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It's time for us to have an open discussion about the entertainment industry. I'm assuming a lot of you know at least the majority of this information; but for those who are new to opening your eyes here are the 4 types of music artists in the Modern industry.

There are definitely many additions or changes that can be made to these points but they're a basic rundown to allow you yourself to further comprehend the damage that mainstream music AND the rest of the entertainment industry do to your person.

Here are the 4 types of artists within the music industry;

Type-1; Mind-numbing programming,

Type-2; Controlled-opposition,

Type-3; “Pure” artists.

Type-4; “Ex-Indie”

type-1: For the first category we incorporate all musics from artists such as Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Snoop Dogg etc. Artists mostly convey a vein image, there isn’t much actual depth to the lyrics and its all about simple messages without much of a double meaning, where there is a double meaning it’s like preschool poetry. Lyrics are mostly mind numbing, chord structure is little to none, many beats are just remixed, overlaid or modified slightly and are all developed in such a way as to present the subconscious mind with ideas on how to act in any given scenario for which the programmers want you to be moulded. For example, we can see over the past 30 years there has been a gaining traction in mainstream rap to the note of “Smoke Weed Everyday”, whereas Cannabis is a spiritual substance with actual use outside of just basic recreation and a formidable teacher the mass is then instead taught to treat it as just another thing to get you fucked up or to unwind, thus removing a large portion of the plants actual real beneficial use by molding the individuals perception and true emotion towards the plant before his use even begins, meaning that when he does first use the plant he doesn’t take into it the same “spiritual baggage” or emotions towards it for which he hopes to be taught upon; instead he is trapped in his subconscious desire to Smoke Weed Everyday. Interesting how the entertainment industry drove this point home to the public before finally closing to legalise after it had been around in pop culture long enough, huh? It’s no surprise why Snoop is able to enter countrys carrying “Schedule 1 Narcotics” (aka, Cannabis) and have no issue with it. He is a messenger to prepare the new ground basis in the minds of us all for what Cannabis is and how it should really be used, in minds of the powers that be, anyway.


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type-2: Next we have our Controlled-Opposition; these people are those from industries such as “Warner Brothers”, full of bands such as System of a Down, Linkin Park etc. You’ll notice that a lot of the bands associated with Warner Brothers, for example, will be giant names and a lot of them even anti-System. How is a company which is so tied to the System so anti-System? Why are there lots of themes in the songs about the New Age? You might find it ironic that this is all from a parent company “Time Warner”, get it, Time, Warner. They are the Warners of Time. Hello Age of Aquarius. On to how such bands etc which are anti-system help the system more than you’d think. As with the first type of programming this programming still relies on the sub-conscious indications or triggers in the individual, however the words are still anti-system so it’s easy to be fooled (as my partner and I were for a time). Do you know about the French revolution? How the French people revolted to bring about new rulers, then the new rulers were just as influenced by the same parties to which the people were originally enslaved. Same idea here, put out the words that make everyone think you are a gentle sheep, with just enough minor changes and edits to the anti-system rhetoric to point those who were against the System into actually helping the System. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. When it comes to the days where people are lost and unsure of what to do, they will go to their inner most or their intuition to follow what they know best. You know damn straight that Warner Brothers is constantly making sure that they make sure to guide that change as much as possible. The references to the New Age are everywhere, I’m sure many of you have listened to Linkin Park in the past; look back at their music with a more esoteric glass; just start with watching the video for “Somewhere I Belong” since it starts with Astral Projection, he falls to Earth and his eyes now shut. There is a constant theme of the flowing waters in the background and at around 1:40 in front of these waters appears a hallway of people in hooded white robes, at 1:50 the fires begin and next time we’re shown the hall theres flames overlapping the flowing water “I want to feel like I’m close to something real, I want to find something I’ve wanted all along, somewhere I belong” Divinity, heaven, what have you it’s all there. Even their new music is full of it. Everything including “In the End”.


