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Esoteric Wizardry


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Greetings wizards, salutations adventurers.

I am a facebag site user.

Sort of stressed about work - I tore down the whole sky a while back, now this [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Me_yIXYiisQ ] is my life and i need help - getting too much mystery school credit lately, can't hand it alone.


We are all memes living in a memetic universe. Like Begets Like.


Danke, bless you, spurdo enthisuast.


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What do you think of some of these dank memes going down here?


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Pic 2 I communed with a few years back - handrolling kannabis vid on YouTube is probably my hands.

Still reading, getting to Files 4&5, I knew 1&3 from old 4chon.



Intended as resbonse to kindly >>42127

Good lookin out.


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Lots of Phillip K. Dick, R.A.Wilson and Piers Anthony 3.5 D&D stuff happening in real life lately.


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Resolved. Ghost of blue velvet.



Anyone into PKD should read this, it's a collection of his notes on philosophy and the occult, over 1000 pages.



i love these threads




Saved! A massive thanks to you!!


Your post brings me great relief.

I was convinced I was dying, everyone hated me and the world was going race war supernova.


Remembering more now.

I was close to the sign from >>42166

Had weed on me. Was gonna smoke with some K2 user, people had been plugging those spice packets, vacuum sealed "replacement cannabis."

She asked what kind of weed I had.

I said "K1."

She locked up, thanked me and went to do something else.


Related; one of my bestestestest friends recently asked me if I was a cop. I wasn't but managed to say "Yes." We'd been tested Orange years ago by urinalysis.

I actually do a pretty good job of keeping dealers and cops on good terms.

The really fucked up part is I'd just last week, while drinking in public, conceived a plan for peace activist registry - trustworthy capable-not-dangerous adventurers.

>forever is a long time.


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Do you know offhand the title of the one where BELIAL arrives on Earth?

I read it, hesitant to describe too much.


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Okay so the first respondent's (tanke again) File4&5 pretty much confirm that I've installed a Gem of True Seeing in my right eye.

(Polite sage, non-derisive).



The divine invasion was my first guess, googled it and apparently I'm right. I've bought it but not read it yet, I've only read scanner darkly.



OP here.

not bumping the thread, just clarifying for "MusicanFriend001"




(i have way too long a story about "DROWN" tag IRL)












Are all me. (Ô_Ô)b

just in case .

I'll add more D&D notebook IRL stuff if i can, for other sorcery friends here too. No rush. Forever is a long time….


Quarter pounder - $9.00. (weed)

Brick of milk - $43.00.(coke)

Drinking glass - #1.40. meth)


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112 ounces = $900.

1 kilogram brick = #4300.

1 gram = ???


my crack delivery guy's dude been getting fucked. paying 20k a brick is not okay.

trap world (hip hop) indicates cocaine ought to cost a maximum of $4300 per kilogram.


dropping logos:


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International Business Machines, original:


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Greatest Moment of my Life, gif:

how to chansite, faggot, pic

danke, /tg/



So i have 5 Dreams so far where I get to interact with literally my favorite person.

And 4 where I attain power.

Is this an interactive thread or just 1 guy talking to himself?



oh noes.

so much writing to do here.

i thought this got deleted.

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