>In regards to gnosis, this is the process by which you become aware of the universe and the divine?
It's the state of union with your individual spirit, your true, divine self. What some occult traditions call the holy guardian angel, higher self… and yoga calls Atman. The yogi for example, is supposed to first unite with atman (gnosis, self realization), and then merge into brahman (henosis, god-realization).
Gnosis means true knowledge, the banishing of agnosia (false knowledge) by the means of theurgy. The truth that becomes fully realized is that we are all god, you become liberated from reincarnation and forgetfulness with the attainment of full communion with your true self. It makes a lot of things happen, like changes in the astral body and the remembering of past lives.
>The universe existing in a cycle makes sense to me because, one, the All is more than the universe (As you said), and the Big Bang theory agrees with the expansion and contraction of the universe. We are only aware of this cycle, there have likely been innumerable universes before this one.
Yes, you're right.
>In regards to henosis, the goal of all I individuals is to partially mantle the One through the process of Theurgy. I'm primarily a writer, and my ambition in life is to peruse Theurgy by studying archaeology, history, Greek and Latin, and classical philosophy.
I'm not sure of what do you mean with "partially mantle the One through the process of Theurgy", sorry. English is not my native language.
Also, do you mean that you are planning on investigating theurgy without practicing it yourself, or that you will peruse it to practice it at a later stage? I can tell you something about this, but please, mail me first at khakistoryteller@outlook.com. Try to prove it's you.
>If you failed to achieve henosis, do you stay on the astral plane until you chose to reincarnate?
Not if you did at least achieve gnosis, otherwise yes.
>If my grandmother did not achieve henosis, she would eventually reincarnate so she could give it another go, correct? In regards to the outcome that results from the process of henosis, after you become aware of the divine and follow Theurgy, you are united with the All, essentially achieving the enlightenment that Buddhism champions (Or would Buddhist enlightenment be gnosis? If yes, breaking the cycle of reincarnation would then be henosis?).
I don't follow buddhism and know little about their experience of enlightenment and nirvana. I think they're closer to gnosis than henosis, but don't take me seriously.
We break the cycle of reincarnation with gnosis alone.
>Are spirits aware of themselves on the astral plane? Could you interact with spirits you once knew, remembering past lives?
Some of them are, death is a big shock that often confuses and disorients the spirit, if you didn't have an high level of consciousness here on earth, don't expect to become aware of the astral plane soon. The place in the astral plane where you go after death is also directly related with the vibratory level of your consciousness.
Yes, you can do that after death if you have a decent vibratory level of consciousness, even if you didn't achieve gnosis, but you will still reincarnate and forget everything again.
>Finally, after you achieve henosis, do you retain your consciousness, or do you join completely with the One?
There is no loss of consciousness, there is a change, you start to see the whole universe as an aspect of yourself, instead of yourself as an aspect of God (gnosis). You become everything manifiest and inmanifiest, in short, you are now omnipresent and not enclosed in anything, but you can still partake in the illusory universe at any time, for example, inhabiting and acting through an incarnated body. That's what Babaji does.
Funny thing that you got to know this through FFVII.
No problem brother, and yes, it does.