I was told to come here by a Strelok on /k/ spoops post. >>>/k/146446
So let me try to get everyone updated, and ask a few questions if I could, seeing that you guys are the best on 8chan relating this type of thing.
I wrote the one post about seeing creepy shit in the woods in New York, and I figure should write some other ones.
> Grew up experiencing weird shit since childhood. It always has ranged from small time hallucinations to full-blown experiences which leave me numb or clueless.
> One of the most, "I know something is wrong" experiences I have had was when I was three years old
> My first memory in life starts at this time, before this… I have absolutely no recollection of anything.
> This memory starts with me in an adult body, bleeding out from what appears to be gunshot wounds.
> I'm sitting their telling someone near me to stop crying, and calm down, and that the guy who's driving the car needs to put me in a bathtub full of water, slit my wrist, and put a gun near my body with empty brass nearby.
> The guy who is already crying is trying to convince the driver not to do it, and just take me to a hospital
> Driver basically states something along the lines of: "He's already dead, and we cannot let anyone find out what happened!"
> We drive up to this old-school Victorian House. Absolutely gorgeous building, which was painted a yellow with orange tint.
> I'm slowly fading in and out, and I'm dragged up to door, and all I remember saying is, "God please be with me" before blacking out
> I later come to grips, waking up in a bathtub as my three year old self.
> I still have no recollection of anything before this point.
After this I have had a plethora of experiences relating to near death experiences, as well as seeing tons of hallucinations. I have been diagnosed now with schizotypal degrading into schizophrenia, but it wasn't always like this until recently, thanks to bad diagnosis and medication like wellbutrin fucking my system.
Some of these experiences before taking Wellbutrin happened mostly in my sleep with me reliving incredibly terrifying experiences which all seem to be related to September 4th. First incident was reenacting some sort of battle during the US Civil War where I went sleep walking, and charged my sister calling her a "Yellow-belly Yankee!" and my father had to pull me off her, which in his own account I had almost an inhuman amount of strength going through me. When they questioned me I gave the date of September 4th, 1864. After I woke up, I found myself tied down to a chair and was explained that I kept lunging at my sister like I had a rifle of sort with a bayonet on it.