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Esoteric Wizardry


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Old thread here; http://8ch.net/fringe/res/24265.html

What is fitness? Being fit means…

>Competency in biomotor abilities (strength, endurance, power, flexibility, balance, speed, agility, coordination) in relation to needs or goals

>Muscle size, body composition, and activity level that matches needs or goals, not societal definitions or pressures

>Mobile joints & relaxed muscles

>Natural spinal and body alignment fostered by strong bones

>Effortless nasal, diaphragmatic breathing

>Youthful respiratory quotient)

>Efficient digestion and elimination

>Healthy heart and good circulation (strong pulse and warm extremities, tip of nose)

>Rarely experience sickness

>Excellent sleep, libido, and fertility

>Relaxed yet focused mind

>Positive outlook

Fitness is an essential part of proper initiation. While bodybuilding is not necessary, (and bodybuilding can easily become an egoistic pursuit for "a beautiful body" and not good health!!), proper exercise connects us to our physical vessels, giving us more conscious control over them. And as the cliche points out, "A healthy mind in a healthy body"; a well oxygenated brain strengthens our consciousness, fends off mental haze and sluggishness and improves psychological functions such as memory.

A well-trained body gives a sensation of masculinity and connects us to our bodies from which we have alienated ourselves from… this "quest for maleness" can only be achieved through harsh discipleship and enforcing of the Will. In this understanding, physical exercise becomes also a mental operation which can be likened to Mental Alchemy - by exercising and using our magical abilities, we transform weakness into strength and emasculated men become again Men with a capital M.

So, exercise! Exercise!

Taste the ammonia in your mouth!

Feel the swelling of your veins!

Feel the blood run as petroleum fuel!

tldr; get /fit/, it improves your wizardry and you won't feel like emasculated.


Did the old thread max out?


>having to exercise

>not just willing your body into optimal shape

mundanes, not even once



Post your body, neckbeard.



Willing your body into optimal shape, although possible and I actually know a guy who has done it with magnificent results, is a shitload harder than doing it by exercise.



this, anon's argument can be applied to virtually anything

>not just willing dishes into being clean

>not just willing a mansion deed into your life

Like many mundane tasks, lifting can build your tenacity and determination character traits, should not be ignored just because you're a wizard now.

Build your temple to be worthy of the god that occupies it.


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Anyone willing to share their experiences on effects of different kinds of tea?

I have noticed that this certain brand of green tea makes my mind wild; after consuming few cups of it, my mind registers certain scenes I see during my day with stronger than usual vividity but these scenes are difficult to banish. I cannot seem to replicate this effect with other teas.

Black tea doesn't seem to have any special effects on my mind and it tastes bad, IMO.



I drink white tea because it is said to slow down aging alittle



I'm just saying that willing your body into shape takes an enormous effort of the will and a lot of time and practise far beyond what doing the physical exercises would do. It's kind of like using telepathy to move your plates onto your table. Sure it can be done but it's fucking hard and it's easier to just move the plates into place with your hands. We've got a lot of things to do as wizards and it's not a bad idea to use mundane methods of getting things done while still developing.


Someone tell me how strong nerves are essential to spiritual growth.


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I think I said this in the previous thread but I like mate.

Shiet it even looks wizardy.



Where are you from, brother?



I'm from Hueland. A land of contrasts if anything.


How can I approach a problem with overeating? I used to only eat 1 huge meal a day till I couldn't even breath, now O find it hard to regulate and understand what is appropriate when eating 3-6 meals a day. What do I need to address: physically, mentally, spiritually?



go watch everything from dr.sebi and everything from sunfire jericho and everything from loren lockman

you won't have karma to food anymore.



Ty anon



>Willing your body into optimal shape

Some things are easier done physically. You can will your ass to be wiped or you can just wipe it physically.



Do a ritual to summon Benchpressicus the overlord of the gymnasiastic pantheon.

Ask for guidance from his angels the curlbrosdumbelicians.

Follow the path of the great teaching known as the Nutrinomicon.





Here's a question concerning water. Most people here have said to avoid fluoride, and being in the United States, that's rather difficult to do considering the tap water itself is "enriched" with the stuff. Most water bottles as well.

Even if you find a water bottle with no fluoride, you'll still be getting that estrogen from the plastic.

So how the shit do you avoid both? Am I going to have to find a well or move to a city who doesn't fluoridate their water supply?



You could move but for the majority it's just better to drink water from plastic.

Think about this: Water with plastic = 1 problem, being the oestrogen, something that is in a fairly small percentage and can avoid additional buildup by storing the bottle out of sunlight in a dark, coolish place etc. Tap water however has everyones piss in it. Sure, its filtered… but what does piss contain these days? All types of medications and diseases - medication is the problem here though as it's not completely filtered and you are getting someone elses drug treatment in your body to at least a small degree including others oestrogen boosters. Better to just put up with the plastic with the comparatively minor problems it may cause.



berkey sports bottle

bpa-free shit

glass container

interior ceramic exterior mineral container>>52427

>move to a city that doesn't fluoride

yes, and you will have to prolly eventually want to be somewhere near a ph 8.5+ water source, many countries offer such with low cost of living and high exchange rate markup from usa value to local commodities and labor.


Q; How much does veganism (or eating less meat) impact how big a wizard i can be?



those big dudes on youtube / posters are taking hgh - try it out for a while yourself then stop, the guy durianrider had a test for a bit and it makes you get huge gains but as soon as you stop injecting shit shrinks back, also your balls are gg for lyfe.

fitness wise tho - patrick baboumian is world record strongman and he's vegan, tons of raw vegan or vegan athletes and such.

you really should just be warrior mode not swoldier mode since you want fluidity but also more cells ( muscles ) for chi conversion.



not sure how valid this is.



do you know what that guy eats? i'm assuming a fuck ton of grains

i tried looking it up and can't find anything except shit that says "HE DOESN'T EAT MEAT LOLOLLOL"

meat is inferior to fruits and vegetables



i've been skinny my whole life, 6 feet tall and never weighed more than 145 lbs

i use to eat a fuck ton of meat, grains, a little veg

my digestion started getting worse and worse and i got down to 128 lbs at 6'0…thin

i've changed my diet to be mostly fruit, mostly stopped eating meat, i'll have a couple ounces every week or 2 weeks. other than fruit i eat romaine lettuce and some random other vegetables. i've been experimenting with rice and corn lately, not sure if optimal. i eat a fuckton of bananas mangos and dates because they have calories and are the only fruit i can afford really

anyway the point is i now weigh 160 lbs, so i'm bigger than i ever been in my life no meat ^_^ this has been in < 3 months (2.5 months ago i was 128 lbs) WITH NO LIFTING (home for summer, no gym) I believe once i start lifting again and get back into sport i'll be able to gain up to normie weight and no longer be el hungry esqueleto

that said, most vegans are skinny as fuck. i think for the average person its cause they eat like shit though, like they don't eat enough fruit they just eat vegetables (0 calories) and some rice or wheat which they probably have an allergy to, vegan junk food etc

but even the athletic vegans are generally smaller than the normies. the caveat to this is they've got much more fat, with fruits and vegetables you will always be ripped i believe its impossible to get fat even with 5000 calories. yes they are bigger but fat is useless aside from making you look bigger and unhealthy. personally i dont think its worth it. focus on your strength and see if you can maintain that without meat



dude, honestly, if you just do muscle failure and tear tissue - the body works like this oh noes i can't do X physical shit, if i survive this, next time i need to be ready for this so keep repeating it till your body keeps adapting.

muscle is adaptation.

then, realize you need the proper nutrients which are mainly from sun / darkness exposure.

anything else is really just placebo.

yeah prison dudes have drugs, but they have the worst shit imaginable in terms of nutrients.