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type-3: ARGUABLY THE MOST EFFECTIVE TYPE! For “Pure” artists we talk about those artists who are seemingly pure (well, to the mass anyway) such as Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift and the likes. These individuals are never inherently pure at the beginning but they are viewed to be such by those with eyes sealed shut. In their early days they’ll normally provide a higher calibre of music than other artists on the scene, this is because they are intentionally making sure their music spreads to a larger mass of people, like a disease which becomes deadly only after infecting millions. Although they do contain programming in their earlier days of music, it is minor and what I like to consider “old-type programming”, as in they’re using mental signals which have already been programmed into the mind of the individual and using that as a direct access route to get through to his or her brain and make the song either catch on or appeal more to them, for example when talking about breakups and romance, ideas that have been around for a long time in music and speak straight to the individual. Because of this affinity with older types of music the types of people who do not normally listen to “mainstream garbage” are more likely to listen and take an interest in this new “pure” type artist and even for those who aren’t big fans of the music they still may offer the suggestion that it is at least better than the other music available at the time. These artists then gradually “Develop” from pure little angels (of which they never were) into.. Well… You see where I’m going with this. Once they are then in the minds of the people and have large fanbases of people [some of who, if they had listened to their more recent type of music from the start, if it had been available, would never have been fans to begin with] they are then followed blindly and listened to. Plus, because of social status whenever a new release is out EVERYONE has to hear it because of how great the artist is[was]! The mind of cattle. Then, they kick the programming into full swing, these artists become the next cog in the wheel of the type-1 musician, albeit with higher numbers of fans and also those who are now so tied to the artist, which allows even more direct access into the persons mind because of the fact they feel more connected to the artist on a subconscious level so the words and signals are received more readily. The consumer, now seeing the music go bad (yet still convincing themselves they enjoy it, for social acceptance or what have you) then seek other mainstream music (on some level they know they’re disappointed with the music so go to seek that fix of good music) but then all they find is mainstream music that is now… better… quality…. than their favourite, “pure” artists? Now they’re convinced mainstream music wasn’t as bad as they perceived, because in comparison to their artist who went from good -> bad and yet they still consider good, this other music is prime. Addition: Also, these artists are mostly kept seperate from others and almost always will stick to independent works for the good part of their early career to further show their “purity” from the other mainstream artists at the time.


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type-4; The Ex-Indie artists are usually handpicked for their blindness and want to become part of “star studded pop star or rockstar” treatment, they are a representation of Ouroboros in that because they were raised on this thing, they now must become identical or very similar to that thing, thus making the cycle of modern music complete. Note that what I say about this category mostly applies to the modern variant and not ALL of these artists are as bad as the rest but still aren’t the best group of people to follow for morals. They may offer good music when they are indie, and then continue making mediocre to good music (under the influence of the new company of course, lyrics, videos and other things open to change by the company). Some indie bands will continue making their terrible music and reach out to a niche of terrible-music likers. However, at the end of it these “Ex-Indie” stars view the “‘Pure’ artist” type as the best thing since sliced bread, this being because they themselves were raised on similar programming which is why they even had such a passion to become STARS, their egos are high and their lust for power and fame higher. They cannot be trusted, and upon joining any of the larger labels (watch out, smaller labels can be children of larger labels). Their morals are not set in stone, and because their whole lives revolved around trying to become famous and a star their dogma crumbles when they first meet any C-list celebrity. Be warned. The music industry is NOT to be trusted, and as much as you try to get rid of it the music in your mind will be stuck there for a while, would you like to keep adding to that library of music clogging your brain and making you unable to think like your own being? Ye of little conscious?

WARNING; Always check the labels and their mother companies, the most pure and non-problematic labels are sometimes married to the worst.

That concludes the 4 identified types of artists in the current mainstream music industry; I'd like to hear any input and discussion of the subject and hopefully you've learnt something from the information presented.


