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I made a post like this in /suicide/, but I want to hear from you esoteric folks as well.

I want to know your guys's NDE

I have looked at alot of normal NDE storys online and alot of it seems to be from Jesus juicers who go on about seeing hell, Satan and all of that and then go on and on about how they love Jesus and how we will be punished for not accepting him and all of that Jazz. But iv read several NDE's of people who attempted suicide and nealey all of them tend to be quite positive.

They feel happy, fullfilled, they find a place where they belong. They feel nothing and everything at the same time. Reading some of their experiences makes me want to jump up and shout and even cry alittle. The truth is there are so many things i want to experience in this world that I just havent yet. I want to travel a little, visit an island, wear fancy clothes, and maybe even fall in love. But I can't accomplish a damn thing here. I'm just a failure who can't even remember what I ate at all yesterday. This world feels like a trap but these NDE's tales give me hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And who knows, maybe I can experience all of this stuff I wanted to in the afterlife.

Sorry for writing a novel here. Now I want to know what your NDE's.


I almost died in a car wreck. In the ambulence I was so calm. After I recovered I became a lot more outgoing, happy and developed a magnetic personality. Euphoric for about six months after the accident then it wore off. Still a better person for it.



did your heart stop/were you dead or just losing life? sounds like a good experience regardless, just curious.



I want to know too. But was there a near death experience?


OP just read Life Beyond Death by William Walker Atkinson and learn to astral project. The book is in the /fringe/ library in the sticky.


tried to kill myself when i was about 14, i dont remember much but i remember my mum and some doctors walking me through a car park and i could see all of these lotus flowers made of light around me



I will look into it. However, astral projecting is temporary while suicide is permanent, or long term.


Did you feel good?



i remember it was very beautiful but i was all drugged up so the whole thing is kind of blank now. i did feel good when i woke up after tho and never really felt suicidal since



I have often heard that overwhelmingly, those who experience death/near death come back and are no longer afraid of death. it seems like only christians see hellish visions and experience fear.

Any wizards die and see demons/evil shit?



This made me lol and it is true.



You literally experience that, which you want or think you will experience after you die for a while. Read Life Beyond Death already.



I had a hellish vision of world war 2 involving my grandpa..the next day I found out he'd died. There was a blessed feeling at the funeral and certain signs showed me that it was okay. I think I was helping him pass thru something so he could move on. I think there are personal hells which people pass thru. Then there is Geburah or Hades which some people may think is hell but I think its just awesome.

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