Africans in africa just carry heavy shit all day and become huge with little food.

You want to be a scientist and an alchemist when it comes to upgrading your vessel.



didi pls




go on..



>all you have to do is lift, body will adapt

>but also you need nutrients

>you get them from the sun not food

>???and darkness???

>anything besides lifting and sun is PLACEBO

>Africans in africa just carry heavy shit all day and become huge with little food.

>scientist and alchemist

>don't consider food

pls as in what the fuck are u saying pls



check out my thread fam




ps are you black






>are you black

I will always blend with every race / ethnicity on this planet.


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19 year old anon checking in here

>>Competency in biomotor abilities (strength, endurance, power, flexibility, balance, speed, agility, coordination) in relation to needs or goals


>>Muscle size, body composition, and activity level that matches needs or goals, not societal definitions or pressures


>>Mobile joints & relaxed muscles


>>Natural spinal and body alignment fostered by strong bones

One of my shoulders is out and my back is slightly bent forward which but ive never broken a bone

>>Effortless nasal, diaphragmatic breathing

my sinuses are arseholes

>>Youthful respiratory quotient

I dunno what the fuck this is suppose to be

>>Efficient digestion and elimination


>>Healthy heart and good circulation (strong pulse and warm extremities, tip of nose)


>>Rarely experience sickness

Very rarely (Im lucky my parents had the wisdom to never have me take antibiotics I worked in a hospital two years and never caught anything because my immune system is a beast)

>>Excellent sleep, libido, and fertility


>>Relaxed yet focused mind

100% relaxed 75% focused

>>Positive outlook

I'm always positive

Imo someones ability to stay positive is a strong testimony of there mental health no matter how bad shit gets the one who stays positive will always find it easier to deal whit shit then someone who starts throwing rants, violence or whatever at the problem.



>>One of my shoulders is out and my back is slightly bent forward which but ive never broken a bone

forward which sucks but…


>>Natural spinal and body alignment fostered by strong bones

One of my shoulders is out and my back is slightly bent forward which but ive never broken a bone

-→ Do symmetric stretches, such as using door frames for positioning and hold positions while inhaling - repeating this will fix your overall posture after a few months ( google posture / body realignment stretches )

>>Effortless nasal, diaphragmatic breathing

my sinuses are arseholes

-→ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROoKGxRIAxg

>>Youthful respiratory quotient

I dunno what the fuck this is suppose to be

-→ you take 25k breaths in average a day / do you deep breathe or do you shallow breathe when you take them. Control your breathing to always take in maximal oxygen.


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I do take deep breathes and can hold my breath about 50 seconds on a good day (I smoke weed so holding your breath is more bang for your bucks)

Thanks for the stenches i'll be trying them out I guess il try sniffing water too.



Steel rainwater tank then filter the catchment, boil it if animals or plant matter manages to get in the tank or the larger catchment area.



Ceramic or Glass or even make of quartz is better, metals leech and steel is called steel for a reason - read the zulu lore, they used steel to steal energy. There is allegorical reason swords and weapons are mostly folded steel and carbon.


didi could you post some of your youtube resources you get your information from?



i made a thread


Decalcifying your body (perfecting your temple) can do wonders for your abilities, health, and general longevity. Here is some information on it


Personally I take MSM (Methyl-sulfonyl-methane) to help me, at least 2 tea spoons a day. (I buy it in bulk from a local health food store, for $10/lb.)

One of the many things that most have calcification issues with, if nothing else, is your pineal gland. And I've noticed my dream quality/clarity goes up remarkably after the first week, and if I take a lot more in a day (8-10+ spoonfuls) I can feel energy very vividly, as if I smoked a bowl.



>Didi dum didi doo…

Recently read a book from the guy who wrote Convict Conditioning, a calisthetic bible. It's called C Mass and about getting big on bodyweight exercise.

Low reps 1-3 of intense movements are for building nerve stength (real strength) and can be done multiple times a day, as nerves recover fast.

Higher reps of around 8 or 20 for building muscle through taxing the muscles more themselves, with plenty of rest and nutrition for chemical syntheses of muscle gains.

One thing he said in the book was that prison inmates got big off junk food and the extra cholesterol and carbohydrates, plus they get plenty of real structured sleep with plenty of naps. That also means complete darkness. Healthy biorhythms are king. I don't recommend the junk food part.

The low rep stuff is also synonymous with 'greasing the groove' a training term used by Pavel T, a Russian expert in strength. Another is Scott Sonnon, who learned in Russia and has the best tactical fitness training out there, along with his breathing work in the Slavic Zdorovye system of health which includes joint care.

I barely eat, just some colostrum which has the effects of steroids, then I'm usually fasting on the waters of my own cistern if you catch my drift.


>smoked a bowl



I've been digging into Hilton Hotema books and am Impressed with the quality of work there.

What I've read so far is about cell immortality, which comes down to a clean environment. Also, how we exude a 'breath of death' that can be visualized as a black cloud, as much as a large drum. This has to be carried away with a breeze or else we suffer from intoxicating ourselves. He goes on to talk a lot about environment on health and how artificial environments have become man's downfall. Also intense longevity, that of Biblical patriarchs, who only ate once a day. Really, it is a matter of refraining from intoxicating oneself.

"To realize the truth, cleanse the entire digestive tract so that the purified mind can be forever inspired."


How would I go about to decalcify my pineal gland?

When I try to find out from the web, it feels like they're trying to push products and snake oil upon you



Cannabis is not degenerate.

It is a gift, and it will help you in many ways.



Look 3 posts up man. >>52845

Also not further calcifying it via drinking fluoridated water/soda/tea/alcohol/etc or consuming food cooked with such is a good start.



Hilton Hotema is based as fuck.


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These threads should be stickied.

This and the .pdf resource thread are the best things to come out of fringe by far.

>Shut up faggot, I'm a fat, flabby piece of shit and you couldn't even begin to comprehend the height of my wizardry.

Oh yeah? Then get /fit/ and watch that shit get ten times stronger.


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Mine is more hyper-dairy, nuts, and fruits

High protein, mid fat, low (more than zero) carb


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>still addicted to physical food



moar liek shill pill "diet"


That good feel when you have someone more experienced than you help you do squats with proper form :3



and then he blows you in the lockeroom?

best feel



Yeah man. Get that incest shit going on.




No joke.




This.Mate is outstanding as a mind defogger and a general energy booster. I recently attended an event sponsored by a mate company, and after trying it, I was running around and training harder than I ever have without feeling any fatigue or loss of energy. This kicked in after about 3 hours and 3 cups later, but the energy spike lasted at least 5 hours, with no jitters or sudden drop. If ever there was a magic tea, this shit is it.



I've recently tried drinking green tea and hibiscus tea for a month. In fact my green tea ended two days ago.

So I think of it like this

>Mate for energy

>Green tea for mental steadiness

>Hibiscus tea for improved blood and heart.

Next week I'll begin using all three daily, green tea in the morning, cold mate with lemon in the afternoon, and hibiscus tea before sleeping.

The goal is to get through this initial period where I'm struggling with magick with the help of this three magical drinks, and eventually drink them just for fun (they do taste great).


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This book describes how psychiatric pharmaceuticals, namely antidepressants, anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics are among the most prescribed active substances due to the higher occurrence of psychiatric disorders throughout the world. It goes on to demonstrate how patients’ excretion of the active compounds along with several metabolites is considered to be the main pathway for the occurrence of these emerging pollutants in wastewater treatment plant effluents, surface and drinking water, soils and sediments.

