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ive been realising that the way people have families is a very broken system.

i imagine in the future, people who are friends will live in communes, with shared land that everyone cultivates as a communal garden for everyone to enjoy.

Forests are encouraged to grow by planting trees for wood and fruit and medicine.

Huge gardens of herbs and vegetables for food and medicine.

Grow plants in a symbiosis if one type of plant is prone to pests then plant herbs that deter the pests around it rather than using pesticides etc.

People do get married but its not obligatory and its free love for the most part, and when a child is born it is cared for by everyone in the community and it works as a kind of family so every adult acts as a parent. Blood relation isn’t important, more about kinship.

In this way the greater family of the commune is divided into smaller families, so there is the family of adults who care for the family of children and the family of humans care for the family of animals and together they care for the land in which they all live.

People keep chickens and rabbits as the main sources of meat because they reproduce quickly and are easy to subdue for humane slaughter + eggs from the chickens.

Cows and sheep are kept too for milk and wool and the animals are allowed to breed as they please so only the surplus animals are eaten.

The diet is based around vegetables and seeds with meat saved for those who need the protein (children and adolescents because they are growing and those who need to be strong) or on special occasions.

Everybody keeps dogs and in the morning they are let out to meet up with their dogfriends and do whatever (no need to walk them, dogs would actually be socialised which most aren’t nowadays) + if the commune was ever under threat the dogs would help to protect their home.

Money isn’t used within the community and people share with each other freely,

If something wants to build something that costs money then the whole community should have a discussion and put together a collective fund.

And if one commune doesn’t have enough food because of weather or disease then other communes nearby share their surplus food.

A 13 month calendar based on the full moons is used, and every full moon all the adults come together to smoke herb, celebrate and to have discussions.

The solstices and equinoxes are celebrated too with festivals etc.

This is just a start so please contribute with whatever seems relevant


So in other words you want us to become niggers with gardens.

Fuck that.

Free love can GTFO.


>not mention of goats or geese or ducks

>also forcing everyone to keep dogs, even though I hate dogs and don't want one, and they eat hundreds of animals every year

>forcing me to smoke herb even though I don't want to

>forcing me to be part of a big community even though I'm Hermit-Tier and don't want to be dealing with other people all the time



I think you need to get out.


I like your idea. I though about that myself. But there is no way to make something similar to happen ;-;.


And that's his vision.


So contribute you fgt.



No fuck off you hippie cuck faggot I shouldn't have even contributed the few suggestions I did give I should only be shitting on this awful thread.



Dubs say the truth. OP must be high on weed and newage bullshit.

People can have dogs, but everyone? That is a ton of food being eaten.



What if I do not want to smoke weed and pollute my body? I know that drugs can help with magick sometimes, but it is better to learn to do it yourself than relay on something.

Such degeneracy.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>forcing me to be part of a big community even though I'm Hermit-Tier and don't want to be dealing with other people all the time

The reason you dont like being with people isn't because you are "hermit-tier". Its because quite frankly most people are fucking faggots that are a nuisance to associate with.

humans are social beings and when you are hanging out with friends that are genuinely cool, or a like minded female its always a great feeling.

It just so happens 95% of people fucking suck.




dogs have friends why does everyone find this so strange.

goats and ducks are cool, geese are dickheads tho.

and dogs can survive on 1 meal a day+scraps, they arent obligatory carnivores and are useful + sell the pups for money.

no ones gonna force you to do anything but ganja is a nice thing with many spiritual, medicinal and social uses + it amplifies lunar vibration; its not like anyones going to force you.

its a real shame only like 4% of people on this board contribute useful information rather than just being an irritating child.



nice dubs


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You clearly don't understand telegony, the effects of (ideally, multigenerationally) focused energetics that grant varied predispositions, nor how unique one flesh really is to another (the hows of the sacred bond of marriage works and it's role on a multidimensional level).

'free love' (which isn't free; it actually has quite a high cost), and mandatory dog keeping aside, what you outlined is a workable base outline. You need to maximize freewill/freedom and rights; for that natural law is the best genesis.

As for providing for the common defense, just because one lives in harmony with nature does not mean there need be a necessity to abandon all technology ( indeed only those that are disharmonic). I imagine humanity with unity based technologies (zero point, aether, unified field, vortex/toroid, spectra, ect) at their disposal for health, wealth, and defense (if need be).

Through the use of such things, abundance in biomass (both plants and animals (if you truly do still wish to eat them)) and the trivialization of such long standing problems as energy/heat & transportation can also be can be achieved.

This frees people to live (mostly) as they please and devote time, energy, and focuses unto their desires as the primary purpose of life.

>TFW no consciousness-technology-flag



You're right, the primary thing that is holding us back from an ideal society is the suppression of Tesla technology. If free energy was available to everyone there would be no poverty, and thus no ruling global "elite."


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>geese are dickheads tho.

Well fuck you too!

t. Goosey



That would cause an even more massive explosion in the number of niggers.

