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File: 1433735869065.jpg (40.53 KB, 400x685, 80:137, Robert_Wadlow.jpg)


Robert Wadlow

Robert Pershing Wadlow (February 22, 1918 – July 15, 1940) also known as the Alton Giant and the Giant of Illinois, is the tallest person in recorded history for whom there is irrefutable evidence. The Alton and Illinois monikers reflect the fact that he was born and grew up in Alton, Illinois.

Wadlow reached 8 ft 11.1 in (2.72 m) in height and weighed 439 lb (199 kg) at his death at age 22. His great size and his continued growth in adulthood were due to hyperplasia of his pituitary gland, which results in an abnormally high level of human growth hormone. He showed no indication of an end to his growth even at the time of his death.

Later years

Wadlow's size began to take its toll: he required leg braces to walk and had little feeling in his legs and feet. Despite these difficulties, Wadlow never used a wheelchair.

Wadlow became a celebrity after his 1936 U.S. tour with the Ringling Brothers Circus and his 1938 promotional tour with the INTERCO. He continued participating in tours and public appearances, though only in his normal street clothes. His shoes were provided to him free of charge by a shoe company for which he did promotional work and appearances. Examples still exist in several locations throughout the US, including Snyder's Shoe Store of Ludington and Manistee, Michigan, and the Alton Museum of History and Art. Wadlow possessed great physical strength, until the last year of his life, in which his strength and his health in general had begun to deteriorate rapidly.

Wadlow was a Freemason. In 1939, he petitioned Franklin Lodge #25 in Alton, Illinois, and by late November of that year was raised to the degree of Master Mason under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Illinois A.F & A.M. Wadlow's Freemason ring was the largest ever made.

One year before his death, Wadlow passed John Rogan as the tallest person ever. On June 27, 1940 (eighteen days before his death), he was measured at 8 ft 11.1 in (2.72 m) by doctors C. M. Charles and Cyril MacBryde of Washington University in St. Louis.

On July 4, 1940 (11 days before his death), during a professional appearance at the Manistee National Forest Festival, a faulty brace irritated his ankle, causing a blister and subsequent infection. Doctors treated him with a blood transfusion and emergency surgery, but his condition worsened due to an autoimmune disorder, and on July 15, 1940, he died in his sleep at the age of 22.



Note: Meditation upon the Pituitary Gland will grant you increased size and strength if you learn to use that gland consciously.


Just focus on the area the gland is in while in trance meditation and learn to direct energy with intentions to it and control it.

If you must, practise with other glands or parts of your body first.



Can I increase my strength without increasing my size? I always loved the idea of optimising my strength:weight ratio and basically, whilst being pretty lean and dressed plainly, I'd be deceptively strong.



I've done it myself. Nobody thinks I am strong just looking at me but I am freakishly strong despite how thing and weak I look.

I don't know of a specific gland or organ to focus on to achieve that result but you can still achieve it by creating an etheric map for your body to conform to that has the desired shape by basically creating an imaginal/astral body you want through intense imagination and then feeling yourself within it and adopting it as "your actual body form" which your physical body will conform to.



Hey, that sounds awfully similar to the shapeshifting technique that another anon made a thread for earlier this year. Apparently, he truly felt like a woman but the technique requires a basic mastery of lucid dreaming in order to induce a trance state. Others states that it's dangerous because it fucks with your etheric body and according to a section of the Arcane (Teachings?/Formulae?), those who attempt to reverse their sex are lower than beasts.



It's in Arcane Teachings, p.137-140.

You really didn't understand. None of this implies sex changes and why would it? It's just appearance, a thoughtform.

The reversal of sex polarity is something entrely different:

"These creatures are the disembodied entities of those who degenerated along abnormal sex lines—who attempted to reverse the Cosmic Law of Sex Polarity, and thus brought upon themselves the Recoil of the Life Forces. They were the lowest of the human Satyrs. Nature finally casts over them the spell of a deep sleep, from which they never awaken, and from which they pass into disintegration and annihilation.

They polluted the Sacred Altar. They stole the Divine Fire for devilish rites. They committed the Unpardonable Sin. They removed themselves from the trend of Cosmic Evolution. Their own Desire was their Fate. We wish it were possible to speak plainer—but the time has not yet come."

In the occult homophobia thread people say this passage is about homosexuals. I doubt that. Why wouldn't he just say so if that was the case?



Oh I see. I was afraid to indulge in such activities because I was afraid of permanently fucking myself up but alright, if it's purely superficial then I don't mind dabbling in this.

I'd also like to have 5 fingers instead of 4 for piano playing. Hell, I wouldn't mind an extra set of arms too.

What is the reversal of sex polarity though and how does it differ from the shapeshifting?



what are you even talking about



>Wadlow was a Freemason.

Not that unusual. Illinois is one of the most Masonic states.



Well, I assumed that we're talking about modifying the etheric body and thus modifying the "blueprint" of our actual body, allowing us to take on what ever form we choose.



He's basically talking about producing stigmata / changing the etheric body blueprint which is the kind of energy field that your whole body has which the cells conform to in order to create your body. All of the cells in your body grow to fill out the form provided by the etheric body so if you change your etheric body then your cells will respond to that and start to fill out the new form template provided.



>We wish it were possible to speak plainer—but the time has not yet come.

>Why wouldn't he just say so if that was the case?

Who knows, perhaps he believed that letting society accept the homosex before they learn the lesson of its harm is the part of our evolution.

Remember that homosexuals were pretty much unheard of in his time.



What is OP's post implying?

And we already have a shapeshifting thread. >>25165



This isn't about shapeshifting, it's about giants and how much more super intelligent they are than the short untermensch.



what's the harm of homosexuality?



attracting /pol/tards and ruining threads


>the circumstances surrounding his dead make absolute fuck-all sense what's so ever.



what doesn't add up?

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