No one ever claimed that there isn't an emotional effectiveness and culture relevance of Christianity.
For the former I say, any religion has an "emotional effectiveness", yes the West knows how to abuse the human psychology to get results and emotions out quick fast, how do you think the West is heading for a "Cultural Victory" after all? One of the ways it controls the masses is through this very form. That's not to say that all the modern methods of mind slavery were around back when Christianity was invented, but a fair amount was, and with 2 great armies and Emperor's stashes of gold you can get anything accomplished that you would like. They killed the pagans, who themselves had "emotional effectiveness" coupled with something called reality and instead enslaved the world in this new Christian type thought. May I ask you, in these "Christian" countries with such "emotional effectiveness" is there actually any benefit to the Earth itself? Surely, it is the Western countries and Societies that are more material than the Eastern and it is the East who takes the burden of the factories etc which then further harms the planet and thus our objective reality? This "emotional effectiveness" does give some spirituality, but it is all enslaved back to what you have been taught and not what you have to teach yourself and thus the worlds exterior mirrors more and more the interior of the human psyche, a psyche which developed from and has been nurtured by Christianity. As a final point, how can you debate the emotional effectiveness of those mystical traditions and religions whose books were burned, masters were martyred and no culture remains? Emotional effectiveness.
For the latter part I ask you, would you recommend I wear shackles on if my family were once slaves? I did not choose for 2,000 years ago my mundane ancestors to be part of such a rule, it was the rulers on top who chose this and our families had to agree with it and bow into it or face the sword, whip, flame what have you. If you honestly want respect for that which was forced on to us, damaged the planet and made way for newer forms of slavery AND moved us into a modern time where the mass is disconnected from the truth and higher realms by means of mass ignorance then could you explain why you would be such a fan of Christianity?
Not to mention how edited the books have been over time, how many scriptures removed, how the Vatican itself holds so many secrets like how it'd kill those it held debts to by labelling them heretics, how the current most read version of the bible (NIV) is being distributed and was created by Zondervan, the same publishers of the Satanic Bible… list goes on and on.