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Esoteric Wizardry


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I've mingled on a idea, these days Internet is filled with quick to anger oversensitive plebs, who are pissed off easily (Better yet trolled to the point of a mental breakdown), the inevitable rage that follows could charge a sigil.

Could something like that work? Rage, tears, various autists masturbating to cartoon ponies. I don't see the difference between sources here


Yes. That is how loosh works.



Why don't we all farm the loosh of these "SJW"s?

They are so easily triggered by things normal people wouldn't even be fazed by, they're like a loosh factory.

Going to tumblr would be our best bet.


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>mfw /fringe/ could have a loosh empire setup and the loosh-livestock would have no idea



>various autists masturbating to cartoon ponies

You'd draw lewd ponies for ponyfags in order to gain loosh? How novel.


Can confirm. Tumblr's immensely easy to troll, and many users even list their "triggers" on their pages, so you know exactly what makes them butthurt.


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Rage powered jetpacks?

Sign me up!



It is our responsibility to not prey on people simply because we can. Shit like that comes back on you hard, believe that.


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I've been experimenting this on Facebook, Youtube, Tumblr and every community that has a hugbox of any kind, old fashioned lol cows, random SJWs, transfats, etc. etc.

Possibilities are endless here and fuck some people go batshit crazy over some provocation and not to forget about the religious nuts, cultists, christfags and others who are scared shitless of demons and whatnot.



But the marxist useful idiots deserve to get their loosh farmed. They are extremely destructive on society, like termites infesting a wooden building.

If anything draining their energy would be a good thing because they would have less energy to do their social destruction.



>old fashioned lol cows

>lol cows



Guys what if /cow/ is unknowingly mass farming loosh? What if they think they're fucking with autists "for the lulz" but the satisfaction they get from it is really energy gained?



Lulz is a form of Schadenfreude after all. Depending on the lolcow, the loosh involved is succulent, same applies to trolling/shitposting

Loosh comes from either your targets or from your fellow trolls.

Best of it all, confusion, rage, misery and wide spectrum of emotions provide a lot loosh.


You can head over to >>>/4chon/ to get some easy loosh over there.


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>Shitposting to charge sigils

This is now a dubs thread


Sorry for applying logic and critical thinking to the situation but how do you get the loosh from the butthurt victim? Wouldn't they just send out energy where they are?



Etheric energy is local in nature but loosh energy in its astral form is nonlocal and therefore not limited by distance.


this is of interest to me but how do you get the energy onto your sigil? if they see your sigil they won't know what it signifies, it's not like it will just "magically" charge the thing you had in mind, or will it?





This one has got to be the one.


The only thing you'll farm is joy-hate in yourself. You're manufacturing your own drug and getting literally high off of it, experiencing pleasure.

The only mental breakdown you're ensuring is your own after a few years, when the psychological ramifications catch up and hit you in full. You'll either need higher doses or it will cease to give you pleasure, and then the result is withdrawal and pain at the realization of what you've done without pleasure to mask it. Meanwhile your targets will have moved on with their lives and forgotten about whatever insignificant comments you posted about them.

It's either that, or you'll turn into the next mass murderer or a psychopath in prison when words don't cut it anymore.

Your "loosh" can be dispelled with a simple hug or nice comment from someone your target cares about. Your hatred cannot be dispelled, as there will be nobody to hug you, nobody to catch you when you fall into your pit of hate. There will only be others in your circle to affirm your viciousness and hate.


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Life… dreams… hope… Where'd they come from? And where are they headed…? These things… I'm going to destroy!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For further information, please see this recording of a children's video game.



I don't understand this part either.

Okay, let's say I photoshop a sigil over some ponies crotch tits and have autists fap to it. Don't they need to subconsciously know what the sigil represents in order to charge it?

Also, how do you formulate the statement of intent for the sigil? Let's assume for the sake of simplicity the example "I WILL FUCK A SUCCUBUS". If someone else charges the sigil, who's going to end up fucking one, the person who has drawn the sigil, or the person who charged it? Should you avoid using "I" in the statement and refer to yourself by name, or will the sigil know who to affect?

Am I overthinking this shit?




yeah it's really not clear. admittedly i am very new to the very concept and don't even plan on doing it before thouroughly understanding all the implications and mechanics of it

what it boils down to probably is: can you loosh farm without consent or without knowledge of it.

now what i also realized is the reasons pop stars have all this occult stuff and re-enact rituals in live performances and so on:

entities are using their platform to gain a wide audience and harvest energies. in turn they help make and keep the stars farmous.

but this doesn't mean the stars are involved themselves, what makes more sense is the entertainment industry themselves, with the stars just puppets. also explains the phenomena of building up innocent girls and then tearing them down as super sluts, britney spears, that one girl who always sticks her tongue out etc.

all fabrications to create a wilder emotional ride for the public, to get more loosh out of them.



>don't even plan on doing it before thouroughly understanding all the implications

which means probably not persuing it at all. seems evil/predatory.



Thought so.


That's because it is evil.


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Since this is all the "hip" and "cool" magician is doing now a days using mundane's fapping and pleb madness to charge their sigils here what I have:-

Normal photoshop hiding

picture large(10)[grey pony] show the sigil on the vagina

picture lage(11)[yellow pony] have 3 sigils, have fun finding them.

[each method will be posted in a post alone so it doesn't get mixed up]


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This one is trickier and harder to get caught(unless you are working with psychic and intuitive people)

steganograpy's sigil

You create a mantaric sigil and "encrypt" it inside the picture so it is within the code of the picture.


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Now this Probably is pretty easy all you Need to cut down the Statement of inent and use the remaining letter as a sigil mixed with the Text you are writing and the person wHo is ReaDing it and will think nothing of it.

Above is the text method

In the spoiler image is the spoiler method, which is best for imageboards since people like to see what is hidden.


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Low attention Processing

The basic theory of sigil functioning relies on the idea that your deep or unconscious mind is where “everything works” and you must somehow “trick” or “outfox” your conscious mind to get the right message down to where it can be of use.

You see, a funny thing happens when you run a TV ad campaign. Your sales increase. Even if no one recalls your advertisement. This is known as low attention processing.

In the largest ever study of TV advertising’s impact, subjects were shown an hour’s worth of drama with commercial breaks. Even those displaying the lowest level of background attention experienced a brand shift toward the products that were advertised. Products they couldn’t consciously remember being advertised. It’s not subliminal, it’s just not consciously noticed.

One single exposure was enough to change their perception of a product. The impact increases with repeated exposure.

Why destroy a sigil when you can potentially improve its ‘stickyness’ by having it regularly and loosely recalled? Pin it to your mirror instead.

Pin it beside images of other magical goals: holidays, wealth, deities, etc. The goal here being to have them somewhere that you can see them without seeing them.

Let these images fall into the background of your daily life.

~copy&Paste Gordon from RuneSoup


Models of magic

First, Respect to you all Atkinson's and Bardon's followers(no need to jump on me and say DIS NOT HOW IT WORK)

I hope that you know there are more than one model of magic to follow and sigil do get affected by that to some extent(or they don't).The thing is to use the model of magic in right time at the right place so you can work more effectively and efficiently.

Model of magic:-


for stenography.


Enjoy for now until I found new ways to hide and throw sigils



This tool is wonderful for creating sigil on the fly.


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