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Anyone else here been going through Dragon Book of Essex? They may as well called it Typhonian Adepthood for Neophytes, it's fucking great. FINALLY we can talk about what these dudes are up to.

It's a manual of ritual protocol and initiation into the 'Column of the Crooked Path' which is the inner circle of those accepted into the CS. They are a fork off of Ku-Sebittu, the 'common lodge' between Cultus Sabbati proper and Typhonian Thelema.

This is a stellar system. Much in the same way that the Thelemic aspirant binds himself to a star/stars/Sol, Dragon Book of Essex posits a method of binding the initiate to the constellation Draco (Azhdeha) through a series of 14 astrally or lucid dream facilitated visualizations/projections. The culmination of this is reifying the current of magick that emanates from Thuban, our former pole star. The manual is structured to give a two year program of ritual practice, self initiating into the CS, complete with instructions on creating elemental weapons and other minutia. These rites are self sacrificial, much in line with Thelemic Mass.

The rites are transgressive, highly synchretic and highly sexual. Chumbley reckons his system as trans-historical, and I would agre. They draw from material old as Egypt and as new as Chaos Magick. I'm only about 180 pgs in but I'm already very impressed with the material. So much so I intend to begin the practices at my earliest convenience. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in any of the following: Folk magic, Thelema, the Western AND Eastern Left Hand Path, certain branches of theistic Satanism, and Chaos Magic.

It's in the Chumbley folder of my library, linked for convenience:



Wow, what a bunch of gobbledygook.



Well, just because you're not interested doesn't mean someone else isn't.

You seem like you'd be interested in something like a Swedish Svartkonstböcker, judging from the rune:



OP, do you have any books on tantra perhaps, and are willing to share?


Western occultism is so full of crap, I wonder why nobody came up with a MLP version yet.



My thoughts exactly. That's why I'm searching for more Eastern sources. Could you help me out, anon? What books do you recommend for a neophyte?



A fuckton if you'd have checked my library in the sticky.

Eastern folder is primarily Tantra:


^Vajrayana folder, and folders that lean toward Saivism and Shaktism, with some beginner's/hard to classify stuff in the main one.



Eh, a rune… Well, it is a pure form of language with actual meaning unlike anything written above.

So much of modern occultism is pure bullshit.

Nearly all of the ancient teachings were corrupted if not destroyed.

It takes years of cross-referencing and correlating to get a clear picture, not to mention direct experience.

Common sense and intuition are the best guides. Not some fucking slew of buzz words.

Why would you want to BIND yourself to the constellation Draco? The Draconians? Really? They are the main interfering force in this/our dimension.

It's like there is no knowledge of the ET Abduction scene here, like giving your life to some Dracos is an airy-fairy ordeal. Well, have I got another thing to tell ya…

Nothing trumps experience, not even a fucking slew of really really cool sounding words. Lame ass wannabe spellcasters, I swear.

Eh, whatever. Entrap yourself in the game of another, if you must. The Gods will know their own.


Hehehe… Here, allow me to learn you some about "Thubans":


Dragon has many connotations, it can be:

The Draconians

Nibiru The Winged Destroyer

Or The Kundalini, which the Draco force seeks to control

All real magic works with goals of ascending the Kundalini, not being entrapped in alien agendas through ignorant magical proceedings.



Actually I have been going through this folder for about a week. What do you recommend for more left handed approach?


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You're looking at the Tantric LHP.


>It takes years of cross-referencing and correlating to get a clear picture, not to mention direct experience.

And you think the author and the CS didn't do this? That Chumbley wan't doing academic reconstructions?

>Common sense and intuition are the best guides.

Mostly agreed.

>The Draconians? Really? They are the main interfering force in this/our dimension.

Sounds like a feelpinion to me.

>It's like there is no knowledge of the ET Abduction scene here,

It derives from Typhonian Thelema which kind of made it a direct point to account for and sometimes induce contact with what Ken Grant thought were aliens or at least extradimensional entities. Pic related.

>like giving your life to some Dracos is an airy-fairy ordeal. Well, have I got another thing to tell ya…


You….didn't actually read any of the book, did you? Or are you simply not aware that the CS has many overtly 'sinister' elements?

>Nothing trumps experience, not even a fucking slew of really really cool sounding words.

Well, I've been at it almost fifteen years. I offer no proof nor would you likely accept it.



You sure seem like you know better than me about, well, everything. If you think I don't work Kundalini, or that Kaula wasn't directly brought into Typhonian Thelema via Curwen's time with the Holy Order of Krishna, I beg to differ, though again, I offer no proof nor would you likely accept it.


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>all of these words, names and phrases



As I recommended in another thread about the book, a dictionary and google are your friend for words you find unfamiliar.

Also, there's a glossary in the back for system specific wording.


for anyone wondering about adepthood books Between Spaces is a great one to read. beware its huge




You linked that wrong, you forgot to include the filekey.



Thelema; not even once.


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Frater K, long time no see old chaporino!


Yes, quite.