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Ariana Grande revealed that she left the Roman Catholic church and is transitioning into Kabbalah: ‘I was born Roman Catholic but I lost faith when the Pope decided to tell me everything I loved and believed in was wrong.”

[The church] said Spongebob Squarepants is gay and he’s a sinner and he should burn in hell. And Harry Potter was a sin. And working women. I was like ‘Enough! First the gays, then Spongebob and now Harry Potter? Get out my house!’ I was not having it. And the working woman thing? It was a moment for me. I needed something else to believe in.


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Translation: Ariana Grande, the Disney puppet who has no idea about anything much and is kept slaved to the programs and regimens she's on, was told by her masters to appear as if she were a Kabbalist to push some sort of ideology onto her followers.

Really, do not trust anything that comes from Disney. Disney is the leading force of most degeneracies in the modern world, as well as the further disconnection between the consciousness. When you look at these feminists getting riled up and marching around for "Equality" see the dead in their eyes, look deeper you'll find 2 black dots. On further inspection you'll notice the eyes aren't actually dead, just covered by the big round black ears of a mouse. They march with "emotion" and yet they have never felt the true versions of the emotions they speak of, they are tied to an ego that has been impregnated into them via the very fabric and design of Disney subliminals.

Disneyland itself is also built around subliminals, many of them. There are even tunnels underground, many tunnels leading in all sorts of directions. Some have described it as a maze. Sounds kind of similar to the ancient initiations to be honest, possibly some tie in with the Illuminati and Disney, maybe these tunnels serve as their initiations. There are secret clubs like "Club 33" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Club_33 hidden in plain sight. Disney was created on subliminals, for the last 30 years or so it's been controlled by Jews though. I would not trust ANYTHING related to Disney in the slightest, do your research brothers what I've said here is NOTHING on the true legacy of Disney and thoroughly inspect the movies, tv shows etc. Just watch how the kids in the new TV shows from them are always standing up to their parents, and beating their parents, and how their parents are presented as being absolute idiots with crazy quirks and you should never trust or listen to them, EVER! These rules will apply to your own as much as they applied to you and those kids around you. Your kids will be disobedient… Well… if you're mindless enough to not filter what they watch.


Good points OP. The ex-pure one is probably the most evident to anyone who grew up in this generation, seeing first hand how pure little miley cyrus slowly transformed into the depraved filth she is today.

It seems taylor swift is going down that same path as well. I don't really follow this shit anymore or listen to that degenerate music apart from when I'm around mundane normies.


Oy vey, I knew at first glance what this merchantess truly was…


I heard somewhere that a ritual is done over every album to bring an entity into it. Then, it is transferred to the recipients.



You are right about the pure types becoming increasingly obvious, however that is probably just because of our minds being somewhat removed from the cave, though I don't doubt all minds are gaining traction out from it.This is an exposition of why I do not follow music and have stopped listening to anything that is churched out by the "Golden Calf". I recommend everyone does the same, lest he be gobbled up with the same ignorance that already enslaves many nations.

These industries feed your subconscious and build multiple demons(by which I mean inner negative personalities of which you ignore and yet control you, "free will" is an illusion), or work upon your already existing demons to make you as crippled as you can be in society, even those who claim to be "Left Hand Path Enlightened" are probably still ruled by these "invisible hands" as they've never actually had to confront their inner self and inner being to truly see and understand the culmination of different forces inside them. Instead they find but a few, cherry pick them, get rid of them, then develop themselves based off of an ego which is still impure. Let me ask you, if you poured poison into a well would you then drink from it? All these individuals are tarnished in what they do as they still have not completed the internal work, there is still poison in their well, and as such anything they touch is thusly poisoned by negligence and ignorance. They have not completed the initial steps, that is to "Know Thyself" including all the forces which control oneself, and as of such their lands turn to dust for they are trapped in their house.



quality analysis OP

any specific ways you use to shield yourself from the influences of music while you're in a public place?



