector into screaming overdrive lull you into the preconceptions about who I am or what I do.
>Elohim are not "guys". It's a term that describes Cosmocreators, male/female divinities. We can't even conceive of such a being right now.
I was being half-facetious. I just strongly dislike the heavy reliance on Christian and Judaic imagery in a video that claims to focus on the kernel of truth behind ALL faith.
>And for the love of God, put aside that "jews" garbage.
I wish we could, friendo. I wish we could.
07/01/15 (Wed) 05:38:27 No. 45365
Guenon preceded Samael Aun Weor.
Samael himself stated that the Theosophical Society was a bunch of theorists who had no direct experience of the truth, and only studied mysticism intellectually.
Nevertheless we can't deny that Blavatsky herself was a great initiate.
The path is still that, whether they understood it or not.
This is just a stupid debate.
Believe me there is much grounding in what we practice and study.
The Physical and third dimensional part of us is by no means inherently evil.
What is"evil" is the ego, in other words what causes suffering for us and others is the ego, the animal mind that wants to have orgasmic sex. Everything revolves around sex, literally everything that exists is created by sex, and the orgasm is a misuse and abuse of that force.
The animal mind craves always more and more sex, and that in turn generates greed, envy, anger, etc.
All these are the causes of suffering, and that is why the orgasm is literally the cause of all suffering.
Naturally our animal mind wants to preserve itself and keep having the orgasm and rejects this, that's why I said that the sinning ego doesn't want to accept it.
The goal of the gnostic ia to annihilate the animal mind, and through sacred sexuality to crate the solar mind.
07/01/15 (Wed) 15:29:40 No. 45399
>Samael himself stated that the Theosophical Society was a bunch of theorists […]
They were not theorists, they were manipulators, fakers, liars, vandals, etc., to call these them to be theorists is to say that they had the method but they simply did not apply it , but it is obvious that they were crooks.
>[…] who had no direct experience of the truth, and only studied mysticism intellectually
If these are the terms Sammy Aun Weor use (I browsed quickly his stuff and his terminology is terrible, he really picked random words)…
Mysticism require no initiation and it is a religious (Christian) thing; to say it can be studied intellectually is just plain wrong as mysticism is like something that falls from the sky (Edgar Cayce for exemple, he never was initiated, it just happened ) and it is something that most of the time happens to illiterate, uncultivated, normal people, so they end up not being able to explain what are the 'powers' that have so they end up making mistakes, writing clumsy and ridiculous books, and too often faking their powers as they cannot always control it on-demand, sometimes they lose their powers or become crazy.
As for Blavatsky being an great initiate, she was not great nor an initiate; she is said to have been a medium that faked half of the time more or less, nothing more. She was just crazy, and Sammy Aun Weor is just doing the same as the Theosophy did: steals left and right to create a New Age syncretism of things that cannot be mixed together.
The things he speak of cannot be mixed together at all, they are individials and specific initiation methods (in the best case where he talks of a legit one) and only one can be taken and followed to the end. Just present his works to any legit religion or traditionnal doctrin and they will be horrified!
Quality and orthodoxy is important, not Quantity and heterodoxy.
In the best case scenario, Sammy Aun Weor is a mystic that is unable to tell us what he see and feels and simply ends up being ridiculous just like Edgar Cayce for exemple. I can't deny it's own experiences, but I deny entirely his society, school, writings, initiation, whatever he calls it. As a general rule, when it is man-made such as it is in this case, and when it is called a 'Society', it is obviously worthless, specially on the 'intellectual' domain as you claimed.
07/01/15 (Wed) 16:15:20 No. 45403
Sammy Aun Weor:
><<Because I was in personal contact (with aliens) in the federal district over there in the Desert of Los Leones, with a space ship for intergalacticals travels. >>
><<They are Men in the most complete sense of the word, but True Men. >>
He litteraly mix the true men of the Taoists (and probably the equivalent from the Hindus traditionnal doctrin and the Muslims religion) and transform what is the transcendant state of being into an extra-terrestrial being……….. What a cretin.
This guy is a nutcase, he is not worth spending any time on. He is just another charismatic manipulator and I now doubt he even was a mystic or a medium that had trouble explaining his thought.
This is what a guru of a modern sect looks like and it is poisonous for the mind.
Take your distance, this is pure golden bullshit.
07/01/15 (Wed) 16:40:13 No. 45412
07/01/15 (Wed) 17:56:04 No. 45416
This is really painful. You really don't know what you are talking about. Don't deprive other people of the opportunity of finding the path with those poisonous words.
Gnosis works, and I tell you this from my own and thousands of other people's experiences.
Personal attacks on the messanger (Samael) are worthless. What one should deeply study and understand is the doctrine.
Orthodoxy is stupid and misleading: for example Orthodox Christianity is the outcome of political and personal "feelgood" manipulation of the gospels.
They left out all the apostles Gospels, save for the four we know of today, simply because they could not understand the meaning behind the other books, precisely because they were not initiated in the mysteries.
People like you and me are total garbage and we are not even Human Beings, like Samael points out. We just follow our own interests whether they're economical, intellectual, spiritual. This is the kind of people that runs every religion in the world, and precisely because they don't understand the symbolism, they adulterate texts and omit part of the scriptures. This is the Orthodoxy you will find in this world.
Now how can we extract the true meaning from every tradition, since every tradition is partly adulterated? That's simple, we just make a synthesis of every tradition. Every tradition has the same core mystical truth, that's timeless.
That's what Master Samael revealed publicly.
Jesus, The Buddha, Mohammed all said the same thing: "they will use my teachings to promote paganism", "by the time my teachings are written down, they will no longer be recognizable", "many degenerated people will come from this religion", etc.
>Mysticism require no initiation and it is a religious (Christian) thing; to say it can be studied intellectually is just plain wrong as mysticism is like something that falls from the sky
This is so mistaken. Everyone can have a mystical experience, provided they apply themselves.
"Mysticism" is just the result of following religious practices the way they were originally intended.
If you don't believe me, just ask around on the gnostic forum.
The Instructors are very experienced with this kind of experience and have them on a regular basis, and they are helping other people learn.
As Jesus stated, people are known by their fruits. If Samael was a crazy megalomaniac dude, he would not have given even his last drop of blood for other people like he did in life. He created a spiritual revolution in Latin America by writing more than 70 books. At the end of his life he could not use his fingers because they were damaged by writing too much.
The most important thing is: his teachings are practical and they work, whether people believe it or not.
07/01/15 (Wed) 20:10:29 No. 45420
Tell us more about your Master Samael and the perfect humans that are the aliens. I want to have a good laugh. Go for it, it is part of his so-called doctrin.
>Orthodoxy is stupid and misleading
That's funny. Sammy Aun Weor just steals left and right from those legit religions and traditionnal doctrins and he rebuild what he claim to be the truth under a new religion and then he become a master of it! He is certainly not the first or the last to do this, he just one of the most successful at fooling people, something that seems to be quite easy to do in Latin America (try the same in India or China next and see how it ends…).
07/01/15 (Wed) 20:29:42 No. 45421
I have no interest in making people laugh.
Samael Aun Weor (and all the great prophets) repeatedly state that what they teach is nothing new. How can you call that stealing.
He just presented the doctrine, the same way other people did in the past.
It's like if I explained Pythagoras' theorem to you and you called me a thief for stealing his work.
Notice that Samael did not just copy and paste religion and say "I am a master worship me now", he gave the esoteric interpretation of them. It is clear you have not read his works.
>In this day and age, everybody wants to be a Master. Notwithstanding, we state that there is only one Master, this is the inner Christ, which enlightens every human being who comes into the world. Thus, only Christ is the Master. Only the resplendent “I Am” is the Master. - The Major Mysteries
>We advise disciples not to follow anyone. Let them follow themselves. Each one should follow his resplendent and luminous inner Being. - The Major Mysteries
>Do not follow me. I am just a signpost. Reach your own Self-Realization. - Samael Aun Weor
He had no interest in fooling people. He had thousands of followers, yet he lived in poverty, renounced copyright for his works, and spent his entire life working for others.
But again, it's not him that's important. If there was no Samael Aun Weor, we would still have the doctrine, and we could find it by studying and seriously practicing the religions we have. That's how people became saints in the past, and that's how they will become saints in the future.
I'm not saying "oh Master Samael, he's the greatest, if you don't believe him you're an ignorant piece of shit". He's just another prophet.
But if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here telling you this.
07/01/15 (Wed) 22:35:50 No. 45433
Aliens. Tell me more about aliens he spoke about.
…And now you tell me he is JUST another prophet, with thousands of followers, yet he lived in poverty…
For fuck's sake, you really took the bait.
And no, without Sammy Aun Weor, his so called doctrine wouldn't exist as it is just a random gathering of stuff taken left and right from, legit religions and traditionnal doctrins, and assembled by using a poor choice of words that insult and contradict the very same legit religions and traditionnal doctrins he stole from.
Are you ashamed of what he said about the aliens? You seem to be extremely reticient to speak about this part.
07/02/15 (Thu) 12:50:04 No. 45470
I don't know whether he's right or wrong about aliens, but what he's saying about them makes sense.
I've never met aliens, and I assume you also did not, so we are not in a place where we can speak about them, since we only know questionable theories we learned from questionable people, and we have no direct experience of this topic.
07/02/15 (Thu) 15:36:13 No. 45489
So Sam Aun Weor is a questionale person now?
He went from being your Master and Prophet to being untrusworthy all of a sudden…
If he only had said something along the line of << I think they may exist >>, which is the kind of things many 'normal' people say these days, he might had somewhat get away with it but no, he had to go in-depth by calling them True Humans beings and mess it up in a ridiculous way with the True Men of the taoist traditional doctrin… what king of True Humans fly in the cosmos using spaceships anyway!?
His theory on the aliens put aside, simply on the level of his so-called doctrin, he is just plain wrong as, like I said, he denature the religions and traditionnal doctrins (taoism in this case I talked of earlier) and recreate it in a ridiculous way.
It is obviously true that all legit religion and traditionnal doctrins have a common core in common, and they know it (their elites at least they know it), here is as simple list:
-A God or a Universal Principle , as it is the one and only creator/cause of all we know of and can think of.
-Humans , because it concern humans only as they are logical, rational and intelligent beings.
-The domain of the manifestation , because our existence manifest itself in this domain of existence we all live in as humans.
This being said, it is easy to superficially make a syncretism of all the legit religions and traditional doctrins because in their books they all speak of these 3 things I just wrote about, so a random person just take all the small bits about these subjects, mix things up, add some ridiculous logical non-sense and bad terminology to give his syncretism some life, and voila, a Master with his Religion is born….
But it doesn't stop there, because he made a syncretism but not a synthesis, and he also created a different and new religion , something that is just plain wrong, as he now compete with the legit religions and traditionnal doctrins he stole from and say they are are now all useless as he solved their 'errors', just like how Mme Blavatsky said that Christianism had to be destroyed after she achieved her Gnostic religion (Theosophical Society).
07/02/15 (Thu) 17:07:18 No. 45508
I have no answer for that except this: read his work.
You have literally no idea what you are talking about. You are making a lot of assumptions about what he's saying in his works, and you have not even read one book. What you *think* he's saying and doing is not what he actually did.
You're trying to reject a teaching based on literally a couple of lines taken out of context from his books. This is absurd and foolish.
I sincerely can tell from what you're writing that you do not know his work, so before criticising it you should know what you are talking about.
His doctrine is the synthesis of many religions, but that does not mean it's anything you've ever heard of before. He revealed the esoteric aspect of the various doctrines, so naturally you can't know what he's talking about if you have not read it and got that information.
You need to know what he's talking about, it's very important.
He created no new religion. He just revealed what was veiled.
He used examples from every religion to make his point. You see, religions speak in symbols. If you just study them the "orthodox" way, you won't get it.
There is no need to get so upset, believe me, there is a valid reason I took the time to make this thread so people can know about this work. It's not just some "woo woo" "oh believe me and u go 2 heaven, dont beliv me u go 2 hell bad boyy".
I am not an idiot, I can discriminate genuine stuff from sects and bullshit theories.
This is a complicated doctrine and it's very beautiful.
You should give it a go. Read the Perfect Matrimony maybe.
07/02/15 (Thu) 18:54:33 No. 45513
> If you just study them the "orthodox" way, you won't get it.
Saying he is above the orthodoxy of the respectives legit religions and traditional doctrin is the stupidiest thing I ever heard.
I can see what he did with the True Men of the taoists: he called the Aliens using spaceships the 'real True Men'!!… Is this what you call being above the taoist orthodoxy in this case? He is crawling on the floor with the dust.
Of all the wannabe-gnostic doctrins, what he pulled there is truely insane and it speaks more than any of his books I could read. And no I won't read his vomit of the mind, I read a few line and I just cannot believe how stupid it is, its written as if every line he was writing something sacred, he truely is in his mind writing a holy-book and creating a movement with a master and his disciples…
Your master is a hoax and his society will end up like the Solar Temple at this rate: all will kill themselves to be reborn on a comet or something stupid like that.
I wouldn't be criticizing you this bad if you weren't actually spreading this criminal nonsense of a 'doctrine' here as if it was the answer to the worlds problems. Again, Samuel Aun Weor and his 'gnostic religion' gets destroyed by any serious analysis made on the same field he claim to be on that is the esoterism and the sacred legit religions and traditional doctrins. Mme Blavatsky, the fraud, looks like a genius compared to this idiot!
You should think about your life and how and why you ended up believing in such indigestible lectures (70 books of this crap?!).
I'm gone, I made my point clear so the readers here can find a critic of your 'master' and his 'teachings' for the easily influencable people or the ones that are in a bad spot right now and that might get sucked-in the 'doctrin' of this parasite.
07/03/15 (Fri) 14:25:01 No. 45589
I am sorry. It is starkly evident that intellectual debates always end nowhere, since both parties are always so full of themselves.
May your God guide you to the right path. And may people who read your posts not be mislead by them.
I'm not here to force anyone, let the teachings speak for themselves.
07/03/15 (Fri) 18:20:59 No. 45598
Hey gnosticism-bro, got any tips for me to deal with my beta rage regarding looks and height? It's not like I'm ugly or anything, I'm average looks and height. But it's not good for women or society. I'm treated subpar compared to men taller and better looking to me.
While you'll get thrown in jail for firing a guy for being black or a woman, nothing will happen if you discriminately fire ugly and/or short people. It just pisses me off, the hypocrisy and what people parade as "just and fair" society. How little we've come from the past. It's not I can do anything either with expensive and dangerous surgery. Everything I can do, preventing acne, having a clean body, nice clothing, good posture, etc… doesn't matter. Because already else already does that so it's basically drudgery work for no point.
Being born a sub-8 manlet male is hell. If I was born a female, my life would be easy. If I was a born tall male, my life would be easier. If I was born a 8+ male, my life would be way easier. I know, things could be worse. But that's just coping. It's 4am here, I should sleep. But I can't. I have a good diet, I've done everything. I've asked online for help to improve looks, etc. It's all the same, the same generic advice I get everywhere. The same coping techniques they tell. To just move on, to accept that people disregard me for my looks and lack of stature. To be "stoic", wipe my sorrows aside, wipe me aside.
There is literally no downside to being attractive. You can break out of social norms when you're attractive and it'll be viewed as something positive, while an ugly man breaking norms is viewed as bad. You get jobs easier, raises easier, women easier, etc, etc, etc. FUCK, MORE HANDSOME CHILDREN EVEN RECEIVE MORE AFFECTION AS CHILDREN. Even a few days out of the womb, ugly people are fucked over. There's literally point in living as a sub-8 manlet man. I could have been a hot guy. I'm not. I could have been a tall guy. I'm not. I could have been a woman. I'm not. I could have been born smart. I'm not.
And the worst part is there not really anything I can do to improve it. I'm doomed to suffer my subhumanity forever. I am a kissless virgin, I don't really care that much about that though. Genetics are unfair but at least they don't try to appear fair or just, while society and government does. It pisses me off. They'll listen to the plights of an oppressed woman or black man but will ignore the short guy or ugly guy, like they always do.
What am I do to? Give up? It seems to be the logical conclusion. You can win a rigged game but is it worth putting in the effort when there is no big reward at the end? I lost at the game of the life at square 1. Born a sub-8 manlet. I believe it's about a 55% dice roll to a be a woman, tall man or a 8+ male. Yet I get the lesser option, the less likely dice roll, 45% of being a sub-8 manlet. Sure, I can be grateful for being born in a good country to a decent family and shit like that but so what? That's just coping. Coping, looking at the little you do have while ignoring what you don't have for… NO REASON.
A coping mechanism commonly repeated by teachers and school counselors to betas is that "they'll be writing their bully's paycheck" but the opposite is true. All my bullies from high school on facebook are now graduated from college with some awesome degree, some even started working a well payed career, in a relationship with a good-looking bf/gf, going places and having fun with good looking people and all in their early twenties. While I watch it all go by.
This is a big redpill. Betas like to think their bullies in high school will end up flipping burgers for life or something but the reality is not only do they live life on godmode during their prime but even going into old age their lives are usually pretty legit. Well paying paying job, happy family and attractive offspring, solid social life and good friends, cool hobbies, etc. it's hard for them to lose. They have to actively try to lose. Just because they're born attractive. While you are at home jerking off on 8chan or whatever, they are out getting laid, drunk, going to parties, meeting new people, going on spring break, etc.
it's over
there is no escape
there is no hope
07/03/15 (Fri) 19:22:29 No. 45600
There is always hope brother.
When you die everything about your life, your looks, your job your family, will fade into nothing. The only thing we can take with us into the afterlife is the spiritual knowledge that we acquire while alive on earth. That's why we're here. The fact you have found your way to /fringe means you are in the incredibly lucky minority of people who have an interest in spiritual knowledge. This makes you special.
Regarding your problems with women, have you tried turning your body into that of Greek god? If not then you must immediately devote all of your will into achieving this. It is possible for almost everyone with enough effort and knowledge. Weightlifting increases testosterone levels. Increased testosterone leads to higher confidence and better mood. All women love muscles. Anyone who tells you differently is lying. You should start here: http://stronglifts.com . Good luck.
07/03/15 (Fri) 22:05:15 No. 45611
Your subconscious beliefs create reality. Change your conditioning and thought patterns to allow modification of beliefs which will allow more positive possibilities to arise
07/04/15 (Sat) 12:35:48 No. 45660
I see what you are passing through, and I'm sorry, suffering is always painful. I'll try to give you some gnostic medicine:
This is not your only life. This is not your only body. You were another person before, and you will be another person when you die. Maybe a woman.
This life is fleeting, this body is fragile, let us not get attached to it. We could die tomorrow, or even right now in a matter of seconds. We do not know.
You already had many women and many men in past lives, and you shouldn't think that having a wife will completely end your suffering.
Yeah it might feel good and nice and cozy at first, but does a single couple on earth exists that's completely happy? No, they still fight, they still have desire for other men or women, anger, pride, envy, covetousness.
Has any man ever satisfied his desire? No. Desire cannot be satisfied ever.
The only thing those couples have that you do not have right now is sex. And be warned that sex is the cause of enormous suffering, unless performed in complete chastity and purity. Sex creates enormous desire, jelousy, pride, anger, etc.
Those couples might look happy, but they are the same as you, they just rub their genitals on each other instead of masturbating.
Listen well: what we all are looking for is Psychological Closeness with another soul, not the Sex itself.
We believe we need a sexual partner because we "biologically" need physical sex, but our need is almost completely psychological.
We have a void inside, a void created by the absence of God in our lives, and we seek to fill it through sex. That creates enormous suffering. That lust, that sex drive, will never be satisfied and will destroy you.
>"Lust indulged became habit, and habit unresisted became necessity." - St. Augustine
>"By Lust I mean that affection of the mind that aims at the enjoyment of one's self and one's neighbor without reference to God." - St. Augustine
>"The source of your arrogance and anger is your lust and the rootedness of that is in your habits." - Islamic Sufism: Jalal al-Din Rumi
>"This momentary joy breeds months of pain;
>This hot desire converts to cold disdain."
>- Shakespeare, Lucrece 690-1
>"Love comforteth like sunshine after rain,
>But Lust's effect is tempest after sun;
>Love's gentle spring doth always fresh remain,
>Lust's winter comes ere summer half be done;
>Love surfeits not, Lust like a glutton dies;
>Love is all truth, Lust full of forged lies."
>- Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis 799-804, Adonis
>"Worse than killing, lust." - Shakespeare, Titus Andronicus 2.2.175, Lavinia to Tamora
What we are here and now, in this life, is completely our responsability. Meaning what we are now, we made it. All of it. All of it was created by Cause and Effect, Action and Consequence.
But that also means we can make a better life for ourselves through the law of cause and effect, action and consequence.
We can make our lives better! We can end suffering!
>The exterior is simply the reflection of the interior; whoever changes internally creates a new order of things. - Samael Aun Weor, Revolutionary Psychology
07/04/15 (Sat) 12:36:32 No. 45661
Karma, sowing and reaping
Everything: you, your family, your skin color, the way you smile, the way you talk, the greed you feel, the happiness you feel, the city you live in, the friends you have… and this is true of everyone, all of us: everything is a manifestation of karma.
The scale of this is unimaginable, unacceptable to our minds. It's a little like contemplating infinity: the mind cannot hold it. The mind we have now is finite and very narrow. These concepts can never be fully understood by this intellectual mind, the sensual mind.
So in order for us to try an approach this law in some practical way, in order for us to begin to grasp the depth and magnitude of Karma, we will focus on one aspect of it, the part of it that concerns us the most.
How do we create karma?
What do we do, each day, which creates our future? Because really, everything we do is planting seeds that will grow into something in the future. If we are planting flowers everywhere we go, all the time, then in it's due season we will be surrounded by a fragrant field of beautiful colors. But we must make the effort to plant those seeds. So how do we live now, and are we doing that?
It is vital for us to be very honest with ourselves, very sincere.
Firstly, we need to understand that the term karma is used in different ways. The Law of Cause and Effect is called the Law of Karma.
The result of harmful action, the consequence of that act that returns to the one who performed it, is called karma.
The result of upright action, the consequence of that act that returns to the one who performed it, is called dharma.
A result is created for ALL action, not just "major" things. You don't have to murder someone to accumulate karma. Neither do you have to give away a million dollars to accumulate dharma.
Drop by drop, little action by little action, you are planting seeds, you are making little deposits in your cosmic account. It is like a savings account. Many people do not save money because they feel that $5 here and $10 there will never amount to anything. So they save nothing. They spend it all. They think that only if we can make a lot of cash can we save something. But really, wealthy people often became wealthy because they understood that things don't really work that way. I was once told that the rich are only rich because they do not spend their money. And this made a lot of sense to me. Do you understand? They become wealthy by a process of accumulation, by not spending, and saving a little here, and little there. Nor do they become rich by suddenly inheriting a lot of money: most people become wealthy OVER TIME, slowly, by a process of intention and willpower and hard work. It is exponential, and karma works in a similar way. As you plant a little here and a little there, those seeds can grow into huge trees, provided that the conditions are right. Karma ripens when the conditions are right. So it may be that you have planted good seeds in the past, but if your environment is really negative and your actions are really negative, those seeds cannot sprout.
07/04/15 (Sat) 12:37:08 No. 45662
We live life thinking that life is an unlimited thing, as if we have 100 years or more to do whatever we want, and that there is no real consequence for anything that we do. So we party, and we do whatever we feel like doing, and we spend every paycheck that we get, and we overeat and drink too much and basically do whatever we must to try to satisfy all of our desires.
We think that this is what life is about: the satisfaction of desire. The pursuit of happiness, as interpreted by modern culture. To get whatever sensations from life I want. This is the "American way."
Anything pleasant and desirable becomes our focus, our goal, our definition of life, and anything unpleasant should be avoided at all costs, and denied. If we are unhappy at work, we say "Work is not my life, my life begins Friday night." Somehow, even though we spend 50-60 hours a week at work, we don't think that is really "our life." And we desire so much to be away from work, to be off work, to be out with our friends or out doing sports or shopping or playing around doing this or that, whatever it is. "THAT is life. That is what life is all about." Of course, all the advertising these days supports this: life is a big party, everyone is beautiful and desirable, and it's all about having as much fun as possible, having as many toys as possible, looking good, feeling good, being young, being hip…
And when anything happens that we don't want, we say we "don't deserve it." When we lose our boyfriend, we say we never loved him anyway. And when our friend turns on us, talking bad about us to everyone, we say they are the bad one, we are innocent. When someone hits our car, we blame them for everything, even if we made a wrong turn. They should have been paying more attention. When we are sick, when we are injured, we complain, we suffer, we want to escape from it, we want to feel good again, and we resist it.
07/04/15 (Sat) 12:38:31 No. 45663
The Pendulum
There is a pendulum in all of this: we are constantly craving pleasant things, and avoiding unpleasant things. We spend our entire life believing that somehow, some way, we must avoid everything that is unpleasant, and we must gather up as much pleasure as possible. "Whoever dies with the most toys wins," right? But really, in terms of karma, whoever dies with the most toys dies, still dies, and with the largest debts. Death is no escape from karmic payment.
Life for us, for our modern ethic, is defined by DESIRE. Everything we do, we do from desire. We desire to look good, we desire to satisfy our lusts, we desire to fill ourselves with particular foods, we desire to be perceived a certain way, we desire to feel certain sensations. This DESIRE is one of the key components to understanding the truth of our lives.
Remember in the Bible that Adam and Eve were sent out of paradise because they went against the law, they acted out of desire, out of self-will. And their karma was severe. This is an allegory about us. This is how it started for us. In the past, we acted out of desire, and we broke the law. And we were removed from paradise. And of course, today, we still live this way. We have not learned the lesson.
In constantly trying to keep ourselves in pleasure and out of what is painful or unpleasant, we are keeping ourselves in constant struggle, and avoidance, and are constantly acting out of ignorance. Death cannot be avoided. Pain cannot be avoided. Suffering cannot be avoided. This is life. Life contains pleasure, and life contains pain. This is the truth. And yet, we never accept this. We do everything we can to avoid seeing it.
This constant pursuit of illusion, the pursuit of unending pleasure, is ignorance. It is blind. We do it because we do not know another way, but it is a way of blindness and ignorance. Ignorance means to ignore: we are choosing to ignore the facts. We know that death is inevitable, but because it is a great uncertainty, and because we are so full of fear and attachments to life, we cannot deal with it, so we run the other way: toward filling ourselves with pleasure, in order to hide from the facts.
>It is evident that if our attitude towards daily life is fundamentally mistaken, if we believe that everything must turn out well, just because it should be so, then we are going to be disappointed…
>People want things to turn out well "just because it should be so," because everything must go according to their plans. However, the crude reality is different. As long as one does not change internally, whether one likes it or not, one will always be a victim of circumstances. - Samael Aun Weor, Revolutionary Psychology
07/04/15 (Sat) 12:39:39 No. 45664
It manifests from moment to moment. Even now, as you study this knowledge, do you feel uncomfortable? Do you feel resistance to this teaching? Do you feel resistance about talking about your own death? That resistance is precisely what keeps you in bondage. Do you feel resistance to seeing your own anger, your own lust, your own greed? That resistance is precisely your worst enemy.
This resistance to see the truth of your life, the truth of your mind, the truth of your desires and resistances, the truth of your hatreds and jealousies: this resistance to seeing is your worst enemy.
We all believe we are good people. We believe that we do what is right and good, and that we are good in our hearts. We all have good intentions, right? But karma is the Law of Action: Intentions do not count. Action is what determines the nature of our life.
>The road to the Abyss is paved with good intentions. - Samael Aun Weor
What counts in life are our actions. The Law of Karma is the Law of Action and Consequence. Good intentions mean nothing if the results of our actions are disastrous.
We may mean to help but instead do harm. How do we avoid making this mistake? By acting with complete Consciousness. This, however, is not easy to do. Yet to act without making the effort is act without complete knowledge of what we are doing: and to act in this way is to invite disaster.
Therfore, it is imperative that we learn to act with complete awareness.
To acheive complete awareness in our actions, we must have complete awareness of ourselves.
We don't like to hear that we have anger. We don't like it when someone thinks badly of us, and we don't accept it and tell ourselves and others that it is the other person who is wrong, they don't understand us. We do not like it when our ugliness shows itself, and as soon as possible we cover it up, we mask it, hide it.
And when we do questionable things, we certainly don't want others to know about it, And in our covering up, we may lie so well that we ourselves believe the lie.
We ignore that which we really are. We do not allow ourselves to see who we really are. We blame everyone else. We blame our parents, our teachers, our friends, our spouse: and we take absolutely no responsibility ourselves.
We ignore the facts. We ignore our own psychology. We do not see what is really happening inside of our minds and hearts. And we choose this, because we are always chasing after "the good life" and we cannot stand the taste of the bitter truth. We habitually seek to avoid the unpleasant and seek the pleasant things. So we avoid what is unpleasant about ourselves, and we focus 100% on what we like, what tastes good to us.
This is the habit of our minds. We have a very limited way of perceiving life, and it is entirely based on what is most convenient to our sense of self.
07/04/15 (Sat) 12:39:46 No. 45665
We refuse to see anything that questions our sense of self.
>Have you, sometime in your life, ever thought of what you like or dislike the most? Have you reflected on the secret causes of action? Why do you want to have a beautiful house? Why do you desire the latest model car? Why do you want to always be wearing the latest fashion? Why do you covet not being covetous? What is what offended you the most in a given moment? What is it that flattered you the most yesterday? Why do you feel superior to this or that fellow in a specific moment? At what hour did you feel superior to someone? Why do you feel conceited when you relate your triumphs? Couldn't you keep quiet when they gossiped about a known person? Did you receive the goblet of liquor out of courtesy? Did you accept smoking, although not having the vice, possibly because of the concept of education or out of manliness? Are you sure that you were sincere in that chatter? And when you justify yourself, when you praise yourself, when you boast about your triumphs and do so repeating what you have previously told others, did you comprehend that you were vain? - Samael Aun Weor, Revolutionary Psychology
This ignorance controls us because we are so identified, so habituated, to this way of perceiving life. We perceive life through this filter, this particular pair of psychological glasses, and we don't realize that really, these glasses that we are so used to wearing, are in fact completely distorted and flawed. They make everything in life skewed and unbalanced, and everything that we see is twisted and wrong.
>A person is what his life is… Looking at this matter from a strictly psychological point of view, any day in our life is really a tiny replica of the totality of our life. From this we may infer the following: if a person does not work on himself today, he will never change. When someone claims that he wants to work on himself, and he does not do it today, postponing it until tomorrow, such a claim will be a simple scheme, and nothing more, because within today is the replica of our entire life…. This is very similar to a certain sign that some merchants put in their stores: "Today, no credit, but tomorrow, yes. - Samael Aun Weor, Revolutionary Psychology
07/04/15 (Sat) 12:40:31 No. 45666
In order to change this situation, we need to know what the problems are. We need to know ourselves.
In Gnosis we learn the technique of Self-observation. In this technique we learn to separate ourselves from our thoughts, feelings and sensations, and we learn to observe them, as they happen, without reacting to them. We learn to have a sense of inner separation. On one side we have the experiences of life, whatever is happening outside of us in any given moment, and on the other side we have the reactions of the mind, our feelings, and the sensations of the body. In the middle, observing everything, is pure awareness, pure Consciousness.
>To know and to observe are different. Many confuse observation of oneself with knowing. We may know that we are sitting on a chair in a living room, but this does not mean that we are observing the chair.
>We know that in a given moment we are in a negative state, perhaps thinking about a problem, or perhaps we are worried about this or that, or are in a state of uneasiness or uncertainty, but this does not mean that we are observing it.
>The observation of oneself, which is one hundred percent active, is a way to change oneself, whilst knowing, which is passive, is not.
>Certainly, knowing is not an act of attention. Attention directed within oneself, towards what is happening in our interior, is something positive, active… - Samael Aun Weor, Revolutionary Psychology
This must become a way of life for us, a new way of living and perceiving, if we want to seriously begin to live in accordance with the law of karma, and if we want to seriously make changes in our life.
So make a resolution for yourself: make the effort to remain aware of yourself, aware of your feelings, thoughts and impulses, aware of your environment, while you continue to study this course. Do not relent in your effort to consciously direct your attention.
We need to understand that going through life in the way we do, without awareness, daydreaming, reflecting on the past, imagining the future, fantasizing, doing all of this while we are driving and eating a hamburger, we are in fact deeply asleep to the reality of the moment. We are living a fantasy life in our heads, and our real life is passing by, moment by moment. We do not realize it, but we are losing our lives in that.
Life is only lived IN THE MOMENT: anything else is a fantasy, a lie, an illusion.
This is why life seems to go by faster and faster,… when we were young, we were much more interested in life, in what was happening in the moment, and the days were long and full of wonder… but as we gathered experience, and got bored with mundane life, and began to live more in our thoughts and feelings, then we lose interest in the immediate moment, and we began to think about the future, the future, what are you going to do for a living, where do you want to live, and we fantasize and dream and imagine… and suddenly we are out of high school and then we are married and have kids and a mortgage and one day we wake up and say, "What happened to me? How did I get here? I didn't want to do this!!!"
We fell asleep… Psychologically asleep. Our Consciousness was put to sleep.
>Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. - Proverbs 4.23
07/04/15 (Sat) 12:41:02 No. 45667
One Gnostic student and his wife took their two children to the doctor, and the mother went in with the one who needed to be treated. This was a serious situation, and so the father was concerned and really fretting over the potential outcome of this visit. So he wasn't really paying attention to the other child. And naturally, this child was enjoying the freedom of the moment, and began to really get out of hand. In the waiting room was a woman who become very irritated with the child. And she couldn't take it anymore, so she told the father in a rather rude and judgmental way that he should control his child. So he did. He grabbed his child and went outside. He was upset by what the woman said. And as he thought about it, he began to pace back and forth. And he began to tense up, and grind his teeth, and his mind began to race, thinking that this lady had no right to be that way, she was really rude and mean, and he should go back in there and correct her behavior, she doesn't understand that this is a life or death situation… His wife came out and saw her husband, bent over, his shoulders tense, pacing back and forth like a caged tiger, fists clenched, jaw tight and grinding…
What happened to him? Do you see? Now he was saved by the bell in a sense, because when his wife came out he was reminded of his practice and was able to immediately see that he had lost his awareness of himself, and he was following his mind down a habitual road: a road that was only taking him into deeper suffering.
This exercise, this effort to be present, to be in the moment, to observe ourselves, is the effort to become more aware of our own reality, to become more aware of what we are thinking and feeling, and why we are doing the things that we are doing. It is the effort to see what our reality is: not what we think it is, not what we would like it to be, not what we would like others to think it is, but what it REALLY IS.
And this is not easy. We have a lot of resistance to this. We don't really want to see who we are. We prefer to have a positive self-image, and tell ourselves good things about ourselves… and yet, we can't seem to change these painful patterns in our life, our relationships are just painful, our job is painful, our anxiety, our fear, these things keep coming up, they won't leave us alone… or maybe we don't experience these feelings, but we have so much ambition, and we are driven to perform and perform and perform, and we drive ourselves to exhaustion… for what? For some elusive goal in the future, because even when we accomplish something, it isn't enough, and we set another and another and there is no end to it all…
So we in Gnosis learn: when these things come up, we learn to observe them, to study them, to understand them. The first benefit of this: when we learn to stop reacting to the thoughts, feelings, and impulses that manifest in us, we stop creating harmful actions which in turn bring us suffering.
07/04/15 (Sat) 12:41:12 No. 45668
Right Action
When we are yelled at, normally we yell back. We say hateful things. But when you can observe yourself, and observe the feelings that come up, the thoughts that come up, you can choose to respond differently. And you can choose not to react. You can choose to be peaceful, to walk away. And maybe, you will understand why the person was yelling at you in the first place. Perhaps they were hurting or suffering, or perhaps you did something you should not have done.
When they yell at you, and you observe yourself, you can see: the body becomes tense, there is pain in the body, the heart hurts, heat in the chest, the mind is stunned, shocked, and then a flood of negative thoughts, cursing, vengeance… and all of that, in the past, would have made you react immediately, cursing… because in the past, out of habit, you would have reacted to all these unpleasant sensations, you would want to avoid all this unpleasantness, make it go away… and in that, in identifying with those sensations, with the specific effects of that situation, the energy of that situation becomes trapped, fixed, it becomes a chain that binds you…
Understand that this is not repression. Self-observation is simply the observation of an internal state and an external event. It is pure awareness, which gives one the ability to choose one's actions.
