Low attention Processing
The basic theory of sigil functioning relies on the idea that your deep or unconscious mind is where “everything works” and you must somehow “trick” or “outfox” your conscious mind to get the right message down to where it can be of use.
You see, a funny thing happens when you run a TV ad campaign. Your sales increase. Even if no one recalls your advertisement. This is known as low attention processing.
In the largest ever study of TV advertising’s impact, subjects were shown an hour’s worth of drama with commercial breaks. Even those displaying the lowest level of background attention experienced a brand shift toward the products that were advertised. Products they couldn’t consciously remember being advertised. It’s not subliminal, it’s just not consciously noticed.
One single exposure was enough to change their perception of a product. The impact increases with repeated exposure.
Why destroy a sigil when you can potentially improve its ‘stickyness’ by having it regularly and loosely recalled? Pin it to your mirror instead.
Pin it beside images of other magical goals: holidays, wealth, deities, etc. The goal here being to have them somewhere that you can see them without seeing them.
Let these images fall into the background of your daily life.
~copy&Paste Gordon from RuneSoup