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This is a discussion thread about Native American sorcery, ceremonies, rituals, medicine, etc…

I didn`t see a flag for native so I went with newfig.

A little about myself. I practice primarily with medicine plants or power plants, so to a mundane I am a hobby ethnobotonist. My spirit or teacher plant collection is quite vaste so i won`t go into much detail. But please ask any questions i will answer the best I can. I take matters of the spirit quite seriously and don`t really fuck with the seams of reality after being thrust into the void multiple times. Most of what i will comes to be so i only will for what i need.

I consider the lessons of don juan to be a real account of apprenticing under a powerful brujo with estrordinary abilities. If you guys have never read any of the lessons start with journey to ixtlan

>>inb4 casteneda was a fruad, thats just what the normworms have to tell them selfs.


The information on the Archons is good, but I forgot what they are called in that book. Maybe I'll get around to reading the rest, that is if my spirit leads me to it.


From a youtube comment on a video about spiritual entrapment through the demiurge and archons:

"Carlos Castenada's book "The Art of Dreaming" talks about moving the assemblage point of the soul into other realities. It even mentions what these inorganic beings are, and how they trap souls by sending scouts inside of dreams to lure conscious beings into their dimensions. What's really interesting and empowering is how it talks about the old sorcerers that could change their assemblage point to shapeshift and enter into their own dreamscapes permanently. Just as the soul can take any shape with intention, it can just as easily remove it's own soul contracts and begin to perceive it's other realities. We can take any form, construct universes, and alter physics with our soul. That's why soul energy is so important, most of our energy is spent perceiving this dimension but when we start to lower self indulgence in this dimension, we can relocate the saved energy into clairvoyant activities. Food isn't really giving us any energy, it actually is taking away energy from the act of intention of thinking we need it. There is no need to control others. Self control is the ultimate source of power, and all our power is ironically enough originating from the void. The fastest way to cultivate clairvoyance, is to either completely deny yourself satisfaction by fasting, no sleep, and sensory deprivation, or taking some psychoactive drugs to facilitate the ego deconditioning process."

The drugs are a bad idea. And you should really start reading from Castaneda's first book when he was a bluepilled mundane who had to take drugs first before he was able to reproduce the effects in the third book without them.



Sorry, but i believe in medicine to an absolute, I wear a necklace with tobacco, sage, ska maria pastora, datura, cedar and a few other unmentionables with a hawks talon adjacent all tied with leather.

the entities associated with the various medicines are to be respected and not abused.

I never use them for recreation.



It's not needed. As you said "I believe",



true, but the act of creating a medicine object is something I felt I needed to do for myself and therefore did based on intuition.



Still searching outside yourself, eh?

I took one step out of my car and had an eagle feather at my feet when I ventured and found my new home.

That's as far as I'll take it. Glory to the Gods!


And of course I kept the feather despite that being a Federal offense lolololol


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How can I get into ceremonies? Is any information available that you know of?

>thank you :)


One time an Indian War Chief in Taos NM offered to take me hunting on nearby tribal grounds. Pretty cool, I know. I never went.


Real simple, just put the lime in the coconut. Put the peyote in the sweat lodge. Put the mutton in the chop. You'll pick it up in no time, kiddo.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That is funny as fuck! I'll give you that! Not helpful. None the less, lmfao!



You need to go fast in the desert until you see something. That means no food 3 days minimum. I cannot tell you what you will see. This is called a vision quest.



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You are not op! I asked op.

>fast in the desert until you see something




You don't belong in this thread, then.

One time I backpacked down into an Indian village in the Grand Canyon that still gets it's mail by mule.

Then the Indian dogs got into my food and ate it all so I hiked out at night really angry.

True story.


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>You don't belong

As per usual. top kek jk



Have you read Theun Mares and his books?


So OP after you shook my hand I guess you figured out about /fringe/ and now you're here? Well, at least I wasn't harmed by encountering you.



>I take matters of the spirit quite seriously and don`t really fuck with the seams of reality after being thrust into the void multiple times

>after being thrust into the void multiple times

Care to explain?



I don`t take strong medicines anymore. when you recieve the message hang up the phone.



no I have not.



If all we're doing here is learning to swim, why not spend more time in the pool?



the pool is fine but the middle of the ocean is not.



may I ask who you are?


I only read the first 3 of those books, but in order, then IRL got too adventure-y to read much offline.

The Teachings of Don Juan

A Separate Reality

Journey to IXTLAN

i've tried most of the drugs you've heard of and basically have cred as an Avatar of Acid.

medicine is fine. drugs are fine. people who kill themselves with drugs are mundanes. magicians gather power using them as experiential aides. i respect the consciousness of the plants and chemicals, especially stuff like crack, meth and ketamine.

