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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hello /fringe/.

Does any of you guys know a way of using magic to become more handsome?

The type of change I want cannot be achieved with the traditional means (gym, haircut, clothes, etc.). It is my bone structure which bothers me.



Questions go in the question thread. >>43255

Saged and reported.



b-but your a newfig too..

Makes one wonder what kind of faggots even try to enforce rules. Go look up the definition of faggot, faggot.


You need to go to SlutHate, bro (or cunt, your gender, whatever).

Actually I shouldn't even be giving this advice to a woe-man since they are already born into faux-royalty and lavished with empty praise as it is… So sad, so hollow their lives.

Now, the main thing to extract from SlutHate is the mewing advice.

I implemented palate expansion with an appliance to grow my face forward and wider, but that was an artificial means and thus impotent.

It comes down to proper oral posture. Bone is continually remodeling and it can be directed by influence of strong/stressed muscles. So, chew hard gum like Falim and keep your tongue on the roof of the mouth with lips closed and teeth together. It will take time to train these muscles if you are a mouth breather and have already lengthened your face into abyssal inceldom.

The most important thing is to get the entire tongue on the roof of the mouth from the "N" sound spot behind the front teeth to the soft palate. Keep the whole tongue up there and then swallow with lips closed. It will create a vacuum if the lips are properly sealed. This vacuum in the mouth is essential, it will reform the face by driving the maxilla forward/upwards. Only long term practice and implementation will work.

That's basically it. If your maxilla is retruded it will compact the skull and the essential glands for extra-sensory ability thus effecting their hormone outputs, so this is an issue for everyone. Most people have severely inadequate facial bone development compared to our ancestors.


And yeah, you can meditate on observing accelerated growth or use bone building supplements but are you really that much of a faggot?

>Here, let me cast a spell and grow my bones. Durr…

It is said in advanced stages of Kundalini a second growth spurt is to be had, however. Then full regeneration in the Magnum Opus.



Why are you defending this?

Yes, I'm a newfig, but I at least understand my place and lurk first before starting erroneous threads.

We already have a question thread, there is no reason he should have made this tread.

Stop enabling this shit.




Magnum Opus? Is that JoS language?



You should realize you are already beautiful. There is thousands of people more beautiful than you and thousands uglier than you even by your estimate. They are nothingness and you are nothingness why would you work to become just that. If you want to become something work on yourself. Physical appearance is not important. If you cannot accept/love yourself you can't love/accept anyone else. If wish you the best of luck on your magickall journey may the light be with us all.



This should answer your question.



You shouldn't talk about how things are, but how they should be. Beauty is measurable and objective. Everyone should strife towards beauty and perfection. Your phyiscal vessel is how represent yourself, why would you not want to it be good-looking? Don't you appreciate beautiful things? You're not doing any kind of magic if you can't change your appearance.



Physical perfection is a birthright, kike.


Well, at least for us it is…




Your only birthright is to suffer. Physical perfection and any kind of perfection are achievements.


Weston Price documented when skeletal degeneracy hit the Western world, it was through 'foods of trade/commerce' and the replacement of hard foots with soft diets/inadequate fat soluble vitamins.

Of course, the kikes were behind this much like they are behind current dentist barbarism and the heinous crime of orthodontics. Simple problem reaction solution. The problem continues with bottle feeding and pureed foods, to implement feebleness.

Orthodontics with headgear push the face backwards and braces restrict forward growth of the skull. This usually takes place in the prime years of facial development, ages 7-12.

The practice of orthotropics is about facilitating proper and optimal growth in the face of child and adult patients. It is aligned with growth, life, the everlasting principles.


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this thread



check his flag



While I believe something like this could be achieved with the use of magic, it would not only be useless to waste time going after it and not only that, the intent behind it is shallow and worldly. The body is meaningless; focus on gaining knowledge for your spiritual maturity instead. Judging from this thread OP I'd say you have quite a way to go, but don't let that dissuade you. We were all beginners at one time.



The body isn't meaningless, for it is the vessel in which you manifest in this world.

OP didn't say WHY he wanted to do it so who knows if, in fact, we are being shallow and not him.


There is literally nothing wrong with what OP wants.


I can help you, friend. Let me tell you what to do:

1) Exercise daily and eat a healthy diet for 1 month while meditating on an image of your modified and improved future body.

2) After that month, buy hgh and the appropriate equipment required to use it. Bless the hgh and imprint your desire for your modified and improved future body into the hgh.

3) Start weight training while taking hgh, and ingest the specific things needed to achieve bone growth and healthy bones.

4) Do #3 for 2 years. And use exercise rituals as an outlet for your desire and will.

5) Get an SS hair cut.

6) Put a lust spell on a brunette gym girl with strong biceps and a big butt. Then, make love to her and climax with her so your sexual energy fuses and taps the quantum, sending out a universal signal to complete the ritual.