Further chapters are devoted to an exploration of these pharmaceuticals’ high persistence, toxicity and intrinsic biological activity, which can affect the nervous and endocrine systems of terrestrial and aquatic non-target organisms, the dissemination of these compounds in environment matrices and the growing number of associated problems and concerns.

The remainder of the book describes how conventional wastewater treatment processes are generally inefficient when it comes to the removal of this type of pollutants, giving rise to the demand for implementing alternative or complementary treatment technologies. Extensive research studies on the efficiency of the degradation and/or removal of these pollutants are summarized, and adsorption, membrane and advanced oxidation processes (AOP) are proposed. Given its content and structure, the book offers a concise summary of the most significant findings on psychiatric pharmaceutical removal in wastewater.


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Seriously who makes this shit, endless lulz. Aliens were scary until I saw all those pictures making jokes. I honestly wonder what they think of that shit.


Interesting article by Samael Aun Weor contra vegetarianism:


>The cows are vegetarian one hundred percent, and nevertheless, as a great initiate stated, we have never seen an initiated cow.



It merely shows how much of a fucking idiot you are that you will even praise the mental diarrhea of a charlatan as long as he confirms your degenerate life style choice.



dogs are omnivorous and there aren't any initiated dogs either lol






>Just looking at the one humorous quote posted and not even bothering to read the actual article



Eating meat is degenerate?

B-but I'm fucking yakked brah!

w-what about my gains?




All lies.



>Reading stuff written by an imbecile posted on a fucking gnosticuck website.



Gnosticuck? Okay.. How are gnostics cucks? Flesh out your argument a little.


>Youthful respiratory quotient)





They aren't, he just sees them that way. Don't you all know by now?


Gnosticuck! Gnosticuck!



maybe you should all check out my board /ckfitvegan/

you might like it, but whatever.



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All right some good stuff here but can we maybe get the discussion centered more into the culinary practices of green pilled eatin' for my self and the mundanes etc.?

>Working Sigil and kitchen witchcraft (been told this is the only worth while witch craft really) into the act of cooking for better results. 'Programming" your meals

>describe your average food intake from day to day to for a week.

>Cheap and pure bulk items that are essentials

>Tasty home made flexible sauces


>pre and post workout meals for maximum gains

>Food with special properties for magical practices

>Foods for offerings to deities

>Essential fruit

> "" grains (whats the best way to eat these too besides breads) (gluten wat???)

> "" Veggies

> "" Nuts

> More essentials not mentioned

>Whole milk or no milk?

>Vitamins and supplements you take?

>Any tips for digestion after meals (I drink warm green tea)

>Detox foods and techniques

Also just for kicks what's your problem food that you just can't resist

>Mango licorice


>Working Sigil and kitchen witchcraft (been told this is the only worth while witch craft really) into the act of cooking for better results. 'Programming" your meals

Since I cook with people other than myself I just fill all our food with health energy, just my own teas I fill with wishes specific with my personal projects.

>describe your average food intake from day to day to for a week.

Ricotta cheese and boiled egg for breakfast, home made sandwich with home cooked chicken thigh fillets left over from previous dinner, cheese, lettuce and peanut butter, dinner is home grown tomatoes, cucumbers, an omelet from the eggs of my friends who have hens and soup, supper is some combination of cooked vegetables and chicken,

>Cheap and pure bulk items that are essentials

chicken and broccoli are love/life

>Tasty home made flexible sauces

Don't know how to make any/don't have time


Fruit when I feel peckish

>pre and post workout meals for maximum gains

ON Gold two scoops after every workout with a spoon of creatine mixed in milk

>Food with special properties for magical practices

Not really since I just charge whatever I eat

>Foods for offerings to deities

Live with normies so making rituals like that is out of the question

>Essential fruit


>Whole milk or no milk?

Full cream of course

>Vitamins and supplements you take?

Magnesium to reduce soreness after working out

>Any tips for digestion after meals (I drink warm green tea)

Green tea a best

>what's your problem food that you just can't resist

Chocolate bar every once in a while, my bigger nutritional problem is that I don't drink enough water.

Easily crackling fingers and neck isn't the greatest.


How would I will myself to eat more? I never eat enough to get the godly body I want.




stop being a little bitch and make yourself eat whatever amount you put in front of you

this means eating until you feel like you're going to puke from all the food every 2-3 hours

also do GOMAD if all else fails



I was hoping for something more spiritual.


Wonder if I can get swole on a breatharian diet.



Try to get an understanding of it first. It's not a "diet".



What he just said was "spiritual". Read the Kybalion.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some Nation of Islam brotha spittin' truth on raw milk.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For 4 months I ate nothing but plain white rice. No salt, no fat, no micronutrition, 1000 calories per day average.

I quit that because my body was beginning to waste. I went from slightly underweight to slightly aboveanorexic in 4 months. My liver was fucked up. My joints and muscles were also effected.

I want to do it again, but with some oil and salt mixed in. I want to go for stretches of time with miniscule lysine, threonine, and micronutrients. I am wondering what some good strategies would be.

Do I need to regain weight 1st?

Should I do 1 week on- 1 week off, 1 month on- 1 month off, 2 month on- 2 month off, etc.?

Should the on:off ratio be equal?


the thread I posted on nutrition:


I can paste some info in here too

a diet of mostly fruits, mushrooms, and medicinal herbs. I can dig up more info if you like. All oils other than medium chain are supposed to be bad, including seed and fish oils. So basically coconut oil is the only easily accessible good oil. Tubers, nuts, seeds, legumes, all are not optimal, and eat everything raw/organic where possible.

In response to,

“Are there, in your opinion, important dietary supplements that every human being should take?”

Vitamin C - preferably Magnesium, Potassium, or Sodium ascorbate - 10g/day; up to 300g/day for severe degenerative diseases - Apes cannot synthesize vitamin C and require enormous amounts from our diets. Required for many reduction/hydroxylation reactions (eg, synthesis of collagen, norepinephrine, carnitine). Spares and restores other antioxidants such as vitamin E and ALA. Subclinical deficiency impairs capillary integrity and catecholamine metabolism; promotes CVD, cancer, parkinsonism, schizophrenia, diabetes, and most other degenerative diseases. Cannot be obtained in even close to sufficient amounts, even on an all-fruit diet, since domesticated fruits are much lower in vitamin C and flavonoids than wild ones. Large (25g+) doses can be used to overcome opiate addiction, and to relieve pain. Adverse effects are extremely uncommon, with the exception of gastrointestinal discomfort at very high doses (which may itself be therapeutic).

Flavonoids - >500mg/day - catechol flavonoids are required for vitamin C activity; flavonoids improve the efficiency of many metabolic processes; substantially expand the protective capabilities of endogenous antioxidants; largely responsible for the health benefits of many foods. Berries, tea, chocolate, onions, and wine are well-studied sources.

Vitamin B3 - Niacinamide or Niacin - 250 or 500mg/day (up to 2g/day; requirement is substantially increased during stressful conditions, eg. schizophrenia, and liver disease) - Precursor to NAD and NADPH, the most fundamental cofactors in living organisms. Functional deficiency affects all life processes. NADH is used to extract high-energy electrons from food-derived carbohydrates and proteins. NADPH is widely used by proteins in biosynthetic electron transfer reactions and is part of some antioxidant enzymes. Supplementation has been repeatedly found to have significant benefits in many (perhaps most) degenerative diseases. Niacinamide inhibits the breakdown of NAD.


Vitamin B2 - Riboflavin - 20mg/day - forms FAD, a ubiquitous cofactor used for 2-electron reductions, including the enzyme that detoxifies aminochromes. Along with NADH, needed to extract metabolic energy from foods

Vitamin B6 - Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate - 15mg/day - prone to oxidative destruction, especially when B3 is deficient; central to amino acid metabolism; deficiency arrests 'non-essential' protein synthesis; opioid addiction depletes vitamin B6.