Only by having the choice can one perform what is right.
If we behave mechanically, automatically, then who is choosing for us? What in us is making our decisions?
07/04/15 (Sat) 12:41:55 No. 45669
Creating Karma
When we react to situations without Consciousness, karma is created. When we go through life the way we normally do, thinking all the time, daydreaming all the time, then we are not fully present in the moment, and we are distracted, and we act from habit, from habits of the mind. And the mind is a mess. The mind, even though we love it and idealize it, is not helping us very much. It is, in fact, making life more complicated.
When you see an object that you desire, and you stare at it, feeling the desire for it, the greed for it, you are giving that desire, that greed, a lot of energy. You are feeding it. This is karma: because you are strengthening your desire for something, you will want it more and more… that desire is not going to go away. It may switch to wanting something else, but as long as you feed and water it, it will grow and grow… And when you get what you want, the desire is not abated: it is even stronger. Because soon, you want something else, and this cycle goes on. You are never satisfied. You cannot be satisfied, because in each situation, you are feeding the desire, and doing what it wants, which makes it stronger. This is karma.
The energy of that desire becomes trapped in our subconsciousness, crystallized. That formation contains trapped energy: energy which, under the right environmental conditions, will manipulate you, will impel you to feed it, to let it act, in the only way it can: the way it was created.
So: if you are in a fight, and you hit someone out of anger, the explosion of that action not only produces pain for the person you have struck, but it reverberates inside your own subconsciousness, and the anger becomes a formation in the mind, and traps energy there. If you have a lot of anger, and you keep reacting out of anger, then you are steadily building up a stronger and stronger storehouse of energy, energy that was formed out of anger and whose critical mass will provoke more and more anger, which, obviously, only feeds it more and more…
So little by little, step by step, you are creating a monster in your own mind.
This is why those who are angry cannot simply stop being angry. Nor can those who are addicted easily drop their addictions: they have created a lot of karma for themselves: karma in the form of energy trapped in the subconscious.
So, an addict, someone who is addicted to alcohol, drinks because of sensations. The drug is used because it creates sensations. And because we want so desperately to escape the realities of life, and merge forever in pleasurable sensations, the addict becomes a slave to those sensations: they do this out of desire for sensation (which is avoidance of what is unpleasant, perhaps painful emotions or circumstances) and out of ignorance, psychological sleep, unconsciousness. The more they feed the habit, the stronger it becomes. The more they sleep, the more they ignore, the deeper the unconsciousness…. and the more dangerous they are, the more depressed, the more chaotic….
This is very sad. It is very painful. But each of us, in our own way, with our own style and flavor, are similar. There are things we are addicted to, so much so, that, like a drug addict, we do not see that there is a problem. We do not recognize that we are addicted to some negative psychological habit, some terribly self-destructive patterns of thinking…
We do not see that we are hurting ourselves in the way we think, the way we encourage certain types of feelings. We do not see it. We are blind to it.
So out of this place of blindness, of suffering, we react. We react to the circumstances of life, and we create more karma for ourselves, deepening our suffering, deepening our problems, and bringing everyone else down with us.
We continue this cycle of self-destruction from lifetime to lifetime. If we never awaken Consciousness, then we pass from life to life in an asleep state, always longing, always suffering, tossed about by the chaos of karmic energies that we have set in motion and that we persist in intensifying…
We create karma by all kinds of selfish actions. As we said, the story of Adam and Eve is an allegory for us, about us, and their problems began, all the problems of humanity began, when we acted out of desire for what WE want.
So the first thing we must understand is that we are psychologically asleep. Are you still aware of your body? Have you managed to maintain that awareness completely, without a moment's distraction? No? Then you can see it for yourself: it is very difficult for us to be conscious of ourselves. We are not very aware. We must come to see this. We must come to recognize that we do not pay attention.
From there, from this place of seeing that we do not see, then it becomes possible to change. Then it becomes possible to see the truth.
07/04/15 (Sat) 12:42:35 No. 45670
Meditation vs. Karma
All the problems in your life, all the suffering you experience, all your pain and difficulty, all your questions and uncertainties and insecurities, all your pride and vanity and fear and arrogance: everything you experience in life is dependent upon your mind. So it is in your interest to begin to observe your mind, to get to know your mind.
When we begin this effort, there are certain things that will help us. Because really, in order to understand the mind, in order to deeply comprehend the nature of our own mind, and thus the nature of our own life, we must first stop agitating the mind so much. We must let it settle.
Hand in hand with Self-observation is Meditation. The true and original purpose of meditation is the awakening of the Consciousness. The mind, as it is now, out of control and full of surging thoughts and feelings, is a raging sea of chaos. By the practice of Meditation we begin to allow the mind to settle, to calm, to become clear and open, and then insight begins.
By combining these techniques, Self-observation and Meditation, we cultivate the ability to choose our own destiny. Hand in hand these two techniques take us to intuitive, direct knowledge of ourselves. Step by step, by gradual cultivation, the technique of Meditation begins to sharpen our concentration and our ability to stand calm in the midst of confusion.
Because we are developing the ability to act consciously, to choose how to respond to situations, to choose how to act. No longer do we act out of habit or custom: we act out of a conscious choice.
Thus, we begin to stop the creation of burdensome karma.
Now, in order for us to be successful in this effort, we need a lot of help. We need to know what creates karma, and how to avoid wrong action. Obviously, what we are seeking to do is to reinvent ourselves, to live by a new whole method, and to begin to turn the ship around. The ship, which is the weight of your karma, may be very slow in turning, if you have a lot of karma. It may take some time. It may take a lot of patience. But it can be turned. Drop by drop. Step by step. Little by little, we can turn this wheel that is in our hands every day: this wheel of action, this wheel of energy, and as we turn it, we can begin to turn the direction of this big ship that we are in. It is possible. But it takes effort, every moment, every minute, every hour, every day.
>To keep a guard again and yet again
>Upon the state and actions of our minds and bodies-
>This alone and only this defines
>The sense of mental watchfulness.
>All this I must express in action;
>What is to be gained by mouthing syllables?
>What invalid was ever helped
>By mere reading of the doctor's prescription? -The Bodhisattva's Way of Life by Shantideva.
07/04/15 (Sat) 12:43:08 No. 45671
Dharma, Ethics & Morality
Dharma is a Sanskrit term, a term that has several meanings. It means Law. It also can be seen as positive karma. When you perform a good action, a genuine sacrifice for someone in need, for example, then you accumulate dharma. This means that you earn the right to be helped.
So Dharma is both the law and the benefits of acting in accordance with the law.
There are, in truth, two Laws:
>The First Law: received by those who have reached the Fifth Initiation of Major Mysteries; the direct commands of our own inner divine Father. The First Law is synthesized in the Twenty-two Arcana of the Tarot and the Twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
>The Second Law: the written law, which is given for all of those who are struggling to reach Initiation. This is from "deutero" which means second. This is the Ten Commandments.
The First Law supercedes the Second Law. This is why certain prophets and great masters were able to kill, to move from one wife to another, and to perform many actions that seem to contradict the Second Law. The Will of God (our own inner Father) is the Law.
For those who have not reached their own inner Father, each religion, each mystical tradition has a set of guidelines, a set of ethical or moral codes. Most people see the Ten Commandments or the Precepts of a monk or Nun as a big drag, as limitation on our behavior, or a rigid and strict rules that have no real purpose, and we only invented to keep people under control.
But in fact, these guidelines have a very definite purpose: to help us avoid creating terrible karma for ourselves, and to help us stay in balance with the forces of the universe so that we can reach the First Law.
It's easy to see, actually: if you kill someone, you send tremendous energies through your own mind, energies of violence, of selfishness, of animalistic passions, of anger, etc. etc. These things not only become lodged in your subconscious, but they agitate the mind, and make it impossible to see anything clearly. Someone who has murdered will be deeply disoriented psychologically.
Likewise, if we drink alcohol, we are sending negative energies into the mind, we are becoming attached to certain sensations, and as a result of the chemicals we begin to act without any sense of judgement or caution. So we drive drunk, we sleep with people randomly, etc.
All of this creates very harmful effects in our mind, and sets up negative circumstances for the future.
So these rules are in fact help to us, because they show us what kinds of things disturb the mind and make it difficult for us to be in balance. And they help to us avoid creating more karma for ourselves.
It must be understood, however, that the ethics of the Path to the Self-realization of the Being have nothing to do with terrestrial ethics. Ethics and moralities are a slave of time; in each culture, morality is based upon subjective reasoning. What is moral in one place is immoral in another. The initiate who strives to free himself of suffering must act in accordance with the morals of the Consciousness, which are beyond any terrestrial law. These ethics are taught to everyone who enters into the conscious revision of his own self through meditation and the positive awakening of the Consciousness. True upright ethics are determined by the Being, in accordance with the Laws of the Cosmic Christ.
>Truly, truly I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave to sin. - John 8.34
07/04/15 (Sat) 14:52:19 No. 45677
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>Likewise, if we drink alcohol, we are sending negative energies into the mind, we are becoming attached to certain sensations, and as a result of the chemicals we begin to act without any sense of judgement or caution. So we drive drunk, we sleep with people randomly, etc.
Alcohol doesn't make people sleep around,etc.
07/04/15 (Sat) 15:01:48 No. 45684
It´s funny how alcohol is so demonized in this company, but then the true poisons ain´t a big deal
07/04/15 (Sat) 15:02:21 No. 45685
It is definitely a factor in that process. Besides, it's harmful anyway, so the objection is pointless.
07/04/15 (Sat) 15:04:58 No. 45686
No it's not. That is an excuse for your already bad behavior and personality. The most I have ever done is regretted what I ate.
07/04/15 (Sat) 15:18:01 No. 45692
Getting intoxicated with alcohol doesn't sound healthy to me.
07/04/15 (Sat) 15:19:47 No. 45694
nigger I didn't say anything about health
07/04/15 (Sat) 15:30:00 No. 45696
I know nigga I interpreted that wrong because I was asleep as fuck nigga
07/04/15 (Sat) 16:58:07 No. 45700
Thanks for the advice.
07/05/15 (Sun) 18:32:12 No. 45774
I consider myslef a Gnostic but when I read through this thread…
Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to be a dick, but most of the information and authors posted here seem to come from a new-agey kind of modern background, mixed with this esoteric far east pseudo-spiritualism.
I personally follow the doctrine of Valentinianus, drawing most of my reading from scripture iteself (e.g. Mark) or from early Christian teachings. To complete my understanding I turned to Plato, Heraclitus and other greeks, as well as medieval sources like Eckhart.
I find it strange to indulge in eastern practices when there is a perfectly fine tradition of Christian Gnosticism in the west.
I understand that the knowledge does include teachings of Taoism and so forth but personally I find the whole "sexual energy" part laughable not in any way befitting a Gnostic doctrine.
07/06/15 (Mon) 12:57:31 No. 45853
The sexual part is fundamental.
I tell you this from my own experience. When you are free of the orgasm, the mind is much sharper.
When you start saving the sexual energy, your animal mind tries to make you waste it through wet dreams. I've never had wet dreams before, and now I get them every once in a while. We need to pay attention to ourselves even while we sleep, if we want to fight our lust.
When you do lose the sperm, it's very noticeable how the mind becomes restless and distracted, it's really sad. That's because the sex and the brain are directly connected. Seeing how you progress by saving energy and how you lose your progress when waste it is a great motivation to work harder.
If you want to have spiritual experiences, learn to meditate properly, etc. you need to transmute your sexual energy.
That's why in every tradition monks and nuns have to take chastity vows.
07/06/15 (Mon) 14:43:00 No. 45860
>seek divinity
new age is bullshit because it is luciferianism and the essence of luciferianism is seeking divinity (as in hoping to become a god)
07/06/15 (Mon) 14:44:22 No. 45861
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> Initiated Masters
new age bullshit
>Great Work
freemasonic luciferic black magic
you're really making this too easy
07/06/15 (Mon) 14:54:09 No. 45863
>Master Jesus
new age bullshit
> fluids of men
lol no
> but that you really can't understand by reading it.
well yeah that's why the theory is just a small part of his books, their introduction as it were:)
>If you read the site and Samael's books, you will have an in depth explanation, both theorical and practical.
so you didnt see the practice manuals that are bardon's books? you only read parts of their introductions?
Weor is into black (service to self) magic, if you cant see it you need cleansing
>The gnostic instructors have experienced this directly, and they WILL clarify these occult matters
any rational, balanced training system, freely published, open to everyone, and aligned according to the 4 elements plus akasha?
>Becoming a better person is done through the elimination of the ego
wtf am i reading
>it means you eliminate the negative aspects of your psyche
then that's not the elimination of the ego, just the cleansing of the human soul
>The ego (desire, seeking satisfaction outside of ourself) is the cause of suffering.
i guess bardon didnt suffer while under torture of the nazis and or commies for years
>Once ego has totally been eliminated, only happiness remains.
i'll stop snickering because it's a worthy effort, but it is imperfect
>If magick isn't real, fuck this shit, I'm gonna get rich, powerful, famous, shredded as fuck, fuck bitches and take drugs.
to black magic you go
07/06/15 (Mon) 14:57:07 No. 45865
>therefore live like niggers
07/07/15 (Tue) 03:01:47 No. 45900
Do you have an alternative to the system presented here? Some of it is a bit sketchy but I can't disagree with tenets like "conquer your lower self through meditation, study, and self-observation".
Seems like even the most basic, common sense stuff is New Age bs on this board. And the funny thing I sure as fuck don't see this kind of criticism about all the edgelord demon summoning shit.
Gnosis, to me, despite getting a little woo woo with aliens and shit, seems p legit. I'm a seeker, I don't care about sick nasty burns you can lay on this guy. What you got?
07/07/15 (Tue) 03:41:49 No. 45902
This board more or less encourages critical thought, hence the diversity of flags here to play different roles.
In any thread there will inevitably be someone who comes in and says "NO THIS IS WRONG AND GAY AND DUMB."
in the IOT for example, it's common to have someone play the role of "fool" to contradict you in order to help you reinforce your reasoning and patch up any holes.
blades sharpening blades. careful with the edge tho
07/07/15 (Tue) 05:24:54 No. 45903
i know this isn't related but how many of us use magic to try and change society
in a large way like changing people's
viewpoints and making society go
the way we like
07/07/15 (Tue) 08:11:43 No. 45919
can you be a bigger faggot?
inb4 hurdur le loosh meme
07/07/15 (Tue) 12:44:40 No. 45934
We're talking about the same thing.
The gnostic material is completely free.
By ego we mean samksaras, aggregates, false aspects of the psyche which only seek to serve and feed themselves. So yes, it's a purification/liberation of our soul.
>"Let us think for a moment of the humanoid multitudes that populate the face of the earth. They suffer the unspeakable. They are victims of their own errors. If they did not have ego they would not have those errors, nor would they suffer the consequences of such errors. The unique thing required in order to have the right to true happiness is, before all, to not have this ego. Certainly, when psychic aggregates, the inhuman elements that make us so horrible and evil, do not exist within us, then the payment of Karma is non-existent. Thus, the result is happiness." - Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah
I have not studied Bardon in depth, but from what I recall, he's all right. He teaches from experience. Or at least, I think he does.
Samael Aun Weor is completely opposed to black magic.
You should study his stuff
07/07/15 (Tue) 16:35:29 No. 45947
Ive been in gnosis (Samael Aun Weor) for a few years now and it's legit. Its not a school of theories but rather direct experience, and it can take someone with absolutely no esoteric development or ability and give them the practice and methodology to have those experiences. Its a school of white tantra, which means it necessitates a bigger degree of sacrifice than a feel good, new agey or fly-by-night group would ask. Its interesting that some have criticized the doctrine of Samael for "stealing" from other esoteric works, but clearly we aren't working with matters of fiction here, the facts are the facts and many things from other traditions will be addressed in Samaels writings just as you would find two books of science doing the same. Samael simply has delivered the so called great work or initiatic path and provided it in a clear and direct manner without obscuration or unnecessary vagueness.
07/08/15 (Wed) 01:26:54 No. 45995
For about a month I've been thinking of pulling the trigger on the introductory book pack (as I have nothing good to read digital files on and simply enjoy books more). I've read everything listed in the Fringe Essentials folder note plus a handful of other occult works, most of them being from Atkinson. Woud this be a wise purchase?
☻ 07/08/15 (Wed) 01:58:46 No. 45998
I want to buy Franz Bardon's books but I still don't know how to purchase stuff online and don't really have the money.
07/08/15 (Wed) 02:57:24 No. 46005
Which introductory book pack is that?
Does your city have a theosophical society? They often have book shops and Bardons works are pretty popular sellers there. Its where I picked up my copy of Initiation into Hermetics.
07/08/15 (Wed) 13:37:41 No. 46035
Do it man. Your life will become what it's meant to be. Whosoever is curious about this stuff, needs to read it. It's extremely important.
They also have ebooks, if you're poor as hell.
If you live in Europe, buy the books from "deepbooks" (a website).
07/09/15 (Thu) 01:05:35 No. 46079
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Alright, it's in the bag. However, before I buy it, got any recs on inscense? I just noticed that they sell it and it's of apparently decent quality. I've been wanting to try some out for a long time.
Any coupon codes floating around anywhere as well? That'd be rad.
07/09/15 (Thu) 07:51:58 No. 46098
Why don't you just pirate the books, read them and then figure out if they're worth buying?
07/09/15 (Thu) 13:02:05 No. 46110
Don't worry it's not a waste of money man.
I don't know about the incense, I have never bought it from them
07/09/15 (Thu) 13:03:50 No. 46111
>"The spiritual reasoners are the unhappiest beings that exist upon this earth. They have the mind completely crammed with theories and more theories, and they suffer horribly when they cannot perform anything of which they have read. Those poor beings have terrible pride and commonly they end up separated from the Innermost, converting themselves into Tantric personalities of the abyss. If we take the mental body of any pseudo-spiritualist theorizing student, and if we examine it in detail, we will find that it is a true walking library. If then we examine in detail the coccygeal church of Ephesus or chakra Muladhara, we will find that the Kundalini is completely enclosed there, without giving a sign of even the most slight awakening. If we examine the Shushumna canal of the student we will not find vestiges of the sacred fire there. We will find that the thirty-three chambers of the given student are completely full of darkness. This internal examination will take us to the conclusion that the given student is lamentably wasting his time. The student could have a mental body converted into a true library, but all of the thirty-three chambers of the spinal column would be completely extinguished and in profound darkness. Conclusion: this student is an inhabitant of darkness, an inhabitant of the abyss." - Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah
This is us.
07/09/15 (Thu) 13:18:48 No. 46112
"It is necessary to study authentic scriptures and great masters, yet it is more necessary to practice.
Awakening the consciousness does not depend upon reading libraries of books. In fact, those who read too much rarely awaken. Instead, they believe that their intellect, stuffed with ideas, is enough. Sadly, they will continue to think so, even when they are dead and being recycled by nature.
Abandon the habit of reading fast and shallow. Learn to read slowly and deeply. Then meditate on what you read. What is the ratio of your reading compared to your meditation? Your meditation time should become 10's, 100's, or 1000's of times greater than your reading time.
Moreover, if you really want to be a serious student of the teachings, that is only possible in the internal worlds. For that, you need to be able to work consciously in the astral plane. For intellectuals, this is extremely difficult, because they have too many mental obstacles, and do not meditate enough. Astral travel does not require books, it requires emotional energy and lots of practice.
Once you can travel in the astral plane, you can study real mysticism, and even better, experience it, rather than just dream about it through books.
Here is a quote from Samael Aun Weor related to this:
In an orderly way you must practice the teachings of the revolution of the dialectic. From this very moment initiate your integral revolution. You must dedicate time to your psychological-self, because the way you are, as alive as you are, with that tremendous “I” within, you are a failure.
I want you to resolve to radically die in all the levels of your mind.
Many are those who complain that they cannot travel in the Astral World at will. Astral travel ceases to be a problem when one awakens the Consciousness. The sleepy ones are good for nothing.
I have delivered the science that is necessary in order to achieve the awakening of consciousness within this book, The Revolution of the Dialectic. Do not commit the error of reading this book like someone who reads a newspaper. Profoundly study this book for many years; live it, practice it.
I advise patience and serenity for those who complain of not having achieved enlightenment. Enlightenment comes to us when we dissolve the pluralized “I”; when we have indeed died within the 49 levels of the subconsciousness.
Those who go around coveting occult powers, those who utilize Sex Yoga as a pretext in order to seduce women, are totally mistaken. Such people march in the opposite direction, opposite to the goals and disciplines that Universal Gnosticism establishes.
You must work on the three factors of the revolution of Consciousness in an orderly and perfect manner.
Do not commit the error of committing adultery and fornicating. Abandon the habit of being like a butterfly, that is, those who like to flutter about from one flower to the next, from one school to another school. Indeed, those who act like that are candidates for the abyss and the Second Death.
Abandon self-justification and self-consideration. Become enemies of yourselves if indeed what you really want is to radically die. Thus, only in this manner will you achieve enlightenment.
Start from scratch, from point zero. Abandon mystical pride, mythomania, the tendency to consider yourselves super-transcended, because all of you are merely intellectual animals condemned to the pain of living.
It becomes urgent and unpostponable to make an inventory of yourselves in order for you to know what you really are.
Be humble in order to attain enlightenment. Thus, after attaining it, be more humble still. "
07/09/15 (Thu) 13:46:53 No. 46114
"In his book Fundamentals of Gnostic Education, Samael Aun Weor reminds us of a fundamental experience in life:
“This Via Crucis that is our miserable existence begins in infancy and youth with mental disorders due to intimate family tragedies, difficulties at home and at school, etc.
“It is clear that during childhood and youth all these problems do not manage to really affect us—with few exceptions—in such a profound manner; however, when we become adults we start questioning: “Who am I? Where do I come from? Why do I have to suffer? What is the purpose of our existence?” etc.
“On the path of life we all have asked ourselves these questions. We all have wanted at sometime to investigate, inquire, find out the “why” of so many sorrows, troubles, struggles, and sufferings, yet unfortunately, we always seem to end up caged within some theory, or within some opinion, or within some belief, or within what the neighbor stated, or within what some decrepit old fogy told us, etc.
“Thus, since we have lost our true innocence and the peace of a tranquil heart, we are incapable of experiencing the truth directly, in all of its harshness, given that we depend on what others might say; so, because of this, we are obviously on the wrong path.”
The truth is that which answers our most fundamental questions about life, about ourselves, and all the “whys” that remain enigmas to us in spite of our theories and beliefs. But “truth” cannot be known through mere theory or belief. Truth is something that cannot be caged or conceptualized: it must be known through experience. In this sense, we can say that truth is true for the one who has experienced it, and for the one who has not, truth is unknown. This can be likened to the first moment we tasted honey, or saw the radiance of our own child’s smile, or even felt the dagger of betrayal in our heart. Until experienced, these moments cannot be explained, understood, or known. Yet, amongst those who have shared the same experience, there is shared knowledge that may be unspoken but is nonetheless understood by all.
Experience provides a special kind of knowledge that is alive and profound. It does not depend upon books or outside authority of any kind. When one has experienced, one knows.
The Greek word Gnosis refers to this special, experiential knowledge, especially in regards to the fundamentals truths of existence. Real Gnosis comes from the conscious experience of the truth of life, death, and all the mysteries that surround us. By “conscious experience” is meant a form of active, awakened perception that penetrates far more than what is physical. The consciousness—when awakened—can perceive other dimensions. It is here that real Gnosis begins to bloom in the mind and heart, revealing the truth to the soul.
This kind of experience is possible for anyone. It does not matter what one believes, or where one comes from. You can be devoutly religious or deeply independent, yet acquire the personal experience of that which exists beyond the physical senses. Furthermore, it is not necessary to belong to any group or promise anything to anyone. And, even more scandalous, you do not have to pay anyone any money. Despite the outrageous demands of thousands of “spiritual” groups and teachers, you can experience and know the truth even if financially poor. Real Gnosis is for anyone who is willing to make the effort in themselves.
07/09/15 (Thu) 13:47:58 No. 46115
In order to arrive at the experience of the truth, there are required steps. Everything in nature works according to laws, and not according to our convenience. This is where most people become diverted from the truth: the truth does not comfort our illusions or accommodate our attachments. Therefore, due to fear and the desire for security, most people avoid the truth, preferring instead to remain comforted by their personal beliefs, even if they are illusions. Yet, for the one who is brave enough to face their own self-deception, the reality of Gnosis is quick to be seen. And, for the one who is brave enough to confront and change their own inner contradictions and mistakes, Gnosis—the knowledge that emerges from that inner investigation—becomes an illuminating light and a nourishing medicine.
This book begins in a very simple and practical way to guide the sincere person towards the establishment of a strong foundation in life, from which they can work towards experiencing the truth for themselves. This foundation is material, psychological, and spiritual. By establishing a degree of stability in our mind, our life also stabilizes. Then, we are in a position to prepare ourselves to know the facts of existence: facts that are sometimes disturbing, sometimes painful, and almost always what we least expected. Yet, facts are facts, and once known, they become steps towards greater knowledge.
Very simply, if we are unhappy, only we know that and experience that kind of suffering; it is self-produced and self-experienced. If unhappiness is an internal experience, then happiness must also be internal. Therefore, first we have to face the fact of our unhappiness. Then we need to find the cause of unhappiness and exchange it for a cause for happiness. The only way to do this is by knowing ourselves in depth. We need self-knowledge.
Knowledge is power, and there is no power greater than knowledge of oneself. The power to change resides entirely in self-knowledge. Where we are lacking self-knowledge, we are lacking power to change. Thus, if we feel powerless in some area of our life, we need to acquire knowledge of that area, and in this book are the initial steps towards revolutionizing that situation.
The Oracle of Delphi stated:
“Man, know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe and it’s Gods!”
Self-knowledge is the key to the knowledge of everything that exists, for by understanding who we truly are inside, we can then understand the experience of others, where we have all come from, and where we are going. We can only acquire this kind of knowledge on our own, by our own efforts, and in our own experience. In this way, there is no need to believe or theorize, for having experienced the truth, we know."
07/09/15 (Thu) 17:01:00 No. 46124
Hey man, seems like you know your shit, can I ask you something?
What exactly is the practical side to this?
Meditation, mindfulness of emotional and physical states, and an iron will to serve your Innermost?
What kind of meditation we talking about? Simple, breathing meditation like zazen? Vipassana? The site's great and very rich with meaning and tradition but it never really gets down to the meat of practice, unless what I already stated is all that it is.
Second, do I have to astral travel? Like sorry dude I'm just trying to lose my hot temper and purify myself of lust and an oversensitive ego, not trying to fuck with crazy, out there mental states. Just wanna be the best I can be in the here and now, though I'm almost there in believing higher spiritual realms and beings exist.
How do you practice day-to-day?
07/09/15 (Thu) 18:09:01 No. 46127
There are a few daily practices.
For example: recording your dreams when you wake up (with the goal of becoming more conscious of them, remembering them, and becoming lucid in them), meditation, prayer, pranayama (breathing + concentration + visualization).
Throughout the whole day one needs to pay attention to the outside world and to one's mental and emotional responses to it, this way we can see what we need to correct.
When we are accustomed to remembering ourselves (being mindful) all day long, (and this not just a couple of weeks of effort, it's really hard, might take years), we will automatically be mindful at nights, during dreams.
That means eventually you will not "dream" anymore. You will be constantly conscious of where you are and what your mental state is. You will be awake in dreams. This leads to dream yoga and astral projection, but as I said, it's not immediate. (The dream realm is the very same astral realm. When you dream you are not conscious of your consciousness leaving the body, when you do astral projection, you consciously leave the body).
Meditation is one-pointed focus mind + analysis of your mistakes.
This takes a lot of practice.
Through one-pointed concentration of the mind (which on the website is taught with buddhist practices), our power of comprehension is much greater.
This means that you will be able to fully comprehend your mistakes (why those are wrong, and why you should never do that again) not just intellectually ("oh yeah, I shouldn't do that, meh…whatever") but also emotionally, in the heart.
When you say a bad thing to another person and you hurt them, and you see them becoming uncomfortable and in pain, and you feel pain in your heart, and you understand you shouldn't have done that, that's a kind of comprehension. We need to do that for every psychological error we have, through meditation.
Yeah, breathing meditation is a preliminary practice to develop concentration, but the actual work is done by comprehending "egos" (defects).
The iron-will comes by itself. When you really see the need to do this work, to end suffering, to destroy your psychological garbage that you have within, you are motivated.
Sure, sometimes we lose the momentum, but we need to keep going.
Once you are fully convinced that this is a thing, that this is not just theory or speculation, but it's the actual way that prophets have been trying (with little success) to show us for the past millenias, well then, willpower will come by itself.
Nobody understood those super-men. Those who did were few, but those who thought they understood them were many. Those many created the religions we have today.
There are even followers of Samael Aun Weor who don't understand him.
They simply read his books like newspaper and think: "oh, ok, this guy is right, i believe him, now i'm saved" and they neglect the work on themselves. That's not how it works.
The Buddha in the "Dhammapada" said that no man can save another man, and that salvation and damnation are completely up to the one who's doing the work.
Jesus never said "believe me and you'll go to heaven".
>Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
This does not mean "me" the personality.
Jesus' life represents the path of the initiate. Every stage of his life story is symbolic.
We can only get to the Father through doing what he did (annihilation of the defects, sacrifice, etc.)
>“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.
I don't see any Christian performing miracles and sacrificing themselves for humanity.
Jesus is stating that everyone can reach his level of development, through devotion to God, hard work, and sacrifice.
07/09/15 (Thu) 18:09:17 No. 46128
Otherwise it wouldn't make sense that every once in a while a "prophet" comes along and he's all mighty and he can hear God's voice and he guides people and creates religions.
One might ask themselves, why was he chosen for that role, why not me? Why am I not a God, an Angel, a Prophet?
Why do I have to suffer so terribly in this life?
The answer is obvious. There is no Effect without a Cause. We created causes in the past which right now are making us suffer. We are suffering in this valley of tears because of past action (actions of the body, the heart, the mind, the speech…).
Those angels, gods, prophets, just created for themselves causes which brought joy, closeness to god, "occult powers", etc. They worked on themselves, eliminated their animality, etc. They worked very hard.
Everyone can have that, if they're willing to work on themselves. It's really hard, and that's why there are so few "super-men", prophets, avatars, buddhas, etc. (although many are unknown)
But it's not impossible to do. People have done it before.
Jesus was just like us once.
The Buddha was a murderer and adulterer in past lives.
Everyone has the opportunity do the work, no being is excluded from it.
However that opportunity always comes according to Karma.
If you are here and now, getting this opportunity, that means you did something very good in your past history, not necessarily in this life, or maybe you were involved in the work in a previous life.
Either way, it's our inner God who manages our Karma and presents these things to us. Look at how many people have no means to access this, or even no interest at all in this!
If our Innermost God (each person has a particular inner divinity who manages karma, puts us through ordeals in our lives, etc.) gives us a chance to do this, it means he has faith in us. He thinks we can do it! Who on this planet knows us better than him? If he believes we can do it, that should give us great motivation.
The practical stuff is all over the place in the teachings. There is no one specific course for practical instructions. You can find them in the "meditation" courses, "self-knowledge", "dream yoga and astral projection", "beginning here and now", "defense for spiritual warfare" etc.
But really they're all over the place. You should listen to the lectures, the instructors always talks about what we have to do in our daily lives.
I hope this helps.
07/09/15 (Thu) 18:24:17 No. 46131
Ah, just so I get this straight: so zazen as a stepping stone to one-pointed concentration, which becomes a bit like a mental laser cutter for mental defects. And the principle is vigilant awareness of mental and energies and eliminating what is egoic and/or unwholesome.
and, naturally, this level of present consciousness translates to lucid dreaming and other mystical states like astral travel. not really interested in that but it's not some woo woo "eliminate your ego… oh and btw you can astral travel ooooOoooOOOoooo" shit. it follows logically from being present. Okay.
essentially, working on purifying ourselves according to our higher self and supported by study and meditation.
Thank you man this helps.
07/09/15 (Thu) 19:26:16 No. 46135
>Ah, just so I get this straight: so zazen as a stepping stone to one-pointed concentration, which becomes a bit like a mental laser cutter for mental defects. And the principle is vigilant awareness of mental and energies and eliminating what is egoic and/or unwholesome.
Yes. Basically we need to be in a "meditative" state throughout the day.
Then, when we sit down to meditate, we just close our eyes, and instead of consciously observing everything, we just consciously observe our mind, focusing the attention, forgetting the body, the senses, etc.
This is easier said than done. For example, right now I'm supposed to be consciously observing myself writing this post, being aware of everything. I'm not. I'm absorbed in the writing. I try to be conscious of everything, but either I get distracted in a matter of seconds, or I don't remember to do it at all. It's very hard to do when you think or speak.
This is why I said that it takes a long time to learn this. You need to grow your consciousness like a seed, little by little. You will not awaken in a week a month, or a year.
Some people may be quicker then other in their progress, maybe because they are recapitulating past lives' work, but then they might hit a wall, and suddenly stop progressing.
Things always proceed in an orderly manner, we need extreme patience.
>"It is necessary to know that humanity lives with its consciousness asleep. People work asleep. People walk through the streets asleep. People live and die asleep. When we come to the conclusion that the entire world lives asleep, then we comprehend the necessity of awakening. We need the awakening of the consciousness." - Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony
When we are not completely aware of ourselves, where we are, what we are doing, etc. we are asleep.
Imagine if you were aware of yourself, the present situation, why you were there, where you came from, etc. while dreaming at night.
You would not dream.
The problem is: we do not question these things during the day, we just accept what we see and think and feel. We have to start asking ourselves those questions.
07/09/15 (Thu) 19:33:48 No. 46138
>"Whosoever wants to awaken the consciousness in the superior worlds must begin by awakening it in the here and now." - Samael Aun Weor, Fundamentals of Gnostic Education
>"When we are in the physical world, we must learn to be awake from moment to moment. We then live awakened and self-conscious from moment to moment in the internal worlds, both during the hours of the sleep of the physical body and also after death." - Samael Aun Weor, The Elimination of Satan's Tail
07/09/15 (Thu) 19:36:09 No. 46140
>Yes. Basically we need to be in a "meditative" state throughout the day
Good way to put it. The Buddha (or maybe some Zen masters, not sure) said our meditation doesn't end when we get up off the cushion.
When we are fully present or aware, we stand at the gates of our souls, letting no evil in. At least that's the ideal. Hard af though.
07/09/15 (Thu) 19:57:01 No. 46143
It is hard. But if you start paying attention to it and working on it, you will start to notice "oh, I'm so distracted right now", "oh wow, I'm so asleep", "I'm so not present that I wouldn't know if I were dreaming right now".
Then you start making small mistakes during the day, misplacing things, etc. and you start thinking "oh, that wouldn't have happened if I were fully paying attention".
You start to see that not being present here means that you're off caught in some thought or feeling or desire, and if you were present here and now, you would not care at all about that thing. Everyday mundane things are temporary, we shouldn't get hypnotized by them.
Retaining awareness is tiring. We need more energy. One needs to harness the sexual energy through pranayama.
We need to stop wasting it. Basically sexual energy is energy that creates.
It can give strength to our consciousness, enabling us to be more attentive and awake, but not if we waste it.
We waste it through the orgasm of couse, but also through lustful thought.
But that's not all. Every time you are daydreaming and thinking about some useless stuff during the day, you are using the consciousness' energy, and that's going to waste. You could be saving it, and instead being present and aware here and now.
You don't actually need to think about stuff over and over and over. The natural state of the mind should be of total tranquility.
We also waste energy when we burst into anger, when we feel strong envy, pride, etc.
Those strong sensations are energy that's being used up, but it's not being used by the consciousness (in order to be attentive and awake), it's being used precisely by those "egos" (demons, aggregates, psychological mistakes etc.) in us, that want to feed on that energy and always have more of it.
That's why our mistakes are cyclical and never ending.
It's just like when you have sex or you are hungry: you eat, you have the orgasm, and you are satisfied for a bit, but then the desire comes back.