Yes, people are ignorant to the symbology and influence of modern music.

I got tired of it and became a music hipster.

I've listened to Jónsi for quite a while but noticed that he had a photoshoot with the hidden hand and decided to stop listening to it. Then I asked my friend about a good artist and he told me about Sufjan Stevens. His album "Age of Adz" is the opposite of square music.

I've been trying to find 432hz classic music but it's hard. Most music is just repitched music which isn't the same as recording music with instruments tuned accordingly.

I'm feeling that the idea of not listening to music to attain enlightenment has a point. But vibrations is still a very important part of the journey.



isn't it just the lyrics that are bad and influence you?

I can't imagine classical music or even modern music without any lyrics would influence you much if at all


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No it's more than just lyrics.

Every time you hear picture related, you will think of Christmas if you are born and razed in a western culture.

Listen to the following song: https://youtu.be/x6fX4wWR58Y

Listen for the bells in the background and tell me that the music doesn't make you feel like Christmas morning all over again.

Culture references affects us and the music companies knows this. Today's percussion is all about AK47, gun shots, bling noise and cash registers. There's even a song where they use gunshots as percussion.

Go embrace some classical choir orchestra tracks written by Mozart and wipe away the brain washing.


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Oh god, Taylor fucking Swift. Taylor. Swift.

She pisses me off so much. Every single time I hear "Shake it off" on the radio at gym or whatever, I feel anger building inside me.

The worst line is "they say I go out on too many dates". Every. Single. Time. It gets me. Every time.


All music is degenerate.



Taylor Swift, like Justin Bieber, was never good. People like to worship mediocrity. Anyone who aspires to make music or really passionately enjoys music will go on a search and find many artists that broaden their horizon. The mainstream is basically the cattle feed. Sure there have been a few good artists who got caught in the mix of popularity and fame, as always though "fuck the fame." It is disgraceful and disrespectful when art form is taken advantage of. There is a sense of morality and dignity with art, most mainstream artists don't care about that though. Whatever makes a great profit is usually the route they take.



Yeah I mean just look what they did to Straight To Hell by The Clash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkyCrx4DyMk

Paper Planes by MIA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewRjZoRtu0Y



I always like to think about how movies change behavior and what it would lead to. I've been doing this for the past year and have come to realize that there are way too many things that influence behavior. It needs to be fucking stopped. These things tear apart families.



nigga you need some vivaldi


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Not listening to epic Nordic folk metal with superior, genetically gifted singers.

>In 432hz


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Every time you hear picture related, you will think of Christmas if you are born and razed in a western culture.

Nah m8, I don't think it's that simple. While that trick might work on some, attributing certain timbres to mainstream beliefs/programming won't always be effective. To be honest, I actually really liked that track. Never seen the movie though.


embed related. I also just listened to My Fruit Psycobells… a Seed Combustible for the first time ever. Why did I leave it in my backlog for so long?


99.9% of "enlightened" music chan hipsters listen to is indie try hard garbage so I think I'll stick with my simple satanic chord progressions thanks



Band name?





YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Right now I listen primarily to martial industrial, weeaboo, and internet indie EDM/Bass. Though I've had the embeded song playing on repeat for the last couple of days.


here's only 2 possible reasons why taylor swift gets so much attention

#1: she's an alien

#2: she's sucked a crazy amount of dick


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>embeded song



I'm not buying it 100%. I think to an extent the record companies might be pushing something, but the prime motivator for them is probably straight profit. Say what you will about spirituality, but most people put a lot of value on money, and people in power aren't any exception. Unless you want to tell me that the majority of people in positions of corporate power are involved in magic, I'm not buying it. If anyone wants to redpill me, feel free to go ahead.



/fringe/, sometimes you disgust me.

You proggressives are all abominations, denying the Glory of European Civilization and instead wallowing in your self pity.