Vitamin B1 - Thiamin - 20mg/day - performs decarboxylation reactions; required for complete catabolism of sugars and keto acids; destroyed by alcohol use; deficiency produces neurasthenia, neurodegeneration, and metabolic syndrome.

Vitamin B5 - Pantothenate - 25mg/day - part of Coenzyme A; essential for fat metabolism and oxidative respiration; excessiely excreted in metabolic syndrome.

Vitamin B9 - TetraHydroMethylFolate - 200ug/day - required to remethylate S-Adenosyl-Methionine; most people are functionally deficient; requirement increased by B12 deficiency; opioid addiction depletes folic acid.

Vitamin B12 - Methylcobalamin - 1000ug/day - normally produced by gut bacteria, which are impaired in everyone; required to recycle folic acid to allow for methylation; deficiency is associated with neurodegeneration.

Na-R-ALA - 10-100mg/day; along with thiamin, oxidizes pyruvate produced by glycolysis; water/fat soluble antioxidant that recycles endogenous antioxidants; effective and non-toxic heavy metal chelator; low plasma levels are indicative of metabolic syndrome/diabetes; supplementation restores insulin sensitivity in diabetes and associated conditions (eg schizophrenia).

Vitamin D3 - Cholecalciferol - 5000 IU/day in winter, less with more sunlight exposure - produced from cholesterol by UV light in human skin. Mushroom skin produces the related compound Ergocalciferol, Vitamin D2, which can partially substitute for our own D3. Prevents calcium accumulation in soft tissue, plasma; prevents osteoporosis, may alleviate depression.

Vitamin E - d-Tocopherols - 30IU/day - up to 400IU/day depending on meat and PUFA consumption. Supplementation is not required if you eat only fruit. In most cases, avoid taking over 400IU/day. Best is to take a,b,g, and d ('mixed') tocopherols and tocotrienols rather than just a-tocopherol. Required for the hydrogenation of excess unsaturated fats and the prevention of their oxidation; spares and restores CoQ10. Antagonizes some of the effects of estrogen.

Magnesium - Magnesium Glycinate/chelate - 50-200mg/day Mg - required for ATP synthesis and retention; required for calcium absorption and utilization; prevents muscle cramping and bruxism.

Vitamin K2 - Menaquinone - 2mg/day - required for protein carboxylation; prevents bone demineralization and soft-tissue calcification; necessary for proper vitamin D and calcium metabolism; required for effective blood clotting. Vitamin D supplementation necessitates vitamin K supplementation. MK4 is the most active form of vitamin K in non-hepatic tissues.

Zinc - Zinc Picolinate/chelate - ~10mg/day of zinc - required for some antioxidant enzymes (Zn-SOD); required for insulin synthesis; various metabolic roles. Required for MAP binding to microtubules, and hence the structural integrity of neuronal dendrites. Disruption of Zn metabolism by aluminium is related to alzheimerism.

Selenium - Selenomethionine - 100ug/day - required for some antioxidant enzymes (GPx); required for the conversion of thyroid hormone to its active form (T3). Deficiency is associated with schizophrenia and diabetes.

Chlorella/Spirulina - 1-20g/day - single celled algae; extremely high in nearly all vitamins and minerals, as well as a wide variety of other biological molecules - good for detoxification. Can be eaten in unlimited amounts, like food.

Reishi/Cordyceps/Lion's Mane - 1-5g/day - medicinal mushrooms; contain a multitude of natural nootropics, including noopept-like substances; broadly effective at preventing and reversing brain damage.


you had to choose six of these, they'd be Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and vitamin K. They are inexpensive and nearly everyone is functionally deficient in them. Everything listed should be taken by anyone living in civilization who seeks to avoid disease and prevent aging.

In response to “what brands would be best?” the guy wrote:

The brand does not matter.

For C, try to find one that also includes flavonoids.

For B3, niacin works about as well as niacinamide but also produces flushing and has blood lipid- and cholesterol-lowering effects.



why would you want to fuck yourself up again?



I don't want to fuck myself up again. I want to do it (rice diet) a healthy way next time.

The reason why I liked it was because I didn't get cravings for anything, much like the reasons why some enjoy fasting. When I eat normally I feel like I am riding a wave of energy from my meal and when the wave slows down I get cravings again. Plain white rice diet feels pure, clean burning. You are what you are + what you eat, and white rice is very blank.




Thats how I feel about fruits



Look into the sattvic diet, it's pretty much 60-70% whole grain, 20% vegetables and 20-10% fruits/sugar/mundane crap.

This makes you healthy without forcing anything and just eating naturally, also, you won't have to stress and punish yourself next time you will have to eat something else but rice.



Could you tell which brews cause you these wild reactions? Recently I gained access to hundreds brews of good quality white and green tea. I wanted to meditate after a few cups of each to see what subtle effects they cause and how they differ.

I'd really want to know whether 25mg of caffeine is released with every brew of green/white tea or just the first. I use maybe 2 little spoons per day, but I rebrew it over 10 times. The taste and effects seem to be always present. So does it keep releasing all the subtances over and over again? That's scary considering 6.25 cups of green tea equals cup of coffee.



Been doing keto for a month and I can fit into clothes that haven't fit me in over a year. Its fucking great.


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Some sources say you definitely can't brew raw cocoa with boiling water because it suppresses its qualities and suppresses dissolving in general. Contradictory sources say it's ideal to boil it in a pot until "skin" forms on top, skin supposedly having the most good stuff. Corn starch, cinnamon and chili pepper is suggested to prepare it with (chilli to enchance the powers, rest for taste). Milk and sugar are discouraged. Honey binds well and could be replacement for sugar if you can't stand the bitterness, but keep in mind you can't put honey in anything above 40 C. It's advised to eat a banana, citrus and pepper before drinking cocoa (banana for long term health, citrus and pepper to enhance the effects). Drink with 1 tea spoon of the best quality cocoa every day to boost decalcifycation of pineal, or just drink one a week but with shitload of cocoa to have 40 minutes visualization-psychedelic window. Visualization-enchancing effects of high dose of good quality cocoa with chilli are extremely strong, but leave you with weeks of tolerance and constipation. The best course of action is probably to drink it in small quantities regularly, and acquire visualization abilities through learning to alternate between brain wave frequencies instead. I'm still puzzled about the boiling thing. If high temperature suppresses most of its qualities, then why boil it?


From 11 white and green teas I've been experimenting with lately, I had the strongest results with Baimao Hou or White Monkey. Gives steady, calm focus. The taste is specific and injures image of resin of birch tree and European forest. I don't understand these associations. First brew ~60-70 C, then 70-80, third 90+


If you don't lift and don't do cardio (whether it be long distance running, swimming, HIIT, a sport) you are neglecting an aspect of your life that is just as important as flexing your mental capacity. Get it together NEETs.



>supplemental D3


Vit C, B2, B5, B12, zinc and selenium do not have documented positive effects when supplemented significantly above RDI.




Sounds legit.



No you do not boil cocoa and you don't use milk to make chocolate milk because milk destroys the cocoa.

Put water on stove.

Add cocoa and stir until you get a good consistency and taste. (2 parts cocoa, 11 parts water).

Turn on stove and wait for the steam then turn it off. (No bubbles)

Stir the pot during the whole process to avoid burning cocoa into the stove and to avoid clumps.

Let it cool in a cup until you can drink it.



Arbitrary trust in anything is pretty retarded 2bh fam.