Method acting will take you very far indeed.

do the drugs with care. acid tip: it's SUPER-Seratonin. and the glowing runes really are there.



hey dude, thanks for posting

i love plants, they're so kind and simple. i want to experiment with tobacco. from my limited experience it's good at cleansing. are there any specific procedures for preparing it other than smoking it that may be more friendly to the plant (perhaps a broth or a powder)? thanks in advance



while i'm at it what's your ace book for traditional medicine?




The best thing to do with tobacco is by a few strains of sacred tobbacco and harvest it your self. You can do anything you want to it really. You want to pick the leaves and dry them green and make sure you have the purest soil because tobbacco will pick up heavy metals and then smoke them as cigars without inhaling too much. also you can baste the fresh leaves in molasses and let it cure for chewing tobbacco and last but not least you can infuse tobbacco into cream and chocolate for exotic deserts that will restart any old smokers habits.

I dont really have any books on traditional medicine, I know It from an ethnobotanical, biochemical, spiritual apetite I have had my whole life.

What you should do is verse your self in all cultural traditional medicines as they peak your interest and learn what the lore is behind them and then research the active chemicals and all various methods of administering those medicines. Kinda of taking in the old and the new at once. Don`t throw out the weird stuff without thorough investigation either.

Another thing is ceremonies and all spiritual objects are considered medicine in native american culture not just potions, tintcures and brews. Now I can make a mean cactus tea that will kick your ass with half as much cactus as some dirty hippy and his shit will give you a bad trip to boot. But we all know that mine is better because of intent and conjuring of the entity within that plant.

Let the plants be you professor and hear them lecture what they have seen and about their hidden powers so you may unlock yours.



thank you!


Is a way to contact you available? Op?



give me your gpg key and we can talk.



This is literally in the bible

>who was Jesus

40 days and he was a new man


I read Encounters with the Nagual and I just found it boring, I couldn't believe those books were taken as serious work for a phd

They felt like watching that movie Into the Wild, it's fun if you think about what he went through, but honestly I didn't find anything other than cool story drugs. Did he ever summarize whatever he learned from the Yaqui, or are his books all about "cool stuff I saw while on drugs"?


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I wish we had more interest in dreamwork here than the occasional request for lucidity advice for the purpose of dreamsex.

As you can probably guess, my focus is on dreaming as opposed to power plants. I do most of my work sober, but don't discount the effects that they can have. People here want to talk about archons? My recommendation is to apply yourselves to dreaming practices and go and ask the inorganics yourselves. Dreaming practice doesn't even cut into your waking time, so you don't have to give up the rest of your magickal routine to engage in it.



Read the later books, they are more insightful and have less to do with plants. There is a lot information on toltec ways from other authors. Feeding power plants to people is always a troll to haze your apprentice or nuke an idiot. That is what happened to Carlos. If you actually meet a powerful sorcerer you will be put through multiple kinds of hell for long periods of time just as a test. Once you are done meeting with plant entities that is when the real work begins. Some people simply don't need that sort of shock to the system but Carlos did.


Why would you be harmed from shaking my hand? I don't harbor ill will against you. I've been lurking here for a while and this is the last place I'd expect you to call me out at. I didn't realize I was that easy to recognize. Nice running into you though.


I let my dreams roll and interpret them later. I wouldn't know where to begin with dream work or astral projection. So you are familiar with the archons? What can you tell me about them? I have banishing methods that involve smudging with seers sage that I grow my self. Mundanes act weird whenever I placed hidden barriers around my house made power plants and symbols. One of my roommates would find all of them and throw them away as if he knew where they all were. Most of my magical routine is primitive and interpreted from source intuit making it robust and effective. I take it upon the mood to fabricate a "spell", build massive intent to divine or fire the huge laser. I always go all out to the point of needing to be taken care of. This can be with or without allies. The most profound is always with medicine. They will laugh at you and tease you but it gets the job done. Those entities are the biggest trolls. Ingesting the medicine plants becomes obsolete so that only it's presence as a symbol is needed. Feathers, stones, bones, leather, plants, chants, circles and squares. I'm not saying my way is best it's just the only one I know. I like how my results feel and occur. I've investigated most of the other practices here but nothing really strikes my fancy at the moment.



My dreams have been profound as of late. What should I do to start dream work? Any resource you point out I'll review.



The last time I invited psilocybin into my CNS it challenged me three times daring me to have a bad trip. Three times I chose not to then It relented the preasure. It then showed me what appeared to me to be its life under the soil. What do you think about all plant life having part of its existence underground?

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