Thanks for sharing OP


People like the OP end up studying occult lore for years and years on end because they're either purely armchair wizards that don't practice or they have modalities that don't allow them to advance beyond a certain point so they keep searching for new things but their assumptions about reality and its supposed limitations block them from getting ahead.


OP you got to root out fear, disbelief, and other bullshit undermining you and keeping you stuck buried in these books not grasping the pure and simple occult truths underlying all the systems so you can start reporting to this board (if you want) about the higher teachings you've received from the astral itself.




I like poems and tales and pretty pictures.



What gives you the impression that I'm not working a practical system? Odd how many people seem to be certain of my habits of practice despite never having seen, spoken with, or lived with me.


I have a number of habits informed by astral work, but tend not to talk about them unless someone asks the right question.


Cool, enjoy.





Go wear purple for a day and report back to me later about your experiences.



I'm not sure what the issue is with implying Thelema is a practical system.

>All purpose banishing

>daily solar devotions

>yoga core

>evokation of many different entities

>working godforms

>instruction on AP

>instruction on Lemegeton

>instruction on sexual magick

>instruction on healing and harm

Also, I wear purple about twice a week, what's your point here?



New update:



John Zorn's Arcana V. Musicians on Music, Magic, and Symbolism. First chapter was written by Bill Breeze. It's actually worth reading through.

Music and Esotericism. More or less what it says, it's an academic collection and only partially in English. I'll take the Zorn.


Self Initiation of Vajrabhairava. Use at your own risk.

>European (finally filling this out a bit)

Religion of Ancient Scandinavia. A little old but none the worse for it.

Greek Magical Papyri in Translation. Just another edition of the same old shit. Substantially nicer than my current copy. It's an academic version. May throw it in the Grimoires folder.

Initiation into the Mysteries of the Ancient World. Another academic, presents pretty decent reconstructions of the Eleusinian cult, and others. May throw this in the A.'.A.'.>Philosophy file.

Greek Sacred Law. This thing is almost required for reconstructing the Greek religion. Combine this with Greek Magical Papyrus and the newly included reconstruction of the Greek mystery cults and, like, das it mane.

Magic and Ritual in the Ancient World. More straight anthropology than anything else, though there may be something useful for folks out there. Sperg alert: It's mostly only in here because of the Greek/Roman bits, which are only in a chapter or two.

Witchcraft and Belief in Early Scotland. Haven't looked. Probably useful for certain types of Wiccan, Pagan, or Cultus Sabbati folks.



The Mithras Liturgy. It's just an English translation of the text with the same name.


Added the Latin version from the Warburg Institute.


The Enlightened Will Shine. Notes on Lurianic Theurgy.


Rethinking Dionysus the Areopagite. Haven't looked at it, but it's PROBABLY a refutation of difference between Pseudo-Dio and the idiot that Paul converted.


Obeah Witchcraft in the West Indies. Very old. It's a decent snapshot of what Afro-Carib magic looked like as soon as it coalesced, but it's old anthropology so take it with a few grains of salt.



Thank you very much. Your mega is best mega.


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No problem, friendo.


>This is a stellar system. Much in the same way that the Thelemic aspirant binds himself to a star/stars/Sol, Dragon Book of Essex posits a method of binding the initiate to the constellation Draco


Astrology is just more materialistic "good goy" stuff. For thousands of years, ignorant magicians thought they were looking into a higher realm of spiritual mystery when they looked upon the night sky. Now it's 2015 and we know that's not the case, and there's nothing inherently spiritual about outer space. The sky is not more sacred than the earth.



It's more an establishment of a theme, as well as building on the elaborations of those before (like Ken Grant, Chumbly's instructor).

Also, this isn't astrology which is divination, it's asterism, which is more theurgic. Also, DBoE is almost entirely "earthy/nature" based, like Wicca, despite its other goals. The circle has wood from eight species of tree growing locally, etc.

If you're not interested, you're not interested. If you are, thumb through the book.

>good goy

There's also some European stuff in the new update:




I started reading it, but got bored by all these rituals. I don't do rituals, except for the ones I do purely mentally and ceremonial magic just isn't for me I guess.



Interesting, that's a very Tantrik mode of practice. You could do what AC did and learn them mentally, then perform them whilst golfing or horseback riding.


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Huh, I may actually try to get back to it after I clean up some mundane business I have to take care of now, you seem to think highly of it.

Speaking of Tantra - actually I've been going through your Eastern folder on mega for some time, so far I've absolutely fallen in love with Kali Kaula, been using it for months, re-reading chapters I found particularly interesting, using the techniques… I hope that you can maybe recommend me some other good read along Śakta lines?

I'm not planning on making Tantra my primary focus though, but I find it deeply fascinating and try to incorporate some elements into my work.

>that's a very Tantrik mode of practice

Doing rituals mentally is one of many things which I find in Tantra as if they were made for me.