Read some books that go against the narrative! Not only Esoteric, but also Reactionary.

I see bullshit like shitting on the monarchy, glorifications of socialism and anarchism and it makes me disgusted that such failures would seek solace in the European Esoteric Tradition.

Whenever someone mentions european christianity, it gets insulted and demeaned as "judaic", and yet judaism itself and subhuman african traditions are accepted as positive, sometimes by the same people that insult christianity out of antisemitism (remember Odin? That fag does the old kike on a stick routine, and then defends jews in another thread, claiming that they're highly esoterical and other crap, no self awareness, the failure)!

Monarchy and Distributism are the right european traditions, not socialism, not capitalism, not ohlocracy.



>implying the aliums aren't to blame here



Metal gives me a headache now and I used to listen to all sorts of metal. Metal = degenerate




/fringe/ should make its own music.



This sort of derails the thread, but are the Jews just pawns of some higher entity? They seem like smart people but it also appears that they aren't consciously aware of any such grand scheme.

They roll with it because it seems to benefit them, and the ones who are consciously aware of it seem to be the most shrewd, sociopathic, ruthless and materialistic (George Soros and the elder Rothschilds). They act like it's something of their design, but they are just men with means and something else is pulling the strings.

What is their real "end goal," what do they win if the white race is somehow eliminated or their "power" removed from them? Is there just an unseen war of entities going on and humanity is caught in the crossfire?

Is this entity trying to harvest souls or loosh like some kind of Matrix control system, and the only things that can break free or interfere with their plans are souled individuals with willpower?

I don't feel like what they are doing is consciously under their control. I think it's an entity that has chosen them, the "chosen people" to do its bidding.

I don't see this as good versus evil so much as every individual with a connection to Self wants their freedom. Freedom is an abstract concept delivered to us from higher planes of existence, Thomas Jefferson believed as much. They knew about the enemies of freedom, and they would soon co-opt the new, free nation and corrupt it to do their bidding.



What are your sentiments towards opera/classical music OP? To specify, what're your sentiments towards the Baroque and Classical era?

>inb4 i'm an opera fag


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Listening to a lot of harsh noise, drone and ambient purified my mind from all mass music bs.



>what is synagogue of satan






I believe that classical music is the only true and pure music. You can't inject symbolism into it, there is no degenerate lyrics, no music videos full of filth, no catchy loops of programming that gets "stuck in your head", etc.

Plus its traditional European.



Music should only exist to serve a purpose, like for meditation, learning aid etc.



Music don't exist if it is to serve a purpose. Many advantages might be considered for the use of music,but it can only be produce and enjoyed, and those advantages will only happen when music exists beyond any purpose whatsoever. Been a musician for about seven years now, for the last three I've bee studying alchemical music, trust me on this one.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bow down to your baroque overlords.



This chart is anal peelings.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


check this out, brotha.



>Unless you want to tell me that the majority of people in positions of corporate power are involved in magic, I'm not buying it.

i can say with firsthand experience that this IS the case.


#3-she's a mind controlled MK ULTRA/Monarch programming/project bluebird slave. Which means not only did she suck a lot of dick, she didnt agree to do it, and she was also probably tortured and shit.



I second this


>whereas Cannabis is a spiritual substance with actual use outside of just basic recreation and a formidable teacher the mass is then instead taught to treat it as just another thing to get you fucked up or to unwind

Wow, finally somebody else who sees what's going on. I came up with this theory too. The thing is, I don't think their programming for weed will work.

I grew up hearing the mindset that "weed is for parties" or "it's like alcohol but stronger." I had completely integrated that into my psyche before the first time I ever smoked. But, as soon as I began smoking I realized that everything I had heard about weed was a complete fabrication. I started listening to philosophy and meditating when I was high, and that lead me to some of the deepest revelations about the nature of reality I have ever experienced, even surpassing DMT.

