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I was told to come here by a Strelok on /k/ spoops post. >>>/k/146446

So let me try to get everyone updated, and ask a few questions if I could, seeing that you guys are the best on 8chan relating this type of thing.

I wrote the one post about seeing creepy shit in the woods in New York, and I figure should write some other ones.

> Grew up experiencing weird shit since childhood. It always has ranged from small time hallucinations to full-blown experiences which leave me numb or clueless.

> One of the most, "I know something is wrong" experiences I have had was when I was three years old

> My first memory in life starts at this time, before this… I have absolutely no recollection of anything.

> This memory starts with me in an adult body, bleeding out from what appears to be gunshot wounds.

> I'm sitting their telling someone near me to stop crying, and calm down, and that the guy who's driving the car needs to put me in a bathtub full of water, slit my wrist, and put a gun near my body with empty brass nearby.

> The guy who is already crying is trying to convince the driver not to do it, and just take me to a hospital

> Driver basically states something along the lines of: "He's already dead, and we cannot let anyone find out what happened!"

> We drive up to this old-school Victorian House. Absolutely gorgeous building, which was painted a yellow with orange tint.

> I'm slowly fading in and out, and I'm dragged up to door, and all I remember saying is, "God please be with me" before blacking out

> I later come to grips, waking up in a bathtub as my three year old self.

> I still have no recollection of anything before this point.

After this I have had a plethora of experiences relating to near death experiences, as well as seeing tons of hallucinations. I have been diagnosed now with schizotypal degrading into schizophrenia, but it wasn't always like this until recently, thanks to bad diagnosis and medication like wellbutrin fucking my system.

Some of these experiences before taking Wellbutrin happened mostly in my sleep with me reliving incredibly terrifying experiences which all seem to be related to September 4th. First incident was reenacting some sort of battle during the US Civil War where I went sleep walking, and charged my sister calling her a "Yellow-belly Yankee!" and my father had to pull me off her, which in his own account I had almost an inhuman amount of strength going through me. When they questioned me I gave the date of September 4th, 1864. After I woke up, I found myself tied down to a chair and was explained that I kept lunging at my sister like I had a rifle of sort with a bayonet on it.


My 2nd Incident in relation to this started very ominously. The day this happened, my family had made some buffalo wings(authentic Buffalo, NY buffalo wings, from Buffalo natives!) and I decided to go get some from the kitchen. When I left the living room, I felt a very odd breeze going through my lungs, and turned to the right and saw a man no taller than 5'7" wearing a full-blown USMC kit from the 1940's. He looked at me for a few seconds, and then turned away and looked out the window, and said some words before walking through the wall and leaving.

My mother also saw this man, and my sister and her husband at the time pulled us into seperate rooms, and questioned us in detail, giving our accounts of what the man looked like. If I was given a forensic sketcher, I could totally give an accurate account of what this man looked like.

Anyway though, after this instance, I felt that something was incredibly wrong, and that something was going to happen. Well in two weeks time, I had another soldier experience with sleepwalking, but this time I have a memory of the dream. It started out with me on an LC heading for a beach called "Dog Orange" and as we were approaching we were getting lit up with MG fire from mostly the left. For some reason, I asked straight up, "What day is it??" to someone next to me and they looked at me like I was an idiot and replied it was September 4th, 1944. They then turned back to the front of the LC, and I was then left waiting until we hit the shoreline, in which all I remember happening was that we were forced to run as fast as we could towards some rocks and a treeline. Approaching this was hell, but as I kept moving up there, I saw someone I for some reason was referring to as "Danny" get shot by a sniper. I screamed and cried out his name, and was pulling him to cover, and trying to help him get up, but it was clearly to late. The guy named "Danny" died right there in my arms. My dream ended at that point, but I still remember the feeling of emotional loss, feeling the blood going through my hands, and holding a near lifeless body of someone I had emotions for, even though I cannot remember who they were.

For the next few weeks, I consistently saw Danny as I walked to highschool. It was clear he was not gonna leave me be. It made me feel horrid every time I saw him. I just couldn't come to the fact that I let a friend die, and it was eating me alive.

All though I have many more experinces similar to this, I'd just like to ask if any of you good answer a few questions:

> Why am I experiencing war-dreams and the like?

> Why are all my deaths in these dreams violent?

> Am I experiencing the last moments of my past lives?

Thanks /fringe/. Hopefully you guys can help me out here.


>My mother also saw this man

Sounds like your mom had an affair and a fetish for guys in old war costumes.



> Sex with ghosts

> An affair that is everywhere and nowhere.


>Remembering things from when you're 3

I'm jelly.

Ooh! This is interesting!