Those egos of desire always want more energy fed to them, and that's why our pain is never ending. That's why we suffer, that's why we need to eliminate our mistakes through meditation and prayer.
That's why we have no peace of mind. We are always our ego, rarely our pure consciousness (which is free of desire and distress of any kind).
"Egos" are just empty shells, what gives them power is our consciousness trapped in them. When we make a mistake, we trap our pure and undefiled consciousness in that way of thinking, and it wants more and more. But that desire will never be satisfied. It will just grow bigger and destroy us.
>They answered Him, "We are Abraham's descendants and have never yet been enslaved to anyone; how is it that You say, 'You will become free '?" Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin.
When we commit "sin" (ego) we just make it stronger.
But really, egos have no real substance. If the consciousness is removed from them, they are just empty shells. That's how comprehension in meditation works.
When you completely and fully understand a mistake, you remove your consciousness from it. Then that empty shell can be destroyed through prayer, and you will not have that defect in you anymore. It will be replaced by the opposite virtue.
If you destroy the "shell" of greed in which the consciousness is trapped, only the pure consciousness will remain. The next time you are in a situation where that greed could emerge, since you will have eliminated it, your pure consciousness will act instead. It will have the opposite attribute of greed, which is natural generosity.
That's basically how the work of annihilation of one's own defect works.
When the defects are eliminated 100%, only pure consciousness remains, with all its virtues and faculties, etc.
07/09/15 (Thu) 20:24:31 No. 46144
What I find interesting is these aggregates being blind mechanical forces that must subsist on my energy. Like viruses - but coded in thought and feeling and not RNA.
I know when I'm unreasonably pissed off I'm creating a mental schema where I'm aggrieved and oppressed and so I have to lash out. Best way I can describe it is like particular emotional states are like life forms themselves, in that they will attempt to propagate themselves. Not that they are necessarily conscious, but a certain stimulus sets off a certain cascade of reactions by its very nature which leads to the unintended behavior or condition (IE not getting a call back from an interview triggers the schema of "why does everyone else have such a seemingly easy time getting a job? what the fuck this is bullshit" etc.)
realizing we are not actually the mechanistic forces that are acted upon us is the first step to liberation. I know the Buddha likened consciousness to an interplay of different mental and physical factors.
Essentially, our defects are just "shells", IE substanceless, when we DON'T feed them.
so would then it be right to say the best way to get rid of our demons is to understand how they arise, their triggers and responses, and starve them? instead of, as I am inclined to do, picking at the wound and swimming in the feeling to get at the "bottom" of it, when there's really no bottom?
07/09/15 (Thu) 21:04:48 No. 46146
The books are freely available on the site, but I just like reading physical books more. Less eye strain too.
07/10/15 (Fri) 11:08:28 No. 46195
Is there any inkling of proof to back up any of this stuff? It all smells like hocus pocus new age shit to me.
07/10/15 (Fri) 12:42:35 No. 46200
>so would then it be right to say the best way to get rid of our demons is to understand how they arise, their triggers and responses, and starve them? instead of, as I am inclined to do, picking at the wound and swimming in the feeling to get at the "bottom" of it, when there's really no bottom?
Yes, you starve them. If you feed the beast, it just grows. If you put fuel on the fire, it will burn.
We starve them, observe, analyse, dissect them, we meditate on them, and when fully comprehended, we destroy them with sexual energy.
>People are born, they grow, they breed, they get old and die with the Consciousness asleep; thus, they never know where they come from nor the objective of their own existence. What is most grave in this matter is that all of them believe that they are awake.
>For instance, many people are preoccupied in knowing many esoteric things, yet they never occupy themselves with the awakening of their Consciousness. If people had the purpose of awakening here and now, then immediately they could know all of that which for them are enigmas; this is why skepticism exists, because the skeptical is ignorant, and ignorance is the outcome of a sleeping Consciousness.
>Indeed, I want to tell you in the name of the truth that skepticism exists because of ignorance. Therefore, the day when the people awaken their Consciousness they will stop being ignorant, and, as a fact, skepticism will disappear, because ignorance is equal to skepticism and vice versa.
>Indeed, Gnosis is not a doctrine that seeks to convince skeptical people, because if today we convince 100 skeptical individuals, tomorrow we have to convince 10,000, and if we convince the 10,000, then 100,000 will appear who want to be convinced, and so on and so forth, thus, we will never be done. - Samael Aun Weor.
>It is absurd to take Sensual Reasoning out of its orbit, because then one falls into materialistic skepticism. Why are many students of pseudo-esotericism and pseudo-occultism always fighting against doubts? Why are so many students going from school to school and finally reaching the old age without having attained anything?
>Through experience I have observed that those who remain bottled up in the intellect fail. Those that want to verify the truth with the intellect fail, because they make the same mistake as wanting to study astronomy with a microscope or wanting to study bacteriology with a telescope.
>If we want each faculty to be in its orbit, it is obvious that we have to reject the doctrines that are called the "leaven of the Sadducees and Pharisees," and to learn to think psychologically; however, this is not be possible if we remain bottled up in the intellect.
>So, it is worthwhile to start ascending on the marvelous stairway of the Imagination, and then ascend to the second step, Inspiration, and finally we will reach Intuition.- Samael Aun Weor
>Truth is the unknown from moment to moment. Truth has nothing to do with what one believes or stops believing, neither does it have anything to do with skepticism. Truth is not a matter of accepting or rejecting, it is something to experience, live and understand. - Samael Aun Weor, Fundamentals of Gnostic Education
07/10/15 (Fri) 12:53:03 No. 46201
>"Tremendous is the effort and the vigilance that is needed from second to second, from moment to moment, in order to not fall into illusions. One minute of unawareness is enough for the mind to be already dreaming about something else, distracting it from the job or deed that we are living at the moment." - Samael Aun Weor, The Revolution of the Dialectic
"The system to attain the inner realization of the Being is a matter of “cognizant works” and “voluntary sufferings,” yet, the continuity of purpose in the three factors of the revolution of the Consciousness is necessary. Logically, in order to achieve the awakening of the Consciousness, it is necessary to die from instant to instant, from moment to moment.
The sleeping person ends up intoxicated when in the presence of a cup of liquor. The sleeping person ends up fornicating when in the presence of the opposite sex. Thus, the sleepy ones becomes identified with everything that surrounds them, and forget about their selves.
From my memory—at this very moment—I recall the unusual case of Piotr Demianovich Ouspensky, who when walking on the streets of Saint Petersburg, had the resolve to remember his self, and to not forget about himself, not even for an instant. Thus, he said that as he remembered himself from moment to moment, he even perceived a spiritual aspect within all things, and while this type of spiritual lucidity was increasing he felt his psyche gradually transformed, etc. Nevertheless, something very discouraging happened to him: all of a sudden he felt the necessity to enter a smoke shop in order to select an order of some tobacco. Certainly, after being attended and provided with his order of cigars, he left the smoke shop very quietly while smoking along an avenue. Thereafter, remembering different things and occupied in diverse intellectual matters, etc., he walked through different places of Saint Petersburg; in other words, he became absorbed within his own thoughts.
An hour and a half later—already at his home—he observed very well his room, his bedroom, his living room, his desk, etc., and suddenly, he remembered that he had first wandered through many places with his Consciousness awake, but after having entered into the cigarette shop his psyche had fallen asleep again, and thus, his good intentions of remaining awake from moment to moment were reduced to cosmic dust; thus, he regretted the incident. He took an hour and a half to reach his home, and during that entire time, he regrettably treaded the streets of the city with his Consciousness completely asleep.
Behold how difficult it is to remain with the Consciousness awake from instant to instant, from moment to moment, from second after second. However, if one has true longings for becoming fully awakened—this is the beginning—one must not forget oneself, not even for a moment.
Yes, one must keep remembering oneself wherever one walks—in any living room, or on whichever street one goes by walking, jogging, or riding a car, whether it be night or day—wherever one might be, at work or in the shop, anywhere: one must remember oneself while at the presence of any beautiful object, or while before any window-shop where very beautiful things are being shown, etc.—in other words, one must not become identified with anything that one likes or is captivated by.
07/10/15 (Fri) 12:54:41 No. 46203
The person needs to always keep remembering himself: not only his physicality, but also one needs to watch one’s own thoughts, feeling, emotions, deductions, appetencies, fears, longings, etc.
Beloved brothers and sisters, it seems to me that this second aspect (object) is abundantly intriguing, because it is related with becoming inquisitive about objects, that is, with “not becoming identified with things” as we already stated; thus, if you see a beautiful object—i.e. a suit within a window-store, or an exposition of something, or an exhibition of anything: a very beautiful car, a pair of wonderful shoes, anything—what is important is to not become identified with the thing, and to know how to distinguish between common things and uncommon things, like a strange animal, an elephant that flies, or a camel that appears in the middle of the living-room, etc.; thus, the first thing that one needs to do is to reflect.
One needs to not become identified with the object or creature that one sees, because if one becomes identified with what one sees, that is, if one is absorbed by the representation before one’s eyes, then one remains fascinated; in other words, one passes from identification to fascination, and this is how one remains enchanted, marveled, identified. If one forgets oneself, then thereafter one’s own Consciousness falls asleep, it will snooze profoundly.
Thus, my dear brothers and sisters, the only thing that one achieves with this mistaken behavior—that is, by allowing oneself to become foolishly fascinated with objects—is to deactivate the Consciousness, to put it to sleep, and this is critical, very critical, very critical… very critical…
From my memory—at his very moment—I recall another unusual case: many years ago when I was traveling through the countries of South America—since as a traveler I always walked from one country to another around the world—on a given night it so happened that I saw myself walking through a garden, then into a living room and through it, and finally I arrived at a lawyer’s office, where I saw seated at a desk a lady of a certain age, with grey hair, who very amiably attended me; she stood up and greeted me.
Suddenly, I observed that two butterflies made of crystal were on the desk—well, there is nothing odd about seeing two butterflies on a desk, right? Yet, the intriguing aspect of this matter is that the two butterflies were alive: they were moving their wings, their little heads, their little legs, and that is very odd, right? So, this was very unusual and intriguing: two butterflies made of crystal, and alive! These butterflies were not normal; it is clear that they were not natural, my beloved brothers and sisters, this was something odd; it was a case where one has to become very inquisitive.
Well then, do you want to know what I did? I did not become identified with the pair of butterflies, I only pondered the following question within myself: “How is it possible that there exist in the world butterflies whose bodies are made of crystal, whose head, legs, and wings are made of crystal, and that breathe and have life like the natural ones?” Thus, this is how I reflected, my beloved brothers and sisters.
What if I had become identified with the butterflies and not pondered an analytical question, without reflecting on those butterflies made of crystal? What if I had become fascinated, or enchanted, and had fallen into unconsciousness? Well, that would have been foolish, right?
However, I reflected, by pondering the following statements to myself: "No! It is impossible for these type of creatures to exist in the physical world. No, no, no, this is very strange, this is very odd, this is not normal. Here, I smell something fishy, there is something rare. This type of phenomenon, as I know, does not exist in the tridimensional world; since this is only possible in the astral world, it seems that I am in the astral dimension; could it be that I am in the astral world?"
Then, I question myself: "It seems that I am dreaming, it seems that I left my physical body sleeping somewhere, because indeed this is very odd. So, in order to be sure, I am going to perform a small jump with the intension of floating in the environment, thus, this is how I will verify if I am in my astral body, so let us see what happens." So, this is what I said to myself, yes brothers and sisters, with complete confidence I tell you that this is how I proceeded. It is obvious that I had to proceed in that manner and not in another manner, right? However, I was concerned about jumping in front of that lady; thus, I said to myself, “This lady might think that I am a nut case if I start jumping here in her office.”
07/10/15 (Fri) 12:55:32 No. 46204
Apparently, everything was very normal: a desk like any desk, the chair where the lady was seated was one of those that rotate from one side to the other, there were two candelabra in that office, I remember that one was at the right and the other at the left, they seem made of massive gold. So, I remember this with entire exactitude, my dear brothers and sisters, even though it happened a long time ago, many years, since I was very young in that epoch, thus, I remember that the candelabra were of seven branches. Well, talking here with complete confidence, I did not find anything odd in that room, everything was normal in that office, however, when I focused my sight in those butterflies they became the only truly questionable oddity there. As for the rest, I said: “There is nothing odd about this lady, she as normal as other ladies in the world; however, these butterflies make me intrigued.” The fact that they were alive on their own accord was very rare. Anyhow, be it as it is, I resolved to leave the room with the intention of performing a little jump, do you understand? Of course, I had to give an excuse to the lady, thus, I asked her consent to leave the office; I told her that I needed to leave the room just for a moment, and that I did.
Thus, when outside in the corridor and being sure that no one was looking at me, I performed a long jump with the intension of floating in the environment… and behold, let me tell you what happened, sincerely I tell you that I immediately remained floating in the surrounding atmosphere. Of course, I felt a delectable sensation, my dear brothers and sisters, a delectable sensation; then I said to myself: “I am in my astral body; here I do not have even the slightest doubt about it.” I remembered that a few hours before I had left my physical body sleeping in my bed and by displacing myself there in the astral world I had arrived to that place, to that office.
Then, I went back into that office, I sat again before the lady and spoke to her with much respect, I told her: “Be aware, ma’am, that we both are in the astral body.” Wondered, with sleepy eyes as a somnambulist, that lady scarcely looked at me; she did not understand, she did not comprehend, nevertheless, I wanted to clarify the situation for her and I told her: “Ma’am, remember that a few hours ago you went to bed, to lay down in order to sleep, therefore, do not wonder why am I telling you this; listen: your physical body is sleeping in your bed and you are here talking with me in the astral world…”
Yet, definitively, that lady did not understand; she was profoundly asleep, she had her Consciousness asleep. Thus, upon seeing that everything was useless, comprehending that she would not awaken—not even with cannon shots, since that wretched lady had never dedicated herself to the labor of the awakening of her Consciousness—then frankly, my dear brothers and sisters, I resolved to apologize, and left.
07/10/15 (Fri) 12:55:55 No. 46205
Well, as a curious thing, I want to narrate for you that many years after, maybe 30 years or more, I had to travel to Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico. Taxco is a very beautiful town, situated over a hill and built in the colonial style; its streets are stone-paved as in the epoch of the colonization, and it is very rich indeed; it has many silver mines, and many beautiful objects and jewelry made of silver are sold there.
I had to travel to that town because someone I was making some remedies for lived there; he wanted to be healed and wanted me to help him in his healing process; he was a wretched patient, very sick…
Well, I arrived at a house, I crossed a garden, and arrived at the living room, which I recognized immediately. There was there a lady; I looked at her and recognized her: she was the same lady that I had seen behind the desk many years ago in the astral world; however, this time she was in the living room.
She invited me to pass into another room, where I found the already mentioned lawyer’s office, where I, so many years ago, had arrived in my astral body. Yet now, instead of the lady behind the desk, it was her husband, a very well educated man who without a title was dedicated to the law (in some places these people are call interns); well, call them as you please. The fact was that he was seated there, in said office. He stood in order to welcome me and thereafter he invited me to sit down in front of his desk. So, I had immediately recognized the office and the lady.
Then, it so happened that because that man liked a little these sort of spiritual studies, we talked and conversed for a while on these matters; he liked everything related with esoteric studies. Thus, I surprised him a little when I told him:
“Sir, I was here already some time ago. I was out of my physical body, in my astral body, and you know that one moves, walks, and goes from one place to another.” This gentleman already knew a little about these things, so my statement was not unusual to him.
Then I told him: “See, on this desk there were two butterflies made of crystal. What happened, where are those butterflies?”
He quickly answered me: “Here are the butterflies, right here, look at them.” He then raised some newspapers that were upon the desk and certainly, they were there, the two very beautiful butterflies made of crystal… Of course, he was very astounded that I knew about those butterflies.
Then I told him: “But something else is missing. I see one candelabra of seven arms, yet I saw two. Where is the other, what happened to it?”
“Here is the other one, look at it,” the gentleman in his office answered me. He then removed some papers and newspapers that he had there and indeed he showed me the other candelabra, yes, it appeared in order to confirm my assertions even more. Of course, the man was amazed.
Then I told him: “I want you to know that I know your wife, because when I came here your wife was at the desk.” Well, the gentleman was amazed.
Thus, at dinner time we were seated at a round table and something truly unexpected happened: in the presence of her husband, the lady told me: “I met you a long time ago. I do not know exactly where, but I have seen you… Yes, I have seen you before in some place. Anyhow, you are not an unknown person to me.”
Then, I immediately elbowed the gentleman and told him: “Do you realize it? Are you convinced of my words?”
Well, the amazement of that man reached its maximum. Unfortunately—and this indeed is what is very critical, my beloved brothers and sisters—that man was so attached to his sect, which we might call a type of Romanist sect, that frankly speaking, he did not enter into the path due to sectarian matters. Otherwise, he would have come to the path, because I gave him extraordinary evidence that for him were factual and definite; at least, he became for ever amazed, did he not? Regrettably, his beliefs did not allow him, they confused him, he became entangled in all those religious dogmas, etc. Well, many years have already passed, nevertheless I still have been able to narrate this event for you.
07/10/15 (Fri) 18:19:20 No. 46215
>and men drained.
Not at all, when I masturbate I feel like a god and I want to go for a run or just get shit.
I get the opposite effect.
07/10/15 (Fri) 18:19:53 No. 46216
>or just get shit.
I meant to type get shit done
07/12/15 (Sun) 14:50:42 No. 46383
Audience: I have heard the statement that when the student is ready then the teacher appears?
Instructor: Well, people interpret that saying physically, believing that when the student is prepared physically, that a physical teacher might appear. That might happen. But the real meaning is psychological and spiritual. The real meaning is that when your Innermost God has prepared you through lifetimes of ordeals, there will come a moment when your soul is so sick of suffering that you are ready to die. Then your Master, your Innermost, will “appear,” and guide you to die psychologically, so that you can be reborn spiritually. That is the real meaning of that aphorism. The appearance of the Innermost is not before your physical eyes; physically, you might not be aware of it. Physically, it may come up just as you are finding the teachings and starting to practice, but that is the sign that the Master has “appeared,” because you have been given the door and the key. If you want to know if your Master has shown up, then notice: you have found the teachings. The Master has called you. So then, its up to you. Transmute yourself.
07/12/15 (Sun) 14:58:19 No. 46386
Astral projection
Audience: How do you learn astral projection?
Instructor: In order to learn astral projection, there are several key factors that you need to learn.
The first is that you need to learn how to be here and now. To awaken in the astral world is not possible if you are asleep in the physical world. If you want to awaken in the astral plane, you have to awaken in the physical plain first, because your state of consciousness is continuous through these planes. If you are asleep here, you will be asleep there. So awaken here and now, make that your priority, and then naturally, spontaneously, you will awaken internally as well.
The second part is, once you are working to awaken here and now, then you need to start saving energy, especially emotional energy. The astral plane is an emotional world. If you are wasting all of your emotional energy through violence, lust, pride, envy, gluttony, greed, avarice—all of your old habits—then you will have no energy to awaken in the astral plane. You need to save energy. That means transforming impressions and dying in your desires, renouncing them, understanding them, comprehending them, and walking away from them, and saving that energy.
For example: you become tempted by your lust; you want to look, you want to engage, you want to feel the sensation of lust. If you do it, you expend energy. That energy is used to fortify that lust and deepen that karma. If instead, you do not expend energy there, you save energy, in fact you might be extracting energy out of that lust that was tempting. That is how the soul becomes crystalized in us, and that energy then becomes available to the consciousness, unless we waste it five minutes later. It is a tight rope. It takes a lot of balance, psychologically. It is very delicate. You have to be very attentive and cautious, especially with how you use energy psychologically. If you conserve psychological energy, you will awaken.
>“We constantly hear complaints from many students who suffer because during the slumber of their physical bodies they live unconscious within the superior worlds. Many of them have performed esoteric practices in order to achieve Astral projection, yet they do not succeed. When we study the life of these whiners, we discover within them the Fool of the Tarot; these people are full of desires.
>“We kill desire only by comprehending sensations. Only by annihilating desire can the mind that is normally bottled up within desire be liberated. The awakening of the consciousness is produced only by liberating the mind from desire.” - Samael Aun Weor, Alchemy and Kabbalah
Audience: What do we do in the astral plane?
Instructor: If you awaken consciousness in the astral plane, the most important thing you can do is pray to God, your Divine Mother: pray. Speak your heart. You need to develop and cultivate that relationship, it is the most important thing you have. If you awaken consciousness anywhere, anytime, physically or internally, this is the most important thing you can do: remember God. Otherwise, you will awaken in the astral plane and only be thinking of yourself, which is pride, and you will go around feeding your pride, investigating other peoples lives, seeing “how cool it is” in other dimensions, having different kinds of experiences—for your pride. In other words, you are deepening your suffering.
If you remember God, if you remember your Buddha, your Innermost, then you can take advantage of that experience and transmute yourself. Learn. It won't always be easy, but it will be fruitful.
I have a friend who in the first few years of his practice in Gnosis was able to get out of his body easily, any time he wanted, and he became the “go-to-guy” when anyone wanted to know anything. They would go to him and ask, "Can you check out this and that for me in the astral plane," and, "Can you go find out such and such a thing," and he loved it; everyone relied on him, and thought he was a big shot, and he would go off in his astral body and investigate all these different kind of things. This went on for a little while, then one day the switch of his astral experiences was flipped to the "off" position, and his Innermost took that away from him, and it shattered him. I do not know if he ever recovered. There is a great danger in pride. So beware of it.
07/12/15 (Sun) 19:35:45 No. 46447
File: 1436729746094.jpg (Spoiler Image, 157.2 KB, 800x1024, 25:32, 1356011030592.jpg )
>When a person ejaculates their semen, the sexual organs perform peristaltic movements in order to reabsorb lost forces. However, through masturbation, cold air is absorbed into the sexual organs which eventually reach the brain and cause dementia.
07/12/15 (Sun) 19:43:57 No. 46452
Spoiler that, brother. Porn is bad for you
07/13/15 (Mon) 03:45:28 No. 46502
Johannes Kepler attempted to explain the motions of the planets and moons around the Sun using the Pythagorean and Platonic models of platonic solids, in order to fit with the view of a universe based on perfect mathematical geometry, on the 5 platonic solids.
His decade long effort to prove this model was in vain. Until one day he tried the formula for an elipse which matched precise astronomical observations and calculations perfectly, thus from then on the silly notion of Platonic solids and perfect geometry governing the underlying structure of the universe was discarded and disproven, the orbits of celestial bodies are very well understood, there is nothing concerning that ancient Pythagorean universe there, it does not exist.
Pray tell then OP, why you think we should go back and treat these men and their writings and misguided views of the universe with any serious consideration when they were utterly disproven 7 centuries ago?
07/13/15 (Mon) 06:02:22 No. 46511
This is Samael Aun Weor's group OP is promoting. I've read some of his books and like a lot of it, and he gave instructions in a lot of spiritual practices that seem to work.
Some of it was way out there, though. He had one book where he said the sun is not a ball of fire, it's a world like earth, with vegetation and people on it. Maybe not harder to believe than some of the things discussed on this board, like flat earth theory, but I can't buy it so I can't accept this guy as a perfect prophet or guru.
He has other odd beliefs to, like that it is possible to impregnate a woman without ejaculating in her. The main theme of his writings is having sex without ejaculating in order to activate kundalini. A lot of his information is good but he was a fallible man, I don't believe in making a religion out of any one guru.
07/13/15 (Mon) 06:25:46 No. 46514
>naked woman
>porn being bad
Christian Gnosticism is pure shit and for sheep.
SAGE! 07/13/15 (Mon) 07:15:11 No. 46516
How retarded do you have to be to defend pornography even on a mundane level?
07/13/15 (Mon) 12:56:03 No. 46541
>That means when you lie, when you cheat, when you misrepresent, you steal, that is black magic.
Does this include theft from Fortune 500 companies? Ill elaborate a bit more:
Im mostly poor most of the time, and live in a car currently. I work, and am using what I have saved to get my transmission fixed. I seldom have extra money for food, etc. Im not up to par, so to speak with most of the people here. I steal food, and other things but only out of necessity, and never from a person. There are times I have stole from those capitalists as well to share food with my friends.
I understand ill reap what I sow from these petty thefts, and knowingly accept that as I consciously steal out of necessity to survive. I seldom exert my power, and never over another. I have no need of this kind of manipulation.
tl;dr: Is it really wrong to steal from companies who steal from their employees, and communities for the personal gain of the CEO?
07/13/15 (Mon) 13:15:01 No. 46542
Ancient texts are symbolic. For example, if you read Aristotle's physics, or if you read the alchemists' books, you might have a laugh or two, but that's just because you ignore how to interpret them. They mustn't be interpreted literally.
They wrote in code.
However, there is no doubt some of them were wrong. They were not perfect. The earthly man is never perfect, the heavenly man is.
It's not necessary to accept him as the ultimate master. He himself points to other people. He said to never follow anyone, not even himself.
That thing about the sun, well, that sounded like bullshit to me as well when I read it. But you've got to realize he's not talking about this dimension. Yeah the sun might be a ball of flame in the physical plane, but we don't know how it looks like in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions. He says that a solar humanity lives there in superior dimensions.
The thing about pregnancy without ejaculation is probably legit.
Is it so strange that a sperm could escape along with the lubricant liquid that the penis emits when we are aroused?
I don't know. Really, no one can judge other people. We should only look at our own mistakes.
You've got to figure it out for yourself. Listen to your conscience. If you can avoid stealing to survive, then do that.
It's inevitable that those corporations, which are stealing from people, as a punishment will be stolen from. But that doesn't give us the right to steal from them.
If we can avoid it, we have to.
I mean, it's not like stealing is a virtuous thing to do, right?
Our own poverty was caused by ourselves, maybe as a consequence of bad action in previous lives.
It is said that if we are devout to God and if we work on ourselves, God will always provide for us, and we will at least receive our basic shelter, food, and necessites.
07/13/15 (Mon) 13:54:57 No. 46543
>Listen to your conscience.
Normally. If I get a bad feel from it, Ill not do it.
>But that doesn't give us the right to steal from them. If we can avoid it, we have to.
Agreed. I only resort to theft if the dumpsters are empty. I prefer to feast off the excess of capitalist waste. I feels more rewarding, honestly.
>I mean, it's not like stealing is a virtuous thing to do, right?
Not in the slightest.
>It is said that if we are devout to God and if we work on ourselves, God will always provide for us, and we will at least receive our basic shelter, food, and necessities.
I know this much is true, and is proven to me on a most regular basis.
Thanks for your thoughts though, I dont view it as a terribly bad thing, but its surely not a good thing either.
07/14/15 (Tue) 00:55:43 No. 46581
>That thing about the sun, well, that sounded like bullshit to me as well when I read it. But you've got to realize he's not talking about this dimension. Yeah the sun might be a ball of flame in the physical plane, but we don't know how it looks like in the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh dimensions. He says that a solar humanity lives there in superior dimensions.
I don't recall him saying he was referring to another dimensional plane when I read it. I'm pretty sure he explicitly said that the sun was not a ball of flame, i.e. even in the physical plane, and that scientists were foolish to claim that it was. I found a link, I'll look into it more later.
But I can accept that even if he really did see this stuff through astral projection and thought he was viewing the sun in physical reality maybe he was mistaken and was actually seeing it in another dimension or something. It does make me take what he says with a grain of salt though.
>The thing about pregnancy without ejaculation is probably legit.
>Is it so strange that a sperm could escape along with the lubricant liquid that the penis emits when we are aroused?
By lubricant liquid you mean pre-cum? According to mainstream science it is possible to get pregnant from pre-cum, but they believe this would be through sperm leftover in the urethra from an ejaculation earlier in the day. So, if you were following SAW's recommended practices of avoiding orgasm altogether it should be impossible to impregnate a woman (again, according to conventional science, I accept that they could be wrong about that).
It's ironic that these sorts of practices seem like they would inherently limit the spread of these practices since no one is going to be passing these teachings on to their children if they are unable to have children in the first place. Much like the Cathars and other groups who practiced celibacy.
07/17/15 (Fri) 13:37:37 No. 46986
07/17/15 (Fri) 14:01:06 No. 46988
The sun is a planet thing has also been said by Robert A Monroe. He also saw it while astral projecting, so It might be legit…we have never seen the interior of the sun, it might be a planet surrounded by an energy field. Are all suns planets ?
07/17/15 (Fri) 14:20:38 No. 46989
Is the Earth flat?
07/18/15 (Sat) 06:29:54 No. 47012
I hope you're not kind of Gnostics who demonise our G-d HaShem, are you?
07/18/15 (Sat) 12:08:40 No. 47028
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with us, the pieces of us that are ready to break the cycle. This piece in particular expresses its gratitude in the form of love, wherever your piece may be. Peace, friend.
07/19/15 (Sun) 14:34:24 No. 47164
07/19/15 (Sun) 17:44:36 No. 47191
remove yourself from this world as soon as possible
07/22/15 (Wed) 12:57:06 No. 47443
How does this differ from Christianity?
07/22/15 (Wed) 13:33:03 No. 47448
Present day Christianity:
>believe in Jesus and you're saved. don't worry, all your sins are forgiven bro, if you murder and steal and rape but then you repent at the last moment it's totally OK. You're going to heaven, even though Jesus himself said that very, very few people are saved.
>work your ass off, and if you are worthy, patient, determined and virtuous, you will save yourself. you will eventually have to pay for everything bad you did EVER, either by suffering or by doing good actions.
The Dhammapada states,
>Among men, few are the ones who reach the other shore. The others wander on this shore, from one side to the next.
Jesus the Christ states,
>Of a thousand who seek me, one finds me, of a thousand who find me, one follows me, of a thousand who follow me, one is mine.
The Bhagavad Gita states,
>Among thousands of men, perhaps one strives to reach perfection; among the strivers, possibly one achieves perfection, and among the perfect, perhaps one knows me perfectly.
07/22/15 (Wed) 22:10:37 No. 47501
"The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah" is the worst book I've read on the Kabbalah (and Tarot). Sammy Aun Weor, makes one erroneous statement after another, and hasn't the foggiest insight into real mysticism and occultism. His sefirotic attributions are ridiculous, and on top of his mumbo-jumbo pseudo-mysticism and off-base occultism, the man, who bills himself as a master, clearly suffered from a messianic complex.
In the book's Prologue, it immediately become evident how lost in space Weor was. He writes: "The author of the Tarot was the Angel Metraton. He is the Lord of the Serpent Wisdom. The Bible refers to him as the Prophet Enoch." Complete fabricated nonsense. Then he writes, "Binah is the Holy Spirit, the igneous power. Again, ridiculous. Binah correlates with the planet Saturn and worldly understanding, and has nothing to with the Holy Spirit. Here's one more example of Weor's idiocy: "All of those students that practice esoteric exercises without working on the Arcanum A.Z.F. are similar to the man who is foolish enough to build his house on the sand. His house will fall with a great crash to the Abyss. We must build upon the Living Rock. This Rock is the sex." The rest of the book is more of the same garbage.
"The Yellow Book" is also garbage:
"You must know that every meditation, if practiced with a lack of the sleepy state, is useless, sterile, because it damages the mind and harms the brain."
Recommends waking at dawn, rather than Brahmamuhurtha.
Recommends a retarded "esoteric diet".
Don't bother.
07/22/15 (Wed) 22:51:16 No. 47506
I simply love you.
07/22/15 (Wed) 23:56:14 No. 47511
For Gnosticism I recommend the following:
The Gnosticism of the Pythagorean Illuminati is good. Warning: this is not fluffy, new age, "all paths lead to the same destination :^)" "Gnosticism". It is very critical of Abrahamic religion.
Here is a good intro:
Or for a more logical approach to their theory:
This online school (to be re-opened to the public in 3-5 months) is not really "Gnostic", but they teach proper Gnostic meditation and are quite similar in theory to what OP is selling. It takes the Hermetic approach, which is very similar to Gnosticism.
You too bruh, I appreciate seeing that considering the post I read before that was "so OP (me) should kill himself now".
07/23/15 (Thu) 17:49:16 No. 47608
It doesn't matter whether we believe Samael Aun Weor was a fool or not, the teaching still stands strong.
Let every man study the teachings first and then judge for themselves. And most importantly, let us not judge what we have not experienced directly for ourselves.
Just because we have read a different theory somewhere else, maybe from a person or source we consider more "reputable", that doesn't mean that theory is right.
I could believe a theory which says that fire is cold, nevertheless if I touch the flame I get burned.
Also I actually discovered "the divine science" website before reading Samael Aun Weor, and I read the whole thing.
Of course their hermetic approach is similar to Gnosticsm, they're one and the same. The path is one. There are not multiple paths to the divine. They too talk about sexual transmutation.
I find that gnosticteachings.org is much more solid in their understanding and explanations, and their stuff is completely free and available to everyone, while that "divine science" school requires you enroll and spend money. I don't dig that.
I was considering joining them though, before finding the gnosticteachings.org website.
SAGE! 07/23/15 (Thu) 20:42:27 No. 47616
>It doesn't matter whether we believe Samael Aun Weor was a fool or not, the teaching still stands strong.
How good a system is should be judged based on the quality of the adepts it produces. Having the books and quotes of a fool are posted everywhere there, make the teaching look weaker.
>Just because we have read a different theory somewhere else, maybe from a person or source we consider more "reputable", that doesn't mean that theory is right.
In my experience, theory that comes from a less than reputable source, is less correct than theory coming from a more reputable source.
>I could believe a theory which says that fire is cold, nevertheless if I touch the flame I get burned.
"Weapons cannot hurt the spirit and fire can never burn him." - Krishna
>Also I actually discovered "the divine science" website before reading Samael Aun Weor, and I read the whole thing.
>I find that gnosticteachings.org is much more solid in their understanding and explanations
You read the free articles they offer to the public, but didn't actually experience the school, where you learn most of the theory and practice, therefore are clearly judging something you have not experienced directly for yourself.
>Of course their hermetic approach is similar to Gnosticsm, they're one and the same. The path is one. There are not multiple paths to the divine. They too talk about sexual transmutation.
Humorous. You could have at least capitalized Hermetic and spelled Gnosticism correctly.
>their stuff is completely free and available to everyone, while that "divine science" school requires you enroll and spend money. I don't dig that.
From 'Learn More' to "Get Started with:" gives an "Introductory Book Pack" for over $50 and it is no surprise who the author of the books are.
First class in TDS is free, then the next has a small fee, which helps a developing school, which seems to geniuenly care about the development of their students. Something tells me gnosticteachings.org doesn't care or need this money quite so much.
I will not be responding to any of your further replies, so don't feel the need to respond to this.
07/24/15 (Fri) 13:50:36 No. 47708
I will respond anyway, because it is necessary to make things clear.
I actually do have experience with those teachings, I can say that what they teach not only makes complete sense, but it also works, as far as I've been able to test. It is not a school, they just offer teachings to people.
I assure you that what the "divinescience" school teaches is very similar to gnosticteachings. I read their manifesto again yesterday, and I found that they basically teach the exact same doctrine.
The authors of that website draw from the yoga tradition of Sivananda, and Samael Aun Weor did too. That's because Sivananda was a good teacher.
Also, you can read all of those books from Samael Aun Weor for free on the website, so you don't need to pay. This is not about "my school is better than yours".
Occultism is about what works, and I found the gnosticteachings website to be more clear in their explanations. Actually, I haven't joined the TDS school, so I can't really say.
Maybe they teach better, but they don't have the whole teaching available to everyone, they are selective with their knowledge, and there is no need to be, since the science is public already.
They say it's because of "lineage". Well I don't know. What was secret has been revealed already. Maybe they hold some other mysteries which have not been revealed, but the spiritual aspirant would receive them anyway when he got to a certain point in his work, whether he was a part of that school or not.
The path is universal.
It looks like you believe that Samael Aun Weor was a mythomaniac fool. Well, he was not.