Now every time I get high, I listen to Alan Watts, or I meditate and go into a state in which I realize the complete synchronicity between my thoughts and every thing around me. I am unable to tell the difference between if my thoughts create reality or if reality creates my thoughts. That is what weed is trying to show, and I know from experience the strength of that message far outweighs the programming that tries to trivialize cannabis as another party drug.


I still enjoy good ol Rammstein, even though I have a feeling you'd put them in "type 2". Some of their songs are good. Striped is about the german people being stripped of their identify, and amerika is about americas globalism and mass consumerism replacing the different cultures of the world.


I'm not sure if I read this on /pol or somewhere else, but someone had a crazy Miley Cyrus theory. That the real Miley Cyrus was dragged out to the Arizona desert and killed because she refused her masters, while they had an imposter "take over" her via plastic surgery and identify theft to try and mimic her, but in a cancerous and disgusting way to degenerate her followers. I'm not going to bother digging for it now, but I'm sure someone else here has read it. It had pictures and shit of noticeable differences between her face then and now. was pretty insane.


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Here's the conspiracy. Also, I've attached a recent picture she took. Clearly, nothing needs to be further said.



The "ex-pure" is just because kikes like to defile people.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So what do y'all think of overtone singing?



about the recent pic, if the conspiracy re miley is true (i doubt it) at least if they were trying to keep it hidden what she is, why would she even take a picture like that? what's the point of drawing attention to possible occult stuff if there really are occult forces working that they don't want people to know?



To mock us. They don't care if anyone figures it out because the general population is under such heavy mind control that it wouldn't make a difference.



I'm starting to think that Death Grips are the only living artists who really get that there's more beyond surface reality.


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not just that

but it's part of the ritual

fascinating the victims (us)

showing their power

striking us collectively

it's a manifesto and a ritual

it is important to leave the mark

it is also in itself a way to channel entities by making us participate by making us watch it

but mostly it's a way to apply mindcontrol on us



432Hz might not be the frequence we should listen to, as our measurement systems are very changed from the ancient pythagorean values.

If you do want to listen to actually good geometric music, listen to Bach's organ work, best in the world.



that's nothing to do with snoop but everything to do with how your government has lied to you about nearly everything


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I listen to this CD sometimes when I'm tired and high its good shit even if its heavy as bricks.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I enjoy music allot and I consider it a gift to give someone new sounds they enjoy listening too so in that goal I will post a few links of varied artist whit hopes that some of it will appeal to you.

Same Artist as previous post but 0% heavy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_HAsDxvg6o

Pagan Metal


Some light Finnish music. I've used this to induce shamanic a trance in the past. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3ShRM7mHZY

General Deprogramming


Medieval Punk Music


For those who listen to clasical




Anyways enjoy the tracks.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OP, what about type 5?

Independetly created electronic music by a single person?

Often most of these song don't have any lyrics but when they do they often have straight forward meaning and intention.

I am talking about: Deep House, Minimal House, Hardstyle, Hardcore & such. Almost all of these DJ;s operate under their own label and deploy their main activity on the European continent. This "real" electronic music hardly reaches the US shore, but when it does it becomes big label crap.

Vid & links related, be your own judge.

I personally regard this as one of the last pure forms of music left, much like classical music in essence.

Deep House & Minimal

N'to - Trauma


Joris Delacroix - Air France


Paul kalkbrenner - Aaron


Marc Romboy - Sonara


Hardstyle - Hardcore

Degos-Redone - Dark Times


Brennan Heart - Illumination


Donkey Rollers - Evil


Kronos - Fuck The System

>vid related



What then is Devin Townsend, Tool or Tesseract?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I believe this song speaks of the fall of Enki and his bloodline.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I say it depends entirely on whether they are signed or not.

Take a listen to modern EDM, its full of occult referencing, and you have to consider the very FM frequency modulations can stimulate your brain as well as words can.


