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I've been straight all my life until developing this fetish, I stopped masturbating to men and instead focused on females and it's kind of working now but still when I see a picture of some guy I feel this feeling in my chest while I struggle with my faggy feelings of finding him cute

there must be a way to fix this

some meditation or something else that I can pursue to fix it

pls help, I hate this and its not funny

inb4 smiley whines about breaking rule 2. you need this more than I do you closet case


You cannot change it,but you can change your attitudes to it. See it as a blessing in disguise. The nuclear family lifestyle is a trap. As a gay person, you will have more free time and money to pursue your interests than your straight friends, as you won't be likely to have kids. And your sex life can be absolutely insane if you let it. Meditate and realise that you are not the problem here, and that the whole gay thing is a non-issue and in some cases better than being straight.



Stop masturbating and ejaculating for a while (try 1 to 3 months) and then your sexual tastes will once again normalise.

(That's assuming this is a fetish for you and isn't your base normal sexual orientation).

Facts is, the more you jac off and the more porn you watch, the more and more fucked up porn you'll need to watch to get off. Thats why porn is bad for people.

So yeh, stop wtaching porn and jacking off for a while and your sexual tastes will once again go back to normal.

i.e. Stan Marsh




Never wanted more than vanilla after 10 years of *chans



hypothalamus and thyroid regulations and reconstruction.

Proper nutrition, etc.. etc..



Let me guess, you started fapping to trannies rationalizing "b-b-but t-they look like grills", and now you've been corrupted into being a full fledged faggot?



Every time I start slipping into degenerate porn I say "I need to stop fapping for a while" and then get back to "normal" porn.

Still I think porn all together is degenerate but fapping/porn is a hard habit to kick.



And I forgot to mention, I'm sure you can transmute your faggot lust into straight lust somehow, I'm just too pleb to know how right now.


>inb4 smiley whines about breaking rule 2. you need this more than I do you closet case

You're not even breaking rule 2 you retarded faggot.

If your whole thread was literally just "HOW DO I STOP BEING G A Y???" then it would be breaking the rules but you've wrote a lot more than that so it complies to the rules.



Die in a fire faggot.


So the soul is bisexual. I think that people who are gay are that way becouse our etheric field on earth is fucked. Those individuals who get this way have had a higher procentage of incarnations as a female than male. You shouldn't worry about it so much its just sex. Maybe some kind of grounding would help. I like solar grounding or just imagining yourself as a tree and your roots going into the earth. Then you either give energy to the earth or take it. In this way you will vibrate more intune with earths vibraton which might help.


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This is what happens to gays as the Kali Yuga ends and we transition to Satya Yuga.


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>No one posted these

Jesus Christ, step up, you blimey fags.



You forgot the minds.

…and before you deny this, body is a reflection of mind.


its simple as fuck getting bummed makes your loosh flow downwards instead of upwards, which hinders your spiritual

what you should be worried about is the astral parasite attached to you feeding off your guilt and shame.


bump for info


Kill and disembowel six gay men, let out their blood and blend with red wine and gravy. Serve with their kidneys and testicles while reciting a holy mantra of your own choice (hindu or christian prefererred for obv reasons).




Why did you post these bad vibes on /fringe/ spoiler, or delete the post, jeese


>implying there is anything wrong with being gay



Look up yin and yang foods and "yin disease". Just discovered it myself. Seems the whole world is chugging towards being overly yin, its in the SAD by all the processed food that is eaten, and people are now being pushed more and more to be vegan through mental programming and propaganda. As someone who is a vegan, but will be stopping soon, look up the effects of such diets on yin and yang because there isn't any source of full yang on that diet.

Because our governments are currently ruled by yin types, aka gay types, and are pushing for more people to become yin (yang is warming type food, while yin is cooling and feminine) and because everyone now has insulated and well warmed houses people will be less likely to understand the reason their bodies are colder in winter isn't "climate change" but that their bad diets and bad hormone balances are causing them to feel colder.

You could eat a lot of meat, but if you're also chugging down processed foods and other yin substances and items and keeping your mental state yin as well you will be off-balancing the yang. This is a truth of life you need to readjust your levels to be more balanced or more yang. Yin also makes people more easily programmed as it splits their mind into different areas and makes people more manipulative and more sociopathic. If you look at society compared to 100 years ago, everyone is trying to make themselves "different"! Perfect example: Hipsters, hipsters who have a high percentage of vegans, and vegans being deficient in yang foods and concepts!!!

