Are half-truths your trademark?
So how is that going to help us? That's just one herb. If you're not even raw vegan (and I know you are, but somehow avoid even saying that now) you might as well eat junk food. One herb's positive effects won't overrride other negative effects.
>I'm not going to give out what i did.
Then why bother mentioning it?
>but i combined the knowledge of mentalism, self-hypnotism, nutrition, fitness, metaphysics.
You could have just said that and leave it at that. Pretty self-explanatary.
>Takes 7 years to completely renew your atoms.
Not completely, but basically this is indeed what happens and gives scientific backup that one can manipulate the matter, even if slowly. That doesn't mean it would really take that long.
>Every 7 years the body goes into a new phase of physical vibration, 1-7 imprint, 7-14, 14-21, 21-28…. etc.
"Vibrations". Great. You're not saying anything of use here.
>at 46 you have completed your body's full growth and spawning.
What does that even mean?
>You have till 39 to start doing what you want to do to change the physical aspect or enhance it or rejuvenate it.
Now you're just installing limitations. There is nothing that can't be done. All is mind.
>But i will give you 1 tip: healthy salt and herb baths in the dark, program the water prior, Energize all elements.
That's not very helpful at all. At least you could have given some source.
You're basically writing a lot without providing actual valueable information.