>In this day and age, everybody wants to be a Master. Notwithstanding, we state that there is only one Master, this is the inner Christ, which enlightens every human being who comes into the world. Thus, only Christ is the Master. Only the resplendent “I Am” is the Master. - The Major Mysteries
>We advise disciples not to follow anyone. Let them follow themselves. Each one should follow his resplendent and luminous inner Being. - The Major Mysteries
>Do not follow me. I am just a signpost. Reach your own Self-Realization - Samael Aun Weor
>Yes, my insignificant person is worthless, it does not have any value, it is worth nothing. A messenger or avatar, in the most complete sense of the word, is a courier, a man who delivers a message, a servant or maid of the Great Work. So, the word avatar must not fall into misinterpretations, it must be specified with complete clarity. I am, therefore, a servant or crew member, or messenger who delivers a message. Some time ago I said that I am a cosmic mailman, since I am giving the content of a cosmic letter. Therefore, my beloved brethren, the word avatar must never lead us to arrogance, since it only means nothing other than an emissary, a servant, a crew member who gives a message, an epistle, and that is all.
07/24/15 (Fri) 15:14:15 No. 47715
> Here's one more example of Weor's idiocy: "All of those students that practice esoteric exercises without working on the Arcanum A.Z.F. are similar to the man who is foolish enough to build his house on the sand. His house will fall with a great crash to the Abyss. We must build upon the Living Rock. This Rock is the sex."
Thats actually an incredibly profound statement and almost every single school of occultism would agree.
07/25/15 (Sat) 12:35:37 No. 47830
No, it's not. Stop pretending that moron says anything of significance.
07/25/15 (Sat) 14:59:48 No. 47835
I dont need to pretend because I know that his doctrine is a living one, it actually works and provides results to the student who actually puts it into practice. Its one thing to read all sorts of various theories and intellectual ideas regarding esoterism and believe oneself to be an expert on the it, its another to actually move beyond this and actually enter into the world of practice where all these things can be proven without the need to find proof outside of your own works.
I honestly warn you to be very careful when you slander an esoteric school of any kind, from memory the buddhist tradition holds such a thing as a worse crime than the murder of a buddha. If you must criticize a group then do so knowing that what you say is absolute fact, not a subjective opinion, I assume that like most other people on this board you have interest in tangible esoteric practice and thus I do not wish for your path to be impeded by such an error.
07/25/15 (Sat) 15:48:48 No. 47845
Impure and distorted "teachings" don't develop into genuine esoteric schools. What you have here is a fairytale, a fantasy story given power. The problem is, people actually are pushed to believe it instead of merely tapping into it.
07/25/15 (Sat) 17:12:19 No. 47857
What book should be read first for somebody who wants to learn about gnosticism.
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:30:20 No. 47862
I honestly don't know what to recommend. I would start by reading the introductory things on www.gnosticteachings.org . In my case, I just followed my intuition.
Yes, there is grave Karma for those who sway other people off path and for those who create divisions in schools.
Basically, giving the Dharma to other people is the best action you can perform, while preventing people from learning about it, well… it's obvious that is a horrible thing to do.
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:34:21 No. 47864
The doctrine does not need you to "believe it" like fairy tales, you don't have to take people's word for it, you can verify the power of the teaching directly, by reading it. You will see how it naturally expresses the truth. Behold.
Discipline and Freedom
In Gnosis, we look at ethics, morality, or guidelines for behavior as having two fundamental aspects, or two divisions you could say, and these are the First Law and the Second Law. A law of course is a guideline, a rule - this is the way we usually think of a law, something that somebody decided and opposes on us, but we are not talking about that kind of law. When we talk about the First Law and the Second Law, we are talking about law in the sense of Dharma. Dharma means "truth, law, a fact," something which IS, so when we discuss the Law, the Cosmic Law, we are not describing some rule that a bearded man in heaven decided on and is demanding of those below him; this is not what we mean by Law. What we mean is, as an example, gravity. In this third dimensional world, gravity is a law, it is a truth, it is a fact. So the First Law and the Second Law are exactly like that: they are truths, facts of reality, facts of existence, but according to certain levels.
The Second Law is the one that most of us know about. The Second Law is inferior to the first. The Second Law is the written law that we have in our religions, such as "Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not fornicate" - these are the written law, the Vinaya, the vows, the commitments, that any religious person adopts based on their teachings and their scriptures and their instructions. These are the Second Law, the inferior law. They are said to be "inferior" because there is a law that transcends them, and that law of course is the First Law, which is related to these upper spheres on the Tree of Life: Kether, Chokmah, Binah.
The First Law is the will of God, the energy of Christ, which is expressing itself from a particular attitude, or paramita.
Looked at in another way, we can say that practitioners who enter into religious studies adopt the Second Law and learn to manage themselves in accordance with the commandments or vows in order to eventually transcend them, so they can receive the First Law, which is the direct instruction of Christ, and at that level, receiving the First Law, they then act in a way that is beyond the Second Law, that is beyond the commandments, beyond the vows.
In order to do that, you have to have the capacity. We are not there yet; we have minds that are afflicted with pride, with desire, with lust, with fear, with anger, and that is why the First Law is not given to us. We have to first develop the capacity to receive it.
For any practitioner to move from the domain of the Second Law, the written law, into the domain of the First Law, they must have a mind that can properly utilize the First Law. That mind has to have two aspects:
1. First it needs a receptive quality, the ability to receive the commands of the Innermost, the ability to perceive and understand the light of Christ; in direct experience, not by guessing, but consciously, awake.
2. The second aspect is the ability to act on that law in the right way.
So the first requirements is the ability to receive the law, and the second is to act on it in the right way.
You may observe people who call themselves "Bodhisattvas," and who claim to receive divine messages and guidance, and yet their behaviors are harmful to others; this person is deceiving themselves. A true Bodhisattva renounces self-interest and everything they do is focused on the benefit of others: this is the purpose of the First Law. The First Law is the expression of Christ - which is pure love - and the purpose of that law is to benefit other beings at any cost, but according to what is right.
This is a very subtle thing to comprehend deeply, but in synthesis you can say that the mind of the Bodhisattva has to have the capacity to receive that law, and it is only a Bodhisattva who can manifest, incarnate that First Law; only a Bodhisattva can do it. This is the distinction of the Bodhisattva path. Both the Shravakayana students and walkers, and the Pratyeka Buddhas who walk according to the Greater Vehicle (Mahayana or Pratyekayana) still belong in the domain of the Second Law. They may receive some instruction internally, they may receive some guidance, but they cannot incarnate that First Law: only a Bodhisattva can do that. And to do so, the Bodhisattva has to have the Bodhichitta, the mind of awakened wisdom.
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:35:09 No. 47865
That mind of Bodhichitta has to be calm, stable, clear and receptive in order to take those instructions, the guidance that comes from the light, and act upon it on behalf of others. Therefore, the path to become a Bodhisattva is a path of mind training.
The Bodhisattva path is not a path that is concerned with external appearances: it is a path that is concerned entirely with the mind. So for the walker of the real Bodhisattva path (not merely the aspirational path, but the actual path) ethics, discipline, morality, carefulness, attentiveness do not relate to external things. When we are talking about the Bodhisattva path, everything relates to the mind, our own mind. Those people who are studying the foundational levels of the teaching, or the intermediate levels, learn to practice ethics, or morality, based on external factors. The Bodhisattva has to learn to practice ethics, morality and discipline based on internal factors, the mind itself. So the attention has to shift from outside to inside.
In order to accomplish that shift of attention, things may start to sound a little contradictory. The Bodhisattva's focus is on the benefit of others. A Bodhisattva recognizes that the cause of suffering is self-interest. All suffering is produced by self-interest, and the Bodhisattva recognizes that happiness is generated by compassion, by helping others, so this person has to renounce self-interest and dedicate themselves to others. This does not mean that the Bodhisattva fails to take care of themselves, or that the Bodhisattva fails to feed themselves, or clothe themselves, or act like a crazy person, no; nor does it mean that the Bodhisattva will simply lie down and accept any kind of abuse, it doesn't mean that either; do not let your mind go to extremes. The nature of the Bodhisattva's mind, Bodhichitta, is to help others in the most effective way possible. Therefore, the vehicle, the Bodhisattva itself, must be healthy, stable, calm, clear. Only from a strong foundation can you help someone else. So naturally, a Bodhisattva needs a healthy and sound mind, a healthy and sound body, and a foundation from which they can work.
They need self-confidence, but real self-confidence, not pride. There is a big difference between pride and dignity. Dignity is a conscious value, it is a form of self-respect that is not rooted in desire or ego, it is rooted in the Consciousness, which recognizes the inherent value of any thing. In the same way that we respect others because they have divinity within them, they have good qualities within them, even if they have defects, so we should also respect ourselves. Even if we have problems and defects, we do have the qualities, we too have our own divinity. And this is a form of dignity, a form of respect. And this is important for any practitioner to have, but it is especially important for a Bodhisattva.
Bodhichitta is this kind of mind that the Bodhisattva has to perfect, and the means to arrive at that is through a particular form of discipline. You can call it "self-discipline," but it isn't discipline in the way we usually think of it. We have grown up with this idea of discipline as being rules that restrict our behavior.
Many people reject religion, because they believe it is too restrictive; they want "freedom," as they call it. But let us analyze what freedom is. Are you really free? Are you really free to do what you will, what you want? If you are sincere with yourself, you will probably discover that you are not, even if you are fabulously wealthy. And this is because real freedom is not based in external circumstances, it is based in a quality of mind.
When you are angry, you are constricted. When the passion of anger envelops you, you suffer, as if in a cage; the anger is painful and drives you to harm. This is not freedom, this is imprisonment within the mind. This is what we mean when we talk about our Consciousness being bottled in the ego.
What about fear? When fear grips you, what freedom do you have? When fear has enveloped you in its atmosphere, your every thought, your every emotion, and your every impulse to act will be driven by that fear, therefore, where is your will, where is your freedom? Observe yourself and discover these facts in your own life.
What about gluttony? What about greed or envy? Can you say that you are free from envy? If you observe the things that you have tried to grasp in your life, how many of them become attractive to you because someone else has it? Because someone else has that, we want it. And then we spend our energy, we spend our time, trying to get whatever that thing is. And what freedom is there in that?
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:35:57 No. 47866
What freedom is there when our life is lived like we are in a cage, like a rat running after a bit of cheese, such as a house, or some savings, or a car, or a degree; because people told us we need it, because we don't feel secure unless we have it? Because we feel afraid, if we don't have savings, because we feel afraid, if we don't have a particular job, or a spouse. Look at how fear, how envy, how pride, condition your will, and then ask yourself, where is your freedom?
And furthermore, ask yourself, all these desires that I have, these cravings, fears, worries, are they all about me or am I concerned with anyone else? Is my attention entirely on myself, on satisfying my own fear, or my own pride, or have I had any thoughts at all of benefiting another person? Be sincere with yourself and discover the quality of your mind. Do not just tell yourself that you are good or bad: OBSERVE yourself and see how you really are.
It is very rare for us to sincerely do something for the benefit of another person. Very rare. And this is why in the Bodhicharyavatara, Shantideva explains that a virtuous thought is as rare as a lightning strike. And this is because our own mind is so trapped in selfish interest, self-desire.
So we clamor about freedom, we go and kill people because of this idea of "freedom," and yet we are all imprisoned inside the cage of our own mind.
The discipline to come out of the cage cannot be imposed upon us by an external source. No person can come to us and say, "Follow all these rules and you will be free." It doesn't work like that. If someone comes to us and says, "The teachings say you must renounce anger, so never be angry." And so then we take this attitude, a discipline upon ourselves, "I will not be angry," so we begin to resist anger. What will happen? What will happen is that we will modify our external behavior, we will act sweet, we will act patient, we will behave as if anger has been vanished, and we may even convince ourselves of it. But at a certain moment, circumstances and Karma will conspire against us, something will happen to make us angry, and then we will explode. This is because the more we reject something, the more we push away, the more we resist it, the less is our understanding. This is especially true of dealing with our own mind. But it is also true of dealing with external things.
People who become fanatics of a political idea, religious idea, or scientific idea, become so attached to that concept, that belief, that they violently reject anything that contradicts it, and in turn they become stupid, they become ignorant, they harm themselves and they harm others. That is a process of imprisoning the mind, caging the mind, in a belief, in a thought, in a concept, or in a way of life. That is not discipline, that is imprisonment.
We may hear about the need to become disciplined practitioners, to have discipline in our Gnostic practice, or in our meditation practice, and we become very inspired and set up for ourselves a rigorous schedule, "I am going to meditate eight hours every day, from now on!!" And if you have done it, know what happens: you might make it through one day. If you have a lot of willpower, you might make it for a week, but within a short period of time, you will completely abandon your efforts at self-discipline. Why? Because you have not understood it.
Real discipline comes from comprehension. In order for us to truly be free of our anger, we have to comprehend that anger, we have to understand it - consciously. When you really and truly comprehend and understand the true nature of anger, you will be free of it, naturally, without the need for any rules, because your own understanding will be there as a flower in your mind, as a form of sweetness, as a form of serenity, that anger cannot penetrate.
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:36:39 No. 47867
Discipline in our Gnostic studies has to be imposed from within, not from without. But for us to develop that kind of discipline we have to understand. Therefore, instructors and teachers of any kind should teach students how to think, not what to think. They should teach how to comprehend, not to just accept a belief, or a theory, or an idea, and then try to live by it, but to comprehend the idea, to understand it in their own flesh, in their own experience.
The way to do that is to teach how to use attention, how to pay attention, how to manage energy, through our will, through our three brains, but consciously, attentively. And if we do that, comprehension arises naturally.
We act out of anger because we don't pay attention to the results, to the consequences, to the experience of anger; instead, we become identified, fascinated. Next time you discover that you are angry, stop, and observe yourself, and look at how painful it is to be angry, but more importantly, look at how it hurts others; look carefully at how your anger hurts people around you, and understand that. And when you do, when you consciously grasp that, what will arise in you is self-discipline, the recognition that "This anger is my enemy, I cannot allow this enemy to live inside of me anymore."
What good can come of anger? What good can anger bring? How can anger ever help someone? It cannot. It can only produce suffering, but you can only know that for yourself: you cannot just believe me; you have to experience it.
So if you take these studies seriously, your own Consciousness will show it to you, it is part of the teaching. The way these teachings work is that we are confronted with the qualities of our own mind over and over and over until we get it.
Real discipline is not the resistance of mental states, it is the comprehension of them. So if you have a lot of anger come up, do not avoid it: you have to be in the Tao, in the middle, neither acting on it, nor rejecting it, but simply in the middle, observing, watching yourself, looking closely. This is what is meant by carefulness, by attentiveness.
But this persistent carefulness, attentiveness, has to be active from moment to moment, all the time. We are not talking about observing only extreme mental anguish. There are psychological elements processing in us in every instant, and the majority of them are harmful. In the book The Revolution of the Dialectic, Samael Aun Weor stated, "97% of human thoughts are negative and harmful." Seems like a lot. It is very rare for a virtuous thought to arise, therefore we have to be extremely disciplined in our attention, observing our mind, observing our heart, and observing the impulses to act.
A teacher or a guide, in any Gnostic school or in any religious school, should teach in that way, should teach the student to be self-reliant, not dependent. And unfortunately, this is rare. Most schools or religions want to gather followers, want to make people attached, to make them stay. The Christ does not seek to gain attachment. The Christ is love and wants each one to be himself, to be self-reliant, to be strong, to be independent, to act free of any cage.
Cages are in the mind. A religion can become a cage, a theory, a doctrine, an education, a tradition; these are cages for the mind and they limit our capacity to think intelligently, comprehensively, integrally.
For example, in this school we do not take attendance. We do not put any rules on students, and some people think that is strange. In some schools, you will find a lot of rules, a lot of requirements, such as to go from one level to the next you have to have perfect attendance, so they keep detailed logs. Or you have to perform certain kinds of actions or donate a certain amount of money, or be there a certain period of time; but see, all of these are forces of external discipline, and they generate in the student dependence and fear. Rather than the student becoming inspired to practice the teachings spontaneously because they sincerely recognize the genuine value of it, they come to class because they do not want to be excluded, or they do not want to be exiled, or they do not want to be rejected, or they want to be saved. This is harmful. This does not benefit anyone.
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:37:09 No. 47868
So in this school, as an example, students are free to come and go as they will. We respect the opinion of everyone and the lifestyle of everyone: you are free to do as you wish. For those who have the natural interest, on their own effort, they come because they want it, because they need it, because they see the value; and to those are given extra help. They earn extra help not because of any subjective rules or requirements, but because they need it and they sincerely and spontaneously demonstrate their need. This is a form of freedom that allows a student to develop themselves according to their own will. To impose your will on someone else is called black magic. We have to respect the will of others.
Now again, do not let your mind go to extremes: this does not mean that someone can come into this school and do whatever they want; we have to balance between order and anarchy. Naturally, there are actions which are harmful, and we seek to avoid those. But it is only in the absence of so-called "disciplines," external rules, that real understanding can blossom.
The mind has to be made free of cages, and when a teaching is placing cages on people, it is harming them. You really can see this in a lot of modern religions, which state, "You must abide by these requirements, otherwise you cannot come here." In other words, "You must fit yourself into our mold, otherwise you are will be cast out." No real school or religion seeks to make students into clones or robots: true religion teaches self-reliance, or to say this in a more direct way, reliance on the inner Self.
You may see signs at the door of a church or school that says anyone is welcome, but when you go inside, you discover that if you doubt them, if you ask too many questions, if you don't understand, they will reject you. And this is wrong. Students should be encouraged to understand, and teachers should be patient and resilient in order to explain the teaching as many times as necessary for the benefit of the student.
The first levels of the teachings, the foundational path, the discipline, the ethics, are really about learning how to imitate certain kinds of behavior. In this level of teachings, we learn to imitate our teachers, our guides, in the same way we do when we are children, when we learn to imitate our parents and our teachers. But to go into the Bodhisattva path, imitation has to stop. The Bodhisattva has go beyond imitation and instead learn to direct attention and realize their own unique individuality.
Imitation is related to discipline because we think, "Well, my instructor acts serene, so I should act that way," or "My instructor acts happy, so I should act that way," but this is not sincere. We have to be who we are, and impose upon ourselves our own inner discipline to change our own behaviors, not to just imitate others. And that can only arise if we know how to pay attention.
Attentiveness or carefulness are terms used in Tibetan Buddhism to describe grades of Consciousness, how to use Consciousness. Carefulness is the initial realm, or environment, within which we become conscious. By being careful, we recognize that our actions produce consequences, and so we know we need to be careful with our energy, not just physically, but in the mind. From that carefulness naturally emerges attentiveness, in other words, we have to pay attention from moment to moment.
In Gnosis, we look at it in the same way, but we combine these things, where in Buddhism they talk about separate elements like carefulness, attentiveness, mindfulness; these are all separate, little components of one activity; in Gnosis we call that one activity Self-observation, and this is consciously directed attention upon our own selves, upon our own mind: not just the body, not just how we sit, not just how we talk, but the quality of our own mind.
And again, avoid extremes. We are not talking only about extreme qualities of mind here: we have to be observing every state of mind that we have. Whatever arises inside of this human machine, we have to observe it.
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:37:37 No. 47869
It is only when we learn to direct attention in this way that we can then start to understand ourselves. If we do not pay attention, we cannot learn anything. Then we go through life mechanically and we keep repeating the same mistakes.
The capacity to change the course of your life starts the instant you pay attention to your life, but with conscious attention. We know how to pay attention in a certain way already, but that attention, our normal form of attention, is mechanical, it is absorbed in this 97% of the ego. We have to train the free 3%, the part that is not conditioned by pride, by desire, by fear. To learn to train that we first have to find it, we have to know where it is in us. And there are few clues to help you discover it.
The first clue is: you have heard of something called "conscience." The conscience is that free portion of our own Consciousness, which can distinguish between right and wrong. It is very small, it is very quiet, but if we observe ourselves conscientiously, observing consciously the sense of right and wrong, the feeling in ourselves, then we can start to grasp what is the essence, what is Consciousness.
Conscientious observation is only part of it; we also have to remember ourselves. For example, anyone of us has the capacity to sit down and pay perfect attention to a movie for two hours; this is mechanical: that is mechanical attention. Can you do the same thing with Meditation? Can you sit for two hours without wavering? Probably not. And this illustrates the difference between the free essence which is small and weak, versus the trapped essence, trapped in desire, in mechanical behaviors.
If you observe someone who is watching a movie, or watching television, they are like a zombie, they are like sleepwalker, so absorbed in the attentive concentration on the images and the story that they have completely forgotten themselves, and this is the cause of suffering. For us to turn that around we need to remember ourselves, we need to not forget that we are here in the body; we must be conscious of being in the body, conscious of our activities, conscious of our thoughts, of our feelings, to be here and now. You can feel it. There is a distinct difference in the quality of your experience of a moment when you are consciously present in yourself. This is what we need to extend, to deepen. We cannot do it if we forget ourselves.
If we are always forgetting ourselves and becoming fascinated with daydreams, with plans, with ideas, with thoughts, or with feelings about the past or the present, future, or with television or movies, or forgetting ourselves in all kinds of activities, being very busy, or being very lazy, we cannot change. The root of change is in self-awareness, self-remembrance from moment to moment. It is in that place, where we have directed our conscious energy into that free essence, the 3%, that we can then turn that force and begin to use it on the 97% to change it, to use the Consciousness that we have in order to free the trapped Consciousness. This is the basis of discipline.
Without self-observation and self-remembering there can be no change. But even those are not enough. We have to observe our behaviors, our activities, we have to remember ourselves, and then we have to meditate.
During the course of a day, normally, we day dream, we sleep, we are like sleepwalkers, going from event to event in a very mechanical fashion, and the whole time perpetuating our bad habits, mental habits, not just physical, but also mental. This in turn is deepening suffering. By learning to observe ourselves and remember ourselves, to be conscious, present, here and now, we start to gather information, not to judge ourselves, not to resist or reject the negative qualities we see within, but to understand them.
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:38:08 No. 47870
When we see and observe our own lust, don't just run away from that, don't just reject that, but neither should you act on it; you should observe it, you should watch carefully, with great attentiveness, how that lust is demonstrating itself in your three brains, because it will show up as impulses to act physically, it will show up as desires related to emotion, and it will show up as thoughts, and it will change from experience to experience, from moment to moment, and new things will come, new elements will come into play.
You can never rest your attentive discipline. The discipline of our attention has to be continuous, otherwise we will miss important factors and remain in ignorance.
Once some of that information is gathering, we start to see ourselves as we really are. We then need to meditate, and the purpose there is to take that conscious attention, that remembrance of self which is independent of desire, and utilize that in full focus to concentrate on the harmful elements we observed that day. And in that way we can comprehend them, understand them, thereby stripping them of power.
In the same way that we start to really see how our anger is harmful, just in day to day activities, when we start to comprehend how the anger is manifesting in our own mind in more subtle levels of nature, we can start to penetrate into the depths of our own psyche and change it in a deeply fundamental way. But only Meditation can give us that ability. But even that is not enough. Comprehension is vital, but we have to eliminate the problem.
The mind cannot eliminate the mind. We need an energy, a force which is superior, an energy or a force which is superior to the three brains, a force which is superior to ourselves, if we really want to change, and that force is Christ. But that energy acts in different ways.
In terms of the elimination of the ego, we need that energy to give us guidance, to help us to see ourselves, and Christ is always there to do that. But we also need to save that energy that is given to us, to save our creative energies and use those energies to change. Remember in the beginning I said whatever we pay attention to, we give energy to. Where we direct our attention, we direct energy. When we observe ourselves and remember ourselves, we are directing energy at ourselves, conscious energy which comes from God, which comes from Christ. But that energy, while it can provide comprehension, it can provide understanding, it needs to be more potent in order to eliminate the problems, and that comes through transmutation, that comes through work with sexual energy.
This is why this part of the teaching has traditionally been withheld and given only in little stages as you advance through the different levels of the path. In the past it was not taught publicly, because energy is powerful. When you direct energy, you are directing forces that can transform. But if your will is trapped in pride, trapped in lust, trapped in self-interest, then you will take those energies and hurt people. And this is why the science of sexual transmutation has always been withheld, because people have not been prepared to receive it, and instead will take that and harm themselves and harm other people.
Times have changed now. We need that force now. There is no other way to transform our 97%, and we are on the precipice of losing the 3%. This is why the teachings have been opened, to give us a chance to change by harnessing that force and directing that energy consciously, to dominate the mind.
In the West, we often think of the mind as a donkey. And this is in the Gospels: the mind is symbolized as a donkey, and Jesus rides the donkey into Jerusalem; this is a symbol of the need to dominate the mind. In the Eastern traditions, you find different animals symbolize the mind, but the one I find most compelling is the elephant. This is because in the West we tend to ridicule donkeys, we think of them as stupid and stubborn (they are really not, if you work with them well; a donkey is a very valuable animal to have). But we tend to think of elephants as magnificent, very powerful, very intelligent, and they are. But if they are not tamed, they are extremely dangerous.
We do not realize it, but elephants kill a lot of people in the east, because they are very big, they are very powerful, and if they are not tamed well, they are very, very dangerous. But if an elephant is tamed, if it is worked with in the right way, it gives incredible power to the handler. The mind is like that. The mind is very magnificent in its power, in its capabilities, but we have not tamed it: our own mind is completely out of control. We let our mind do whatever it wants. From moment to moment, our mind is constantly running from one thing to another thing, always associating, different ideas, memories, images, desires, day dreams, without any control whatsoever. And this is why our life is a mess.
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:38:37 No. 47871
We think our life is a mess because of external factors, because our boss didn't like us, we didn't get the raise or we got fired, or because the people at our job are all against us, they are jealous of us, or they are envious of us, or they are all fighting to get us out of there, or our family, our family doesn't understand us, they don't respect us … we always think our suffering is due to external causes, but it is not. Whatever you are, whatever you experience, has been created by your own hands.
The Dalai Lama gives a very funny example of this, he says, "People in the west always complain and think that they are too fat," and he starts laughing and he says, "but what they don't realize is that they made themselves fat! So who they are complaining about? Themselves, but they don't want to take responsibility."
We are like that. We want somebody else to fix our problems, we want to blame somebody else for our problems, and fail to realize that we are the source of every experience we have.
Bodhichitta, in its essence, is the ability to take any experience, any experience, and transform it for the benefit of other people. Jesus did that on the cross: he took that suffering, that torture, and was transforming that as an act of pure love. There was no self-interest in his actions.
We cannot even bear a little snide comment from another person, or criticism, or sarcasm. We cannot even bear to pay a little fee or a little fine, or to buy somebody lunch, so strong is our self-interest.
The force to change comes from within. This force has to be looked at as assisting us through three primary aspects. Obviously we need the foundation that I have described, to observe ourselves, to remember ourselves, to watch, to meditate, to transform our experience from moment to moment. The foundation of this type of change has three primary aspects which we have talked about. These are the three factors:
1. death
2. birth
3. sacrifice
And these three factors are taught in Buddhism in exactly the same way.
1. The first factor, death, is to restrain negative action, harmful action, that means to restrain the mind, to gain control of the elephant
2. The second, birth, is to generate good action, helpful action, virtuous action
3. The third is to benefit others
The order of these three is very important. They are given in this order for a particular reason. The whole basis of the Bodhisattva path is to benefit other people, therefore this third factor sacrifice is the purpose, the point. But to do that, to really sacrifice for others, we have to know how to do it, we have to know how to perform the virtuous actions of the second factor. But we cannot perform virtuous action if opposing factors override our virtue. In other words, the ego has to die first.
The way we are now with 97% of our Consciousness trapped, we are very limited in our ability to help others, because most of our activities come from self-interest. Even when we want to do a good act, we corrupt it; we may not corrupt it physically, but we will definitely corrupt it in the mind.
For example, we may have heard these lectures and understood that generosity is a very important factor, to sacrifice for others is very important, so we decide to give a donation, but we know that we should not take credit, so we decide to give the donation anonymously, but in our mind we praise ourselves; in that way, we corrupted the action. Just the thought is a little corruption of the act. It does not invalidate the act, the act still has value, but it would be worth more if it were completely pure. So what could be said of us if we give a donation and does not claim benefit, but work in a manipulative way to make sure that by some means that the pastor or the priest of the temple finds out that we gave the money? We may work in a sneaky way because we want him to know, "It was me, I gave that money." We don't tell him directly, we do it through another sneaky way; that happens all the time. And unfortunately this kind of pattern corrupts the action.
So for us to really perform action to benefit others, of course, we need to know how to do it (which is the second factor), but for us to do it purely, the opposing factors within us need to be removed: it means the ego has to die.
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:38:45 No. 47872
This is emphasized in all the books of Samael Aun Weor: the death of the ego, over and over and over he emphasizes that the "I" must die. And it is because he knows: you may have all the intentions in the world to do good, but if your ego is still alive, your actions will be corrupted. Therefore, kill the ego, kill the "I," and if that "I" is no longer there, then your actions will be pure. Very simple. And this is why the focus on death is so pronounced in our tradition; mystical death, psychological death. And naturally this is symbolized in all the initiatic stories about the path of the Bodhisattva, with beheadings, crucifixions, people being burned at the stake, people being murdered; these are symbolic of the psychological death that we have to pass through in levels.
So in synthesis, the Bodhisattva learns to be perfect in all three of these factors, to have died completely, to have given birth completely, and to sacrifice completely, perfectly. And this is a process that is arrived at through ordeals, through suffering, through comprehension.
But the activities of the Bodhisattva are very controversial. As a disciple of the First Law, the Bodhisattva receives instructions which transcend the Second Law. A Bodhisattva receives commands and instructions directly from the source of the light. That law, that light, is not subject to the Second Law, in other words, God is not subject to the Ten Commandments. This is why God can kill. God does things that appear to contradict the law, and this is why people always say, "Oh, the bible is full of contradictions. The scriptures are full of contradictions. Why did Master so and so commit this act? How can the Gnostics say that Joan of Arc was a great Bodhisattva when she killed lots of people? Or Mohammed, or David, or Solomon?" Even the Dalai Lamas waged war in the early days. Most people in the West don't realize that. The early Dalai Lamas led battles, killed, and these were practitioners of the First Law. So how is that? How can they do actions that contradict the law that most of us know?
This is also well illustrated in the Gospels, in the conflict between Jesus (who symbolizes the Bodhisattva) and the Pharisees and Scribes. The Pharisees and Scribes are always watching for the contradictions of the actions of Jesus and his disciples. "You should not do this on the Sabbath day," "You have done this and that which is against the law of Moses," etc. And this is because there is a difference between walkers of the First Law and walkers of the Second Law; we must not confuse them.
The difference, unfortunately, is sometimes misconstrued. People who believe that discipline, or ethics, or morality is limited to physical action become very attached to their tradition, to their interpretation of the law, and they begin to judge, they see someone who is doing an action that appears to contradict that written law, and they judge them. Jesus in the Gospels is very firm about this. Remember the beautiful story of the adulteress.
>And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in Adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,
>They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in Adultery, in the very act.
>Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
>This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
>So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
>And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
>And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
>When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, >Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
>She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. - John 8:3-11
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:39:49 No. 47873
Of course no one is without sin, therefore no one has the right to judge, but this is especially true when we are dealing with the nature of a Bodhisattva. A bodhisattva does not condemn or judge: his concern is to help people come out of ignorance of the Law.
Do not mistake the transcendence of the Second Law as the right to be able to do whatever you want, because that is not what it means. Some people hear about this distinction between the Second and First Law and think, "Well, if I am in the Second Law and I have to abide by all these rules (don't fornicate, don't commit adultery, don't kill, don't steal, don't lie, all these things) it sounds great to go to the First Law, then I can do whatever I want." That is not the meaning at all.
Someone who has earned the right to receive the commands of the First Law directly, is someone who is serving their Being, their own Inner Buddha, their own Inner Christ, and the purpose of that Inner Christ is to serve others, is to help humanity. So then it would be easy to say, "Well, that sounds terrible, it does not sound like any freedom at all to be a servant." The truth is actually the opposite. This is how the mind tricks us.
We do not have any freedom now, but when the mind is freed of ego, it is completely free in its movement, it becomes pure joy, pure happiness, outside the bonds of any restriction, terrestrial or otherworldly. And you can see that in the beauty of the actions of Bodhisattvas, if you can comprehend them. The walker of the Bodhisattva path is very difficult for people to comprehend, because their actions appear to be so contradictory.
In the time of the life of Jesus of Nazareth many people hated him, because he contradicted their traditions, their attachments, their assumptions, their power; afterwards there were various groups that were called Gnostic, who are actually the real Christians, who inherited the doctrine of Jesus and taught that doctrine, and they were hated for precisely the same reason: because they taught self-reliance, they taught that any person can realize their own true nature and they do not need a religion, they do not need a priest, they do not need these structures to do it; it is not to say that those structures are useless, they are useful, but they should not be tyrannical. And so those groups were persecuted and killed.
The same is true of other great teachers throughout history. Bodhisattvas come to offer their teachings, and humanity is generally scandalized, shocked, outraged, offended, because to completely emancipate the mind contradicts what our entire culture tells us every day.
We have grown up having a kind of training that tells us that happiness is found when we have a certain level of income, when people respect us because we have money, or we have power, or we are a doctor or lawyer or politician; we think that is going to be happiness. And that is an illusion.
Real happiness is an emancipated mind that comprehends compassion and inherent Emptiness. A very useful thing, as you proceed to comprehend this teaching, when you find that you are suffering, you are struggling in life, look inside yourself, and abandon the habit of trying to change your circumstances. Abandon the habit of trying to overcome your external enemies. You might overcome one, but a new one will appear. Enter instead inside: conquer your enemy inside. If you conquer that enemy, your external enemies will disappear naturally.
A good way to do that is to always question, "Who is suffering?" Not outside, in yourself.
If you find yourself in a situation where your blood is boiling, or you feel so constricted with fear, with doubt, anxiety, remember yourself: you have divinity inside, but in those moments you have forgotten it. Remember that divinity is always with you; act like it.
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:40:13 No. 47874
If you watch yourself and you see how when you go to work you behave one way, and then when you go with your friends you behave another way, and you go to a club and you behave another way, or you hang out with your parents and you behave a certain way, or then you go to school, or the temple, or your church, and you behave a total different way, this is very insincere. To have these different modes of behavior is very insincere. We should always behave as if we are in the presence of God, because we are, no matter where you are or what you are doing, your own inner divinity is there, so do not excuse your behavior.
I am not telling you this to impose an external discipline on you, I am telling this to you so that you will question your behavior, and endeavor to change it.
In those instants when you find yourself behaving in these contradictory ways, insincere ways, harmful ways, it is very good to ask yourself:
Who is this?
Who is it that, when I go out with my friends, wants to act so sarcastic, so goofy?
Who is it in me that wants to gossip, to talk about other people, to hear all the news about other people?
Who is it in me that wants to criticize?
Who is it in me that feels hurt because of the criticism other people have said?
Who is it in me that is afraid of being poor, afraid of being fired, afraid of being a failure?
These are all cages for the mind. But what is very interesting is they are all illusions, all of them.
We talk about the ego, we talk about pride, we talk about vanity, and fear, and resentment, and lust, as if they are actual entities, actual things; and in a certain level they are, because we can experience their results, we can experience their effects, but in their base they are not real. There is no true "I" there.
You find yourself in a given situation: observe that situation as you observe yourself. Where is that I who feels betrayed, who feels hurt? Where is it? Is that I in the person who said those words? Is it in the circumstances? Is it in the thought, is it in the feeling, is it in the sensation? It is not in any of those places, so where is it?
That experience is only there because of a particular combination of causes and conditions, and because we allow it. If we remove one piece of that puzzle, the whole thing will vanish.
The piece that is most potent is identification. If you remove your own identification from that situation, your own fascination with what is happening, the whole thing dissolves, vanishes as if by magic.
I am not explaining something theoretical to you: this is factual, this is experience-able. You can experience this, but only by will.
If you are in a situation where you feel very afraid, and you are are feeling the constrictions of fear on your three brains, and you feel that discomfort, pay attention to that, observe that, notice it, neither accepting nor rejecting, observing, yet, separate yourself.
People become very confused on this point; you have to practice it to understand it. To separate yourself means to not identify, to simply observe, to analyze as if you were separate from that situation, separate from those feelings, separate from those sensations, as if you were someone else and you are watching an actor. That actor is you, but inside of that actor is the real you, which is the Consciousness. We need to extract it, to separate it.
If you are continuing to feel the constriction of the fear, you are still identified.
