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Esoteric Wizardry


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These words have to be chanted or repeated 52 times for 7-10 days for them to work.

1. TIGRIS- Overall success.

2. HUYUK- Induce astral travel.

3. AEUNN- Gain the love of a specific person.

4. ENLIL- Financial gain.

5. ZIGGURATS- Heal a barren womb.

6. NIKIL-Gain clairvoyant abilities.

7. LUGAL-Detect lost objects.

8. URUK- Win games where luck is involved.

9. NINKILIM- Remove any type of phobia.

10. UMMIA- Rid any unwanted person.

11. NANNAIYA- Boost sex drive.

12. NINGAL- Heal both mental and physical ailments.

13. URNAMMU- Induce lucidity in a dream.

14. SHULGI- Gain recognition in one’s life.

15. LAZULI- Boost your physical strength.

16. NIMKACY- Gain telekinetic abilities.

17. EUTRUSCAN- Good visualization abilities.

18. NINGRISU-Strengthen your memory.

19. ZAGGRO- Gain control of people’s thoughts.

20. LUGALLASAGESI- Render any enemy harmless.

21. AKKAK- Telepathic communication.

22. ISHTAAR- Improve predictive abilities.

23. HAMMURABY- Ensure a balance state of mind.

24. CEREPLUX- General happiness.

25. TECCAS- Psychic protection.

26. BITTATY- Rid any addiction.

27. AKABIYAN- Detect any enemies.

28. SHUSHU- Gain mediumistic abilities.

29 GESHTYN- Attract desired employment.

30. ATTRAHASIS- Physical protection.

31. NEPHERAPHI- Overcome shyness.

32. AMMUNN- Direct communication with God.

33. HELPHTAFMANNY- Control weather patterns.

34. ASHKKEENUTT- Gain respect of employers.

35. NETCHERGAMU- Repell Negative spell.

36. HALUGANCHY- Gain invisibility from chosen persons.

37. PETTATRION- Succeed in any legal dispute.

38. GEDBEGURU- For meditating(still the mind)

39. SOBEKTI- Turn an enemy into a friend.

40. DJERGU- Summon your guardian angel.(Use when necessary)

41. GARNOPIC- Induce levitation of the body.

42. VASTABA- Clairaudient abilities. (Hear spirits and angels.)

43. ZAQGURRA- Regress into past lives.

44. RARIT- Help with artistic pursuits.

45. EKFAPHRATYNE- Ensure protection of material objects.

46. KATEMU- Longevity(Increase life-span of everything alive)

47. TOWFAROT- Bestow virility

48. KILCOTH- SUCCESS in sponsoring activity.

49. MAATT- Receive anyting that is owed to you.

50. MEKERETRE- Cure male and female sterility.

51. PTHOPTECK- Gain entry into Akashic library.

52. BYBLOSTYIOUS- Ability to read human aura.

53. PUABY-Gain info about future incarnations.

54. KHUFTU-Prevent others from locking into your thoughts.

Health Chants

1. SWAFTIF- Heal arthritis

2. ZASSU-Heal lung disorder.

3. ASUAN- Heal bladder infections.

4. MINNAK- heal skin iriitations.

5 MYCENNO- Heal headaches.

6. OMPEDMI- Heal open wounds.

7. CHETHURUK- Heal stomach complaints.

8. TALLNYET- Heal influenza.

9. KEPURUTH- Prevent hair-loss.

10. PSAZTHYRE-Heal ear infections.

11. GALIPAL- Prevent tooth decay.

12. ELYSIAD- Heal torn muscles or tissues.

13. SHEEKAP- Heal sexual transmitted diseases.

14. LIAZUSU- Ease heart palpitations.

15. GANHAL- Heal sore gums

16. TYFHAIIA- Overcome agoraphobia.

17. KURUCK- Overcome claustrophobia.

18. PWANABAL- Reverse any swelling.

19. PAPURJAMA- Overcome general nervousness.

20. YANCKABAN- Lower high blood pressure.


Special Mantras

1. BAEL- Make yourself or objects invisible.

2. AGARES- Produce activity where there is stagnation.

3. VASSAGO- Psychic and physical protection.

4. SAMIGINA- Correct mistakes; Stop bad feelings.

5. MARBAS- Pass exams; good for school work.

6. VALEFOR- Inner workings such as pathworking.

7. AMON- Any legal disputes.

8. BARBATOS- Remove any spellcast or you or friends.

9. PAIMON-Remove anything unwanted.

10. BUER- Heal any ailments.

11. GUSION- Receive any secret information.

12. SITRI- Gain sex drive.

13. BELETH- Gain love of someone special.

14. LERAJE- Cure headaches.

15. ELIGOS- Inner strength and positively.

16. ZEPAR- Ensure conception.

17. BOTIS- Tranquility and general happiness.

18. BATHIN- Separate consciousness ; project on astral plane.

19. SALLOS- Became at-one with all of creation.

20. PURSON- Successful interviews, ads and blind dates.

21. MARAX- Clear and Mature thinking.

22. IPOS- Overcome any kind of phobia.

23. AIM- Easier breathing, excellent for asthma

24. NABERIOUS- Communicate with spirits and angels.

25. GLASYALABOLAS- Dissolve any unwanted situation.

26. BUNE- Gain large amounts of money.

27. RONOVE- General stability.

28. BERITH- Gain recognition.

