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File: 1433169643283.png (873.64 KB, 1400x908, 350:227, mike-brown-ghost-ferguson.png)


ppl in ferguson have been claiming to witness mike browns ghost near the area he died. the witnesses claim he was trying to tell them something, but his speech was not audible. pretty spoopy stuff. heres a pic from the article. artistic representation.




>the 2222 of syncs


yeah a lot of moors did rituals on the kid during the whole ordeal - some to get his loosh - some to get the loosh of the group - some to help the kid and his energy move on, as of course he wasn't a magi-level spirit - there was a few magi moors who i heard of speak on the situation regarding dark arts priests casting spells on the event.

tho that could all just be media sensationalism for views - it could also be the magick done by all the moors who decided to involve themselves in this.


How's ballsy enough to actually go out and ghost hunt in coon town



Yeah, a reliable source affirmed he was muttering something along the lines "I dindu nuffin".


confirmed for dindu demon



Moors? Maybe a newb question, I'm just not familiar with the term.



Niggers by any other name. Used to mean a muslim from northern africa.



Gotcha, thanks.



More like gibsmemoors.


File: 1433456091600.png (260.52 KB, 525x459, 175:153, Pepe and friends show bein….png)





File: 1433460895921.jpg (43.72 KB, 512x429, 512:429, 1418881580416.jpg)


Also known as Dindus (din do nuffins)


What if all the dindus chanting "he din do nuffin" summoned some sort of dindu demon? Or thought form.



Erry one whose seen the leprechan say yeeeahh

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