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What are some sigils or negative entity's such as demons or what not to destroy them?

Im full of rage energy right now, perfect for charging a sigil, I thought about firebombing them so they would be forced to move since their pits are still alive.

but I want them to suffer, ive already made karma irrelevant to any ritual I do.

Pic related the dog.



Put some gasoline in a bottle, representative of the earth element, stuff a small cloth in the neck, light it with the element of fire, with coordination send your "suggestion" through the air towards your target.

The passive element of water will be invoked by the practitioners that show up in around 20 minutes, I Gua-ron-tee

Remain unseen




alternatively you could leave some edgy looking pentagrams drawn in blood around the niggers' place to spook them and have their own emotions of fear attract all sorts of shite into their lives.

in regards to a purely magical approach just use your imagination and fire off a sigil with the purpose of burning their house down. don't forget to burn the paper with the sigil for added effect.


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Just create a poltergeist-like thoughtform and send it after the niggers and fill it of course with all that rage energy. It'll fuck their shit up big time. For extra fear, make sure your thoughtform delivers a message to them, that tells them your demon servitor is there to kick their asses for that dog.


dont just hope for them to suffer if its not going to teach them a lesson; thats just creating more negative energy.

a better intent would be for them to realise why dog fighting and training dogs to be vicious is wrong, something like one of them getting bitten. dont fight hate with hate brother.



1. Get their personal effects. Clothing, cig butts, hair or nails…any of that.

2. stuff into cloth poppet or mix into clay poppet. Black is a good color choice.

3. Pick a good time to cast a spell. Saturday, hour of Mars is good for violence causing a chronic issue.

4. Name the poppet whatever the nigger's name is. Make sure that poppet IS the offending nigger.

5. Torture the poppet with pins! For added effect Dark Arts oil would be grand, but using hot sauce(dip pins in it) is a good idea. Jam them into the eyes, the crotch, the ears, the ass. imagine them screaming in pain. Tell the poppet what every pin does.Channel it in.

6. Bind the hands and feet of the poppet, let them be able to take no action.

You can follow up with sigils buried on the property.


Magic ain't gonna do shit. I'd put rat poison in a steak and throw it in their yard when their dog is around. Then slash their tires at night. Hypothetically, I mean. This post should not be interpreted as real advice; this is certainly all role-playing.



Haha man what do you mean you aren't suggesting the what was that post even for come on dude admit you were inciting violence or you're a pussy lol


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That's a pretty dog OP. Well, you can do a few things, thoughtforms, all that shit, but I would devote the next few years of your life to fucking their shit every so often. Rob them once or twice, put nails in their tires, spraypainting pentagrams and throwing severed goat heads into their backyard, and… poisoning their dogs! Do try to dabble with the polter-whatever like the other dude suggested, that'd be hilarious.




What if you made some sigil that we can all charge to create a super deniggerfier 9000 thought form?

>inb4 video on youtube featuring a bunch of dindus shitting them selves while a spooki ghost is throwing shit across the house



Magick is far more powerful than any mundane methods for seriously fucking the shit of others you're just plebs that have years of hard study and training ahead of you to get ON MY LEVEL.


Just use the hatred to curse them if you can envoke enough of it that is. I would suggest you do it out of love for them this way it can't backfire at you and you should be able to lessen the negative karma. In my opinion you should be the wiser and understand that those people aren't worth your energy. It won't make them change they wil suffer yes but that's abut it. They won't know that all of the negative things happening to them are becouse of hurting your friends dog so they wil just do it again next time.

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