I'm more curious about that mantra.
>Most people don't explicitly identify as any single religion, but in addition to Buddhism and Hinduism, Aravalism is major. It's basically a mix of them with some weird ass shit about mother earth and how there's this sacred mantra that, when said, can have huge influence on everything and must only be said out loud on rare occasions. I'm not going to tell you what that mantra is because, in all honesty, I'm kind of superstitious about that one, maybe because I have a lot of monks in the family and was raised to never say it unless I really, REALLY must pray for something. And it has worked a bunch of times, so… Yeah.
>I laughed at OP until I saw the word "araval". You don't have any idea how big this is, OP, if you're still here. The world OP lives in is not underground, though its access points may be. It is what I like to call a "reality vertex". Each particle smaller than a proton has a "vertex" on it that contains its own universe if you "slip" past it. I probably have trouble explaining, English isn't my first language, and I don't know much of the details of it.
>What must be understood is that there is no such thing as "real world". There are countless "real worlds" coexisting in a state of stable paradox, constantly shifting and interlocking and interweaving, like continental plates but on a sub-atomic scale. Each has a small difference to another, and they cycle around so at some times larger shifts can occur suddenly if they overlap; this is what "Mandela Effect" is in many cases and when people miss time etc. among other phenomena, including "paranormal things". All of the different realities are physically the same; the Earth, probably the entire universe, is different in subtle ways, though of course the differences are localised on Earth as we live on Earth.
>Araval is a country that exists in many of these realities, but what makes it special is that it is the only one that I know for a fact had technology more advanced than what we (in the reality that we live in right now) have, already thousands of years ago. Genetic engineering, metamaterials, asexual reproduction, teleportation… that civilisation is the one that many, many myths have their roots in.
>OP mentioned a mantra Aravalans use; I know that mantra and can confirm that it has huge effects if you get it right. It's what enabled me to stabilise myself in realities, so that I wouldn't experience the "Mandela effect" etc. as much.