>montalk.net :^)



if you want to get /fit/ go to the halfchan /fit/ and read the sticky. Be /fit/ help you in almost every aspect of life, including wizardry.



Don't do this halfchan /fit/ is filled with bullshit and disinfo.

Eating large amounts of protein is not healthy

If anything you should be eating slightly under the RDA of protein



The 'advice' on /fit/ is broscience or NWO science, take your pick either way, it's not very a very enlightened way of looking at the body.

Just to address what your actually body needs for a moment.

When you put into your body is transformed into something else, that is how your body works. If you input the finished material (which even if it is the correct element, it is almost never actually in a form the body needs) it is actually counter productive to your system. A lot of what your "supposed to eat" is just marketing.

Two examples of such causing problems are protein and calcium. Consuming protein does not build muscles and consuming calcium is the number one cause of weak bones. What that? That's not what the FDA/mainstream academia says? Who funds them? What are their goals? I rest my case.

Also eating an acidic diet is bad for your bodies overall health and ability to function and repair itself (which is largely contributed to by processed/cooked foods, animal products, GMOs, etc.). On the contrary eating an alkaline diet fosters health and rapid growth.


To elaborate on bodily transmutation;



Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation - George W. Carey



LOL at this broscience thread

Ya'll wanna get big? Get dem gainz bro? Well too fucking bad, you better start wearing an orange diaper on your head instead. 666 Hari Krishnas a day, bitch.

Just kidding. I'll share my personal routine.

All I do is The Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation daily or 2x.

This is essential for cleansing the lymph and remaining pliable, both pro-youthing factors.

Go read the testimonials on Amazon. The book goes by a different name.

I used to follow Scott Sonnon and his TACFIT programs. Top notch nervous system training right there.

Zodroyve or Russia system of health from his early career is also top notch. Joint mobility is worked into all his programs, master it.

Really, his work is a crash course on basic readiness, fitness and health unsurpassed by no one as far as I'm concerned.

I fell out of the above and only do those mild yoga exercises. The 5 rites are also movements from Babaji's Krishna yoga that I have a book on. That guy looked 18 years old all the time.

Once the body is purified, the blood, lymph (important, moreso than blood), organs, skin then the rest falls into alignment.

I've been putting on good muscle by just being and following a clean lifestyle.

A big part of that is no ejaculation, so the ojas continues to build. I was always a skinny wanker before that.

Mastering progressive calisthetics like Convict Conditioning should be on every Man's agenda. Now I don't care about getting big, but I'm a big fan of natural hgh sources and natural testosterone sources like pine pollen. Wild foods are much better for oneself, always.

I saw someone mention green tea. Well, that's some normie shit. Gynostemma tea is superior. I've been in the health food circles for years. I don't like the hassle of tea anymore.

Enough about tea, I saw someone mention grains. Grains are fucking deadly. Ever hear of Bigu? Well, you should. That is, if you want to become a transcendant taoist immortal.


On a sidenote, I just ate some frozen fish sticks and pie that looked a couple weeks old but so full of preservatives it didn't go bad that I found in a buddies fridge. So, I'm indulging this holiday season. It will take 3 months to rid myself of the corpse demons, perhaps sooner if I engage in fasting. Food isn't necessary, however the integrity of your body fluids is most crucial. I fucking hate salt and so did the injuns. Wheat, soy, salt, sugar, canola oil, etc is in everything nowadays. In fact, that normie meal I just scraped together to titillate my palate with included all of that. It's all an agenda to destroy the bodymind but I'm using the power of will to have it pass through me with minimal effect.


In an ideal world one would only ingest fruits and highly noble substances like tree/pine nuts and mushrooms or other tonic herbs. Perhaps you would kneel down and pick up a flower then eat it just to gain it's perspective on life.

There are noble substances and then there are deadly poisons which are pumped into every corporate chain food product and supplied to the cannibalistic masses.

And I get my creatine from urine, browski. You don't even want me to get into that. It has a rich lather…

If I was a meathead I would be munching on animals glands, all about them glands, bro. I forgot what they call gonads, but stuff like that and liver tablets are bodybuilding staples. However, I prefer to not eat dead animals.


I like dairy a lot. Seems to be a gift from The Gods. Produces feel good chemicals in the brain.

The other night I ate an entire stick of cultured butter. What is cultured butter? Delicious is what it is.

Health begins in the digestive tract. They say even your personality is formed in the digestive track during your early years!

Pro-biotics and cultured foods are therefore pretty important. As are fats. Fats are very good for boosting brainpower so get as much into you as possible, build a reserve.

Fresh raw fats, like raw eggs. I could live off raw eggs and goat milk with my current regimen if I decided farm life was for me.

There are certain foods that take it to the next level.

Also, I do supplement enzymes when eating cooked food otherwise the reserve in the body gets depleted.

Go check out Weston Price's Wise Traditions and food protocols while you are at it. Combine that with the raw foodists/fruitarians, avoid the poisons, detox and you have a pretty good map to wellness.



The digestive tract or intestine I should call it is the third brain after the head and the heart.

The intestines are full of bacteria. It's either harmful bacteria or helpful bacteria.

The part about forming personality had to due with the bacteria present at certain phases of development.

So, master the macro-biotics of your body and have it serve you.

We are not just our bodies but also the bacteria that grows within. One negative example of this is the infection called candida which wreaks havoc through Western nations with it's accomplices of wheat and sugar.

Colostrum is a top end probiotic, they can be in pill form but also in kefir, or Asian equivlants like kimchi and kombucha. Gross delicacies is perhaps the most apt introduction but get over the yuck of germs and make them your greatest ally.



Interesting, you're the second person I've seen in the past week promote calisthetics.

Do you know if doing convict conditioning and lifting will hurt my body? I'm getting nice results from lifting, protein and eating lots and I don't want to lose it by stopping for a bodyweight plan.

I used to do the 5 rites but I found them to be too time consuming and tiring. 2 was very exhausting and painful in my abs, 3 was painful in my back, and the rest were just exhausting. This was only at 21 each exercise, though.



Well, it's like those Roman dudes who were buff and said "every man should maximize strength to know his body or something"..

Calisthetics are very difficult to injure oneself with because they are progressive and tuned by bodyweight. I'd say they are much safer than weights, but they educate the nervous system the same which thrives on complexity. More complex movement = more gains. Doing it all outside in the grass, dirt, air and sun is even better and will do all sorts of energetic wonders to the body.

If you found the 5 rites too hard it's likely because you have some pretty big muscle imbalances. I find them extraordinarily easy, it's just like stretching, I can pump them out in less than 10 minutes. It took a while to get there, they say to build up by starting with 10 count then adding 1 every week or so. I do those then do some calisthetics after if I feel the urge to, so I already have a high heart rate and can go to exhaustion with the more intense lifts.

As you can see my program is holistic and varied so it's hard to compare. I do none of the things you do, quite the opposite. I'm more of a binge then purge, feast and famine kind of guy. I intermittent fast, which has shown to decrease recovery and increase muscle, lose fat, all that. I only eat in 4-6-8 hour stretches usually 1-2 meals a day.


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>Roman dudes who were buff and said […]


>In an ideal world one would only ingest



I am experimenting on incorporating mushrooms into a fruitarian diet (they are the 'fruit' of the fungus after all) but I find the best choice to be fresh grown mushrooms raised in a natural environment.



But you do lift weights, right?

CC seems a bit preach-y (the lost secret to strength nobody has ever done before, do the impossible!!!) but apparently it has all the essentials in bodyweight so I'll try it out. I'm going to keep lifting weights though, so I'll do starting strength and then convict conditioning after.

