mega emergency :o 06/13/15 (Sat) 15:18:30 No. 43792!C5wQ1JqZ!ics3BJ1RrVWtCOpA1XZyqw
500gb of mega space is disappearing to 50gb on the 19th.
Download what you can until then.
If you have spare $10 go to one of the sites here and buy a month voucher to keep it up for another month
Send mega to my email which is in the mega under A8)
06/13/15 (Sat) 15:19:08 No. 43793
>Send voucher to my email which is in the mega under A8)
06/13/15 (Sat) 16:14:46 No. 43800
You should cut down some of the useless crap. Less is often more. Whenever I see your folder I'm like "tl;dr" because it's messy and the folders are confusing. Like, there is a Bardon folder, but the Bardon companion book is totally somewhere else, etc.
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
06/13/15 (Sat) 16:36:37 No. 43803
Tidied it up.
If you can think of any other ways to tidy it that'd be cool.
06/13/15 (Sat) 17:00:49 No. 43807
06/13/15 (Sat) 17:16:51 No. 43812
My computer didn't like this torrent, I managed to get the african stuff but if someone could download the alchemy and sufi stuff and upload to mega so I can mirror it that'd be cool. I have everything else I think.
06/13/15 (Sat) 17:47:50 No. 43818
Just filled up the kindle folder with mobi files, hopefully they'll work ok. The file names are shortened to set number of letters but the metadata should make it ok in the device.
06/13/15 (Sat) 17:51:16 No. 43823
06/14/15 (Sun) 01:28:16 No. 43861
Seeing as how I've downloaded everything from that Mega and will one day put it to use, the least I can do is buy another month.
06/14/15 (Sun) 11:23:33 No. 43900
Frater K !A1WA5.hV/U 06/14/15 (Sun) 14:46:14 No. 43907
More than happy to host anything I don't already have that isn't audio/video.
06/14/15 (Sun) 15:13:37 No. 43908
You're welcome to have the books I've ripped myself that are in the exclusives folder. I do need to fix it up a bit though, calibre has a limit on length of filenames which is annoying and a few books need reformatting for better asthetics in the layout. Am slowly working through doing this.
Other than that most of the material is from the leaked torrents or stuff I've found around the net, the "books" mega in the mirrors folder might have some stuff you don't have.
The majority of the material making the overall file size big is video/audio.
Frater K !A1WA5.hV/U 06/14/15 (Sun) 15:40:54 No. 43911
That's why I don't host A/V.
06/14/15 (Sun) 16:08:18 No. 43913
what if we crowdfund a terabyte HDD that one of the mods can mirror the MEGA onto, and keep it hooked up to the internet somehow so there would always be a copy on hand?
06/14/15 (Sun) 16:25:22 No. 43916
I'd like us to create our own private tracker to be honest. Mostly as a fuck you to
06/14/15 (Sun) 16:28:19 No. 43918
that's one way to go about it. starting to sound alot like volknet, maybe we should talk to them?
06/14/15 (Sun) 17:30:53 No. 43920
Not heard of them before and google didn't help.
06/14/15 (Sun) 18:49:00 No. 43925
Hosting audio and video is what makes my library worthwhile really, between yours and smiley's there's not much need for more books…
unless someone makes a request for a specific book or author as I can search the whole thing including the other megas i've mirrored which is useful.
Have been running with 400gb ~ of material for about 6 months now thanks to people buying vouchers.
Frater K !A1WA5.hV/U 06/14/15 (Sun) 20:04:50 No. 43930
>Mostly as a fuck you to
06/15/15 (Mon) 13:43:36 No. 44024
So OP, is it up for yet another month or do you still need a voucher?
06/15/15 (Mon) 14:08:40 No. 44030
It's up for another month thanks to >>43861
But feel free to send another voucher for next month if you want. I can keep it in my account ready for when its needed.
06/21/15 (Sun) 17:50:52 No. 44567
I was mid download when it just stopped
Upon loading the mega in a new tab the directory layout changed and the total size of the mega was around 6GB
It would be nice if there was a torrent made of the old directory format
06/21/15 (Sun) 17:59:41 No. 44568
Shit I forgot to use the voucher. Should be back to normal in a few minutes.
06/21/15 (Sun) 18:41:42 No. 44570
A shame that mega deletes the files you already downloaded if you leave the page before everything queued is downloaded
06/25/15 (Thu) 11:44:25 No. 44944
Hey /fringe/ bra's,
I want to read some introductory texts on Alchemy, Hermeticism, and Gnosticism; Could you help me out?
06/25/15 (Thu) 11:59:25 No. 44945
If someone recommends some I can search my mega for them for you.
Also anyone who wants a book can ask in this thread and I'll get it for them without them having to search endlessly.
06/25/15 (Thu) 12:34:11 No. 44948
Do you have any recommendations, bro?
06/25/15 (Thu) 13:06:33 No. 44950
First thing that comes to mind is Israel Regardie's recently released book on alchemy.!ylhDQIIQ!dMX1BfwB1wJbMVkA--sD2L3hK_nQ9xJfxOwrNfNKBG4
I also have a book called caretakers of the cosmos on hermeticism.!O4xBgDya!y9eQRaKY6VcSyJ9SGB9xhoY3L1fKONCJlXAZ3eH_9sE
Also A E Waite (the tarot guy) has books on all three:!PhIhCboT!dKW-uLthJ0-IEITITXYvgA
06/25/15 (Thu) 13:52:27 No. 44953
My man! Thanks for the help!
07/19/15 (Sun) 14:11:37 No. 47163
That torrent has some excellent stuff. Too bad it's filled so much nonsense, philosophical rubbish and duplicate files. What a huge mess to sort.
07/22/15 (Wed) 08:40:19 No. 47436
We need more books and vouchers
07/22/15 (Wed) 16:17:29 No. 47458
How did you know?
Checked the dates and it runs out again tomorrow.
Check >new and >ulm for new books
07/22/15 (Wed) 16:53:32 No. 47460
Speaking of fuck yous to, anyone know of a torrent client capable of batch importing 33000 torrent files, but only downloading the *.pdf files from each torrent?
Without having to select the pdfs for each torrent manually I mean.
07/23/15 (Thu) 03:10:28 No. 47535
Just use linux you noob.
07/23/15 (Thu) 06:06:31 No. 47572
That doesn't even make sense.
07/23/15 (Thu) 08:37:05 No. 47582
07/23/15 (Thu) 08:51:01 No. 47583
How does "using linux" accomplish anything?
It still needs a bittorrent client capable of what I descrbed above.
07/23/15 (Thu) 13:49:35 No. 47600
I want to compare two torrents, how do I do that?
SAGE! 07/23/15 (Thu) 15:06:03 No. 47605
"chattr +i" on non pdf files would cause them to not be downloaded and/or your torrent client to wonder wtf is going on
you could use some regex to select non pdf files for chattr
wangblows might have something like that but most linux distros have it built in
07/23/15 (Thu) 22:46:20 No. 47635
07/24/15 (Fri) 02:36:02 No. 47667
Apparently having the files in the recycle bin counts as having them in your cloud so eventually it'll all get permenently deleted unless I get a new voucher.
How to get vouchers here: >>43823
07/24/15 (Fri) 13:55:10 No. 47710
I'm sorry anon, the AUD to Euro conversion rate is awfully shit so I can't help you this time.
Hopefully someone from a more relevant country can buy you a voucher this time.
07/25/15 (Sat) 16:27:34 No. 47853
Any of the these contain good teaching in zen?
07/25/15 (Sat) 19:10:21 No. 47877
07/27/15 (Mon) 05:44:30 No. 48012