It can be very helpful to apply an antidote. Notice how I am saying this: apply an antidote, don't run away, don't resist, don't reject, and don't act on it either, don't fall into these extreme views, but you can apply an antidote.
The best antidote for fear is self-remembrance. If you remember God, if you remember your divinity, truly, and you feel it, fear cannot be there. Where God is there is no fear. To put it in Buddhist terms, if you are in the clear light of the mind, in the Rigpa, there is no fear. The natural state of the mind is perfect serenity, perfect peacefulness, perfect happiness. There is no fear there. That clear awareness is there in each moment, if you access it. It is always present so long as you have a percentage of Consciousness free of the ego. But you have to activate that, to use it, no one can tell you exactly how to do it, because it is something you experience in yourself, you have to develop that skill on your own, to learn what it means, to keep trying.
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:40:53 No. 47875
In each circumstance, learn to separate and enter separation inside yourself, watching yourself as though you are an actor, with serenity, with detachment. See yourself as an illusion; this is very powerful, especially when suffering is intense.
You will be amazed at the moment when it clicks in your understanding and you pass through that doorway: on one side of the door you have intense suffering, intense emotional anguish, mental anguish, physical discomfort, because of some situation in your life, and in the instant you realize that all you have to do is change your attitude, you pass through a doorway and feel peace, you feel serene, the problem vanishes as if by magic.
No external discipline can give you that, no external force, no person, no Buddha, no teacher, no master can give you that, only YOU can.
This is the door to enter into the vertical path, to awaken the Consciousness by separating from that false I.
This is why the Buddha taught there is no I. In this way we can understand the teaching that there is no self. These experiences that we have from moment to moment are illusions, and they persist because we believe in them. When we extract the Consciousness and see it from a distance, the illusion is revealed, it is then that we can penetrate into reality, into the truth. It is in that way that we transcend good and evil.
The Bodhisattva is on a path to go beyond good and evil. Jesus was beyond good and evil, Padmasambhava was beyond good and evil, God is beyond good and evil, Christ … beyond.
And this is why the Pratyeka Buddhas, the Devas, the Gods, do not understand the Bodhisattvas. The Gods are attached to good. The demons are attached to evil. The Bodhisattvas are not to attached to anything, even to themselves. This may be difficult to comprehend, but even the Bodhisattva renounces "sattva," goodness, in order to enter the Absolute.
To go beyond good and evil is not something in the intellect, it is a conscious development of Bodhichitta. But it is good for us to begin to comprehend it now.
This duality of good and evil is a great illusion in life. We think some people are good and some are evil, some teachings are good and some are evil, but this is not true. Master Samael Aun Weor taught repeatedly that in everything good there is something evil and in everything evil there is something good. Even the Saints have some evilness in them until they are completely liberated from good and evil. Even the demons have some goodness still in them, because they are products of God, they are children of God, but fallen.
This is why a Gnostic rejects "golden rules," ethics, morality, these sort of structures or concepts of how we should behave. A Bodhisattva has to go far beyond any kind of golden maxim that says, "do this, do that."
The true Bodhisattva develops the Bodhichitta to such a degree that there is not even the thought of "do this" or "do that" - there is simply action, to be, action as an expression of Christ which is beyond good and evil. This is how we can begin to understand how Bodhisattvas perform actions that appear contradictory. Therefore we should not judge. The only one we should judge is our own ego.
07/25/15 (Sat) 18:41:23 No. 47876
Read all of the above very carefully. Peace.
07/25/15 (Sat) 23:32:36 No. 47893
Cool, I learned to do that sperating part recently while high on weed.
I just visualize myself in a certain situation and then strip piece by piece: First I look at the bodily senasations and posture, then I strip the thoughts, then the emotions.
After that only the one observer form is left.
I visualize the different aspects in an "exploded view"-form
I don't know what to do with this technique though, should I make it a constant habbit of observing the play? Seems kinda pointless to me.
07/26/15 (Sun) 07:12:49 No. 47907
You have to observe constantly, in every moment. Thus you will "catch" your defects.
For example, you see a beautiful woman and you are incredibly attracted by her. So your lust starts to emerge.
When you are consciously observing everything, you can see how that lust emerges, you can separate yourself from it, understand it, without repressing it or feeding it. Later you will need to meditate on that lustful event and comprehend it, in order to destroy that defect.
You also have to observe yourself to comprehend how the mechanism of your mind works, how you get distracted, what you think about all day long (you will discover that basically all of your thoughts during the day are useless, harmful to you and not useful towards spiritual progress).
We really do not *need* to think. The mind should always be quiet and it should be used only when necessary, like a tool.
It's incredibly hard to maintain this state of self-observation for extended periods of time, and anyone who has tried can tell you this.
07/26/15 (Sun) 08:20:35 No. 47912
>We really do not *need* to think. The mind should always be quiet and it should be used only when necessary, like a tool.
We need that tool pretty often though for life in this material plane. I don't think that, for example, cooking food works with a quiet mind. You need to think.
But sure, there is a lot of useless stuff we think about, it's usually things that concern our person and identity.
Cooking-thoughts and similar don't concern ourself, this is thinking used as a tool instead of a masturbation device.
07/26/15 (Sun) 09:23:21 No. 47914
Yes, we always think about our personal image, how we want to be perceived by others. We never want to be who we actually are. We do not accept it. We want to project a certain image, to appeal to other people (so we can feed our pride, lust, envy, fear).
This is deep ignorance and it only makes our suffering worse. When we walk down the street, we're never *just walking*, without thinking, just being there, doing what we are doing, consciously.
Our mind is instead always active, always going on and on, thinking.
For example: we see a person coming towards us, we judge them immediately, we think about how that person could judge us, about how ugly and stupid they look, or how beautiful they are and how nice it would be if we could have them, etc.
Maybe we see a person who is walking a dog: "how cute is that dog! how nice if I could have a dog too. But that other person doesn't let me have a pet because they hate pets and they're allergic… oh, if only that person wasn't there… my life would be a lot better! I could have this and this and that…"
All of these thoughts are selfish and harmful, and they make us forget ourselves. We no longer are "here and now", walking down the street and consciously observing what happens. We instead are trapped in our conceptualization, day dreaming, useless thoughts. We forget we are inside our physical body. We forget where we are, and what we are doing. We are completely distracted from the present moment.
That is what is meant by "sleeping consciousness". And we are in that state all day long, not just when walking down the street.
We work asleep, think and speak asleep, study asleep, drive asleep, eat asleep, and of course we sleep asleep.
That's why it's absolutely necessary to awaken the consciousness, from moment to moment.
07/27/15 (Mon) 13:15:01 No. 48046
We see two seekers searching for the Sun Goddess, one path is full of symbolism and complex ideas, while the other path is clear and leads straight to the Sun Goddess. The highly educated Mason with all this complicated ideas is on a path that leads no-where. While the other seeker is has his eyes fixed firmly on the Sun Goddess and looks no-where-else and his path leads straight to Her.
the middle path, the true path, the inner christ.
07/27/15 (Mon) 18:02:20 No. 48058
> Intellectual discussion is luciferic and demonic.
>We need to have the mind of a child in order to enter into the Major Mysteries. We need to be like children in our minds and hearts. We need to be perfect as our Father who is in heaven is perfect. The great mysteries are not achievable through vain intellectualisms; the Major Mysteries are achievable with the heart of a child. We have known great Masters of the White Lodge who are totally illiterate. -Samael Aun Weor
We see in the picture that our friend posted a wide curving path and a narrow direct path.
The wide path is filled with beautiful and attractive things. Represented in the wide path we find images of nature, because that's precisely what the wide path is: to follow nature's will, to continue being mechanical, life after life, forever, to cycle in the wheel of Samsara. It is filled with pleasure and beautiful things and lots of theories for the intellect, which take us many places, but never directly to god, so in the end, they take us nowhere.
The straight path on the other hand is humble and narrow, but it goes directly to god.
The initiate of the wide path looks like a beautiful man and is surrounded by beautiful things, but he can only dream of meeting god. He is a man of the world, not a man of god.
The initiate of the straight path on the other hand looks like a beggar, he is stripped of everything, he has nothing but his faith and devotion and submission to god, which is demonstrated by his posture.
He is surrounded by the wilderness, which is his own psychological wilderness which he has to confront and overcome.
The straight path is symbolized by the masonic symbol of the square and compass, which esoterically is a sexual symbol, representing the cross, the crossing or union of the phallus and vagina. The straight path is profoundly sexual, based on transmutation of sexual energy.
>Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
>Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. - Jesus in Matthew 7:13-14
The wide path is a child of time: this is represented by the hourglass. The straight path is independent of time, because our revolution against our mechanical nature begins here and now.
>This training that I have been explaining to you—to self observe and self remember—has a supreme significance, because it is the doorway to developing a truly spiritual life. The doorway to real spiritual advancement is not in the future. It is not in the projected line of life going forward from this moment. Your spiritual advancement is not in the future, it is available not tomorrow, it is not possible after you finish your big project, it is not possible after you get your degree or after you get married. Your spiritual future is not in the future. Your spiritual future is not found after you find a good school or church to go to, or after you read that book, or after you have learned this or that skill in Meditation or self-remembering. It is not there in the future.
>The doorway to spiritual advancement is here and now, right now, and it will always be here and now. It will never be in the future. It will never be dependent on any external circumstance. It is always dependent on your state of being right now. Your state of Consciousness determines your spiritual life.
>You choose in this moment whether you are deluded by your thoughts, deluded by your feelings, deluded by sensations and impulses in the body. You choose.
>It is a choice. When you decide to sit down and be hypnotized by the TV or the computer screen, you have chosen to be hypnotized.
>When you choose to experience and indulge in your fear of the future and you worry about what will happen, you have chosen that fear and clothed yourself in it.
>When you experience longing for material security, craving for wealth, for a sense of being safe, you have chosen a delusion and wrapped it around yourself; you have chosen to be asleep.
>The entrance to a real spiritual life is to choose to be free. That is a choice. It is a choice you make here and now continually; to be free, to free your heart and mind and body from the delusion of the internal and the external.
>You choose with your conscious will to have your perception free or jailed. It is up to you.
>In each moment, you choose how to respond. If you continue by habit, asleep, then your life of life will continue to flow downwards into suffering. Yet if you choose to respond consciously, transforming your experience of each moment with sensitive awareness, you can respond to every challenge with the best of yourself.
07/27/15 (Mon) 18:08:32 No. 48059
The stone in *every tradition* always represents the sex.
The masons are those who work with the stone. Esoteric Freemasonry is the way to god. It is a sexual teaching.
The Stone in Freemasonry
The herma represents the power of Mercury that is trapped in the stone, the power of the messenger of the gods. That is why the Freemasons utilized the stone as the most fundamental symbol of masonry. What is a real mason but someone who knows how to work with stone? This tradition comes from far before Egyptian times.
Here we see images from the tradition of Masonry.
George Washington was one of the founders of the United States. George Washington was a Freemason who knew these mysteries. We see in this image two pillars. They look like hermai or the stone of Jacob. The stone on the left is imperfect, crude, rough. It has not been worked, it is raw. The stone on the right is a perfect cube. It has been crafted, it is finished.
These two stones are the most basic and important symbols of Masonry. At one time centuries ago, Freemasonry was protecting this knowledge for humanity. Nowadays, amongst the Masons this tradition has been lost, but the symbols are still visible.
This image shows the same thing with the stones on the opposite’s sides from the first image. The perfected stone is on the left and the rough stone on the right.
These symbols of the rough stone and the perfect stone are in all traditions, but hidden. They are never given openly. This is the most open that you can find this symbol of the rough stone and the perfected stone.
07/27/15 (Mon) 18:10:27 No. 48060
The Three Pillars of the Temple
Here we see again an image from the Masonic tradition.
In the back we see the rough stone and the perfected stone, we also see the ladder of Jacob. So clearly the Masons knew exactly what I am explaining to you here. This is the ladder to and from Heaven.
07/27/15 (Mon) 18:11:47 No. 48061
The next image shows these same three pillars but represented in Tibetan Buddhism.
This image is from the Dalai Lama’s secret temple in Lhasa which was only recently opened to the public. Those three pillars are not literal physical pillars in a temple in the physical world. They are pillars in your body; they are pillars in your vital body, your astral body, your mental body. They are spiritual pillars, energetic pillars that are only semi material in the sense that they are matter but not all physical, they are in other dimensions.
07/27/15 (Mon) 18:13:01 No. 48062
This is how three pillars how they are represented in Kabbalah. They are the pillars of the Tree of Life.
The central pillar is our spinal column. The two pillars on the sides are Jachin and Boaz from the Bible, from the temple of Solomon. They are Ida and Pingala. In Kabbalah they are called Od and Obd. In Genesis they are called Adam and Eve. They are the two serpents on the caduceus.
07/27/15 (Mon) 18:15:13 No. 48063
These are the three pillars. The caduceus of Mercury shows us the three pillars of our temple but developed, awakened. That is why the wings are there. Remember, Mercury gives us the wings to take us to the gods. Those wings are not physical, they are spiritual.
In this image (center, above) from Hindu Tantra, the central column of the temple is the spinal column. The two side pillars are Ida and Pingala, the two nadis or channels of energy that balance solar and lunar forces in us; physically, energetically, and consciously. All of this is in our spinal column, and in Hebrew that is represented by the letter ו Vav.
Our spinal column is the central column of our temple. It is what holds our body up not only physically but consciously. Our spiritual body is held upright by the forces that flow through the spinal column.
On the physical level the spinal column is filled with a fluid. That fluid allows forces and energies to move up and down the spine through the nervous systems. That fluid is directly related with the fluid through which the brain floats. That fluid is directly related with the sexual energy. Chemically, sexual energy and the fluid in the spinal column and around the brain are almost identical, they are very similar. They are a kind of salty fluid through which energies, forces move.
The waters in sex, the spine, and the mind are ruled by Mercury. They are Mercurial. In Alchemy, they are symbolized by Mercury.
If you think about it, this makes sense. The caduceus of Mercury is the staff of the herald. It is through this staff, our spinal column, that the gods can speak to us and can hear us. We communicate through the forces that flow through our nervous system. The power of speech is driven by the nervous system, the power of thought, the power of emotion, the power of sensations, the power of perception on every level flows through our nervous systems. Our nervous systems all are united in the spinal column, in the brain, and in the sexual energy.
The sexual energy is what enlivens our nervous system. The sexual energy is what produces the electric shock of the orgasm, which shocks the entire nervous system, which delivers a sensation throughout the entire nervous system. That is why become addicted to it, without realizing that that electric shock is destroying the organism. That is why the more people become addicted to it they have to start taking pills, chemicals, they get addicted to more extreme stimulants in order to feel that energy because it is destroying the nervous system and the brain and the sexual organs.
07/29/15 (Wed) 08:00:50 No. 48227
07/29/15 (Wed) 12:55:47 No. 48243
It is useless and foolish to dismiss a whole system solely based on the fact that it doesn't correspond to the theories you like and accept.
>“The one who laughs at what he does not know is an ignoramus who walks on the path of idiocy.”
The reality is we are not trapped by anyone but our own selves.
It's nice and it feels good to blame it on aliens, jews, etc.
To blame it on other people, so we don't have to take responsibility and actually DO something.
But that only creates the mindset of "oh, if only the jews/aliens/government wasn't so bad, we would be happy… damn you bad guys!".
This is an incredibly ignorant mindset that assumes that happiness is found in external circumstances. This is as bad as being a "normalfag", basically.
Yes, it's as bad as a "normie" point of view. You may not hope that by going to a club and fucking hoes and "having fun" you'll find happiness.
But still, you hope that by "fighting the aliens" or "fighting the government" you will *eventually* be happy.
Listen, were people happy before the jews existed?
Were people happy before the U.S. government became shit?
No. People have never been truly at peace, not in a single case since the beginning of recorded history.
True joy is internal, and it does not depend on external circumstances. Happiness will not come "in the end" "eventually". Peace must be found here and now.
You will literally waste your life if you think happiness will come with time and with the right circumstances. You must live the present moment free of worries and identification. That is the basis of any spiritual progress.
No, I did not #fall for it. Fall for what? The harsh truth?
This is not some "alien trap propaganda to make us believe this happens after we die". This is recorded in every occult tradition in the world. This is not something someone pulled out of their asses.
Read the Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the scriptures, etc.
07/29/15 (Wed) 15:15:13 No. 48249
Good stuff.
My biggest problem is problem that I waste a shit ton of time browsing the internet and neglecting my sleep. On that topic, I'm going to go to sleep. noow..
07/30/15 (Thu) 02:13:25 No. 48304
Thanks for posting the Bodhisattva lecture. Really great stuff. Conscious awareness as the bedrock of all this stuff is interesting.
It kind of hit me that what all these traditions are trying to say is that we are not our thoughts, or maybe are our thoughts, but regardless this false "I" is subordinate to the space our thoughts transpire in, pure awareness, Being, God, whatever. Like clouds in the sky, as the Buddha says.
I used to think this was an escapist kind of view. Like I'm trying to handwave away my issues by closing my ears and going lalala. But I realized the more I observed myself the more I really am this space. I've had thoughts, impulses, temper tantrums… I've done shit that I deeply, deeply regretted afterwards and I'd ask, what's going on, is this me? No, the real me is here and now, the awareness unclouded by emotion or useless thoughts.
08/01/15 (Sat) 15:36:44 No. 48563
File: 1438443405071.jpg (137.26 KB, 900x789, 300:263, Christ-In-The-Wilderness-I….jpg )
Who or what can guarantee that concept and reality are exactly the same thing?
Concept is one thing and reality is another.
There is a tendency to overestimate our own concepts. It is almost impossible for reality to equal concept. Nevertheless, the mind, hypnotized by its very own concepts, always presumes that concept and reality are the same.
Any psychological process that is correctly structured using precise logic is opposed by a different one, strongly developed with similar or superior logic. Then what?
Two severely disciplined minds confined by ironclad intellectual structures argue with one another. They debate, in dispute over this or that fact of reality. Each believes its own concept to be exact and the other to be false. Which is right? Who can honestly guarantee either case? Which one shows that concept and reality are the same?
Unquestionably, each mind is a world of its own. In each and every one of us lies a kind of pretentious, dictatorial dogmatism that wants to make us believe in the absolute equality of concept and reality.
Nothing can guarantee absolute equality between concept and reality no matter how strong the structures of a line of reasoning might be.
Those who confine themselves to any logistical intellectual procedure are always inclined to make the reality of phenomena and the devised concepts agree. However, this is only the result of hallucinatory reasoning.
Being open to what is new is a difficult gift for the traditionalist. Unfortunately, people want to discover and discern their own prejudices, ideas, preconceptions, opinions, and theories in all natural phenomena. No one knows how to be receptive, to see what is new with a clear and spontaneous mind.
Let the phenomena itself speak to the sage; this should be logical. Unfortunately, sages of this day and age do not know how to view phenomena. They only want to see in them the confirmation of all their preconceptions.
Although it seems incredible, modern scientists know nothing about natural phenomena.
When we only perceive our own concepts in natural phenomena, surely, we are not seeing the phenomena itself but only our concepts.
Nevertheless, foolish scientists, amazed by their fascinating intellect, stupidly believe each of their concepts to be absolutely equal to this or that observed phenomenon, when the reality is different.
We do not deny that all those who are locked into this or that logistical procedure reject our assertions. Undoubtedly, the pontifical and dogmatic condition of the intellect would never be able to accept that any properly conceived concept does not coincide exactly with reality.
As soon as the mind observes any phenomenon through the senses, it rushes to immediately label that phenomenon with this or that scientific term. Unquestionably, this serves only as a patch to cover its own ignorance.
The mind does not really know how to be receptive to what is new. However, it does know how to invent highly complicated terminology with which it tries to classify—in a self-deceiving way—that of which it is surely ignorant.
Speaking now in a Socratic sense, we will say that not only is the mind ignorant, but even worse, it is ignorant of its ignorance.
The modern mind is terribly superficial. We have specialized in inventing extremely difficult terms to hide our own ignorance.
There are two types of science. The first is nothing more than a compost heap of subjective theories that abound out there; the second is the pure science of the great illuminati: the objective science of the Being.
Undoubtedly, it is not possible to penetrate the amphitheater of cosmic science without first dying within ourselves.
We must disintegrate all those undesirable elements that we carry within and which together form the “I” of psychology.
As long as the me, myself—our own subjective concepts and theories—continues to bottle up the superlative Consciousness of the Being, it is absolutely impossible to directly comprehend the harsh reality of natural phenomena within us.
The Angel of Death has the key to nature’s laboratory in his right hand. We can learn very little from the phenomenon of birth, but from death we can learn everything.
The unprofaned temple of pure science is found in the depths of the dark sepulcher.
If the seed does not die, the plant is not born. Only with death comes forth what is new.
When the ego dies, the Consciousness awakens to see the reality of all of Nature’s phenomena in and of themselves.
The Consciousness knows that which it directly experiences for itself, the naked reality of life beyond the body, the affections, and the mind.
08/01/15 (Sat) 23:20:17 No. 48584
08/02/15 (Sun) 10:20:32 No. 48611
Scripture stories are symbolic, Islam is a religion just like the others.
You shouldn't hate Mohammed because of what *you think* he did.
08/03/15 (Mon) 00:08:59 No. 48643
this list is retarded anyway
Jesus and HP Blavatsky? Nietsche? Seriously?
Blavatsky was working for the Great Work just like Crowley
do you seriously think Jesus was working for the Great Work of Lucifer? ya right
wandering /x/phile 08/03/15 (Mon) 07:09:27 No. 48675
>link again
Stopped reading there. I don't want to be part of the whole.
08/03/15 (Mon) 13:15:29 No. 48692
I don't think you mean what I mean by great work.
Don't assume that the same terms mean the same thing in different traditions.
Crowley is a degenerated demon who practices black tantra.
Jesus and Blavatsky are white initiates, who practice chastity.
In both cases, the main concern is with sex. Lucifer is precisely the sexual fire.
Lucifer is not inherently "bad". It has two sides.
It is the tempting part of divinity. Lucifer literally means light-bringer. It is the tempting fire of sex that we need to acquire power over, mastering ourselves.
Lucifer and Christ are the same fire, with different polarities:
Samael in Kabbalah
To understand how Kabbalists have depicted and explained Samael is not a simple task, for Kabbalah is a science of multidimensionality and change; what appears in one form in one place has quite another form elsewhere. This is evident in the Bible (a book of Kabbalah), for in the book of Job, Lucifer - who is generally condemned by the uneducated as "pure evil" - is clearly shown to be a servant of God, working on His behalf in the temptation and development of Job. The same occurs with Samael.
>For the Talmudists admit themselves that SAMAEL is a god-name of one of the seven Elohim. - H.P. Blavatsky. The Secret Doctrine vol. 1 (1888)
We can also see in the vision of Jacob that angels ascend and descend throughout the spheres of existence. Just as Lucifer fell from heaven, other angels rise from the pit back to the light. So it was with the human soul of Samael.
Regarding this dual nature, one author of the nineteenth century wrote:
>The supreme chief of that world of darkness who bears the Scriptural name of "Satan," [Hebrew: "opposer"] is called in the Kabbalah "Samael" (סמאל), that is to say the angel of poison or of death; and the Zohar states positively that the angel of death, evil desire, satan and the serpent which seduced our first mother, are one and the same thing. Samael is also given a wife who is the personification of vice and sensuality, for she calls herself the chief prostitute or the mistress of debauches אשת זנונים [It is supposed that the wife of Samael is Lilith (a power of the night), which is often spoken of in the Talmud.] But ordinarily they are united into one single symbol called simply the beast (חיוא). If we wish to reduce this demonology and angelology to the simplest and most general form, we find that the Kabbalists recognized in each object of nature, and consequently in all nature, two very distinct elements; one, an inner incorruptible which reveals itself to the intelligence exclusively, and which is the spirit, the life or the form. The other, a purely external and material element that has been made the symbol of forfeiture, of curse and of death. - Adolphe Franck, The Kabbalah (1843)
Like Pluto or Hades, Samael forms a part of the celestial government. Kabbalah does not depict Samael as condemned to some pit in punishment (as many uneducated people imagine Lucifer to be); rather, Samael is always shown as a regent in Heaven:
>The third celestial [Heavenly] sphere is pervaded and filled with fire and flames. In it the fiery river Nahar dinur takes its rise and flows into Gehenna, overwhelming and engulphing in its course those mortals whose lives on earth were given up and addicted to evil and wrongdoing. Over these are placed destroying and tormenting angels, also accusing angels who, however, have no power or influence over Israel when it repents and does what is just and right. The abode of their chief is on the left side of this sphere in which darkness prevails, as it is written, 'and darkness was upon the face of the waters.' It is also the abode of Samael, the angel of darkness, the great transgressor. - ספר הזהר Zohar, Genesis 8
In particular, the angel Samael rules the Kabbalistic sephiroth of Geburah (Hebrew: "power, severity"), the fifth sephiroth from the top of the Tree of Life.
>'The God of glory thundereth' signifies the sephiroth Geburah (power) as expressed in the words, 'but the thunder of his power (Geburah), who can understand?' - ספר הזהר Zohar, Genesis 14
Herein we can understand the role that Samael plays in the drama of divine manifestation, for Geburah is the balancing factor for Chesed (mercy). For God is both severe and merciful.
08/03/15 (Mon) 13:20:49 No. 48694
This is how Lucifer works, and what Lucifer is: it is a part of us.
"Everyone who comes to these teachings longs to find an instructor. We need teachers, without doubt. Yet, Teachers such as ourselves are only good up to a limited point. That is, we can explain the teaching to you, but that is all. We are like kindergarten teachers: we teach you the basics, just as a kindergarten teacher explains the letters of the alphabet. But to form words and sentences, to make sense of the letters, you need more advanced instruction. That does not come from teachers like us. That only comes from within you. The teacher you really need is your Innermost, not a physical teacher. Your true Guru is inside of you.
Once you know the basics of the teachings (the three factors, essentially) you have to train yourself. You have to listen to God. Only your Innermost knows you inside and out. No physical teacher knows your mind. Only your Inner God does.
Thus, for your benefit, your Innermost sends you a personal trainer. The trainer he send you is Lucifer, a reflection of Samael / Ares in your mindstream. This is explained in the Bible in the book of Job.
Lucifer is a Latin word that means "carrier of light." Centuries of bad translations (and church politics) have people mistakenly thinking Lucifer is evil. The original Bible certainly does not say that. Lucifer plays a critical role: he trains the soul to become pure. We fail in the training, so we blame him. But it is not his fault that we fail when tempted.
Lucifer is also called Mephistopheles. He is the one who comes and says to God, “I see your devotee Job loves you very much when everything in his life is good, but will he love you so much if I take everything away from him, will he still be faithful?”
God says, “Test him. Let us find out. But do not touch his body, take everything else, but leave his body alone.”
So Lucifer does that to us. Lucifer comes and says, “Oh! You think you are a big shot gnostic? What if I make your computer not work today, are you really so spiritual? Are you going to maintain your serenity when you cannot get your emails?” Or if we miss our train, or hurt our toe, or drop our food on the floor. We lose our minds over stupid things. We are easily upset, easily angered, easily offended. We love to think we are “spiritual,” but really, we are terribly weak.
Lucifer says, “Are you really going to be so serene when I keep you from that meal for an extra hour or two, and you cannot eat, and you get really mad? Or when I give you this problem with your spouse; he will accuse you of this and that? Or your friends when they accuse you of this and that and they all think you are doing something really bad? They are saying you have left the path! Will you maintain your serenity and your faith in God? What if you lose all your money, or all your possessions? Will you cry and weep? Will you forget God?”
What if Lucifer gets permission from God to touch your body, too? To give you an illness, to give you a sickness, to make you look like a fool in front of the whole world, will you still maintain your faith and serenity in God?
What if he takes your spouse away? What if he takes the life of your spouse? Can you maintain your serenity, can you maintain your faith in God? He has done it to others; there is no reason to believe we are an exception on the path. We have to pay what we owe, and we have to purge ourselves of self-love.
This is how our trainer works: he pokes, prods, teases, insults, caresses, whispers, shouts: most of all, he tempts us with our own desires. If we succumb to temptation, we fail. We cannot blame him for that: he is only showing us what is in our mind."
08/03/15 (Mon) 13:32:13 No. 48697
You are free to do your will.
However, to remove yourself from the whole means to become a demon. The further you stray from divinity, the worse you become as a demon.
That will inevitably end painfully.
This is beautifully explained in the card of the Tarot commonly named "The Devil", the Arcanum 15.
Arcanum Fifteen
"The Arcanum Fifteen, when you add the one and the five, you get six. Six is the key. Six of course, as you remember from the previous lecture, Six is related to "The Lovers", to love, to "Indecision", this need to define ourselves between the virgin and the whore, between God and the devil. Of course, to conquer him, our own tempting devil, we need love, but conscious love. Not sentimental love, but conscious love that knows how to act in accordance with Dharma, divine law. If we fail that, if we remain identified with our own subjective feelings, with pride, with envy, fear, then we lose in that ordeal and the devil conquers us, and this is truly the state of most of humanity, ruled by passions. This is why the Arcanum Fifteen is called Passion. Those passions are within the mind of everyone, the passions of lust, the passions of greed, the passions of material acquirement.
So in that sense we can say, what is the definition of a demon? A demon is any creature that is separated from God. Are we unified with God? No. So there are classes of demons, classes of devils. Most of us are the type of demon or devil that is simply ignorant, that is simply foolish. But there are other types that are conscious of being demons, they know, and they actively seek to serve the fallen Lucifer, to become servants of their own Guardian of the Threshold who is the devil inside. And in that way they proceed to develop themselves along the lunar path through the abyss. But unfortunately for those, what they ignore is the nature of the Law of Karma, and even though they gain power, they gain the respect of the world, they may gain wealth, but in the end they generate enormous suffering for themselves and humanity, and they will pay, because that is the nature of Karma.
So humanity at this point is at a very critical stage. We are in the midst of the age of the Kali Yuga, the age of darkness, and in the Bible we see that:
>And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. - Daniel 12:2
So in this we understand that it is not the darkness of the emptiness, but the darkness of the Klipoth, so there are many people nowadays who are unfortunately developing capacities of the mind, powers, but in the wrong way, and they continue and persist in manipulating others and creating others. So they do exist, and we would call them demons. They are people like anyone, human beings in a sense, creatures like us, but creatures who have awakened Consciousness in the wrong way."
>The human being believes that he is alone in the universe, separated from God and his fellowmen. The truth is that he has never been, neither is he separated from God and his fellowmen. If all humans would know that, “In God we are, live and move,” then they will cease to fight among themselves; ignorance, misery, pain and evil would not be upon the Earth any more.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/03/15 (Mon) 16:18:06 No. 48712
>Crowley is a degenerated demon who practices black tantra.
and this is probably taken by reading on crowley and not reading crowley's writing I guess?
08/03/15 (Mon) 16:31:17 No. 48719
Whosoever spills the semen (reaches the orgasm) is a black magician.
Crowley even advises using semen in his rituals, so therefore he is a horrible demon from the abyss.
We need to retain the semen and transmute the sexual energy, not waste it uselessly.
"About the Guardian Angel, master Samael said that he is an archetype, a part of your Being, and there is also the Guardian of the Threshold [the collection of all our horrible "egos"]. And, yes, there are some people that are trying to mix the Guardian Angel and the Guardian of the Threshold in order to confuse people. This is exactly what happened to the Kabbalist in England, Crowley. He says that he received everything from his Guardian Angel but in actuality he was working with the Guardian of the Threshold, which is not a Guardian Angel."
_ _ _ _ __
(Greek γοητεία goēteia "sorcery") Also called goetia. A term primarily known in English largely from the seventeenth century book The Lesser Key of Solomon, in which its Ars Goetia describes the evocation of seventy-two demons. The book was popularized by Aleister Crowley in 1904 as "The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King."
Goeteia is a science of black magic (magic comes from magi, priest). Magic is the science of influencing nature's phenomena, both internal and external. The practitioner of goeteia uses ritual and energy in conjunction with lower beings in nature to manipulate, harm, gain power, control, and indulge in sensations through intentionally feeding desire. It is easy to see the results of such techniques by observing the degeneration of its enthusiasts.
"Goeteia teaches us how to invoke the purely tenebrous entities. Goeteia’s invokers are enslaved by the powers of evil." - Samael Aun Weor, Esoteric Treatise of Theurgy
"Frankly, Spiritism (with its mediums) would have been useless to us, since we wanted to see, touch, and feel all the entities that are mentioned in the Conjuration of Solomon the sage! Likewise, for us Goeteia’s circle of pacts and black evocations would have also been useless, since none of us wanted to fall into the abyss of black magic. Therefore, only High Theurgy could help us resolve all of these problems." - Samael Aun Weor, Esoteric Treatise of Theurgy
_ _ _ _ _ __
Sexual Magic refers to an ancient science that has been known and protected by the purest, most spiritually advanced human beings, whose purpose and goal is the harnessing and perfection of our sexual forces. A more accurate translation of sexual magic would be "sexual priesthood."
In ancient times, the priest was always accompanied by a priestess, for they represent the divine forces at the base of all creation: the masculine and feminine, the Yab-Yum, Ying-Yang, Father-Mother: the Elohim.
Unfortunately, the term "sexual magic" has been grossly misinterpreted by mistaken persons such as Aleister Crowley, who advocated a host of degenerated practices, all of which belong solely to the lowest and most perverse mentality. This website and the teachings presented here reject all such philosophies, theories, and practices, for they lead only to the enslavement of the Consciousness, the worship of lust and desire, and the decay of humanity.
True, upright, heavenly Sexual Magic is the natural harnessing of our latent forces, making them active and harmonious with nature and the divine.
08/03/15 (Mon) 16:31:30 No. 48720
"People are filled with horror when they hear about Sexual Magic; however, they are not filled with horror when they give themselves to all kinds of sexual perversion and to all kinds of carnal passion. - Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony
Authentic magic, the practical metaphysics of Bacon, is the mysterious science that allows us to control the subtle forces of Nature.
Practical magic is in accordance with Novalis, the prodigious art that allows us to consciously have influence over the interior aspects of the human being and of Nature.
Without any doubt, love is the intimate ingredient of magic. It is clear that the marvelous substance of love works magically.
Goethe, the great German initiate, also declared himself in agreement with the magical existence of a Creative Being, with a psychic magic that acts over the bodies.
The fundamental law of every magical influence is based on polarity. All of us human beings, without exception, have certain amounts of electric and magnetic forces in ourselves.
Therefore, similar to a magnet, we exert a force of attraction and a force of repulsion… This magnetic force is very powerful, especially among men and women who adore each other, and it is unquestionable that its action reaches very far.
The word magic comes from the Aryan root magh (it also comes from the Persian magu, Sanskrit mahas, Latin magis, and German mebr, that means “more”), signifying in its own sense a way of understanding and a knowing ‘beyond that of ordinary evaluation.’
In the name of truth we have to state the following: neither hormones nor patented vitamins is what humanity needs in order to live, but complete knowledge of YOU and ME, which is the intelligent interchange of the most selected effective faculties between man and woman.
Sexual Magic, Maithuna, is based on the polar properties of the man and the woman, which without any doubt, have their potential elements in the phallus and the uterus.
Sexual functionalism deprived of any spirituality and of any love is only one pole of life.
Sexual yearning and spiritual longing in a complete mystical function constitute in themselves the two radical poles of every sane and creative eroticism.
For us, the Gnostics , the physical body is something like a materialized and condensed soul, and not an impure, sinful element as supposed by the authors of a medieval type of absolute asceticism.
In counterpoint to absolute asceticism with its character that denies life, there emerges as if by enchantment the revolutionary asceticism of the new Aquarian era: the intelligent mixture of what is sexual and what is spiritual.
By all means, it stands out that Sexual Magic or Sex Yoga leads intelligently to the mystical union of the soul with sexuality, that is to say, vivifying sexuality. Then, what is sexual stops being a cause for shame, dissimulation, or taboo. It becomes profoundly religious.
The outcome of the complete integral fusion of spiritual enthusiasm with sexual yearning is magical Consciousness.
It is urgent, unavoidable, and indispensable to emancipate ourselves from the vicious circle of vulgar coupling, and to consciously penetrate into the glorious sphere of magnetic equilibrium. - Samael Aun Weor, Parsifal Unveiled"
08/03/15 (Mon) 16:52:36 No. 48723
>Crowley even advises using semen in his rituals, so therefore he is a horrible demon from the abyss.