I found that my abs were very sore in rite 2 and my spine in rite 3, so it seems like my core is weak. Rite 4 is also tiring in the arms. I went up 3 counts each week and I did them on my rest days.

Any tips for starting intermittent fasting? I only hear good things about it, but I always like to be eating something. I also lift early in the morning (~5am), so I'd have to move that into the evening so I'm not on an empty stomach.



>lifting weights

Can you do 300 pushups in succession?

Can you run a marathon in less than 2.5 hours without sweating?

Don't be caught up in appearances, your body is a temple not a vegas casino.



But how often will I need to perform 300 pushups? Lifting weights, if you aren't doing machines, is building functional strength. Squatting, deadlifting, benching and overhead pressing are things you might actually do with your strength. Pushups are not.

Cardio is, but that's different from both bodyweight and lifting. Cardio is it's own thing that collides with weight exercises.

Appearances are not the only reason to lift weights. I lift weights so I can lift bigger weights, creating strength. Appearances are a side effect from growing muscles, and really, if you want appearances you have to do exercises that don't focus on strength like pushups.



Due to the calistenic nature of pushups you're not just training to do pushups you're training all the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints that are in the chain that is involved. Furthermore eventually 'pushups' would transition into 1 armed handstand (fingertip) pushups.

>how often will I need to perform 300 pushups?

Anywhere along the way you're training your arms/shoulders in a natural way, and to answer your question on point any time you need to lift something big and heavy you would use you 'pushup muscles', 'pull up muscles', and your 'squat' muscles and perhaps others as well. But you would use all of them in unison as a unit, unlike if you just pumped iron or used a machine. And furthermore, the reason for the 'extremely' high reps is to build the other 3 parts of your body (ligaments, tendons, and joints) as well as endurance and keeping you 'strength in the bank' so you can keep yourself or anything else you're moving/lifting under control as to avoid hurting yourself by pushing yourself to the point of failure. You do not need to push yourself that far to build muscle.



Two words in reply to this post: domain-specific adaptation.

>Can you do 300 pushups in succession?

This is a silly question because someone who does not train pushups will not have the neural strength required to do something like that. But a man who can barbelll bench press 315 lbs could probably do 300 pushups easily in succession after a few days of "greasing the groove." A man who can do 300 pushups in succession would take years to be able to bench press 315 lbs. Feats of relative strength may be impressive looking, but nothing compares to barbell training for overall strength development.

>Can you run a marathon in less than 2.5 hours without sweating?

Why would anyone want to run a marathon? You know the first guy who did it died, right?

I suppose I could ask the pushup king and marathon runner if they can bench press or squat as much as I can, knowing they can't, to feel good about myself, but really this is just a fallacious way of comparision. It is like the fish mocking the bird because of its inability to swim, or vice versa. All you're saying here is, "My measure of physical fitness is superior to your measure of physical fitness."



>barbelll bench press 315 lbs could probably do 300 pushups easily in succession after a few days of "greasing the groove." A man who can do 300 pushups in succession would take years to be able to bench press 315 lbs.

That depends on what sort of pushups they where. If they where inverted/handstand pushups it would not be much of an issue at all.


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>implying non-vegans should even be posting on this board


>went vegan two weeks ago

>the sight and smell of meat now make me gag


Occasionally I'll try something processed (including canned) or cooked, and even if vegan, if it's not raw it makes my intestines and stomach cringe, often painfully so.

I pretty much stick to fresh fruits and veggies now. I'm not sure what else there really is, but one thing is for sure, it's not what modern man tries to call food. That stuff makes me sick, physically, sick.

On a higher note, I have lots of energy, I'm even finding myself doing trail runs now, and even before at my present weight yet on a meat diet I would not have had any near the energy to do such a thing. I really feel great.


I can stand the sight (probably all the gore from /b/ way back when), but I am definitely repulsed by all the other aspects now.



>I pretty much stick to fresh fruits and veggies now. I'm not sure what else there really is, but one thing is for sure, it's not what modern man tries to call food. That stuff makes me sick, physically, sick.

What if I told you that most people are sick and don't notice only because they've been sick since they were born.



I'd believe it. I'd believe they where sick before they where born due to environmental toxins from the mother.


I hunt quail and deer. Good meat is just fine. There is no vegan or vegetarian culture on the planet.


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Okay wizfags, I have figured something out after watching Star Wars Episode Idontgiveashit.

The only real exercise that you really need is the handstand.

Let me explain:

If you want to focus on your mundane physical body, you just switch your chakras to the physical instead of the cosmos. That means to put your head away from the sky and towards the earth. The tilting point is the heart chakra so basically any exercise that gets your head below the heart will do. This will even make your mind more mundane, so if you're struggling to do some mundane work, just do a handstand for a while and it will be easier to get going with the mundane crap work.

Anyway, you can start at a wall with this triangle handstand or whatever:


(Check out the channel's other videos, it's basically Yoga softcore porn.)

and later do regular handstands at the wall. Maybe you'll be able to do real handstands and even one arm handstands like a real Jedi.

If that's not hardcore enough for you, do handstand pushups - one arm pushups being the ultimate training form.

There are tons of Yoga and handstand videos with hot chicks and built guys on youtube, so check it out.

This guy gives a useful tip regarding the shoulders if you haven't figured out yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ-UbSt_Vtw

If you're having trouble with all the pressure in your head, then keep going for a few days, you will get used to it. Also don't get up too hastily so you don't faint like a bitch.

Remember that mundane grils do this as part their bluepilled Yoga routine all the time, so don't bitch about it being too hard.

Star Wars also shows all the stuff you need aside from handstands, which is running and climbing stuff like trees.

You can add sword fighting or martial arts if you feel edgy, but it's not really required.


Enjoy :–D



How much did they pay you for this Kike Wars advertisement?

>.0005 shekels have been deposited into your account for this post, congratulations shillbot 6000000



Fuck you dude.

Somebody started a Star Wars streaming marathon on /b/ yesterday so I have watched this one movie out of boredom. It's one of the old ones and it's the only one of the Star Wars movies that I've watched yet.

I had the handstand idea before watching the movie btw, I was just reminded of it when I saw the picrelated scene.



I don't understand why cannabis is smoked.

Why do people burn their lungs if they could eat it. It even works better this way.



It does not work for ever one to eat it. I can eat 10 doses that would totally blast others and I get a very mild buzz.


So does anyone have experience with gains and a /fringe/ diet? Is calorie surplus and protein a myth?


Any tips on easing sore muscles?

Stretching, massaging, and rest are not doing the trick and it is taking around 5 days for my legs to recover.

This only happens after doing a lot of squats (hundreds). Even a hard workout on the bike does not wreck my legs in such a way. Currently I have only done just over 700 in one go, however based on fatigue I estimate I could do 1200+ before getting tired. This many squats takes a lot of time and that is the current limiting factor.



Japanese greens for general alertness

white tea to calm down

like someone else mentioned, mate wires me out like coke



eat more, rest, sleep. Im assuming these are body weight squats? Theres no point in doing so many if you are going for strength. Use weights



Calorie surplus, no. Energy in and Energy out. Protein more or less, optimal would be 80% carbs, 10 % fat and protein



Yogurt to mass up dem muscles brah


Speaking of protein, these are my concerns:

1. Most sources of protein like meat, egg, dairy in general that make skin bad and make shit smell worse than it already smells. Should I just ignore these symptoms of disease and eat these anyway?

2. I found low-fat cottage cheese is cheap and almost pure protein. Other sources of protein are 5x more expensive. Can I eat it very often?