The primary thing holding us back right now is jews undermining us from working on the most basic level; the genetic level, to advance society.



Geese are assholes.


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Geese are the final solution to the hippie problem.


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GEESE ARE NOT NICE!!!!!!!11!!!!!!1


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14/88 peck the niggers, goose war now!


Well, I thought it was a nice post. Why do some people feel such a powerful urge to be contrary and destructive towards the dreams and aims of others? Projection of their own self-loathing?



>Why do some people feel such a powerful urge to be contrary and destructive towards the dreams and aims of others? Projection of their own self-loathing?

Uh… yeah. Have you forgotten that you're on an imageboard?


Its a good idea but only for those who don't desire power and serve self. I think its fine the way it is you can live in this way alone with a green house and animals if you want to. There is people here who love everyone and wish to help humanity. But there isn't many people who serve others or self most are somewhere inbetween. Intelligent infinity penetrates our lives all the time. We are given many gifts to aid us but few realize this. Some people as seen on this board don't like paradise but would prefer to see the world and all of its inhabitants suffer.


op here, about the marriage thing;

marriage is a sacred thing, and it shouldnt be the standard because i think that devalues.

marriage should be 2 people (or more, im undecided on what i think about polygamy) as atoms coming together to form a molecule.

most people when theyre children play, and then they get to the age of about 12/13 when theyre expected to be like adults and not play anymore so they start playing boyfriends and girlfriends pretending theyre in love and i think a lot of people never grow out of that and just get married because thats what youre supposed to do.



>That would cause an even more massive explosion in the number of niggers.

Would it? I thought their overproduction was really just a byproduct of their hedonistic lifestyle. I figured, with all forms of stress removed, they'd actually try to build something.


There is none other than I, all are in service to me.



Lol… I skimmed then stopped reading at dogfriends.

If you want a better model, go read The Ringing Cedars of Russia (the first translation, green cover books are endowed with consciousness raising wording/phrasing).

In that, it's outlined that every family has a hectare (few acres) of land to create their own kin domain. It's not worth me elaborating, because I cannot transmit the efficiency of those books properly. This movement took off in Russia and was sanctioned by their government, even.


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Seed it




Marijuana does not make you spiritual by smoking it and opens holes in the aura for invading entities. If it had any sacredness it has since been altered. Hemp could be a worthwhile crop.


>>43200 people will take drugs and ganja seems to me to be the safest and most worthwhile compared to alcohol etc.

of course it doesnt make you spiritual but i think it works as a kind of amplifier (if ur lazy you get superlazy, if ur meditative you get super meditative) atleast in my experience.

>If it had any sacredness it has since been altered

have you ever smelled wild thyme or any other wild herb? theyre not nearly as potent as the common type. thats what people do we encourage the traits that are beneficial to us like a symbiosis


+ seeing as plants have like a species consciousness when you take it you enter into that consciousness and it is a very old and wise herb.

especially when you take it with other people because it puts you on the same frequency the amount of times ive had telepathies when stoned



It's a fucking plant. That's like me worshiping and exonerating goji berries. Woopty-fucking-doo. I smoke organic tobacco but don't make my life revolve around it or coerce others into it.

It holds nothing to the organic light. Or to even the books above. Kickass books, homie. That's where it's at. And your grammar sucks you stupid stoner.

Drugs are degenerate and will never be an end-all, be-all so stop treating it like one.



yes it is a plant i dont worship its not a deity, im talking similar to a uniao de vegetal kind of philosophy in that plants and nature spirits are teachers.

no one is forcing you to do drugs.


people are so used to finding some philosophy and it being 100% fact but its never like that.

in everything there is truth and falsehood; learning is about looking through all the philosophies and finding the truth in them.

to know one thing completely is to know everything partially.

idk why youre all getting angry at me for saying my ideas as if im trying to coerce or force you into believing them; this is just what i think and the society id like to live in.



I've seen the effects of habitual marijuana use on friends, after I used it during my developmental years. That makes me somewhat of an expert. I've since cleared myself and have a higher perspective.

The plant community is there, sure, but it's a lesser realm. Key word: lesser.

Pot is literally a 'gateway' drug, much like meth. I'm a practiced exorcist using shamanic methods and know that entities can come through into the body through drug use.


>>43206 it is a gateway drug because it is put in the same category as other drugs.

young people generally take drugs because its rebellious and they take harder drugs because theyre even more taboo.

of course its a gateway drug if you have to associate with criminals to get it.

either that or because youre taking it as an escape, in which case anything could be a 'gateway drug'




Nah, it puts holes in the aura. Makes people slow, estrogenic, has a strange energy overall when your around people who have consumed it.

I cite personal experience and that of healers, you are citing a mainstream news source. Not interested. Besides, what would Anastasia do?

Sobriety is king in all magical workings.


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>>43203 you seem really angry, come down and have a j



This so hard also whatever it is that one hopes to achieve by taking marijuana they could reproduce just by an act of the will without ever having to ingest drugs.

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