What's wrong with using the semen as part of a ritual?
08/03/15 (Mon) 17:05:06 No. 48725
In sexuality, the word orgasm refers to a climactic peak of sexual, electrical forces, in which the nervous system is over-charged with sexual energy, resulting in a "short circuit" or massive, damaging release of energy. orgasm is primarily energetic, and is not always accompanied by the expulsion of sexual fluids.
In scriptures, the orgasm is called fornication.
The orgasm is the "forbidden fruit" of the tree of knowledge (daath) from the Garden of Eden (Eden is Hebrew for "pleasure, bliss").
Every religion in the world originally taught chastity, brahmacharya, the importance of preserving the sexual energy so it can be utilized for regeneration and spiritual birth, thus every religion required the renunciation of the orgasm. In this way, the energy that provided the minor pleasure of the orgasm is harnessed and transformed, thereafter producing the ecstasies of the soul (Consciousness), called samadhi, satori, manteia, etc.
>"And if any man's זרע zera [seed of copulation] go out from him [orgasm], then he shall wash all his flesh in water, and be unclean until the even." - Moses, from Leviticus 15:16
>"Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his σπέρμα sperma [seed] remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God." - 1 John 3:9
>"To be aroused but not ejaculate is what is called "returning the Ching." When the Ching is returned to benefit the body, then the tao of life has been realized." - Su Nu Ching (300 BC)
08/03/15 (Mon) 17:05:36 No. 48726
An Explanation of the orgasm
"When man and woman enter the sexual act, they connect two very complex organisms. They connect them where the most powerful energies are in the body: the sexual organs. In those organs are the root forces of creation. Normally, when we are not in the sexual act, all the powers that come into us, the power to be alive, descends through these three nervous systems and reflect the three forces that create, which are represented in religions as Father, Son, Holy Spirit; Kether, Chokmah, Binah; Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, etc. Those forces come through our three nervous systems. The ultimate expression of that energy - which is creative - is sexual. So when we unite man and woman sexually, that creative fire is lit.
Thus when we enter the sexual connection, all those forces charge the sexual organs and the chakra related to the sexual organs (Muladhara). That energy is intense. Moreover, it is the energy of Eden. עדן Eden is a Hebrew word that means “pleasure, bliss, ecstasy.” That is why in the sexal act we feel pleasure: we are in Eden. All those nerves, all those ganglia of the three nervous systems unite in the sexual organs, and when the man and woman unite, all those nervous systems are enflamed. Eden is activated.
The one who is managing that energy, the one who is pushing that energy, is the energetic channel in each one of us that the Bible calls Eve (Sanskrit: Ida), who senses that fruit and wants to taste it. The responsibility of that energetic, psychological channel of energy is procreation. That is the root driver for sex. That is why nature pushes us to have sex, to procreate. Nature tempts us; in other words, the force of Kundalini, the Divine Mother, works through Lucifer to tempt our Eve, Ida, our urge for procreation. We join sexually and the creative energies emerge.
In the past, that energy was taken advantage of and utilized spiritually and returned through the Kanda, up the spinal column through Shushumna in order to enliven our Adam, the brain. As the physical bodies of man and woman (Adam and Eve) worked together sexually, our own inner Adam and Eve (brain and sexual organs) worked together, in order for those forces to return back to God, for that woman (Isha) to be the fire offering (Ishe) that we discussed in the lectures on Daath.
Unfortunately, humanity a long time ago was tempted to have children on their own without the guidance of the Elohim. When that energy became very charged in the sexual organs and in the vital and astral bodies, and the Elohim were not present to guide the sexual act, the energy built up too much, and these energy transformers - the chakras and sexual organs - short-circuited. You see, a conductor only has a limited capacity. Any conductor of energy is like a channel or a tube through which energy can move. When you put too much energy there, you short-circuit it. That circuit overloads and the energy escapes into other areas. This is what the orgasm is. It is an overcharge of energy.
The orgasm is an explosion of energy that escapes from the conductors that should manage it. That overcharge spills out of the sexual organs, out of the chakras, and into the surrounding ganglia, into the nadis. This is why people experience tremors, shaking, vibrations, involuntary shudders, shouts, screams, etc: the energy of Eden is racing thorugh the nervous systems. We think it is "pleasurable," because the root energy is from Eden (bliss), but what we do not realize is that a short circuit destroys the conductor. That is, the orgasm destroys the nervous system, gradually.
08/03/15 (Mon) 17:05:58 No. 48727
This is why people who have a lot of sex, gradually lose their sexual power. People who repeat the orgasm gradually lose the ability to have it. They become impotent or become indifferent to sex because their energetic centers become burned out. Now, this is why everybody takes chemicals to stimulate their sex drive. This is why pornography became so popular, because it is an artificial stimulation for the sexual energy. This is also why people move towards more and more extreme sexual interests, because the areas that stimulated them previously become "burned out."
The problem is that people are so addicted to the sensations of the orgasm that they do not realize that their own sexual energy is destroying them. That energy is put in the wrong places. That energy which is extremely high voltage is put in places that cannot manage it. People go mad. The brain gets messed up. The nervous system is depleted. This is why people who are addicted to masturbation and sex develop all kinds of mental and emotional problems. Many of them end up in sanitariums. We do not hear about this in the media, but if you look into it, you will discover it. Anyone who has worked in a mental hospital will tell you that most of the people there are addicted to masturbation. Why? Because of desire run amok.
As the explosions of that energy destroy the nerves and organs, it takes more energy to feel anything. People become desensitized, so they seek greater and greater forms of stimulation, in other words, more extreme sexual practices, little by little, lifetime to lifetime, gradually. Subsequently, the mind degenerates, the heart degenerates. The person becomes more and more of an animal. You can look around in the world and you will see the evidence of this. - The Fire of Kundalini
Sacred sexuality is a return to the natural function of the body, one in which the short-circuit of the orgasm is no longer causing harm, and instead, the sexual forces are retained, which vitalize the entire body, preserving our sexual potency rather than wasting it. Even those who want children can have them; it only takes a single sperm to make a child, not the several million lost in ejaculation."
08/03/15 (Mon) 17:08:28 No. 48728
Chastity: "virtuous, pure from unlawful sexual intercourse," from O.Fr. chaste "morally pure," from L. castus "pure, chaste."
Although modern usage has rendered the term chastity virtually meaningless to most people, it's original meaning and usage clearly indicate "moral purity" upon the basis of "sexual purity." Contemporary usage implies "repression" or "abstinence," which have nothing to do with real chastity. True chastity is a rejection of impure sexuality. True chastity is pure sexuality, or the activity of sex in harmony with our true nature, as explained in the secret doctrine. Properly used, the word chastity refers to sexual fidelity or honor.
The generative energy, which, when we are loose, dissipates and makes us unclean, when we are continent invigorates and inspires us. Chastity is the flowering of man; and what are called Genius, Heroism, Holiness, and the like, are but various fruits which succeed it. - >Henry David Thoreau, Walden
>On me may chastity, heaven's fairest gift, look with a favouring
>eye; never may Cypris, goddess dread, fasten on me a temper to dispute,
>or restless jealousy, smiting my soul with mad desire for unlawful
>love, but may she hallow peaceful married life and shrewdly decide
>whom each of us shall wed. - Medea by Euripides
>"Be sober, diligent, and chaste; avoid all wrath. In public or in secret ne’er permit thou any evil; and above all else respect thyself." - Pythagoras
>"The man who by chastity preserves himself pure, fears no judgment for he is united with the name of the Holy One." - The Zohar
08/03/15 (Mon) 17:09:37 No. 48729
Chastity in Christianity
>In the Christian church of the middle ages, gloves were always worn by bishops or priests when in the performance of ecclesiastical functions. They were made of linen, and were white; and Durandus, a celebrated ritualist, says that "by the white gloves were denoted chastity and purity, because the hands were thus kept clean and free from all impurity." - The Symbolism of Freemasonry by Albert G. Mackey [1882]
Even St. Thomas Aquinas, the well-known Catholic philosopher, clearly stated that chasity is sexual purity:
>We must next consider chastity: (1) The virtue itself of chastity: (2) virginity, which is a part of chastity: (3) lust, which is the contrary vice. - Summa Theologica
Early Church Fathers considered chasity as having three grades:
- Virginity (having no experience of sexual activity)
- Continence (having control of sexual activity)
- Matrimony (having sexual activity in accordance with divine rule)
In regards to chastity as related to purity, St. Thomas Aquinas argued in his Summa Theologica:
>"Augustine says (De Perseverantia xx): "We must give praise to purity, that he who has ears to hear, may put to none but a lawful use the organs intended for procreation." Now the use of these organs is the proper matter of chastity. Therefore purity belongs properly to chastity.
>I answer that, As stated above (OBJ[2]), "pudicitia" [purity] takes its name from "pudor," which signifies shame. Hence purity must needs be properly about the things of which man is most ashamed. Now men are most ashamed of venereal acts, as Augustine remarks (De Civ. Dei xiv, 18), so much so that even the conjugal act, which is adorned by the honesty [*Cf. Q[145]] of marriage, is not devoid of shame: and this because the movement of the organs of generation is not subject to the command of reason, as are the movements of the other external members. Now man is ashamed not only of this sexual union but also of all the signs thereof, as the Philosopher observes (Rhet. ii, 6). Consequently purity regards venereal matters properly, and especially the signs thereof, such as impure looks, kisses, and touches. And since the latter are more wont to be observed, purity regards rather these external signs, while chastity regards rather sexual union. Therefore purity is directed to chastity, not as a virtue distinct therefrom, but as expressing a circumstance of chastity. Nevertheless the one is sometimes used to designate the other."
>In regards to chastity as distinct from abstinence, St. Thomas Aquinas argued in his Summa Theologica that "chastity, which is about venereal pleasures, is a distinct virtue from abstinence, which is about pleasures of the palate."
08/03/15 (Mon) 17:10:29 No. 48730
Chastity in Hinduism
>"Brahmacharya or spotless chastity is the best of all penances; a celibate of such spotless chastity is not a human being, but a god indeed… To the celibate who conserves the semen with great efforts, what is there unattainable in this world ? By the power of the composure of the semen, one will become just like Myself." - Sri Sankaracharya
In Hinduism, chastity is known as Brahmacharya (Sanskrit).
"Brahmacharya is a divine word. It is the sum and substance of Yoga. Brahmacharya is the Achara or conduct by which you attain or reach Brahman (God). It is life in the Absolute. It is movement towards God or the Atman (Self).
Brahmacharya is absolute freedom from sexual thoughts and desires. It is the vow of celibacy. It is control of all the senses in thought, word and deed.
Brahmacharya is not mere bachelorhood. There should be strict abstinence not merely from sexual intercourse but also from auto-erotic manifestations, from masturbation, from homosexual acts and from all perverse sexual practices. It must further involve a permanent abstention from indulgence in erotic imagination and voluptuous reverie.
In a narrow sense, Brahmacharya is celibacy. In a broad sense, it is absolute control of all the senses. The door of Nirvana (liberation) or perfection is complete Brahmacharya.
Celibacy is to a Yogi what electricity is to an electric bulb. Without celibacy no spiritual progress is possible. It is a potent weapon and shield to wage war against the internal evil forces of lust, anger and greed. It serves as a gateway for the bliss beyond, and opens the door of liberation. It contributes perennial joy and uninterrupted bliss. It is the only key to open the Sushumna (the chief among astral tubes in the human body running inside the spinal column) and awaken the Kundalini (the primordial cosmic energy located in the individual).
There cannot be any language without words. You cannot draw a picture without a canvas or a wall. You cannot write anything without paper. Even so, you cannot have health and spiritual life without celibacy.
An established celibate will not feel any difference in touching the opposite sex, a piece of paper, a block of wood, or a piece of stone. A true celibate only can cultivate Bhakti (devotion). A true celibate only can practice Yoga. A true celibate only can acquire jnana (wisdom).
Brahmacharya is meant both for men and women. - Sri Swami Sivananda, Brahmacharya (Celibacy)
There are four processes in the practice of celibacy. First control the sex-impulse and sex-Vasana (sex-desire). Then practice conservation of sex-energy. Shut out all holes through which energy leaks. Then divert the conserved energy into proper spiritual channels through Japa, Kirtan, selfless service, Pranayama (practice of breath-control), study, vigilance, self-analysis, introspection and Vichara. Then have conversion or sublimation of the sex-energy. Let it be converted into Ojas (spiritual energy) or Brahma-tejas (spiritual halo) through constant meditation or Brahma-Chintana (remembrance of God).
According to Yogic science, semen exists in a subtle form throughout the whole body. It is found in a subtle state in all the cells of the body. It is withdrawn and elaborated into a gross form in the sexual organ under the influence of the sexual will and sexual excitement. An Oordhvareta Yogi (one who has stored up the seminal energy in the brain after sublimating the same into spiritual energy) not only converts the semen into Ojas, but checks through his Yogic power, through purity in thought, word and deed, the very formation of semen by the secretory cells or testes or seeds. This is a great secret. - Sri Swami Sivananda, Brahmacharya (Celibacy)"
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/03/15 (Mon) 17:29:10 No. 48731
>a horrible demon from the abyss.
what is "The abyss" to you?
>waste it uselessly.
how did he waste it uselessly if I may ask?
>Guardian of the Threshold
> he was working with the Guardian of the Threshold, which is not a Guardian Angel."
but how do you truly know?
> The practitioner of goeteia uses ritual and energy in conjunction with lower beings in nature to manipulate, harm, gain power, control, and indulge in sensations through intentionally feeding desire. It is easy to see the results of such techniques by observing the degeneration of its enthusiasts.
"Goeteia teaches us how to invoke the purely tenebrous entities. Goeteia’s invokers are enslaved by the powers of evil."
Think of Construction worker with his dangerous tools, sure he can harm people with the drill and the hammer but also he can build towers with that hammer, may I suggest reading L.M.D's writing on Goetia his approach to it.
>Goeteia’s circle of pacts
where is the "pacts" if I may ask?
>sexual priesthood
all I find is sexual molestation in google
>a host of degenerated practices,
can you list them
>enslavement of the Consciousness, the worship of lust and desire, and the decay of humanity.
wandering /x/phile 08/03/15 (Mon) 19:54:01 No. 48739
I'll give up everything just to not be of the whole. Not being part of the whole is my one true wish.
08/03/15 (Mon) 22:45:39 No. 48745
>His doctrine is the synthesis of many religions, but that does not mean it's anything you've ever heard of before. He revealed the esoteric aspect of the various doctrines, so naturally you can't know what he's talking about if you have not read it and got that information.
>if you just study them in an "orthodox" way, you won't get it.
you've never given Christianity or the old and new testament themselves a thorough study… you wouldn't be saying those things if you had an esoteric mind set from the beginning. in fact, i come to this thread, see that you (OP?) keep saying "there are truths beyond Christianity (and any other religion) [revealed] by weor, yet you post nothing new.
did he just make a compilation of fun religious facts? nothing you've posted has "revealed" (and by extension nothing weor has said through his lame mouth piece i.e. you) anything.
it was hilarious (quite literally had me laughing to the point of temporary insanity) that you 'know' (through gnosis) that studying a religion in an orthodox manner will get you nowhere.
> "you won't get it."
to clarify why that's such an idiotic series of statements to make, if you read…. and i mean ACTUALLY READ WHILE COMPREHENDING the old/new testaments, nothing you've said, quoted, or that i read through on 6 pages of the website you love…. NONE of it is new, revealed, simplified, etc.
secondly, if people just "wouldn't get it", how do people achieve 'enlightenment' throughout history? who's book did Jesus read? where did Buddha study? my point is your "fuhrer" not only blatantly "revealed" nothing new, all of the teachings could have easily been come to with a proper understanding of the philosophy behind texts, teaching/learning the religion/philosophy/dogma IN DEPTH etc.
i'm not sure if it was you OP, but whoever posted that "hur dur we believe in Jesus so now we're saved!" bullshit, but that just isn't how it works. it shows a gross misunderstanding of Christianity, Christianities 'orthodox' teachings of the crucifixion, sin, and forgiveness…
between the inconsistencies in OP's posts, and the questionable reputation (and ideas) of his fuhrer, i can honestly say i am farther along than you OP, and farther along on my spiritual path than weor. ESPECIALLY if that fool wrote 70+ books to cover what is ingenuously conveyed in ~24-39 books of the 'bible' (lets make it an even 40 to throw in ANY in-depth book on Buddhism). or even if you've just read…. idk, pretty much ANY books that cover the basis of sacred geometry, roots of religious beliefs, and Hermetics.
hey, maybe i'm just a magic-moron/autistic guy, but if you couldn't get LITERALLY all of the information/"revelations" you've stated, quoted, and linked to just from reading a decent esoteric text with an open mind, then this time around the cycle just isn't yours. like… i don't even normally think of myself as "ahead" or "behind" anyone in spiritual development, but if the boot fits…
all i'm saying is i KNOW you haven't experienced the truth in so far as you believe, and you are extremely delusional if you take the word of a proven 'unenlightened' individual over the words he's quoting from. (his 'source books' )
TL;DR OP please stop shit posting. i know some people here may not have known certain parts of what you've posted, quoted, or linked to, but for fuck sake give the people something they can USE, like links to sacred geometry, Hermetics, esoteric Christianity…. literally anything would be better than an reputably questionable source.
08/04/15 (Tue) 01:17:59 No. 48750
I fuck with this site but even I don't hang on Weor's every word. He's more of a smart compiler of this information than some prophet. He even says not to worship or follow him.
also I doubt anyone has ever achieved enlightenment without really digging at the exoteric surface of religious texts. even if someone has become very spiritually advanced just reading the bible, it's obvious their understanding of it is light years beyond "praise jeesus he gon save us"
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/04/15 (Tue) 06:05:52 No. 48768
Some of the claims of Victor Manuel Gomez Rodriguez and his followers. Such as him speaking to aliens or claiming to be the "Arch Angel Sameal" or "Buddha Maitreya", "Avatar of Aquarius", "Samael the Arch Angel Regent of Mars" etc (I was also told in private by a member of the Aun Weor groups that he is "…an Arch Angel of the Sun" as well.)
He even named his 4 children Osiris, Isis and Horus. He had another named Hepatia.
Osiris is currently co-ordinating the "gnostic" groups under Litelantes (his wife*) who had passed away. Keep in mind that there are several Sameal groupings that splinter off when "Samael" died.
se a progression fear base method of manipulation. When you first join the free lectures they appear as a innocent spiritual school. But as several months pass they start increaseing their fear rhetoric. Its fearful message repeated over and over again little by little.
They also practice some form of sleep deprivation based on the teachings of Gurdjieff. (I would say miss interpretation of Gurdjieffs teachings.)
They claim that "Sameal" says people shouldnt follow him blindly. But at the same time Sameal and his followers scorn and place condemnation on those who dont agree with him.
"Many people believe that Samael is just a pseudonym. No! Indeed, I am Samael! By yourselves, you have read that in Kabbalah that Samael is classified as the angel regent of Mars. In the Bible, Samael is classified as a demon. It does not matter! The fact is that I am Samael! ……"
"…. Samael Aun Weor is my true name as a Boddhisattwa. Samael is the name of my Monad! I am perfectly cognizant of the dawn of life in this Solar System! I saw the dawning of Creation! I am here with this humanity, from the very first moment, since the heart of this solar system started to palpitate after the long Cosmic Night. I came here (to this planet) because my Internal God, my Father who is within me, sent me! My only purpose is to serve and help this humanity! This is why I am serving my fellowmen. This is why I am working for the sake of this humanity! …"~Samael Aun Weors
''Fri, April 8, 2005 - 12:00 AM
Samael Aum Weor (A warning: dangerous Cult)
I'm sending this post after seeing that quotes of Samael Aum Weor are being pasted all the time. It makes me feel alarmed.
I've seen the cultist ideas of Samael Aum Weor and his "Gnosis" Organization destroy the life of several friends of mine.
His "Gnosis" is simply based in the idea that he is some sort of Messiah and his followers whould respect each one of his words as a sacred doctrine.
After joining the Organization he has created, people is lead to break their relationships with people not involved in the Organization. Also, the ones who have houses of their own are coerced and asked to donate their own house to the Organization.
The Samaelian "Gnostics" I've met end up getting celibate because it was impossible for them to follow the lunacy of Samael Aum Weor about having sex without ever releasing sperm.
One of my friends who joined the "Gnosis" Organization of Samael Aum Weor was so fucking brainwashed by them that believed that his teacher was Jesus Christ and that he had created the planet Mars. Another of my friends who joined the cult was by far worst and after leaving it he had to spend a long time in a psychiatric hospital.
The Cult of Samael Aum Weor is VERY DESTRUCTIVE (even more than Scientology). It is a very "popular" Cult is South America (I live here). It is not too popular in U.S.A. yet… but it is growing there too.
There are hundreds of web-pages in Spanish that give information about the Cultists practices of the organization of Samael Aum Weor and its branches (in almost every single case, these web pages were created by former members -victims- of the "Gnosis" Cult). Sadly, I could not find any English web page on the subject probably because it is still a fringe Cult in English-Speaking countries.''
^From one of Ex-follower of Samael
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/04/15 (Tue) 06:07:10 No. 48769
When a person called Victor Gomez changes his name to Samael Aum Weor because he claims that he is in touch with an entity which has that name and creates a Cult in which people is forced to accept the words of this "entity" as a sacred doctrine… that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
When a person creates a Cult and forces his followers not to ever release sperm during sex and there are hundreds of testimonials of people who claim that after having joined the Cult they become Celibate because they were told that celibacy was better than releasing sperm… that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
When people is coerced to donate their own houses to a Cult in order to have a better knowledge of God and demostrate that way that they are not attached to the material world… that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
When you find a stupid guru that says some stupid things like "the first master was Buddha, then Krishna, then Christ… and then I arrived, and I am like those other guys, so praise me"… that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
When people follow a "Master" (and every "Master" needs servants or slaves in order to be a "Master", right?)… that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/04/15 (Tue) 06:08:48 No. 48770
When a person like Samael Aum Weor claims that he has channeled ancient rituals which are practiced in his order and those rituals are full of literal quotes which come from a cheap Spanish translation of Wallis Budge's English translation of the Egyptian "Book of the Dead", a few rituals written by Krum-Heller and even a few quotes from Aleister Crowley's "Book of the Law" (who would probably have felt amused to know that a person that promotes a VERY DISTORDED and CHEAP version of Tantra is quoting his Book of the Law)… that's NOT GNOSTIC AT ALL.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/04/15 (Tue) 06:16:28 No. 48771
Don't Coax people into this bullshit, read original sources, take promtheus rising(or angel Tech), and since you like samael who took his "teachings" from Gurdjieff here is a small quote by Gurdjieff himself
"Don't judge a man by the tales of others."
Basically to be honest with you his teaching DIDN'T WORK FOR ME and they are not even in "synthesis" as he said if it were it would have followed law of synthesis
''Law of Synthesis
Any two opposing forces or concepts may be unified in a force or concept which will
contain both the original opposites. ''
Coming to me and using "Samael's words" to judge crowley is pretty much non-gnostic to me.
08/04/15 (Tue) 06:42:56 No. 48774
so in order to achieve enlightenment you're not allowed to like dogs?
you have to stop yourself from seeing a dog on the street and thinking "thats a nice dog. i like dogs"
? am i misunderstanding you?
1. i like that dog
2. if x wasnt in my life, i could have that dog
3. i want x out of my life so i can get a dog
Where does this become self destructive? TBH i dont even see thought #3 as self destructive, all that it means is that you Judge that prefer the dog to x (although this example is going to lead to the question of whether "owning" a pet in the first place is right…which im not totally sure about myself)
the thing about this gnostic shit and buddhism and hinduism is that if done perfectly, if you carry the idea all the way through, it seems to me the highest level you could attain would be that you would just sit and meditate and never be allowed to do anything because you would never desire to do anything. not even eat.
how is all desire bad? not just negative desire?
08/04/15 (Tue) 14:20:35 No. 48823
Lel this samael guy is pretty fucking kooky then huh. Ill still read the courses on the site but I wish they'd stop bringing him up so much
08/04/15 (Tue) 17:17:00 No. 48838
>what is "The abyss" to you?
The inferior dimensions of man, hell, our own psychological hell.
>how did he waste it uselessly if I may ask?
Any loss of semen is a waste. This is quickly made evident if you practice serious brahmacharya even for a short time.
You lose something, and you can feel you lack that power.
As for the rest of the questions, I did not write those things, I just quoted them.
However the practice of black magic (the worship of demons, lust, etc) will trap your consciousness. Yes, it will awaken your consciousness, but in a conditioned way, not free of ego.
08/04/15 (Tue) 17:25:50 No. 48840
Yes you are correct, I did not explain myself correctly.
By "orthodox" view I meant the literal interpretation of scripture.
It is clear that if anyone studies religion literally, he will only find nice stories and beautiful tales.
However if one approaches the sacred scriptures with the initiatic mindset, he can understand every symbol.
However basically no one has the knowledge necessary to interpret scripture, so that's why I said that "orthodox" religion, meaning what is usually accepted as the interpretation of scritpure, the literal interpretation, is completely wrong.
Yes, you "won't get it" if you read them literally.
The masters of past times studied from scripture of course, but they were instructed in how to interpret them by other people, or they understood them through meditation.
Samael Aun Weor didn't reveal anything new, I said this many times already. What he did is reveal the "key" to understand scriptures.
In his books he guides people towards divinity by quoting and interpreting scriptures from all over the world, plus he adds something from his own experience with practical exercises.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/04/15 (Tue) 17:32:08 No. 48841
First I didn't see you answering the more important questions and you didn't reply to my last post on this thread
>implying cultish behavior
nonetheless here are what I want to say
>The inferior dimensions of man, hell, our own psychological hell.
Isn't the abyss that which divide between the relative from the absolute? the place between the supernal triad and the lower sephira also known as Chapel Perilous ?
>Any loss of semen is a waste?
but what if someone used it constructively and for good, like for getting a baby,communion with the HGA,Magnetizing a powerful talisman, or having sex with entities.
>the practice of black magic (the worship of demons, lust, etc)
are you implying here that Crowley worshiped demon and the goetia is built on demon worship?
>will trap your consciousness. Yes, it will awaken your consciousness, but in a conditioned way,
May I ask how you knew this, from first-hand experience or from "people's talk"
>not free of ego
Anything which is not egocentric is dead.
08/04/15 (Tue) 17:43:18 No. 48842
This is a gross misunderstanding.
It is clear that Samael Aun Weor gathered many followers.
It is evident that many people misunderstood the teachings.
It is obvious that many students became blind believers, like members of a sect.
However it is foolish to state that the Gnostic movement is a sect based on fear.
Do not base your opinion on other's opinions, experience the study of gnosis directly.
I assure you from the bottom of my heart that this doctrine is genuine and profound.
Many people have rode the wave of Samael Aun Weor and created sects based on fear, but that's normal, just as people today worship an idol named Jesus, because the church in ancient times told them to do so, guess what, based on fear of hell, just like these "gnostic" sects.
People are the same throughout times, there are those who adulterate the teachings of the masters to gain profit, and they will be severely punished by karma.
Don't let these foolish people distract you from the point, which is the Path.
*Forget about Samael*, he's just a messenger. The path would still be there if he didn't show it to us.
The path was, is, and will be. It was taught by many masters before. Jesus, Krishna, Moses, Buddha, Mohammed, etc. all showed their contemporaries how to walk the path, and, of course, they were wildly hated, just like Samael.
This is the same in every age, because people are always the same, they have satan enthroned in their mind, the won't understand.
Believe me my friend, I can discriminate a fool from an enlightened individual.
The fool will make you believe stuff and tell you nice stories which you'll like to hear. However the great master will shove the truth in front of your face and make you face it, and you will suffer, and you won't accept it at first. It's painful, but the truth must be accepted in order to accomplish anything.
08/04/15 (Tue) 17:49:06 No. 48843
>First I didn't see you answering the more important questions and you didn't reply to my last post on this thread
be patient, writing takes time :P
>Isn't the abyss that which divide between the relative from the absolute? the place between the supernal triad and the lower sephira also known as Chapel Perilous ?
We're on different terms here. By abyss, I mean what is meant in Gnosis by abyss. What in other traditions is called Hell, Inferno, Avitchi, etc.
>but what if someone used it constructively and for good, like for getting a baby,communion with the HGA,Magnetizing a powerful talisman, or having sex with entities.
You see the very purpose of having sex with entities is worship of lust, which is worship of "ego" (aggregates, skandhas, psychological mistakes which trap consciousness).
Having babies is possible without ejaculation, according to Samael Aun Weor.
>May I ask how you knew this, from first-hand experience or from "people's talk"
I know this from self-observation, as taught in the gnostic tradition
When you observe yourself being trapped in a psychological abomination like lust, envy, fear, pride, etc, you are disgusted by yourself, and will quickly see the need to change things.
By "ego" I do not mean individuality.
By ego I mean the seven capital sins, our psychological defects, which trap our free consciousness.
08/04/15 (Tue) 17:54:41 No. 48844
No, this is not it. By destroying desire, you destroy attachment, craving and aversion.
What this means is that you are not a victim of the circumstances of your life.
You no longer suffer because you want something and you don't have it.
You no longer suffer because you have something and you don't want to lose it.
You become free from attachment to all things.
That doesn't mean you just sit there and do nothing all day.
You are awake in the superior planes, and become a conscious citzien of the astral plane, mental plane, etc. during your normal sleep.
Your main objective becomes to help other people, at all costs.
Alternatively, you may take an easier path to heaven, the "spiral path", which means that you become a god of superior dimensions and live in luxury and pleasures for a very long time, but that state will not be permanent and you will eventually come back as a human being.
You still have to perfect your Soul.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/04/15 (Tue) 18:02:02 No. 48845
He took teachings from a number of sources. Such as from the Theosophical Society, Krumm Heller's FRA, Gurdjief, Don Mario Roso de Luna, etc.
He's mainly a synthesizer. The Golden Dawn etc was synthesizing systems long befor he was even born.
Various occult groups were practicing sexual alchemy and character refinement long befor Weor was doing it.
One does not need Weor or an organization to practice spiritual exercises or study religion. One can go out on their own initiative and research it themselves.
In my opinion Weor had a very superficial understand of other religions (Buddhism, Islam etc). When you talk to authentic Budddhist monks or sufi Muslim imans they have have such an indepth understanding and knowledge that its overwhelming. It shows how complicated these religions really are and not what the erroneous & superficial stuff Weor preaches.
I hung out with a group of his people for a while, and I was forcibly struck by the fact that anything resembling a joke received a deadpan response. They had no sense of humor. I don't think you can grok the Universe if you can't laugh.
>It is evident that many people misunderstood the teachings.
because they were terrified and frustrated sexually because of how they were treated(according to accounts)
>However it is foolish to state that the Gnostic movement is a sect based on fear.
Do not base your opinion on other's opinions, experience the study of gnosis directly.
I did, it sucked balls.
>this doctrine is genuine and profound.
yeah right the ham-sah breathing thingy that sexual transmute energy, only I ended up horniner
>Don't let these foolish people distract you from the point, which is the Path.
I don't
>they have satan enthroned in their mind, the won't understand.
>The fool will make you believe stuff and tell you nice stories which you'll like to hear.
yes a fool is a neurotic who was in a mental hospital recovering from one of Weor's cults.
>the great master will shove the truth in front of your face and make you face it
most of them are cryptic or corrupted sources
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/04/15 (Tue) 18:09:55 No. 48846
>be patient
:u no
>Hell, Inferno, Avitchi, etc.
that's created by your mind, a mental construct fed by your hope for better life and avoiding "bad ending"
> the very purpose of having sex with entities is worship of lust
I thought it was exchanging energy and creating a bonding between the outer and the inner world
> which is worship of "ego" (aggregates, skandhas, psychological mistakes which trap consciousness)
>Having babies is possible without ejaculation, according to Samael Aun Weor.
Dr Samael Aun Weor, sex explorer and a mystic leader.
>I know this from self-observation
le self-knowledge
> like lust, envy, fear, pride, etc, you are disgusted by yourself, and will quickly see the need to change things.
I thought these were indulgence
>by ego I mean the seven capital sins, our psychological defects, which trap our free consciousness.
more like Washington D.C.
but seriously as above so below the seven "capital sin" have positive side which we can utilize which Goetia give us a method to control.and so is Ars Paulina and Ars Theurgia-Goetia.
08/04/15 (Tue) 18:10:55 No. 48847
Maybe it was the Gnostic groups' fault.
In my experience of studying from the gnosticteachings.org website, I found teachers who are highly qualified to teach, and clearly say that teachings based on fear are counterproductive for the student.
One of the instructors there was a student of Samael Aun Weor himself, in Mexico.
If you read or listen to his lectures you'll see he has a profound understanding.
They have a profound understanding of all religions, and teach from scriptures. They don't make up anything.
And yeah, they also joke.
I use the ham-sah technique daily. It works dude! If you have an erection it will literally suck the energy out of it, in a matter of seconds.
You have to do it correctly.
And I've been able to verify that when I do not use this technique, I lose sexual energy through wet dreams.
So yeah, it's not some made up thing.
08/04/15 (Tue) 18:15:57 No. 48849
>that's created by your mind, a mental construct fed by your hope for better life and avoiding "bad ending"
Again I did not make myself clear. That is the literal interpretation of hell.
Yeah there's a place like that in the inferior dimensions, which you can visit when astral travelling.
But what is meant by hell is mainly our own psychological hell. The state we are in right now. We're full of desire, passions, lust, anger, fear, gluttony, greed, laziness.
That's our own hell. If we did not have those elements, there would not be suffering. We would be in heaven.
Yeah, the black magician may invoke entities and use rituals, but if those things only feed their craving for sex, their craving for power, they are only feeding an illusion of ego created by themselves.
That's what I mean by trapped consciousness. That's what I mean by black magician from Hell. They are in their own hell, created by their desire.
Study the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/04/15 (Tue) 18:17:39 No. 48850
meh not my cup of tea
Different Strokes for Different Folks
as I said take up Angel Tech or All rites reversed and neutralize some charged polarities you have
08/04/15 (Tue) 18:52:17 No. 48852
I used to get mad as fuck about little shit all the time. I started reading the alchemy articles and tried to put them into practice: awareness, trying to "get around" the sensation or thought instead of being in it, semen retention all that jazz.
1. I still get worked up but the intensity is nowhere near where it used to be. If I hit traffic out of nowhere, and if I've kept the principles in mind, I don't get mad.
2. I feel way more powerful and grounded if I don't jerk off than when I do. I channel the energy into weightlifting.
3. Nearly every snag of emotion that I'd ruminate on before I can eliminate as easy as 1-2-3. I see it for what it is, see that I am above it and that is not me, and since it's not me there's no reason to cringe before it, and then summarily dissolve it.
God knows I've got a looong way to go but when properly practiced this shit is legit.
08/04/15 (Tue) 19:13:12 No. 48853
As you can see, we are not interested in useless theories, we want a practical way to liberate ourselves from suffering.
The daily exercises of self-observation, restraint of bad habits and tendencies, control of thoughts and feelings, meditation, sexual transmutation and prayer are the basis of the Gnostic doctrine.
Through these practices we acquire power over ourselves, in order to change ourselves radically and put an end to our own suffering.
Practice is the key.
May God help us all.
08/05/15 (Wed) 03:50:14 No. 48900
>Your main objective becomes to help other people, at all costs.
ok so imagine everybody on earth is "enlightened." everybody's only purpose is to help everybody else at all costs. but nobody has any desire. so nobody needs any help. so nothing happens all day every day. this is the perfect world?
everyone wakes up in the morning. their throat is dry. there is a river outside but they are enlightened so they know better than to desire water. they are free from the suffering of wanting to drink water.
please tell me where i'm wrong in my understanding of this. also, what is the ideal gnostic world then? wouldn't every human invention be a product of desire? if this is your belief, why do you live in a house? isn't it a sin to DESIRE to not freeze out in the cold? you know it is wrong to desire shelter from the elements. but you still live in a house
it seems to me the ideal gnostic world would be everyone sitting around naked, doing nothing, not desiring anything, and everyone would just die
08/05/15 (Wed) 12:27:54 No. 48950
>muh holy books
>muh "masters"
You're so fucking retarded. Seriously.
