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Where do I start?


Buy a starter deck, and do it with some firneds. After you've familiarized yourself with it, asks some professionals on which cards are best fit for your playstyle and where yo ucan get it. Warning though, some can cost up to hundreds of dollars. So unless you're having fun at that point, don't do it.




White is generally a good place to start considering the other colors are generally more niche, or perhaps a better way to say it is "more capable at achieving specified goals." White's generality allows you to get a feel for cross color mechanics while still being proficient in all aspects of the game. Your control is weaker than blue, your strength is weaker than green, your aggro is weaker than red, and your denial is weaker than black, but you are the second or third place color consistently in all of those categories.

As>>44195 said, once you find the way you tend to play, and tend to win, you should start fielding into that color. Over time you will play every color anyway, but this gives you a place to start.


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There is only one true magick and it is amoral in its nature, truly, only the morality of the practitioner determines whether the power is used negatively or not.

That magick is the magick of the Imagination and the Will exercised within a Mental Universe.


Positivity triumphs negativity in the end. Love is pure power


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shut up with your new age bullshit, both side are necessary to even have a worthy existence. faggot.

go cuddle up to your jew overlords



I partialy agree that neither sts or sto are better. It is unwise to asume any of the 2 is better ,more powerfull or will triumph in the end. But both are needed in order to evolve spiritually. Without the free will choice of good and evil there is just a paradise like existance. Where no one learns anything you are worthy even if you have no free will choice of good or evil. Supposedly Earth was like this a long time ago.




niggers don't understand love is beyond good and evil.






Yes, love sure altered the pendulum of the rise and fall of myriad known and unknown human civilizations and empires.

Oh, and, by the way, did you know that all known empires rose and fell within a timespan of two to three centuries like clockwork?

This time will be no different.

Man, we are stuck in a broken record, forever more reliving the challenges of our ancestors in essence.

Love will not save us. You cannot merely love something in the hopes of changing it to what you want it to go. That is absurd and a waste of loosh. Better just embrace 'evil' and finding more efficient ways to control, if that's what you want.



You're talking about mundane "love", I'm talking about agape. Agape has no preference for empires, or whatever, agape makes no discrimination of good or evil, it is above that, you can call it the reason behind the law, the "why" of existence. Agape is the groundwork of all human existence, and since as above so below it is also the groundwork of the divine.

Does it help you to understand if I change the word? "Love" like "God" is a word which has been polluted, nonetheless in the language we are speaking right now it is the word most fit to describe a certain aspect, if we might call it "a certain aspect". You need to experience agape in order to know.

"But my volition now & my desires were moved as a wheel revolving evenly by love that moves the sun & other stars" Dante Alighieri



Oh well. After all, I am a newfig.

Could you please refer me to some material I could read so I can attempt to understand what you mean?

Or, rather, what is your definition of agape?



Nothing that isn't rooted in a hard-fought understanding of our own selves and the universe we find ourselves in is pointless.

It's childish to assume the universe is not a hostile place, but the same mechanism that gives us earthquakes and black holes also gives us love and joy. There is something transcendent written in the 'code'. If God exists, he is the author of that Good, and that's fuckin' grand. If He doesn't, then there is still a palpable sense of love and beauty that is hard to handwave away by anything other than the most stubborn, life-denying philosophies.

I choose to follow that instinct. I fuck up every day but I feel I'm on the right path. We are spiritual beings. Nothing physical has ever truly satisfied me, and from what I see around me, it seems to be the case for everyone else too.



first line should say anything



Never read anything about it, I know it manly by experience and inference. But if I'm not mistaken Manly P. Hall has a series about love, and from what I've seen of him he is based as fuck.

As I said before it is the condition behind the law which makes polarity, and the ten thousand things. And as such it permeates our existence, it is capable of very harsh behavior without changing its own condition. The higher you go on your own development the more pure you'll feel it, it is often called "unconditioned love" because ultimately it is free of object, it is love without something to love.

Let's say for instance you're a parent and your child wants to go play on the streets, you as a parent however forbids that child and does not let him go, he goes anyway, you look around and don't find him, as soon as he comes back you give him the good old beating. Out of what condition do you do this? Is this just anger or hatred? Or is this harsh situation created completely out of love? If somebody kills that child, and you happen to be just turning around the corner and you see it happening in a flash, wouldn't you as a parent just simply kill person who did this, and if so, isn't this violent reaction created out of love for your child? This example is a very low level of agape however.

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