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/fringe/, I'm certain that you receive a thread exactly or similar daily, but can you answer a few questions for me? While I am very interested in esoteric and hidden teachings, my sense of doubt by far outweighs my belief. I am following a programme of meditation and introspection, but in the mean time I want some sort of assurance. A petty weakness I suppose. Anyways, I want to discuss some points.

And above all else, I am serious and sincere.

1) I read of astral travel, magic rites/rituals and summonings. However, all I've read is distressingly unsubstantiated and reeks of empty boasting.

Aside from experiencing it firsthand, is there any actual proof?

2) Possible pretending aside, is it all symbolic? Tips for leading a more happy and satisfying life?

If such is true, why is it kept as the great secret?

3) Is exploration of the occult actual liberation?

One of my doubts on this subject is that a lot of esoteric thought is built upon by dogma of preceding masters.

Should delving into the Arcanum be uncritical?

To end this post, I hope you can give me courage with your answers.




It's kept as a great secret for the simple fact that mundanes are too underdeveloped to realize for themselves "the secret" even when it is put right in front of them. Usually religious dogmas or secular fears of criticism or their own unfounded assumptions/faith in the materialist doctrines prevent them from examining the matter. There's also shitloads of fakes that further discourage people from believing magick is real, but just like how people can fake going to the moon or doing a lot of other things doesn't mean those things aren't possible and actually done.

It is not symbolic.

There is lots of evidence for astral projection and other phenomena, it's not easy to search for it unless you know where and what terms unfortunately, and it is very much kept under wraps. The different types of evidence should be weighted in different ways but not discounted entirely, it'll take a long while before the weight of all the little pieces of the puzzle come together and you'd feel stupid to deny what is there.

Firsthand experience is however the best.

I myself had the fortune of someone actually doing extremely advanced magick for me one day. I didn't even ask him to do it btw and I didn't believe he could do it at all. He just came to me, wanted to show me something, and I thought it was all bullshit but he went ahead and did it and it was amazing. I tried to rationalize it away but he just pushed things even more to ensure that I absolutely could not doubt it.

So yeah, I got greenpilled that way, and I was researching the occult for about a year beforehand and doubting it all very much but that experience was the first of multiple that really made me realize that it was a completely real, legitimate, and powerful thing.

Nobody ever takes my story about this seriously though so I HATE to talk about it. Everyone thinks I'm just a dupe that got tricked but they weren't there and they don't know what he did and it not a bunch of fucking tricks.

>inb4 someone insists it was

Doesn't matter what you say to me. Since that time I've got good enough to actually do magick for myself. Now I know from personal attainment that it is real.



Btw, you can be critical as you want, and there's LOTS of bullshit in the occult; but you also need to examine the effect of your thoughts and beliefs and intentions upon the magickal operations you do. I guarantee you 100% that every single Fedora that sets out to do a magick ritual with the intentions, subconsciously, of making it fail will get exactly the results they secretly desired! Doubts feed thoughtforms that prevent the manifestation of what you are trying to cause to happen; a useful fact if you want to suppress some event from happening, provided you genuinely doubt it and don't just pretend you doubt it. It must have the conviction of absolute faith.

Btw, would you accept metaphysical proofs based on pure logic?

…or start to believe in magick if I took terms out of science and showed you how they refer to the exact same thing as certain terms in the occult?

You've got a lot of reading to do man but after you're done reading the whole library you will attain confidence in the reality of magick.


Gosh, I feel that my responses to you OP are so inadequate, but really there's little I can say in just a few posts that is going to convince you. You have to find out for yourself, you've got to read a lot and practise a lot, and hope some initiate comes around and does something amazing.

If your desire to get greenpilled properly is strong enough and you obsess over this long and reach a very intense gnosis with this desire, eventually like me, you might just happen to have some random wizard walk into your life and show you what you deeply want to realize and know for yourself.


Like seriously, when I remember how I was before, I would not take the posts I am making right now as proof at all or even find them reassuring :/



Your writing style in this thread is very different. Did you let your tulpa take control?


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What is collectively called "the occult" is essentially a large augmented reality game constructed by its own players. Due to natural happenstance there's tons of holes that the vast majority fall into. It's layer after layer of metaphor, parable, obfuscation, and noise.

