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In line with the objectives of Fourth Way, to escape the more deleterious lunar influences Ouspensky said we must “create moon within ourselves.” By this he meant we must develop within us a driving mechanism that can take the place of the external lunar influence; in this way we would break free of the puppeteer. Assuming for a moment a more general and practical interpretation, this simply says that in order to become free from mechanical conditioning and reactive behavior we must reinforce our sense of self-awareness so that conscious choice and awareness reigns supreme over any external stimuli that might provoke an unconscious reaction. In this way we stop feeding the moon while living, and still properly pay our dues upon death.


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The Moon’s passive energy arises from solar energy. It reflects this, but not without a transformation as its own nature. […] Unlike the Earth, the Moon does not have a direct organic link with the Sun. Being a satellite, it depends directly on its planet, and it is only through the latter’s mediation that it enters into relation with the Sun. One of its essential roles is to reflect solar energy onto the Earth’s surface in a form modified by reflection as described above. This also leads to qualitative and quantitative variations that depend on its phases. These changes do not prevent continual reverberation, due to the fact that the Moon always presents the same face to Earth, as the duration of its rotation around itself and around our planet are both the same. (Mouravieff, Gnosis II, p.29)


I always end up being outside during a full moon.

Sometimes i feel like pulling a piccolo on it.


I hope the Moon gets taken away with this coming pole shift event.

It's been cited in the past that 'one moon was removed and another one added'…

Then there is also 'the time before the moon'…

This current Moon was put in place artificially. And it kinda sucks.



I agree, but until man is able to rise above his mechanical reaction the moon is quite necessary, not only for the mechanical actions of mindless beings, but also for the life on this planet to be stable.

NANA says it moves 14cm away every year, perhaps there will be a time when the moon is no more.

>'one moon was removed and another one added'

I would much rather enjoy a natural moon.




lol. NASA*



>the mechanical actions of mindless beings

So, no more Archons? Good.



Well, I was referring to any life which can not seem to become self aware.

This wouldn't affect the malevolent beings which are self aware.



I know this thread's a bit old but where can I read more about these lunar influences? This is the first I've heard of the moon's "deleterious" effects–the only other being during that blood moon event where supposedly, some wizards saw an increase in their magical potency.



It was on page 3. I presumed it was old. Didn't bother to check the dates either.



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The Psychological Moon

"My dear brethren, in the name of truth, I have to tell you that just as a moon exists in space, likewise within us also exists a psychological moon; and as the moon in the space which shines in the night has two faces (the one seen and the one not seen) likewise is the psychological moon within us.

The psychological moon has two aspects: one which is visible to our sense of psychological self-observation and one which is invisible: the occult, the unknown, incognito. However, this hidden aspect becomes visible when the psychological sense of self-observation has been developed to the maximum. So I believe you understand these things.

In the beginning you have to discharge fire against the psychological aggregates of the visible part of your psychological moon. Much later on, you have to discharge fire against the undesirable elements of the Black Moon, which are those psychological aggregates which are not seen so easily. Many saints annihilated the psychological aggregates of the visible part of their psychological moon but they didn't know anything about the undesirable elements of the other face of their psychological moon; nonetheless, they immersed themselves within Nirvana, and even Maha-Paranirvana. Despite this, they have to incarnate (take physical bodies) later on in order to continue their conscious work within the occult face of their psychological moon; because whether dealing with the merely visible aspect or the invisible face of our psychological moon, we have to discover these psychological elements from within the concrete facts of practical life in order to consciously work upon them." […]




" Within us there is a hidden part of our own ego that is never visible. As the Moon has two faces, one that is visible and another that is hidden, in the same way we have an occult part that is not visible.

First of all, I want you to understand that as there exists a physical Moon, there also exists the Psychological Moon. That Psychological Moon is carried within us; it is the ego, the "I," the myself.

The visible face, with some observation, can be seen by everyone. But there is an invisible face of our Psychological Moon that cannot be observed easily. Unfortunately the Essence has not illuminated the hidden part of our own Inner Moon. In reality, we live in a small region of our Consciousness.

We have created a portrait of ourselves. When the Consciousness as a ray of light penetrates that invisible face, then the hidden side of ourselves, the portrait that we had created of ourselves, is disintegrated, it is reduced to cosmic dust.

It is unfortunate that we only live in a small part of ourselves and we ignore many things about ourselves. The hidden side of that unknown part is normally really profound and we need to know it. This will be possible if we project the light of our Consciousness onto it.

That hidden face is important because it is in this part where we find the origin of our errors, the innumerable mechanical reactions, our stinginess. Obviously, so long as we have not illuminated that occult side with the rays of the Consciousness we will relate incorrectly not only with ourselves but also with our fellow men. When one illuminates the hidden face of our own Psychological Moon it is possible to know one's own errors; only then is it possible to see our fellow man correctly. However, when one does not illuminate that hidden part of oneself with the Consciousness, one mistakenly projects all of one's psychological defects on others.

If we are stingy, we think that everybody is like that. If we have plenty of hatred, we will see everybody in that way. If we are envious, we also believe that the others are envious. If we are violent, we do not understand the others' violence; we believe that we have reason and that others do not.

When we feel antipathy for somebody, it is obvious that the defect that we have internally is in that person and that we are incorrectly projecting on him.

Why do we feel antipathy for somebody? Why do we see in him a defect that annoys us?

Although it seems incredible, even if we would not accept it, the truth is that we also have that defect and we are just projecting it on our fellow man.

When one understands, it is obvious that one will want to eliminate the element that has been discovered. When we observe some defects in our fellow man, it is certain that those defects can be found in the hidden face of our Moon. Therefore, it is unfortunate that we are incorrectly related with the others.

If we relate incorrectly with ourselves, obviously we will relate incorrectly with others. If we relate correctly with ourselves, we will relate correctly with others; that is obvious. Accordingly, once one understands this, one realizes how mistakenly one walks along the path of life. " […]



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