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Esoteric Wizardry


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The next generation of Infinity is here (discussion) (contribute)
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What if Jenny is Eris?

It's the only way to make sense of something that does not make any sense at all.

She constantly changes her appearance and her interactions with multitudes of people are never consistent, everyone has a different experience talking to her.

She has not really a fixed personality and everything she does is a complete Chaos Mindfuck.

What if she is possessed by, the incarnation of, or otherwise a force of that entity known as Eris?

What does /fringe/ think is Jenny? What is going on there?

Where were you when Jenny was Eris?

I was at home and then Jenny was an Eris.





Kill yourself, OP.


kek so the one on the right is jenny? She looks like your typical edgy teen girl.



>(how do you post without a flag?)



What if chocolate rain fell from the sky? Followed by money? Then an orchestra played. Demons rose up from the earth and started devouring people? Then the chocolate rain turned into blood. Acid hail poured down from the sky and melted off peoples skin? Then the skeleton people began to laugh and laugh. Volcanoes began to rupture and little gnomes popped out of the lava. WHAT IF OP? WHAT IF? I could keep going you know.



Please teach me your ways, ascended cyberwizard magus.



Ah fuck wrong flag.


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The next incarnation of Eris is a /fringe/ matter, deal with it mundane.


I dreamt of Smiley today, he just appeared in my house. I didn't recognize him at first because he lacked that horrible mouth breather deformation. He was just talking and talking, completely emotionless, void of any melody in his voice. His eye color changed all the time, hazel, grey, blue, green, yellow, whatever. He could speak at least 3 languages.



I too recently, as in merely a few hours ago whilst in the astral, had an experienced that involved ever-changing eye color… and it was those specific colours your mentioned too.



I also had a dream of Smiley once



I once stared into my own eyes and saw infinity.



I once stared into infinity and saw my own eyes.



Sorry I fucked this up. I stared into my own eyes and saw infinity.


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I dreamt of Smiley few months back; we were on the roof of my parent's house and Smiley was teaching me how to build these remote-view-spy-eyes, like extra eyes that gather information from distance.


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What makes you so sure that Eris will be a woman



>She constantly changes her appearance and her interactions with multitudes of people are never consistent, everyone has a different experience talking to her.

Sounds a bit like the most extreme of attention whores. Deep rooted daddy issues, desperate for attention, personality disorders, narcissistic, etc.



if that's her with the attentionwhore tier dyed hair, kek.

what is wrong with smilekins

is he just a normal normie goy after all?



Men are orderly women are chaos.






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