Your "answers" are there, everything is hidden in plain sight and is often terribly boring and mundane upon careless inspection. The high requirements of talent needed to acknowledge and use the information make sure that the unworthy don't get close to it, and instead fall down holes of ignorance and superstition of their own creation.

If you want true knowledge study history, philosophy, and psychology. These are the best initial tools that will guide you. How effective they are is determined by how much effort you put in. If you are willing to spend every possible waking moment on this task, you will have a fraction of a chance.

If you want a "happy and satisfying" life stop here and throw away any study of "the occult" or anything related. If you want a tortuous, agonizing, and difficult life that trades all happiness and satisfaction for the faintest glimmer of meaning, proceed.

Your own thread title is the reverse of what it should be: you should be looking for questions to look for questions.



Is this true of all occultism or only specific types?

Does the wiliam walter atkinson stuff count as full of blinds?

What about the role of ritual and recieved or learned understanding/developed worldview? or practical technique in say results based magic?

Doesn't occultism fall into the category of philosophy in areas?

What questions should we be asking?


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Brother, there are people who will benefit way more from history, philosophy and psychology both in their search of truth and hapiness, and there are also people who will find them in the occult or mysticism.

Please, don't try to discourage any seeker, their own feet will guide them to the best terrain for them to walk on.

Most people fall in holes when they venture into the occult, you're right. Spiritual maturity (with its developed metaphysical discernment) and causality is what determines how far will an individual get, and the challenge is really worth it, because both the occult and mysticism are no game. They are a path to ultimate truth and also ultimate understanding of history, philosophy and psychology. Some spiritual/occult paths and practitioners are closer to the realization of truth than others.

It's fine if you disagree. Nobody should be able to convince you to adopt a specific metaphysical view, every one of us takes what we are able to see and discern in life, as the truth. What we are able to discern can differ, though. It also uses to change with time.


Specific types, what some occultists do, does indeed resemble a game and is neither close nor aiming for truth.

Will any blind stop you? They are there to be unraveled by your own experience, after doing the practices that are given to you for a certain time. You can get spoonfed info, but never the realization of a truth as true.


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It's true of all knowledge. Elements of occultism are philosophical, but if your knowledge of philosophy is entirely occult you aren't practicing philosophy.

You should be asking questions about questions, which is where it all started. Many ignore questions themselves, thinking that they are trivial things when they are at the heart of being. Many want to destroy their questions, and gut their ability to do so in the process.


If you are seeking to benefit from knowledge you are seeking a product to consume. You are a parasite. In which case you should seek the most convenient self-help cult of the numerous available and have your feast. Those who are "seeking a path" seek to eat the dung of others who have already walked such paths.

Adopting "points of view," signing up for some Great Idea, believing, and disbelief are the most trifling and petty of things. These are the concerns of idea-mongers and politicians, who are the most unimportant people in the world.

Of course the occult is a game, if you understand what the concept of "game" truly encompasses.







Fuck all of that shit you said. The true occult path is the one in which you develop your cognitive capabilities and start using thoughtforms and so on so you become super intelligent and capable of comprehending more in moments than you could previously in years. That's real progress nigga. Don't wast time on questions and answers just enhance the shit out of your mind.



The occult isn't about finding out the truth faggot. The occult is about knowing the truth and using it. If you don't use it, you aren't a master. The truth is really fucking simple and is laid out in the first few books (Kybalion, Arcane Teachings, Arcane Formulas).



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As I said, It's fine if you disagree. I'm not here to impose my own logic and experience over yours, which by themselves also prevent me from adopting yours. I answered you to serve as a better balancing opposition than *tips fedora* for newcomers who might come here with curiosity about the occult and read your post.


I guess it's time to say that we can't talk about the occult as a single thing, because of the ammount of paradigms present, but that aside, Ultimate Truth is the goal of the Great Work, and that truth to be realized is no more that the realization of your true identity as the monad, or the all.

That truth cannot be laid in books the same as you can't realize the great mysteries with a counsciousness enclosed to the physical plane. The truth written in books is no more than the lesser mysteries, it is though, the key to greater ones.


>implying truth is not always simple and self-evident, always just there, and obvious to anyone who takes a moment to properly look at it

Truths are never complex.


OP here, I'm sorry for not answering sooner, but I really appreciate the thoughts put forth.

All I will say now is that I will persevere in searching.


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