You will now have altered the composition of your soul and you will have changed the vibration of it's energy. The signal will have conveyed your change to the rest of consciousness; they are now in an open mametick energy space. Your soul is now congruent with the higher energies existing in the quantum, allowing you to move higher in the physical realm.


I should mention that this ritual has worked for me in the past: I used to have a weak bone structure, but it's now larger and more masculine. It's worth noting that Zyzz unknowingly used a similar spell to mine, but because he's not a wizard, it didn't work out as well.



>take hgh

>implying creatine and whey isn't enough for a godlike natty physique

Get a load of this cunt

Then again, maybe OP wants to LEAVE HUMANITY BEHIND.

Everything else is solid advice though.



> get a good haircut, start working out and taking supplements for 3 years

> find girl in gym

> b-but put thespell on her! o yea the spell! maginks amirite!??1 Thatll do it!

Im trying to learn of this fringe stuff is real and how far I can go, but You people just might be full of shit.



He's just a fedora trolling, don't let shitposters dissaude you from the real magick out there.



>You people just might be full of shit

one poster said something you don't like and you cross off the entire board

bet you're one of the faggots who thinks /pol/ is filled with edgy stormfags who want to kill all non whites and gays because Jesus said so.

If so, kindly fuck off, if not, improve your skills of discerning disinfo from truth.

This isn't some official site with a reputation for integrity, this is an imageboard where anyone with an opinion is free to post.



>/pol/ is filled with edgy stormfags who want to kill all non whites and gays

But isn't that the case?



Implying it either is or is not that.



Lel, actually I'm coming from /pol/ to here. I heard about fringe before but I was reading the Iron Pill comic and they gave it some serious credibility so now I'm here



Read Introduction to Gnosis by Samael Weor. That's a good starter, and readable within 2 hours.



Are Christfags raiding /fringe/?


as another guy said sluthate.com has a lot of discussion about changing physical features. not magic related really for the most part. but if you go to this guy's site he shows you how to make a jaw pulling device.


he relates it to some esoteric things like wilhelm reich's ideas, shamanic de-armouring, etc. and also talks about how physical beauty relates to the golden mean/sacred geometry.

there's an interview the guy did with rumor mill news here:


related sites:



for manlets:





You can't stop the Gnostic forces.



Yes they are

but satanist tards are also not welcome








OP is a she numbnuts



Can you please elaborate on the teeth together? Like my back teeth should be clenched together at all times or just have the front ones touching each other?



Who cares?



watch this


I'm not going to give out what i did. but i combined the knowledge of mentalism, self-hypnotism, nutrition, fitness, metaphysics.

After 4 years..

I look damn fucking fine.

Takes 7 years to completely renew your atoms.

Every 7 years the body goes into a new phase of physical vibration, 1-7 imprint, 7-14, 14-21, 21-28…. etc.

at 46 you have completed your body's full growth and spawning.

You have till 39 to start doing what you want to do to change the physical aspect or enhance it or rejuvenate it.

But i will give you 1 tip: healthy salt and herb baths in the dark, program the water prior, Energize all elements.


Or you can pay some jews to slice your face and punch holes with a hammer in your bones to change your face… which gives lifelong complications you don't hear of much.



Are half-truths your trademark?


So how is that going to help us? That's just one herb. If you're not even raw vegan (and I know you are, but somehow avoid even saying that now) you might as well eat junk food. One herb's positive effects won't overrride other negative effects.

>I'm not going to give out what i did.

Then why bother mentioning it?

>but i combined the knowledge of mentalism, self-hypnotism, nutrition, fitness, metaphysics.

You could have just said that and leave it at that. Pretty self-explanatary.

>Takes 7 years to completely renew your atoms.

Not completely, but basically this is indeed what happens and gives scientific backup that one can manipulate the matter, even if slowly. That doesn't mean it would really take that long.

>Every 7 years the body goes into a new phase of physical vibration, 1-7 imprint, 7-14, 14-21, 21-28…. etc.

"Vibrations". Great. You're not saying anything of use here.

>at 46 you have completed your body's full growth and spawning.

What does that even mean?

>You have till 39 to start doing what you want to do to change the physical aspect or enhance it or rejuvenate it.

Now you're just installing limitations. There is nothing that can't be done. All is mind.

>But i will give you 1 tip: healthy salt and herb baths in the dark, program the water prior, Energize all elements.

That's not very helpful at all. At least you could have given some source.

You're basically writing a lot without providing actual valueable information.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fire vs Water… Hmmmm?

He has some valid points with the 7 years thing. I find the rest interesting so please do expound you edgetard.

However, salt is poison to Humans. It only seems to heal, same with hot springs, through putting the body in immunological stress. Salt is something the Jesuits and Jews have been pushing for a long time.

The best way to rejuvenate the body is with pure water, specifically by fasting on ones own urine. And bathing. Fasting also increases the time with which cells replace and reproduce, an expansive subject.

This woman started the practice in her twenties so that would explain her extended youthfulness.