Here is a good writeup on yin disease: http://www.drlwilson.com/ARTICLES/YIN%20DISEASE.htm

It might help you guys better understand why we're being pushed more towards becoming Vegan or Vegetarian. Also, for you users of cannabis you are consuming a drug which is maybe the most yin of any substance on Earth. You need to balance.


>mfw multiple separate occultists write that gays can't into the spiritual at all because their whole lifestyle is a bastardization of nature

enjoy your lower astral realms I guess

Seriously though, if you haven't already, stop watching gay porn, autosuggest to yourself that you are straight and use water cleansing or whatever it's called to get the homo out of you.

To be specific, go to a shower, turn the cold water on and visualize the cold water going through both your physical and astral bodies, flushing away all the filth of your body and soul, including gayness as well as whatever other imperfections of character you may have.

It won't be easy since cold water is often quite a shock to the body but you can start with some hot water in the mix before you get accustomed and can concentrate properly.



Thanks for posting this bro. I knew there was something about weed.

Years of fapping while high threw my orientation off balance and gave me a bunch of weird sexual complexes. Not to mention feminizing me to hell: on or coming off weed I'm more sensitive, emotional, and self-conscious.

Not to say weed did this. The seeds were already there. But it can definitely pollute your energies if all you do is consume and beat off.

Can you recommend any more yang foods or, if any, yang activities I can do? I'm gonna stay eating clean, working out, and not burning as much.



So weird, I was talking to friends about how weed is feminizing. The thing making me feminine is probably my sweet tooth, though. I've noticed manlier guys seem to have zero interest in sweet shit.



After reading through some of that site, and then skimming around the last third of it, it feels kind of shaky. I'm almost positive a good amount of it is disinfo to some degree, As always, stay vigilant and tread carefully when considering fringe material.



Same. Symptoms are so broad and all over the place it's hard to make any judgement on your own condition. Being feminized by weed and processed products or otherwise imbalancing your sexual energies makes sense though.


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>on or coming off weed I'm more sensitive, emotional, and self-conscious

Good observation. Fapping on weed was always a really feminine experience, sometimes I even craved an assfuck (no homo).

>Not to say weed did this. The seeds were already there. But it can definitely pollute your energies if all you do is consume and beat off.

The seeds are in every peron m8. All people have the yin and yang seeds in them, it's up to you how to handle things.

>Can you recommend any more yang foods or, if any, yang activities I can do? I'm gonna stay eating clean, working out, and not burning as much.

Basically, yang is all about fighting a resistance.

Working (out) is it's purest form.

Making some efforts, changing the circumstances, not giving in to shit, activeness.

That's yang.

Yin is all about letting things happen, consuming, passiveness.

With this in mind, you can design your yin and yang balance however the fuck you want.



Before I finished reading your post I knew I was gonna say "so yin and yan are activity vs. passivity" and bam, you said it.

When you fight, resist, consciously expend your energies towards some goal, you are acting in a male aspect. No wonder years of burning, watching movies, eating, and beating off leaves a nigga soft. thanks m8


This thread is the esoteric version of "homosexuality is a mental illness". I'd be willing to believe this if there weren't biological bases and identifiable physiological differences between gay men and straight men. For example, gay men generally respond to male pheromones on a neurological level in the same way that women do. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1129091/

Like literally these people's brains are different from heterosexual men, and more like the brains of heterosexual women.

>In heterosexual men and gay women, there were more nerve "connections" in the right side of the amygdala, compared with the left.

This is just one of many examples. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biology_and_sexual_orientation#Physiological

When speaking in terms of male/female energies, maybe viewing at least some gay men as females within a masculine vessel is an appropriate approach. Perhaps there are men who really are on a wrong path, I don't know, but numerous studies indicate that gay men are innately distinct from straight men. Unless you want to argue that e.g. neurophysiological differences are environmental and not just happenstance, or that nature itself fucked up and produced an abomination.



homosexuals aren't transsexuals





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Yeah, agreed. I just read the Kyballion (yes, I'm a newfriend/neophyte) and it stressed the importance of watching out for half-truths. That article in >>48418 looks like an example. Plenty of good stuff, but some that seems dubious.

High cholesterol is a symptom of yin disease even though only meat has cholesterol and meat is yang and vegetarianism is yin? Alright, that's unlikely.


Absolutely nothing wrong with having kids.


If you still find grills attractive then I think we're in business.


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>hypothalamus and thyroid regulations and reconstruction.


so that's why my thyroid impaired ex is sucha closet dyke



that last image is kinda scary, since I know an older gay dude who likes younger gay men.

I wonder how true it is/for that case.

But don't yin and yang balance regardless of homosexuality? Or so I thought. There's a top and a bottom.

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