29. ASTAROTH- Overall success.

30. FORNEUS- Gain fame in a chosen career.

31. FORAS- Good health and a longlife.

32. ASMODAY- Abstain spirit help and guidance.

33. GAAP- Keep secrets hidden from.

34. FURFUR- Keep tempers cool; good for calmness.

35. MARCHOSIAS- Summon your personal guardian angel.

36. STOLAS- For practicality.

37. PHENEX- General happiness and tranquility.

38. HALPHAS- Self-esteem and moral strength.

39. MALPHAS- When feeling down, this mantra will pick you up.

40. RAUM- Receive vision of lost objects and where they will be.

41. FOCALOR- Return negative spells back to the sender.

42. VEPAR- Prevents storm from breaking down summer weather.

43. SABNOCK- Send telepathic messages.

44. SHAX- Keep enemies at bay, protection.

45. VINE- Desire to formulate rituals and spells of yours.

46. BIFRONS- Strengthen your will-power.

47. VUAL- Psychometric abilities; read and interpret vibrations in objects.

48. HAAGENTI- Transform your life from old habits to new adventures.

49. CROCELL- General happiness.

50. FURCAS- Clairvoyant abilities.(divine future)

51. BALAM- Communicate with spirit masters

52. ALLOCES- Gain wisdom directly from spirit- source.

53. CAMIO- Good intuitive abilities.

54. MURMUR- Induce total calmness of body and miind.

55. OROBAS- Induce projection; travel anywhere in astral plane.

56. GREMORY- See with clairvoyant sight.

57. OSE- Gain telekinetic abilities.

58. AMY- Gain ability to interpret the message of dreams.

59. ORIAS- Control weather patterns as you choose.

60. VAPULA- Produce divine sounds within your place of abode.

61. ZAGAN- Gain mediumship abilities.

62. VALAC- Gain entry into Elysian Fields. ( The land where the god of ancient Greece reside).

63. ANDRAS- Release negative thoughts from mind.

64. HAURES- Creative abilites(art, writing, and music)

65. ANDREALPHUS- Summon the salamander spirits.

66. CIMEJES- Insure against theft and fire.

67. AMDUSIAS- Come see the human aura.

68. BELIAL- Raise kundalini spirit outside the physical body to travel at will.

69. DECARABIA- dissovle negative thought patterns.

70. SEERE- Obtain info on previous lives.

71. DANTALION- Gain visions of hereafter.

72. ANDROMALIUS- Deep meditational work.


Mantras to waking the Ckakras.

1. Bottom of Spine.

2. Stomach

3. Chest

4. HEart

5. Throat

6. Center of Forehead

7. The Crown (top head facing the sky.)

Sunday Mantra: Muladhara

Monday Mantra: Svadhistana

Tuesday Mantra: Manipura

Wednesday Mantra: Anahat

Thursday Mantra: Vishuda

Friday Mantra: Ahna

Saturday Mantra: Sahasrara

The Lost word of power mantra:


Ma- Material energy

Ra- Healing energy



So I just say them, sing them, meditate on them ?

How do I enchant them ?

I have to repeat them 52 times precisly ? Why so ?



These are not chants. Use google. Don't be this much of an idiot.




I know these to be demon names but what happens if you actually chant them as stated in the OP?



I doubt the demons actually get evoked since you'd be vibrating the mantra with some specific intent rather than entity evocation.



Yeah that's what I thought. I think the OP might be legit to be honest since they have their offices like their angelic counterparts. Maybe if you're more attuned to that side it might work like an invocation.



lol.. gross..

Be careful what you invoke..

Whats the sauce on this?




Aren't these demon names? Is this a trick to get me to evoke a demon?


These chants are demon names. Obviously. I don't think that chanting will "evoke" them. If you look into evocation you'll find it is a whole set of skill and study. If you systematically chant their names however, it's very likely one of them might just take notice of you. And demons taking an interst in you, especially if you are a novice and not familiar with banishments and precautions, is really just never a good thing.


Is it me or does the chants sound like their in enochian…?



>And demons taking an interst in you, especially if you are a novice and not familiar with banishments and precautions, is really just never a good thing.

They wont give a fuck.


File: 1433662758958.png (35.5 KB, 330x330, 1:1, St_benedict_medal-2006_04_….png)



1. MILAN- Induce heat

2. NEW YORK- Increase sexual desirability

3. JAPAN- Destroy clothing

4. YOUR PARTY- No way I'm disco dancing


I did one of these for love once, got a skype message two days later from a sex cam bot and that was it, gave me a good laugh though.

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