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Esoteric Wizardry


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RIP freedomboard.kirara.ca.
The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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What content would you guys like to see on /fringe/ in the future?

I could post new occult articles every day, or just talk about experiences when I have them, write book reviews and post them, create argument threads, etc.

I am curious if anyone wants anything more to be posted to diversify the content here on the board?

I'm also fine with just leaving things as they are and mostly lurking and reading that huge ass library of occult books.


If you want to post or produce any original material like guides, theories, practises, guided meditation or the like I can host them on the mega under the friends of fringe section if you want.

Book reviews would be good.



more smileberg life blogs, i live for your blogs



Please write occult articles. I coming everyday to look at something new, that I don't know.

Because reading is slow I suppose.


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Please focus mostly on your own practices and reading, but post occasionally guides, book reviews and your own experiences when you feel you have enough/good material.


Productivity. Read books, practice magic, etc instead of posting on shitty boards like 4chon.

I want more book reviews from Smiley.


Practical, proven stuff, things that ACTUALLY WORK.



Go eat some more aspartame and stop visiting /fringe/, mundane.


More STO stuff, new age and general healing/helping others material. This board has a terrible STS bias and it's hurting the development of neophytes that are tricked by the illusion of power.

Less racist stuff as welll



You're too wise for /fringe/.



Shut up nigger.


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Joseph Benner's books are something you might be interested in. He discusses about our Higher Selves from a Christian paradigm, his writing is empowering, encouraging and positive. In my opinion, he catches the authentic Christian teaching without all the dogma and disinformation.


I wanna see threads stopped getting kicked to question thread. You are zealous in doing that but you don't have enough sense to see which threads have possible potential and which are bad.


Smiley I'm from 4chon/fringechan and would like to see you post some of this content over on Nuclear IB /x/. Can you please do so?

Also tell Stal to stop being a kike and bring back teh board.




more diversity. This board is too wizard oriented, we need more witch.


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Interviews and AMAs relating to the paranormal. Example, The Lacerta Files:



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here's a brand new Montalk interview.


just more general tips and tricks that people discover throughout their training which can be shared with others.


can you review fictional books wrote by occultists



All are fictional. Ok, not all, maybe just 90%.



i mean purposely fictional like they are

just telling a story with esoteric truth

mixed in

for example moonchild its a fictional

story but still has some truths in it


Experiences and discussion. Fringe has this thing where they reject ideas from discussion, and I can see why, but it helps to have something to discuss and think about.


i dont even care just something interesting.

anything past like the second page is always absolute bollocks.

also why do the obvious troll threads always get left up for ages? is it to cover the fact that barely anyone posts here



where better to hide truth than in fiction,

especially if that truth is persecuted


Details on secret societies, occult organizations, associations with some esoteric elements, and so forth. Ideally if they have a connection with people in power.

To clarify, I'm not asking for HERE IS HOW TO JOIN FREEMASONS BUT YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT INTO THE INNER CIRCLE. More like detailed discussion on the history of these kinds of groups.


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The state of the board now is satisfactory for most. We just can't let it get infiltrated by satanist and govt agents like cuckchan /x/.

We just need more content generators. people who are assimilating the larger volumes can help accelerate learning here for others. I literally just found out about this board this week and i like what i see here. I see great potential. But if this board does grow we will need brave mods to b&hammer fags. It's unfortunately necessary. Uneducated opinions cannot get mixed with truth here.

I plan on contributing structured threads here in the future.



>if they have a connection with people in power.


A book review thread sounds good. There's mainly the same reoccurring books that get circulated on various image boards. I've always wondered what other people thought of the books.

Some books are always described as highly recommended, but then I find that there wasn't much to get out of them. Then other books that no one mentions but are pretty good.


Book review thread would be something worthwhile to incorporate (didn't freedomchan have them?), not only to share knowledge about different books but also as a way for the reader to see what he or she has learned.




I too want a Book review thread.

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