3. I weight 65kg, so I should eat 65g of protein every day, no exceptions

4. Apparently protein should be eaten before sleep and after exercise. So I guess I should eat 40g of protein at the evening after exercise, and 25g during the day with vegetables, nuts, fruits


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>Most sources of protein like meat, egg, dairy

This is a misnomer, and depending on who you ask, outright misinformation. You can get plenty of everything you need from plants.


>I weight 65kg, so I should eat 65g of protein every day, no exceptions

That is bro-tier science. You only need 30g/day, almost regardless of what you do. Your body can not use more and just turns it into energy.

The whole 'eat protein' comes from people thinking muscles are made of protein, which is partially true, but in large part (75% or more) muscles are water. If you eat all the protein that /fit/ says you should (and if it all goes to muscles as they say it does) you could go from a anorexic weakling to Schwarzenegger in less than a year. Now this may be possible, but only with magic, not with simply physics.

On an semiunrelated note, dumping exercises.



Avoid dairy, meat, and eggs like the plague.

Read this book for more information



I am very curious about "willing my body into optimal shape."

I am already dieting and exercing, but the results are too slow.

Like alway i want an easy way.

Any "get fit" spell? fitness entity? fitness tulpa instructions?

Should/Can i directly impose my will to get fit upon reality?



Create servitors/thoughtforms with the mission for them to transform your body into the shape you want, this will work, but i'm bumping your question too since I'm interested in more ways of achieving that


>meat-eating degenerates who think they know what's good and healthy

Keep staying deluded and ignore genuine advice - The Thread



Seriously though, how do you do this? I'm pretty strong and have been lifting seriously for about 3 years now, I'd really like to try this out though


>I saw someone mention green tea. Well, that's some normie shit. Gynostemma tea is superior. I've been in the health food circles for years. I don't like the hassle of tea anymore.

There is a complex web of interactions between compounds in all foods. Green tea (or rather white tea, better version of it) is superior to all drinks I know not because it's particularly healthy in itself, but because it binds and synergizes with tens of other foods, amplifying otherwise hidden qualities. What food you mix with what matters as much as the food itself. One of such stacks in which most foods interact with each other more than once is: Green/white tea, blueberries, spiralina (algae), curcumina or ginger, black pepper, broccoli, zinc, deep-sea species of fish, soy (don't eat soy if you don't know which one).

We could expand the stack from there by finding compounds with synergy. If I were to draw a map of interactions, white tea would be in the middle of many such maps.

Don't use boiling water for most white tea. Don't add honey to tea above 40 C. Don't break fast with tea. Don't drink poor quality tea for it has fluoride. Best white teas are expensive, but you can rebrew them 10x more than shit tea with fluoride so you're good



>yoghurt with blueberries, spiralina and honey

>white tea with ginger

>fish in black pepper and broccoli

it's perfect


I used to be a near 300 lb fatass, but started browsing /fit/ and lost 100 lbs of body fat. I've got a decent bit of muscle mass and significantly upped my strength. I'm going to try and see if I can will myself into a more aesthetic shape. Specifically to get rid of excess skin and add mass.

I'll try and post here with progress pictures and explain my methods. Does anyone have any experience or recommendations?


What do you suggest to someone who used to be in extremely good shape but then hit dark depression and "accidentally" lost all gains and became 100lbs overweight?

Like I know all the principles and form but I need to lose weight first right? And what just lift that hole time? Is it spiining my wheels, should I just do BW or what approach.




If you need to ask those sorts of questions you haven't been in an extremely good shape.

You probably became overweight because to sooth the effects of your depression you ate tones of shitty comfort food like crackers or chocolate. Basically the key to having a healthy body is eating right, exercise comes secondary after that.

However the reason why most mundanes fail at this step is because it requires something they never trained before, their will. They say obsessive is what the lazy call the dedicated so basically for the duration of losing weight to an acceptable level, you're gona have to make your diet and cardio the core part of your life. Under no circumstances are you allowed to cheat your way out of it.

Basically read some /fit/ stickies, change your diet and wait, if you stick to it, that's all it'll take.



On mobile so can't detail neatly or source, but I'm going to list some methods I'll use.

1. Cold exposure - Two cold showers a day lowering the tempature and increasing the duration. I've read research surrounding the idea that cold exposure increases your body's brown adipose(fat) tissue which ups your energy expenditure much more than standard white fat. Wim Hoff also claims to do this with cold exposure and his breathing techniques.

2. Bodyweight exercise - Will visualize the area I'm working into the shape I want while following a standard progression for bodyweight exercises.

3. Relaxation meditations - Very frequently and for extended periods of times to enhance my recovery time and quality.

4. Strength thoughtforms - Fed daily to help me progress to more difficult techniques.

5. Diet - Since I want to gain mass I'm going to eat a very open diet. Common staples will be : Flax and chia seeds, Fish, Chicken, Soy and whey proteins, Green fibrous vegatables(to cut estrogen down), Extra virgin olive oil, Coconut oil, assorted berries, Matcha(for catechins), Yogurt, Cheese.



This is a very bro-science view on the subject, not as much as /fit/ though.


>still with the muh protein mindset

My diet is mostly fruit and I am working towards no food. My legs are huge from cycling and bodyweight squats. I started doing some pull ups recently and after a week my arms were noticably larger when not pumped. That is only in regards to visible gains.

The first version of this thread was good but near the end it turned to shit. This is the second version and it seems the entire thread is shit.



>Protein is bad because reasons

>Sugar and fiber only is better

>Says thread is shit

>offers nothing of substance.



>It's the CURRENT YEAR and you're still eating protein?


>My diet is mostly fruit and I am working towards no food. My legs are huge from cycling and bodyweight squats.

Let's see how huge they get once you stop eating food. The popularity of breatharianism here is bewildering. Where are the results? Has anyone on this board successfully stopped eating food, and if not why do so many seem to work towards it?



Aspirations are what makes the neophyte's world go around anon, don't ruin it for them.



I forgot to say that I'll be fasting intermittently as well. The book Eat Stop Eat by Brad Pilon lists a lot of studies showing huge boosts in Growth Hormone and testosterone in the first 24 hours of a fast.


Physical activity charges the blood with oxygen and makes your heart beat more to move it to all parts of the body. Blood is the carrier of life, so when you exercise you are bringing life into your body.


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I have to say that I have no idea what the "best" foods to eat are. I suspect every person is different. Some people get sick when they don't eat animal proteins, other people can literally live off the sun.

I would say a fast is a really good idea though. The first time I did one, metals came out of my body, quite literally. I felt like I had a brand new body after that and was filled with a ton of energy.

I use to eat pure water, and only organic food. I felt this was the way too health, I went vegan, I did raw food only for awhile, I tried it all. I had no physical changes in my body at all. It all seemed meaningless.

Now I just eat whatever I want. I even indulge in occult McPoisonous foods. Yet, I feel no different then eating healthy foods. In fact, I have not been sick or have had a headache in years. I think it's all in your mind. You're just eating ideas.

Though this is just me. If you do believe that healthy food will help you then it probably will.


Kobayashi's method is the way to go. Basically, you eat your meal then drink as much water as you can handle. This will slowly expand your stomach. You may throw up if you drink too much so just do your best. It will be a little painful, but is a lot easier than eating through the pain.



Hm, could you expand on your fasting experience?

The idea keeps coming up to me, and I think it might be a good time to do one soon. I am in the phase of removing various negativity from the ego, so physical fast might be a good idea as well.

How long did you do it? Drinking only water? What do you mean the metals came out?



What I did was a simple juice fast, where I drank nothing but juice for 3 days. 3 days I believe is optimal. When you are not eating anything solid for 3 days your digestive system has nothing to do so it cleans out your body of all in-organic material and waste instead. This is what I mean when I said literally metals came out of my body. A very hard substance that looked rusty. Basically, all the chemical build up you have had in your body from all the toxic foods you've been eating.

