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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1433328195369.jpg (110.69 KB, 894x894, 1:1, 1429264674195.jpg)


Idea for a project: buying and scanning occult books which are not easily available.

Old books:



Modern limited edition hardbound occult books:



Why don't with start with useful stuff like Robert Bruce's Energy Work (2011)?



Because its already on the mega.


Although if anyone has kindle books they can share can you email me here please:




Nice, thanks.


Holy shit they're expensive. Was not expecting that.

Any richfags here?


Someone please make better copies of all those books in the "Huge File Size" occult folder, especially Magical Use of Thoughtforms.



Why not do it yourself instead of shitposting outside /fringe/?



…because I do not have the skill, money, or anything else needed to actually do it.



Torrent ABBYY Finereader, convert, manually fix errors. That's how The Way of Shaman was converted.



I tried doing that and the PDF looks like a 1:1 copy without even touching it looks too good to be true, did you check page by page until the end? I did for 20 pages and they were exactly the same, the program even made some blurred words clearer than they were in the original text so where's the catch?



>so where's the catch?

It makes you crave cock in your ass. The program works great though…

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