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Esoteric Wizardry


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You have questions and I have answers

I've spent 2 years studying everyday. From the secular religions of the East, to the Animistic practices of the Americas. From the Christian theologians of Europe, to the modern Near Death Experience.

I've been through the left-wing, and I've been through the right.



What is the single most impactful experience you have had as a result of your studies?



Could you recommend any books on left-hand Tantra? Of course if you studied this area of Eastern knowledge.



I haven't really had one intense experience, except for my DMT trip, but the most impactful studying was when I started believing in God. Really turned my world upside down, made me a better person. Also, my first few weeks of studying and eating better made me feel happy constantly.



>I haven't really had one intense experience

Then who cares. You might have read 1000 books but if you're just a theorycraft guy I don't see the benefit of asking you a question.



How can I reclaim my magics that I've lost in past?



Any tips for going down the rabbit hole and remembering how I died? Everyone is dead.



>I don't know shit yet I know everyone is dead









You don't know/ don't have the capacity to remember how you died yet you know "everyone is dead". How is that? Reading about it on the internet doesn't mean you "know it".



Attract more energy. You need to stop masturbating, drink more water, do exercise. Pray constantly. You can actually pull energy into your body by visualizing it and manually stimulating your nervous system (feels like a body-wide tense)


You're hesitant about living because it is extremely painful. This is a waste of time. Just remember that your reward in heaven is bountiful, remember that God really wants you to succeed and remember that he cant wait to see you again.



>he wants you to succeed and see you again

where do i begin… also, who does all this just to see one male.

also don't pray.. you're supposed to self-hypnotize with enhancing mantras.



Pray to God?

Who is this 'god' that you write of?

Is the god the All?



You are the creation seeking your creator. You only exist to serve him, because you are him. You are a manifestation of the eternal Lord and it is by your participation in GOODNESS that you improve the universe.

Go forth and declare your love for God by representing him through good deeds and kind acts.


Yes, you could call him the All. God is the transcendental essence of existence, he is before all things, and he sustains all things.

God is the nothingness that birthed existence, the infinitely powerful and infinitely loving emptiness that pervades every corner of every thing.



You heard of LHP, right?

Why should he aim to become one with God, while he can attain Godhood himself?



You basically just made the claim that the cell is the human.

No, we are not the all. However the indwelling spirit of man can develop a long a path of unlimited potential and become unified with The All ultimately at least in theory.

You can not improve the universe at all. God did not make an imperfect creation.

Your morality is human-centric and has to do with fulfilling the desires of humans. You can not even imagine the desires of beings that have retained their consciousness and memories intact and lucid for thousands of years of continuous development and long ago surpassed the problem of death.

All that you consider good and bad is not a form of cosmic morality but a relative morality that only pertains to the role you play as a human right now. Much of what you may consider immoral or good from a higher perspective is neither or reversed.



All that you personally ought to do is to become aware of your true self (as described in The Arcane Formulas) and then to master your desires. Doing so will allow you to exit the cycle / wheel / circle and turn into a spiral of ascent as you develop more complex and abstract desires as the lower ones are fulfilled and outlived or else consciously comprehended as inferior and replaced with superior desires. Whether you do this or not really doesn't matter to me personally, it's just that the higher you develop, the more intense all your potentials get; both your pain and your pleasures achieve a depth that far outclasses what the much less sentient, numb, barely conscious minds of lower forms process and if you are a master you can avoid the falling down into the depths of despair while continuously riding a wave of satisfaction, contentment, and positive loosh.


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Because God is omnipotent and none can surpass him. God oversees all, and because he created everything, he controls everything - directly or indirectly.

You cannot become more powerful than God, he will ALWAYS have power over you, and any kind of divine power that you gain is credited to him.



I know we're not the all, but we are created by it and we serve it. Teleology.

No, my morality is not human-centric, there are objectively good things to do and objectively bad things to do. God seeks unification and if you bring humans together through love, you are unifying God. By making him more powerful you become more powerful.