08/05/15 (Wed) 12:58:34 No. 48958
Lack of desire is not lack of physical needs. One would still lead his life like a normal person.
In a completely enlightened humanity, people would help each other and live blissfully from moment to moment.
Having no desire means living in the moment, without worrying about petty things like self-image, the constant craving for sex, alcohol, drugs, food, sensations of any kind.
No anger, no envy, but humbleness, honesty, and love.
We don't know what that would be like, since we live in a messed up world.
Being free of craving and aversion doesn't mean living in a cave deprived of water and food. It means you don't suffer and you don't get attached to things. You still live your life.
The Gnostic is a normal citizen. The enlightened being lives in complete happiness form moment to moment. For him, time is not a factor.
Why? Do you believe that "the universe is mental so everything is permitted and there are no rules and no one knows anything"?
08/06/15 (Thu) 12:41:51 No. 49132
Gnostic thoughts on divorce?
08/06/15 (Thu) 13:09:04 No. 49133
It is very complicated. No one can really say whether it's "right or wrong", since it depends on the situation.
If your partner hates you and is constantly harming you, of course you should separate yourself from them. However the thing is that having sex with multiple partners corrupts your sexual canals.
It really depends on the situation and on the will of God. Maybe you have to divorce because you have to pay karma. Who knows?
The most important thing is to find love, it is important that you love your partner and that your partner loves you, even if it's your second marriage. And the marriage may not be perfect from the start but may get better in time. Who knows? Every situation is different.
The rules are not fixed, because everyone has his own situation/karma. The rules are managed by intelligences, they are not mechanical laws, they are alive.
But the basic things to keep in mind are: do not commit adultery and do not fornicate (which means never spill the semen, never reach the orgasm, withdraw before the climax).
08/06/15 (Thu) 16:00:59 No. 49146
What do you think about the Catholic church's "NO DIVORCE EVAR" and the "one flesh"?
08/06/15 (Thu) 17:17:29 No. 49152
I don't know. Until we become buddhas, we have to follow the written law, because we can't receive direct instruction from God.
So we have to avoid divorce as much as possible, yes. If both partners were working on the dissolution of the ego, meaning they were both working to become better people and remove the undesirable psychic elements within them, I doubt they could ever divorce, since when one lets go of selfish desire, only love is left.
That's what the sacrament of marriage originally was: the union between two spiritual aspirants. That's why nuns and monks are separated. Theoretically, once they tame their lust, they're supposed to marry each other and work as a couple to harness sexual energy. But of course we lost that tradition.
"One flesh" is precisely that: working as a couple in the sexual union. When man and woman unite sexually, they become one being, a divine androgynous, and they share their electric and magnetic fluids.
According to the teachings, that is why if you sleep with many women you destroy yourself, because you already have the fluids of the other woman in you, and you're gathering energy that does not come from that woman, and are not compatible.
Moreover, if you sleep with a woman that has had multiple partners in the past, you are damaged by those men's energy, apparently.
I don't know how damaging this is, but it surely does not prevent you from working with sex anyway.
When you choose a partner, that's it. You work with them, and no one else.
08/06/15 (Thu) 17:42:18 No. 49155
How does one heal from commiting adultery/fornication via masturbation/lust?
08/07/15 (Fri) 03:51:48 No. 49200
08/07/15 (Fri) 04:02:54 No. 49201
ok well physical needs stop at food and water. so anything else humans do (and have ever done) was bad because it was a product of desire?
i dont see how we jump from "live like jesus, no petty/bad/destructive desire" to "no desire at all"
i also have no fucking idea what enlightened means i've seen it defined dozens of times and i really cannot understand it
>sensations of any kind
tfw no feels allowed
08/07/15 (Fri) 05:55:01 No. 49208
Well here is a starter
Enlightenment is understanding that you are not your thoughts, but the awareness of the thoughts themselves. Enlightenment is understanding you have right to exist, because you do exist. And so does everything, and every one else, in existence. It is knowing and seeing truth, which is everything that is, with out any preconceived ideas or stories being put on top of circumstances. Enlightenment is shining your light, sharing your truth, expressing yourself and consciously participating in reality in your highest way. It is choosing growth over stagnation even if it causes you discomfort. It is ask questions, and questioning the answers and always asking more questions. It is making decisions, and then letting go and trusting that decision. It's acknowledging when you've made a mistake, and hurt some one, or broke something. And then cleaning up your mess. It's taking responsibility for yourself and all of your actions. It's also the understand you are not alone. And that anything is possible. That the kingdom of Earth is external to yourself, and that the kingdom of heaven is internal, the space where everything is connected. - Jordan David
In a nutshell enlightenment is the realization of higher truths that previously known.
08/07/15 (Fri) 13:29:13 No. 49235
Chastity and transformation of the sexual energy.
Desire refers to craving and aversion.
It is the constant need we have in our lives to chase what is pleasurable and to avoid what is painful. That is what creates suffering in our lives.
When we chase nice sensations and we can't get them, we suffer.
When we avoid bad sensations and we nevertheless experience them, we suffer.
When we do get nice sensation, we're "happy" for a brief instant, and then the sensation disappears and we suffer again.
We want to hold on to sensations and things and people and ideas which are IMPERMANENT, they WILL pass, they WILL have an end, because they had a beginning.
Everything in manifestation is impermanent.
Nothing will last. Therefore we suffer because of our ignorance of this.
What is permanent is the Being, the Spirit. Of course I don't speak from experience. I have actually no idea what the Spirit or the Being are, in actuality, as a matter of fact, I only know what other people say about it.
Enlightenment is born from the deep realization of this truth of IMPERMANENCE, which not a single person here has, don't be fooled, we only know this intellectually and have no real knowledge of this in our heart, otherwise we would not be suffering right now.
Enlightenment is born from the realization of truth and the shattering of illusion. For this you need profound meditation, daily, for many years. We're just fools, we're not there yet.
Whosoever here believes they are a Master or Buddha (or even "almost there") is just a mythomaniac moron. We are in deep ignorance. Otherwise we wouldn't be "looking for the truth", we would already be following the light.
08/07/15 (Fri) 14:31:21 No. 49241
>"One who commits adultery with a woman is devoid of sense; one who would destroy his soul - he will do it."- Solomon, from Proverbs 6
>Furthermore, what can we say of Jakob, who by the command of God, had four successive wives, Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah? Or Muhammed, with his many wives? Or Padmasambhava, a key founder of Tibetan Buddhism, who had innumerable sexual partners? Or Samael Aun Weor, who also took a consort near the end of his last life?
There are two laws: one for herd, one for herdsmans.
08/07/15 (Fri) 14:38:25 No. 49245
That's correct. They can transcend the law because they have reached a certain stage of development, and they now receive direct instruction from their inner God.
They are shepherd of souls, yes, herdsmen.
>Do not mistake the transcendence of the Second Law as the right to be able to do whatever you want, because that is not what it means. Some people hear about this distinction between the Second and First Law and think, "Well, if I am in the Second Law and I have to abide by all these rules (don't fornicate, don't commit adultery, don't kill, don't steal, don't lie, all these things) it sounds great to go to the First Law, then I can do whatever I want." That is not the meaning at all.
>Someone who has earned the right to receive the commands of the First Law directly, is someone who is serving their Being, their own Inner Buddha, their own Inner Christ, and the purpose of that Inner Christ is to serve others, is to help humanity.
08/07/15 (Fri) 15:05:25 No. 49247
Sorry, but it looks like political propaganda. It's profitable to men who have power to create different laws for inner circle of dedicated and for other people. It's justification for people with psychopathic or narcissistic personality to outstep of morality. I like core teachings of gnosticism, but it is scam IMO, if god exists, then there is only one law for all people.
08/07/15 (Fri) 20:01:17 No. 49267
File: 1438977678013.jpg (107.91 KB, 800x1193, 800:1193, 800px-Cristo_crucificado.jpg )
>but it is scam IMO, if god exists, then there is only one law for all people.
The answer is hidden in your statement: it's your opinion.
Our opinion does not matter, our value is less of that of worms crawling in the mud of the earth.
Our intellect wants to make us believe many things, which may or may not be logical and reasonable, however the truth is not found in any belief or opinion.
The prophets might look crazy to us, but "you shall know a tree by its fruits". What they gave us is of immense value.
Let us profoundly pray.
08/07/15 (Fri) 20:13:39 No. 49268
>"We must liberate the mind from all types of preconcepts, desires, fears, hatred, schools. All of those defects are locks that anchor the mind to the external senses. One has to change the process of reasoning by the quality of discernment. Discernment is the direct perception of the truth without the process of reasoning. Discernment is comprehension without the need for reasoning. We must change the process of reasoning for the beauty of comprehension." - Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah
I will not have access to /fringe/ for a couple of weeks, probably. I hope you guys find the way.
Don't let your preconceptions fool you. Investigate everything for yourselves, with the mind of a child.
>“Verily I say unto you, unless ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." - Matthew 18:3
08/08/15 (Sat) 09:11:47 No. 49318
Withdraw yourself from the social and political concerns of the day - from all concerns, infact - forget that your homeland is being invaded by boat niggers; and don't ejaculate (don't have kids?)
Did I miss something?
08/08/15 (Sat) 11:14:18 No. 49334
That's the thesis of the New Age movement. I don't know if that is what this brand of "gnosticism" preaches, but if so be weary of it. Any ideology that tells you to forget about the worldy life and meditate your problems away is disinfo that promotes inactivity in order to keep this oppresive control system in place.
08/08/15 (Sat) 11:26:16 No. 49338
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>49334
Yuri warned us about these types.
08/24/15 (Mon) 11:55:30 No. 51228
>Many students of occultism (such as Theosophism, Spiritism, Rosicrucianism, etc.) think that in order to become an adept or mahatma, it is necessary to abandon the world and to withdraw to the snowy summits of the Himalayas in order to live an ascetic life, far away, very far away from any sexual or human relation. Such “models of wisdom,” through their morbid fancies, are just searching for ways to avoid real life and for consolations to their pietisms and vain mental lucubration, because indeed, the human being can only be united with his Innermost by living an intensively lively life and by practicing Sexual Magic with their priest/priestess spouse. - Samael Aun Weor
>Those groups, they call their organizations, schools, because they thought that in order to be developed, you had to belong to this group or to that other group without understanding that the development comes from inside, not outside. When you understand the doctrine, then you do not identify with groups, with politics, only God is what is important.
Fantasy (Vikalpa)
The scripture says that “fantasy follows mere words that have no basis in reality.” This characterizes a huge percentage of the contents of our mind. An enormous majority of what is in our mind is absolute fantasy, and based on nothing. This includes all the TV shows and movies and celebrities and politics and all the things that we ingest from media. All of that is utter fantasy. I know we take it very seriously. We think that movies are very important, and celebrities and TV shows and sports are very important, but it is all lies, based on nothing. It has absolutely no importance in relation with the soul. It is a type of witchcraft, if you will, a type of black magic. It is a hypnotic influence. We watch these actors, movies, stories, and celebrities, and all they are doing is lying. They project themselves to be something that they are not. What is worse, we believe it and we imitate it. Have you noticed that when you watch something that really interests you, you start to imitate the actor, maybe in the way you stand, the way you talk, the way you dress, the words you use, or the way you look around? You think, “Maybe I am looking like that guy now.” We all do that. It is a consequence of being hypnotized. We watch that band that is so cool and we start dressing like them, acting like them, thinking like them, and their music runs through our heads all the time. That is a form of hypnosis. That is fantasy.
We follow a particular fashion or a particular culture or a particular political movement or any type of theory or doctrine that wants us to affirm that we are a certain way, we are “born again,” or we are “the chosen ones.” All of that is fantasy, because not one atom of it can be confirmed by direct perception, not a single particle. It is all just words, beliefs, nothing. That is fantasy.
You can see that our culture is completely and utterly hypnotized by fantasy, because when we point it out, people get angry. They say, “that’s my band, that’s my political party, my religion, my show, my style. How dare you contradict that?” We think it is something sacred, but we do not realize that it is utterly and completely meaningless, like an image in a mirror. There is nothing there. But that is the nature of our culture now. It is wrong knowledge.
>In this psychological revolution, by cleaning out the lower parts of our mind, freeing our consciousness from its conditioning, the laws of nature naturally, inevitably elevate us. That is partly what that law of physics states. Remember, matter and energy cannot be destroyed, they can only change form. Our consciousness never dies, it changes forms. Right now, our consciousness is trapped in suffering. Our consciousness is trapped in ignorance. We are trapped in all sorts of beliefs and theories, politics, games, and foolishness, believing we are “this and that” when we are not. The hope is that learning about these facts and by seeing ourselves for what we are, we can free ourselves from that. Once freed, that consciousness can act in a positive way and create positive consequences and actions. Everything is in our hands.
08/24/15 (Mon) 22:41:05 No. 51302
So basically Crowley knew what was going on?
Can anyone inform me of the power of sex magic and OTO? I know it is powerful, but what are the ins and outs (pun intended)?
08/24/15 (Mon) 22:46:08 No. 51303
and Thelema for that matter
didi 08/25/15 (Tue) 01:57:13 No. 51319
crowley ripped shit from PB randolph then put his personal flavor in it ( hedonism ) .
when all you have is christianity and you see this shit and you hated yesus well… crowley and his crew are the oldschool /egdetards.
08/25/15 (Tue) 02:44:44 No. 51324
i'm with this guy.
if this is the one true path to saving your soul…
why do the people who run/own everything,
who have perverted all the occult knowledge and withheld it from the people,
the people at the top
Why do they all worship Saturn?
Why do they pretend to worship satan?
Why do they practice Thelema "Do what thou wilt?"
You'd think if this gnostic shit was the truth they wouldn't do what they do, they would try and enlighten themselves and others, and wouldn't put so much effort into controlling the material realm.
idk wtf is going on on this planet but barring the idea that they are aliens working for satan….it does not fit
didi 08/25/15 (Tue) 03:12:57 No. 51328
you need to check out dr.delbert blair
08/25/15 (Tue) 03:15:20 No. 51329
08/25/15 (Tue) 04:03:29 No. 51338
You want to follow an ascended master, that's fine, join the club, but the first step is to actually apply a decent bullshit detector. Bizarrely, you state up front that you want to put an end to "new age bullshit," yet here you are promoting a perennial and universalist philosophy which is very much in line with new age thinking. While stating that you don't wish to be an edgelord or a teenager, you declare your philosophy "HARDCORE." Some tonal consistency might make this for a more interesting rad.
By the way, the reason you're in samsara is because you want to be. All this faffing about with paths is a game, so should you be genuine in your desire to stop playing as an ego, stop playing as an ego. It is that simple. Tathata, suchness, is inherent, and the difference between samsara and nirvana is that of internal perception and right view. Proceed along a path should it suit you; there is no cosmic punishment even for delusion (karma is consequence, not punishment in the cosmic sense). Play this game as long as you wish, make up ever-further means of seeking without finding, of striving constantly to find the fundamental suchness which is inherent in all things at all times, which simply is. Play through however many lifetimes you wish, as however many people and things you desire, but do not despair (unless you wish it); nirvana is the default, the unchanging constant which defines this wheel of incessant change.
In short, the very notion of separation from the divine is absurd. That many people see this as a vicious lie rather than a joke is itself part of the punchline.
08/25/15 (Tue) 04:27:32 No. 51345
>google dr dilbert
"Dr. Delbert Blair, Are Black People The Extraterrestrials /UnderGroundRailRoad "
dude are u fucking serious…
didi 08/25/15 (Tue) 05:45:36 No. 51350
he's afrocentric and he targets an afrocentric audience. Get the alien info and move on.
Oven ready chaos
>oh look sweety it must be a book on crazy kitchen recipes
>nah look hun there's some weird demons on some pages
>must be one of those books that teach you to listen to rock music and wear leather jackets
Just take the info and move on, if you don't vibe with it - that's your subconscious stopping you from having self-reflection on why that title irks you.
Alot of dr. blair's shit is just plain racist as fuck - but his alien info is spot on.
If that's not your thing. Scott Alan Roberts sugar coats it for your feels.
08/25/15 (Tue) 07:05:38 No. 51363
didi 08/25/15 (Tue) 07:50:39 No. 51372
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>51363
>if nigs are ayys, then caucasians are ayys too, asians are ayys too.
lot's of ppl say we have multiple alien dna in us, our world is older than mainstream science admits it.
geologists have said the sphinx is between 10k-15k years, some say it's 65k years old..
we have the vedas, which are 5k old texts which speak of events 250k years ago which include nuclear warfare, flying constructs and lazer beams.
Scientists studied areas and found radiation traces from possible nukes.
Theres a lot of hard evidence that a nuke went off in iran thousands of years ago.
check out this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcD1h9DYitg
08/25/15 (Tue) 09:01:04 No. 51390
We're all ayys bro. The evolutionary jump from neanderthals to homo sapiens would naturally take tens of millions of years, or more.
08/25/15 (Tue) 09:43:44 No. 51400
No it wouldn't, there's no law stating that evolution must happen at that pace, and it still took a while, it's not like neanderthals weren't around for a while, but tens of thousands of years just to go from one species to another is way too long.
08/25/15 (Tue) 11:10:59 No. 51411
Nietzche learnt his shit from Schopenhaur
Schopenhaur learnt his shit from the Upanishads and his World as Will and Representation is very close to Advaita Vedanta
is Advaita Vedanta and learning the truth of the Ahtman (soul) and Brahman (existance or universe) as being the same the way to go?
08/25/15 (Tue) 13:08:39 No. 51422
The four paths
We need to understand that there are four paths. These paths can be seen in life if we know how to look.
>“There are four paths:
>1. The Direct Path
>2. The Nirvanic Spiral Path
>3. The path of those who are separate from the Cosmic Scenario, without having reached the level of Adept
>4. The path of those who fail.” - Samael Aun Weor
One of the misconceptions that people have about spirituality is that all spiritually is essentially the same and leads to the same place. This is an illusion propagated by the ego; it is a bold lie. It is the same as saying all maps lead to the same place, when clearly they do not. A map is specific; it can only lead to the place it illustrates. Religions are exactly the same. If a religion is incomplete or flawed, it will lead you nowhere. If you have never been to the place you want to go, you will have no idea that the map is wrong. If you have never seen God face to face, how can you know that your chosen spirituality will lead you to that experience? Are you willing to risk your soul on a theory or interpretation invented by modern people? Wouldn't it be better to rely on a teaching that can be proven through your own experience?
Humanity is studying religions, analyzing religions, practicing religions, not having any idea of where they are going. People believe blindly. If you want to know where you are going, you have to awaken, then you will know.
These four paths encompass all spiritual paths, not only in this planet, but all planets. Every spiritual and religious tradition in existence correspondence to one of these paths.
We will study them from the bottom to the top.
The Path of Those Who Fail
The fourth is “the path of those who fail.” The vast majority of all beings are walking that path. They believe they are going somewhere, they might respect the gods, they might even follow a demon. They might be very well-intentioned. It does not matter what our intentions are, what our beliefs are, what the theories are. One is characterized as a failure as long as one remains bound to samsara, so that includes all of us. It sounds harsh, but it is a fact.
In our current state, we do not even know if God exists. Thus, we have no spiritual attainment. To be successful spiritually, to be walking the actual path, means to be awakening, to be experiencing reality. That is to be successful. It is not to memorize a doctrine or book, or to be able to teach it well, or to have a lot of followers. None of that means anything, because in samsara, everything is impermanent. As much as you memorize or acquire, you will lose it.
Most beings are on the path of those who fail, and that includes beings in all of the six realms. Amongst all those realms are those who fail.
To fail means to remain with the ego alive. To fail means to not become unified with the Absolute. To fail means to lack having God within.
Many of those who fail are very powerful. We, foolish animals, are very impressed by wealth, power, spiritual gifts, yet these are mere appearances that confuse us. Demons have powers. So what? We, mere animals, see someone displaying spiritual powers, and we become hypnotized, and assume that person is a God, when in fact, anyone who is displaying powers is a failure, either a fallen being or an awakened demon. Either way, they are dangerous, and use their powers to hypnotize animals for the slaughter.
The Path of Those Who Separate Themselves
The third path is those we see who separate themselves from the cosmic scenario without having reached the level of adept. This is fairly rare. This is a type of being who learns just enough of spiritual practice to clean just enough of the ego that they get a vacation on the wheel of samsara. Their Consciousness reaches a relative degree of liberation, so they get a moment of respite, a vacation you could say, that is not permanent. They come back; they separate themselves briefly, but they come back. They did not reach the level of adept, meaning they did not create the soul. They are what we can call “an elemental Buddha.” Some people call them saints, pure souls, but really they are just animal souls who have reduced their animality, and have cleansed their Consciousness of some of the negativity, but they are not gods, they are not masters, they are just “clean animals” spiritually speaking; beautiful souls, really they are beautiful, but their level of attainment in wisdom is very small. Many of them are respected saints and spiritual teachers on the planet today. We think that they are “great beings,” but really they are not. They are just a little cleaner than us spiritually and psychologically speaking.
08/25/15 (Tue) 13:10:00 No. 51423
The Nirvanic Spiral Path
The second path listed here is the Nirvanic spiral path. This is even more rare. Someone who is walking that path has created the soul. They have created the solar astral body, the solar mental body, the solar causal body. This means that they have created superior types of vehicles. These bodies are like the physical body, but they are not in the physical world; they are on the fifth and sixthdimensions. Such a person is able to access and utilize those bodies in the same way we use our physical bodies. They can go into the astral plane awake, and conduct their activities in the astral world. So they are buddhas, angels, masters, but beginners in those levels.
They are called “Nirvanic" because they have attained some degree of cessation of samsara in themselves psychologically; they have carved out a space in themselves of freedom of liberation from suffering. They have achieved some degree of Nirvana, cessation of Samsara. They are demigods. Sometimes they have physical bodies, sometime they do not. Some of them are anonymous in the world. Some of them run spiritual groups, and some are teachers, some are not. They are “angels” in the context of their level of their spiritual development.
They are starting up the path to liberation, but listen very clearly to this: they have just as much ego as us. Just because someone has created the soul does not mean that they have eliminated the ego; not at all. To create the soul only requires the elimination of a fraction of ego, just enough that enough energy can be harnessed and enough Consciousness can be liberated in order to allow those bodies to be formed, but you do not have to eliminate your ego in order to create the solar bodies, that is not the requirement. The work to eliminate the ego is separate (the Second Mountain). So the Nirvanic buddhas (also be called Pratiyeka Buddhas) do not have to eliminate their ego, and often do not. That is why you can understand that the demigods are always fighting with each other, because they still have the ego, especially pride, jealousy, envy, lust.
The demigods form religions and spiritual groups. They attract followers. They have powers. They display their powers in order to impress others, to so they say “inspire them.”
So we who are just animals see these other humanoid creatures who have powers, like they can manifest things from the other worlds, they can go out of the body, they can levitate, they can float, and they can read your mind, see the future or past, etc. and we, mere animals, become very impressed and think they are fully developed Masters, yet they are not.
Many of those amongst the path of those who fail awaken the consciousness; they do not develop the Soul but they develop powers. They also awaken Consciousness trapped in the ego. They also form spiritual groups. They love to show their “virtues” and powers. They read people’s minds. They give predictions that come true. They give “prophecies.” They show all kinds of tricks, levitation, showing up in people’s dreams or in their houses, telling people things that are supposedly “secret” to convince others that they are great master and a great soul, when in fact they are a demon, a black magician, sorcerers and witches, people who are on the path of failure, the path of hell.
Now complicating this further, all of us who are at the animal level, who are suffering in the midst of Samsara with our Consciousness asleep, bewildered by all the forces that are in action around us, and confused and trying to find respite from our pain, seeking Divinity, see these beings that display powers, and think they are genuine and real, and we start to follow them and do what they say, not realizing that what they say is leading us into the path of demonhood or into the path of being a mere shravaka, a listener, a follower, someone who just worships someone else but does nothing to awaken.
99% of all human beings who call themselves “spiritual” are on one of those two paths: they are either following a demon or they are following a Nirvanic Buddha. Either way, they are gaining nothing. The only way to liberated from Samsara is to awaken your own Consciousness. You do not have to follow anyone but your Inner Divinity. Do not be confused by anyone. Do not follow anyone. Follow your Innermost. Everyone is seeking a “Master,” not realizing that the Master they need is inside of their own heart. Your true Master is your Innermost.
08/25/15 (Tue) 13:10:43 No. 51424
Any of us are free to choose whatever path we want. God respects our will. Your Innermost wants its human soul to be reliant on itself, on Divinity, and to be strong: be a warrior, to not be weak, but to be capable of acting and doing what is right. That is why God, our Innermost, gives us the ability to choose for ourselves, and to define ourselves in the world. If we choose the path of being a demon, our Innermost says, “Okay go ahead, suffer the consequences, and you will learn. It might take you thousands of years to pay your debts from walking on that foolish path, but go ahead.” God is not a tyrannical dictator. God is love.
Our Innermost, our Inner Buddha, wants us to Become completely, to Become: not to imitate, not to be a slave, but to Be as He is.
To Become [bhava] that requires that we comprehend the nature of suffering, and know how to transform it. In order to do that you need incredible insight, self-reliance, powerful willpower, but the main characteristic that you need is compassion. The most important characteristic is compassion.
The Direct Path
These three lower paths — those who fail, those who separate themselves, and Nirvanic Buddhas — lack compassion. All of them lack compassion. All of them are concerned with themselves. That is why they are still in the wheel of samsara, circling, repeating, rising and falling, gaining and losing, being born and dying, going up, going down, again and again and again, from body to body, from kingdom to kingdom, from level to level, again and again, and again and again, and again and again. There is only one way out, and that is through compassion developed to its fullest degree.
A few beings showed us how to do it. The most important one of the era is called Aberamentho, who humanity knows as Yeshua Khristus, Jesus Christ, but he is not the only one. Padmasambhava, Milarepa, Buddha Shakyamuni, Samael Aun Weor, Quetzacoatl, Moshe (Moses),Joan of Ark —many Masters have done this highest work. It is a path of fully developing compassion.
Real compassion has no self-interest. The three lower paths are full of self-interest. They each retain the illusion of “me,” the aggregates, conditioned by Karma; that is the nature of Samsara. As long as our central interest is ourselves, we will be reborn again and again into the conditioned aggregates, the illusion of self. Whether you are a demon or a god, you remain subject to Karma and Samsara, repeating.
The only way out is through the direct path to the Absolute. The walker of the direct path renounces self-identification. The walker of the direct path renounces the ego in all of its aspects: comfort, satisfaction, pride, resentment, jealousy, envy, laziness, gluttony. The walker of the direct path perfects compassion, which recognizes the suffering of all beings in Samsara, and recognizes that those beings suffer there because they maintain an illusion of perception; they do not see reality. The demons do not see the truth, neither do the animals, the hungry ghosts, the demigods, the gods, or the human beings. None see reality. They only see through the filter of craving: craving this, craving that, never satisfied, being born again and again.
To enter the direct path, you have to first walk the Nirvanic path, in the sense that you have to create the soul. You have to awaken Consciousness. You have to create the astral body. You have to create the mental body. You have to create the casual body. Having reached that level, you are given a choice by the cosmic Guardian who shows you two paths. “Do you want to take the easy way for a millennia, for a thousands of years, to take a spiral route through the cosmos, a gradual process? Or you want to go directly, now, no holding back, straight to the highest, but it is very painful because you have to pay all of the Karma from all of your lives, right now. You have to rectify all your deeds. You have to face retribution for every harmful action that you have ever performed. You have to answer for the illusion of your self-identification that you propagated for lifetimes, now. You have to pay your debts to every being that you ever harmed, that you ever lied to, stole from, hurt, to pay it now…” Very few make the choice to take the direct path, yet that is the only way off the wheel of Samsara. There is no other way.
All the other paths and teachings that exist only help you migrate from one level to another in the wheel of Samsara; they do not take you out of it. Thus, they are all more or less useless.
08/25/15 (Tue) 13:11:42 No. 51425
You can become a great adherent of a religion, perfect all their teachings in yourself, become a god, sustain that level for a little while, but once your dharma is exhausted (the sum of your previous good deeds), you will fall again to the worlds below, because you will still have unpaid debts there.
You can become a very powerful demon, awaken a lot of powers, grow your tail very long, and have many medals on your chest for all the harm that you committed, and all of the actions that you have done in order to enforce desire and encourage lust, anger, envy, and pride in people, but in the end it will all be stripped from you, and you will suffer aeons of pain for those actions. It will all be taken from you, and you will start again from zero.
Or you can try to avoid them both, and stay in in the humanoid level, but little by little, your selfishness, laziness, arrogance, and envy will catch up with you, and you will sink down; it is inevitable. It is impossible to maintain oneself in the humanoid level, because the mind is an aggregate of actions committed in all the other levels.
So, people do not like to hear all this, because it sounds pretty discouraging. We need to hear it. We need to understand that there is a way out, but to get out, you cannot waste an instant, not one moment.
>"The keystone of the principle I practice is self-liberation from samsara. With this quintessence of all teachings, I clearly see Awareness, naked and unsubstantial. My confidence in the View is the transparency of flux; since I know the Illuminating Void, I fear not life or death.” - Milarepa, The Goddess Tserinma’s Attack
Very few people understand the teachings of Milarepa, a great Master of the Tibetan tradition. He is widely respected by the Tibetans because he was the first Tibetan to become publicly known as an awakened Buddha. He started out as black magician. He killed people for revenge; so, he started out like us, a common person who suffered misfortunes, who learned some spiritual practices, and in order to get revenge he killed a bunch of people. Then he realized, “What am I doing?” Then he sought to change, and he did, and he became a very highly awakened being, a great Bodhisattva.
The term Bodhisattva refers to someone who is walking the straight path, the direct path, someone who is going beyond the wheel of becoming. Milarepa achieved that. He is a very high master. Because of that, his teachings are very hard to understand. All of the Bodhisattvas give teachings that are very hard to understand. When we hear them, we dumb them down to our level, and thus we corrupt them. This is what we did with the teachings of Jesus. Jesus gave beautiful, profound teachings to humanity, and we destroyed them, we castrated them. We did it. We did that with the teachings of Krishna, and the teachings of Mohammed, and the teachings of Moshe, and all the Buddhists, because we do not understand them. Now it is happening with the teachings of Samael Aun Weor. People do not understand them, so they cut out all the parts they do not understand, and just keep the little bit they think they do understand. Because of that, they adulterate the teaching; they corrupt it. Not only do they divert themselves away from the path, but they divert everyone that they spread that infectious lie to. Obviously, this is a crime.
This passage from Milarepa states “The keystone of the principle I practice is self-liberation from samsara. With this quintessence of all teachings, I clearly see Awareness, naked and unsubstantial.” It is hard to understand that. It may seem easy to you, but the other hand, it seems incomprehensible, and that is because it is. It is something that has to be experienced.
“Self-liberation” implies that no one can liberate us but ourselves. In fact, it is stated quite clearly in all the great religions that we have to liberate ourselves through our own actions (cause and effect). We get help from divinity, spiritual friends, the doctrine, and the teachings; we get help from our community, but without us doing the work ourselves, nothing will happen.
“The keystone of the principle I practice is self-liberation.” This is a really important passage that is going to come up for you in the next lecture — not mine, but from the other instructor, so pay attention. We just found this connection after these two lectures were already made, so it was pretty surprising to us; we were both shocked. You will hear it in the next lecture (The Prayer of the Lord), so remember that term “keystone.”
08/25/15 (Tue) 13:12:35 No. 51426
“With this quintessence of all teachings, I clearly see Awareness.” In previous lectures I told you about quintessence;it means “the fifth essence” or “the fifth element.” That is a statement about Kundalini, about Prajna. Awareness is the purity of Consciousness that is unfiltered, unconditioned, and it is that aspect that we use that helps perceive reality. We have to learn about that, yet no one can teach that to you; you have to teach yourself. Through experience you learn how to perceive without filters, how to see, to be here and now, awake. We teach many techniques to fuel that experience, to guide you towards it, to help you comprehend it, but unless you make the effort, you will never comprehend it. It is something that has to be felt, seen, tasted, touched through your perception — naked and unsubstantial is the nature of your Innermost Consciousness; it is uncontrived, unconditioned, but all pervasive. It is perception in its purest form, Consciousness in its purest form.
“My confidence in the view.” View is the first step of the eightfold path taught by Buddha Shakyamuni. Some people think “view” is a theory, “we see it like this” and that it is our “view.” That is wrong; that is not view, that is theory. Upright view, or right view as it is sometimes called, is not a theory, it is not a way of positioning your mind, it is not a belief, it is not something that can be written down or exposed in a teaching. Upright view is a way of perceiving right now. It is a way of seeing, it is a way of experiencing. Not merely seeing physically, but seeing with the Consciousness.
“The view is an unbiased and vast pervasiveness, free from center and edge, so let your mind-essence be uncontrived.” - Padmasambhava, The Cycle of Vital Points
Right view in its developed form, in the perspective of a Bodhisattva like Milarepa, is to see the insubstantial nature of all things. That is what he means by “the transparency of flux.” Flux means change, the coming and going of everything, Samsara. Right view is to see the transparency, the illusion of all manifested activity. Right view is to see that everything that you see is an illusion, impermanent, unreliable, and inside of all of that, sustaining all of that, is the Absolute, the Void. Within that perception is great compassion for all those beings in the six realms who do not see reality, and therefore suffer. We think what we see is real, and think what we see will last, and think what we see can be relied upon, and think we can gain satisfaction from it. We are wrong on all counts. An awakened bodhisattva sees that is a lie, and has confidence in that perception, and wants to help us acquire the same perception.
Milarepa says, “Since I know the illuminating void, I fear not life or death.” The illuminating void is the Absolute, it is the Ain Soph, Shunyata,the emptiness, the abstract space within which everything exists. In that abstract space, there is no self, there is no I, but there is great love, compassion, intelligence, wisdom, knowledge. A Bodhisattva who fully develops becomes an expression of that, knows the emptiness, perceives the emptiness, and in that perception has great compassion for all beings, and wants to show them that experience so that they can liberate themselves from the illusion that causes suffering; that is what this passage is explaining. In that knowledge — which is a form of perception not intellectualism — is confidence: no fear of life, no fear death, no fear of rebirth, no fear of dissatisfaction , no fear of cycling in Samsara, because one has escaped it; whether one is born or one dies there is no fear. So this statement represents the perspective of a Being who escaped Samsara. It is hard for us to grasp, because it is quite far away from where we are now. But it is what we need to understand, and that is why we teach the way we teach. We teach you about the Absolute, we teach you about awakening, we teach you about the tools that can facilitate and empower that awakening, so that we can cut through appearances and see reality.
08/25/15 (Tue) 15:41:52 No. 51439
>Black people are aliens
>his alien info is spot on
sorry, but if ayyliens do real, they're running the illuminati control system…. NOT living in mud huts, living off welfare, listening to rap music.
maybe you can suggest a better Dilbert video?
>another Dilbert video
so which is it? are black people aliens are is black woman GOD?
>Scott Alan Roberts
>Rise and Fall of the Nephilim - Scott Alan Roberts
>Scott Alan Roberts - The Secret History of the Reptilians
are you telling me Aliensareblackpeople, AliensareGiantnephilim, and Aliensarereptilians are all going to somehow reconcile with eachother? I don't see how.
This is why i don't waste time reading about ayylmaos. I don't doubt they do real and it would explain a lot, but its literally the #1 topic of disinformation
can anyone help
08/25/15 (Tue) 15:42:59 No. 51440
didi 08/25/15 (Tue) 15:55:52 No. 51442
be real, did a nigga get with a girl you had a thing for?
didi 08/25/15 (Tue) 15:58:30 No. 51443
actually, i don't care - i really don't.
Do you bro
What ever you feel works for you.
Just remember - everything is a lesson for self to learn, and what ever you hate externally is something you hate about yourself.
08/25/15 (Tue) 16:03:59 No. 51446
In the end it sounds like basic shit, deadly sins are the manifestation of the ego, love thy neighbour etc.
how boring.