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> there is no degenerate lyrics, no music videos full of filth



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The lyrics of that song are so simple and broad that you could apply them to just about any conflict. Her songwriting is like a horoscope.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I rather like this and its lyrics


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



The same can be said for any song.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This made me interested in more complicated music and meditation till I discovered this site, I highly recommend this album to everyone, probably one of the best, most original albums ever made




oh shit, that's my jam, some people said it sounds creepy, but this sound is more dream-like and symbolizes inner strength to me, i'm pretty convinced these guys were onto something and not only music-wise, also some very noteworthy fringe-related stuff








YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Then of course there are people signed to some medium sized label who couldn't give two fucks about what the label wants, the label doesn't really wanna touch them either because they are actual musicians with their own skill, and so he's making his own music without evil men and demons in suits standing behind their backs and washing their brains.

Don't misunderstand me, I like /fringe/. I'm trying to make you guys more aware of all those people who are not in our little cult, and are still not point-blank stupid. They exist, I saw them from the 0th density.



i am enjoying this unexpectedly much



you ever actually read death grips lyrics? they know exactly whats up



>speaks of the fall of Enki and his bloodline

>This video does not exist.




>Every time you hear picture related

Personally, they remind me more of John Coltrane's Interstellar Space. Coltrane really is incredibly talented, especially everything post Giant Steps. Mozart is great too, so are Brahms and Chopin.


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>not listening to tibetan throat singing


>this doesn't make your blood boil



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Red pill music general?


If we give the horses blinders

They won't see the approaching ledge

Too much time and effort spent on just another bridge

We trust the local doctor

We trust the medicine

Our child gets a scratch

We give our child a brand new head

We eat what's on our plate

We drink what's in our cup

We like the shiny tv screen

It spits we lap it up

And so they push this product

And they know we'll buy it

They sing a song

We hum along

We sing

But we don't understand the words to the song

And they fill our heads

With sugar coated shit

Cause there's no need to talk

When we have medicine

There's a pill for every fucked up thought

And a cure for every fucked up child

When the mind starts running

Be sure it won't cross the finish line

And if it wanders

Bring it back and cage it for some time

And if it stretches

It will only one day rip

To prevent excessive thought

Just keep it up on the shelf

And when the shelves are full

And supplies are short

And quickly running out

You've got a thousand mindless zombies

And terrified horses on your hands

It was a damn good plan

It was a damn good plan


Jimi Hendrix was incredible and everybody knows that, i'm not sure if many people are really accustomed with his music as much as they should though because nothing really compares at the end of the day. Too bad there's no full version of 1983 on jewtube because that's the piece i would put up here




i would enjoy some extended versions of your thoughts

is this real life


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This song in particular is great, but a lot of Cog's music is quite deep. These lyrics in particular:

Unaware of the model

I was taught to follow

Baptised through the grapevine

Rescued by a daydream back down where I found the open door

And from the maps that I followed

Came the thoughts that I'd borrowed

A bitter pill I swallowed cleaned my mind out so I could explore


I know what I am

In this light I stand

Can I overcome the space that time demands?

Reincarnation, now back from everywhere

Know that I'll become the thoughts that lead me there

Seriously a great band in my opinion..




I didn't have the impression that it is that bad.

The normal le terrible thing does or can count. Differences in money and position is always a problem. Without stepping from politeness (exampl)


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>le pure-to-slut illuminati popstar meme

Fuck you people. This is such a stupid conspiracy idea that it hurts my brain. "Degeneracy" is not being perpetrated by the elites. You're seeing the natural product of social progression. Sexual liberation and personal responsibility for what you put into your body are not evil. Structures of power that suppress these things are evil.

Miley Cyrus is one of the best examples. She was just born into a C-list family's money and studio connections and ran with it. Now she's a kinda-sorta legitimate artist who doesn't *need* to take any shit from producers or executives. Greater freedom and cultural autonomy? The government and central bankers hate that shit.