Yes, and the way to leave the cycle is to give yourself freewill. From where else could this freewill derive but God? All power comes from God so you must aim for your spirit to be like him.

Why must all of you serve Satan? He may give you power that is easily-attained, but it will never compare to the power of the Lord.


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>You're hesitant about living

Uh, no. I've been living as a 22 year old for over 30 years. I love every second if my youth and I'm a fan of life in general.

>God can't wait to see me again

So Yahweh can take all my loosh again? Nah.



You're not dead! The dead cannot use the internet! What evidence do you have indicating that you're dead?



>why do you all serve satan?

We don't. Satan is a nigger, and the king of the jews. And everyone hates Jews.

In fact most Gods in different lores actually exist, they just don't have the power they used to command because they lost worshippers. Worshippers = Free Energy from fools. No doubt Yahweh exists too, but from what I understand he's a jealous and impulsive little bastard that will murder a whole area on earth when he doesn't get his way. He even has the balls to say that he's the one true God, like he's some kind narcissistic asshole.

I've met Aphrodite once. She's very pretty, in a classical sense, but she's not a very good lay. Since she lost her worshippers, she was finally able to overcome her own vanity.

All Gods are is just powerful Wizards OP, even the Christian God. The real card holders of the cosmos are those who govern the astral plane. The one who made the Demigure of this universe is particularly childish and fun loving.

I hope this clears up your Christian delusion a little.



He said everyone is dead



One force created the universe and that force loves infinitely. When we worship God we are not worshipping a man-made concept OF God, we are only using it to direct our worship toward THE God.

There is only one God and all monotheistic religions are worshipping it, no matter what name it has. This God created all things and it rules over all existence. The only reason that other spirits have power in the astral plane is because God created freewill, he gave the universe freedom, but the universe is still subservient to him.

There will always be the one wizard that cannot be defeated because he is the most powerful, he is perfect and cannot be challenged.

This is not about Yahweh or Christianity, this is about the creator that has no name, he is the state that the universe is based on and will return to, he is eternal and he is infinite.



This is true.


Labels define singularities.

Singularities are concepts which are discernibly existing. (a car, a cat, a pen, an atom, an electron, a particle, a green light, a white light, a hockey stick)

All gods =/= the Zero Point Most HIGH.

god = goat = ram = aries -> pre-catholic djinn worship which mutated into catholicism.. even the words u use to describe your beings have effects, you're nothing more than an akbar to you allah.



My God is the most high and you should surrender to him

Do not worship anything that is not the best

Jesus Christ was the greatest person to ever live, his life was objectively perfect and the God he worshipped was the creator. We do not worship God with words, only with feeling and emotion. Bless you



I recommend you read Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic by Thomas Karlsson. It will help you clear out all that Christian bs and will give you a new perspective on magical path and what exactly LHP is. You kinda sound like mindless christian slave who accuses everyone of being satanists.



>my god is best god

top kek



>bless you

fuck you, I remove your permissions.

No blood soakings of such sorts - be less? no.

>Jezus aka zeus julius aka jupiter zeus/ego of the ruling hand - legal names, christian appellation = commercial merchant identification - corporate fictions to claim land possessions and legal title of goods.

Story based 60/40 on appolonius and yeshua stories from even older sources - transcriptions from Phoenician literature, names changed to suit geographical areas.

>surrender to him

>my insert element /choice of element was to display quantified amount of self-mastery and self-esteem by pronouncing an authoritative figure lording over it.

→my ; immediate desire to control - to have, need to associate and belong which is actually a need to control - an attachment and a strong want - the need for a greater leadership or master to always watch over and look over - the thought that one must always be judged by an external element is associated to this method of control - control is a feeling one desires to experience in a situation where one feels helpless to affect one's experience.


to give over - to hand over, to give up - one is to surrender his yield to the roaming thugs if he be a weak being and seeks no immediate challenge to his ego and ability to survive and claim his liberty to exist.

read the arcane teachings and the kybalion.

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