08/25/15 (Tue) 20:12:13 No. 51482
>black people are aliens
>they had physical or spiritual technology to come to earth from a different planet
>landed on earth
>build pyramids
>suddenly forget everything
>don't build a single building of more than 1 story until some white non-aliens show them how
it does not make sense
also if this theory is afrocentric then all humans (who descended from ayyfricans) are ayyliens.
didi 08/26/15 (Wed) 19:36:55 No. 51515
08/26/15 (Wed) 20:28:49 No. 51518
there are black people that are just humans mixed with apes (asians, if anything, would be the ayylmaos coming from a planet much closer to the sun)
the blacks that built pyramids etc. aren't "black" they're the lightskin lanky egyptians, something else entirely
didi 08/26/15 (Wed) 21:14:31 No. 51522
that is scientifically wrong.
didi 08/26/15 (Wed) 21:16:15 No. 51523
didi 08/27/15 (Thu) 00:54:47 No. 51550
movie is awesome, but all of it is scripted, seen it plenty of times at school.
08/27/15 (Thu) 04:36:41 No. 51589
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>51550
Pretty cool stuff.
08/27/15 (Thu) 04:51:20 No. 51595
>Animals are Beautiful People
Silly SJWs trying to claim nignogs are people.
08/27/15 (Thu) 05:06:47 No. 51596
All the old pantings on the tombs they do the sand dance…
08/27/15 (Thu) 05:30:17 No. 51599
>All that disinfo and fedoraposting
This board is a sorry joke, i don't know how anyone who seriously wants to dwelve in the occult could stay here for more than a week, if you're reading my equally sorry post in this hoax of a board, get the fuck out of here.
didi 08/27/15 (Thu) 07:37:47 No. 51636
>bitches about shitposting on a chan site.
maybe the internet isn't for you fella - some parks have chess tables where you can go and dialogue with folks more attuned to your tolerance level.
08/27/15 (Thu) 10:08:56 No. 51645
Nice strawman, faggot.
Where the fuck did i say "shitposting" in my post?
by "disinfo" and "fedoraposting" i meant misleading arguments.
If you want to see shitposting, check this shit out >>40183
didi 08/27/15 (Thu) 11:08:01 No. 51655
even if his shit may seem like shitposting to you because of the package and the UI - the code is basically pragmatic and is actually a working form of loosh farming… they do that in porno with the tattoos and the background objects.
you're still at that circuit? see the jewel pookrum video in my thread.
check out the brother panic audio on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE-nzz94H5Q he goes on to the metaphysics of faggotry since you seem to have a hangup on that - the whole show is useful too, let's see you ego come out on this one.
This board is 50% bs 50% legit shit, even the shit i post has shit in it which i tell you is bs and to simply use what is cohesive and factually scientific and provable via logical application and or possible confirmation.
Omran !/hWtSMpNcc 08/27/15 (Thu) 11:30:39 No. 51659
didi, I know that the "menu isn't the meal" but what jewel pookrum map have better then 8 circuit-leary(I see the book Angel Tech by Antero Alli is as good as Promtheus Rising tier)
08/27/15 (Thu) 11:41:17 No. 51662
>Not knowing by now that "faggot" became a nowadays "you dummy!" on the chans
>implying i'm stuck at hating someone who's sexuality is different from mine
This is the second time you misunderstood me, but i forgive you, because i am based
08/27/15 (Thu) 11:47:35 No. 51666
>Not knowing by now that "faggot" became a nowadays "you dummy!" on the chans
>implying i'm stuck at hating someone who's sexuality is different from mine
This is the second time you misunderstood me, but i forgive you, because i am based.
08/27/15 (Thu) 11:49:48 No. 51668
08/27/15 (Thu) 13:01:32 No. 51675
I don't like what's happening to this thread.
The problem with this board is that it tries to investigate the occult, but unfortunately it mixes /pol/ matters with it.
Understand this: whosoever wants to sincerely study the occult sciences (not just out of curiosity, not just looking for wonders to be entertained), is certainly trying to find and understand something fundamental, something real and permanent about this world, something eternal, and something that is beyond the mundane physical existence.
These divine matters are completely unrelated with politics, with the "jews", the "niggers", "the white race", et cetera.
The jews, niggers, whites, are all temporary things, that had a beginning and will have an end.
It's useless to get attached to one's own race, to fight for its survival.
This white race will have an end, whether you fight for it or not.
Those people who are "trying to end the white race" will ALSO have an end, whether they like it or not. It is completely useless to get entangled in these matters of racial pride, which only hurt us and our spiritual progress.
What the real occultist is looking for is Eternal, Divine, and therefore it has nothing to do with these political matters, which are a child of time.
In the superior planes of existence, time does not matter.
The Ultimate Reality is timeless, eternal, never changing, and everything else is changing and impermanent.
Your political beliefs are based on something impermanent, they will not last.
The "jews" will not last. The "niggers" will not last. The white race will not last.
The aliens will not last.
Nothing will last, everything will change. We need to stop getting attached to things.
Attachment only brings pain and bitterness when one realizes that not a single ONE of the things he holds on to will actually last forever.
We WILL die. And if when we die we are still in this miserable state, we WILL return to this valley of tears, reincarnate, maybe in a "nigger" body, maybe in a "jew" body.
Therefore let go of your political concepts and opinions and dogmas, and start working on your psyche, to put an end to suffering.
Your political pride will just hurt you in the end. I state this without any fear of being wrong whatsoever.
The problem is not outside of us. It is our corrupted psyche that's tormenting us.
Do not fear the aliens. Why would you? No spiritual aspirant has ever complained of being "attacked by aliens". "Aliens" most of the time are just a delusion of some paranoid mythomaniac.
Yes, there are a lot of paranoid crazy insane people here. Just take a look at the chatrooms.
Nevertheless real occultism exists and can be practiced by mentally healthy people. You know, the ones who are REALLY looking for the truth. Real occultism is the way to liberation from every form of suffering.
I hope you see what I mean. Whosoever has ears to hear, let him hear.
didi 08/27/15 (Thu) 13:18:49 No. 51679
>starts of legit
>halfway through starts promoting reincarnation
>has never experienced aliens or demons or entities
what is real occultism you speak of - because it's simply just self-refinement.
This is the realm where you create your infinity and eternity - your fresh start here defined your further ego, the higher self. An existence of a supreme all itself is an ego in itself even if not needing to be our definition of sentience.
08/27/15 (Thu) 13:26:40 No. 51683
Don't you know the doctrine of return or "reincarnation"?
I'm sure it's real. People can review their past lives. The whole doctrine would not make sense without the return in new bodies. There would be no point in living life.
Also, aliens and demons exist, but you should not fear them if you are working with divine energies. They are easily conjured with conjurations in the name of Christ, divine names, et cetera.
There is a problem however if you are a demon yourself (meaning you work with the energies in the lower planes below), then they can hurt you, since you have no means of repelling them.
And yes there is a supreme "I AM", but it has nothing to do with our selfish concept of ego.
didi 08/27/15 (Thu) 14:32:55 No. 51687
dude, you are those demons and angels, they aspects of you - also yah i know reincarnation is real - but the whole point is to not step into the light, it's to goto the darkness and move on. Lesson learned. The light will have everything you ever wanted. The darkness with be everything you ever wanted.
and no there is no supreme I AM over the very one that defined such, YOU - as the fact that you very so said it to be so implies you are the very self of it.
08/27/15 (Thu) 14:48:58 No. 51688
Everything has consequences.
Being a Black Initiate is much easier than being a White Master, however you will have to pay the price, face the consequences that your actions will produce.
Being a Black Magician will allow you to have all the pleasures of the world, but at what cost?
Shakespeare expressed this splendidly: "To be or not to be, that is the question…"
If one is willing to separate from God and endure eons of bitter suffering just to taste raw and impermanent pleasure, let him do so.
The Law of Karma will not fail to make them pay the harsh price.
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 08/27/15 (Thu) 15:14:51 No. 51689
The illusion lies in the "light at the end of the tunnel". Likes moth to a flame we swarm. That's part of the recycling program. The darkness is only the illusion of death. You gotta be comfortable enough to leave the "light" and forge your own light in the darkness. Hell you don't even need to forge your own life just exist.
He's not saying be a black magician, he's saying that white transmits information while black embodies it.
>Law of Karma
>baggage your soul won't let go of because you're addicted to it
didi 08/27/15 (Thu) 16:25:40 No. 51700
08/27/15 (Thu) 19:31:56 No. 51719
08/27/15 (Thu) 19:59:03 No. 51725
Do you have any idea of what you are talking about?
White initiation is the way of embodying, incarnating the higher principles, getting rid of the lower ones (which are the root cause of suffering).
Black initiation is the process of separating yourself from the highest love and making your mind denser and denser, deepening the causes of suffering. Yea, you accumulate baggage with black initiations.
God's work is all about letting go of things, attachments, baggage.
Karma is not a stupid concept that "my soul won't let go of".
Karma is the fundamental law that regulates every aspect of manifested existence.
It is the law of Cause and Effect.
We would not exist without Cause and Effect. By profoundly meditating and analysing your mind you will see how you cause your own suffering and how the law of Karma works in ourselves.
This is not some stupid concept that I'm reciting like a parrot after reading it, this is something that I've been able to verify from experience, and I've been able to verify it because the way to do it was shown to me by people who have done it before.
The way has been shown already. We have to follow it.
The way is universal and timeless.
It has been explained in every tradition all over the world. If you want to read it clearly, I suggest the Buddhist and Yogic scriptures.
The occult work is not "just existing", "leaving the light".
In the miserable state we are in, we're already "just existing", suffering from life to life in the painful cycle of rebirth.
We already painfully "left the light", because of mistaken action.
The occult work is about getting back there, through right action and right effort.
If we perform wrong actions, we just get ourselves into deeper suffering. It is logical, mechanical. This is what I mean by Law of Karma. The law of karma is pure cause and effect.
If an addict takes the substance he's addicted to, he'll just deepen his addiction, it's logical, mechanical, pure cause and effect.
If we continue performing negative action, we will deepen our suffering.
To "forge our own light in the darkness" we must become Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and that can only be done through White Initiation.
Black Initiation (indulging in pleasures and vices) transforms us into demons separated from god. It will certainly bring all the pleasures of material existence, but we will suffer the torments of hell, our own psychological hell.
Desire is the cause of suffering, and if we enjoy and strengthen desire (black initiation), we will strengthen the causes of suffering and therefore create an hell for ourselves.
Profoundly reflect on this.
I wrote everything in this thread for the benefit of people here, I'm not some cretin trying to "convert" people to my belief system.
I'm trying to help you guys, since you're here looking for the truth.
These things are real.
I hope you understand.
08/27/15 (Thu) 20:14:29 No. 51728
you never answered my question.
if what you say is true,
Why are the jews/masons/templars/elite/illuminati/saturnists, with all their access to occult knowledge, following the Path of Failure?
why are they doing evil and practicing black magic?
>You can become a very powerful demon, awaken a lot of powers, grow your tail very long, and have many medals on your chest for all the harm that you committed, and all of the actions that you have done in order to enforce desire and encourage lust, anger, envy, and pride in people, but in the end it will all be stripped from you, and you will suffer aeons of pain for those actions.
so, if what u say is true, why are they not walking the direct path?
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 08/27/15 (Thu) 20:25:33 No. 51729
Because ascension is just the process of expanding your awareness so you can render more than this basic physical realm. Refining the ego allows you to move "up". These people indulge because they know it doesn't matter how you get power, you just do it. It's just more "beneficial" to work together. Ya know, unless you actually hate people
08/27/15 (Thu) 20:28:31 No. 51731
>you never answered my question.
He can't, he's a disinfo shill
You go meditating in the darkness and learn how to breath, that's where you go
08/27/15 (Thu) 20:31:36 No. 51732
>he can't
i agree.
>go meditate
i can't :'(
i just sit there and nothing happens
fuck im such a normie
i really believe you guys on all this astral shit but i can't into it
i can't even feel 1 chakra or kundalini
08/27/15 (Thu) 20:40:53 No. 51733
You need to learn breathing and keep the pace and empty your mind first, just "sitting here" will result in you falling asleep like a babby.
08/27/15 (Thu) 20:43:39 No. 51734
08/27/15 (Thu) 20:44:05 No. 51735
its not possible i'm a muggle, is it?
08/27/15 (Thu) 20:47:16 No. 51736
You gonna make it.
08/27/15 (Thu) 20:59:33 No. 51739
ok thank you pagan.
08/28/15 (Fri) 11:09:52 No. 51808
They are either ignorant, believing themselves to be on the right path, or willingly separating themselves from the direct path, out of the belief that they will attain something.
And by the way, the Masons/Templars/Illuminati/Jewish kabbalists, etc., the original ones, were following the direct path. All of those mystery schools taught the path of the bodhisattva. And this is not some absurd claim I'm pulling out of my ass, just study their teachings from the point of view of gnosis and you will see for yourself.
Of course they are now corrupted organizations. It's just like how the Christian religion in the beginning was a group of people initiated into the mysteries, and now it's just a sheepfest under the direction of the pope or pastors or archibishops etc.
The animal ego corrupts every teaching eventually.
Why would I be a disinfo shill. What would I be distracting you from?
I'm giving you the teachings for your sake. I'm being honest.
Now, if you don't like what you read, that's another thing.
You can by all means go back to your "bohoo, poor me, the aliens and jews are oppressing me" mentality, but that will bring you nowhere. Be honest and sincere with yourselves.
Start working on your suffering. Only you can save yourselves, no one else can do the dirty work for you. We got ourselves in this mess and we've got to remove the filth now.
08/28/15 (Fri) 11:16:07 No. 51809
Great post, Gnosis Anon. Maybe the best post you've made in this thread.
J.S.S. 08/28/15 (Fri) 15:43:08 No. 51828
Could you explain to me why you think that following LHP automatically makes one STS?
To me LHP/RHP and STS/STO are different terms and I can easily imagine (I could even provide examples) a person who is LHP STO or RHP STS.
08/28/15 (Fri) 18:00:03 No. 51846
Both the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path are fundamentally "service to self".
The demons only want to satisfy their own desires, so they fatten their own ego and acquire powers and initiation in the lower planes of nature.
(Of course there are some demons who care for their demon friends and are not completely selfish).
The demons will have to pay for their selfishness and crimes by suffering for eons in the submerged hells of nature.
The buddhas (angels, masters, arhats, etc. - it's the same) most of the time, just want to escape their own suffering, and they work intensely in their life to become enlightened, but once they reach buddhahood, enlightenment, they just leave this world and go live in Nirvana, forgetting about the the rest of us. This is because these buddhas have not eliminated their selfish ego completely, 100%. What they seek is just liberation from pain, not the actual ending of all suffering.
They may live in bliss for eons, but this state is not permanent, this is not final liberation, it's temporary: once they exhaust all the good karma they have acquired with their good deeds, they are forced to reincarnate in a physical body, because they still have the Ego and therefore the possibility of crime and selfishness, thus they have to eliminate it.
(What happens most of the time is that the incarnated human person commits mistakes and they lose the state of buddhahood).
Both the Demons and the Angels are trapped in the constant fight of good vs evil, they are bound to the wheel of Samsara.
What Gnosticism teaches is the famous "Middle Path" of the Buddha, the "Straight way" of Jesus.
It is the "Path of the Razor's" edge, in which the Initiate neither falls to the left, nor to the right.
This is the "Path of the Bodhisattva". The Bodhisattva is beyond the right and the left, beyond good and evil. His actions are neither right nor wrong, they are simply in accordance with the will of their Inner God.
What happens commonly is that on the one hand Demons commit mistaken actions to gain pleasure, thus they have to pay for that.
The Pratyeka Buddhas on the other hand do good deeds, so the law has to pay them back for their service (but you see, this is still for their personal gain, because they still have ego).
This is how Karma punishes or rewards them.
The Bodhisattva is different.
The Bodhisattva has to transcend Karma. He has to eliminate his selfish ego completely, 100%.
The animal ego is called different names in various traditions (Satan, Seth, Mara, the skandhas, the aggregates, the psychological mistakes, sins, the negative influxes, etc.).
Once the Initiate of the Middle path destroys the ego 100%, he has eliminated the cause of mistaken action, the cause of selfish action, all the elements that would make him subject to the law of Karma.
You see, when you act out of self-interest, what happens is that you create some unbalance in the world, thus you produce a Cause that will as a consequence have an Effect. That is how Karma is set in motion. That is how you are trapped in it.
The Bodhisattva only acts in accordance with the will of God, so none of his actions produce good or bad karma, he always keeps the natural balance. Thus he is not subject to suffering.
The radical difference is that the Bodhisattva has created the "Bodhichitta", the "Christ-Mind", a type of mind which is only concerned with serving others and sacrificing for others. This type of mind is in unison with the mind of Christ (or the Logos, Avalokitesvara, Chensenrig, Ahura Mazda, etc, many names), the principle which is at the basis of all life. This principle is in its essence Love and Compassion for all beings.
Being completely in tune with the Solar Logos, Christ, the mind of the Bodhisattva is only concerned with the well-being of others.
ONLY the Bodhisattvas can attain the final liberation, because only the Bodhisattvas act in accordance with the will of God and thus do not create Karma for themselves.
If you create Karma with an action, you have set something in motion, which has to necessarily result in some effect.
Therefore if you create Karma, you are never free from the bounds of the manifested world, since you are bound to Cause and Effect.
The Causes will necessarily produce an Effect, there is no escape, thus there can not be final liberation.
Final Liberation is the free access to the Absolute Abstract Space (called Allah, God, Tao, Emptiness, Illuminating Void, etc.), which is not just empty space. It is life itself, free of the limitations of materiality and Cause and Effect. It is Absolute Freedom and Absolute Joy.
Only the Bodhisattvas who sacrifice themselves for humanity have access to that.
08/28/15 (Fri) 18:08:08 No. 51847
Oh thou omniscient 8 ball of great wisdom answer for me this question
Is what this poster full of shit?
08/28/15 (Fri) 18:14:14 No. 51849
File: 1440785654911.jpg (326.25 KB, 1280x1823, 1280:1823, Jesus-and-the-Lamb-jesus-3….jpg )
>"The one who receives everything as new, with an open mind, abandoning the burden of the past, preconceptions, prejudices, jealousies, fanaticisms, etc., marches victoriously along the path of authentic refinement." - Samael Aun Weor, Fundamentals of Gnostic Education
>"We cannot become truly free as long as we commit the mistake of comparing ourselves with the stored recollections of our memory and with the ideal of what we have the ambition of becoming or not becoming." - Samael Aun Weor, Fundamentals of Gnostic Education
08/28/15 (Fri) 18:21:27 No. 51850
Omniscient 8 ball confirms for disinfo shill
08/28/15 (Fri) 18:24:11 No. 51851
O all-knowing most gracious 8 ball,
will this poster try to baffle me with bullshit?
08/28/15 (Fri) 18:33:42 No. 51855
mind sharing your obviously enlightened worldview?
Jesus christ I come on here to read interesting, viable esoteric systems and practices and it's always some edgy faggot calling people shills. Okay, what's your answer? What do you have? What's disinfo about what he's saying? Is he right about anything, or is it all wrong? You all just come off as a bunch of high schoolers too cool for the "love thy neighbor" stuff. And don't give me that kektastic LHP "God wants you to leave the nest and create your own universe" RP shit. Nigga you aint a final fantasy villain. Stop.
Put up or shut up faggot.
08/28/15 (Fri) 18:45:56 No. 51858
O 8 ball of knowledge and wisdom
Is this poster butthurt?
08/28/15 (Fri) 18:49:57 No. 51860
08/28/15 (Fri) 18:51:09 No. 51861
the internet is your road-map for information superway
08/28/15 (Fri) 20:08:37 No. 51866
>Is he right about anything, or is it all wrong?
He's not wrong nor right, he's mixing a bunch of creeds and beliefs thus creating disinfo.
08/29/15 (Sat) 13:30:10 No. 52061
I'm not mixing anything.
All those creeds can be synthesized because they come from the same source, which is eternal. Truth is timeless and independent of anything. That is, the real truth.
They are describing the same things.
"Conventional truth", which the truth that everyone accepts and believes commonly, is always changing and depends on the culture, the people, the times, etc. It is impermanent.
All those things are temporary, but what is at the base of those things, the principle that creates all life and all universes, is eternal and always the same, and has been called different names in different traditions.
The modern Gnostic tradition doesn't mix anything, it just looks at every mystical tradition from this point of view, and thus it discovers that they all have beliefs, practices, symbols, etc. in common.
I don't see how this is disinfo.
>It is written in every scripture, in every tradition all over the world, that when humanity degenerates, first the divinity sends the knowledge through emissaries, teachers, avatars, prophets, in order to open the doors and offer an opportunity for humanity to change, to repent from their mistakes and to stop creating suffering. Most of the time humanity laughs at them. This is why we saw humanity laugh at Noah, ridicule Moses, torture Jesus, and assassinate and otherwise persecute every prophet. Humanity is deeply ignorant, loves desire, and cannot accept the death of the “I”, the ego.
>Nonetheless, that light which emerges from the unknowable, in its root is emptiness, it is nothingness, it is a state of existence which is beyond any “I”, any ego. In order to merge with that light, one must become that light. The personality, our name, our history, our memories, everything that we conceive of as “me, myself,” must die. We must pass through a mystical death, a psychological death. This is what all the great prophets and avatars, all of the Buddhas, have always taught. There can be no resurrection without death. There can be no birth without death.
_ _ ____
>The ego is three because it works through our three brains: intellect, emotion, and sex. The ego is three because it is three traitors: Judas, Caiaphas, and Pilate. These are the same three traitors of Osiris, the same three traitors of Job, the same three traitors in every tradition.
08/29/15 (Sat) 13:31:39 No. 52063
>Baptism is an ancient ritual which belongs to the Gnostic Church, but it is a ritual that is far older than this current Aryan race. It is a ritual that has been present throughout all of the races that have inhabited this planet and those that inhabited the planets previous to this one. It has been known by many names, and in the many branches and faces of the Gnostic Church, baptism has always been present. When, in times of our development as a race, the Gnostic Church has delivered its teachings in the lands of India or the Middle East or in Egypt or in Tibet, the ritual of baptism has always been present, although, of course, in those cultures and times and places it was not known by that particular name. This is why when we perform a comparative analysis of the various world traditions or world histories, we can always find rituals related to water, related to purification and initiation.
>Baptism as a term and as a ritual is most identified in these times with Christianity and with its many varieties: Roman Catholic, and Orthodox, and Protestant. But all of those forms of baptism are derived from the same source, which was taught by Jesus when he was incarnated on this planet two thousand years ago. The baptism that he taught in his gospels, that was performed by John, was a ritual that he acquired and learned in Egypt-a ritual that was performed in Egypt, and has been performed since ancient times in India. This is why when you observe the practices and traditions of India you will see many varieties of baptism–how yogis or disciples will be blessed with water by the priests of whatever temple.
>We see the rituals of baptism in Buddhism. We see it amongst the Mayans. Amongst the Mayans, it is particularly striking, because young children are brought to the priest who exorcises them of evil spirits and blesses them with blessed water when the children are ready to enter into puberty. This ritual was in place before the Christian religion was brought to the Americas. This has a very deep significance.
>We also find baptism in other forms; for example in Roman culture, we see the sacred bath, or in the Jewish culture with the Mikveh, the sacred bath where the person will go to be purified by bathing themselves. We find these sacred baths in every culture: in the Greeks, amongst the Turks, amongst all the ancient traditions.
>Baptism is a universal symbol. The physical practices of baptism, the physical rituals, are symbolic, and they are given generally to children. "Children" is also a symbolic term. In the Christian churches, babies are brought to be baptized, and this is symbolic of the babies of initiation: neophytes, disciples, people who are spiritually young in the teaching, who want to be initiated into that teaching, enter into that teaching. They receive the baptism of the waters.
These are just a few of MANY examples. I'm not making this up. What would I gain by spreading "disinfo"? I swear some people just *have to* find malice in every person's actions.
08/29/15 (Sat) 21:50:20 No. 52093
This is all so close and yet so far.
First, you are very close in that you see that the loss of ego boundaries, of the normal, mundane sense of self is the root of religious experience. This is the best possible key to understanding and it is wonderful that you are awake to this.
However, the trap laid out for seekers is also there in your post. The loathing of the ego, the hatred of desire, the putting down of humanity for not desiring not to desire. As much progress as one might make using these, they are often tethers to samsara just as mighty as the ego, and far more painful because the goal is clear but the path is more confusing than ever.
It is a mistake to blame humanity for playing the game of samsara. It is not a mistake to blame them for the mistreatment of those who light the way out of samsara for those who no longer wish to play the game, but the game itself is precisely that: Play. It holds no more true danger in it than a dramatic production or of children playing (this dual definition is perhaps one of the best features of the English language). Just as you would not fault an actor for playing a role, it is a mistake to fault humanity for still being under the sway of desire. When students sincerely desire to no longer desire, then they are ready to take up a practice and to learn the truths that have been passed down for thousands of years. However, if someone is not ready, it is not only wasteful to attempt to teach them, but can be outright damaging if they are not prepared to hear what you are saying, and will shut themselves off from truth when it comes to them again because they associate it with premature understanding.
It will happen in time. If you want to know more, please see
Also, if you're curious as to why people are calling this disinfo, keep in mind that there are differences in paths which are significant and should not always be dismissed as trifling just because the roots are the same. The roots of a cedar tree and the roots of an oak tree look much alike, but they are not the same tree, even though they utlimately do such similar things that they are both classed as trees. A Christian is not a Taoist. A Taoist is not a Christian. It is insulting to both parties to attempt to claim that they are totally compatible simply because Taoists and Christians can agree on some elements. Whether or not they have the same roots, they are their own distinct paths and they work better for some than for others. If you would respect those traditions, please repsect that traditions, at least in the context of world religion, have a right to themselves. I have a right to be a Taoist first and foremost, before I am a Zennist or a Dharmist, and certainly long long before I am anything Abrahamic. Similarly, I would not insult a Christian, even a Christian mystic, by calling them Taoists who just don't know it yet.
In short, if we are going to play the game of names, and we are (that's what we're doing every time we even use language), it would be wise to recognize that there is some power in them, temporary and provisional as they might be.
08/30/15 (Sun) 12:24:54 No. 52210
Humanity should by no means be hated or put down because they do not partake in the psychological work!
As Jesus stated when he was crucified: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do…". He loved immensely even the people who crucified him.
Of course each individual has his own level of progress, and it is stated repeatedly in scriptures that the path to liberation should not be taught to those who are not ready.
The very reason a Bodhisattva undertakes the burden of the Great Work is to help all those sentient beings be liberated from suffering eventually.
The Bodhisattva sacrifices himself for them, and in turn they are necessary for him, since they show him his defects, and in this way he can eliminate those.
In the Bodhicharyavatara by Santideva it is stated:
>101. How can I hate those who, as due if to the Buddha's blessing, block the gate as I seek to enter suffering?
>107. Therefore, since my adversary assists me in my Bodhisattva way of life, I should long for him like a treasure discovered in the house and acquired without effort.
>109. If an adversary does not deserve respect because his intention was not that I accomplish patience, then why is the sublime Dharma honored? It too has no intention to be a cause of that achievement.
>110. If an adversary is not respected because his intention is to cause harm, then for what other reason would I have patience toward him, if he is like a physician who is intent on my well-being?
>111. Thus, patience arises only in dependence on that malicious intention, so he alone is a cause of my patience. I should respect him just like the sublime Dharma.
If there were no people angry towards us, how could we eliminate our pride and anger?
The very happiness of the Bodhisattvas is found in seeing sentient beings happy.
>123. Just as there is no mental pleasure in all sensual gratification whatsoever when one's body is on fire, likewise there is no way for the Compassionate Ones to be happy when sentient beings are in pain.
The mind freed of the selfish ego is altruistically concerned with others' well being.
>We, the Bodhisattvas of compassion who love humanity immensely, state: as long as there is a single tear in any human eye, as long as there is even one suffering heart, we refuse to accept the happiness of Nirvana. We must seek the means to become more and more useful to this wretched, suffering humanity - Samael Aun Weor
>133. Let alone future Buddhahood, do you not see that in this life, fortune, fame, and happiness ensue from pleasing sentient beings?
And about the ego, yes, it is indeed empty of inherent existence. It is empty, there is no actual substance, it is illusory. However the facts are the facts. The animal desire is still the cause of our suffering. And suffering is very real, even if it is impermanent.
If we do not work on it, we WILL suffer in Samsara. Even if we consider the great manifestation of life as a play. Suffering is still there. From this fact, the necessity to work on the psyche is born.
Yes, the great Beings of superior realms live in the moment, live life like a play, but they are free of suffering because they have profoundly comprehended the nature of the Emptiness of all things. The rest of us is still trapped in illusion. We have not comprehended anything of this life yet.
We might study some doctrine that says "look, life is a play, don't take it seriously", and we might tell ourselves "ok fine, this guy is right, why worry?", but then when the actual difficulties of life come, if we have not actually comprehended that lesson, we'll be suffering like dogs.
And when we die and are we are reborn, we will have completely forgotten about that dude who told us to "take it easy".
This is why meditation is so important in every tradition, because it's the tool to deeply comprehend and to establish the knowledge in our very consciousness, so that when we die we will still be cognizant of that lesson.
Happiness is what every sentient being seeks from life. Happiness is what the Taoist is looking for, what the Christian mystic is looking for, what the Buddhist is looking for. That happiness only comes from the Divine, from inside.
That's why we can synthesize every tradition. The nature of reality is universal, and the Objective Knowledge that a great Christian sage will acquire by meditating is the same knowledge that the Taoist sage will acquire.
08/30/15 (Sun) 12:25:41 No. 52211
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, Book 1:
>The principle which can be expressed
>is not the principle that always was.
>The Being which can be named
>Is not the Being which has always been.
>Before time was,
>there was a an ineffable Being,
>not expressible.
>While still not nameable,
>it conceived sky and earth,
>And once it became, by virtue of that act , nameable,
>it created all beings.
>The two acts are one,
>under two different names.
>The generating act alone is the mystery of the origin . [behold here the mystery of sex, the key of Gnosis]
>Mystery of mysteries.
>The doorway through which
>on the scene of the manifested universe
>emerged all the wonders which inhabit it .
>The knowledge that man has
>of the universal Principle [Tao, God]
>depends on the state of his spirit.
>The spirit which is constantly free from passion [the ego]
>knows the mysterious essence of the Principle.
>The spirit which is constantly in the grip of passion
>will not know anything but its effects.
This is the first page of the most important Taoist scripture.
08/30/15 (Sun) 18:09:56 No. 52248
My apologies, I misunderstood your tone. Yes, we're saying the same thing.
12/05/15 (Sat) 03:37:18 No. 62947
12/05/15 (Sat) 11:02:46 No. 62973
Biggest greenpill on Gnosticism
Archon - (Arch) Angel (of Presence), not some spooky reptilian alien.
Horaios, Sabaoth, Yaldabaoth, Adonaois, Astaphanos, Elaois, Iao
Kasbeel, Michael, Ariel, Uriel, Gabriel, Rapahel, Danyael, Nathanael
More on them and feminine syzygys - Archaias (that's why you see them linked to "Archangels"): http://z8.invisionfree.com/Megadriel/index.php?showtopic=367
I recommend board for any informations on angels… Admin have wast knowledge based on scriptural basis rather than info out of ass or Quaker-tier revelations.
Jehovah was also not really like they imagined him. If you studied Judaism you'd know he himself didn't had much affair in material realm matters, he rather send his herald Metatron to do his biddings there.
It's said God himself can't even manifest in this realm and must use him, which for Christians may be heresy as he's omnipotent there.
I also don't get the "Neo-Gnostics" of modern, Aleister Crowley was calling himself one, yet also "Beast 666" or during "Gnostic Catholic" Mass he produced praising "Babalon" - Whore of Babylon, at the same time speaking of "Holy Guardian Angels" (why not Devils?), that sounds mutually exclusive at best.
Samael Aun Weor… Samael is name of Satan. Or Samiel, Saklas, as they knew him. Why would they both name themselves after hated Demiurge?
I try to study Valentinianism, but I'm interested in origins of this religion (Gnosticism) and when it derived/hijacked so out of it's original road, how it looked before syncretism with Christianity, as I understood before Hellenisation it's origins were in Syria and Egypt.
The surviving Yezidis have very huge respect to Demiurge… They see him as Azrael, one of God's Archons.
He have felt out of grae, but redeemed himself, this is something rather unexpected in angelic stories. Once fallen (for good), they're working against human at least until possible apokatastasis with coming of Messiah/Second coming of Christ.
12/06/15 (Sun) 17:38:21 No. 63123
Sadly, believing anything in your posts subjects me to blind faith just as much (or more) than anything else in this board. And I'm not that much into blind faith.
12/06/15 (Sun) 19:55:18 No. 63138
best course of action is probably just getting rid of internet and looking at your hands for hours or something
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/07/15 (Mon) 02:48:33 No. 63181
maybe. I imagine qigong is good as well as the self-figured-out meditation.
12/09/15 (Wed) 03:09:36 No. 63422
Tell me about Joseph Smith and Gnosticism. How much of his stuff was taken from this tradition?
didi 12/09/15 (Wed) 14:45:57 No. 63473
>half of op's list are fictional characters invented in 250-700.
>greeks culture and magick is watered down and confused khemetic magick/sciences.
>can't just learn the 7 principles and move on, has to make it a religion and waste all this time theorycrafting
mormonism is a fraud, smith is fraudulent, he just wanted lot's of women servants.
>biggest greenpill on gnostiscm
>doesn't mention how those names are just the old names of the 12 major cranial nerves aka also 12 apostles.
>correct on it's origins and actually was mis-interpreted hindu texts which they themselves originated from south-east africa.
There is not demi-fuck there is no god or no daddy in the sky like the religions tell you - it's all allegory for your mind and body functions, and how to use specific techniques to move forward.
protip: read hilton hotema / check out dr. phil valentine / dr alim bey
SAGE! 12/11/15 (Fri) 13:58:19 No. 63789
>muh demiurge
Gnosticucks! Gnosticucks!
12/15/15 (Tue) 19:18:51 No. 64454
For me it was a lot easier than all that jazz. I simply put aside all my preconceived notions about God, and asked sincerely that Jesus help me out, and I approached with the intent that I would change if only I was helped. Has been one hell of a journey for me so far, but all in all it gave me more result than countless hours of meditation and rituals and crap did. Recommend to anyone that is willing to try it out and look a bit crazy by believing in mundane things that are not quite as exotic as inter-dimensional reptile aliens.
02/06/16 (Sat) 08:44:31 No. 69861
>not Socrates
stopped reading right there
02/07/16 (Sun) 01:34:18 No. 69876
I really was on board with this until the concept of Kundalini was revealed.
So are homosexuals just doomed then? Usually a telltale sign for me in these belief systems is how they talk about and introduce sexuality. They have this concrete science-like explanation as to why the male and female desire eachother, but not the male-male or female-female, and doesn't even begin to address deviant sexuality because there's no way people back then could have known where the gay comes from.
Is this another "fags go to hell" faith system? I don't want a liberal interpretation, I want what the source material says.
02/07/16 (Sun) 09:43:23 No. 69887
The nonsense in this thread has barely anything to do with Kundalini let alone real spirituality.
02/07/16 (Sun) 16:28:46 No. 69896
Thank you for wasting a good portion of my morning on abject New Age bullshit by a prophet for profit. It would be great if someone put this much interest and energy into the study, practice, and promulgation of actual Gnosticism.
Enjoy staying a slave brah.
02/07/16 (Sun) 16:35:44 No. 69897
I watched the video the OP gave, seemed to be from that site he posted. Made it seem like everything is about heterosex and that reality is built around that.
Would you or >>69896 care to elaborate what you mean by "real spirituality" or "actual Gnosticism"? I like studying this kind of stuff and want to know more, even if you are just pointing me in a direction.
02/07/16 (Sun) 17:46:23 No. 69898
Start with the texts found in the Nag Hammadi library. The best place to start, in my opinion, is the Gospel of Thomas, which provides a completely different view of Jesus Christ. From there, just read up as much as you can although I would recommend the Hypostasis of the Archons. Research the Cathars and the Bogomils (really the same group).
Gnosticism TL;DR
We are slaves in a prison created by the hostile Demiurge who is the God of the Old Testament. Christ showed us a means and a way to transcend our enslavement and prison.