>The best way to rejuvenate the body is with pure water, specifically by fasting on ones own urine.

Fuck off, pidor.



>salt is bad

>urine is good

Uh, isn't urine loaded with sodium?




quick question to you guys: where is the 7 yrs figure coming from? i've also heard something about smoker lungs regenerating in 7 yrs too, but i have no idea really. any specific merit to number 7 or is that just some sort of average linked to science of cell regeneration or functions? basically why not 5 or 10, for example?


urine therapy? shit i guess my mom was onto something, i'll have to talk to her about this again, only she recommends urine to stand around in a dark place in a sealed up container for a few days before using it, and she says it's also fine to apply to face and/or hair, not only to drink etc. i wonder if that standing around (fermentation? or some kind of process) makes it more potent or if its just bullshit though


In Franz Bardon's book "The Practice of Magical Evocation" there is a chapter dedicated to the evocation of spirits related to the planet Venus. One of these spirits has the power to confer beauty.

But you should be aware that, in order to do anything of this sort, you need to be at least in the 7th degree of Bardon's system.


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I know it. If anyone is posting in this thread in the next 20 minutes I will tell them.



Obviously you won't.


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It is by being beautiful in your heart to those who are true that you may be seen as beautiful.

I'm not gonna stick around for 20 minutes just to answer a vanity question. :P Kekekekeke



Magic's funny that way - mirrors and things. What's obvious and what isn't sometimes get mixed up….


Bumping so this doesnt die



Nice normalfag advice.



>my bone structure

this is the kind of shit that incels bitch about which makes me think the motivation behind this is inceldom faggotry and perversion.

"m-muh bone structure!1" did you ever stop to think that bitches aren't attracted to someone who can't feel comfortable in their own skin? to which you'll probably answer "but m-muh bones! check your bone privilege!!!"

Summon mr. skeltal and thank him profusely for not ridding you of the calcium you already have you fucking ingrate. mr skeltal says the only bone the bitches need is the boner. "doot dooty give me the booty."


>Get an SS hair cut.

SS = Super Saiyan haircut. Not that foppy bullshit. This is what Nietzsche's hyperborean blond beast looks like. Pic related. also check out that bone structure. No HGH needed, just raw animal energy.


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didn't upload muh pick


Raise consciousness level

Gain Demi-God fit status in physical form




>Learn face reading

>intend the facial aspect overtime in mirror(mostly moles for beginners)

>intend it in a good way (ie: non-conformist ears wont change unless you go non-conformist, you wont get intellect mole if you dont work on it, etc)



I think this work, ive made moles disappear and some facial bone structure more prominent


I'm surprised nobody's posted it yet but I do recall a thread on shapeshifting some months ago.

Do everything you would normally do in order to have a lucid dream but and wait for when you enter the "trance" state. When you're in that state, actively visualise your desired body. Really, really try to imagine what it's like to have that body. Eventually, your inner sense will conform to your imposed image and after enough practises, your etheric body will conform to the image.


If you can get over the Finbarr style of writing, Active Dreaming by Robert Balthazaar has a technique of using mental projection to alter the physical body.



It's a cool book.



In order to get better results one must cultivate Chi/Prana/Vril. Even better with working chakras and Kundalini. You use all that force to reconfigure your whole body.

That's some real magic here. Keywords are Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming, Kundalini Yoga, and Daoist Skills. Base your foundation on All is Mind.



Yeah. Too bad lots of people immediately dismiss these books because of the publisher-written testimonials and editing.

Oh well, their loss.


I love this thread, have been searching on this topic for so long, this seems like it






What would you normally do in order to have a lucid dream? And what do you mean by the "trance" state?



to lucid dream you just need to become conscious that you are dreaming.

start by learning to remember your dreams by keeping dream journals and practice to become conscious by performing reality checks.

a good youtube channel w a lot of info is gizedwards but i gotta admit the guy is kind of annoying.

the trance state basically means your mind is awake while your body is asleep. that sounds kind of boring but when you learn to do it you realise theres a lot more too it, just like meditation is way more than just relaxing and not thinking



Shutup fag




Have a pdf? Is it pretty much like the law and the promise?



best post almost first post.

it all comes down to this, and "magic" which helps you feel, know use and strengthen certain muscles associated with this by meditating on them.



You are a massive faggotry


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:D bumping thread because i will need these three latter




and also because of a decent thread, i start reading it like "Mhe" but im quite curious now and willing to give it a try, while i do agree that beauty may be born out of selfishness, its not entirely a bad thing, besides, if we all learned to "cept things just as they are" none would be here posting and researching the occult, so why suddenly beauty occult topic is off-limits to some puritan faggots? get gud


checked and saved.


I'm working on physical change, will see what happens. Trying some mild self-hypnosis for now, not really interested in working with entities or thoughtforms which seem to be primary ways recommended, but it's fine. I'll try and see if this goes anywhere.


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