As far as I know, in cases of violent deaths a lot of emotion is created and can "spill over" into next lives. The thing you have to understand, OP, is that after death you should loose these memories as for them to not impede you in this life. It might be that what you saw was actually something that happened in your past life, it might not. Just as well it could be some other astral experience (in newfig terms - a real "thing" that happened, just not on this here earth plane, in physical terms) that has attached itself to you.

On top of that, it's interesting to note that the situation plays out as if your spirit a short while after death along with remnants of it's astral body inhabited the current "you-body" without going through 5D. That is, the actual part of you that is the only real part along with the part that is specific to the body that you possibly used to inhabit (along with a lot of "feelings, archetypes, passions and impressions"-montalk) migrated to the body of a child that didn't have a spirit in it (or it opened up to the past memory?), without loosing all the remnants of it's past life (which it usually would).

Also, you should work to get off your meds and control these "hallucinations", which is literally something that posters on this board actively try and do. Meds fuck with you more than you should like. You should learn (or already can) differentiate and control what is materially present in the physical world and which parts are astral (nonetheless, like the soldier, they are real in their own terms and you are not the only one that can experience and interact with them at any given time)

In your dreams you experience pretty much the same "thing" as the soldier "ghost" you saw and the hallucinations, your body and mind are more relaxed and therefore the experiences can be perceived better. Since you have a lot of baggage in that department, you experience them a lot. In cases like with your sister these experience "take over" you (also called possession when it's "an entity" that does it), which is a bad thing, but can and should be controlled.

Nigger, you came to the right place. It's high time you started learning.



I have been practicing astral travel and lucid dreaming all around since I was nine, but I never really got around to these memories as I was sorta worried that some doors are better left closed. As for the medications, I'm remaining on Prozac cause it is making me much happier, but Risperdone(anti-psych), I have already pretty much abandoned to my medical cabinet. It's now reserved for my get-outta shroom trip card.

If you want I do have quiet a few experiences relating to dangerous events which have lead me to believe I also have a guardian angel of sorts. Wanna hear it?



Go ahead, it's always fun for me to hear stuff like that. Glad to hear you ain't a complete mundane then. I'd be careful with any drug since you are capable of conscious astral travel means you're more sensitive to being fucked with by negative entities which just love you using stuff that weakens your consciousness.


Alrighty, so this story goes back to when I was five. It starts off with me going to the local pool, and going for a swim with some of my friends.

As I was going out the four feet side of the pool, some fat-ass women jumped in at the seven foot side of the pool, and caused a severe case of undertow to rip me under into the six foot end, and from here everything starts.

Because of the suddenness of what happened, I did not get enough time to get a breath of air, and instead was dragged down to the point I was already pretty much lifeless. I remained submerged for what felt like fifteen minutes, and then I saw someone slowly step up to the side of the pool, and they put their hand into the water, and began to lift me up.

I was so confused as to what was going on, but as I was coming up, I could see this women in some old-school black and white colonial maid dress. Even though I felt like I was dieing, I also felt relieved, as if I knew this person. Eventually I got lifted out of the pool, and placed on my towel. The lady put her fingers on my chest for a second, and I ended up passing out. I woke up about thirty minutes later, and I got up suddenly, and asked everyone around me where the lady was.

The weird thing is that no one saw this women, and didn't even see me come out of the pool.

This lady has not returned, but I feel she has been watching out for me for the last few years. After that situation, I never would go swimming ever again until I was ten.


>be about 6

>friends stopped playing with me for some reason I didn't understand

>climb a tree

>stay there for a while

>realize I am alone in a tree I used to go with my friends

>consider this stupid

>say to myself "I don't need anyone" repeated times, I knew I was trying to convince myself of it

>Never was convinced of it, just used it as an excuse for anti-social behaviour

>Friends started showing up again

>I was already broken

I remembered this earlier today. I had forgotten about it for years and today it appeared out of nowhere. I don't know exactly what to think of this.




i couldn't find any specific battles in the pacific going on sept 4, 1944. doesn't mean there wasn't fighting going on somewhere obviously



I'm glad you found the first one though, thanks! I did some research some time ago, and the only thing which came up on my side was Operation Zeppelin, but that didn't really fit the bill for the Pacific Theater. One battle that did start in planning phases was the Battle of Peleliu.



Dream but got nowhere else to go.

I dreamt I was outside my door at Night.

The door was open, my family was inside, laughing and looking at me. A figure in black was walking on the street.

Abruptly, my nephew closed the door. The figure, which came from my right, just passed me. The momemt the door closed, it ran at a wall, climbed it and ran away.

And today I heard a girl scream. Nobody else did. What do

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