Some people say juice is not optimal though, because it contains sugar. Not sure how much I care to believe that, but you can always go with vegetable juice instead, or just drink water like you said. I haven't done only water but, I imagine it's a bit more difficult to pull off.


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If you are attempting to avoid xenoestrogen exposure, here is a list of

substances to avoid or minimize. I compiled this from many sources and it’s

the most complete list anywhere. Xenoestrogens contribute to “excess

estrogen” or “estrogen dominance” and manifest as higher than normal

scores in the quadriceps and hamstrings skinfolds.

Go to www.ewg.org, open an account, and learn more about product safety.

The short answer is to go as organic and “green” as you can.


1. Commercially-raised, non-organic meats such as beef, chicken, and pork

2. Commercial dairy products including milk, butter, cheese, and ice cream –

Use only organic products that do not contain bovine growth hormone

3. Unfiltered water, including water you bathe in – Use spring or filtered

water only.

4. Commercial Laundry detergent – Use white vinegar, baking soda, or trisodium

phosphate (TSP)… According to some experts, avoid even the

Seventh Generation and Eco brands

5. Dryer sheets and fabric softeners – Use white vinegar is a marvelous

natural fabric softener, no smell after it dries

6. Avoid Primpro, DES, Premarin, Cimetidine (Tagamet), Marijuana, and

Birth Control Pills.

7. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

8. Progesterone creams made with paraben preservatives

9. Soy.

10. Ground flaxseed – If you’re looking for the Omega-3 effect, use fish oil


11. No sunflower oil, no safflower oil, no cottonseed oil, no canola oil – Use

olive oil or coconut oil

12. Shampoos, lotions, soaps, cosmetics that contain paraben or

phenoxyethanol – Almost all contain them, you have to look far and wide.

Be diligent, you’re getting hundreds of times more exposure through your

skin than through your diet. So far, I’ve found Kiss My Face brands to be


13. Shampoos that purposely include estrogen (these are shampoos that cater

to the African-American market).

14. Avoid reheating foods in plastic or styrofoam containers.

15. Avoid drinking out of plastic cups and containers.

16. Air fresheners that contain phthalates.

17. Avoid naturally occurring plant estrogens:

18. Non-Organic Coffee

19. Clover, red clover tea, alfalfa sprouts

20. Sunflower seeds

21. Queen Anne’s lace (wild carrot)

22. Pomegranate – The Greeks used this plant as a contraceptive!

23. Dates

24. Fennel

25. Licorice, red clover, yucca, hops (beer) and motherwort

26. Review labels to avoid the following:

*4-Methylbenzylidene camphor (4-MBC) (sunscreen lotions)

* butylated hydroxyanisole / BHA (food preservative)

* atrazine (weedkiller)

* bisphenol A (monomer for polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resin;

antioxidant in plasticizers)

* dieldrin (insecticide)

* DDT (insecticide)

* endosulfan (insecticide)

* erythrosine / FD&C Red No. 3

* heptachlor (insecticide)

* lindane / hexachlorocyclohexane (insecticide)

* methoxychlor (insecticide)

* nonylphenol and derivatives (industrial surfactants; emulsifiers for

emulsion polymerization; laboratory detergents; pesticides)

* polychlorinated biphenyls / PCBs (in electrical oils, lubricants, adhesives,


* parabens (lotions)

* phenosulfothiazine (a red dye)

* phthalates (plasticizers)

o DEHP (plasticizer for PVC)


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Here is another list from Dr. Peter Eckhart, MD:

1. Do not heat food or water with plastic in the microwave. Do not drink hot

liquids in foam styrofoam cups or receptacles.

2. Change your laundry detergent because it cannot be fully washed from the

clothes and can be absorbed through the skin. Do NOT use dryer sheets or

fabric softener.

3. Do not use anything on the skin with parabens or phenoxyethanol in them.

This includes shampoo, soap, makeup, hand lotion, body lotion, and

toothpaste. Oral substances are 90% filtered by the liver. Skin-absorbed

substances are 100% absorbed by the body, thus, a skin dose is 10 times an

oral dose.

4. Avoid non-organic coffee. Avoid decaf coffee. No caffeine. No nonorganic

tea. No colas.

5. No sunflower oil, no safflower oil, no cottonseed oil, no canola oil.

(Guess that leaves olive oil and coconut oil).

6. Avoid shampoos that are “rich in hormones” and have estrogen added to


7. Avoid estrogenic herbs especially TOPICALLY such as sage and


8. Avoid weak estrogens such as soy and ground flax seed.

9. Many sunscreens are estrogenic. Use a hat and long sleeved shirt.

10. Use cosmetics with minerals or grapefruit seed extract as a preservative.

According to Dr. Elizabeth Smith, MD, there are some things you CAN


1. Use glass or ceramics whenever possible to store food and water. Heat up

your food using a glass or ceramic bowl covered with dish. When plastic is

heated, it diffuses very rapidly into food.

2. Use a simple detergent with less chemicals; Nature Clean is a good choice

for both laundry detergent and dish washing detergent.

3. Simple Soap is a safe choice for shampoo and a body soap.

4. Use natural pest control not pesticides.

5. Avoid Synthetic Chemicals – Healthy Living in a Toxic World by

Cynthia Fincher PhD. is a good place to start.

6. Don’t use herbicides; use a cup of salt in a gallon of vinegar.

7. Buy hormone free meats to eat.

8. Buy “Organic” produce, produce grown without pesticides, herbicides or

synthetic fertilizer or hormones.

9. Use Condoms without spermicide for Birth control instead of Birth

Control Pills. Use Natural Progesterone instead of HRT.

10. In general, the hormones taken orally are first pass metabolized by the

liver 80%-90%. However, when these hormones are applied to the skin, the

hormones are directly absorbed by the body. Thus, any skin dose is 10 times

that of an oral dose. The vast majority of skin lotions and creams use the

parabens as a preservative. Avoid them at all costs. Instead apply a vegetable

oil right after a shower to hydrate the skin and lock in the moisture.



If you're not vegan, make fried rice (Chinese food), which has eggs in it for extra protein and vitamins. Fry it in coconut oil. Mix in some veggies for micronutrients, like kim chi. Optionally you could also add a little meat if you eat it, or beans if you don't. Season with sea salt and coconut aminos. You could just eat that for every meal without fucking yourself up. Don't go too low calorie for too long. Eat till you're satisfied most of the time and just fast ocasionally if you want to.


Will exercising through my energy body make me healthier? I can move my "energy" body and feel things the way they describe in New Energy Ways, and I've heard you can do exercises through this. For example, if I'm focused I can feel my energy body and move it to do squats, and feel weight. But does this actually do anything? I feel my limbs burn from it, but does it actually make physical progress?

Would doing this on rest days hurt my body?



in the Wim Hof method studies concentration combined with the breathing exercise and cold exposure resulted in greater control over the bodies temperature system and immune system than just breathing exercise+cold exposure.

there was also a thread on old /fringe/ about concentration on an area of the body actually increasing blood flow to that area as measured via the weber scale, no idea if that is true or not however.

furthermore theres a lot of evidence that chi kung has beneficial effects on the body and that is (in my opinion) primarily light physical exercises combined with concentration and breathing.


if Harvard vouches for it I can't, in my lack of experience or education, claim any better.


>Would doing this on rest days hurt my body?

I have no idea



Anything not worth doing for yourself is not worth willing into existence.



Well do you know what turns into calcium? You make a decent point on the finished product but what turns into calcium?



Calcium calcifies the blood leading to heart problems.

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