Matrikabheda Tantra

And really everything in the Shakta folder, if that's what you're interested in. I think the only truly challenging reads there are "Power of the Impure" and "Cult of the Goddess Kubjika"



Yeah, I started reading them just to see what are they about (as most books in the folder anyway) and they were too scholarly for my liking. But I didn't really get into them much.



Do you have any recommendations on what to start with?



Question for me or him and about this thread in general or about Tantra specifically.

Personally, I think Kali Kaula is a really good introductory text on Hindi Tantra. After that the Arthur Avalon material's not bad.

For this thread in general, I have a beginner's folder in the mega that's mostly assembled from old infographics on /x/.



For him. Interested more in buddhist tantra than hindi though. Do you need transmissions to do all buddhist tantra stuff?



It's preferred, though I have a whole folder on Vajranaya. I've not really picked through it so I can't recommend anything.

Kali Kaula should still have a few chapters that touch on how tribal Tantra merged into and out of Vajrayana, as Abhinavagupta was a self proclaimed reformer of Vajrayana,



Kali Kaula, definitely. Lots of knowledge, both about actually practicing magic with it and a ton of historical/cultural info on Tantra.

Also, Jan Fries has cleared many misconceptions about Tantra which seem to plague Western society (presumably because of new age shit).

I am not nearly as competent as Frater K, and I don't know where did you get the idea of me having any knowledge of Buddhist Tantra.



I assumed the kali kaula was buddhist, pretty stupid considering the name. Is the kali kaula lhp? Hindi tantra seems dark.


Thanks I'll check it out.



Depends on what you consider as LHP.



I'm checking out Kali Kaula right now. It's amazing from the first page.


Usual bump.


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UPDATE: More material from the Warburg/Yorke collection on its way. 6+gb of AC's letters back and forth to everyone.


Is Book 4 the best way to start with Thelema?



I would say yeah, but I haven't read much else into it. "The Book of Wisdom or Folly" is a good one, as is the book of Thoth



Magic in Theory and Practice

The Book of Lies

Magic without Tears


The only useful part of Book 4 is Magic in Theory and Practice.



Is all that theory?

Or does it contain any practices?



The first one contains a lot of the material the A.'.A.'. wants beginners to git gud with. Also, a few other rituals. I think Gnostic Mass is in there, which is only relevant if you have a decent group of Thelemites to practice with, or the OTO proper.

Last two are theory.

Well, Book of Lies is operating philosophy.

MWT is theory proper.

If you want nothing but practice, Gems from the Equinox is decent, but even it is incomplete.




Do you have a copy of the Regardie-Crowley catfight letters?



I think a few of them are in there, but you'd have to reference them with the Warburg/Yorke collection index.


Frater (or anyone who can help me out), what LHP authors/organizations are in your opinion worthwhile?

I started reading some materials from Dragon Rouge and ONA, as well as some random LHP authors, so far only Dragon Rouge "clicked" with me (perhaps because I really like writing style of Karlsson's and his book on Goetia and Qliphoth was amazing). If you cannot recommend to me something new perhaps you know what writings should I check out from ONA - I didn't get much into their works. Also, you have Koetting in your LHP folder, I've heard he is shit-tier (only read one of his books and it was mediocre at best so I don't really know). Any other random books from your folder you'd recommend I read?



>perhaps because I really like writing style of Karlsson's and his book on Goetia and Qliphoth was amazing).

Karlsson doesn't know shit about the Klipot. I'm partial to O9A's THEM material, and not so much the ToB. Myatt's newest non-radical material is decent too.

Koetting is as bad as Karlsson. Sometimes he pairs up with legit folks for a book. The problem with Koetting is his gawd awful hype. Example: He's NOT the first person to experiment with Goetic legions. Academics knew about the legion material for decades and we've known about it since Henson's Lemegeton.



Then I got tricked by him into believing he knows something substantial, a failure on my part. Thank you, gonna check out THEM. What do you think of NAOS?


Bumping this up because I've made a couple updates to the library I'll be posting here shortly.



Have you had any heat for your library?

I ran the 450gb library recently and had some weird stuff going on, got an email with an apparent court order which was an obvious virus attempt, as well as occult people trying to add me on linkedin which I'm pretty sure was an attempt to dox me. This probably wouldn't have happened if I didn't have my email up there to take requests, but still.

Took it down since then.



heh glad i downloaded all stuff, 90% was pure shit though :(



Can't wait, your content is top quality.



Nope, my last ToS violation got rejected by Mega, so there's that.


I've had like ten fucking updates since I posted here last but I finally got around to making another index of those updates.

With the incredibly appreciated help of an anon from here or /his/ who renovated my Alchemy folder, we're not well over 5k items in the library. Didn't update much…added the new alchemy folder (listed as "improved alchemy" in the regular folder"), Added a single index of books added in the update folder.

We're now at 33.8 gb, 476 folders, and 5047 individual texts or files. Wouldn't have made it this far without anons wanting or submitting files. Thanks guys :^)




In case you needed the link, I dunno what you guys have or if I've had to switch links or something between now and last time I checked in.

Happy reading (and practice too :3)!


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Bump? Quicker in here than I remember.

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