ive been realising that the way people have families is a very broken system.
i imagine in the future, people who are friends will live in communes, with shared land that everyone cultivates as a communal garden for everyone to enjoy.
Forests are encouraged to grow by planting trees for wood and fruit and medicine.
Huge gardens of herbs and vegetables for food and medicine.
Grow plants in a symbiosis if one type of plant is prone to pests then plant herbs that deter the pests around it rather than using pesticides etc.
People do get married but its not obligatory and its free love for the most part, and when a child is born it is cared for by everyone in the community and it works as a kind of family so every adult acts as a parent. Blood relation isn’t important, more about kinship.
In this way the greater family of the commune is divided into smaller families, so there is the family of adults who care for the family of children and the family of humans care for the family of animals and together they care for the land in which they all live.
People keep chickens and rabbits as the main sources of meat because they reproduce quickly and are easy to subdue for humane slaughter + eggs from the chickens.
Cows and sheep are kept too for milk and wool and the animals are allowed to breed as they please so only the surplus animals are eaten.
The diet is based around vegetables and seeds with meat saved for those who need the protein (children and adolescents because they are growing and those who need to be strong) or on special occasions.
Everybody keeps dogs and in the morning they are let out to meet up with their dogfriends and do whatever (no need to walk them, dogs would actually be socialised which most aren’t nowadays) + if the commune was ever under threat the dogs would help to protect their home.
Money isn’t used within the community and people share with each other freely,
If something wants to build something that costs money then the whole community should have a discussion and put together a collective fund.
And if one commune doesn’t have enough food because of weather or disease then other communes nearby share their surplus food.
A 13 month calendar based on the full moons is used, and every full moon all the adults come together to smoke herb, celebrate and to have discussions.
The solstices and equinoxes are celebrated too with festivals etc.
This is just a start so please contribute with whatever seems relevant