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Neophyte here, I don't know what the hell to do. I read the Kyballion and I'm currently reading the Arcane Teachings. And some of it makes total sense while some of it is just gibberish. But I don't know if I'm really feeling this new thought stuff. I became interested into the occult simply out of loneliness, I thought that maybe I could learn to summon a succubus or fairy spirit thing and have sex with it then maybe create relationships and friendships with otherwordly entities. Yeah it sounds stupid as fuck but still, that's what being alone all the time does. But so far most of the occult that I looked up online seems to be about yoga, breathing, meditation farts and a whole lot of new age words. (no offense if anyone of you is into that stuff.) The closest thing that I can find to my wants is succubus summoning from Satanism but, ill probably freak out because i am a baby, and despite liking the idea of serving self, the rest of the edgy vibe is off putting. I love the mythos behind Gnosticism, but I hate asceticism stuff. I love some of the laws and teachings of Hermes that iv read, but its way too goody good two shoes. I'v looked into Luciferianism which had my interest but I can't relate to that because of the whole "save the people" vibe. IV looked into these few occult paths and none of them seem to fully resonate with me. I just want to meet other beings, lose my virginity to some qt female entity and end loneliness because i gave up on humans. I don't know what path or occult thought/magick to study. Has anyone ever felt this way?


It's honestly a waste of time.


I know it can be hard but first you need to lose the sense of self. You will have a very hard time doing anything or getting any motivation othervise. Gurdjieff described everyone who isn't on the occult path as nothingness. You need to become someone not noone like others. Since you are already noone you have nothing to loose. I don't want to be insulting but for a begginer who doesn't have incredible magickal talent it is very hard to effectivly summon anything. Even if you are succesfull to see it you would have to leave your body and for that you need your 3 rd eye open. I would recommend you do the practices in initiation into hermetics by Franz Bardon first. After that you can choose any magick tradition you would like. Energy work and yoga is not as uselles and new age as you think. After your kundalini ascends a whole new world opens up to you. If nothing else you have crazy amounts of energy. If I were in your place I would try to open my heart chakra it seems to me it might be blocked like mine was. It gives you incredible joy and love for others and you want to start helping others. You stop being depressed and don't lack willpower anymore or are lazy after that. Since you would feel incredible love for others it is hard to hurt them or think of them as lower than you. You also stop worrying about others opinions completely. Your intention is only to help you aren't hurt if someone doesn't want your help.

This last part is just my advice you can take it or leave I apologize if my advice has insulted you in any way.


It's pretty lame to use a piece of wood to open up a can of tuna - what you need is a can opener.

Ennobling your character, controlling your passions, purifying the soul, actualizing the potential and ascending to the divine doesn't sound like your thing. That, however, is the epitome of magic and mysticism.

The natural inclinations of each individual differ. It is absolutely fine to pursue your need for socializing and intimacy - in fact, I'd say it's important for your well being.

Don't use the world as your scapegoat, and don't wallow in self-pity. It is quite clear that you haven't given up on humans - you might be tired of their shit, which is understandble to a certain degree - but besides consulting books and forums, you are projecting human qualities to succubi and fairies.

If you want to meet people who aren't full of shit, make sure you're not shitty yourself, otherwise you'll scare the few good people away - watch Elliot Hulse on youtube if you want to get your shit together.

If you want to fuck beautiful women, study pickup artists such as TylerRSD on youtube.

Personal change and dedication to a discipline is required, irregardless of whether you wish to achieve enlightenment, summon harmful entities, or to be the best version of yourself and improve your socializing skills.

You might as well go with Elliot and Tyler, since their theory and practice is a much more potent tool to achieve your goals of friendship and intimacy than occultism could ever be.

I do not mean to discourage you from your studies, but to encourage you to invest your time properly according to your goals.


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You are a shitty human being and that's why you feel lonely.You won't find anything in the occult because you are empty on the inside.You are nothing.The occult is not for you,at least not yet.Learn how to build your body and your life first,learn how social dynamics work,learn how to make money and after that,look into the occult and find that little spark of divinity which is your essence.Then work with that little spark until it grows bigger and brighter than it ever was.Basically,just learn how your body works and what are its limits then learn how to transcend those limitations.After all,you were born human for a reason.



I call bullshit. I fixed my life by occult means on many levels and it's just the beginning.



Good for you


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Helpful anons are virtuous.


OP read some cool stuff I haven't accessed yet - been too caught up in digital age nonsense-ery to cover-to-cover read many additional actual books in recent years (i'm pretty "old") - but breathing and pure intentions are important - always be dancing, best way to reflexively dodge attacks, psychic or otherwise.

"People in age of inverted value.

Brag the sin. Confess the virtue."


don't lust after results.



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>>It seems to me like you just want to have sex. Meditate 30mins a day and imagine talking to girls (like a playboy) and do some more visualisations. The law of atraction is real u just need to put sufficient intent out there. Within 3 months if u do 30 mins a day you should become some kind of Yogi Playboy Pussy-man, good luck. And if u fail you can always go back to summoning a succubus so they can drain your life-force and draw your life force and make u a scum.

Also I hate advertising boards but you could also get in to tulpamancy and have a girl tulpa (thoughform) I have animal tulpas since I don't intent to use them to satisfy my carnal desires but some people do and they have success. /tulpa/


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side note allways remember the golden rule nothing matters





Fuck off mundane.

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