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>You are fucking retarded if you think the same people in control of the media and Hollywood are not in control of the music industry.

>You are fucking retarded if you don't think they are conditioning and brainwashing the masses and youth the the most obviously influential industry world wide since fucking TV was invented.

>You are fucking retarded if you are on fringe and haven't even been red pilled on the most basic and obvious conspiracy.

>You are fucking retarded if you actually believe that sexual liberation and social progression nonsense.

>You are fucking retarded if you think that famous and rich people didn't use occult methods or join occult circles to get their power, money, and fame.

>You are fucking retarded if you don't know the obvious implications of selling their souls to the "devil" so to speak

>You are fucking retarded.


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Thoughts about Muse? Are they controlled opposition?


Open the skies over me

I am waiting patiently

I'll wait for a sign

As conspiracies unwind

Will you slam shut or free your mind

Or stay hypnotized

When the zetas fill the skies

Will our leaders tell us why?

Fully loaded satellites

Will conquer nothing but our minds

And I am waiting patiently

And I'll wait for the sign

Carried through the centuries

Secrets locked up and loaded on my back

Well, it weights me down

ake A Bow

Corrupt, you corrupt

And bring corruption to all that you touch

Hold, you'll behold

And behold and for all that you've done

And spell, cast a spell

And cast a spell on the country you run

And risk, you will risk

You will risk all their lives and their souls

And burn, you will burn

You will burn in Hell, yeah, you'll burn in Hell

You'll burn in Hell, yeah, you'll burn in Hell

For your sins

Ooh, our freedom is consuming itself

What we've become

Is contrary to what we want

Take a bow

Death, you bring death

And destruction to all that you touch

Pay, you must pay

You must pay for your crimes against the earth

And Hex, feed the Hex

Feed the Hex on the country you love

And beg, you will beg

You will beg for their lives and their souls

City Of Delusion

Stay away from me

Build a fortress and shield your beliefs

Touch the divine

As we fall in line

Can I believe

When I don't trust

All your theories turn to dust

I choose to hide from the All Seeing Eye

Destroy this City of Delusion

Break these walls down

I will avenge

Justify my reasons with your blood

You'll not rest, settle for less

Until you guzzle and squander what's left

You're not divine

Yet you live and let die

extra: https://youtu.be/ImVSABH-g70?t=83

also their album covers are interesting and filled with symbolism.



I'm a musician who has hardly expressed it (but I have music come to me at random and records it) and I'd like to know where I can learn such things.



You guys would enjoy Hammemit


I only listen to bands that are on actual small labels (not owned by a bigger one) or even artists that aren't on a label and just diy it. Funny how I can hear a 30 second clip of some radio shit and it will get stuck in my head for literally days and drive me insane but the same doesn't happen with the music I actually like and listen to at home, like that shit is made in a lab and designed purely to do that to you. I avoid going into stores and things that play that kind of stuff as much as I can.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do you guys think that mind-numbing pop-music is harmful to anyone who listens to it or only those who engage in it in some positive way (positive meaning out of their own volition)? For some of us it's hard to escape them.

Embed: some greenpilled music.



its a shill not a retard


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



aayyy jorge ben. I know the whole album has a hermetic theme to it, but god his music bores me.

To answer your question, they do affect everyone but obviously for people who focus on it intentionally it is worst, it is also worst for people who only listen to shitty music.



When I got trolled by the media loominati branch I asked them to get canibus on but they didn't'. Either he was asleep or he don't roll that deep. oooh that rhymed.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The 30 second snipit I listened too from your link made me think of this.




YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What does /fringe/ thinks about Taj Mahal Travellers? And what about music pre80's (Beatles, Genesis, Pink Floyd, and so on)?

I also listen to Alvin Lucier, Time Machines (Coil), Quickspace, Interpol and GY!BE. I would like to hear your opinion on this.


Beautiful. Do you know where i can download music like this?

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